Saturday, April 28, 2012
Arthur sat at Cynthia's side
M/F, cuck, preg, parody/humor) by Homer Vargas ** Arthur sat at Cynthia's side gripping her hand tightly. Across from them sat Mable, Cynthia's mother and his own mother, Ruth. The two women regarded the nervous pair seriously. Ruth spoke first. "I suppose you know why Mable and I invited you two over, don't you?" "Because it's our anniversary?" Arthur offered, glancing shyly as his beautiful young wife. "Well, yes, that is the occasion, darling, but not the real reason," Ruth smiled encouragingly. "We thought by now you two might have something you wanted to ... tell us." Both women leaned forward slightly. Mable was not smiling. "Er, 'tell you,' mother?" Arthur asked. "Of course, dear," she replied kindly. "You don't have to be shy with us. It's very normal for a young couple, especially this long after the honeymoon. We wanted to be the first to know." "Know, uh ... what?" Arthur asked, glancing over at Cynthia who was biting her lip and clasping and unclasping her hands. "She means have you knocked my daughter up yet, twerp!" Mable burst out in exasperation. "It was bad enough that you didn't give her a nice bulging tummy for the wedding ceremony, though that was partly her fault," the scowling woman admitted. "But now twelve MONTHS have gone by, boy. Any normal man would have had a little sex pot her nursing one baby and working in a second one for us by now!" "Mother, please!" Cynthia interjected in defense of her cringing husband. "This is a very private matter between the two of us." "Of course getting a baby fucked into you is private! I didn't ask to WATCH him putting the first bun put in that cute little belly, Cynthia, although that would be sexy," her mother leered. "I'm just interested in results. You're eighteen, young lady. This is your most fertile time of life. You should be popping out grandchildren for me once a year. Remember what happened to your older sister. She didn't start until she was almost twenty and now and is going almost two or more years between babies. At this rate, she'll barely reach a dozen and SHE has both her husband's brothers helping her. "Excuse me, mother Dunn, but Cynthia is right. When and how many children we have is none of your business." "Now Arthur, you can't really mean that. I'm just as eager to see dozens of grandchildren as Mable," Ruth interjected, "Although I might have expressed it a little more delicately," she said, looking over at her friend. "I naturally want you to keep Cynthia constantly pregnant for the next twenty years of so as much as Mable does." "Yeah, what's wrong with you, anyway, shrimp? Are you shooting blanks?" Mable demanded. "I know she had the absurd idea of not having sex before the marriage, but what kind of boyfriend were you to take that shit? If all else failed, you should have gotten the silly filly drunk one night and slipped a baby in her. I swear, I can't figure out youngsters nowadays!" "Arthur! Is that true?" Ruth asked. "You asked a girl to marry you without at least having fucked her stupid for a few months? Suppose you are inadequate? I made that mistake with your father, letting him marry me without trying him out first. I'd certainly hate to think that my son could do that to another woman!" Arthur was stunned to see his soft-spoken mother so animated. Mable continued. "Well, that's water over the dam, but what about now?" Mable demanded. "You've been fucking my daughter for a year. A little minx like her, I guess she wants it, what, three times a day, more on weekend, I guess? You fill her hot little cunt, say, twice each session...." Mable was lost in her mental calculation. "Load for an average man is three ounces." She cast a disparaging glance at her son-in-law. "Say, one-half ounce for YOU ... makes ... "Mother," Cynthia exclaimed. "You've got it all wrong. We don't 'do it' that often." "What? The bastard fucks you fewer than three times a day? What kind of undersexed wimp did you marry, anyway, Cynthia?" "Well, it's not all Arthur's fault. I don't think it is proper to, you know, just RUT it all the time like animals." "Shit, girl. I knew I should never have let you hang out with that crazy church crowd. And you?" Mable turned on Arthur with fire in her eyes "You put up with that kind of frigidity? What kind of man doesn't fuck a wife just because she says she doesn't want to? A real man would take her and paw her until the little bitch was crying for it. You ought to be fucking the shit out of my girl several times a day. After a few