Friday, April 27, 2012
The Beth Chronicles (Part 3)
St. Croix Part III By USAtraveler Our second night on the island began around 10 that evening. We were exhausted from our boat trip earlier in the day, so we took a nap after showering off the salt air. Beth asked me if I wanted to go out or just stay in bed and explore each other. You may think that I am crazy, but I opted to go out. While Beth was in the bathroom fixing her makeup and hair, I went through her suitcase (remember, I packed it) and found her light weight pale yellow, front button cotton skirt and her white cotton bolero-style blouse that ties just below her breasts. I slipped on some cotton dress slacks and a polo shirt. Neither of us whore any underwear. Beth wore her white Nikes and I my loafers. Together we looked somewhat conservative and very casual. We found the same lounge that she began her exhibition vacation in just the other night. The manager recognized us right away and whisked us to a table. While you could not see any cleavage or leg on Beth, her breasts still jiggled and bounced announcing that she was braless. The manager brought us a complimentary round of drinks and asked if he could sit with us. "Certainly," Beth said, "We'd love to have you join us." Who could refuse? Not me. Well, Martin, the manager, looked at Beth, then me, then back at Beth. Finally he nervously said, "We have a group of people from Iowa down here to assist some of our island people build themselves a new combination school house/church building. Please don't remove any clothing tonight. Not that I'd mind personally, but I'd be forced to act if they became offended. Personally, I wouldn't mind one bit. Matter of fact, I would enjoy watching you lose another bet and some clothing as a consequence." Beth scooted her chair close to his and pressed her chest against his arm. She whispered that she was very disappointed as she was looking forward to Martin personally helping her try on some jewelry that clipped to her pierced nipple rings. She said I had them in my pocket and that she was looking forward to modeling them for him there in the lounge. "After all, you saw almost all of me night before last." Martin's reply was a groan that sounded like a love-sick cow. Beth said, as she took his hand and guided it over her breasts , "Why Martin, are you disappointed? Would you really like to help me try on the jewelry? Perhaps we could go to your office later. You could help me take off this blouse and who knows what else might happen?" Martin left with an obvious woodie. We sat for another hour hoping that the Iowa group would finish their drinks and appetizers then head up to their rooms, but they just kept hanging on. About midnight, I was getting tired and suggested we go back to our room and crash. Tomorrow we were to spend laying out on the beach and para-sailing. We started for the door when Martin appeared out of no where. He asked if Beth still was interested in modeling her jewelry for him. She looked up to me and I said "I dare you." I gave her the two green jeweled drops and said "Let's go with him to his office." She took the two bangles from me and handed them to Martin. "Take me to your office." She said something to him and together they went into the office. I slipped in too and closed the door. Martin was standing facing Beth with his back to me. She was pinned up against his office desk, giggling, and cooing. Then it got very quiet. I could make out whispers but not what was being said. Martin untied the bow on my wife's blouse. Then he began to undo each of the 3 buttons holding her blouse closed. He grasped the bottom and lifted it up and away from her tanned chest. Beth closed her eyes and sighed. Then she said, "Touch me, Martin. Pull on my nipple rings." Still keeping her eyes closed, Beth shrugged her shoulders to allow the blouse to fall into a heap on the carpeted floor. Martin began slowly moving his hands all over her breasts finally stopping to pull on her rings. "Put them on me, Martin. Hang them so they dangle like drops of water," she said. "You are so exotic. All-over tan, pierced nipples. . ." I interrupted with, "And except for her head, she doesn't have another hair on her body, anywhere." "Yeah, I remember from the other night. Do you have a ring down there too," asked Martin? "Maybe," toyed my wife. "Let Martin see for himself, dear," I said. "Lift up your dress." Beth shifted her weight to spread her feet apart a little more. Reaching down, she grabbed the hem of her skirt and slowly began undoing the buttons until her smooth cunt came into view. "If we hadn't had those goody goody people you were so worried about, Martin, you and I could have been dancing. For you, I would have opened my blouse. I would have even undone my skirt like it is now. I would have wanted you to feel me pressing my naked skin against you on the dance floor. I would have asked you to explore my entire body with your hands while we danced on you lounge's floor. You could have searched for a clit ring. . . but not now. Maybe tomorrow, okay?" Beth kissed him on the cheek, pressing her naked flesh against his tenting pants. As she withdrew, my wife grasped his cock through his pants giving it a few strokes. "It could have been fun, Martin, but you had those folks from Iowa and all. . ." She slipped on the blouse