Friday, November 30, 2012
Ms. Marca Part 64
This is more in the life and times of my wild and wicked ways. This is about me... just a part of my life! Ms. Marca Part 64 ********* You need to read part 63 to get the full story*********** Two weeks later after a dinner and dance party at the club. "Marca, honey, you know all those guys that kept asking you to dance tonight?" Tim said this to the rhythm of his trying to slow fuck-stroke me. This was followed by a breathy silence a couple of more fuck-strokes long, then I whispered hotly, "Yeah?" "You were dancing real close to a few of them, did they rub up against you?" Oh boy show time! "Yes, and a few got hard when they did, were you thinking about them screwing me?" "Don't be mad Marca, I just saw how they held and danced with you!" "I can see it turns you on, so keep thinking about it during this fuck!" Tim continued the sensual pace all the while our whispered conversation took place. "What are you thinking, seeing them with me, here in bed, you watching them fuck me?" "I keep imagining that you were dancing with them nude." "Oh, yeah?" There was no disguising my obvious interest in his fantasy. "I also keep wondering what it would be like if we were in the bar together but pretended we didn't know each other. You know, and I got to watch you flirt and dance all sexy as hell with a strange guy and then..." "Oh god yes, Tim, oh yes, I will, that is so hot, I'll do it!" Tim was suddenly pumping hard into me, moaning and coming to beat all. I screamed acting as if I had a huge orgasm and nearly tore a swatch of hair out of his head. I made it obvious I really dug the direction of the conversation. It was a few minutes, however, before Tim or I resumed our narrative. "Damn Tim that is one hot fantasy you got! That made me so horny and hot, to think you would watch me screw some ole big stud." "Marca it is just a fantasy, you know I would never want any man to do that to you!" (Shit, I was hoping I had him on the right track. Bingo, an idea!) "Tim you still look at my pictures that I put on your laptop of me, you still jerk off to them in the hotel room late at night?" "Ah, ... sometimes, why?" I told Tim that the next time he was out of town for a few days, I wanted him to think how it would be to watch me boldly come on to a strange man, to see me make out with him on the dance floor of some pick up place. To watch him feel my hot ass, and then run his hand up to my huge knockers while he french kissed me passionately. Then I wanted Tim to think about him rushing home before I got here with the big stud and he would hide under the bed or in the walk-in dressing room and wait. I wanted him to listen and even peek if he could as I talked dirty to the guy and finally screwed him. "Wow Tim, would you beat-off to that?" "Jesus Christ Marca your making me hard again! Oh Marca, your such a tease, you wouldn't?" "The next night you call, I'll confess everything to you over the phone, telling you how I picked him up and screwed him either in his or my car. I might go into details how he followed me home and made me screw him here in our own bed!" "My god Marca, look, I'm hard as a rock!" "Show me Tim, how you jerk it when your in the hotel alone!" For the next 10 minutes or so I watched Tim jerk off and when he dribbled his last little drop off, I said goodnight and we both went off to sleep. ********* Three weeks later Tim was out of town and I was busy doing my thing. On Thursday night around 9 Tim called me. We had the usual small talk about my day and his day and that he would be home the next day, Friday afternoon, and we would have dinner at the club that night. Than he said he had called me last night and I didn't answer. I was silent. "Marca, honey you there?" "Yes!" "Honey is there a problem, ...where were you?" "Out!" "Where were you Marca, you're getting me worried, where were you!" "I need to tell you something, but I don't want you to be angry. Promise me not to get mad!" "Marca I promise, I trust you, you know that, I'm calm!" "Tim you remember a few weeks ago we talked about me going out to some pick up bar and doing some dancing with some of those young guys and tease them like we talked about?" "Marca you said you would play like you went out to a bar. Marca you didn't? By yourself, you went in a pick up place alone?" "Oh Tim was I to play like I went, I thought I was to go dance and flirt with some big stud! Tim you're mad aren't you?" "I'm not mad honey. I'm calm, just lets talk about it, tell me what happen!" "Tim promise me you want get mad at me!" "Marca, I promise, tell me what happen!" "Tim we always said we would be honest with each other and if something came up we would talk about it, didn't we?" "Yes Marca we did, so lets talk about