Monday, November 26, 2012
I Blush Too Damn Much Ch. 10
Ann waked slowly to one of the chairs in the room and sat down crossing her legs. Her skirt was half way up her legs, above mid thigh level. She smiled at the three of them. John and Bonnie sat on the sofa facing her and Bonnie's husband Bob sat in the other chair across from Ann but facing her too. She looked at them for a while turning her head from one to the next to the next. Then she smiled and said: "Well isn't this nice? Now we are all together. No more sneaking around and hiding in strange hotel rooms. That is unless that gets you off." She laughed as Bonnie blushed she knew it did. Then Ann continued: "I have a proportion for all of you and from what I have heard you will love my idea Bonnie because it involves John fucking you. And I believe that will make John agree with it too. Oh by the way, Bob has already agreed with it. Am I right Bobby, you do want this don't you?" He shook his head yes. It was strange and sort of funny. No one spoke or asked a question they just sat there looking at Ann. She uncrossed her legs and crossed them again using the other leg this time and letting her skirt rise even higher up her thigh. Sitting in front of her Bonnie could see she wore no panties. She saw John and Bob both look at her legs and Bonnie realized she was looking too. Ann made no attempt to pull her skirt down and cover herself. Bob sat there as if on pins and needles. He looked like he would spring up if someone said something to him. Ann smiled again and said: "OK here's what I want to tell you. First John, you know Bob and I have been having an affair for over three months now. I know you know sweetheart. And I have to tell you and Bonnie why we decided to have this affair. You see Bob will do anything I ask of him. Am I right Bob?" Bob shook his head yes again as Ann spoke: "And John that is a fantastic turn on for me as you know I always wanted a man who would do anything I wanted. It's a huge substitute for Bob's cock not being as big as yours baby. His will belongs to me Bonnie." As she said that she turned her head and looked at Bonnie. She smiled at her and said: "Sorry Bonnie but Bob will do my bidding now. I have made him my fuck toy for lack of a better word." Bonnie looked at Bob as he with his head down. Bonnie said: "Bob what is she talking about? What's going on with you and her?" He looked up for a second and saw all of them looking at him and he quickly looked down again. Ann said: "It's easier to show you Bonnie. BOB! Come here and kneel at my side." Bob sprung up and quickly started to walk around the coffee table in the center of the group of chairs. Ann said: "Stop." He stopped. She smiled and said: "Now get down on your knees sweetie and crawl to me. Come sit next to me here on the floor." To Bonnie and John's amazement Bob did as he was told. When he got to Ann's side he sat and kept his head down looking at her thighs. She patted him like a fucking dog. She smiled at Bonnie again seeing her blush and said: "Now Bonnie I know you and my dear husband have fucked all of last weekend and that's OK! I'm not mad at all. In fact it makes it easier for you to agree with my offer. You see I know he has had the hots for you for 10 years, maybe longer. So I'm sure he gave you a good going over sweetie. Did you enjoy his bigger cock in your little pussy? Don't answer I know you did. But you see that will now stop." Bonnie was about to protest when Ann held up her hand and continued: Wait! Don't say anything. It will stop unless........unless we come to an agreement here between the four of us." She was about to say something else when Bonnie said: "Why would I help you do anything?" Ann uncrossed her thighs and as she looked down at Bob she said: "Come around Bobby and sit in front of me. Face me Bob!" He moved immediately and sat directly in front of Ann's knees. She looked at Bonnie and slowly spread her legs wide open. Everyone looked between them and saw she was wearing nothing under the skirt. Her pussy lips were shinning from her power over Bonnie's husband and her wetness was very apparent. Ann then put a leg over each arm of the chair and said: "Bob lick me. Lick me like I trained you to do it." Bob immediately moved between Ann's wide open legs and as Bonnie watched her husband move in and buried his face into Ann's snatch she was totally confused. Bonnie and John just sat there and watched as Bob licked and kissed and sucked Ann's sex. There, right there in front of them Bob