Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Sarah's Sexcapades
Prologue This is not a series of chapters; rather it is a series relating the sexual adventures of my wife Sarah. Some will be in chronological order and some will be as current events. First, a little background. Sarah and I have been married for 18 years now. We were married at the end of our sophomore year in college. We really are a fairly normal couple, with one notable exception - Sarah is highly oversexed. That is something that she has always had but it didn't come to the forefront of our relationship until we moved in together midway through our sophomore year after we had decided to get married. Because of Sarah's large family and the fact that my parents were also sending my older brother to the same college, we felt that neither set of parents could afford to spend a lot of money on our wedding. We decided to make it "modestly formal" by having the wedding in the meeting room at a local hotel where the families would be staying and to have a very simple reception afterwards. Sarah did want a nice dress however. After sitting down and calculating estimated costs we thought we could put the wedding together along with a honeymoon for about $1,000. We began to look at ads in the paper for jobs, figuring that the best we could do would be to find convenient part-time jobs at minimum wage. Enter my best friend who stopped by one morning right after we had moved in together and after telling him our idea of paying for the wedding ourselves and our quest for part-time jobs, he offered a suggestion. His suggestion was that instead of looking for part-time jobs at minimum wage that Sarah might want to consider a part-time job at school in the photography department as a nude model. It paid $12.00 an hour which wasn't bad. Not only that, he told us that if she got the job there would be many individuals who would want her to pose for them away from school, right in our condo/apartment and that she could probably make much more than the $1,000 we needed with a lot less "work." Sarah was interested and she did apply for and got the job. Immediately, that very day, students began calling for modeling appointments (And school hadn't even officially started back for the spring semester). Gary had suggested she charge private customers the same as the school paid her - the $12 an hour. Plus, he suggested that a good additional source of money (this was all new to us) would be to charge a small additional amount, say $3, if the photographer wanted a Model's Release. The first and most immediate reaction Sarah had when she began to model nude for other students in our apartment was that she would become turned on, would often have an orgasm while posing, and would be so horny after a modeling session that she would sometimes literally attack me wanting some dick. For most guys this probably sounds great - but when you're trying to have good sex four, five, even six times a day, it can be a chore. This was what was happening. After only two weeks I suggested that we needed a friend to help me out - that she was killing me even though I was taking megadoses of every vitamin known to man. It took several discussions to convince her that I was serious and when I finally succeeded she was very helpful in helping us to decide on someone to help satisfy her sexual cravings. It didn't take long to find someone and then as she became more and more horny from more and more modeling she began to have sex with the photographers after they would photograph her. This may sound a little bizarre, but it was a tremendous load off of me. We could go back to having sex a couple of times a day and the quality of those sessions were dramatically enhanced. This did, however; put Sarah on the path of sexual adventures that has not ended even today. At 38 she can still handle anything and be ready for more. That's what this story is about. This story is about a current event. I know this is long but in my experience, most of us don't like downloading a zip file from someone we don't know because of the prevalence of viruses. Feel free to print it out or save it as you wish. Friday - June 14, 1996 The week had been hectic at work. The three sales managers who work for me and their salespeople had been closing sales right and left. The week was hectic - but good. The three managers who work for me are Glenn, just a year younger than me and he's been with me the longest; Marc, a few years younger than me at 34 and he's been working with me for six years; and then there's Charles (don't call me Chuck) who's the same age as Marc but he's only been with me for three years. One of the distinctive features of our working environment and one I have worked hard to maintain is that we're all a