Sunday, April 29, 2012
Cock Crazy Wife
Cock Crazy Wife 2 By Mudrunner Well it's been a year since our visit to my wife's sister and she fell in love with big cocks. She had put an add in several swingers magazines. She had had several lovers and has kept detailed records of all her adventures. The other day I came home from work and found her in bed with her latest big cock lover. It had been a rough day a work, I am a computer engineer and it seemed that every important file I had was corrupted and I spent almost all day reworking my files. It didn't help that we haven't had sex for several months and I was horny as hell. I blew up when I saw them. I started yelling and even grabbed a walking stick that was standing in the hallway and told them that if he didn't get the hell out of my home I would beat the hell out of both of them. I could tell the guy really wanted to make an issue out of what I said. But when he saw the stick and how mad I was, he just hurriedly started getting dressed. It is hard to make a stand with you are stark naked and the other guy had a club. Susan looked confused as I had never said anything and had always been passive about whatever she did. She was smart enough to get dress. After dressing she started to say something but I told her to just shut up and leave with her lover and not to come back until she was finished. That when she did come home, that she should be prepared for a serious discussion and that there was going to be some changes around here. With that I left and went to the kitchen. I was sitting at the kitchen table waiting for my supper to finish warming when they came down. Susan came over and tried to give me a kiss but I turned my head. This was when she knew that there was a serious problem, And that I was really upset. She turned to the guy and told him to go on that she would see him later. I told her no, you go with him, I need time to calm down and think about whether I want to be here anymore. I got up and started getting my supper. Crying she walked out the door. Around 9:00 PM the phone rang and a guys voice said you need to come and get your slut I am tired of listening to her cry. He gave me an address. When I got near the address I saw someone sitting along the curb. When I got closer I saw that it was Susan. I pulled in front of her and stopped. As she was getting in the car when the guy came out and glared at me and finally said. Man you sure fucked up my day. You interrupted a good fuck and then get your slut so upset all she did was cry. Hell as soon as I touched her she started crying. We didn't say anything on the way home. As soon as we got home I went upstairs and started getting ready for bed. Susan came in the bedroom just as I was getting in bed. She said, can we talk. I told her I didn't know if she really wanted to hear what I had to say. She just lowered her head and started crying again. Finally she whispered. Honey do you think I am a slut. I said, you know the answer to that question. You don't enjoy sex with you husband so you advertise in magazines for lovers. You bring them into your home and fuck them in the same bed you husband must sleep in. You get so caught up with fucking strangers that your husband has to come home from work and listen to you and your lover while he is forced to fix his own supper. He had worked hard all day and you have sat home on you ass or been fucking someone else all day. You couldn't even clean the house or prepare his meals. Now you tell me is that the action of a caring loving wife or is that the ac of a slut. You tell me what you are. When I finished her hands were buried in her hands and she was shaking all over. I finished getting in bed, pulled the covers over me, turned off the lights and rolled over with my back to her and pretended to go to sleep. I she finally said I have become a slut, I am so sorry I hurt you. I heard her getting undressed and felt her climb into bed. She tried to snuggle but I move away. This brought more crying, she said why. I just whispered I don't have a big enough dick for you and went to sleep. I woke up the next morning to find Susan was gone. I laid there thinking that she had probably left me for good. I couldn't decide it I was happy or sad. I was sad because I knew I still loved her very much. But I was happy because I knew the hurting that I went through every time she was with someone else was finally over. Just as I was about to come to decision on what I want she came bounding through the door. She was carrying a tray full of food. She sat the tray down over my lap and then sat on the edge of the bed. She asked if we could talk while I ate. I said sure but there really wasn't much to say that as far as I was concerned the following changes would take place and be followed or I would leave and get myself a lawyer and end this marriage as fast as I could. She just sat there looking at me with watery eyes. I said do you want to know what the changes are or should I leave. The decision is yours. She whispered I want you to stay. First of all you are never to allow another man to enter this house without me being here. You are to never have sex in this house with anyone other than me. You will not even give another man a little kiss on the cheek without first getting my permission and that means every time you do it. I don't care if it's you father, if it's a man you have to have permission. This house will be kept clean at all times. You will have supper ready for me when I come home from work. If you feel you have to have some time with one of your big dick friend then they will have to take you to a motel or hotel. If they cannot afford either then you will have to do it in a car or find someplace else. You are never to spend money that I earned so you can