pushed Ann's thighs even wider apart and moved in deeper to eat her pussy until they couldn't see any of his face. It was now pressed so tightly on Ann's cunt that Bonnie wondered how Bob was able to breath. They could hear the sounds of Bob licking and sucking her pussy and Ann sighing and told them how good Bob was now at eating pussy. "I'm training him well Bonnie, you should love the changes I made in him. Oh yes baby suck my clit now! Use your fingers! Too! Yes, oh yes Bob just like that!" Ann almost hissed the words towards Bonnie. Ann began to orgasm and it was a good one. She arched her hips and began to pump into Bob's face holding him by the hair and pulling his face even tighter into her cunt. He didn't try and stop her he just kept on licking and eating her. She screamed at him instructing him and training him and Bob did what she wanted. The second orgasm was even more powerful that her first one. She fucked Bob's face unmercifully. And when she had finished Ann released Bob's hair. They could see she had some of the hair in her hand she had pulled it so hard. As she released Bob's hair she instructed him not to think about removing his mouth from her cunt hole until he had cleaned her properly and completely. As Bob stayed there cleaning Ann's cunt she turned towards John and smiled saying, "You see the difference between a man who wants to eat a pussy and one who only does it in order to fuck me?" John shook his head yes. Still keeping her legs wide open and Bob kept his head between them, Ann said: "As you can see John and you to Bonnie, Bob loves living down there. I have him trained so well now that no matter what time of the day or night it is if we are together and I want orals sex Bob will drop and give me it. He eats me twice a day at work in my office with him between my legs and my legs on the desk. Everyday for three months John he has licked me and he loves it. And as a reward I fuck him like she could never do." She glanced over at Bonnie with the word 'she'. Then Ann said: "So here's the deal. Bonnie do you believe I can make your husband leave you for me if I choose to do so?" Bonnie didn't know what to say so she said nothing. She had watched her husband eat this woman's pussy like a madman. He was still there bathing her pussy with his tongue cleaning her cum out of her. Ann moaned when Bob touched her clit. She held his head again gently this time and smiled and said: "Well you don't disagree with me do you Bonnie." She was pushing into Bob's face harder again now and holding his head where she wanted it. She looked at John said: "John I want you and Bonnie to accept the fact that Bob is my oral lover and agree to let us do whatever we want to do when we want to do it for as long as we want to do it. If you do John I won't have any problem with you seeing Bonnie and fucking her whenever you both want it." She waited and Bonnie looked at John and he didn't say anything. So Bonnie said: "And what if I don't agree and file for devoice." Ann smiled and said: "Then all four of us will pay the price dearly. You will be dragged into the mud same as I will and same as our husbands will. But don't you see Bonnie this will be wonderful for all of us. You get Bob and the use of his wonderful tongue. You will enjoy the training I have given him and he'll do your bidding any time he's not between my legs. Since I get him at the office he'll be yours most nights and weekends. And, even better Bonnie you stay married and live happily ever after." Anne took a drink and said: "Plus, you get to have John when I'm not with him and he gets to have you. No more hiding no more sneaking around. He can come to your home and Bob can come to me at mind. We can be open and sort of become swingers with each other. Look Bonnie, Bob will is my slave regardless of if you want this arrangement or not. You divorce him and he will still be my lover. I'll have both men. John won't leave me he knows his pay and status would never be enough to satisfy any financial needs you and he may have. You would most likely have to sell the house and split the money with Bob. That would mean you too would live far below your current standard of living. I know I did a background check and a credit check on you and Bob. Bob is my slave and I control him completely. Right Bob? I know you're listening. It's OK to come out from between my legs for a minute baby!" Bob lifted his face off of Ann's cunt and they could all see it was covered with her wetness. Jesus it was almost dripping