Saturday, November 24, 2012
Surrogate Father
Surrogate Father (Slut wife mmm/f ) By Jet Lag My wife Tina and I have been married for about 5 years now. We married when she was 20 years old and I was 24. Tina is what many people consider to be a knockout blonde. She is tall with long legs a trim waist and an ample bustline. Her bright blue eyes sparkle. She definitely has that centerfold look. She is not bashful about showing off her sexy figure particularly those full C-cup breasts and likes to wear tight clothing that will compliment her body. Tina loves all the attention and compliments. We had always been very careful during sex, and Tina insisted that I always wore a condom to avoid any mistakes resulting in an unwanted pregnancy. Our sex life was good mainly because my young wife had a strong sexual appetite and we made love at least three or four times a week. She has never really complained about any inadequacy from my small penis and I have consistently made it a point to please her in other ways such as oral sex. I thought that our marriage and our sex lives were going along just fine. Tina and I both worked at a large software company where we held good jobs in different departments and in different parts of the building complex. I was always so proud of her and how sexy she looked. She was invariably a hit at the various company parties and picnics and enjoyed all the attention and flirting that she received from her male coworkers. We were living out the American Dream. Tina wasn't really too interested in having children. I on the other hand wanted to raise a small family with at least one and maybe two kids. We had decided that, once we were able to afford a nice home in the suburbs we could consider starting a family. Eventually we did buy a nice house, and I reminded Tina of my strong desire to begin our family. She was still very hesitant, and it was only on rare occasions that she allowed me to make love to her without my condom. It was only during what she told me was her "fertile time". More and more she was asking me to service her orally. After about four or five months with no success at pregnancy I suggested we go to a fertility clinic to be checked out. Tina was very reluctant to go and I had to practically drag her down there for our series of appointments. However, each time we that returned home from a visit my wife was all worked up sexually and demanded an oral tongue lashing the moment we walked through the door. We had gone for several visits and had a number of exams performed on each of us separately. The results confirmed what Tina had been telling me right along. That is, due to a low sperm count, combined with my small penis I was unable to successfully fertilize my wife. I was devastated, and wanted to go back for more tests, but Tina refused. One morning, during our commute into the city, we discussed our dilemma. I brought up the subject first. "Tina, you know I really want to start a family but if you wont cooperate and go back to the clinic we wont get anywhere" I pleaded. Tina answered in a gruff tone. "It's not me that has the problem and I'm not going back there. Period." When she gives me that tone it's hopeless to argue, but still I pressed her "Why won't you go back there" I whined "You know how much it means to me." "I'll tell you why" she snapped "I don't like the way they conduct their exams at that place. Every single time we go there they put me in an examining room and make me get all undressed and sit there without a johnny or anything to put on. Then the same three doctors come in and check me all over. First one doctor checks my blood pressure while I am sitting there nude and the others are staring at me. Then one by one they take turns examining my breasts. A female doctor has checked me for lumps before, and she didn't do it like that. They make me put my hands on top of my head while they squeeze my tits and pinch my nipples. Sometimes they have a student doctor come in and check me too! Then they always make me lay down and they insert some kind of thermometer up my crotch. It's big and thick. It goes way up there and then they start moving it in and out in and out in and out! The entire time I am at that clinic they make me stay nude and they don't care about anyone seeing me either. Sometimes some of the other men patients see me naked. Who do they think they are kidding? I can plainly see the smiles on their faces and the big bulges in their pants. I wasn't born yesterday! Is that what you want to put me through again, Frank?" Tina was pissed, but I was sure she was exaggerating. "Look honey." I said in my best reassuring tone. "That clinic is very highly rated and I'm sure they know what they are doing. You know how much it means to me. I really want to have a family with you and unless you can think of another way we're kind of stuck with the clinic thing. Just promise me that you'll think about it. Okay baby?" Tina just sat there in silence. It was a long quiet