Friday, November 23, 2012
The Mall Tease Falkun
The Mall Tease Falkun Part X. Marx Despot There are times when teaching seems like a drag. When the kids are acting bratty or the Headmaster is playing tyrant I wonder why my wife and I chose the profession. On the other hand in the summer we both have three months off to spend as we please and that is wonderful. I was a comfirmed bachelor till the age of 45 and then I met my wife. There was no way I could resist her and I've never regretted giving up the single life. Tammy came to teach at Roachford Heights Grammar School right after graduating from college. I fell for her at once and consider myself lucky to have such a beautiful young woman for my wife. I was a happy man the day she became Mrs. Dale Falkun The fathers of Tammy's students never minded a bit if their kid came home with a note from the teacher. Most of them were more than happy to have to come in and have a meeting with her for any reason. The principal, an old battle axe who wore support hose and orthepedic shoes, could never figure out why Tammy's students never had any trouble getting their Dads to come to class activities when none of the other classes ever had much of a turnout. I could have told her the reason if she had asked. Tammy has long blonde hair down to the middle of her back and at 25 years old is still as firm as she was when she was a college cheerleader. Her pretty face is the envy of all her friends and her body is sexy as hell. She's about 5'4" tall and weighs 116 lbs with measurements of 36C-23-35. Now wouldn't you like to be called in to the teacher's office? At first our life together was perfect and the sex was fabulous, but at the age of 46 for the first time in my life I was having trouble getting an erection and keeping it long enough to please Tammy. She always told me not to worry about it, that everything would be O.K. Then one day something strange happened. We had some guys over who were pouring concrete for a new patio in the backyard. Tammy was giving them last minute instructions on how we wanted it done and she had dressed in a rush since she didn't want them to screw things up before she could talk to them. We had been lounging around the house in our pajamas when they arrived and she threw on the first thing she could grab which was an old tank top and a pair of blue silk running shorts. The shorts were a little too tight and normally she only wore them at home when we were alone. The tank top was actually one of my old ones that had shrunk and she wore it around the house also. She was in such a rush she didn't have time to go upstairs and put on a bra or panties. There were three guys doing the concrete work and as she was talking to them I glanced out the window and noticed that whenever Tammy wasn't looking they were checking out my wife's body. I stood to one side of the window and decided to watch what went on. Tammy was talking to the foreman, pointing out some details of what she wanted done and the other two guys were standing behind them. Tammy bent over to look closer at something and one of the guys nudged the other with his elbow as if to say "Look at that ass!". The next time she bent over, the other guy stood a few feet behind my wife and put his hands on his hips and thrust his pelvis in her direction as if he was fucking her doggy style. They kept laughing and making obscene gestures but every time the foreman or Tammy would turn around they would act innocent. A few minutes later they were mixing the concrete and using our garden hose to get water. Tammy was standing pretty close watching them work and "accidentally" got sprayed by one of the guys who had been staring at her ass before. She jumped and he apologized, saying, "Excuse me Mrs Falkun!", and they all laughed about it. What Tammy didn't realize was that when her tank top got wet she looked like she was in a wet T-shirt contest. Her big brown nipples got stiff as a board and practically poked through the thin material. The wet, thin shirt molded itself to her C-cup tits to the point that she may as well have been topless. They could see every curve of her breasts and let me tell you they were enjoying the view. She was unaware of what a show she was giving them and went on talking for a few minutes and then started back in the house. As she walked away from them one of the guys grabbed his cock and humped his hips in her direction, thinking that no one was watching. It was then that I realized that my own dick was stiffer than it had been in months and when Tammy came back inside I was all over her. I grabbed her hand and placed it on my stiff cock and then led her over to the couch. I pulled her wet shirt over her head and yanked down her shorts. She pulled my cock out and in no time I was inside her, fucking my gorgeous young wife like she deserved to be fucked. Tammy was really into it and had several orgasms and my cock stayed hard as a rock till we were both done. Afterward we stretched out on the couch and held each other and talked. "I'm not complaining you understand but what got into you all of a sudden?" she asked. "It was the little show you were giving the workers", I told her. As I suspected she didn't know what I was talking about and I had to explain. "Oh my God", she exclaimed, "You mean to say they could see my nipples and everything? And they were making rude gestures behind my back