Friday, November 2, 2012
Kristen Gets Blacked (Part 5)
Kristen Gets Blacked (Chapter 5) Thanks again to the major contribution by Darkwanderer author "LeasaJ"(Blonde4Blacks) Reverend Richardson sat naked, but for a terry cloth robe, deep in the dark confines of his daughter, Kristen's, closet. Peering through the tiny hole-no larger than the eye of a needle-the pious man sought fervently for a vision he'd pursued for many long years: his disrobed, full-bodied, blonde daughter. The town Minister had been driven to these depths of behavior-to cast himself into the inner-sanctum of his daughter's bedroom closet-by the compulsions he found himself drowning in. As he awaited the heavenly presence of his beautiful daughter, the preacher's hand fingered into the robe's pocket and withdrew a pair of silken panties. He held them to his face and took his daughter's scent deep into his lungs. At the intimate smell of his daughter, Reverend Richardson's tiny penis sprang to life. He had always been so hard on the relatively minor sins of others, yet now he sat waiting to peep at his own daughter's naked charms. Perhaps he rationalized it would help sate his `hardness'. The Minister's heart began hammering in his chest as he heard the on-coming footsteps of his daughter climbing the stairs toward her bedroom. There was no way to stop what he had set in motion now... Kristen Richardson entered her room and closed the door. There was a finality to the way it clicked shut. The gorgeous 38D-24-36, blond, high school cheerleader threw herself on her bed. She began unbuttoning her blouse and pulled it open revealing her bulging breasts, which seemed to be seeking escape from the confines of her pink brassiere. She tucked one of her delicate hands into a cup and pulled out an enormous, gelatinous mammary. The nipple of the huge tit was nearly as wide as her palm. She pulled the soft, white gland up to her lips and suckled the nipple into her mouth. "Mmmmmm...." Kristen moaned into her own milky flesh. Reverend Richardson's jaw was agape at the crude display of carnality that his own flesh and blood was displaying before him. His hands unconsciously undid the sash-belt to his robe and let it fall open. It revealed the child-like penis he hid from the well as from his wife. The micro-penis stood at full attention-which stretched up to barely 4". The righteous, Man-of-God now began to flick at his rod...which could have been mistaken for a reed. Kristen began baring her teeth as she gnawed away at the turgid nipple in her mouth. The young beauty was roughly milking her own tit, much as she'd become accustomed to at the hands of Leroy Horton, the High School's janitor, and Kristen's 65 year-old, 300 pound, black lover. Kristen needed her loving rough now-very rough. It brought her to life. Leroy had taught her that lesson through his own brutal usage of the girl's tender, white body. The teen let her over-sized breast fall from her mouth and hang obscenely from her bra- cup. She pulled a book out from under her bed and opened it before her. Reverend Richardson, from the confines of the closet, could see the book contained pictures of old-very old-black men, apparently shouting or singing. Kristen peered into the book while absent-mindedly pawing her recently chewed on tit. "Howlin' Wolf..." she whispered to herself, as if she were reciting from the Bible. As the beautiful girl continued ogling the picture of the old, black blues singer, she un- snapped her jeans and in one motion pulled them off. The hidden Reverend could see an obvious splotch of wetness on the crotch of his daughter's panties. His mind was slowly awakening to the cause of his daughter's aroma-filled thongs, which he'd become so accustomed to pilfering from the family's hamper. The confused look on the good man's face, as his mind struggled and rebelled against the realization of the obvious, would have been comical had it not been so tragic. The good Reverend had worshipped his daughter's purity above all else in the world...or in heaven. Now there was a realization slowly insisting to him that she was nothing-save, perhaps, a black-cock whore! As I have earlier declared to you, dear reader: God's way is mysterious and often beyond our understanding!!! The blonde girl peeled her soiled panties off, flinging them across the room. Her blouse and bra soon followed. She pulled the big book of ancient, black, bluesmen along-side her on the bed. Kristen Richardson then spread her thighs, unknowingly baring herself for her lecherous father's full view, and began to play with her bloated, fast-lubricating, pussy lips. Kristen's father sat peeping in at her, his pupils widening rapidly at the lurid spectacle of his daughter's self-pleasuring. Poor Kristen became