Sunday, April 28, 2013
And Baby Makes Three
AND BABY MAKES THREE By Slirpuff Men aren?t as stupid as women think. Most men are usually smart enough to see what?s going on, even if they don?t say anything. I know that I fit into that category at least. My name is Steve and I?ve been married to Lucy for 10 years. I would have said 10 wonderful years if it weren?t for the fact that she?s cheating on me for the second time since we?ve been together. The 1st time was before we even got married. We were a new couple and I caught her fucking around at a party we were at. I went out to get some munchies and couldn?t find her when I got back. I found her in a back bedroom getting ready to go at it with some guy. I proceeded to kick the guy in the nuts, went down stairs, grabbed a beer and left. For the next two weeks I heard every excuse for her actions from; being so drunk she didn?t know what she was doing, or she was just going to show him her new tattoo on the small of her back and the best one, she wanted to see if I was Mr. Right by sleeping with someone else and comparing. Whatever the reason, I told her to fuck off and I never wanted to talk to her again. We broke up for almost a year and met up by accident at a friends wedding. I was in the wedding party so I just couldn?t leave when I saw her. She was with some dildo that got drunk and was making a scene when I stepped in. I escorted him out and Lucy stuck like glue to me for the rest of the night. She proceeded to say how sorry she was and that she?d grown up over these past months and that she do anything for another chance. Anything ended up being two straight days of hot sex back at my apartment. Lucy was tiny, 5?1? and weighed only 100 lbs wringing wet but had the body of a model only on a small scale. She had a round apple bottom butt and tits and nipples that cried out to be sucked. She wasn?t much of a bottom girl but loved to ride my cock until I shot off. Her only fault was she didn?t like to suck cock. She would give me a blowjob just long enough to get me hard, but would never let me shoot in her mouth and god forbid would she ever swallow. Oh well, it was a small price to pay for great sex otherwise. Lucy loved to be eaten. I?d spend hours licking that shaved cunt until she literally erupted and shot all over my face. The first time it shocked the shit out of me and I thought she?d pissed all over me. It took me a minute to realize what it was. From them on, I never let her cum until I?d teased her for at least a half hour. Her clit was tiny, but just large enough to be sucked on and licked. It would grow to about 3/8? and got really red after working on it for about 10 minutes. I loved to suck and pull on her cunt lips, which drove her wild. It was like trying to lick a moving target when she got hot and was ready to climax. My favorite position was when she was on top, facing away from me, so I could pull her back against my chest and play with her clit and tits. When she started cumming, it was the greatest sensation, her tight pussy muscles clamping down on me all the while her cunt was letting loose all this warm liquid on my dick; if I hadn?t cum before, I cam immediately at that point. After fucking around a couple of times in an evening, a change of sheets was in order, or someone was going to be sleeping in a huge wet spot. We were an item again and after two years we got married. The real world kicked in and the total fun time at college was over. We both got demanding jobs; me in sales and Lucy in advertising, which kept us hopping the first few years. After that, the pace slowed a bit and we got in a grove of sex three to four times a week, which was up from one to two when we could squeeze it in or weren?t too tired. We talked about starting a family but agreed to hold off until we were a little more established in our jobs and had purchased a house. It was about 4 years after we had gotten married when I noticed a change in Lucy. She was having a lot of late night meetings and even though she still dressed very professionally, her type of under garments did a 180-degree switch. She was always a sexy bitch but wore white cotton shorts and a standard bra. When she suddenly switched to satin underwear, thongs and half bras I was delighted but puzzled. She told me she felt a little naughty wearing something sexy under her suit and more than once she did a great strip tease for me when she came home from work; dinner was really late those nights. But something was different and I couldn?t put my finger on it. When our lovemaking went from 4 to 2 times a week, and she seemed bored just hanging around with me at the house, I knew something was up. I didn?t have the money for a private dective; so I just monitored her e-mails, phone