times, she'd have begged you for it. That's what Leroy did to me." "Don't feel bad, Cynthia, dear," Ruth interjected, trying to be sympathetic to the distraught young woman. "I felt the same way before I met Jethro. But once you get a taste of hard nasty sex, you just can't get enough. "Jethro?" Arthur asked. Ruth looked a little pained. "He's the little brother of Mable's, er, friend, Leroy." "Leroy?" Cynthia asked. "Don't play games, Cynthia! You know I've had a big black stud screwing my brains out every night even before your father passed on." "Since before you FUCKED him to death, you mean," the daughter replied bitterly. "You should have known not to make daddy have sex with you as soon as he got home from a triple bypass, especially a half-hour doggie fuck!" "He died a happy man, Cynthia. The undertaker couldn't get the grin off his face. And you've never complained about the millions in insurance money he left us. Besides, I was only doing what I had to do. Lord, girl, your father had been in and out of the hospital for weeks! If I hadn't found Leroy working as an orderly in the intensive care unit, I don't know what I'd have done. He gave ME the intensive care I needed! Leroy," Mable sighed and smiled for the first time. "Now there's a man! I'll guarantee you, Leroy would have you knocked up higher than a kite by now." "I'm not a shameless hussy like you, Mother, bearing a little black 'posthumous' child eight moths after Daddy died! How can you even think about me being unfaithful to my darling Arthur." "Don't tell me you DON'T!" "Of course I don't!" Cynthia protested. "Then what ARE you thinking about when you have this buried in your twat, you horny little bitch?" her mother asked triumphantly, brandishing out a huge black dildo. "Where did you find ... er, what do you mean, Mother?" "I took it from the second drawer of your night stand, the same drawer you've kept your toys since you were 11, Cynthia. That was the reason I was never too worried about you running around with those religious nuts, promising to remain a virgin and all that nonsense. I knew that every night you were sneaking back into your room fucking yourself silly with Junior here. I could hear you writhing in ecstasy and moaning 'Fuck me, you big black bastard, fuck me pregnant.'" "Cynthia!" Albert exclaimed in shock. "You were ... touching yourself, even when we were dating?" "Of course she was, dear," Ruth put in. "All women have to masturbate. Don't think badly of her, or of yourself. Very few men can give women all the hard-pounding sex we require. Even if you did her several times a day, a healthy young woman like Cynthia would still need lots of time with sex toys to keep her mental equilibrium. Without six or seven good gut-wrenching orgasms a day, we girls become bitchy and hysterical. I certainly was, even though I was spending several hours a day coming with my vibrator. I was nearly a wreck, until Mable introduced me to Jethro, that is." Ruth smiled gratefully at her friend. "Hell, no, I don't blame her," Mable added. "Especially since this wimp isn't exercising his marital rights. I just blame her for settling for an artificial fuck stick that can no more put a baby in that belly than her useless husband. Lemme see your equipment, boy!" "What are you talking about, Mother Dunn" "Your baby-making tool, dammit! Your dick, your cock, your prick, your Johnson, you twerp!" "She means we want to examine your penis, darling," Ruth tried to explain. "Mother! You expect me to expose my private parts in front of all three of you? Why I insist on lights out to spare even Cynthia the trauma of having to look at a man's ... you know. "What crap!" Mable exploded. "A real man shows off is dong every time he gets a chance, 'cause he knows seeing a big one turns a woman into a mush of rutting woman-flesh. So, fish it out and lets see it, buster." "Do as she says, dear," Ruth said, reaching over to unbutton Arthur's pants. "My god! Jockey shorts and I don't see no bulge," Mable exclaimed as Arthur's pants dropped around his ankles. "Go ahead. Pull down your shorts, honey" Ruth said. Mortified, Arthur complied. Mable gasped. "I don't believe it! It's even smaller than my late husband's. How do you expect to get a girl pregnant with that thing? Why that's not a cock, it's a weenie!" Mable glared at Arthur, daring him to answer. Cynthia was too embarrassed to say anything. Mable regarded Ruth with more affection. "Don't mean no harm, Ruth, Honey, but you've got to admit, we've given him a fair chance. I think it's time