too?" "You can't blame them Tammy", I told her, "A woman as sexy as you is irresistable when you are dressed like that and to be truthful it really turned me on to see how bad they wanted you. As a matter of fact my cock is hard again just talking about it!" Before I knew it we were fucking again and Tammy also admitted that it turned her on to know that she had teased the workers. The sex was so damn good that we decided we needed to recreate the event. We knew we couldn't do it at home because of our jobs, so we planned to go away for the weekend to a city about 50 miles away. I made the hotel reservations and everything was set. When we arrived Tammy suggested we go to the Mall and not only could she buy some sexy clothes it would also give her plenty of guys to show off for. "Just one thing though", she said, "We're just going to tease and show off for a few guys and then come back here and fuck each other, it doesn't go any farther than that." I agreed but my cock got rock hard just at the idea of another man fucking my young wife. At the mall we went straight to a women's clothing store that was known for having really sexy outfits. She took several outfits with her and went into the changing room which was closest to the chairs where the husbands and boyfriends were waiting for their ladies. After a few minutes the curtain parted and out came my wife dressed in a hot pink string bikini but still wearing her high heeled sandals. "What do you think Dale, is this too revealing for me to wear to the beach?", she said out loud as she walked out. Her tits were barely covered and her ass was looking hot as hell. The other guys forgot about their wives and were staring at Tammy like she was the only woman on earth. She pranced around in the bikini asking me if I thought it looked all right on her and I assured her it was very nice indeed. When she went back in the dressing room she purposely left the curtain open about 6 inches and three or four guys who were sitting there had a perfect view of her as she began to strip out of the bikini. Since she was standing in front of a miror they could see both the front and the back view as she twisted and turned to take off the bikini top. There stood my sexy young wife not more than six feet away from three horny strangers as they stared at her naked cunt, ass and tits. I glanced over at the men and it was obvious that they had huge hard ons from looking at my wife. My own cock was pulsing and I couldn't wait to see what she did next. As we all watched, Tammy wiggled her round ass into a pair of pink short shorts that were so tight that if they hadn't been made of spandex she wouldn't have got them on. Each hemisphere of her perfect ass was distictly visible in them and her ass looked good enough to eat. About two inches of her butt cheek hung out the bottom of each side of the shorts and I thought I would cum in my pants when she bent over to adjust the buckles on her high heeled sandals. Next she put on a tiny white halter top which had a low, scoop neckline and was made out of a thin jersey fabric. Her hard nipples showed clearly through the thin fabric and every curve of her 36C tits was on display. She pulled back the curtain and came out, asking,"What do you think of this outfit Dale? Do you think I have a good enough body to wear something like this?" She did a little twirl and raised her hands over her head, making her tits jiggle and sway. "I think it looks great Honey", I told her, "but I'm prejudiced because I love you. What do you guys think of this outfit? Give them a closer look Tammy." Tammy walked over directly in front of the three lucky guys and turned her ass toward them. Since they were sitting and she was standing her sexy ass was only a foot or so from their faces and they were staring straight at it. "These shorts aren't too tight are they?, she said to them. Then she bent over and her shorts rode up a little more and she said, "I'm not showing anything I shouldn't, am I?" All three guys stammered and stuttered and finally one of them said, "Lady a woman with a body like yours doesn't have anything that shouldn't be shown off." "That's for sure", said another, "I wish my wife looked half as good as you." Tammy thanked them and we purchased several items and she wore the new outfit out into the mall. With every step she took, another man would do a double take and try to catch a look at her body. Tammy wanted to check on a compact disc she was interested in so we stopped at a Music Shop. There were several black kids hanging out, most of them boys around 18 or 19 years old. Tammy started checking through the bins for music and several of the young men stopped talking and just stared hungrily at my wife. She made it a point to bend over farther than she needed to so that they could see right down her halter top. I was beside them and got the same view that they did. Her big tits were hanging and swaying when she moved and a couple of times I saw her nipples peek out of her top. One of the older boys got rather bold and walked over to Tammy and started a conversation. Soon a whole group of young black men were huddled around Tammy and she was flirting and teasing with all of them. They told her that there were some rare albums over in the corner of the store and if she liked, they would show them to her. When they got her off in the corner, one of them said, "Lady