little bit nuts. We work hard but we do have fun doing it. Sometimes, like last week, the results are great and sometimes they're not. For years now I've had this little custom where when we have an extreme week, good or bad, I invite them over to our high-rise apartment just five minutes from the office. I invite them over for several reasons but I tell them it's for drinks and Sarah. They're always after me to have a Friday afternoon/evening respite but I don't want to overdo a good thing. Friday, I decided I would. At lunch I asked them if they would like to come over after work and it was a unanimous "yes." As soon as we got back to the office I called Sarah and told her I was thinking of asking the guys over after work for drinks and fun. Her response was typical. "What would you like me to wear?" "Hell babe, I don't know. What do you have that's new and hot?" "I just got those two new g-string swimsuits, the red teddy, and the pink bustier with the matching g-string panties that looks good with the fishnet stockings." "Oh, I don't know about anything that fancy. What about one of those g-string bikinis?" "OK, which color do you think they'd like best?" "You're asking me? What colors did you get?" "You know - the red one and the natural color." "Oh yeah, the natural color - that's the one that makes you look nude even when you're not isn't it?" "That's it." "How about that one then?" "Ok." "Can you get home before we do, we're probably going to leave here about a quarter of five." "Sure, I'll leave about 4:30." "See ya there kid." And it was set with Sarah. Now all I needed to do was to confirm it with the guys so they would have time to call their wives and let them know they were going to be late. When I told the guys they were all on the phones to their wives as quick as they could grab the receiver. Right at 4:45 we grabbed our coats and headed for the door. Our cars were parked right outside and I told them I would see them in the lobby of our building in about five minutes. Since I park in the underground garage I had to come up to the lobby while they parked out front in the guest parking. Bounding down the hall I called out, "Hey, you guys ready to go upstairs?" Glenn answered for everybody when he said, "Well hell yes." "Well, come on then. Let's go get a cold margarita." As we stepped into the elevator Glenn had already pushed the button to our floor. It was a quick trip up as the guys began to take off their coats and ties. We stepped out of the elevator, turned right and headed for our apartment. Everyone of the guys was smiling as we reached the door and I inserted my key. They were anxious as little kids to see the treasure on the other side of the door - Sarah. I opened the door and motioned for the guys to go on in. Since we've done this so many times before they knew to lay their coats and ties on the dining room table as they began to stretch to relax. They made their way to the living room and sat down and I told them I'd get Sarah and make some drinks. "Hi fellows. Drinks are already made. There's a pitcher on the bar." I turned around as we all looked up and saw Sarah standing there in one of her skimpiest g-string bikinis. The bottom was so tiny that in addition to her bare ass the front only covered about an inch of her bush leaving the rest exposed. The top was skimpy too with only a small strip of cloth covering her nipples and the center of her breasts leaving both sides of each breast bare. She had that look that says, "Fellows I'm hot and I'm about to fuck you silly." While I went to get the pitcher of margaritas and some glasses she turned around for everybody so they could see her from all directions. Marc, with his wry wit and dry sense of humor said, "My goodness Sarah, you could mail that bikini clear across the United States with only one postage stamp." They were laughing as I sat a glass in front of everyone and poured margaritas for all. We all began sipping our drinks as we looked out over the skyline, except, that is, when the guys weren't looking at Sarah. She was eating it up. She's such an exhibitionist and she loves to show off. I suppose that's one of the reasons she still models for a few select photographers she's been modeling for since right after we got out of college. She had to narrow down the list because she knew she had to be more selective in her sexual partners and she still has sex with them after their photography session. Glenn, who's been over the most knew that Sarah was ready since she's always ready. Standing up, he held out his hand to Sarah, "Come on." With a big smile on her face she looked up at him, took his hand and said, "OK." They stood in the middle of the living room for a few seconds before Glenn asked her to turn around and as she did he began