more and more aroused as she looked at the pictures of the sweaty old, black singer. She began to finger herself furiously. First one, then two...then three fingers!!! The mouth of her once-tight, vaginal cavity was now devouring half her hand. The golden haired princess then sat up against the bed's back-board splaying her thighs widely and as she moaned and stared obsessively at the pictures of the wailing, old Black, her delicate, slender hand slipped into herself-completely. "Ooooooohhh goddddd...yesssss...." she hissed. Then the lovely, angelic-looking girl began to ram her fist into her cunt, repeatedly. Banging away into her own slurping and sucking vaginal channel, the girl started moaning and whining with a heightened urgency. Kristen's fist was now pounding into her own belly, stretching the lips of her cunt to crude proportions. Reverend Richardson's face was a mask of confusion and terror. What was happening? Was his cherished child possessed? And why-why, dear God!!!-was she looking at this book? What could possibly be the connection of this act of sexual perversity and a book picturing these ugly, old, black creatures? Reverend Richardson's little dwarf-cock had gone limp with the shock of the sight before him. Yet he still stared on at his lewdly displayed daughter. Hunched over in the bleak bowels of the closet with his beak-like nose, bald-head, and long, skinny neck, the Reverend's silhouette appeared much like a scavenger's...glaring down on a beast in its death throes...waiting, waiting, waiting. Kristen writhed before her voyeur and father, still fisting herself furiously. Then the doorbell rang. She froze. The beautiful girl slowly withdrew her gooey hand from her own vagina with a loud, frustrated moan. Her breasts heaving, she momentarily sniffed, and then licked her fingers. Quickly using her blouse, she dried her hand off, as she arose from the bed. Then flinging the blouse-now stained with her secretions-around her shoulders, she left the room virtually naked to answer the front door. The Reverend was left, imprisoned in his daughter's closet. The righteous man's mind was buzzing a mile-a-minute with questions that had no answers regarding the true nature of his cherished and pure, Anglo-Saxon daughter. He was about to begin his three hours in hell...but only a prophet could have foreseen that from his dark confines. Willie Smith was kneeling at his labors in the garden. Suddenly a shadow enveloped him as it blocked out the sun. Willie looked up to find the grotesque figure of Leroy Horton. The fat janitor looked down on the rectory gardener-both literally and figuratively-though he had little reason for the latter. However, Leroy saw the loyal gardener as somewhat of a plantation worker, a houseboy, a `Tom'. "What you doin' here," the gardener inquired of Leroy Horton. "Came ta' party with the Rev's girl," Leroy answered, hoping to shock Willie Smith. "No one gets in there without bein' welcomed," Willie instructed what he construed as the unwelcome visitor. "Oh, I am welcome, boy. I only come a visitin' when I been welcomed in," Leroy answered with a smile. "Leroy, I don't ever remember you bein' welcomed anywhere," Willie responded, alluding to a long past disturbance between Leroy Horton and Willie's family. "You was too young ta' know, boy...I was as welcome then as I is now," the sloppily rotund man retorted. Then as Leroy Horton let his latest comment sink in with the gardener, he took a drag from his cigarette. As he exhaled the smoke, the janitor grinned widely. The fumes escaped through his bared, half-rotted teeth and equine nostrils, at once. Willie's neck grew goose bumps at the sight. The older man looked hideous to Willie, almost demonic. "The girl's too young. She don't want you visitin'" Willie insisted to his nemesis. "She's not too young...`n' I think you'se knows it. Don't `cha, church boy?" Willie paused. His mind raced. Did Leroy know of the girl's flirtation with him in the garden earlier that week? Was Leroy behind it? What was happening here? "Let me tell ya' Willie. The bitch is hot-white hot-and the best lay a black man ever had." Willie knew now. Kristen's sexing late after school, as unbelievable as it may have must have been with Leroy. "Ya' know Willie. The Rev, he jes' usin' your ass. He don't see you as nothin' but an old, black, field worker. That's all them people ever think of us." Willie was stunned by the phrase, "them people." It reminded him painfully of the Reverend's comment about `you people' that had so incensed him earlier that week. Whether knowingly or not, Leroy Horton had struck a chord. Leroy caught the look on Willie's face. He knew his comments were resonating with the gardener. "Look man, the girl's ready to