we follow through on what we agreed with Cynthia before the wedding." "Cynthia? Mother Dunn? What are you talking about?" Arthur asked nervously pulling his pants back on. "Do you want to tell him, Cynthia, or do you want me to?" Mable asked. The young woman just hung her head, so her mother barreled ahead. "It's this way, buster. I told Ruth when you asked my Cynthia to marry you, I didn't think it would work out. Even before seeing that sorry excuse for a dick, I could tell you take after your daddy too much. Why look at your mother; she's got the hips and the tits to pop babies out every year. And how many did her dippy husband give her? One! And a sorry one at that, if I do say so!" Mable glared at her son-in-law. "Mother Dunn! Besides being a vulgar butinsky, you are totally wrong to impugn my father's virility. Perhaps you don't know, but I have EIGHT little brothers and sisters!" Arthur shot back, looking proudly at his mother, glad at last to have a comeback to his intrusive mother-in-law. "Now, Arthur, darling, don't be hasty," Ruth said. "It's more complicated. "Conplicated?" "Yes. After I saw it had taken your father almost six months to get me pregnant with you, I got desperate. I had to make up for lost time because I wanted babies, lots more babies. When I found your father really wasn't up to it, I naturally turned to his boss and friends and several men I picked up in night clubs for help." "Haven't you ever noticed that the younger ones don't look nothin' like your pappy?" Mable sniffed. "One is obviously a Spick and if your little sister got those slant eyes from your daddy, I'm a monkey's uncle. And looks like you are worse than he was. A whole year and not able to make even one baby!" Mable growled. "There's nothing else to do; I'm taking her back, Ruth, just like I said." "I don't care what you two agreed. You can't 'take me back,'" Cynthia protested. "I'm staying with my Arthur." "And let me turn forty-five without seeing a clutch of grandchildren from my youngest daughter? No way! The little wimp had his chance. You can stay married to him if you want to, but I'm turning your breeding over to a real man." "What is all this about, Mother?" Arthur demanded. "I'm afraid it's true, darling. What she demanded seemed only fair. I had to admit that I shared some of Mable's, er, concerns about you. I remembered when you were a teenager and I walked into your room unannounced, I never caught you masturbating." "But you said it would make me go blind!" Arthur protested. "Holy Toledo!" Mable shrieked. "The only teenage boy in the world actually to believe that shit, and MY daughter has to marry him!" "Arthur, I told you that so you would feel guilty and think sex was dirty and dangerous. That way you could enjoy it more when you rebelled, don't you see? Oh, I should have know something was wrong," Ruth sighed. "When I paraded around in the house showing off for you half naked, all you did was look away. Even when I started coming into your room to give you a good-night kiss with my boobs hanging out, you never pulled me into bed with you and played with my pussy until I was crazy and fucked the shit out of me. Your erections were so puny when I shot you beavers of my shaved pussy, I was sick with worry. Eventually I realized you were never going to come into my room at night when you though I was asleep and fuck me and make me pregnant like a normal teen-age boy. But you were mixed up with that church crowd at the time. I tried to convince myself it was all those crazy notions about incest being a sin." "But ... but it IS a sin" Arthur sputtered. "Of course it's a sin to fuck your mamma and come buckets in her fertile pussy and knock her up with your own little brother or sister," Mable exploded. "But to any NORMAL boy, that's half the fun, sliding your prick inside her loose, hairy cunt and unloading a charge of jism that will put another baby in your mamma for your daddy to raise. When Ruth admitted she had never been able to seduce you, my worst fears were confirmed. I knew you just didn't have the wild predatory urges to fuck that any healthy woman, especially a potential little baby-factory like my Cynthia, is entitled to. Your mother had to agree." "Agree to what, Mother?" Arthur asked fearfully. "Agree to take you back if you didn't succeed in making Cynthia pregnant within a year of the wedding, dear," Ruth answered. "And I get Cynthia back to let a real man take over the job of putting babies in her tight little belly," Mable continued triumphantly. "Didn't you hear