untying the bottom string of her top. Then he moved up, kissed Sarah's neck and untied the top string letting her bikini top fall to the floor. Standing there with her breasts completely bare she laid her head back on Glenn's shoulder as he first put his arms around her waist and then gradually moved his hands to cup each of her breasts. Sarah moaned a soft little moan and then whispered, "Oh yes, that feels good." Glenn was quick to respond, "Wait till you see how good I make you feel in just a few minutes." "I'm ready." "I know you are." Glenn took a step back, looked at the others and then me and asked, "Want me to take her g-string off now?" I nodded yes and he moved his hands down to the small strings, put his thumbs around them and began pulling Sarah's g-string down. As it slid down past her pussy she moved her right hand down between her legs and began to gently massage her clit. As Glenn finished taking off her g-string he looked up and said, "Hey that's my job." Sarah moved her hand as Glenn slid his hand down through her pubic hair on its way to her cunt. Sarah instinctively spread her legs slightly so Glenn could get his hand in the valley between her legs and Sarah raised her arms and reached behind her to put her arms around Glenn's neck. Breathlessly she said one word, "Yes." With that, Glenn began to glide one of his fingers into my wife's wet pussy. She was so horny and her pussy was so wet that as the sunlight came through the windows we could all see her pussy glistening. Glenn fingered Sarah for a couple of minutes before he just couldn't take it any more and he took Sarah's hand and, looking back over his should he told us, "I'll be back in a bit." Charles, Marc and I looked at one another and grinned as we took another sip from our drinks. Marc raised his glass and said, "Here's hoping everything comes out all right." We laughed and began to bullshit about the week's work. It was only about ten minutes until we could hear Sarah's moans from the bedroom and as we listened we could hear them on the bed. As a confirmed and dedicated voyeur I looked at Charles and Marc and asked, "Anybody wanna go peek?" They both said, "Sure." Setting our drinks on the table we all stood up and began walking softly down the hall to the bedroom door where all three of our faces were poised as we peeked into the bedroom. Sarah was laying on her back with Glenn leaning almost all the way over on her, held back slightly only because Sarah had her legs up over his shoulders. In that position we could only see Sarah's pussy and Glenn's dick when he had pulled his stroke back ready to plunge his hard cock right back into the depths of Sarah's pussy. Each time he did, she moaned with pleasure. We had only been watching a few minutes when Glenn told Sarah, "You've got the greatest pussy in the world. I love to fuck you." With her arms around his neck she pulled his face down far enough to kiss him and told him, "I love having your dick in me. I love the way you fuck me hard and deep." "I like it too." Charles excused himself and went back to the living room to finish his drink while Marc and I stayed to watch. It wasn't a long time - maybe ten minutes - before Sarah had an orgasm and she was holding on to Glenn for all he was worth. As she squeezed him she whispered between moans, "Cum in me now, cum deep." Glenn reached around and began squeezing Sarah's tits and told her, "I'm almost ready." "Yes, yes, let me have all of you. Push it in as far as you can." Hell, she was pushing against Glenn as hard as she could to get as much of his dick in her as possible. A few seconds later Marc and I watched and listened as Glenn told Sarah, "Get ready - oh god yes - oh yeah, now!" Sarah's moans were loudest now as she told Glenn between moans, "Oh that feels good. I love it when you cum in me. Damn I like this." "Me too." Standing there in the doorway, Marc and I had watched Glenn give my wife a good fuck and a pussy full of cum. I was turned on. I like to see Sarah fucking but I really get turned on when I watch someone cum in her like Glenn just had. Sarah lowered her legs from over Glenn's shoulders and as he lay on top of her they began to do some serious caressing and kissing as they pushed their tongues into each other's mouth. I tapped Marc on the shoulder and motioned for him to come on and he did. When we got back to the living room I said, "Let's let them make out without us watching." About five minutes later Glenn and Sarah came around the corner of the hall. Glenn had only slipped his underwear back on because he knew there was more to come and Sarah was naked, slightly sweaty, and it was unmistakeable looking at her pussy covered by Glenn's cum that she had just had a good fuck. They were both smiling as they had their arms