ride into the office. That evening, on the ride home, Tina brought up the subject of the clinic. "You know honey, I've been thinking about our family, like you asked, and I think I have the answer for us . a surrogate father." She had a devilish grin. "Great!" I shouted spontaneously "I'll contact the clinic and get a list of the sperm donors and all the pertinent information. We can get started right away!" "No! I told you I'm not going back to those perverts at that clinic." Tina insisted "I want to have our baby the normal way. Except, because you can't do it, we need to use a surrogate father to do it for you." "What exactly do you mean?" I asked sheepishly "Well" she started "Because you can't get me pregnant . in the normal way, we can get someone else, a surrogate, to . uh . have intercourse with me and make me pregnant. We can get someone who is good looking and intelligent, with a healthy family background and who has a big enough . uh . unit . to get me pregnant for you." I was in shock. Here was my beautiful blonde wife suggesting that she have sex with another man, a handsome intelligent man with a big cock, and worst of all, with my consent.. But I remained calm. "I think we should stick with the clinical approach, honey. This sounds too kinky to me" "Kinky! Kinky! You think my idea is too Kinky!" Tina snapped " But it's not too kinky to have three doctors staring at you wife naked and feeling up your wife's tits to their hearts content and shoving instruments up her cunt, that's not too kinky!" I just sat there silently while Tina ranted on. "Look Frank. It's not me that has the problem. It's you and your tiny penis. It's you who wants to have a family so bad and I'm just making a suggestion that's all. Now I'm not going back to that awful clinic with those perverted doctors. If you want me to have a baby we have to do it the normal way or not at all. It's my way or the highway!" Tina sat there fuming, her arms folded under her full bosom. Her chest heaved up and down as she breathed heavily. She was obviously very pissed. "All right, all right, don't get so worked up." I tried reassuring her "It's just that I love you so much I can't imagine someone else having sex with you that's all. If that's the only way we can have a baby together, well, I'll have to think about it a little." We both sat there quietly as we headed down the highway towards our suburban development. Tina had calmed down and she was fidgeting with the radio when I broke the silence with a question. "Where would we get someone to be a surrogate father and who would it be?" I asked sheepishly. The devilish grin returned to Tina's beautiful face and her blue eyes sparkled. "I thought we could get some candidates from work. It's a big company and there are lots of handsome, smart men who work there. Some of them make passes at me already. I'm pretty sure we can get a few of them to start right away." "A few! A few of them! "We need a few of them?" Now it was me who had snapped. Tina moved quickly to calm me down she slid closer to me and put her left hand on the back of my neck and used her right hand to lightly caress my crotch. An unimpressive tent immediately formed in my pants. She had me right were she wanted. Tina still had that devilish grin and she began speaking in her irresistible little girl pouting voice as she continued rubbing my crotch. "Well honey, it could be a problem if we actually know who the father is. If we use more than one surrogate we wont really know which one got me pregnant. If we can avoid knowing who the father is it will be better for all of us don't you think?" She was right. If we knew who the father was there could be emotional, financial, and visitation issues. With all the crazy things in the news regarding adoptive parent's rights and deadbeat dads grandparents visitation, you name it, we were probably better off not knowing. Before I knew what I was doing I agreed with her. "All right honey, we can do it your way." I told her. Little did I know how much I would regret those words. The next day I contacted the clinic and got copies of all the standard consent and family history forms for sperm donors. That night we reviewed the forms and agreed to go ahead with using surrogate fathers to get my wife pregnant. That's when Tina produced a form of her own that she had typed up. Basically it was a written agreement between Tina and I outlining our unorthodox plan for starting a family. It stated that I understood that these men would be having sex with my wife and that I consented freely. The agreement further stated that the sex with various men was to continue until such time as my wife became pregnant. It stated that I could not object in any way or hold her liable for adulterous behavior and could not file for divorce. As a penalty, I would forfeit our home, cars, and bank accounts in any proceeding to enforce or annul the agreement. That devilish grin appeared again as I signed the agreement. Later on, she