me, mother. I absolutely refuse to let any man except Arthur to make love to me," her daughter exclaimed. "Who said anything about having anyone make love, you silly bitch? Luv! Schmuv! What you need is a man's big cock deep in your pussy fucking you out of your mind and pumping you full baby-making seed. Once you've got a bastard growing in you, making your tummy so big and round that all you want to do is sleep and play with yourself and get laid, you'll be in "luv" with the man that got you that way." "You heard her, Mother Dunn!" Arthur said with relief. "Your disgusting 'agreement' won't work. My Cynthia is totally faithful to me." "Oh yeah? We'll see how faithful she is once she meets the prong this was modeled after!" Mable replied brandishing the dildo with a smirk. "Leroy!" the older woman shouted. "Come in here, baby." A huge black man clad only in athletic shoes and shorts walked in and stood by Mable. He was still panting slightly from working out and a sheen of perspiration glinted from the hardest set of abs, delts, and pects that Arthur had ever seen. Not to mention what appeared to be a water pipe barely concealed by his shorts. Cynthia's mouth dropped open. "How's you be, Miz Mable?" he asked, leaning down to let the older woman plant a wet, sizzling kiss on his dark thick lips. "Horny as a skunk, you no account bastard. What do you mean leaving me hanging like you did this morning, Leroy. I was just getting warmed up when you played out on me," she replied accusingly. "I's sorry, Miz Mable, but we's a been a fuckin' for almost two hours and I done cum in you three times. I jes couldn't get it up no mo' right then." "Not good enough, Leroy! I'm going to supervise your taking the steroids myself. And you'll have you spend more time in the gym to improve your stamina." "I's sorry, I does sometimes fergets to take all those pills you gives me Miz Mable, but I's already workin' out six hours a day." "You'll have to do better, but meanwhile I think you'll be OK for the little chore I have for you." Mable slipped her hand inside Leroy's shorts. "Oh, yeah! You'll do very well." "What's I got to do Miz Mable?" the black man asked with concern. "I's still a little tuckered from dis mornin'." "It's easy, Leroy. You don't have to fuck me again right now. I just want you to impregnate my daughter," she said pointing. "M-preg-Nate?" the big man looked at Mable uncertainly. "Oh, yo' means to fuck her and put a baby in her," he brightened up. Then he looked over at Cynthia and his face fell again. "That little girl?" Leroy sneered. "Why she ain't hardly got no meat on those bones. Purdy good tits, though," he admitted, taking a closer look. "She'll start looking like a woman once you've put a few babies in her, Leroy. How soon do you think you can get her knocked up for me?" Leroy walked over to Cynthia who was looking up at the bulge in his pants. "Depends. You ain't been taking no birthin' control pill, has you?" he demanded of the cowering girl. Cynthia shook her head. "No, Arthur and I ..." "Whenja have your last period?" Leroy asked, cutting her off. "Uh, ... about two weeks ago," she whispered. "Dat's good. Prob'ly do it today. Lemme check yo' to be sure. Spread yo' legs, girl!" Arthur jumped to his feet. "Now see here, Mr. Leroy, I will not have you ... The back of Leroy's hand sent the young husband reeling back where he collapsed at his mother's feet. "Shuddup, whiteboy! You don't know nuthin' 'bout breedin' no woman. I's gotta find out if she's ready to make me a baby." He turned his attention back to Cynthia who had dutifully hiked her skirt and opened her legs slightly. "What the hell is this?" Leroy demanded, looking over at Arthur again with disdain. "You let your woman wear pantyhose? How you expect to expect to fuck 'er any time you feel like it, if she's got somethin' on her pussy getting' in the way of your cock? I don't even let my woman panties, 'cept the ones with a hole." Mable smiled and nodded in confirmation. Arthur, his mother tenderly stroking his battered face, said nothing. Cynthia tore her eyes momentarily from the big man's crotch and looked up to her mother for support. She received none. "Cynthia! You make me ashamed: a daughter of mine hiding the sexy pussy I gave you under layers of spandex! Dammit, girl, with those things you can't even get yourself off with a nice long finger-fuck when you need one, much less have the wimp eat your horny little twat every time you get the chance!" "Mother Dunn," Arthur interjected, his head clearing from Leroy's vicious