fuck someone else. For the last year I have spend countless nights staying out of the way while you had your fun. I would set in the kitchen and sleep on the couch. There is no bed in the spare bedroom but as you know there is a small TV, ir and countless books. I think it is now my turn. I will be bringing guest home from time to time and I expect you to give me the same courtesy that I gave you. I always tried to never be seen or heard. If you can't do that then I would appreciate it if you would leave while I have company. I have also spent countless nights sleeping on an air mattress in that room. Then I lower the boom. I told her. I have worked hard all my life. I put myself through college and studied hard so I could get ahead in this world. I feel I have earned and deserve a wife that loves me and want to be my wife for the rest of my life. Therefore for the next year I will be dating and looking for just such a woman. I spent one year watching you look for the ultimate cock that could satisfy you and now you will have to watch as I look for the perfect wife. If anytime during this year you have sex with anyone other than me, the year will start over from that date. If you feel that I am not being fair or am asking to much then I will call it quits now. Once you have agreed to these conditions there will be only one way to cancel them and will be for you to leave. I finished eating and went to the bathroom to get ready for work. When I returned I told her she had until I came home from work to give me her answer. I bent down gave her a little kiss on her forehead and left for work. Just a little background information. For the last year I have read and studied everything I could about the art of making love. You see I had plenty of time on my hands and I needed something to take my mind off of what was going on in other rooms of my house. I especially paid close attention to books and papers written by women. I figured that it would take a woman to really understand the workings of a woman and what she really wanted. I young woman from Harvard wrote a thesis as part of her doctorate of psychology that dealt exclusively with the desires of women and how a woman really wants those desires fulfilled. I studied all the old books from the far and middle east. After the last year of reading and studying I was ready to put my learning to the test. That evening when I can home from worked Susan was standing at the door waiting for me. I could tell she had experienced a pretty rough day. She hugged me, gave me a deep kiss and told me that supper would be on the table as soon as I was changed and cleaned up. She had cooked all my favorite foods. I was really starting to feel guilty and was considering dropping all the demands I had made and probably would have if things had gone a little different. After supper we were sitting in the living room when I finally ask her what her decision was. She said she wanted to try and make a go of our marriage. But she didn't think it was fair that I was going t to be looking for a wife when she had just been looking for sex. Then she lowered her head and said that the year would have to start today. I felt a rumbling in the pit of my stomach and new that she had spend part of the day with one of her lovers. I also had the feeling that she really didn't believe that I would be going out with women and especially looking of a permanent partner. I felt hurt and anger. More hurt than anger because here she was suppose to be making a decision that would affect the rest of our lives and she spent part of that time fucking another man. I made up my mind that the next year was going to either break us totally or break her. At this time I couldn't care less which way it went. I had been laying the foundation with several of the single women at work and those that worked for other company in nearby office buildings. I decided that I would start this coming Friday. There is a very sexy woman that works on the second floor of my building and I picked her for the first date. She is has a terrific body, beautiful shoulder length blonde hair, is around 25 and seems to been intelligent. I really didn't want to being dating bimbos. I was really surprised at how quick she agreed to a date Friday. I told her I would pick her up at 7 PM. I left work early Friday and when I got home Susan was surprised. She said she hadn't started supper yet. I told not to bother that I was going out for supper and that I had a date. I did a few chores around the house until it was time to start getting ready. I could tell she was nervous and wanted to ask me questions but she also knew that I have never questioned her and she really didn't have the right to question me. I finally told her that I was taking my date out to dinner, a little dancing, and if she was willing bringing her back here to finish the evening. I told her if she was going to be here that I would appreciate it if she would be in the spare bedroom with the door shut seeing how this was the first time for me and that is what she had asked of me. This caused her eye to fill with tears as she turned and walked out of the room. I picked up Karen at her apartment. When she opened the door and walked out I was floored. She was ravishing. I mean instant hard on. I hadn't felt this way since the first time I had met Susan. In fact now that I think about it Susan was dress just about the same way. Nothing special happened during the evening. We went to dinner and then dancing. When I asked her if she wanted to come to my place she glanced at my ring finger on my left hand. I smiled and said we have an open marriage. She is out searching for the ultimate big cock. She asked me what I was searching for. I decided to tell her the truth, when I was finished