party. Might as well come on in an' get what's yours. Whitey done it ta' us for centuries, man. Time to get our reps. And a real man don't wait for `em-he takes `em!" the janitor goaded the wavering gardener. Then blowing a puff of smoke over the gardener, Leroy turned toward the Richardson's door and strode off. Willie was left kneeling in the cloud of smoke trying to think through his jumbled emotions. The gardener took a swig from the jar of apple juice that sat along side him. But it didn't quench his thirst. Then Willie's mind drifted back to the gorgeous pubis that Reverend Richardson's daughter had exposed to his view a few days before. God, he he would love to taste some of that. Reverend Richardson watched as his daughter re-entered the bedroom. The blouse she'd flung on was completely undone and simply flared along side her as she walked, concealing nothing of her nakedness. Kristen's huge breasts bounced out a foot in front of her like two juicy melons. In spite of all he'd witnessed so far the Reverend's little dick was getting hard again. Then a huge, corpulent, black-skinned mammal walked into the bedroom. Reverend Richardson's face became a mask of horror. "It couldn', no, no...God, dear Lord, please...nooooo" the Minister's mind screamed. Reverend Richardson remembered the hideous, dark-skinned creature that now stood before him in his daughter's bedroom. Five years ago he had been asked by the high school principal to try to counsel the black janitor. There had been complaints from some of the white schoolgirls of his ogling them crudely. The Minister recalled the uncomfortable meeting they'd had in the fetid, little room down in the high school's basement. The room was dark and smelled damp and foul. With the janitor's chain-smoking, the room was filled with smoke. As the Reverend had tried to counsel Leroy regarding his lusting of the innocent, white schoolgirls, the old janitor simply smiled knowingly back at the preacher. "Ya' sure seem to unner'stan' the subject-matter pretty well there, Rev," he remarked caustically. The Reverend was brought back into the horrific Kristen wheeled about and threw her arms around her fat, black, sixty-plus lover, Leroy Horton. Their lips met in an open-mouthed kiss. The Reverend could hear his daughter's tongue swirling about in the old-partially toothless-black man's mouth. As Leroy pulled his mouth from Kristen's, the Minister could see his daughter's tongue lash out and tease itself along the janitor's thick, black lips. It was clear even to the traumatized Minister that his daughter was the pursuer. Leroy Horton's old, black hands were now mauling the immense, globular tits that Reverend Richardson was hoping to just be able to get a peek at. "Damn, you got some fine titties, baby," the janitor remarked with lust. "Yes, and you have something fine, too...Mr. Horton," Kristen lewdly and playfully responded, as she grabbed hold of Leroy's huge dick through his pants. Kristen commenced unbuckling the old Black's pants and, kneeling down in front of him, helped him step out of each trouser leg. The blonde then walked them to the closet and hung them on a hanger. Returning before the hulking Black, Kristen pulled down his sweaty and torn boxers. The sight it revealed left the Minister awe-struck. Leroy Horton pulled his shirt off and stood in the middle of the girl's room completely naked-except for his shoes and sox. His body looked like that of a giant that had melted down: huge layers and waves of flesh sagged from his torso. His monstrous organ hung down, semi-hard, a good foot between his legs. Just behind the uncut dick hung an enormous sack with two apple-sized testes. "Not's not human...!!!" the poor Minister's mind reeled. Kristen showed herself to be her father's daughter, as she grasped the serpentine, black organ, held it to her nose and sniffed it-from its sheathed knob, down its barrel, and into the brillo-like pubic hair at its base. The beautiful girl rubbed her nose into Leroy's pubic hair and inhaled deeply. "Oh...I love the way you smell, Leroy..." the girl remarked, her comment muffled into the janitor's crotch. The pious Reverend was feeling ill now. He couldn't believe what he was witnessing. He prayed this was all a terrible dream and he would soon awake. Kristen grasped the base of the rotund janitor's balls. Holding the sack of the two bloated testes up to her mouth, she began licking the sweaty orbs. "Get `dem apples in ya' mouth, sweetey," the evil, black man ordered. Kristen opened wide and sucked one of the testicles into her mouth. Behind the false paneling in the closet, Reverend Richardson was gagging at the sight. The blonde beauty let the one bloated testicle slip from her mouth, only to part her lips and suck the other one in. "Knew da' first time I set eyes on ya' babe...