around each other. Sarah only stayed a minute or so as she excused herself. "I'll be right back fellows, I need to go clean up." Within five minutes Sarah walked back into the living room nude after cleaning up to prepare for taking either Marc or Charles. It was Marc who stood up. Looking at me he asked, "Mind if I have a few minutes with your wife?" I caught his eye and replied, "Absolutely not. Both of you enjoy yourselves." And off they walked hand-in-hand to the bedroom. As soon as we heard them on the bed and heard some of Sarah's moans I looked at Glenn and Charles and asked if anyone wanted to go peek? Glenn said he was tired and needed to rest for a few minutes but he might join us in a minute but Charles was quick to say, "Let's go." We got to the door of the bedroom and there was Marc and Sarah on the bed, both nude, and both fucking each other hard. Sarah was on her knees with Marc behind her fucking her doggie style. She's always liked that position and this was certainly no exception. She moved back rhythmically, pushing against Marc as he pumped his hard cock into Sarah's wet pussy. With her ass up in the air Charles and I were able to see Marc's cock sliding in and out of Sarah clearly. She was moaning and Marc was beginning to breathe harder as they moved together at a fast pace. This one wasn't going to last long. About 7 or 8 minutes after Charles and I walked down the hall to peek in on them, Marc reached under Sarah, grabbed her tits and began to squeeze them. Just as he asked her, "Are you about ready? Because I am." Sarah began to cum. "Oh yeah, now would be a wonderful time." She began to move her head around as she moaned and Marc was stroking her fast when he announced, "Now, I'm cumming now. Can you feel it?" "Yes, yes - it feels good. I wish you weren't about to stop, I could go on and on." After a few minutes Marc pulled out reluctantly and Sarah turned around and lay back as Marc crawled over on top of her. They began to make out and Charles and I went back into the living room. Glenn asked, "How did things come out?" Charles picked up his drink and said, "Looked like things came out just fine. Now I get my turn and I'm ready." Marc and Sarah came walking into the living room. She was still naked and Marc had on his underwear. Again the cum on my wife's pussy was easily visible. She and Marc were both smiling and holding each other. He bent over and placed his mouth on on her left nipple and began to suck it. "Quit, or you're gonna have to take me back to the bedroom so we can fuck again." "I'll stop. Maybe in a few minutes." Again Sarah excused herself to go clean up and again she was back within five minutes. She just looked at Charles and he got up, walked across the room and put his arm around her shoulder as they turned to walk to the bedroom. It was quick. We began to hear them shortly after they left. Glenn and I got up and walked down the hall to watch. Charles was laying on his back and Sarah was laying on top of him. From where Glenn and I were standing we could very clearly see Charles' dick as he and my wife pushed and pulled together so that she could get all of his cock. We watched and noticed that Charles seemed to be really horny because he was going so fast. Sarah was moaning as loud as she had with any of the others. It couldn't have been more than ten minutes before Charles reached down, grabbed Sarah's ass and began pulling her down hard on his dick as he used the leverage to pull himself up into her at the same time. With just a few strokes Sarah had another orgasm and began begging Charles to cum. "OK baby, I'm ready." "Do me now, I want it bad." Glenn and I watched as Charles began gripping Sarah's ass even harder and pulling her down with force when he said, "Here I cum, oh god that feels good. What a great pussy you have." Sarah was quick to complement him too, "You're pretty good too." From where we were standing we could actually see the cum on Sarah's pussy before she rolled over. It looked like her pussy was covered with Charles' cum. Glenn and I left while they finished up. Shortly the two of them came walking into the living room holding hands and laughing. Sarah looked at the guys and told them, "You guys know how to give a girl a good workout, don't you?" "We try the best we can" was Glenn's reply. Sarah, without cleaning up, sat down on the floor next to the coffee table and began sipping her margarita. It was a real turn on to see my wife sitting there nude in the room with my friends after each of them had fucked her and given her a nice deposit of cum. Everyone was feeling good. We all talked for a while and finished our second (or third) drinks and got another one. We all knew what was coming next because it always had. Sarah sat her drink down and stood up