Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Fun With Sister-in-Law Ch. 04
We fell asleep in each other's arms, a combination of the wine and all the earlier excitement. The couch was long enough for five people and deep enough so we both had room to stretch out. An hour or so later, I woke with a full bladder and slipped down the hall to the nearest bathroom and relieved myself. Returning to the couch I looked down at my wife sleeping so soundly that I just joined her as before and decided not to go to our bedroom. I couldn't sleep and started thinking of how lucky I was to have such a woman for my wife. I certainly didn't deserve her thinking of the things I had done in my early life. We both worked in the same office and after a few weeks we got in the habit of having lunch together. After awhile I asked her to dinner and a movie and I was pleased to have her accept. She lived on the outskirts of town while I lived closer to the office. Since I had a car, I think she was glad for the transportation I provided. Soon I was picking her up in the morning and taking her home after work, even when we didn't have a date. I was careful not to hit on her as I could feel she had no wild sexual fantasies and was very prim and proper in her behavior. I finally got the courage to give her a peck on the cheek when picking her up and dropping her off. One night at the movies I slipped my arm around her and was relieved she didn't remove it. She let me hug her and kiss her lips after that, so I figured things were progressing. When summer arrived I took her to the local beach and we brought a picnic lunch and plenty of cold beer. She wasn't much of a drinker, but would sip one or maybe two during the day. When I first saw her in a bathing suit, I was stunned. She wore a one piece sort of old fashioned suit, cut high to cover her breasts and with a fringe to protect her pubic area. In spite of the suit I could tell her figure was a winner. Small breasts for sure, but prominent enough to make a bulge in the material. Her legs were absolutely gorgeous, nice muscular calves and slender thighs. Narrow waist and superb fanny. I had to turn away so she wouldn't notice the bulge in my shorts, not that she would know what it was. I complimented her and she blushed as she smiled at me. We smothered ourselves with sun creme as this was our first visit and we didn't want a burn. She actually put the lotion on my back and rubbed it in until it disappeared. I tried to do her, but her suit covered too much skin. Late in the afternoon we decided to leave and she asked me to hold up a towel so she could slip off her suit and put her blouse on. I nearly choked as I thought of the possibilities this offered. "No peeking now", she said as I stood and held up the towel. I was a good six inches taller than she is, so it was hard to keep the towel high enough and sure enough as I struggled with the damn thing, it slipped and I saw her breasts. They were small as I said but very perky with little pink nipples and beautifully shaped. She saw me looking but said nothing as she slipped into her blouse, not bothering with her bra. On the drive home I asked her to sit by me which she did without hesitating. I put my right arm around her and pulled her closer. "My, aren't we getting frisky," she said as she snuggled closer. Casually I let my hand slip down her side and cupped her sweet breast like I was holding an orange. She didn't move or talk, so I started rubbing her tit through the thin material of the blouse. Still no negative reaction so I boldly dropped my hand down to her waist and came up under the blouse until I was again touching her warm breast. I gently stroked the side and felt her shake a bit. I started rolling her little nipple between my fingers until she started moaning and then crying. "Are you alright I asked", as I pulled my hand away and put her blouse back down. "I'm fine, but please don't do that again." she said as she moved back to her side of the seat. I took her home and she jumped out of the car before I had a chance to kiss her or say goodnight. The next day at the office she was as pleasant as always, even though I hadn't picked her up at her apartment. "I told her I was sorry for being so stupid, not even calling to tell her I wasn't going to bring her to the office." "She gave me a little smile", and asked "If was taking her home after work? "Certainly". I said. "Good, because I would like to talk to you about something very important to me", she replied. When we arrived at her place after work she asked me to please come in so she could talk to me. I didn't hesitate and followed her up the walk and in the house. She told me to sit down in the living room and went into the kitchen to bring me a cold beer. "Now", she said "I'm going to explain a few things to you and I'd appreciate it very much if you don't say anything until I finish. When you first joined the company I was impressed and actually developed a feeling for you. I wondered why it took you so long to ask me for a date and at first thought I didn't appeal to you. Then I realized you were just shy, which I found delightful. You were very restrained and never tried to get in my pants as the kids say today. When we went to the beach, I'm glad you had a chance to see my breasts and I know you did it on purpose fumbling with