`Bet she's a ball-lapper!'" the dominant Black chuckled. Then the big, black man walked over to the girl's bureau, turned around and leaned over. "Get over here and kiss my black ass!!!" The Minister watched his daughter rise and position herself behind the obese, black man. She knelt down behind him, and after a few seconds of gathering herself while she gazed lovingly at his fat ass, she leaned over, puckered her lips and placed them to the sweaty ass-cheek of the old Black. Kristen's eyes closed romantically as she held her lips to the flabby ass-cheek, as though she were kissing the soft lips of her Prince Charming. Once the first, long-romantic-kiss was concluded, the young blonde began sprinkling her kisses all over the sweaty, pimpled and hairy cheeks of the janitor. It was obvious to Reverend Richardson that his daughter and the disgusting creature before him had performed these acts before. He wondered in horror how long his treasured, white angel, Kristen, had been carrying on these perversities with the black beast that had taken her from him. As the preacher watched, the sight was made even more obscene by the lovers' surroundings. As the high school girl serviced her aged, over-weight, black lover's ass, the two performed their lewd acts in a setting of teddy bears, pink pillows, and pink frilly bed covers. "Ok, bitch. Enough of the prelims. You knows what I like," the sweaty, black man ordered. Again, the blonde Prom Queen paused. She appeared to be working herself up to what her corpulent lover was demanding. Slowly Kristen began to work her fingers between the old man's ass-cheeks and pry them apart. As she did she leaned over and began to work the delicate, angelic features of her perfect, Caucasian face into the sweaty, smelly crevice of Leroy's black ass. Soon she nuzzled her nose into the old man's ass and the wet licking sounds of her tongue could be heard. In the mirror, Leroy's face glowed. The Black wore a beatific smile and closed his eyes in the ecstasy of the moment. "Aaahhhh..." he moaned, "Every black man over 60 should have a white girl like you to lick his old, black ass, baby. That's it! Clean it!" In the closet, Reverend Richardson's face had started twitching. The shock of the crude exhibit before him had done something irreparable. His face continued twitching, even as he stared obsessively through the peephole. And it wasn't just the Reverend's face that was twitching...the little morsel between his legs was twitching too. The Man-of-God began to instinctively flick at it. The spectacle of his cherished daughter licking the ass of the grotesque Black janitor was exciting him. Like a penitent fingering through his rosary, the Reverend's fingers worked away at his little dick. Kristen Richardson, class beauty, Prom Queen and Captain of the Cheerleaders, was now also Leroy the Janitor's rim-job, slut. As the girl pried the fat, black cheeks wider, the Reverend could see her pink, wet tongue snake out and circle the old man's slimy anal ring. Almost like a pro now, Kristen Richardson began to dart her tongue into the hole, slowly slipping it up and into the obese Black's rectum. "That's it, slut. Get it in there!" Leroy exclaimed. Kristen's tongue began to work the greasy, old bunghole as if she were a woman possessed. The gorgeous blonde was now rubbing her entire face between the cheeks of the filthy, black ass that the old man offered her. "That's it!!! Now wipe ya' white nose in it," the janitor barked to the slavering white girl. And Kristen her father watched on, the young, blonde perfection of Caucasian beauty, took her nose and nuzzled it into the ass hole of the black conqueror above her. As Kristen's father sat hidden in her closet sniffing at her panties, he was forced to observe his daughter snorting into the rectum of the disgustingly fat, black man he once wished to counsel. How strange and mysterious are God's ways! The white, Anglo princess was now reduced to kneeling subserviently behind the black, African beast, feeding at her trough-the crack of his sweaty, foul ass. And all for her horrified father to sit by and witness. "All right, baby. Feedin' time is over," the old Black informed his teenage, oral-anal lover. The old man turned around to exhibit his humongous, stiff standing organ. The enormous black dick stood straight up before him like a fleshy, throbbing spear. Below Leroy's freakish dick hung the two apple-sized, semen-bloated balls. The girl stared in wonder at the god-like, black man. Kristen reached up to grab the dick she worshipped, but Leroy slapped her hand away. "Gettin' a little too anxious there, baby. `Sides...I need ta' talk to ya' `bout somethin'." Leroy sat his