off of his chin and nose. He looked right at Bonnie and said: "She would have me Bonnie I can't resist her. I'm so sorry but she gives me things you could never do and I need that now. You could never treat me like she does you're too nice of a person. Yes, if she calls me I'm afraid I couldn't resist I'd go to her." He turned and began eating Ann's pussy again. Bonnie couldn't believe her ears or eyes and she blushed again She couldn't help it! When she yelled at him to stop Bob didn't move his mouth off of Ann's pussy. Ann wasn't holding his head or anything to keep him there between her open legs. Bob just stayed there licking her pussy. Ann could see that Bonnie was stunned. Ann said: "John I'll ask you first, do you agree with suggestion, I won't call it a demand." John looked at Bonnie and told her that if they agreed with Ann's 'suggestion' they could be together from time to time. He said he very much wanted that. Then he turned back towards Ann and simply said: "Yes I agree." Ann then turned towards Bonnie and didn't say it. She just looked at her and Bonnie knew what Ann wanted. Bonnie said: "I'm not convinced about all of this Ann. I need some time to consider it." Ann said: "Well let me give you an incentive Bonnie. Bob now is broken he will do everything and everything sexual I tell him. If I tell him to move to you and lick your pussy he will do it for you. Shall I tell him?" Bonnie looked at her husband bent forward pressing his face into Ann's cunt. She wondered if Ann was bluffing. So Bonnie said: "OK. Tell him." Ann smiled and said: "Bob stop." He did it immediately and asked if there was anything wrong. "Wasn't I doing it the way you want Mistress Ann?" She smiled and patted his cheek then she said: "Yes baby. Yes you were very good but your wife needs to know you will do whatever I tell you to do Bobby. Now, crawl over there and eat your wife's pussy for her. Do her like you were doing me. Do her like I have trained you Bob. Do it now! Go Bob. Go!" Bob moved quickly on his knees and knelt in front of his wife. Her legs were closed. He looked at Bonnie as if to ask her to open them and get undress. He said: "Will you please open your legs for me Mrs. Bonnie so I can please you?" Bonnie didn't know what to say. Ann did, she said: "Undress her Bob. Undress your wife. Pull her panties down her legs and eat her pussy for me." Bob's hands went to Bonnie's slacks and undid them. He looked into her eyes and started to pull them down her legs. Bonnie found herself lifting up and letting him do it. Then Bon lifted each foot and removed them. He folder them up and placed them on the sofa. Then he started to pull down Bonnie's panties and she stopped him. She said: "OK!! OK I believe you Ann. Stop it Bob." Bonnie was blush like she had never blushed before. Bob stopped and looked back at Ann. She smiled and he sat next on the floor facing me between his wife's knees. She had on a pair of bikini panties and nothing else below her top. John shook his head and said: "Looks like she has him Bonnie. Why not agree for a time being and see how it is?" Ann said: "Well remember you'll have Bob and John. You'll have a bigger cock and a great pussy licked whenever you want it. That's every girl's sexual dream Bonnie. Think about it, try Bob out. See how much he has changed." Ann had Bonnie wondering now. So Bonnie looked at her husband sitting on his feet in front of her and she said: "OK Ann. Stay still and don't say anything." Ann agreed and Bonnie said: "BOB!" He looked at her quickly. Bonnie told him: "Take my panties off and eat my pussy like you were doing to Ann." He immediately moved up between Bonnie's thighs and hooked his fingers in her panties. He pulled and she lifted up as Bob removed her panties. Then Bonnie spread her legs wider and Bob moved in between them. As he began to lick and suck her like he had never done before he put her feet back up on the sofa and held her thighs wide open with his face buried in her cunt. Bonnie cried out when she felt Bob's new style of oral sex. Bob was OK at eating her pussy during their love making and he usually gave her at least one nice orgasms. But now Bob was much, much better. He worked a slave trying to prove his loyalty and obedience. His mouth was unbelievable, absolutely in-creditable, and it didn't take long for Bonnie to cum as the John and Ann sat there watching. The two of them watched Bonnie orgasm on her husband's face as she held his head and pumped her pussy into his face, just like Ann had