that towel. My breasts aren't big, I know, but they are very sensitive and I could feel them tingle as your eyes looked them over. On the way home in the car, when you touched them I thought I'd die from the deep feeling I felt. I was really flustered and I'm sorry I reacted so badly. I couldn't sleep that night, thinking how disappointed you must have been. I want you to know, I've never had a man touch me anywhere and I'm still a virgin. I know it sounds old fashioned, but I promised myself to give a pure mind and body to my future husband in spite of all the things I noticed going on around me when I was younger. I don't know much about sex, never had the chance to find out. Oh, I know how babies are born, but not much else. I realize now, I fell in love with you as you caressed me, so gently and caring. So there, that's all I have to say. Now you can talk. "Will you marry me?" was all I could think of to say as she sat next to me on her couch. "My God, I didn't expect that, but before you change your mind, yes I will" I spent the next hour telling her how much I loved her and trying to prove it physically but she put me off and told me to wait for the wedding night. So. that's how it happened and a week later we married. A small wedding since neither of us had family in town, with just a few office friends attending. For years we were criticized by our families for not doing it right and having a big wedding and we never explained how we were both so anxious to get in bed together, me from frustration and her from long delayed anticipation. I had dozed off again when I heard a distant voice saying over and over, Senor. I opened my eyes and saw Maria, our maid looking down at us with a worried look on her face. "Are you alright?", she asked, looking at my wife's naked body which she had never seen before and then at mine which she had many times. "Oh, we're fine. too much wine last night and when the company left we just fell asleep here on the couch." By this time, my wife opened her eyes and when she saw Maria, just said, "good morning" making no effort to cover her body. Maria had been with us over three years, coming three days a week to do the usual housework a large home like ours needed. She was also available to cover our infrequent parties, cleaning up and helping restore order. She was Latino, coming from Guatemala and one of thousands available locally to work for low wages. My wife had interviewed her and then sent her upstairs to talk to me and let me make the final decision. I was naked, sitting behind my desk when she walked in the office. She couldn't tell I had nothing on as she approached. I told her, "my wife thinks you could handle the house and has recommended I hire you." "Gracias, Senor", she replied. "But there is one condition you must know about and it concerns my way of life" "Oh, what is it and what must I do?, she asked. "You don't have to do anything, just go about your business as usual. I'm what is known as a naturist, which means I don't like to wear clothes, so that I'm naked all the time while I'm home. Will that bother you or upset you?" Maria just stood there, not moving or attempting to reply. "What's the matter, cat got your tongue?", I asked after several seconds. "No senor" she said " I was just thinking how much I need this job and what I would do to get it." "You don't have to do anything, except your daily chores", I replied. "I have no desire to involve you in any sexual situations." She was the typical Central American female type, a lot of Indian blood made her short and stocky, with the flat nose and dark eyes so typical of her birthplace. I wondered why she thought she appealed to me. She wasn't even close to what I preferred in the female body. "I?m married, so I know what a naked man looks like and I don't think I would be embarrassed to see your body, so yes I'm willing to work for your condition." At that, I rose to my feet and came from behind the desk to shake her hand. Her eyes went instantly to my crotch as I knew she had to be curious. Her eyes bugged out when she saw my semi-hard cock and massive balls swinging below. I had been secretly playing with myself, just to get this reaction. "Oh, Senor, you certainly are impressive. I've never seen such big huevos." she managed to say as she kept looking at the package. "What are huevos?", I asked. "Sorry, Senor, it's Spanish for eggs or what we use to refer to those things." pointing at my balls. "Ok", I said taking her hand and telling her, "welcome to the family." The only other time since then my balls were mentioned by her was some six months later when she told me she had finally mentioned to her husband about the working condition and he told her to tell me, he would cut them off if I touched her. My wife and I had a light breakfast and I went out to the pool to relax and soak up some rays. She called Louise, who didn't have a pool and told her she was welcome to use ours anytime. Louise was very thankful and said she'd be over later. An hour or so later, I heard the screen door open and Louise walked in wearing a loose fitting robe. I looked over and told her, "remember this is a no clothes environment." She smiled and dropped the robe, bare assed naked under it and looking good. "I didn't forget, you pervert" she said laughingly. She dove in the pool and did several laps, I