Sunday, April 28, 2013
Friday Night Cuckold
FRIDAY NIGHT CUCKOLD By The phone rang as my wife and I sat at our kitchen counter. It was a beautiful Autumn evening and because it was Friday, we were enjoying a cocktail. We were planning on enjoying a quiet evening home alone for a change, or so I thought. I was thinking that I might even "get lucky" and have sex with my wife. She answered the phone, smiled and said "He's right here, I'll let you tell him". She handed me the phone and intently watched as I said "Hello"? "Tom, this is Mike, your wife's boyfriend. I'm coming over in about an hour to pick her up so we can go to a swinger's club tonight". Before I could answer he continued, "I want you to help her get ready for our date and you'll also be our designated driver for the evening. Also, give her some money so we can buy some drinks. I might even take her to dinner, so make sure you bring enough cash for that. Any questions"? As I listened to him give me some additional orders, I looked around and noticed that my wife had already scampered off to the bedroom to start getting ready. She obviously knew this phone call was coming. "No, I don't have any questions Mike. Thanks for letting me come along and drive. I'll make sure she has plenty of cash. Anything else"? I asked. "Yea, make sure she has some rubbers in her purse. Not sure if I will actually use one when I fuck her tonight, but they're handy to have along just in case". "Okay, I think I've still got some of your favorite brand from last time" I replied. "See you soon Cuck" he laughed as he hung up, not waiting for my reply. I headed for the bedroom and heard the water running in the tub. My wife was grinning from ear to ear as she stepped into her bath. "God, I was hoping he'd call tonight. I didn't really feel like sitting around here all night, ya know"? Before I could answer she continued "Isn't it nice he's letting you come along and drive? He's so thoughtful and considerate"! I let her ramble on and sort of drifted off with my own thoughts, not really listening to her. I knew she was toying with me, this was part of her little game of treating me like her cuckold. She was acting like Mike called out of the blue, but I knew better. They talk daily on the phone and I'm sure their date was pre-arranged, but it didn't really matter to me, I enjoy being treated as a cuckold. They both think it is hilarious that when I am talking to my wife on her cell phone and Mike shows up on "call-waiting", she disconnects me and talks with him. "Honey, are you listening to me"? I heard my wife saying from the tub. "Sure I am" I said. "Then pick out an outfit that you think Mike will like and lay it on the bed. You know he likes me in thigh high stockings and black patent leather pumps, so make sure you work those into the outfit. And Dear, don't bother with any panties, they just get in the way"! she said with a wicked smile. I went to her closet and picked out a small black mini skirt with a sexy zipper on the side. I knew it was just long enough to cover the stocking tops on her thigh highs, so it would pass in public. Of course, if Mike was taking her to a swinger's club this time, having her stocking tops show might be a good thing! For her top I selected a red micro fiber cardigan sweater that buttoned down the front. "This should hug her tits nicely" I thought to myself. I then went to her lingerie drawer and got her sheer black bra and her off black nylons. The three inch pumps completed the outfit. I went to my stash of rubbers and was putting a few in my wife's purse when the door bell rang! I looked at my watch, it had only been 35 minutes since Mike had called, "that can't be him" I thought! By now my wife was out of the tub and had started to get dressed. She approved of the outfit I selected. "Mike will have the buttons on this sweater open before we're out of the driveway"! she chuckled as she pulled it on over her sheer bra. I ran to the front door. I barely had the door open when Mike pushed his way in. "You're a little early" I said. Mike is much bigger than I am, so I am careful what I say to him and not push him too far. I could also smell booze on him, so I knew he had already had a drink. I know not to rub him the wrong way because my wife would be totally pissed at me if he stopped fucking her. He ignored my comment and simply said "Where's your wife, I'm horny as hell tonight! I can't wait for her to wrap those pretty lips around the head of my cock, know what I mean"? "She's in the bedroom still getting ready" I said, "I'll tell her you're here". I went into our bedroom just as my wife was stepping into her high heels. "Your boyfriend is here" I said, "He says he's horny as hell and needs a blow job"! "Tell him I'll be out in a minute, but if he thinks I'm sucking him off now he's nuts! I just finished putting my makeup on"! she chuckled. "Why don't you suck him off Honey"? she said teasingly. This was more of her humiliation and teasing. I once confided in her that "someday" I may want to try sucking a cock. Ever since I made that statement, she has never let me forget it! "Maybe some other time" I replied and headed back out to keep Mike company. I really did want to suck him sometime, but just wasn't in the mood tonight. "She's almost ready" I told him, "Should be out in a minute". Mike had helped himself to a beer from our refrigerator and was sitting in my easy chair drinking it. As I went to grab my car keys Mike announced that he would most likely be spending the night tonight and that I should plan on sleeping upstairs in the guest room. "Okay Mike, she's your girlfriend, whatever you two want to do is fine" I meekly replied. My wife finally made her appearance