done. But when Bonnie climaxed Bob didn't stop or slow down. He continued to eat her until she came two more times and her clit became too sensitive. That was really a difference in Bob's attitude. She had to pry his mouth off of her cum drenched pussy. Bonnie was panting and left her legs open with Bob still between them. She knew Ann could see her red pussy lips and gapping pussy hole. Bob didn't even wipe his face. He sat there looking up at his wife and waiting for his next order. Bonnie's command was to clean her like he had cleaned Ann. Bob went to work gently cleaning Bonnie's pussy, smoothing the tenderness. Ann began to tell Bonnie again how it would be. She said: "He will make you cum just like that whenever you need or want him too. When he isn't eating me or fucking me that is." She smiled as she said that and then continued: "I had him tell me about your sex lives together. He makes me cum from telling me how you did his cock with your hand and mouth. He told me how he wishes he could sit and rub your pussy and have you show him your tits and nipples while he masturbates his cock for you. Did you know that Bonnie?" Bonnie told her she didn't realize it was such a fantasy. Ann smiled and said: "Bob tells me everything. And I tell him how much I love to watch as he shows me his cock cumming while he looks at my body. So maybe tonight we can all have some fun and you can see just how good this will be for you Bonnie. Good for you, for me, for all of us." She smiled at Bob and said: "Tell her Bob. Tell her what gets you so horny you could scream. Tell her what makes you have to cum and obey me sweetie. Tell her. Bob looked at me as he knelt in front of me now. He had stopped licking me. He looked up and said: "I most likely couldn't just sit and see Ann's body without my cock all hard and jumping with excitement Bonnie. I'd have to join in and help Ann masturbate and I'd have to lick her and taste her. It's my job to please her now. And she would fuck me like no one has ever fucked me Bonnie, not even you" Ann said: "Tell us how you would do it Bob." He smiled and said: "Well, first I imagine I see Bonnie's hands on my cock while you watch her masturbate me. We would all be nude. Slowly stroking it and feeling its hardness Bonnie would work me up until I was half mad with lust. You would see my cock head all hard and red and throbbing. May I take it out Mistress?" Ann shook her head yes and Bob stripped down and stood there in front of us all nude. His cock was super hard. Then he said: "You would run your finger tips over it Mrs. Bonnie. You would jerk it up and down slowly making me feel every touch of your fingers. You would make me arch my hips as I would start to fuck your hand. You like that when I fuck your hand I know." Bob looked at Ann and she smiled and said: "Continue please. Bonnie would you help him?" Ann knew Bonnie loved to make a man cum so she did it. As they all watched Bonnie had Bob lay on the floor and she knelt next to him. Bonnie looked at Ann and said: "I love to make a man so horny he fucks my hand." Ann said: "I know Bonnie. Bob told me everything I know everything about his and your fantasies and sex lives. Well Bob has been practicing this for weeks now Bonnie. I know he is so worked up right now. I mean look at him he is in such need and lust! God my pussy is flooded right now John!" John just watched as Ann began to masturbate right there while Bonnie jerked her husband off saying: "Then my mouth comes down and covers the swallow cock head just like this." Bonnie took Bob's cock into her mouth and began to lovingly suck him. When she wasn't sucking the head she was talking telling everyone what she was doing. She said: "And I would suck hard on just the head as my hand keeps pumping up and down on the shaft." As Bonnie did that Bob arched up and began to fuck her hand and mouth! Ann said: "Would you like that John? I can see the pleasure in your face as you watch her. I can also see the big lump in your slacks." Bonnie said: "As I lick and suck the head I continued to stroke his hard shaft like this. My hand pumps Bob and he fucks my hand faster and faster. I had him almost begging me to let him cum." She worked on Bob for a few minutes and said: "Then I swallow the cock completely if I can." Bonnie was looking at John and sucking Bob's cock completely. She knew I couldn't take his longer cock she always left about two inches out of her mouth. Bonnie's mouth came off of Bob's cock and she said: "Taking all of your cock down