Sunday, December 30, 2012
Charity Slave Auction Pt 5
CHARITY SLAVE AUCTION Pt 5 The next morning I got up and made coffee. Dale got up and came out to the kitchen and saw me, sipping coffee in the nude. He smiled broadly, came over and hugged me and said, "You have never looked more beautiful. This will always be my favorite outfit." I got up and kissed my husband and poured him some coffee. Then I made breakfast. We ate and sat around just relaxing and sipping coffee when the doorbell rang. Since I was naked, Dale answered the door. I was surprised when he came back and he wasn't alone. But it was only Lisa and Frank, so I wasn't uncomfortable. I stood up and gave them both a hug and they complimented me on my outfit. I got them a cup of coffee and served them at the table. Before sat down and got comfortable I asked Lisa to follow me upstairs, I had to show her something. I led her upstairs and showed her the slip I had worn last night. She loved it and she suggested that we go back to Sweet Nothings and do a little shopping. I recommended that we take the men. I knew that Dale would enjoy it. Then I showed her the presents that Dale had given me yesterday. Her eyes lit up and she got so excited. She picked up one of the cuffs and sniffed it, taking in that sexy leather smell and then she tried it on. She stared down at if for a minute and then she said, "Fuck! This stuff makes me so hot!" I grinned and said, "There are four of them, and a blindfold and nipple clamps. I came so hard last night I passed out." I sat down beside her and asked her what was up. She didn't usually drop by my place, and Frank had never been here before. First, she apologized for not calling. They only came over because Frank had heard about a Road Runner that Dale might be interested in. I rolled my eyes and she laughed. But the truth was that I was starting to enjoy this car club thing as much as the guys were. I can guarantee that last weekend I enjoyed it more than ever before. I looked at her and asked, "You don't suppose we fucked things up last weekend do you? I would hate it if people stopped coming to the shows and parties because of what I did." Lisa smiled and said, "I have talked to some of the other girls, and they are all actually pretty envious of you, of us. A lot of them said it was the most fun that they ever had at a car show." "I'm so glad," I said. "I was afraid I might have really pissed some of the girls off. I am only just starting to get to know some of them. Carol really surprised me when she said she wanted to watch." Lisa giggled and said, "Carol's tent was on the other side of ours. You should have heard them after they went to bed that night. She tore her husband flat up!" I noticed that Lisa still had the cuff on. She was enjoying the feel of it and I had an idea. I released her wrist, but I didn't let her stand up. I pulled off her t-shirt, without even asking. She wasn't wearing a bra. I pushed her over onto the bed and restrained both of her wrists with the cuffs. She didn't resist. I could see her getting excited as I restrained her. When her wrists were properly cuffed I unfastened her shorts and pulled her shorts and her panties and her sandals off all in one big clump of clothing. Then I secured her ankles to the bottom corners of the bed. She was smiling up at me when I moved up and slipped the blindfold over her eyes. Once I had her the way that I wanted her I went over to the intercom and called down to the kitchen and asked Dale and Frank to come upstairs. Lisa shivered in anticipation when she heard me on the intercom. I moved over and began kissing her, her lips, her nipples, and her sexy flat stomach. I had just begun kissing her pussy when I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around and invited the men in. When Frank saw Lisa he smiled like I had never seen him smile before. I said, "I just called you up here to ask if you thought I should put these nipple clamps on her too. Or if you would rather do it yourself." Frank took the clamps from me and looked them over and said, "I have never seen her look more beautiful." He handed the clamps back to me and said, "You are more informed about these matters than I am. What do you recommend?" I responded, "I wore them for the first time last night. They are very exciting. I wouldn't want them on me every time I had sex. But once in a while they are a lot of fun." I turned around and got back in bed with Lisa. I teased her nipples until they were hard. Then I attached the clamps and tightened them down. She had her first orgasm as I was tightening the clamps! I got up and returned to Frank. I began to undress him and as I took his clothes off I asked, "Would you like to fuck your slut, or would you like to fuck me while you watch my husband fuck your slut?" He thought about that for about a half a second and the he said, "Dale, I don't believe you have had an opportunity to fuck my wife yet have you? Please, make yourself at home. After all, I fucked your slut last weekend. It's only fair." I don't think I have ever seen Dale undress so quickly before. I finished undressing Frank and I moved into his arms while we watched Dale attack his wife. We have a pretty big bed, but with Lisa right in the center of it there was no room for us. So while Dale fucked Lisa as hard as he could, Frank bent me over the side of the bed with my face right next to Lisa's and fucked me from behind. It was