blow, "Cynthia would surely would never commit such a degrading act as allow man to place his MOUTH on ..." Arthur's affirmation was interrupted by a low moan coming from his wife. For Leroy, paying no mind to the intra-family squabble, had peeled off Cynthia's pantyhose AND panties, and was now beginning to lick the young woman's gushing slit methodically. Cynthia, having fallen back on the couch in the space Arthur had vacated, her legs splayed, was starting to twitch. Momentarily replacing his mouth with his fingers, Leroy grinned up at the dazed young woman. "Yo' sho' do likes getting' yo' pussy eat, doncha, Miz Cynthia? Yo' so wet, I's 'fraid I's gonna drowned in there." "That's the way, Leroy, baby! Sex up the little minx till she's crazy for a breeding," Mable exclaimed excitedly and she reached over and opened her daughter's blouse, quickly freeing the girl's still modest breasts from the bra. Leroy grinned his thanks at Mable and fell back to work, his large black hand squeezing one breast, its fingers twirling her long nipple, while he took her other nipple into his mouth, biting it gently. Cynthia moaned again as her neglected body quickly began to respond to his touch. Just when her nipples turned so sensitive, she couldn't take any more, Leroy began kissing back down her belly. Cynthia's commitment to and even the memory of her marriage were rapidly melting in the heat of lust. Leroy's tongue slipped out and licked down into her pubic hair traveling towards the tip of her crotch. It slipped down the inside crease of her leg and the young wife found herself spreading her legs wider in anticipation. As he reached her thigh, Leroy ran his tongue over to her now flowing pussy and licked up her labia. Cynthia's eyes opened wide and her pussy spasmed. This was like nothing she had ever felt before. Leroy wiggled his long, hard tongue in and out of the folds of her pussy lips causing the young wife to shake with pleasure. His skillful tongue was igniting a sexual fire Cynthia had never felt before. Something intense was building deep in her body. Leroy lapped her juicy slit several times and then worked a beefy finger into her that felt as big as her husband's penis. Unlike Arthur's penis, however, Leroy's finger knew what it was doing. He moved it deep inside the aroused young woman and began rubbing the tip around a spot deep in her pussy. Mindlessly, Cynthia began humping his finger as the fire within her grew until she thought she would die from pleasure. Just when she knew she couldn't take any more, Leroy administered the coup d'grace. He ran his tongue over his finger and up her pussy. With one quick lick, his tongue twirled around her clit. The second Leroy's tongue touched the young wife's love bud, her pussy clamped down around his finger and then ballooned up as she came. It felt like a series of bombs going off inside her and Cynthia screamed out her pleasure. This was the first time a man had ever made her come and Leroy was just getting started. He continued fingering her and licking around her clit until it hardened like a miniature penis. She had several smaller orgasms before the pressure built again and an even bigger climax overwhelmed her when he sucked her clit in his mouth. The last thing Cynthia remembered before passing out was Leroy's soaked face grinning up at her. Arthur tried to stand, but he was still too dizzy and Ruth easily pulled him back down on the sofa beside her. "No honey, you'll just get hurt. Can't you see? He's about to breed her. A man like that won't let anything stop him when he's about to plant a baby in a woman." "But she's in my wife. I can't just watch!" the distraught husband cried. "That's all you CAN do, wimp," Mable taunted. "Keep him out of this, Ruth." "She's right, sweetie; In time you'll fine that watching can be very exciting. Your father never comes so hard as when he watches Jethro put his prick between my legs, shooting me full of his jism while I beg for a black baby. Now settle down and enjoy this." "Mother, noooooo ..." Arthur's feeble protest was stifled as Ruth deftly slipped her hand into his pants and began massaging his cock. "See baby, you little weenie is already getting hard just knowing your sexy little wife is going to get bred. I know it's frustrating to see your wife about to get a big belly full of a superior man's baby, so let me make it better for you, honey." Ruth was beginning to work Arthur's half-hard miniature prick between her fingers. Cynthia was struggling to regain her senses. She hadn't fully