Monday, April 23, 2012
The Prisoner pt. 2
I went home after my shift worried that I may have gotten pregnant by Jamal. I just could not remember when my last period was. My husband always wore a condom because I am allergic to the pill. My conflict got me thinking Jamal?s cock felt so good and all though he was a very intimidating man he was so gentle when he fucked me. I curled up on he coach to watch T.V. wondering about when my last period was. To my horror an ad for condoms came on and the risks of catching an S.T.D. without using one. I now had another dilemma that made the act even more freighting did Jamal give me something. I went to bed that night wondering if I got myself pregnant or if I had caught an S.T.D. During the night I dreamed of the so right feeling of Jamal fucking me and the consequences of my actions. Needless to say I did not sleep very well. When I awoke the next morning after a couple cups of coffee I phoned the doctor to make an appointment to be tested for disease. I went to work that day and was assigned the duty of checking the out reach areas of the prison for signs of escape. While performing my scheduled duties I started thinking about Jamal and fucking him again. I started looking for a secluded area where I could bring Jamal without security cameras or doors. My panties were soaked by the end of my shift. I went to my doctor?s appointment a couple weeks after being seduced by Jamal in the hallway. My doctor called with the test results for disease and they were all negative thank god. My doctor inquired as to why all of a sudden I wanted to be tested. I told him my husband and I were talking about starting a family. My doctor was nosy and asked again since I was married why the tests. My husband always used a condom and I was not always the perfect little girl I appeared to be. I went to work and when I had the chance I talked to Jamal. I told him that I enjoyed the day he seduced me and wanted to do it again. Jamal perked up and told me anytime. I had to tell him I was still looking for an area of the prison that we could go without getting caught. I found a spot that was iffy but it would have to do I wanted Jamal again. I went out and bought some condoms for Jamal so I would not end up pregnant. I carried one condom with me at all times while on duty. If I got the chance I would be prepared. My shift schedule changed to second the next week. This shift change fucked up my plans to get fucked by Jamal. I had to come up with a new plan because the prisoners were in their cells after dinner, no time to bring Jamal to the spot I had found. Prisoners were counted at 8:00 for security breaches. The cell doors were left unlocked until third shift came and they were locked in for the evening. Scouting out a new place to be with Jamal I made mental notes to myself. The security cameras in the cell areas did not rotate and only covered the stairs to the tiers and there were none directed at the cells. Jamal did not have a cell mate but that was risky because the other inmates or guards could walk in. I mentioned this to Jamal to see what he thought. Would I be missed if I disappeared for a half hour? Would we get caught? I pondered over these questions for a couple of days. This would be the only place to be with Jamal as long as I was on second shift. All I could think about was how good Jamal?s cock felt in my pussy I had to do it. Jamal came up with a plan that would occupy a couple of the other guards and it sounded like it might just work so I told him to set it up. The next night there was a disturbance on one of the upper tiers when I was counting inmates on Jamal?s tier. I slipped into Jamal?s cell during the commotion and kissed Jamal. ?How are we going to do this?? I asked. ?Lay down? Jamal said. I unfastened my pants and lay on Jamal?s cot he grabbed his blankets and laid on top of me. Jamal kissed me and started working my pants off he tossed them in a corner of the cell. He was so big they gave him a second blanket thank god. Jamal set up the blankets so I could not be seen from outside the cell even if someone came by. I pulled the draw string on Jamal?s sweat pants and he wriggled out of them tossing them on top of my uniform pants. I was getting wet feeling Jamal?s cock rubbing my pussy through my panties. ?Jamal there?s a condom in my