pretty intense. No one was talking. The room was full of the sounds of fucking. I was more conscious than usual of the sounds of flesh slapping flesh and grunting and heavy breathing. Lisa had never been tied up and blindfolded before and I knew from recent experience just how excited she must be. She came loud and often as Dale pounded into her. It took me only a minute longer and before long we were all sated. Lisa was lying on my bed, moaning happily. Dale rolled off and removed her nipple clamps. When he had taken her clamps off I moved up over her and squatted down on her face and let her eat her husband's cum out of my pussy. While she was doing that I bent down and returned the favor. Lisa and I had several more very nice orgasms before we finally had to stop. I slowly struggled to my feet and said, "Why don't we leave her like this and go out for a while." Lisa started struggling then. She pleaded with me to let her up so that she could go to the bathroom. She told me it was either that or she'd wet the bed." I laughed and unbuckled her cuffs. I helped her sit up and she took off the blindfold and asked, "Where did you get these? I want some." Dale smiled and said, "We are going out and look at a car this afternoon. If you come with us I'll take you to the place that sells them on the way back." Lisa smiled and said, "You boys and your cars!" We went back downstairs and I made some Bloody Marys. We took them out by the pool and we all sat around in the shade while I told them about my night last night. After I had finished filling in the details Lisa looked at Frank and then she turned to me and asked, "Would you mind asking Glenn to invite me along the next time?" I looked at Frank and he grinned and nodded. I had really misjudged Frank. The car they wanted to look at was out in the country about an hour from town. Frank had some complicated directions which we followed, almost without problems. We only had to turn around a couple of times. It didn't matter though. It was really the first time that the four of us had spent any time together and we were having a very good time. We pulled up to an old, but well kept farm house and got out. Frank and Dale went to the door and knocked. A tall, thin man of about fifty came to the door and they introduced themselves. The man came out and Lisa and I joined them. He seemed pretty nice. He was a bit shy and very quiet. But something about him gave you the impression that he was very self sufficient. He asked us to follow him and he led the way to a large shed. It took all three of them a long time to open the doors. They hadn't been opened in years. The only thing inside was a car. It was up on blocks and covered in canvas and blankets. The owner carefully pulled the covering off of the car and there was a brand new 1970 Plymouth Road Runner. It had a 440 engine and a six pack. I don't know what I just said, that was what he was telling Dale. It was beautiful! He said it had less than three hundred miles on it. His twin brother had bought it just before he got shipped off to Vietnam. He never came back. His father had put the car in the shed and covered it up and it has been there ever since. Dale and Frank walked around the car and they had to be careful to keep from stepping on their tongues. Dale walked around the car twice. His eyes were as big around as dinner plates. There was a look of pure love on his face that almost made me jealous. He stared at the car in reverent silence for several long minutes. Then he went over to the farmer and said, "I can't give you what this car is worth. I will do something for you though. I would love to get it running for you and you could put this in any of the major auto auctions in the country and be set for life. But I'll be honest with you. You should keep this. This is a car that you have to love. It needs to be loved." The man had been watching Dale talk and he replied, "You love this car, don't you? You aren't buying it to sell are you?" But the way he said it, they were statements, not questions. Dale said, "No sir. I would never sell this car. It is a work of art." The man said, "I feel bad about it being in here all these years. But I haven't been able to bring myself to get rid of it. I was in town a few months ago and your car club was having a show. I saw your Superbee. I thought to myself, 'That man loves that car. That's who should have the Road Runner'." "You didn't have your name or anything on the car. But the car next to yours was this man's." He nodded towards Frank. "I finally called him yesterday and told him about the car and asked if you would be interested. I want you to take it. You pay me what you can for it." Dale and Frank raced back to town to get the trailer. Lisa and I stayed and had a nice long talk with Alex. He talked about his brother a lot. It was really sad. He talked about his wife who had died a few years ago. He has been alone on this old farm for years now. He doesn't farm anymore. He just keeps the house up and he reads a lot. He showed us his library and it was amazing. He has thousands of books. He read about everything! And he remembered what he read. He knew a lot about everything. It was funny. When you first meet him you think he is some kind of country bumpkin. But he knows more about things than anyone I ever met! Lisa and I tried to talk him into coming to town sometime. We invited him to dinner or to the car club to come