it, I don't like the sound of this, I'll tell you that mush! I'm calm, I'm not going to get mad!" "well I got dressed up kind of sexy in a low cut dress, with 6 inch heels, you know kind of wild looking thing, I did get a lot of attention when I walked in. I went to this pick up place out near the airport where business men go to dance and have a drink, my hairdresser told me all about it. I went to just listen to the music. In the short time it took for me to order my drink, there was already a guy leaning on his hands on my table, flirting like hell with me. I glanced around the bar to see if anyone better looking than him might make a move on me. I saw their was no one and then completely gave the guy my full attention. As soon as I started speaking to him in an animated way, licking my lips and batting my eyes, even reaching out and touching his hand lightly to emphasize something, I thought he would die from getting aroused." "Marca you were making him hard?" "Yes his crotch was right in my face, standing at the table like that, I couldn't help looking at it, he had a tent in his pants. Tim he didn't even try to hide it from me. He could see down my front and I didn't try to hide them. Hehehe, guess I was bad! Then he asked me to dance. We weren't exactly touching each other to the fast number, but we were fast dancing on a crowded floor very close to each other and there were many, many excuses for him and I guess me also to bump and rub our bodies together. You know how I can dance and make my breasts bob violently up and down and makes my cleavage swell and pulses over and over. I showed a lot of cleavage last night, maybe too much! Then came the slow dance. He wrapped his arms around me and had them on my ass, pulling me in to him. Damn his ole penis was hard as a hammer, I felt it run up my stomach. I got a little carried away, I wrapped my arms around him as I crushed my boobs against his chest. My heart absolutely stopped as he lowered his lips to mine and kissed me full on the lips!" "Oh no I can't believe you let him kiss you!" "Tim I didn't let him kiss me, he just did it, well I might have gotten carried away, I didn't know how to stop him he was a big man, the next thing I remember I kissed him open mouth. His mouth opened hungrily to accept my tongue and before I could say anything we were chewing on each other's tongue, god Tim just like a couple of teenagers. Around 10:30 I told him I had to go that I was married woman and my husband was out of town and he might call home looking for me. I didn't take my car Tim, you know how I get when I drink, so I took a cab. When he wanted to walk me to my car I told him I was taking a cab, well that was when I made another mistake, he insisted on taking me home." "God Damn Marca you let him take you home? What if he tried to have sex with you, he might have tried to rape you. What if someone saw you with a strange man, oh my god!" "Tim I know, that came to me about half way home. I wasn't thinking to good at the time, he had me all worked up. I better not tell you anymore your mad!" "No I'm not mad, I'm calm, go on tell me what happen!" "well he got me home and on the way I kept thinking about that fantasy you had of watching me do it with some guy and in my mind you were in my walk-in dressing room closet where you could see everything. You were completely hidden by the clothes that hung in there. It was the perfect vantage point to see our bed across the room. Christ! I told myself ... you must be thinking what a whore I'm married to!" "Marca I have never said that or think that!" "Tim I felt like I was one last night, but anyway, This is where things got confusing for me, I don't remembering how we got up to our bedroom and I was thinking you were in the closet. I told myself Tim well stop him if he tries to go too far." "Shit Marca, he could have killed you, my god your lucky to be alive!" "Tim he seem like a real nice guy, he didn't seem to force me into anything, I might had to many drinks, you know I can't drink. I kept telling myself that you wanted to see his cock! Like we had talked about. I made sure the night stand light was on so you could see it, I knew you could hear everything. You could hear a zipper come down and than hear me giggle and than I gasped. "Oh Marca what did he do to you did he hit you?" "No, I saw his cock in the dim light, my god it was big. Biggest thing I have ever seen!" "OH NO, you didn't?" "Tim I couldn't get my hand and fingers around it!" "GOD DAMN MARCA!" "You're mad at me?" "No, I'm calm, go on!" well if your not mad, OK... then I kept thinking you might have a hard time seeing but you had to hear a sloppy, slurping sound, the sound of sucking, you know that sound I make when I suck your little thing! You