from the bedroom and stood in front of Mike with her hands on her hips. "Well Lover, what do you think"? she asked as she twirled around. "Damn Baby, you look hot"! he said excitedly. "I really need some relief though before we hit the road, what'd you say"? he asked. "The Cuck told me your were expecting a blow job, but I just did my makeup Sweetie" she sighed, "How about a quickie for the road instead"? Mike set his beer down and was out of my chair in a flash, he obviously liked her suggestion. As I re-entered the room with my car keys he was bending my wife over the kitchen counter and lifting up the back of her skirt. This was the same counter we had been enjoying a cocktail at just a short time ago I thought! Mike didn't seem the least bit surprised that she wasn't wearing any panties. He fingered her briefly and then knelt down to lick her cunt from the rear. I sat down at the kitchen table to watch, they were only a few feet away. Mike licked my wife's pussy for several minutes to get her nice and wet. He then stood, unzipped his pants and pulled his cock out. Mike's cock is really not that much larger than mine, he just knows how to use it a hell of a lot better! In fact, it's Mike stamina that first attracted my wife to him and keeps her coming back for more. Mike can literally last for hours, where I normally shoot my load in a matter of minutes. "Are you gonna use a rubber, Lover"? my wife asked him. "I probably should this time, or else you'll be leaking cum all night"! he chuckled. My wife just turned and looked at me. We both knew what she wanted, no words were necessary. I hopped up and went to the bedroom for a rubber. When I came back a moment later she said "Be a good host and put it on for him Cuck". Mike turned toward me as I ripped the package open, sticking his now rigid cock in my direction. I rolled the rubber down his shaft and returned to my seat to watch. The cock I had just handled was now easing it's way into my wife's cunt. With slow, short thrusts, he gradually fed her the entire thing. After he was in her all the way and sure that she was nice and wet, Mike began to increase the tempo of his thrusting. He gripped my wife with his big hands on each of her hips and held her firmly. The thrusting was now turning into a pounding, just the way she likes it. My wife began her customary low, guttural moaning as she climbed the peak toward an orgasm. As Mike pounded away, her tits were mashed against the counter top. She had laid her head sideways on the counter facing my direction - I could see how flushed her face had become. My own cock was getting stiff, but I knew the only relief I would get would be by my own hand. As Mike got closer to cumming he began shouting "Oh yea, oh yea Baby! I'm getting close! God what a feeling"! My wife responded by yelling "Cum in me Baby, fill that fuckin' rubber up with your cum"! She then called my name so I would like right at her. As our eyes met she screamed "Oh God, I'm cumming"! Mike grunted a moment later and climaxed inside my wife. He slowed his rhythm but stayed inside her for several minutes. My wife had her eyes closed and a look of pure contentment on her face. When she opened her eyes she was still looking right at me. "This is why I don't mess around fucking you anymore" she said to me. Mike pulled out, she stood and turned around and they embraced. "God, what an awesome fuck" she said as she laid her head on his chest. They kissed and hugged for a few moments and then my wife excused herself to use the restroom. As she left the room she said absently over her shoulder "Cuck, you're still the host. Help Mike with that messy rubber and help him clean up". I grabbed a clean dish towel from the drawer and approached Mike. He stood there smirking with his arms folded and his semi-rigid cock hanging out. I peeled the used rubber off of his cock and set it on the counter. Using the clean dish towel, I wiped the excess cum and juices off of his cock. When it seemed clean to me I said "How's that"? "The cock is fine" he said, "but you're forgetting something". I stood there bewildered for a moment and then remembered what he wanted. "Thank you for fucking my wife" I mumbled. He said he didn't hear me and made me repeat it, louder so my wife could hear it from the bathroom. I did as he said and heard my wife giggling at my humiliation from the next room. We were soon in the car heading for the swinger's club. I drove as they sat cuddling and making out in the backseat. Going to a swinger's club was something new for them, normally it was dinner and back to our house or a hotel to fuck all night long. My wife loves to dance though and Mike said this place played great dance music. We pulled in to the parking lot and I wasn't really sure if I was to be invited in with them or not. Mike sensed my hesitation and said "Go ahead and park". I parked and hopped out and opened the door for them. Mike and my wife walked ahead of me, arm in arm toward the door of the nightclub. They were whispering and laughing about something as lovers often do. We got to the door and the bouncer looked at all three of us. He turned to my wife and said "Sorry Ma'am, this is a couples only club, we don't allow single men in here. I need to know which guy you're with". My wife smiled wickedly and looked at me. Turning to the bouncer and gesturing toward me she said "Well, this is my husband". She then squeezed Mike's arm tightly and stood on her tip toes and kissed him on the cheek, "But this is my boyfriend". The bouncer laughed and looked pathetically over at me. My wife then turned to me and said "Honey, pay the man the cover charge and then go home and do some laundry or something. We'll call you when