marveled at the condition she must be in since I know how breathtaking swimming fast can be. My wife looked out and yelled. "why don't you show her what you were doing to Sue yesterday when she screamed." "What was that?, Louise asked. "Climb up on the edge of the pool, relax and I'll show you", I answered as I dove in and went over to her. She was sitting on the tiles by the poolside as I positioned myself between her legs. I pulled her a little closer and took a good look at her glistening pussy. It was larger than my wife's, with thicker outside lips and with a small cleft between them. I pulled the lips open and could see her clital hood, still protecting her love button. The two strips of trimmed hair down the sides of the lips were very enticing. and I tickled them with my two forefingers. "What are you up to, you naughty boy", was all she said as I lowered my face to the opening of her sweet smelling cunt. I ran my tongue up and down her love channel, one side and then the other. She jumped a little as I then locked my lips around her clit, which my ministrations had caused to emerge from it's protective cover. It was much larger than my wife's, but no match for Sue's. Sue's was the largest I had ever encountered, as were her nipples. I felt someone feel my leg and run a hand up to my balls. As it was underwater, I couldn't tell who it was, but figured it had to be my wife. Taking a quick breather I looked down and speak of the devil, saw Sue's dark head pushing into my crotch. Next thing, she had my cock in her mouth and started sucking, still underwater. I went back to Louise?s clit and nibbled gently at first, but then harder and harder as I felt it grow to small penis size. Maybe I'm a little Bi myself I thought since penis always came to mind when I sucked a prominent clit. Meanwhile, my cock was responding to Sue's efforts and I was amazed since she hadn't come up for air since she started. Finally she surfaced, took a deep breath and went back to her goody. She grabbed my balls with both hands as she sucked and tried to deep throat me. Always one for a challenge was Sue. Louise started to bounce up and down as I continued teasing her clit. I would take an occasional lick of her lips and then back to the button. I took it between my teeth and bit slightly down on it as I inserted a finger in her groove. Now she really started bucking as I kept up the pressure and slid my finger back and forth.. Suddenly I felt a flood of her juices as she hit an orgasm, but I didn't stop, just bit harder. Again she responded and this time I slacked off as I came out for air. She flowed as much as Sue did so I figured they were two of a kind. I didn't realize then how right I was. Again Sue came up for a breath and then back to work, My cock was really hard and throbbing from her attention, but I couldn't cum. After a few more licks and nut squeezes she gave up and surfaced next to me. "You're getting to be a real pain in the ass", she said as she climbed out of the pool. "I'm sorry, Sue, I'm just saving myself for the next virgin that comes along." "Fat chance", she replied. I swam over to the steps and walked to the kitchen. My wife and Maria were both busy fixing lunch as I took a glass of water and sat at the counter. "What happened to you?" my wife asked. "I don't know, I just couldn't get excited enough to cum", I answered Maria left the room and my wife told me she saw the whole episode with Louise and myself. Just kept saying, "oh my, oh my" to herself. I think that's the first time Maria ever saw any hanky-panky around here. Now in one day she sees my wife naked and some flagrant sex with the Senor participating. My wife was still naked, but Maria didn't seem to mind as she passed thru the kitchen again. I looked out to the patio and saw Sue and Louise side by side each fingering the other. I guess Sue was frustrated and needed some relief but felt I had done a good job on Louise and actually felt a touch of jealousy. I didn't realize then just how Louise was wired but more about that later. I went up to my office to check on the computer and soon forgot the earlier activities. My cock was semi rigid and I'd stroke it from time to time to keep it that way. One never knows does one. My mind started wandering again as I thought back to our early married years. It was thirteen years ago that I proposed. We went to one of the Caribbean islands for a short honeymoon, I can't even remember which one since we'd been to probably all of them in the ensuing years. I was three years older than my wife and she was in her early twenties when we tied the knot. I remember the first night like it was yesterday. We checked in to our hotel and headed straight for our room. I offered to unpack while she took a shower and after the bellboy put the bags down and took the obligatory tip she went in the bathroom. I opened her bag first and right on top were two books. "The Joys of Sex" and " Imaginative Sex". I smiled as I recalled her remarks about her sexual ignorance. I placed them on the bed stand and proceeded to finish unpacking. I turned toward the bathroom as the door opened and she emerged, wrapped in a towel and her lovely blond hair still damp from the water. She had cut it short and it ringed her face, making her look like an angel. She smiled and told me to go shower and she would order