calls and when she worked late. I started stopping by for lunch and that at times she almost seemed annoyed that I was there. When she introduced me to the rest of her team members, and that?s when I met Dave. Now it all came back to me, it had been Dave this, Dave that and Dave and I were working on this new project. It didn?t take a rocket scientist to figure out what was going on at those late night meetings. The kicker came when she came home late on Thursday, our designated sex night, and she jumped into the shower to freshen up. I noticed she?d wasn?t wearing any under wear and called her on that. ?I started spotting and got blood all over them so I just tossed them, if we?re going to have sex it has to be tonight because I?ll be flowing like a stuck pig tomorrow? she told him. Sex was ok at best that night. She didn?t want me to go down on her because ?it was gross? to eat out a bleeding pussy and she rushed us through it because she said she was starting to get cramps. I watched her for a couple of days and her period never came. No pads, tampons, nothing. I gathered that she must have had sex with ?Dave? and didn?t want me catching her. The final straw came when, after getting a call that said she was finishing a project and wouldn?t be home until late, I drove over to her work. I tried to get into the building but the guard wouldn?t let me in. Instead of making a scene, I waited in my car outside. Dave and Lucy came out together and got into his car. I could see that she gave him a kiss and I followed them to a local Italian restaurant. They took a booth in the back and sat there holding hands and kissing. I left when Dave came around and sat next to Lucy and his hands disappeared below the table. I watched Lucy?s face and it said it all. I left and headed for home. On the way I called Lucy and asked how her meeting was going. ?Pretty well and she should be home in about two hours,? she told him. Steve was pissed, another lie and he was fed up with it. ?Hell honey? Steve started, ?it shouldn?t take two hours for you and Dave to finish dinner and fuck, your probably creaming all over his hands as we speak.? The phone went silent, ?hon we have to talk.? ?Fuck you, your shit will be on the front lawn when you get home.? ?You?d better hurry though, it might rain before you get there? Steve said as he hung up. After the 10th call, Steve turned off his phone. It didn?t take him as long as he thought to pack up Lucy?s clothes and put them in trash bags and haul them to front lawn. Steve filled a total of 15 that included one hell of a lot of shoes. As he filled the last one he said to himself, who can wear 25 plus pairs of shoes? Oh well, it wasn?t his concern anymore. Twenty minutes later, Lucy was banging on the door; thank god for safety chains. She screamed, shouted and yelled for about 45 minutes before giving up. She piled half of the bags in her car and drove off. Two hours later, Steve looked out the window and saw that all the bags had disappeared. Taking another beer out of the refrig Steve sat down and thought of his next move. How the fuck did they let a good marriage get away from them. He knew he worked too much and he?d gotten his priorities mixed up. He thought if he was bad, Lucy was a 100% worse. She was a climber and let nothing stand in her way of getting what she wanted. Half way through the beer he thought about the family and house and the white picket fence life he?d worked for and now had fell through his fingertips. He wasn?t sure if Lucy and Dave had done the big nasty but was pretty sure based on what he?d observed in the restaurant. Over the next week, Lucy tried 100 times to reach Steve at home, work or at his friends house; he refused to take her calls. He had no idea where she was staying but had a pretty good idea. Lucy had an older married sister, Karin, that lived about 25 miles from our apartment and Steve figured that was where she?d gone. Steve went to work Monday like always and after the 15th call from Lucy, he?d had enough. The next time she called, he answered. He waited through her sobs and apologies and finally told her point blank it was over and to leave him fucking alone, and then hung up; the calls stopped after that. Steve got a quick uncontested divorce, neither one showed up to court, and he closed that chapter on his life. Steve still thought about her and missed her, but could no longer trust her. He wanted to know if she was all right but thought if he called, it would start all over again. After 6 months thinks started to get normal. He?d got a small promotion and with the extra money, put a down payment on a small two bedroom house; a handy man special. Steve spent the next two months painting, cleaning and getting it to a point