had her two girlfriends sign as witnesses, and placed the document on file with an attorney. Tina wasted no time in making appointments with various candidates. On the very first night, my wife scheduled three software engineers from work to drop by our house to apply for the position. My stomach was doing flip-flops as I sat in my study working on the consent and family history forms. I wasn't so sure that this was a good idea, or if I was really ready to have my beautiful sexy wife making love to a variety of men. Meanwhile my wife was humming away around the house, acting all bubbly and excited. Tina was dressed in a pair of spandex shorts that looked like they were painted on her. Her ass looked great and her pussy was clearly outlined by the tight material. She wore a thin white top, a half top really that barely covered her tits and left her flat tanned stomach fully exposed. Her full tits bounced playfully under the top whenever she moved. Her long blonde hair was neatly tied up on top of her head. "That's what your gonna wear tonight?" I asked her. "You'll embarrass me" The revealing outfit was more humiliating to me than if she was totally naked. "What's the matter honey." Tina had a seductive smile and went right into her little girl pouting voice. "Don't you like it. I just want to keep the guys interested and be sure they know what they're getting. Besides, this is what you want isn't it? You want someone to get me pregnant for you don't you? And if they are going to do that they might as well get a good look at me first. This is much better than that nasty perverted clinic isn't it?" Tina came up close to me and gave me a big kiss. I folded. "Sorry honey, I'm just having trouble getting used to this surrogate father idea." I reassured her. Just then the doorbell rang. "I'll get it" Tina announced as she bounced over to the door. Moments later my wife emerged into the living room with her three coworkers in tow. They all had huge grins on their faces as Tina introduced them. My grin was more than a little forced. One by one I took each of them into my study to ask them the personal family questions and get them to sign the consent forms. Then I called Tina in and we discussed their applications. It seemed to me that they were all okay candidates. We both emerged from the study and decided that Tina would give them the news. My wife stood in front of them and put her hands behind her back, which made her tits stick out even more, straining against the thin material. She looked terrific and sexy as hell. Her perfect centerfold body was proudly on display and she loved it. Her bright blue eyes sparkled in the bright lighting of our living room. Tina looked over at me and smiled seductively before she began her announcement. "As you already know, the reason you are here is because we were checked down at the fertility clinic and my husband's penis is too small and his ejaculations are so minimal that he can't get me pregnant. We want to have our baby in the normal way but Frank and I don't want to run into this problem again, so if you don't mind, I would like to check each one of you and examine your equipment for myself. If one of you would follow me into my husband's study we can get started." All three of them jumped up at once. "One at time please" Tina laughed as she pointed to one guy, Mark, and led him away to my study. She glanced back at me and gave me kind of a half smile half smirk as Mark placed his hand on her nicely shaped ass. This wasn't part of the plan. I was dumbstruck, overcome with embarrassment and I couldn't look the other fellows in the eye. Humiliated and distraught, I retired to the bedroom. About an hour later my wife joined me, while I was lying in bed wearing just my pajama bottoms. She sat down on the bed next to me. "Going to bed so early Frank?" she queried. "I just couldn't stay there while my wife was in the next room checking out guys cocks, okay." I quipped. Tina's voice was low and soothing. She began stroking my little pecker. "I'm only doing this for you, baby. You want me to get pregnant right? So I had to make sure that all the guys were big enough before you start letting them fuck me. You want to be sure they all have big enough cocks, right? And I want be sure that we don't end up with someone who is too small or can't cum enough like you or we'll be right back were we started. I only checked out their equipment so you wouldn't have to." I was confused, but somehow her words were making sense to me. In fact, I was beginning to find the whole idea strangely erotic in some way. I wanted to hear about my sexy wife and her coworkers with their big cocks. The thought of it was really beginning to turn me on. It was like the slut wife fantasy I had read stories about. "What did you do with them" I asked sheepishly. "Are you sure you want to know" she said as she began stroking me faster. "Yes tell me, tell me how you checked their pricks" I panted Tina gave me that half smile half