fat ass onto the edge of Kristen's bed, with the huge dick still looming up over his navel. With a serious look on his face, he patted the bed signaling for Kristen to sit beside him. "Look babe. We gonna be family soon...right?" Leroy queried, reminding the girl of their impending wedding day. Kristen smiled happily and nodded, not sure where the conversation was leading. "Well, as the woman in my life...gotta ask a big one. Ya' see I lost some money in a card game...and...uh...well...don't know how I'm gonna pay it off. Babe, guy tells me it could get ugly, ya know?" Leroy was pouring on the bullshit for the girl. Kristen for her part listened carefully, her brow knit in concern for the man of her life...fat Leroy Horton, school janitor. "He comin' over soon to discuss it and..." just as Leroy was leading up to the proposition the doorbell rang. Reverend Richardson was in the closet, eye and hand twitching away as he eyeballed both his daughter and the huge janitor's dick. In his agony, he had no idea where this was all leading. He knew by now that he should have already rushed out of the closet to protect his `chaste' flesh and blood, but his concern for his reputation, his image, and the leadership of his congregation froze his will in place-at the peephole of his daughter's bedroom closet. The next thing Reverend Richardson knew was that Leroy Horton and his gorgeous daughter were re-entering the room with a new player. The man was black and even older than the janitor. Hollis Brown had a bag of liquor in his arm. His eyes were glued to the girl's naked ass. Hollis had no clue who the girl would be, but he couldn't have been more pleasantly shocked than to see it was the town's most gorgeous white teen, the girl he'd been staring down for the last two years at the liquor store: Reverend Richardson's, incredibly built, teenage daughter. The look on Hollis' face was serious and mean. It was the same look Kristen had seen from behind the plate glass window at the liquor store, as Hollis' eyes would follow her back to the car she was leaving in. In Hollis' heart-and loins-the heat for white women was mixed with anger. White society had dangled these gorgeous creatures before him for over 70 years. Now he wanted what was his-a fully conquered, fully spread, blonde, Caucasian goddess...broken to his will. "Dis da' man I owe `da money to, babe," Leroy said to Kristen, continuing his con of the girl. Hollis played along, still staring intently at the white beauty before him. "How can I help," Kristen asked softly, frightened for her future husband's safety. As she looked back and forth between the two old, black men, the room went silent. "Well...uhhh..." Leroy searched for the words to offer up the ploy, as he stared down at the floor. Even Leroy was a little intimidated as to how to offer the girl such an outrageous proposition. In the silence of the room, the intent of Hollis' arrival began to dawn on Kristen. She knew how the old Black had stared at her in the liquor store. She thought maybe he'd won the card game just to get at her. Her mind was jumbled and confused with feelings of shock, outrage, and...and some strange sense of sexual excitement. She had been a prize that had been won, something of great value that these two aging, black bulls were willing to do violence over... Without any words, Hollis began to remove his clothing. The mean evil look remained on his face. Hollis Brown's past was mysterious. Leroy remembered that in the early sixties his cousin had left town to embark on a career. He'd wound up in South Dakota of all places and apparently had a family with five or six children. Something went terribly wrong on the South Dakota farm he was trying to raise the family on. They'd fallen on hard times-very hard times-and there was a tragedy. No one thereafter would speak of it. Hollis served time and didn't arrive back in town for 20 years. Those hard times showed all over the deep lines on Hollis Brown's 72-year-old face. Soon Hollis was down to his old, soiled boxers. As he pulled them down he revealed an enormous dick that stood straight out from his loins, every inch Leroy's equal. "My God are all black men so big," Kristen's mind reeled, as she stared at Hollis' ebony weapon. A few feet away in the confines of the closet, the twitching, town Minister was echoing his daughter's thoughts, as he watched another over-endowed, old Black undressing himself in his cherished daughter's bedroom, preparing to fuck her. "God save her!!!" the craven and horny, Man-of-God beseeched his lord, wordlessly. Leroy rubbed Kristen's leg, and looking into her eyes he could see his scheme was working. As Leroy looked over at Kristen, he could see she was staring at Hollis' big dick, which had now