you are one fine looking white bitch. How about if you share some of your goodies with us home boys?" He looked her in the eyes and pulled her against his body and started rubbing his cock on her pussy. "Now just a minute", Tammy said, "I'm a married woman." Another guy came up behind her and grabbed her arms while one of the others put his hand over her mouth so she couldn't scream. They started roughly grabbing at her body, squeezing her big tits and running their hands over her ass. The leader of the group worked his fingers into the leghole of her shorts and plunged his black finger deep into her cunt. I knew I couldn't stop all of them so I got the managers attention and he came over to see what I wanted. I asked him if he had a certain piece of music and he showed me where it was. The guys had scattered when they saw him coming and Tammy was trying to adjust her clothing. When we got outside of the mall she whispered, "My God I thought they were going to rape me right there in the store! My pussy is so wet. I loved the way they man handled me." I cupped my hand over her cunt and said, "It looked so fucking hot to see them run their hands all over your body, my dick is harder than ever before. Let's go to the van and fuck right here in the parking lot." When we got to the van Tammy crawled in the back and I was right behind her. She pulled off her top and shorts and laid back naked with her legs spread wide open. I had my pants down around my ankles and was just about to stick my dick in her when we heard voices. "Where the hell did she go?" said one guy. "I don't know, I could swear I saw them come this way, stated another. I put my index finger to my lips to signal Tammy to keep quiet and I peeked out the side window and saw two of the black kids from the music store. I whispered to her and told her who it was and then I slipped my cock in her cunt and began fucking my beautiful wife while just a few feet away they continued to talk about her. "Man that bitch had some fine fucking tits on her", said the big guy. "No shit, and that ass was just made for butt fucking, said the other. "Did you really have your finger up her cunt?", asked his friend. "You better believe it dude and that was a tight pussy too", he answered. As they continued to talk crudely about Tammy's body, my cock pistoned in and out of her pussy. "Does it turn you on" she whispered, "to know how bad they want to fuck me? That big kid had his finger in your wife's cunt! If they knew I was here they would come in here and fuck your wife for you!" My cock began to spray her full of cum and she started quivering from her own orgasm. It was all we could do to keep from screaming and giving away our location to the men outside the van. After a few minutes they gave up searching for us and moved on. When they were gone she said, "MMMMMMMM That was great wasn't it? Why don't I change into a different outfit and then we'll go back in the Mall and have some more fun." I was all for it to say the least. Tammy went through the outfits we had purchased from the first store and chose a little white cotton sun dress that had a low cut top held up by spagetti straps. It was really short and only hung down a couple of inches below her ass. "That dress is sexy as hell on you Honey", I said. "You don't know just how sexy it is", she grinned, "I don't have on any panties!" We walked back into the Mall and headed for a shop that specialized in sexy lingerie. There were quite a few husbands who were shopping with their wives. When Tammy wiggled in wearing her sexy sun dress most them forgot about their wives and started staring at my wife. She made it a point to bend over more than she needed to and make sure that they all got a good look at her big tits. She selected a few items and then took them into the dressing room, being sure to choose the room closest to where all the men sat waiting for their wives. Again she left the curtain open 6 inches or so to make sure that if they looked they would get an eyeful, and all of them were looking. She stopped for a second and then seemed to remember something and walked back out and right up to a young guy sitting right next to me. "Excuse me young man", she cooed, "Would you be so kind as to unzip the back of my dress for me?" He was more than happy to help and his fingers trembled as he took hold of the zipper and started to tug it down. His eyes got as big as saucers when he pulled the zipper all the way down and realized she wasn't wearing panties. Her dress was open about halfway down her bare ass cheeks and then she wiggled back into the dressing room, her naked ass on display to all of them. Every man in the room was staring into her dressing room through the 6 inch gap in the curtain. Tammy grabbed the hem of her dress and pulled it over head, leaving her naked. She turned around and faced the guys and then stretched her arms over her head, causing her big tits to rise invitingly. My cock was ready to burst as they all stared at my wife standing totally naked just a few feet away from them. Next she put on a matching black lace bra and panties set and I about had a fit when she walked right out into the main part of the store in nothing but her underwear. She stood in front of the mirror and preened and fussed with her bra as if checking to see if she liked the way it fit. The panties were the thong type with her ass totally