smirk again as she started recounting her examination of the three men. "Well, I brought each of them into your study and asked them to open their pants and show me their equipment. Mark was first, and his cock looked a little small to me. But he said it was much bigger when it got hard, so I made him sit down in your chair and I knelt down in front of him and started to rub his prick like I am doing to you now. Mark reached up inside my top and started feeling my tits, he said it would help him to get hard faster. So I pulled my top up over my tits so he could get a good look at them at let him play with them for a while. Sure enough his cock got pretty big." "I couldn't just leave him like that, all aroused and everything, so I kept rubbing his cock faster and faster. I let him play with my tits and rub my cunt a little. I didn't think you would mind seeing that eventually you would be letting him fuck me. Next thing you know he was shooting his cum like crazy all over the place. He got a lot of his cum on my tits and on your chair. He apologized and cleaned it all up with his hanky." "The second one was Bill. As soon as he got in your study his hands were all over me. He was kissing me and rubbing my ass saying that he couldn't wait to start making babies with me. I let him feel me up for a while. Then I sat him down in your chair and knelt down in front of him to open up his pants and check out the size of his equipment. Bill's cock was pretty big and it wasn't even hard yet. He was never circumcised so he had skin covering up the tip. His cock was really thick. My fingers could barely go all the way around." "I started rubbing his cock and it got even bigger. It had a big purple head hiding under that foreskin. I couldn't believe the size of it! All I could think of is how lucky you are, honey, to have that thick cock fucking your wife and making a baby for you." "I was letting Bill play with my tits and rubbing his big cock faster and faster. I thought he was going to cum any minute and I didn't want to make a big mess, like the last time, so I leaned over and put his cock into my mouth and began sucking on it. Sure enough he started squirting his hot cum in my mouth almost right away. He really got a lot in there but I was able to swallow all of it, so we wouldn't make a mess in your chair. It didn't taste as bad as I imagined it would." "The last guy was Andy. As soon as he got into your study with me he dropped his pants and his huge prick was standing straight out. God, Frank, his thing is the size of my forearm! I thought Bill's cock was big but Andy's has to be at least twelve inches." "Andy held me in his arms and started kissing me. He was holding my ass and gently pulling me in and out against his body. His big prick was right up against my cunt and he kept rubbing me with it. Between all the kissing and rubbing he must have broke down my resistance. Next thing you know he's got my shorts and top off and I'm leaning over your desk letting him fuck me from behind with his huge cock. I must have had two or three orgasms right in a row before he started squirting hot cum way up inside me." "Frank honey, I know that, at the right time, you were going to want him to fuck me. But I wasn't ready. I just finished my period a couple days ago so I can't get pregnant yet.. You're not mad are you Frank? . Mad that Andy fucked your wife a little before you were ready to let him?" Just at that point, I started dribbling cum out of my little pecker. I guess her having sex with this guy and his monster cock turned me on in a strange sort of way. The whole thing was a little too erotic for me. It was very confusing. On the one hand, I loved my beautiful wife and wanted to raise a family with her. The downside was that in order to get what I wanted I had to let her coworkers have sex with her. "I'm not mad honey. I guess he just got a little head start." I lied. The next day, my life with Tina began to change. She started wearing shorter skirts, sexier underwear, and most days she went to work without a bra. We were still commuting into work together, but she would often get a ride home with one of her coworkers. The number of surrogate fathers on our "approved" list had grown to seven members. Tina had shut me off for sex already telling me that she had to save herself for the surrogate dads and somehow made it all seem like she was doing me a big favor. Tina confessed that she was letting the guys feel up her tits and her ass around the office "Just to keep them interested". Sometimes she would skip her lunch hour with me to interview a new perspective surrogate. My wife explained that she had to "let them feel her up or maybe let them fuck her just a little bit to be sure they had the right equipment." It was starting to get to me but I really wanted to start a family in the worst way. We had set up our guest bedroom to accommodate the frequent sleepovers that would be inevitable. Tina wanted a new bed, curtains, shades, and