that it was looking pretty good. He thought about Lucy and how it?d been their dream to own their own home and start a family; well with her out of the picture he?d have to start over again. Since Lucy left, Steve had gone on a few dates but mostly went out as part of a group of friends after work and on weekends. There wasn?t anyone that really interested him at this point so he just played the field. One evening after having dinner with a vendor he thought he?d spied Lucy getting into a cab. It kind of looked like her but the girl was pretty fat and it was dark so he let it go. All the way home he thought about her and wondered how she was doing until he almost slapped himself. ?Come on dude, snap out of it, she?s gone and not coming back; get on with your life? he said to himself. It wasn?t more than three days later that he got a call at work from Karin. She started off with, ?Lucy would kill me if she knew I was calling you, but I felt you should know that she?s pregnant and due within two weeks? she told him. Steve paused and replied, ?I hope her and Dave the best but I don?t see that it?s any concern of mine,? he told her. ?Look, I know she did you wrong and I?d be the first person to tell her to fuck off, but it?s your baby.? Those words cut like a knife through him. ?Can?t be, we barely had sex the last month after she started bonking that prick Dave? he replied. ?Well it seems he?d had a vasectomy a couple of years earlier so there was no way it could be his.? ?And besides that, after that night she never saw him again.? ?She quit her job there and went to work at a small mom and pop agency closer to where I live? she explained. ?It also seems that Lucy wasn?t the only one of the team Dave was fucking around with.? ?About a month after she left, Dave and his new screw buddy were caught by her husband.? ?Unlike you, he didn?t walk away but beat the ever loving shit out of him and pressed charges.? ?He lost his job and god knows where he is now,? she told him. ?I?m sorry Karin, but I still don?t believe it?s mine; she probably fucked someone else in between Dave and I ? he told her. ?Hell all she did was lie to me, so how can I believe any of this; do you see where I?m coming from?? he told Karin. ?I understand your still pissed, but it is your kid and I just thought you might want to know your going to be a father whether you like it or not.? With that she wished me well and hung up. ?I?m going to be a father?, he thought to himself. ?Fuck, my kids going to be a basterd and won?t even have my last name? he followed up with. That night Steve had dinner and drove around trying to clear his head and figure out what to do. He stopped at the local watering hole to have a cold one when Tim caught him at the bar. ?Long time no see,? he told him. They talked briefly about where each one was and Steve asked him; ?If Tina ever fucked around on you, what would you do?? Tim thought for a minute. ?I don?t think she?d ever do it, but I?d probably want to kick the shit out of both of them,? he told Steve. ?But, after I got over that, I?d probably sit down and ask why?? ?I think that would be the deal breaker,? he told him. ?Why do you ask?? ?You haven?t heard anything have you?? ?No, I just wanted your opinion before I did anything.? Steve heard nothing from Lucy or Karin until the day she went into labor. Karin called from the hospital to announce that Lucy gave birth to a little girl and named her Carrie. Steve told her he would stop by after work to see the baby. ?You mean Lucy and the baby don?t you?? ?No? Steve said, ?just the baby.? ?Don?t be so pig headed, you know she still loves you don?t you?? ?Ya right, she had a funny way of showing it? he replied. ?What ever, I?m not going to argue with you? she replied as the phone went dead. Steve was at the hospital by 5:30. As he was inquiring at the desk, one of the doctors came up to him. ?Are you Steve Thompson?? he asked. ?Yes I am, why?? ?If you don?t mind, can you come with me for a minute? he asked. In his office, he asked Steve if he could get a swab of his saliva for a DNA check. ?Is there something wrong with the baby?? he asked. ?No, she a healthy baby girl, but Lucy?s sister Karin wanted me to ask you if you?d do it so the paternity of Carrie can be determined.? ?I hate to have a birth certificate where the father?s name is left blank? he told Steve. ?Sure no problem, how long does it take?? ?Only two days, so I?ll call you with the results.? Steve went up to the nursery to see the baby and saw Karin at the window. ?Did you do it?? she asked. ?Yes? Steve told her. ?Thank you, this way you?ll know for sure that she?s yours and not someone else?s,? she told him. The nurse was holding up Carrie to the window and Karin was right, she was