some wine for later. I took my time showering and shaving, heard the wine being delivered and wondered how to approach my entrance into her new life. Finally I said "fuck it" and walked out the door stark naked, my flaccid penis just hanging down limp and my balls loose from the hot shower drooping below. "Well, what do you think?, I asked. Looking over at me she said, "nice." "Is that all you have to say, just nice? I responded. "Come here", she said and as I came closer, she stepped into my embrace and wrapped her arms around me. Her towel fell to the floor and I could feel her warm, soft breasts pressing into my chest as she pressed closer. She reached down and took my now semi-rigid cock in her hand and told me, "this is the first penis I've ever touched." "I'm glad to see it's working ok", she said as my cock quickly swelled to it's max size . She looked down and realized her hand couldn't go all the way around, so she moved to the loose skin at the glans and started to pull on it. "That's just extra skin, the main part is below and down to my balls" I told her. She gently touched my balls with her other hand and smiled as she remarked, "is this where the love juice comes from." "Uh,huh", I muttered as I took her over to the king sized bed and climbed on along side her. "Is it ok if I look at your puss?, I said as I lowered myself to a position between her legs. "Fine, take your time, after all, it belongs to you now." "I love you for saying that, we are now one entity and that's the way it's always going to be." I slowly spread her lips apart, like earlier mentioning how slight they were and put my face as close as I could. Her little hood was at the top of her slit, no sign of a clit as yet. I touched it tentatively and she shuddered and spread her legs further apart. I said, " I don't think this big thing will fit in such a small hole." "Oh, if you think yours is so big, you should see uncle Harry's", she told me. I gasped, "what, who is uncle Harry?" She pulled me up to her side and taking my now soft penis in her hand told me the following story. ?When I was a teenager, my folks would sometimes send me to my mother's brother and wife's home to stay. Uncle Harry is my mother's brother and at the time lived down the street. Our house was small and crowded and six children made it very uncomfortable. Uncle Harry had no children and was glad to have my older brother and me visit. Well, one day I came home early from school and walked down the hall to my room. As I passed the bathroom door, it opened and Uncle Harry came out. He was naked and actually had his hand on this penis hanging down between his legs. I remember thinking to myself how could something that big ever fit in such a small hole that I had between my legs. I knew that's what people did to make babies but like I said, not much more. When he saw me, he tried to cover it up but there was no way he could. He had a big knob at the end and even with both his hands holding it, the knob still stuck out. His testicles weren't big like yours are, but they were nice enough. He turned and ran back in the bathroom saying "I'm sorry", over his shoulder. The two of us never mentioned what happened to anyone. It's the only penis I've seen besides yours." I realized then that she thought what Uncle Harry had was the usual male equipment, having had nothing else to compare it with. No wonder she didn't go gaga over mine. Sue told me later that Uncle Harry was the family's pride and joy and legend had it that the penis was born with him attached to it. I felt better and went back down to examine her puss, saying, "whatever, it's still too big to fit in this lovely box." She reached over and picked one of the sex books, opening it to a marked page and handed it to me. I looked at the chapter heading, "The Pleasure of Oral Sex". As I started to read, she asked." If I knew anything about the subject?" "No, I lied, let me read a bit." The first paragraph started with the male giving pleasure to the female and after a few minutes I put the book down and told her, "It seems simple enough." "Do you want to try?" She asked and I nodded lowering myself to her pubic area. She spread her legs instinctively as I touched her slightly moist pussy. I guess the idea was getting to her. Carefully I opened her lips and then pressed my mouth to the sweetest pussy I had ever kissed. She bucked as I slid my long tongue back and forth along her slit and then probed deeper til I think I touched her hymen. I pulled back out and concentrated on her clital area until I felt her hood open and the tiny bud was exposed to my eager tongue. By now she was rocking back and forth as I suckled on her love bud, pulling it with my lips and gently biting with my teeth, Suddenly she gave a scream as I felt my face being flooded as she had her orgasm. I kept licking as she subsided, moaning slightly until again she bucked and had another loud orgasm. Boy, I thought, she's multi-orgasmic a real keeper. I came out of my reverie as Maria called me to come to lunch, so I got to my feet and went downstairs. Louise had gone home and I joined Sue and my wife at the counter. Sue was telling her sis about some sort of sex torture and when I heard her mention, "Louise", my ears perked up. To be continued. 8091 1.83/512345
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