my throat now Bob as you hold my head gently. Do it now Bob." As Bonnie's lips came back down on Bob's hard cock, she sucked all of her husband's cock into her mouth and down her throat. She felt his hands gently holding her head as she feel his cum begin pumping and coating her throat. Bonnie kept her mouth on his cock head until she drain her husband. Ann was rubbing her pussy much faster now. She said: "Share Bob's cum with me please." She watched Bonnie suck Bob dry and then move to John. Bonnie worked to get John's cock out of his pants and she saw it so big and so hard. Bonnie lay back on the floor next to her husband and showed John her wet pussy. She told him to use his fingers and spread her cunt lips so he could see her wet pink insides. John quickly knelt next to Bonnie and did it. Ann was pumping her pussy with a dildo she took out of her purse as she watched her husband and Bonnie on the floor. Bonnie was sure John could see her hard round clit throbbing to be touched. And he could see her pussy hole. Bonnie's deep cunt hole was wide open and almost telling him to put his finger in it! John didn't need to be told what to-do, he pushed his two fingers deep into it and they all heard Bonnie moan with her own sexual need. Bob was sitting up now and was watching her and Bonnie could see the blood flowing back into his cock. Bob was getting hard again! "I'm so hot right now John I need to be fucked so badly", Bonnie almost moaned the words. He took his cock and moved towards her cunt. He moved over Bonnie and she spread her thighs wide for him. Ann said: "That's it baby! Fuck her. Show me how you do her. Bob! Come here and watched with me." Bob moved to her side and John moved between Bonnie's open thighs. The tunnel between her legs could feel his big cock head going into her, spreading the lips to her cunt wider and wider. They both felt it going deeper and deeper. As John and Bonnie work to bury his dick inside her Bonnie said: "I need it all! All John! Oh fuck I want to be fucked by you so badly". Bonnie cried out with pleasure as John's balls rested on her ass. Ann smiled as she watched John bury his big dick into Bonnie's pussy. They pumped and rocked together and now his balls banged against her ass slapping it as she lift her legs up so he could get even deeper inside her. John lifted Bonnie's legs even higher and she began to fuck up into him. She was lost in a world of lust. As she lifted her ass and hips up as best she could she rode up on his long hardness and he pushed down. "Muuuu yes Oh God it feels so fucking good", Bonnie cried out as she fucked John right there in front of his wife and her husband. "Oh John I'm so hot right now baby! Push your cock into me. Give it all to me baby", I yelled at him! John was so hard and she could feel him inside me so deep. They bang together as they fuck. "Yes John fucked me", Bonnie cried out every few seconds. They didn't make love his time they fucked. They fucked hard and fast as if their needs were controlling them. They were. "I needed to cum so badly" Bonnie said and she knew John was ready. "Oh John my cunt is aching for your cum right now. I need to cum John! I want your cum baby! Fuck me harder! Now John do it!" I told him. When Bonnie cried out Ann smiled and pulled Bob's head back between her legs. As bob sucked her clit Ann hear John moan. They were all animals now. Ann was cumming from Bob's mouth and John was fucking and fucking and fucking Bonnie like she had never felt before. There was nothing else for either of them. For John it was just his hard throbbing cock. It was the center of his universe and for Bonnie it was her wet hot cunt. "Fuck me John! Fuck me baby", she said it over and over again. Ann was telling John the same thing: "Fuck her baby! Make her want this as much as we do! Give her your big dick and make her cum now John! Do it baby." And John rammed into Bonnie pounding her body and pushing her closer to orgasm and cumming! And then Bonnie could feel her orgasm attacking her cunt. It squeezed the walls of her cunt around John's hard shaft. Bonnie lock on to his cock with her cunt milking it for every drop of his sperm. One final slam downward and his cock was completely buried in her hole. Bonnie arched her back and pump up into him crying out with pleasure as John stated to cum and she felt each shot of his wonderful sperm filling her. His wet sticky thick cum begin run out her hole there was so much of it! John kept cumming filling Bonnie more and more. His cum coated