heard the springs of our bed squeaking in a regular rhythm, SQUEAK... SQUEAK-SQUEAK... SQUEAK... Then you had to hear wet, squishy noise, almost like someone smacking their lips over and over again, only not exactly. It was my tiny, squealing voice chanting the words, "Oh God, oh God, oh, oh, oh, Go-AW-d, oh God," to the steady beat of the squeaking and squishing." "What was it Marca?" "It was me getting my brains screwed out not fifteen feet away from you. I looked toward the closet, knowing you were there. I kept thinking you would stop him any minute, but than we talked about you watching me. I told myself you wanted to see the huge tree trunk of a cock he had pumping in and out of me, the entire shaft slippery with my juice and stretching my cunt lips out far further than your dick ever had! After a minute or two when you didn't come out I figured you were enjoying it, so I would also. This guy was on top of me and having the time of his life. As I kept thinking you were looking on and liking what you saw." "Shit Marca, you wanted me in there to see you with him, for real?" "I kept thinking you were in the closet as the guy wrapped his arms around my gigantic boobs and pressed his face desperately into my cleavage. He continued to take me as he painted my lips with his face and tongue, slurping and choking on my huge nipples. I knew I wouldn't last long now. You know how I love to have my tits sucked. Suddenly, he was plowing away more heatedly than ever. In no time I was crying for him to fuck me good. It was perhaps my biggest orgasm in my life. I kept telling myself that this has got to be making Tim hard and I was thinking you were pounding your stiff meat every time I looked over toward the closet." "Jesus, it is, I mean, what happen next?" " After I had my first climax, I thought for sure that this guy would pull out soft and limp as soon as I calmed down a bit and you would come out and make him get out. But the guy hadn't cum at the same time that I had. He wasn't done with me by a long shot!" "Damn Marca did he hurt you, that bastard!" "He rose into a kneeling position between my legs. I at once rose on one elbow and reached out to his huge prick. Tim it was just the biggest ole thing I had ever seen. Then, staying on his knees, he moved up and straddled my waist. I knew well what was coming next because I had done the same thing many times with a old boy friend who had a dick like his." "MARCA WHAT DID HE DO!" "Tim your mad I can tell!" "No I'm not mad, just, ah ...!" "Tim are you excited, this making you have wild sexy thoughts about me/us?" "Yes, tell me baby, tell me please!" "well when men see me and my attributes they think of one thing, well big cock guys do, they thing of ....titty-fucking...!" "He didn't, ah... did he?" "When you didn't come out of the closet, I told myself you wanted to see more." "GOD DAMN IT MARCA I WAS NOT THERE!" "I know that now, I didn't last night, I TOLD YOU I WAS CONFUSED! You hate me don't you?" "No honey I don't hate you, I sorry I'm yelling, go on!" "well when I saw he wanted to titty-fuck, I reached over in the night stand and grabbed the tube of K-Y out of our bedside drawer, flipped open the cap and squirted an enormous load of it on my cleavage. This guy laid his monster right between my gigantic knockers! It looked at first as though I was holding a loaf of French bread to my bosom. At once he started rocking his hips in and out, as I pressed my mountains of flesh from the sides. As the huge knob of flesh popped out of my cleavage, I bit and sucked on the head. This moment was repeated over and over again at a frantic pace, for about 10 minute, and then, the biggest, creamiest, whitest load of hot cum sprang from this monster cock and scalded my face, tits and neck. As I rubbed it into my skin with my left hand, it got all over my wedding ring. I looked toward the closet and giggled, I know you were not their, I just didn't at the time!" "Marca, it was just a fantasy I had, I didn't think you would ever do it! Was he better than, it sounded like he was bigger, was he?" "Yes Tim he was, I know your going to ask how big so I might as well tell you, he was 12 inch long and 3 inches across, his ole cock head looked like a big purple plum. Oh and his balls had to be the size of hen eggs, extra large grade AAA! He let me put the tape that I keep in my night stand to him before he left, while it was still hard!" "OH MY GOD! Marca how did you take him, didn't he hurt you?" "That was the one thing that I said to myself when I was sucking on him on the way home in his car, how well I ever get all this in my poor little pussy, you remember how snug it was Tim, well honey, it is kind of stretched today! He took his time with me the first time we did it. He