recovered from the intense orgasm when she felt Leroy's hands on her ankles pulling her legs far apart. Leroy was kneeling now, the tip of his cock moving in towards her pussy as she sat on the couch. "No, Leroy don't. I'm not protected!" "I knows that, Miz Cynthia. That's why yo' pussy's drooling for my cock." He moved the tip back and forth along her slit causing her to writhe in pleasure. "Yo' know yo' want it." "No! No! ...Ohhhh ... Yes!!!" she screamed as Leroy pushed down on his cock watching her pussy lips spread wide for him as they closed back up around the head. Cynthia groaned as Leroy worked the head in and out of her. "Feels good don't it?" "Uh-huh," the young woman grunted in agreement. "How about I give you another inch or two?" Cynthia just gurgled as Leroy pushed in another couple of inches. "God, you're so big," the young wife gasped as the thick part under the head schlocked in. "Gonna give you more'n the white boy ever did," Leroy sneered " slowly fucking her with the tip of his cock. "How big is duh wimp?" "Uh ... Uh ...Dunno, ... three? ... four inches?" Cynthia panted as Leroy's cock slowly moved in and out of her. "Po little thang," he said pushing another inch in. "Dis feel like yo' husband?" "Oh, no! God, no. You're so much thicker, it feels ... so much better." "Cynthia! How can you say that" Arthur cried out. "It has to be true, Arthur," Ruth whispered as she continued fondling his sex. "Can't you see? Leroy has a magnificent cock, a pussy-reaming, woman-pleasing, sperm-shooting DONG. You just don't have much equipment down here for spewing hot jism deep in a woman's fertile cunt, Honey. Don't feel bad. Your little thingie is just adorable, perfect in fact, for me to play with, but for making babies, Leroy's is much better," his mother explained gently. Cynthia's almost constant wail of pleasure seemed to confirm Ruth's words as Leroy continued slowly fucking the young wife. Cynthia was raising her hips to meet his thrusts, slowly allowing more and more of the giant cock inside her. Mable grinned as she saw her daughter come yet again. "Isn't Leroy wonderful, darling?" Mable exclaimed. And he's still fucking you with only half his cock. Don't you want to feel the rest of it in you?" "Oh, God! Yes! More, More" her daughter panted as Leroy's cock pushed deeper into virgin territory. "God yo' tight, Miz Cynthia," groaned Leroy pushing about nine inches in. "Ain't yo' never been fucked before?" "Not like you fuck her, Leroy baby," Mable remarked. "Give it to her good." "Yes'am, Miz Mable," Leroy replied and resumed his rhythmic plowing of the spasming young wife. "You do like his cock don't you, Cynthia?" Mable asked. "Oh, yes, Mother. Oh, oh, oh ... yes!" "Only black cocks get this big, Hun. Do you know what big black cocks do to little white pussies? It that what your want?" "Yes, yes," she groaned, her belly undulating down towards her pussy as she came again. "Then tell him, darling. Tell him what you want him to do." "Fuck me, Leroy. Please fuck me with your big black cock. Oh God, I'm coming...Ahhhiiiii." Leroy pushed her legs back towards her head, sat up on his knees a little, pulled his hips back until just the tip of his cock was in her pussy, and then he lunged forward. Cynthia thrashed in ecstasy as his entire cock plunged deep into her frothing pussy. He had to maintain a tight grip on her ankles as she writhed until she calmed down after a couple minutes. Arthur stared in disbelief as Leroy's huge fuck-hose had disappeared into his tiny wife's belly. "Look, Arthur!" Ruth said in admiration. "She took it all, honey, the very first time! You should be so proud of Cynthia. Not many white wives can take a huge cock like Leroy's so easily. I guess you had left her really needing a good fuck." Arthur's moans were not of admiration as he was torn between the anguish of seeing his wife respond to the brutal fucking and the incredible pleasure of his mother's expert hand job. When Leroy felt Cynthia's pussy relax, he slowly pulled his cock out and pushed it back in several times until she moaned and he increased his speed. The rutting white girl began pushing into him to meet his thrusts as Leroy picked up the tempo. Cynthia started screaming each time he buried it; she was coming every fifth stroke. Suddenly, the orgasms ceased as Leroy's cock began to grow. It felt like a damn had blocked the flow, the pressure building up as he continued rapidly fucking her. He was sweating and his rhythm was starting to suffer as his orgasm approached. "He's about to come," Mable