you need to come pick us up". I pulled out my wallet and paid their cover charge. Somehow I got the feeling that Mike knew this was a couples only place and deliberately set me up to be humiliated in front of the bouncer. They walked into the club without so much as a `goodbye' and I headed back to the car. I had a raging hard on from being humiliated and thinking about Mike and my wife having a great time in the swinger's club. I drove home thinking once again how we had come to love this lifestyle. Having my wife date other men has been the best thing in the world for our sex life and overall relationship. I got home and walked into the kitchen. The first thing I saw was Mike's used rubber still sitting on the counter. I still had my hard on and needed my own relief. I picked up his rubber and looked at the cum pooled in the tip. I unzipped my jeans and pulled my cock out. I carefully pulled the used rubber on over my cock. The cum had gone cold but the wetness still felt nice. With the rubber in place, I sat down in a chair and stroked my cock. Thoughts of my wife and her boyfriend openly making out and groping one another at the swinger's club swirled through my head. I jerked off into Mike's rubber, adding my cum to his. I sat there for a few moments collecting my thoughts. I remembered what Mike said about spending the night and went to our room to move some of my things to the guest room. I decided to put the red satin sheets on our bed since I know they enjoy those. I also did some laundry as my wife directed as well as some other chores. I had deliberately left the rubber on as I went about my chores. I had removed my pants and underwear and enjoyed looking down at the cum filled rubber still hanging from my cock. After my chores were complete I laid down on the couch, expecting a call at some point to pick up my wife and her date. I dozed off and the phone call never came. My wife and her lover had decided to take a cab home so they could tease the cab driver. Mike likes to expose my wife's tits to other guys - particularly strangers like cab drivers for some reason. They came in laughing loudly and I awoke to hear them talking about how the cab driver begged to keep my wife's bra as payment for the ride home. I suddenly remembered that I was naked from the waste down and was still wearing the used rubber! Before I could scramble into the bedroom and cover up, they came into the living room. "Well, well. What have we here"? my wife said mockingly as she wrapped an arm around Mike's waist. I jumped up from the couch and stood there in front of them, the rubber looking huge and stretched out on my now flaccid cock. "Is that the rubber Mike fucked me with earlier"? my wife asked me accusingly. I just shook my head and said "Yes". "You are such a pathetic wimp"! she shouted, then began laughing hysterically. "Fix us a drink Cuck and then make yourself scarce" Mike said. I began to pull the rubber off to finally discard it and my wife grabbed my wrist and said "Oh no you don't. You like wearing that thing so much, just leave it on all night long. In fact, when you come to wake us up in the morning, make sure you're still wearing it". I nodded, said nothing, and went to the kitchen to fix their nightcap. I had only been in the kitchen a few minutes and already I heard moans of pleasure coming from the living room. I walked back in to deliver their drinks and found my wife sitting on Mike's face as he lay on the floor on his back. She had taken her skirt and sweater off but still wore her thigh highs and high heeled pumps. Her bra was no where to be seen, so I guess they actually had given it to the cab driver! She rode Mike's face "backwards" so she could lean over and suck his cock while he ate her out. I set their drinks down on the coffee table and stood there watching as my hard on once again stretched the rubber. My wife noticed my cock getting hard and stopped sucking her boyfriend momentarily to say "Well Dear, by the looks of it, you obviously approve of your wife sucking another man's dick! Mike said to make yourself scarce, so beat it". As I turned to head upstairs to the guest room she added "Don't forget to wake us up at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow with that disgusting rubber still attached to your pathetic dick. As a matter of fact, I think you need to pump a third load into that thing before you leave. I want it nice and wet for you while you sleep". I stopped in my tracks and turned back around. "Come here Cucky" she said. I stood there as she repositioned herself from Mike's mouth to his cock. She was now kneeling directly over his cock and facing the same way he was. She slowly lowered her cunt onto Mike's waiting cock and closed her eyes in sheer delight. Without opening her eyes she said "Stroke it Cuck. Stand there and jerk off into my lover's used rubber while he fucks me and I ride his beautiful cock! Did you notice he's not wearing a rubber this time"? I stood next to her and began stroking my dick as she instructed. She opened her eyes and looked up at me as she increased her rhythmic up and down motion on Mike's shaft. I matched her increased tempo and true to form, shot my load in a matter of minutes. The rubber was now quite full with three loads of cum in it. When my wife saw me cum she simply smiled a seductive, satisfied smile as though she had once again proved how inferior I am to her boyfriend. "Your dismissed" was all she said. I once again headed for the stairs. Her final humiliation of the evening came as she said "Leave your door open and we'll do the same; that way you can hear us as we fuck all night long"! 10625 1.47/512345
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