would slip a inch or two in and hold it until I nodded for him to give me more, he was very good at knowing how to handle a woman!" "SUCK HIM OFF IN THE CAR! The first time you, ah ... how many times did you let him screw you?" "Tim this is upsetting you I can tell!" "No I'm not upset, just want to know what all took place!" "If your OK with this, than...ah, let me see the first time we did it, I was on my back, he went easy like I said on that screw. Than he tit fuck me, I told you about that one. We rested for a while and I fell a sleep and about 2 this morning I woke to him slipping it in spoon fashion. After that time I had to go pee and I came back to bed with a wash cloth and cleaned him up and we slept in until 5. He said he had to get to the airport to get his flight. I think he saw how I kept looking at his big ole monster and how my nipples gave me away, I was horny you know how I get in the morning. So I got on top of him and we screwed one more time, I rode that big ole thing for a good 20 minute, than we took a shower and he did me dog style in the shower, I had to bend over against the shower wall. and than that was it. Oh well when he got to the front door he kissed me bye and I got carried away again and blew him off at the door, but that doesn't count as a screw does it?" "YOU BLEW HIM AT THE FRONT DOOR!" "Tim your screaming at me, your mad again aren't you?" "I'm sorry, I want scream at you again!" "well I tired to blow him off at the front door, he kind of got mad at me also." "What, he got mad after what all you let him do and what you did to him!" "He just kissed me at the door to say good bye, all I had on was my little red silk robe, you know the one that comes down to my crouch. well we were giving it a big wet French kiss and my hand went to his dick and I felt it, you know how I get when I play with your cock and the next thing I know he is up against the door and I had his pants down to his knees and I'm sucking and stroking his shaft to a full hard." "The son-of-a-bitch got mad at you, fuck that bastard, you were giving him a BJ and he is mad?" "Yea, he did, made me feel like a tramp! I was on my knees sucking on him and I ran a finger up to his ass, you know how I do that for you hun! well I was trying to get my head down under his legs to lick his ass hole, hoping he might stay just a little longer. Damn his big ole thick cock was as hard this morning as it was last night, it looked like a big black snake. Than he just pushed me away and I fell on my butt near the stairs. I was in a daze, what happen went though my mind, did I do something weird. He looked down at me and said. "You're a fucking whore can't you ever get enough, you're a nymphomaniac. You fuck like a wild woman!" Than he open the door and told me to never ever try to pick him up again, I think he screwed to much last night, his ole pecker was sore, ... or something like that!" "BLACK SNAKE! MARCA WHY DID YOU CALL IT A BLACK SNAKE?" "Oh Tim, honey didn't I mention that to you? He was a black dude, nice looking black guy. He said he played football in college!" "Jesus Christ Marca, you had sex with a black man, my god you got to go to the doctor and get checked out!" "well he seemed clean, he was a nice guy most of the night, well until he got pissed off at me, I just tried to give him a nice send off." "Fuck him Marca, so he didn't hurt you? Marca, I just can't believe you did that, it was just a day dream thing, something that turned me on when I'm here in the room at night!" I can see the boy is not ready for this type of action, not yet, but I'm getting him their. "Tim so you don't want to do this with me next week one night, me go out and pick some guy and you watch?" "GOD DAMN IT, ...! No Marca, I can't handle that, I just can't believe you did it with someone, did it in our bedroom, in our wedding bed, that hurts!" (OH ME!) You better thing fast girl. "DAMN YOU TIM! You think I screwed some guy in our bed last night, you ass hole!" "You didn't Marca, this was all make believe?" "You sorry bastard. you get your ass home and you better be on good behavior, thinking I was screwing some man in our bed, I hate you!" "Oh Marca I'm sorry, you just sounded so... damn it seem so real. Marca I love you please forgive me for not trusting you, I'll make it up to you, am I forgiven?" "You go get on that plane and get home, well talk about what you got to do to make it up to me, yes I love you to honey!" "Marca, I'm on my way to the airport, see you late tonight, bye!" No Tim I didn't fuck this guy in our bedroom, the mother-fucker was screwing me in the hall just as we got in the door, we never made it up to the bedroom all night! to be continued.... 2055 1.14/512345
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