hissed. "He's going to come in you and make your pregnant with his black bastard if you let him, Cynthia. Tell him if you want it!" "Yes! Yes, Leroy! Cum in my pussy," Cynthia begged, not knowing what had come over her, desperately needing to cum one last time. "Pump me full of your fuck-juice. Give me your baby, Leroy; I want a real man's babyyyyyy!" The words of the delirious wife seemed to suck the cum right out of Leroy's balls. He bellowed as his sperm shot up his cock and sprayed her womb. The helpless woman shuddered as the damn broke and a giant orgasm took possession of her body. Leroy held his cock buried in her pussy as he blew four more wads of cum, bombarding the young woman's waiting egg with millions of potent sperm. Simultaneously, Ruth gave her boy's little cock a definitive jerk and with a moan, he began to come as well. Arthur's thin jism flowed out of his little hole in short, pathetic spurts as his mother gently squeezed and massaged his tiny penis. "Oh, that's so beautiful, Arthur!" his mother sighed. "You made a big mess in your pants at just the moment your wife was getting knocked up with her first black baby." Removing her hand from inside his messy shorts and giving him her fingers to suck, Ruth cradled the head of her defeated son to her bosom. "This is a special day!" Arthur sobbed with passion and shame. "Oh, Mother, Mother what am I going to do?" he wailed. "It's alright, sweetie pie. You're going home with Mommy to let her take good care of you. I'll talk to Jethro. I'm sure he will let you watch while he fucks me. Maybe he'll even let you clean up my cum-drenched pussy with your tongue after he has shot his cum in me, the way he lets your father. I could even let you watch him make me pregnant next time." At these words a final twitch sent a last spurt of semen oozing from Arthur's limp little organ and he fell asleep. Mable beamed at the sight of her fucked-out daughter, unconscious from the massive orgasm, her head lolling to one side and a silly grin on her face. Leroy started to pull out but his older lover placed a hand on his tight butt. "Hold it in there for a minute longer stud until I get a pillow under her ass. Let's keep all that baby-juice in where it will do us the most good. I want the little vixen to catch the first time. That way I won't have to give you time off to try again if this doesn't do it." "What?" Ruth asked in surprise. "How can you do that to her? Now that Cynthia's gotten a taste of what getting fucked by a real man is like, she can never be satisfied with Arthur's attempts at sex. You've got to let Leroy keep fucking her." "Like Hell!" Mable replied. "I need all of that magnificent fuck machine I can get myself, especially now. Would you give be willing to share Jethro with her?" "Well, of course not. Jethro can't keep up with me as it is, but she is YOUR daughter." "But YOU'RE responsible for me having to use MY stud to do the job YOUR useless SON was incapable of doing." "Now there's no reason to get bitchy," Ruth stiffened. "Who are you calling a bitch, you overage slut!" Mable spat back. "Miz Mable! Miz Ruth!" Leroy exclaimed, at last pulling his long, slick member out of Cynthia's sperm-flooded pussy, alarmed at seeing the two friends argue. "It's OK. It's OK" "It is NOT OK." Mable retorted. "I'm not sharing you with my little slut daughter even if she is not pregnant. You know I need you more than ever, right now, Leroy, baby." "I knows that, Miz Mable. M' little brother Jethro tol' me Miz Ruth be the same way. Since y'all's gettin' big with our babies again, y'all's wearin' us bof out, way y'all's needin' t'be fucked all the time. But I thinks I know what we kin do." Both women regarded him skeptically, but listened. "Well, Jethro and me's got another brother, name Darren. He jes eighteen and his cock ain't more'n 'bout nine inches yet, but he still growin'. I reckon he could take care of Miz Cynthia. He done pregged up the mothers of all the girls in his sixth grade class, two of his teachers, and the principal's wife." Ruth's and Mable's eyes grew wide in amazement as they both smiled. "He sounds PERFECT," the pregnant grandmothers-to-be agreed in unison. The End. From some comments received earlier, both negative and, even worse, some *positive* ones, I realize some readers did not understand that this story, particularly the racial stereotypes, is parody of a certain class of stories. That's what humor means: funny, a joke, not serious, dig? 3968 1.11/512345
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