she just sat there looking at me. Finally she stood took my hand and lead me to the door. On the way home she finally said you know I believe every word you said. If I hadn't of you would have been taking me back to my place. On the way home I was trying to remember all the things I had read and finally decided on a plan. I ask Karen several, what seemed to be innocent questions about sex and feeling, but answering the question would provide me a wealth of information about what she really wanted and liked. She was just finishing answering the last question as we pulled into the driveway. I took her into the living room and went a got a bottle of fine wine (the wine was Susan favorite and she always considered it her private stock, that's why I selected it). As I pour us each a glass I told her how beautiful she was and at that moment decide that I would use one of the old Fareast methods called "The caress of the endless kiss". This was a simple method of one long kiss that covers almost the entire body. You just start with a normal kiss and continue it traveling from on place to another, never breaking contact with the other person, and undressing them as you go. I just started never saying a word. I wasn't long and I discovered why this method had been talked about in several different books. It didn't take 10 minutes and Karen was having one orgasm after the other. They weren't continuous but were just minutes apart. I hadn't even touched her breast or pussy. In fact she was still wearing her panties and bra when she first started begging me to put it I don't know why but I moved so I could look up the stair without breaking contact and sure enough Susan was standing at the top of the stairs watch us. I then dawned on me that was why she had rearranged the furniture earlier this week. She wanted to be able to see the couch. I just smiled to my self and continued with Karen. After about 30 more minutes of listening to Karen beg me to put it in I did just that. But unlike what I new Susan liked I took my time and gently and slowly enter Karen. When I was all the way in I continue to make love to her just that way, gently and slowly. Finally she started to have what the books had describe as the final orgasm. She started coming and she couldn't stop her back was arched so high I couldn't even kiss her lips. Just as I finished coming she let out this half moan half scream and collapse onto the couch. She just laid their holding me as tight as she could. I could have moved if I wanted to. I continue to kiss and caress her and tell her all the sweet thing I could think of without lying to her. I didn't want to ruin everything by saying a bunch of things she would know was lies. Finally she took my face in both her hand and kissing me gently on the lips and said. I don't know what you wife is searching for, the ideal man sleeps in her bed. She started crying. I comforted her and finally got her to stop and ask her what was wrong and then she told me. She had just gotten divorce, in fact it wouldn't be final for three more weeks. She told me that her husband was the kind of man that Susan was looking for. He was big and had a big dick. He made love like some people fight. He would slam his large cock into her for the longest time and finally cum. But most of the time she wasn't ready because he didn't believe in fore play. He thought just the sight of his big cock and a woman was suppose to be ready for whatever he wanted. She then said that she had never had anyone make love to her like I had. She said she had reached more orgasms tonight that she had ever had. I asked her if she had to leave and she said only if I made her. I picked her up and carried he up to the bedroom. We made love again and then had some wild sex. I found out that during wild sex she was a screamer but she told me the orgasms didn't feel any better, she just got caught up in what we were doing. We got up around 3 AM and I took her home. When I got back Susan had changed the sheets and was asleep in our bed. At least she was pretending to be asleep. The next morning I sleep in late and when I finally woke up and got cleaned up Susan was gone. There was a note saying she had gone grocery shopping. When she came home I did something I had never ever done before since I have known her. I ask her if she had been with someone else. She didn't answer just shook her head no and went to the kitchen. I really didn't have to ask the question because I could always tell by the look on her face. Susan always has that glow just after she has had sex. This went on for about three months. I dated several different women. I had a date just about every Friday and Saturday night. Karen was a regular. We both knew that there wasn't any sparks just good sex. We discussed this at length and decided together that we would continue to see each other but that the other one would continue on the search for a permanent mate. Several nights we just went someplace and sat and talked. I spilt my gut to her and told her everything. She told me what she wanted and told me everything about her. I think that was one of the reason sex was so good. I knew for certain what tripped her trigger and was willing to take the time to trip hers several times. One night she told me something I didn't want to hear. It was one of those nights where we were just talking. We had driven out to the local lover's lane, over looking the city. She took my hand and said you know Mike you have never lied to me about anything except one thing. I just looked at her and said. What's that. She squeezed my hand and said you may not be willing to admit it but you aren't really looking for another wife. You are just trying desperately one last time to win you wife back before she finds someone else. You