bare and her pussy only covered by a sheer triangle of silk. She walked back down the line of men and stopped in front of me and bent down to give me a big wet kiss. Then she whispered in my ear,"They all have nice big hard ons, I think they want to fuck your wife, maybe I should let them!" Then she went back into the dressing room, took off the bra and panties and put her little sun dress back on but this time she let the spagetti straps fall down over her tanned shoulders and then she folded the front of the dress down so that her big tits were exposed almost to the nipples. We decided to get a bite to eat so we went into a little cafe and sat down at a table in the corner. There was a big muscular white guy about 35 sitting at the counter and he was staring at Tammy with great interest. "Tease him a little", I said softly, "Show him how hot my wife is." She waited till no one else was looking and then while he was looking right at her she pulled down the top of her dress just for an instant and he got a look at her stiff nipples and big firm tits. He just smiled and didn't say anything so I reached over and pulled her dress up in front so that her pussy was exposed to his eyes. Then Tammy reached down and spread her cunt lips with her finger as he stared at her with lust in his eyes. He got up and started toward out table. "Now we did it" I laughed, "How are we going get rid of this guy, he's going want to fuck you and you know we aren't going to do that." "Don't worry", she giggled, "He looks decent enough, he won't bother us." When he got to our table he pulled out his wallet and flipped it open and showed us a badge! "Excuse me folks", he said in a gravelly voice, I'm going to have to ask you both to come down to the Mall Security Office. You're going to be charged with indecent exposure and lewd conduct." We were both in shock. As we followed him, we both realized that if we were convicted of a charge like that we would both lose our jobs at the school. What had we gotten ourselves into? The Mall Tease Falkun Part X. Marx Despot We arrived at the Security Office and there was another officer there. He was about 50 years old with a beer belly and a stubble of beard on his face. The first officer explained what the charges were and then the older man turned and looked us straight in the eye. "Well I'll be damned", he said with a sneer, "If it isn't prim and proper Mrs. Falkun from Roachford Heights Grammar School. I'll bet you don't even remember me do you?" "Uh, Well, Uh, I'm sorry", my wife stammered, "Have we met before?" "You bet we have Mrs. Falkun, my little boy was in your class last year. Remember Bobby Baker? You got him expelled from Roachford Heights for peeking under the little girls skirts at recess. You called me in to your office like I was some fucking peasant and lectured me with your high and mighty tone and then you got my son kicked out of school. Well now, won't it be interesting to see how you like it when your school board sees the security cam pictures of you flashing your titties all over the mall today". Oh shit. He had us dead to rights and we didn't know what to do. Tammy pleaded, "I'm begging you Mr. Baker, the only reason we did it was because my husband couldn't sustain an erection unless I exposed myself to other men". Baker and Greg broke out laughing, then Baker turned to me and said, "The big man can't get his dick hard enough to fuck his own wife huh? This is the funniest thing I've ever heard. You have your own wife show off her cunt to other men like some damn whore and then you can fuck her, is that it?" My face burned with redness. I felt like I could never be more humiliated but I was soon to find out differently. "Please", Tammy pleaded, "Couldn't you just let us off with a warning? We would be so grateful. We would be willing to do anything to repay the two of you." Baker looked at the younger guy and said, "What do you think Greg? Does the teacher have something we might trade her for us keeping quiet about today?" "How about if she finishes what she started", Greg grinned, "My cock has been hard as hell ever since she flashed that little blonde cunt at me. What do you say Teacher, why don't you just take that little dress all the way off this time and we'll fuck your tight little pussy for you!" "Now just a damn minute!", I exclaimed, "You're crazy if you think I'm going to stand by and watch while you both fuck my wife!" Baker turned around to to a control panel filled with security cams and pushed the play button. Tammy's face flashed on the screen and then the camera zoomed back to show her in the Music Store being finger fucked by the big black kid. He hit another button and the scene changed to a shot of her flashing her tits at Greg in the restaurant. "Would you prefer that we just send a copy of this tape to the President of the school board?", he sneered. I looked at Tammy and saw the resignation in her eyes. We both knew there was nothing we could do but go along with their blackmail. "Take off your dress Tammy.", I said softly, "You have to give them what they want." Baker laughed and reached behind my wife and unzipped her sun dress until her naked ass was exposed. With a desperate look in her eyes she pulled the little dress forward, let it drop to the floor and stepped out of it. In spite of our situation, my cock began to swell at the sight of my young wife standing