beautiful. ?You going to see Lucy?? ?Not until the results are in,? he told her. ?Dick head, she loves you and you know it, you two belong together.? She said as she punched him in the shoulder. ?People make fucking mistakes, your not perfect you know? she yelled at him. True to his word, two days later the doctor called and told him he was the father of Carrie. Steve was overjoyed but sad at the same time. The next three days were tough. He thought of every reason in the book not to see Lucy but always came back to the fact that even though he was still mad at her, he still had some fillings for her. Steve called the hospital but found out that Lucy had checked out, so he called Karin to see where she was staying. ?Where the fuck do you think she is?? she spouted off to Steve. ?She and the baby are staying with me, I for one wouldn?t turn her away like some people I know? she told Steve. ?Ok already, enough of the sarcasm Karin, can I see her?? ?Suit yourself, she?s not going anywhere, but if your coming over to rake her over the coals again, please stay away, because she?s really tired.? ?I just want to talk to her,? I told her. Karin and her husband had a nice house in a gated community. Her husband met me at the door, shook my hand and told me that he knew where I was coming from, but appreciated me being there. Lucy was in a bedroom breast-feeding the baby when he walked in. ?If you want, I?ll come back,? he told her. ?No please stay? Lucy told him, shocked that he was even there. ?This baby never seem to get enough,? she said with a little laugh. After that, there was this long period of silence, which Lucy broke. ?I?m sorry I hurt you, it was a stupid thing and I?ve regretted it ever since? she told him. ?Are you sorry because it was wrong or just sorry you got caught?? he asked. He regretted what he said almost as soon as he said it. She started to cry and hung her head. ?To tell you the truth, both? she told him. ?Either you or I were always working and not taking business at home.? ?Believe it or not, we never really did it, we were close and may have the day you caught us in the restaurant, but we never actually did it.? ?You?re the only man I?ve been to bed with since we were married,? she told him. ?David showered me with attention and it just went to my fucking head and now I?ll never know if I would have gone all the way with him.? ?So, if you?re trying to make me feel bad, don?t, you can?t do anymore than I?ve done to myself over these past 9 months? she told Steve. ?I know you don?t believe it, but I?ve never stopped loving you, in spite of everything that has happened? she sobbed. Karin came in and told Steve it was time for him to leave, because Lucy was tired and she didn?t have the strength to rehash the past at this time. Steve went up to Lucy and kissed her on the forehead. ?I still love you too,? he said as he walked out. On the drive home, everything went through his head; it was time to shit or get off the pot. Karin could hear the beep beep of the truck as it backed up the driveway. As she looked out the window all she could say was ?what the fuck?? She opened the front door as the men came up the driveway. ?Can I help you?? she asked. ?You ordered a moving van,? one of them said. ?No I didn?t,? she told him with a puzzled look on her face. Just then Steve appeared from the side. ?I ordered the truck to take my wife and baby home where they belong? he told her as he walked through the door and headed to the back bedroom. Lucy sat in a chair holding Carrie as Steve entered. She was surprised and told him she was tired and would talk to him later. ?Fair enough? he told her, ?but we?ll do it in our house, not here; you and our baby are coming home with me? he said as he went over to her and kissed her. ?I need you two with me because I still love you? he told her as he helped her to her feet. It took the rest of the day to move her stuff to our house and get it set up. To Lucy it was like a dream, was it really happening? After her last feeding Lucy and Steve watched her fall asleep in her crib in her new room. Taking her by the hand, Steve took her to their room and kissed her softly then hard as he held her tight. ?This isn?t going to be as easy as it was before, but as long as we?re both willing to work at it, I know we can make a new start? he told her. ?Shut up and make love to me? is all she said as they fell into bed. They had issues but they knew that they had something that was worth saving so they both worked at. The only condition was that they would never lie to each other again because it would be over for good because three strikes and your out in any game and marriage is the biggest game of all. 9897 1.93/512345
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