know, just like I do, that if she continues to see other men that eventually she will find someone that not only has a big cock, and also satisfies everything else. I only wish I could find a man that loved me half as much as you love her. I think I would be happy the rest of my life know that a man loved me so much that he would do anything and everything to keep me. I would make sure he knew he didn't have to do anything because I would alwa his. The next time we were together we ended up at the house and I want you to know I had nothing to do with what happened. Once again I tried a different technique with Karen and it drove her up the wall. When we were finished I asked her if she wanted to move to the bedroom and she said no she had to leave that she just wanted to use the restroom to get cleaned up. I was standing at the bottom of the stairs when she came out of the bathroom. As she passed the door to the spare bedroom she opened it and said, I just wanted to see the dumbest fucking slut in the city. Blew Susan a kiss and came down the stairs. Just as she got to me Susan came bursting out of the room. But before she could say anything Karen turned looked at her turned back to me and said. She sure looks smarter than she is. Oh well, I will have her husband as mine before the year us up. Her loss is my gain. She took my arm and walked to the door. I head Susan crying as the door shut behind us. This went on for about 5 months when one day Susan called me from the Airport and asked if she could bring a man to the house. I didn't say anything, finally she said. I give my word of honor we will not do anything and will be there when you get home. I could tell, by the tone of her voice it was important to her, so I said yes. I figured that I must be her father or brother coming to the city for a visit. When I got home that evening, sitting at the table was Linda and Jason. I could tell that Jason was not a happy camper. Every thing seemed stained. When Susan came out of the kitchen and saw me she came over gave me a hug, a kiss and whispered, I was good, we haven't done anything, not that Jason hasn't tried. Then she turned and told everyone now we can eat. The look on Linda's face was priceless. And Jason who was used to having everything his way when he wanted it was not used to waiting for another man. After supper I stood and said I want to say one thing. I turned to Jason and Linda and said. We are not in California now and you are in my house. There is only one rule that concerns you and that is Susan is not to have sex with anyone but me in this house. If she does this marriage will be over the instant I find out. Do you both understand me I will not tolerate her fucking around in my house. If you have a problem with that you both know where to find the door. Linda looked up and smiled and said no we don't have a problem and Susan had already told them about the rule. She stood and kissed me. Things were very strained that evening. I think most of the problem was with Jason. Like I said he was used to things being done his way. It had been a long time since he had gone to bed not having his way with the woman he wanted to go with him. He made it clear that he wanted Susan. But I will say this, she also made it clear that he wasn't an item on her menu and his advances weren't welcome. Later that night I was awaken by the feeling of something moist and warm on my dick. I looked down and expected to find Susan but found Linda doing a good job of giving me a deep throat job. Susan was fast asleep. I pushed Linda head of my cock and motioned for her to follow me. When we got to the living room I ask her just what the hell she thought she was doing and she smiled and said. I understand I was well within the boundaries of the new rules. If I have done something wrong I am sorry. I didn't know what to say, so I leaned over and started using one of the techniques I had been practicing. I used the one called "The Caress of the Lite Bites". It's just lightly biting and nibbling various places on your partner. Karen says it is the best of them all. But I have found that different women have different opinions about each technique. I haven't found a single woman that doesn't at least like at little of everyone she's tried. They each seem to have a personal pr nce, which is okay, I just have to remember which goes with who. Linda ended with a terrific multiple orgasm, which lasted several minutes. And I came just as she was finishing. She was holding me so tight I was having trouble breathing. I thought a giant Boa had rapped around me. She had both arms and legs squeezing me as tight as she could. When she finally started to recover I asked her if she could ease off a little. She had this dreamy expression on her face. She finally started giving me little kisses as she relaxed her gripped. But first she made me promise not to leave her just yet. I asked her if she had enjoyed what I had done. With that dreamy expression and on of pure lust she said it was the most beautiful sex she had ever had. I then said. Well you have to learn something when you don't have a big dick. She leaned her head back and looked at me and said what the hell the does the size of a man's dick have to do with anything. A big dick is okay but not the m ost important thing. With the way you make love Susan should be the most satisfied woman on the face of the planet. I guess the look on my face gave away my feelings. But she didn't say anything just held me and started telling me how much she had enjoyed it and wanted to know when we could do it again. I told her we would have to wait until tomorrow that I had to get a little sleep as I had to go in to work in a little while. As I was getting up I heard foot steps in the hall and our