bobbed and throbbed its way into a full-blown 11" erection. Hollis' dick was tall and, next to his thin frame, appeared incredibly fat besides. Kristen was becoming more convinced in the recesses of her mind that her life-and womb-was to be dedicated to the power and vitality possessed by the loins of old, black men. Leroy got up and opened the bag of liquor, took a swig from the bottle of gin. He passed it to Hollis who also took a swig. Hollis offered it to the girl, but Kristen took a pass after sniffing the vile bottle. "She thirsty...but not for gin," Leroy chuckled to Hollis, while Kristen continued staring at Hollis' rampant cudgel. "Baby, maybe you like the cider I brought ya'," Hollis said grimly. He then lifted a bottle of apple-cider from the bag. The ancient black then twisted the cap off and offered it to the naked girl. Kristen took a sip. Then another, and another. She liked the taste. It made her feel relaxed and loose. "Well, let me step out and give you two a chance ta' talk," Leroy said, winking at Hollis. With that, Leroy exited the room, leaving the Negroid Hollis Brown, 72 year old, liquor store employee, and the Caucasian Kristen Richardson, the teenager who was the local high school's prettiest student, alone together. "Please, dear God, give her the strength to refuse him," the holy peeper, Reverend Richardson, prayed to his lord from his hiding spot within his daughter's closet. Hollis Brown sat along side Kristen on her bed. As he did, his tall, thin frame slouched somewhat in the sitting position due to his advanced years. But it made his enormous dick seem that much the larger. The ebony lance seemed to project clear up to the old, Black's chest cavity. Kristen couldn't help but stare at the monstrous scabbard with which she knew the old man was preparing to penetrate her. It wasn't lost on Hollis. He could see the girl was fascinated with his anatomical gift. From his hiding place, Reverend Richardson could see the old man and his daughter speaking softly to one another. Although he couldn't make out what they were saying, it appeared they were engaged in the small talk that young lovers often use as a sort of verbal foreplay to sex. As the ancient Black would whisper something to the girl, she'd turn from shyly staring at the floor to looking momentarily into his eyes, then averting them again to the floor. Sometimes as she spoke, the young blonde would look at the old man's dick, almost as if speaking to it rather than him. In time it was as if there were three members in the intimate conversation: Kristen, Hollis, and Hollis' huge, throbbing cock. The old cock appeared at times to be drooling in response to Kristen as she spoke to it. As the soft conversation drew on, Hollis grew more confident with the girl. Using many of the moves he'd used on black girls fifty years before, he stroked Kristen's hair as he spoke to her. As his hand stroked her hair, he let it run down a strand, over her shoulder, and along her breast. The old black would then casually reach down and tenderly begin to play with the blonde high schooler's nipple, gently tweaking it and even pulling on it lightly. The girl didn't offer any objection to the old, black man's tit-play. In the closet, tears were forming in the Minister's eyes. It was hard for the pious Reverend to discern whether he felt a father's pain-or jealousy. Hollis then reclined onto his elbows letting his huge, coal-black member loom out over his torso, throbbing and drooling, as it displayed itself to the admiring blonde girl. The Reverend was forced to watch as his darling, blue-eyed daughter began to casually recline onto one elbow, turning herself toward the old man and begin to rub her hand along his thigh. Kristen was now assuming the role of aggressor and, in her heat, she leisurely let her hand fall to the geriatric's inner thigh and then drift upward, cupping the old, black balls of Hollis Brown. As the strange couple continued chatting, the girl began fondling the old, semen filled balls of the man who at one time leered at her. Now it was Kristen Richardson turned pursuer, casually rolling the huge testes of Hollis Brown's through her fingers. She was tickling, jiggling, and, occasionally, softly milking the big horse-balls of the old man. Hollis was in heaven. He now reclined fully, hands cradled behind his head, letting the white teenager do the work. Kristen was now putting the moves on his old black bod, to his delight. Reverend Richardson, tears rolling down his face, was now cursing his God: "Why do you torment me so? I would prefer to be covered with boils from head to toe than to witness this...why, why, why?" Occasionally, Kristen would let go of Hollis' balls and reach up, touch the tip of his drooling