naked in front of two men who had every intention of fucking her. "Look at the front of his pants Greg", laughed Baker, "He's getting a stiff dick thinking about us fucking his wife!" Baker and Greg both stripped out of their clothes and Baker locked the door. Then he approached my wife and pushed her down roughly to her knees and said, "Start licking my cock you snooty bitch. I think it's time for the teacher to take her Oral Exam!" Tammy knew she had no choice so she began to lick the head of his cock, stroking his balls at the same time. Her soft pink tongue traced little swirls on the head of his dick causing him to moan with pleasure. Next she took his cock into her mouth and began to suck it hard making him groan with lust. He grabbed the back of my wife's blonde head and started to pump his cock all the way into her throat until his balls were touching her chin. "This fucking slut wife of yours can really suck a dick. Now we're going to see how good she is at swallowing my cum!" He wrapped his fingers into her blonde hair and pulled her face forward till his pecker was deep in her throat and began to shoot his load into my wife's throat. She gasped for air and some of his juice dribbled out of her mouth onto her naked tits. "You ought to have her suck your dick Greg", he said, This slut has a mouth like a vaccum sweeper." "No way man", said Greg, "I'm going to fuck that little cunt she flashed at me. I'll bet that is one tight little hole." He pulled her up onto her feet and led her over to the security desk. Then he pushed play and the video of her teasing him with her bare cunt came on the screen. As he shoved his big dick into my wife's pussy, he said, "This is what happens when you cocktease bitch." He began to fuck her violently, his body slapping against hers faster and faster. He reached around in front of her and began to stroke her clit causing her to inhale sharply. "Hey the teacher's cunt is getting really wet, I think she likes having me fuck her good and hard." "How about it Teacher? Do you like getting fucked by a real man? Do you like it from a man who doesn't have to play games to get a hard on? Answer me Teacher!" "Oh God Yes!", Tammy screamed, "I love the way you're fucking me! Your cock is so much bigger and harder than my husband's dick. Please don't stop, I'm cumming!" Greg took one last stroke and began to spew his sperm deep into my wife's cunt. She whimpered with pleasure as her orgasm shook her body. Greg pulled his dripping cock out of my wife's body and collapsed onto the floor. "Clean off my dick Teacher", he ordered her. She never hesitated a bit. Tammy got down on her hands and knees and began licking his dick clean, running her tongue up and down it and then taking it into her mouth lovingly until he began to get stiff again. Baker walked up behind her with his lunch pail in his hand. He reached in and pulled out a shiny red apple and set it on the floor beside Tammy. "If you give me a real good fuck I'm going to give the Teacher an apple", he sneered and then roared with laughter at his own joke. He plunged his dick into my wife's cunt and began to stroke it in and out. "Your wife is a real good fuck, you know that Falkun? But of course first you have to get your pecker hard and you can't do that without help can you!", he said, roaring with laughter as he fucked my wife doggy style. She continued to suck Greg's cock as Baker fucked her blonde pussy. Then Baker reached up and spread her ass cheeks, exposing her tight little asshole. He inserted his index finger up to the first knuckle and said, "Now that is a tight little hole there. You ever been fucked in the ass Teacher?" "NO!", Tammy screamed, "Not my ass, I've never let anyone fuck me there." Then she tried to pull her ass away from him but Greg grabbed her by the arms and pulled her back into position and forced her to take his cock back into her mouth. She tried to wiggle her ass to get away but it just made Baker want her all the more. He pushed his dick against her asshole and began to force the head into her butt. Inch by inch he worked his cock into my young wife's ass. She tried to scream but Greg still had his big pecker in her mouth and was just about to shoot his cream into her throat. He grunted like an animal and filled her mouth with his second load of sperm. Baker was still shoving his cock deeper and deeper into her ass and laughed as he said, "Now pay attention Mr. Falkun because when we're done there will be a Pop Quiz and I'll ask you how many times we fucked your wife!" Then with one last thrust he emptied his balls into my wife's butt and collapsed onto her back. They made her lick their cocks clean one last time and then let her put on her dress to leave. "What about the tapes?", I asked, "Will you destroy them now that you got what you wanted?" Baker looked at Greg and laughed. "I don't think so Mr. Falkun", he said with an evil leer, "We just might have some homework for the Teacher to do next week. We've got your address and we'll be over next saturday night and bring a couple of friends. We might let you have the tapes someday but not until you both have learned your lessons. For now Mrs. Falkun, I want you to write on the blackboard 100 times, "I will not dress like a slut", "I will not dress like a slut", "I will not dress like a slut...' 4382 1.55/512345
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