bedroom door close. When I got back into bed I could tell that Susan was not asleep. I turned my back to her and went to sleep. The next day things went pretty much the same. Except that evening as we were all watching TV Linda snuggled up to me on the couch and finally started playing with my dick. I kept trying to push her hand away but it was a losing battle. Finally I stood up grabbed her hand and practically dragged her to the bedroom. I gave her the "Continuous Kiss" treatment and she again went nuts. When we finished I realize we had an audience. Both Susan and Jason were standing at the foot of the bed watching. Susan came round to the side of the bed and gave me a little kiss on the cheek and turned to leave when Jason pushed her onto the bed. He started trying to play with her tits and force his hand under her pants. She was fighting, calling him names and telling him to stop. When I finally realized she was serious and wanted him to stop and was getting up to get in the action. Linda slapped him as hard as I have ever seen a woman slap someone. He fell sideways off the bed and lande the floor. He jumped up and we were all glaring at him. He said. Why did you hit? Linda said. Because she said no and you weren't listening. Jason. But she has never said no before and meant it. Linda. Things change and she was meaning it. You should have stopped. Jason. But he was doing you, I should be allowed to do her. Linda. You didn't feel that way when they were at my place and you had us both. You only wanted Share when you aren't being allowed to have it all. Well it seems that Mike is getting it all and you will have to wait until I am ready to give you some and after today I don't know when that will be. Jason. I don't understand what has changed. Linda. Well for one thing I have had to one the very best love session I have ever had in my life and they were last night and tonight. And Mike is the one that gave them to me. There were no demands from him to satisfy him only his demand to satisfy me. I have never felt so loved and satisfied in my life. If I wasn't Susan's sister, I would fight tooth and nail to get him away from her. But because she is I will go home tomorrow morning and if you want to come along fine. But there will be some changes in our relationship and buddy you had better do some fast learning. Susan was crying her eye out when Linda had finished. They looked at each other and started hugging one another. I got up dress and walked a couple blocked to the local watering hole. I was on my second beer when Linda came waltzing in. The way she was dressed she had every eye in place on her. Even the woman were watching with either desire or envy. See walked straight to me not looking at anyone else in the room. She gave me a hug and kiss. Whispered in my ear, come home now we need to have a little talk. She took my hand and lead me out the door. As we were leaving I heard some of the guys says. A dish like that could lead me straight to a firing squad and I would follow gladly. I felt the same way as I looked down at the sway of her hips. When we got outside she turned and with a little anger said. Why the hell did you walk out and leave us. We had things to discuss. I didn't say anything just walked home. When I entered the house all the lights were off. I assumed that Susan had gone someplace with Jason. When I turned on the living room light I saw Susan sitting in my chair crying. I turned to Linda and she said Jason went somewhere and won't be back until morning. Linda. Please tell me what the hell is going on here. Me. I told her everything. What Susan had said when we left her place, about the ads in the swinger papers, I told her everything. Then I told her about my decision to spend 1 year looking for me a mate. Linda. Why are you looking for a mate. Me. Because I have spent the last year in fear of what will happen when Susan find her ultimate cock. I know when she find the guy she is searching for I will be left out in the cold. I mean even now she wants nothing to do with me. We haven't had sex since six month after we were at your place. The last few time we did do it she would push me off as soon as we were finished and rush to the bathroom. She would 30 to 45 minutes washing me off her. Hell I would hear the water running three or four times during these periods. I mean washing once wasn't enough for her she wanted to get me out and off of her so bad she would wash several time then finish by taking a shower. How was I suppose to react. Just continue sleeping in the spare bedroom so she could continue to look for my replacement. I got up and went over to the computer table and handed Linda some papers I had printed earlier. These are Susan files that she keeps on each on of her lovers. You see she rates them all . Here is a chart of how each rated in various areas. You noticed that for the first six months I was at the very bottom but at least I made the list. But look at this report of the last six months. I don't even appear on the list at all. Linda just looked at Susan. Finally she said. How could you treat your husband this way. If you didn't want anything to do with him why didn't you just tell him. Keeping him around and making him go through hell, while you were looking for another man is unreal. I don't understand why you feel that after that week with us that the only way you can enjoy sex is with a big cock. You have the best thing I have ever had right here and if a big cock is what you want I will trade Jason for Mike so fast it will make you head swim. Susan didn't say a thing just sat there crying. I said. I think this has gone far enough. I got up went upstairs and packed something. On my way out the door I told Susan either you can file for the divorce or I will. I