tying it at her waist; the skirt she left as it was, buttoned only at the waist. We quickly left his office. Soon as we cleared the lounge and were outside, we broke out in laughter. We walked back to our room along the beach. Each step she took exposed her entire thigh all the way to her hip including an occasional flash of her naked cunt. What started out to be a promising evening of exhibitionism didn't really work out the way we planned. "Take me back to the room and fuck me good," Beth demanded. "I'm hot, and horny, and frustrated. I need to be screwed good and hard, Please!" Next thing I remember is the morning sun streaming in through the patio sliding glass door. We both were tangled in the sheets. My head hurt and my arm was asleep but Beth was smiling. "Good morning , sexy wench. Want to fuck?" My wife held out her arms to me and said, "Do me." I entered her slowly, feeding her my cock in increments until she was well lubricated. As I picked up speed, she wrapped her legs around my waist locking her ankles together. "You are so sexy. You are absolutely beautiful. I love it when other men feast their eyes on your totally hot body." Beth was meeting my every thrust with one of her own. "Want to do something really daring today?" Beth clamped her legs even tighter around my waist, "Yessssss, dare me!" "I dare you to go upstairs to see the college boys; remember, you told them you'd do a 'dare' for them. You can do anything except screw them, anything! Are you ready?" "Oh god, yes. I love it. My whole body tingles. Yes, I'll do their dare!" After our shower, I had Beth dress in her yellow string bikini, the one with the Rio bottoms, and her mesh cover-up. She knocked on their door around 10 o'clock, apparently waking them up. She talked to them at the door and then disappeared inside. This is what she told me happened. She told them that she was going to be out this afternoon, but was expecting a delivery from a local boutique. She said she didn't know when the items would be delivered and asked if they would watch out for them. One of the boys said, "Sure. What should we do?" "Well, I'll put a note on my door directing the delivery man to your place. That is if you don't mind? I'll be gone from about noon until dark. Okay?" "Sure, but what if he comes between now and noon?" one of the boys asked. "No problem, I'll be on the patio working on my tan. I will just leave the door open so I can hear the delivery man. I just am so grateful that you are willing to help me out. You're so sweet," said my wife. As with Martin the night before, she touched his arm and lightly kissed his cheek. Beth told me that when she was kissing his cheek, she brushed up against his arm with her chest. About 15 minutes later, my wife opened the front door to the suite to put a note on the door frame indicating that she was on the patio. She took a large beach towel out of the linen supply laying it onto of the chaise lounge. Still clad in her yellow bikini, she applied lotion to herself while sitting on the foot of the chaise. She carefully applied lotion to the backs of her legs, her ass cheeks which were exposed by the Rio cut bottoms, and all over her back, shoulders, and arms. She stretched her lithe body, face down atop the towel covered chaise. My wife set the small windup timer for 30 minutes. Then she waited. Waited for the boys upstairs to take her bait. Click whir. Again, click whir. And again, click whir. My wife knew she had them now. She could even hear their whispers, "I'd love to screw that piece of ass." "You wouldn't last 30 seconds." "So?" "An ass that fine deserves a good long slow fuck, don't you think?" "Yeah. If only we could." "What's this 'we' shit?" "Shhhh, she'll hear us. Be still while I take another picture." Click whir. My wife said that when the whispering died down, she moved to the next step in her plan. She untied the bra strings and the strings at her waist for the bottoms. Click, whir. Click, whir. "Spread 'em. God oh god, spread your legs," one of them whispered, almost a prayer. "She's doing it. She's moving her legs wider. Holy shit, I think I can see her pussy lips. I can! Yes, I can see them!" Click, whir. "Zoom in real close. Nice and tight. I want that picture over my bed next year for sure." "Yeah, so you can beat off, you sorry sack of shit. You haven't had a decent lay since last Christmas. Word must be all over the campus of your 'staying power.'" "Fuck you!" "Shhhh, she'll hear us!" Beth told me that their chatter was just the encouragement she craved. She said she felt that old thrill, that charge she got when she first started flashing. Now it was intense again. Exciting. She knew they were looking and she knew they liked what they saw. She said she was determined to show them all they could handle. "DING" The timer went off. She reset the timer for another 30 minutes. Then, she slipped on her ultra dark sunglasses and with her heart racing, my wife rolled over onto her to her back. Naked. Bare to the feasting eyes of the boys upstairs. Click whir. Click whir. "Damn." "Holy shit!" "Oh man, she's fucking awesome!" "Shot me now. I've seen the promise land." My wife said her heart was pounding in her throat as she watched the boys watch her naked body. She was hot. Sweat was beginning to bead on her oiled body. A wetness was definitely oozing from