pants for you.? Jamal got up covering me with the blankets and got the condom. Climbing back under the blankets Jamal handed me the condom. I tore open the packet as Jamal slid my panties off and slapped my pussy with his cock. ?Jamal stop that feels good? I said he started to rise up. I reached down and rolled the condom on his cock. Jamal kissed me again running his cock up and down my pussy lips. I reached down to guide him in but he was still too soft. I started stroking his cock and was excited to feel it getting engorged ?OHHHHH I?m going to enjoy this? I said. ?Me too? Jamal said. ?Shit? I said. ?What?s wrong? Jamal said. ?The condom tore? I said stroking Jamal?s cock. ?What now?? Jamal asked. ?Your cock belongs in my pussy Jamal? I said. I kept rubbing his cock up and down my pussy getting it lubed for entry. I positioned Jamal?s cock and he pushed in. ?AHHHHHHH that?s it baby? I said Jamal started sawing back and forth. ?Jamal that feels so good OHHHHH? I moaned ?You okay? Franklin? I heard. ?Yes sir? Jamal answered. ?In the rack early? I heard. ?Tired sir? Jamal answered. ?Okay then I heard. Jerome started sawing in and out of me again. ?AHHHHHHHH that was close? I said. ?Do you want to stop guard McCarthy?? Jamal asked. ?No feels to good OHHHHH? Jamal started hammering me. ?OHHHHHHHHHHHH Jamal that?s it? I said kissing him again. ?Dani your pussy is so tight? he said. ?Just keep OHHHH fucking me Jamal? I said voices were getting closer. ?Franklin? Jamal stopped fucking me. ?Sir? Jamal responded. ?You need to go to the infirmary?? I started flexing my hips. ?No sir just need good nights sleep? he answered. ?Okay then let me know if you need to go to the infirmary? I heard. ?Yes sir I will? he answered. A couple of minutes later ?Bitch you trying to get us caught?? Jamal asked. ?OHHHHHHHHHH I was so close had to do it? I said. ?Really? Jamal started really pounding my pussy. ?That?s it fuck this bitch OHHHHHHHH? I moaned. I started having orgasm?s one after the other Jamal?s cock hammering my pussy. I looked down at our union black in white my pussy lips hugging Jamal?s cock not wanting to let go. I had the most intense orgasm of my life I passed out. I awoke a couple of minutes later and Jamal was pounding my pussy like there was no tomorrow. ?OHHHHHH Jamal this is so wrong I?m married? I said. ?Been along time since I had any pussy just as I remembered soft and warm? Jamal?s cock was hitting my cervix every time. This made the experience more intense. I had an orgasm that was so intense I saw stars ?OMG Jamal fuck me that?s it baby just like that? I said. I felt Jamal?s cock start to swell I knew I should tell him to pull out. ?Dani I?m getting close what do you want?? Jamal was giving me so much pleasure and I was so close I could not help myself. ?FUCK ME! It feels so good? flexing my hips to meet his thrusts had me on the verge of another orgasm. Jamal slowed down some because I did not answer. I kept flexing my hips enjoying the feel of Jamal?s cock. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him he kissed back with a passion that did not exist in my husband. I felt Jamal?s cock expand bigger he tried to pull out I wrapped my legs around his ass and flexed my hips to get him as deep as I could. Jamal?s cock exploded his seed pelting my womb I orgasmed with intensity. I lay under Jamal for a few minutes with his cock holding all the semen in my pussy. I kissed Jamal and all that came to mind was incredible. Jamal got up and handed me my pants ?Where are my panties?? I asked. ?Souvenir? Jamal said smiling. I put my pants on as Jamal checked the tier for the other guards. I kissed him good bye and left. The next couple of hours went by so fast I was in a zombie like state after the fucking I just got. I spent a lot of time in the ladies room trying to keep my thighs clean. Driving home with Jamal?s semen leaking out of my pussy I felt guilty. How could you do that? You?re married? WHORE! He tried to pull out. Why didn?t you let him? You could get pregnant, SLUT! I got home and took a shower to get the smell of sex off me. I put on a clean pair of panties and a T-shirt and climbed into bed next to my loving husband. He gave me a hug and a kiss good night. I fell asleep thinking, What if? 18237 1.95/512345
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