don't care who gets the house. With that I left. Its been over a year since that night and except for the day in court I haven't seen nor talked with Susan since. I do see Linda every couple months now that she has major client here in town. She usually stays with me when she's in town. Susan didn't want the house so I still live here. I have moved up in the company and now make a pretty good salary. I am not rich but I am not hurting for money either. Whenever Linda is in town she gets together with Susan and feels me in on all the details of what's going on with her live. I wish I could figure out a way to help her but everything I come up with has failed. I finally talked Linda into just leaving some money when she visits. Susan doesn't say anything, but Linda thinks she knows that it's from me. Linda is in town and just came from Susan's. She was telling me that Susan just got out of the hospital. She had some kind of minor surgery done. Linda kind of look down and said she wanted me to tell you that was what she used the money, that I had been leaving, for. If it wasn't for that money she couldn't have afforded to have the surgery done and she felt she really needed it. What she said next really floored me. She wants to talk with you but is afraid you would see her. Will you call her. I said. No. She knows the address and phone number here and this is still her house. I might not like what she has to say but I am willing to listen. But I didn't start this thing and I am not going to restart it. If she wants to talk she can come over just about any night or call. As you very well know, unless you or Karen are in town I never go any place except to work. Besides she still has her keys to this place. The next morning she gave me a kiss and went back home. She called to let me know she got there okay and told me that Jason had left her a note telling her he had found some younger woman. I ask her if she was upset. She just laughed and no it saved her the trouble of kicking his lazy ass out, that she had stood all she could anyway. I told her to plan more trips back here. She laughed and said that wasn't a bad idea but she would have to wait and see how things went. I asked her what things and she wouldn't give me a straight answer. Just kept saying you'll see. Several days later on the way home I was trying to decide which I wanted for supper a TV dinner fixed in the Microwave or Oven. These were my big decisions around the house now. When I pulled in the driveway I noticed that there were lights on and I haven't left lights on for quite awhile. I finally got used to living alone and realized there was no one left at home to do these things for me. When I entered the house the first thing I noticed was that the dining room table was set up for a dinner for two. There was even a couple candles burning. My first thoughts were that either Karen or Linda had came back and was giving me a surprise dinner. When Susan came walking out of the kitchen carry a tray of food my mouth must have dropped open because she stopped and said. Linda told me I was okay for me to come over and use my old key. I just nodded. She continued on toward the table. Finally she said aren't you going to join me for dinner. We ate in silence. I didn't have the slightest idea on what to say, how to say it or even how to begin say it. I just sat there looking at her. After a while I realized I still loved her and thought she was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. After we had finished eating I moved to the living room and she started clearing away the dirty dishes. I told her to leave them that I would do that latter and to come sit down so we could talk. I was sitting in my favorite chair and she sat on the couch. We just sat looking at each other like a couple of young school kids. Finally she started thing off. Before she could even say anything I could see the tears starting to form in her eyes. She said I know you must hate me for what I have done to you and I have no right to be here. But I have to try to get you to understand, from my point of veiw, what happened. To this day don't know how the whole thing started. I do know that it wasn't the size of Jason cock so much as the fact that it was something different and erotic that I was doing. You were the first and only man I had ever been with up until that day. I will admitt that I would feel a little jealous and cheated when other women would sit around and compare their husbands to the guys they dated before him. I couldn't do that. I was afraid to even tell them that I came to our wedding bed a virgin. I know now I should have been proud of that but I wasn't. I regret that I told you the week with Jason was the best sex I had ever had. I won't tell you that I was a lying because it wasn And the only reason why is that I had never had sex up to that point. Once again I had nothing to compare it with. You had always made love to me. We had and outstanding love life. I was more than satisfied. In everything that has happened, not one person has been able to hold a candle to you when it came to making love. I have watched and listened to you having sex with several different women and if I use their reaction, none of these men can hold a candle to you in that department either. I know that doesn't excuse what I did, I just want you to know why. It was just something I felt I had robbed myself of and felt I had missed out. I don't know this would make thing any different, but if I had it all to do over again, I would still come to our wedding bed as a virgin and would never think of doing any of those things, except with you. I said, Susan you don't know what it was like for that year of waiting for you to find the right guy. I knew in my heart that eventually you