her bald cunt. She said she was as alive as she could get. Every nerve ending was afire with sexual energy. Click whir. Click whir. "Shit man, zoom in on that shaved pussy. Oh, please open you legs a little more," came the whispered prayer. "Hey, she's got pierced tits too!" "She is the hottest chick I've ever seen." "God, I'd give a month's allowance to fuck her." "Me too, brother, me too." Click whir. My wife, fired by their comments and the camera work, said that she was so excited, that if she just would touch her clit, she knew she'd cum. She wanted to cum. She wanted to be fucked. She was feeling so wicked, exposing herself to the two college boys up stairs. Beth said she then reached for the sun lotion and squirted a large dollop on herself. She started rubbing it onto her breasts. Her nipples were hard and erect. Just touching them, sent a shock of fire to her clit. She couldn't resist, she pushed the rest of the lotion down to her silky smooth lower stomach and across to her erect clit. She came. She came hard. Click whir. Click whir. Click whir. "Damn, shit, shit, shit. I'm out of film!" Hearing this, Beth opened her legs and inserted two fingers into her sloppy wet cunt. She moved her legs to either side of the chaise and pushed her knees as far apart as she could force them. She rapidly masturbated herself to another giant cum. She told me that if the delivery man was there, she would have raped him. She wanted to be fucked so badly then. So she did the next best thing. Leaving her yellow bikini on the ground next to the chaise, she wrapped the towel around her body. My wife walked through the house, up the stairs, knocking on the door to the boy's room. When they opened the door, she stepped in and dropped her towel. My wife told me that she invited them to "take a couple of close-ups, seeing how you ran out of film just as I was getting to the good part" There she stood, naked, on display to two strangers. vulnerable, wet, and horny. "You could hear us?" "Every word. And I loved it, boys," said my wife. "All we have is this little throw away camera. I didn't buy anymore film." "You dumb shit," said the other boy. "Yeah, I know." "That camera will do, boys. Now come over here one at a time. Let's make a few pictures for your buddies back at school to drool over this Fall." My wife raised on leg and caressed one boy with her knee while posing with him. She smiled for the camera. Beth reached into his waist band and grabbed his cock. Must have been the quick trigger one. He came at once all over her hand and fingers. White cum filling his pants. "Oh, I see you were happy to see me." "Change places. Hurry. come-one, take a picture of a real man!" "Here, check out this dick, baby," said the other college boy while dropping his shorts to the floor in a knot. My wife had to admit, it was nice. So she began to stroke it while rubbing her breasts across his chest. "I want to suck it. I want to ride it. I want you to pound me senseless with this," she said. All the while stroking his dick. Then it happened. He too erupted. White hot cum spurted out from his dick. "Hey, who is the real man! You couldn't last either." "Shit," he said. My wife continued to stroke his diminishing pole as the last of the sticky liquid seeped out onto her hand and eventually onto the floor. "Guess you two will just have to wait until you can get it up again. I hope you have better staying power than this. A woman likes her lovers to last long enough to give her pleasure too," cooed my naked vixen. She picked up the towel, slung it over her shoulder, and walked down the stairs into our rooms. "Come back, okay," they pled. "Maybe," said my wife. "Maybe." I had been waiting the whole time in the other room. We attacked each other like caged animals. I had her bend over and grab the footboard on the bed. We meshed together with one mutual thrust. Me into her. She taking in me. My wife was totally hot. My dick felt like it was sliding in and out of an oven. She pushed back against my every thrust. "Fuck me. Fuck me. Drill me. I almost fucked them honey." I couldn't stand it anymore. I flipped her over and tied her wrists to the bed. Then her feet. I covered her eyes with the pillow case. The pillow I placed under her butt. "Now sweetheart, I'm going to invite the boys down to screw you. Ready?" "Yes, all of you fuck me." I crawled between her legs and slipped my member deep into her. Our pelvic bones almost welded together with the force of our thrusts. The only sounds we made were grunts and groans as we rose to orgasm. First my uninhibited exhibitionist wife, then me. I felt like all of my insides erupted through my cock into her quivering cunt. I awoke about 30 minutes later. We were covered in sweat. A giant cum puddle was between her legs. It was almost noon. Come on, sexy wench. Let's get showered and to the beach. We have a para-sail rented this afternoon. You can seduce the college boys later today if you want. "Oooh, is that a 'dare'?" "Maybe," I said. "I'll let you know." "Now, let's see what the best dressed beach bunnies are wearing. I know, how about a smile." "You want me to go to the beach naked?" "No, wear your white bikini," I said. "We will have to wash the yellow one. Later tonight, I will have a dare for you." 1995 1.22/512345
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