and bathed the insides of all her cunt "Oh John it's so good baby! So fucking good", Bonnie whispered in his near as they held each other now. Ann was watching them and Bob was fucking her with a big dildo as his tongue licked her clit. She said: "I'm going to turn my dildo on now John and Bob is going to fuck me with it. Watch me fuck this big dildo Bonnie. Right now! I have it deep inside my pussy. See it John I am making believe it's your cock. It feels so good it won't be long before I cum for you baby!" As Bonnie began to relax she watched Ann and Bob. She moaned and the cum begins to flow out of her own pussy hole there was so much of it. John had collapsed on top of her and she knew he was finished. They were both watching Ann now Bonnie felt John's cock still hard still being held by her cunt. They lay there watching Bob use that big huge dildo on her. As Bonnie and John held each other with their sex merged tightly together neither of them want to feel this pleasure leaving their bodies. "It was so good baby. So good John" she told him! But he was watching his wife being fucked hard and fast with Bob using the dildo and his mouth on her. "I'm going to cum now John! Bob is fucking my pussy so damn hard with this fake cock. It's 10 inches John and I'm going to try and take it all for you" she hissed as Bob pushed more and more of the big dick into her.! John was sitting up now and Bonnie was resting her head on his thigh with his soft cock right next to her mouth. They watched Ann being fucked hard and fast. John said: "I get hard looking at you, thinking of you Bonnie. I start to rub my cock while looking through your pictures and videos when we are away from each other. I think about your hand rubbing me and it gets so harder. I think about tasting your pussy as I rub. And soon there is no choice. My balls are aching, my cock is aching, and the beginnings of an orgasm are rippling through my cock. It's wonderful, my lust for you is overwhelming and I dream of that sexy body in front of me. God how I want to push into you so deep!! How I want to feel your wet vagina around my cock all the time. I want to feel your body pressed on mine, flood you with my juice." Bonnie said: "Then do it for me now John. Masturbate for me while we watch Ann. He was already doing it. He soon had his cock super hard again. Then John saw his wife cumming on that 10 inch dildo and he said: "Then it happens, the idea of your body makes me flood over my hand. You've exquisitely drawn another load of cum from my body. As I sit here, stroking my throbbing cock and looking at your beautiful pussy." He was looking at me now and I spread my pussy lips for him. He spewed his cum all over both their legs as he climaxed. Bonnie told him: "I was happy you enjoyed the pictures I sent you John. I want you to want me badly." Ann was coming down and so was John. They had actually both masturbated for Bonnie. Bob's cock was standing out straight and Ann said: "Does my baby need to cum?" Bob told her yes. Ann told him to lie back on the sofa. He did and she moved over him and rubbed her pussy up and down his hard swollen cock shaft. She didn't actually have his cock in her pussy and was fucking him. No, she used her pussy lips and the cum on them from her orgasm to ride up and down on Bob's hard cock. She was wet and slippery and she rubbed up and down on it as they watched it pointing towards his chest. Bob moaned and Ann took his hands and placed them on her big fake tits. Her nipples were huge. That was all it took for Bonnie's husband to start cumming all over his stomach and chest. Ann rode him and let him squeeze and suck her breasts until he was completely finished and his cock became 2 inches and completely soft. She smiled down at him and then told him he had a mess and should clean it up. She sat on his body and John and Bonnie watched as Bob moved around and picked up the globs of cum he had shot on Ann and he began to eat it. Bob took it all from his fingers and her fingers and licked and sucked them clean. When he had finished she laid back and told Bob she needed freshen up. Bob dropped down and immediately licked Ann's pussy, clean of her own cum. We all sat there nude facing each other. Bonnie realized she had agreed to Ann's demands without saying a word. She wondered what that would mean to her life as she knew it. She felt her face get warm and she knew she was blushing with fear and excitment this time. 3248 1.36/512345
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