would find a guy with a big cock that could fill all you other needs and desires, and I would be out in the cold. And when you would shove me off so you could run to the restroom and wash me away I knew for certain that I would soon be history. When I said that she jumped to her feet and stomped her foot and yelled. That's a fucking lie. That's not what I was doing. I know that's what you think. But I was so ashamed that I couldn't enjoy sex with you as much as I did with a complete stranger and I loved so very much. I knew I had to get out of there because I would start crying and I didn't want you to think that I was crying because I want to have sex with someone else. The running water was me washing my face so my eyes wouldn't turn red and get all puffy. I would take a shower before coming back to bed but because I wanted to be nice for you. Please don't ever say I was washing you off me again. I can't begin to tell you how much that hurts. And the feeling it gives me in the pit of my stomach. It almost hurts as much as listening to those women tell you how happy you made them and how much they loved you. I think the only thing that has ever hurt more was when Karen told me how stupid I was and how that kay because it was making it easier for her to take you away. And when my own sister said that she would fight tooth and nail for you. I wanted to fight for you but didn't know how and darn sure didn't think that I deserved you anymore. I dreamed about the night you came busting into the bedroom, yelling about how I was such a lousy wife and housekeeper. God it's a nightmare I wake up all sweaty. I really didn't know how far down the road of shame and self humiliation I had travel until that evening. And then you came up with those conditions, I wanted to tell you no. I didn't want you going out with anyone else but how could I, I had just spent a year fucking who, when and where I wanted. I even spoiled our own wedding bed. With this she slumped back down on the couch and started bawling. I went and took her into my arms. I just held her and gently kiss her. She finally stopped and looked at me and asked if there was a chance for us to get back together. I said. You are s till here, I haven't thrown you out, I haven't asked you to leave. I don't think the us ever stopped. We just took a needed break. With that she pushed me back on the couch and smothered me with kisses. That night, for the first time I gave her the "Caress of the Endless Kiss". Of all the nights I listened to her from the spare bedroom I never heard her moaning and screaming like she was now. When I started to enter her I was just like our wedding night. I could hardly get my dick to go in. I spent several minutes before I was half way in. I finally managed to get it all in and when I continued Susan started going nuts. Just like with Linda I thought I was going to have the life squeezed out of me. After she calmed down she looked at me and smiled. She then said do you like what I spent your money on. I must have looked confused because I know I felt that way. She then laughed and said I had a pussy tuck. I told the doctor to make it good and tight I wanted to be a virgin for you once again. I kissed her and thanked her for a wonderful gift a second time. I was indeed fortunate I had gotten two pussy cherries from the woman I loved. I would like to end this story by saying that things worked out wonderful after that but like real like that would be a crock. We did have four wonderful kids. They are grown and gone. We have numerous fights. Yes Linda still came and visited us and at Susan insistence we did have sex. But the big surprise was the day I called home and Susan told me that Karen was there and had been there for a couple hours and I still have to work for about 4 more hours. When I got home she was still there I thought trouble was going to start again but from a different angle. I could tell they had been crying when I entered. You see I hadn't seen Karen for about 3 months, well since Susan and I had gotten back together. We hadn't remarried yet. But have made all the plans. Anyway when I walked in Susan stood up walked over to me kissed me told me how much she loved me then slapped me hard across the left jaw. God that hurt, I never say it coming. She said, I can't believe what a bas you have turned in to. Once again I was totally confused. She still had her arms wrapped around my waist and was hugging me. How can you fill all of a woman's sexually fantasies and then just stop seeing her, dropping her like a hot potatoe. I love you very much but if you don't take Karen upstairs this very minute and give her what she so desperately need and want, I will slap you again and keep it up until you do. With that she smiled and gave me a very loving kiss and whispered, please for me. I will still be here when you finish. Then we can talk. Since then I have taken care of three women. Susan and I make love at least one a day and have wild dirty sex at least twice a week. These are usually on the weekends because they take so much out of me I can't go to work the next day. Linda and Karen always stay with us when they are in town. In fact they both chipped in a bought the bedroom set for the spare bedroom. Susan and I should have paid for it because she's the one that ends up sleeping there most of the time. But since the kids are gone now it seems that something new has started. Last night Karen was here had somehow we ended up as a threesome with those two doing everything you can think of with both me and each other. It's been a long time since I had been that turned on. I didn't want it to ever end. I can't wait for Linda's next visit or when we are all together. 11094 1.46/512345
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