dick, dabbing the viscous precum oozing there, and then pop the finger into her mouth, sucking from it the precious juice that the old Black secreted for her waiting tongue. "He tastes so good," Kristen thought. The big-titted, white teen concluded there and then that all black men must taste so good. Finally, old Hollis Brown could take no more of the gentle prelims the white teen offered him. Wordlessly Hollis got up from the reclining position and Kristen, reading his desires, began to position herself on the bed, leaning back and spreading her young, white thighs for him. Kristen Richardson was hungry now too...hungry for the aged, bucking loins of a 70 year-old, black man. Hollis slowly positioned himself on top of the girl, his huge, black lance waggling over her young, white-and ready-body. "No-dear God-not this again...pllleeaassee," the Reverend's mind was screeching, all while his face twitched madly. Then the Minister witnessed his daughter's pristine, white, delicate fingers grasp the huge, frothing, black dick and position it to her moist vaginal lips, aiding and abetting her own penetration. As the fat knob of Hollis Brown's dick began to push against the girl's waiting lips, the soft, fleshy gateway parted readily, affording the old organ easy entry to her hungry channel. The Reverend moaned in agony as he watched another old Black take and mount his daughter with ease. Old Hollis Brown began to stroke his long, black dick into the teenage pussy that Kristen Richardson willingly offered the 70-year-old man. From the Reverend's view in the closet, he could see his daughter's white, sticky secretions lubricating the old man's dick, facilitating his further pummeling of her womb. Then Hollis got his arms under Kristen's legs and bent her back, pinning her knees to her shoulders, and opening her up to him completely. Reverend Richardson felt a whirlwind of pain and emotion within him as he watched on helplessly. Kristen brought her legs up higher between her and her aged lover, wrapping her ankles behind Hollis Brown's neck. This created a tighter, more pleasurable fit for the old man. Since Leroy had broken her open so many times in the previous weeks, she was no longer the tight fit she once was. The girl had been re-sized by her black sexing to fit the gargantuan needs of black men only. Hollis began to ride the girl ferociously. He felt himself a valiant Black Knight posting on his broken white mare. In his mind Kristen now represented all the white women who had ever snubbed him. Like a vengeful Black Knight he drove his lance deeper and deeper into his oppressor-Kristen Richardson's perfect, white flesh. After nearly 15 minutes of banging his loins into the moaning and grunting girl, Hollis let loose a torrent of frustration, lust, and love. He felt seventy years of suppressed longing flood from his African loins into Kristen Richardson's open and willing, Caucasian womb. Hollis Brown had found his Holy Grail and he had now filled the pristine, white chalice to over flowing...with his potent, African seed. "Yesss...yess...oh God...yesss..." the white girl moaned as she quivered in orgasm beneath her black conqueror. This would be a common scenario for the rest of Kristen Richardson's life: her submissive, white body writhing in ecstasy under the powerful, pounding loins of an African lover. The Reverend was now using Kristen's panties to dry his thighs of the sticky discharge that witnessing her intercourse had caused. The Reverend twitched and teared up as he watched his daughter cradle the old, black man's hips with her open and loving, white thighs. As the sun sank in the West, Willie Smith could see a lumbering figure coming up the Richardson's front stairs with flowers in its hands. This would be the third black man entering the house and Willie knew things might be getting out of hand. In his loins, Willie felt desire for the girl too. The gardener could feel his temples pounding. Earlier he had heard the girl cry out in an obvious climax. Kristen Richardson had flirted with the gardener just days earlier. But Willie had not wanted to betray the trust his true love, Betty Richardson, had placed in him. Up till now he resisted Kristen...the beautiful morsel of white bread within his reach. Willie stood in the garden and looked up at Kristen Richardson's window. As it grew chilly in the garden, condensation appeared to fog the windowpane. It must be very hot in the girl's room, he thought. As the gardener's dick hardened, his will weakened. And it was night. Please provide feedback: positive or negative. It is the only way for Leasa and I to determine whether we should complete the story with a final chapter. 8816 1.92/512345
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