a locking doorknob. The beginning of her fertile period was starting and Tina wanted Mark to be the first. She told me that she wanted to start out small and work her way up. I guessed that Andy would be the last guy in a long line. That night Tina rode home from work with Mark. I had to work a little late and when I arrived home Tina and Mark were in the kitchen talking. She was standing next to the countertop and preparing a salad or something. My wife looked so hot and sexy that night. She was wearing a short yellow sundress with a deep scoop neck and thin straps. One of the straps had slipped off her shoulder slightly exposing the top of her tanned breast and ample cleavage. Mark had his hand up under my wife's dress resting on the soft white globe of her round ass. Her dress was lifted high enough in the back to give me a clear view of her white panties and Marks hand gently probing behind the covering. "Hi honey, I'm home" I hoped this announcement would cause them to stop. "Hi babe" Tina shouted from the kitchen. Neither her nor Mark interrupted what they were doing. I noticed a pair of pantyhose thrown on the sofa and Tina's shoes nearby on the floor. I imagined that when my wife got home and removed them it was all the invitation that Mark needed. I couldn't watch. I retired to my study to finish up some paperwork. We all sat down to dinner together, which, for Mark and I, was a very quiet and tense affair. Tina, on the other hand, was her usual delightful and bubbly self. Bouncing in her seat and chattering away. The strap of her sundress kept slipping off of her shoulder almost exposing one of her breasts. She would leave it down for a while and then, while fixing it, look up at me with that devilish grin, or over to Mark with a seductive smile. The sexual tension was unmistakable. After dinner, I returned back to my study to bury my thoughts in work. Meanwhile, Tina and Mark were on the couch talking in the next room. At one point, I peeked out the doorway at them. The strap on my wife's sundress had slipped down again but this time it fully exposed one breast and her large pink nipple was totally uncovered. Tina and Mark were kissing passionately. Her sundress was bunched up around her hips and Marks hand was busy down inside my wife's panties. I thought Tina noticed me looking, but she couldn't have because she took Mark's head in her hands and pulled it down right on her exposed breast and then reached into his lap and started rubbing his crotch. I couldn't bear to watch so I closed the door to my study and tried to continue working. Moments later, Tina knocked at the door and entered the room. "Honey, are you sure that your okay with this?" She asked "I want to try and make a baby for you, because I love you and I thought that this is what you wanted." "I'm sure" I said, "This part is a little hard for me." My wife licked her lips and got that devilish grin again. "Then you want Mark to fuck me? You won't mind if he fucks me?" Tina stood there waiting for a reply. I didn't know what to say exactly. After a brief silence, Tina must of thought I needed more convincing. She moved close to me. She pulled the straps to her dress down so her tits were fully exposed. Tina took my hands and placed them on her tits. Once I took the bait and started massaging her sexy breasts, she leaned over and gave me a big kiss. Tina started rubbing my crotch and an unimpressive bulge promptly formed in my pants. She knew how to get her way. Tina started rubbing my cock and speaking again with that little girl pouting voice. "I'm only doing this for you, Frank, because you want me to have a baby. Now I have already gone ahead and gotten Mark all worked up and everything. He has me a little worked up too. I'm going to let him fuck me, okay? You want Mark to fuck me right?" She started rubbing me faster and faster. "You're my husband so you have to tell me." She explained "You have to tell me that you want him to fuck me for you . because of your small little penis." She slowed down on her stroking but continued speaking in her pouting voice. "I want to let Mark fuck me okay? Now tell me. Tell me you want Mark to fuck me." At that point I started to cum right away. Tina knew this would happen. I knew I was beaten and promptly gave in to her "Yes honey, I want him to fuck you." Tina gave me a quick kiss on the cheek as she quickly covered up her top. She moved toward the door and looked back to shoot me that little grin / smirk of hers as she left. I couldn't believe what was happening. Here I was giving permission to my beautiful, no drop dead gorgeous wife to have sex with a coworker. I couldn't concentrate on the project I had been working on and decided to go up to bed and rest. Unfortunately, the guest bedroom shares a common wall with the master bedroom. The walls are paper-thin and I could clearly hear what sounded like heavy sexual activity in the next room. My wife was moaning and talking dirty to Mark. "Fuck me! Oh Mark Fuck