making sure that all of us could see her cum wet cunt. She walked around the coffee table, reached over on the sofa for a pillow and dropped it at Glenn's feet. They smiled at each other and it was obvious they were both ready. She reached her arms up and grabbing the waistband of Glenn's underwear she began pulling them off. He raised up so they could slide down and Sarah pulled them all the way off and tossed them to the side. She put her hands on Glenn's legs and spread them apart so she could put the pillow between his legs. She scooted over a bit so that she was kneeling on the pillow and then she bent over and went right after Glenn's balls. She began sucking them and even had his balls in her mouth (one at a time) while she stroked his dick with her hand and he did a lot of moaning. "Oh wow babe, that feels wonderful." Sarah kept on sucking. Slowly she moved up to his dick and began licking the sides before she kissed the head of his cock running her tongue in little circles around the sensitive head. Glenn was moaning even more and began to implore Sarah, "Please babe, take it now. Take it all." Sarah raised up a bit and holding his hard cock straight up she opened her mouth and began pushing her lips down on Glenn's cock until she had about four inches of it in her mouth. Then she began to suck Glenn. The look on his face when Sarah blows him is priceless. He has this look of joy, pleasure and incredulity at my wife wanting to suck him. She sucked Glenn, going down as far as she could to deep throat him occasionally. Normally Sarah can deep throat 7" of hard cock. There have been times with larger fellows who had 9" plus dicks who have had as much as 8" down her throat. The difference is that these guys were fucking her mouth more than she was blowing them. As she continued to suck Glenn he began to move up slightly to get more and more of his dick in her mouth as he prepared to cum. That's one thing the guys love about Sarah is that not only does she want them to cum in her mouth but she likes to keep their cum in her mouth for a few minutes so that she can taste it before she swallows it. Not one of the guys' wives had ever let them cum in her mouth so they enjoyed these full blow jobs that Sarah liked to give. Glenn reached a hand down to Sarah's head where he put it behind her. This is a sign that Glenn is about to cum and within just a few seconds after he had moved his hand down, he said, "Oh yeah, I'm about to cum - please babe, take it all. Suck it all down your throat." Sarah just kept sucking him as Glenn began to cum in her mouth. "Ohhhh, that feels great. Yeah, I could handle this every day." After Sarah had gotten the last couple of little spurts out of Glenn's dick she began to raise her mouth off his dick. When she had his dick out of her mouth she leaned forward and kissed it. Like usual the guys wanted to see the cum in her mouth and they asked her to show them. Sarah stuck out her tongue and touched it to the top of Glenn's cock so we could all see Glenn's cum all over my wife's tongue. She then pulled it back into her mouth, rolled it around a little bit and then swallowed. She looked up at Glenn and said, "Umm, your cum tasted good today." Glenn's only response was, "good." Then, one after the other she sucked Marc and Charles giving each of them the same type of blow job she had just given Glenn. When she finished not only were all the guys satisfied, Sarah was and so was I, having seen her get six loads of cum in a little over two hours. Sarah went to the bathroom to clean up and the guys went into the bedroom to gather their clothes. They brought them back to the living room where they dressed and they started thanking me for a great time. "Hell fellows, I've told you before - don't thank me, thank Sarah." "We will." Still naked, Sarah walked back into the room as the guys got ready to head home. They all thanked her, kissed her, hugged her and ran their hands over her ass, tits and pussy. She smiled a big smile and asked, "Is everybody satisfied? 'Cause if you're not I'll try to do some more to take care of you." They all agreed they were satisfied and Sarah had a big grin on her face, "Good, I'm glad." As they walked to the door we walked with them and everybody agreed, like we always do, that we need to get together like this more often. At that Glenn opened the door and they walked out into the hall. Glenn spoke up and said, "Great time Sarah; Bob, we'll see you at work Monday." "Bye fellows." As the door closed Sarah turned and put her arms around my neck. "Thanks for bringing them over today. I didn't realize just how horny I was but I feel a lot better now." "Hey babe, I enjoyed it too, you know?" "I know and I'm glad." 3154 1.10/512345
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