me harder! Your cock is so big! Fuck me with your big cock. Make me get pregnant!" I don't know if it was for Mark's benefit or for mine. In any event, I couldn't take it and decided to go out for a few beers instead. By the time I returned home Mark was gone and Tina was asleep. The next ten days or so consisted of the same routine. Each night I would come home to find my wife with another coworker flirting and petting each other. At first, I was going into my study and trying to put the whole thing out of my mind. But then Tina would come in and try to make me say that I wanted, Bill or Tom or whoever to fuck her! One night she called me out of the study into the living room. There she was sitting on the couch with Andy. Tina's top was pushed up over her big tits with her nipples fully exposed. Her bottoms consisted of a sexy pair of silk panties. Andy's pants were open and his huge cock was standing at attention. Andy had his hand on my wife's tits and was alternating feeling up each one. Tina had a grip around Andy's huge manhood and was gently pulling up and down. "Frank honey I wanted you to see Andy's big cock. It's huge isn't it?" I didn't answer. I just stood there mesmerized by the scene in front of me. "I'm going to let him fuck me with this big cock, you don't mind do you?" Tina had that devilish look again. This was really getting to me. Again, I just stood there. Refusing to answer. "You want Andy to fuck me too, right?" She quizzed "You want Andy to fuck me with his big cock and give us a baby right? Tell me. Tell me you want Andy to fuck me." "Tina, I want Andy to fuck you." I answered in a bland monotone. Tina started talking in her pouting voice again. "Frank now if you really want him to fuck me come over here and take off my underpants for me. Take off my underpants so Andy knows that you really don't mind him fucking me." Andy and Tina were both gigling. Humiliated and defeated I walked over and removed my wife's silk panties. Tina gave me that half smile and half smirk while Andy laughed out loud. Her and Andy headed upstairs to the bedroom. The last thing I saw was my wife's bare ass swinging as she walked away. That's the way it kept on going. Most nights she forced me to say that I wanted the guy to fuck her. A lot of nights I had to take off her panties too. This was all too much. Finally, I just decided it was better to go out and get drunk, try and forget about it. In spite of all the intercourse my wife was having, her period arrived right on schedule. Tina did not seem as disappointed as I obviously was. "Don't worry honey. I'll keep trying for you." She assured me. This was not really working for me. The following month things just got worse. Most nights, I would arrive home to find Tina parading around in sheer nightgowns, or even topless in front of the surrogate father of the day. She was making me take off her underpants, for her, the moment I got home from work. She said it made the surrogate fathers feel more comfortable. She said it showed them I was okay with letting them fuck her and it proved to her that I really loved her. When I tried to object Tina would remind me about the agreement I had signed. After a while, Tina was having two or three guys over at a time. She told me that one guy at a time didn't seem to be working. They were feeling her up and fucking her all over the damn house. She was even fucking them and sucking them right in front of me! I couldn't take any more and didn't even bother to come home at night during her "fertile time". The problem was that the "fertile time" was turning into every single day of the month. The days when she was actually bleeding she was giving them all blowjobs, to help them "keep the sperm production going" It was really getting ridiculous. Months and months went by but still no luck on getting my wife pregnant. Then one sunny Saturday I decided to take Tina's car to the car wash. When I went to get the keys from her purse I made a fateful discovery. a package of birth control pills. I immediately phoned her doctors office and the pharmacy. It seems that Tina has been steadily on birth control pills ever since we got married. five years ago. There was, of course, no way she was ever going to get pregnant. Ever! I confronted Tina and she didn't deny it. I moved out and filed for divorce. I lost everything. I moved away to a different state and got a job for an Internet startup company. I threw myself into my work to try and forget about what had happened. I worked long and hard. The company eventually went public and I received millions in stock options. I fell in love and married a wonderful woman. Much to my surprise she became pregnant right away and we have a beautiful baby boy! We are now living a very happy life. I hope my ex wife reads this and feels as bad as I did when she was humiliating me. I guess the old saying is true! All is well that ends well! End .JetLag 6875 1.61/512345
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