see his car when Dale finished getting it ready. But he wasn't interested. He was used to being alone. It's a shame, he was really fascinating. While we were looking around in his library I spotted a stack of photographs. They were huge blowups of black and white pictures, and they were beautiful! I asked if I could look through them and he blushed, but he nodded. I started pulling them out one at a time. Most of them were about three by four feet. The first dozen or so were landscapes. And they were the most magnificent photographs I had ever seen. The contrast, the composition, they were perfect, they moved me. Then I came to some that were portraits. I knew without asking that they were of his wife, and that he had taken them. As I worked my way through the stack she was younger and younger. She was always beautiful. There were even a few nude figure studies. I looked at the collection and thought, "These need to be shown! People need to see these!" I turned and asked him if he had more and he nodded. Then I said, "I want you to take my picture. These are the most beautiful photographs that I have ever seen! Please, make me look like that." He blushed again and I could see that he was going to say no. I went over to him and said, "You have to show these. The world needs to see these." He shook his head and I put my hand on his cheek and said again, "Please, take my photograph. I want to see me through your eyes." He hesitated for a moment and then he said, "It has been a long time. I haven't touched my camera since Diane died." Lisa had gone over to look at the photographs, to see what I was so excited about. She came back over to where I was standing and I saw that she was as much in awe as I was. We followed Alex out to the barn. He had converted a large portion of it into a studio. He got his camera out. It was an old, large format camera. It looked like an antique. As he was setting it up he ignored me. I was standing out of the way, taking my clothes off. When he had his camera set up he turned around and saw me standing there and almost jumped out of his skin. I smiled at him and walked over to the area he had set up and said, "How do you want me?" He took a deep breath and posed me. He moved all around taking light readings and adjusting lights and then he moved behind the camera and he started talking quietly to me. He put thoughts in my head and watched me react and sometimes he would take a picture. Every once in a while he would step back and come over and adjust my position slightly. Then he would go back to his camera and talk to me in that quiet, hypnotic voice again and then take another picture. When he was finished I stood up and Lisa was standing there naked, waiting her turn. He must have given up by then. He just shook his head and rolled his eyes. He posed her just as carefully as he had me. He went through the same procedure all over again. I watched him work. It was fascinating. He took a couple dozen photographs, working quietly and calmly and confidently. When they were finished, I went over and Lisa and I sat down on a couch and he took pictures of us together. These weren't 'dirty' pictures. They weren't sexual, but they were sensual. He posed us together, but not in a sexual manner. When he had taken another dozen photographs he straightened up and said, "That's good. Those were some good shots. I think you'll be happy." I knew I would be. I noticed that, as detached as he had tried to act, he had a very large bulge in his jeans. I moved over to him and reached out and gently touched his erection. I smiled up at him and said, "Did I do that?" Then I slowly started undressing him. He stuttered out a few phrases meant to deter me. But I was not going to be denied. I took his clothes off and pushed him onto a nearby daybed on his back. Lisa came over and lay down beside him and kissed him gently while I moved over him and guided his cock into me. I slid up and down on him only once or twice before he came. He groaned, and I think he was disappointed. But we were not done yet. I lay down on top of him and kissed his chest while Lisa continued to kiss his lips. His cock was still buried in me and it never got soft at all. After a few minutes I put my arms around him and held him and together we rolled over so that he was on top now. I looked up at him and said, "Please, make believe I'm her. Make love to Diane." Lisa moved away, she was crying like a baby. Alex held me gently and made the sweetest love to me. He kissed my face and my lips and my neck and he stroked his cock in and out of me. I held him tight and he came again, and as he came he called out her name. I held him tight for a long time. Finally he got up and sat on the side of the bed. It looked like he felt bad. I sat up and asked, "Are you sad?" He stared at me for a minute and then he smiled and said, "I'm not sure what I am. For a few minutes I had Diane back." He stared at me for a minute and said, "I think that I am grateful. You are a very perceptive young woman." I sat beside him and held his hand and kissed it. Then I said, "We can do that again some time. I enjoyed it." He looked a little bit unsure and he asked, "How do you suppose your husband would feel about that, Kelly?" I smiled and said, "My husband would think it was wonderful." I understood now that he was worried about what Dale would think if he found out. I took his hand and said, "Seriously, Dale wouldn't mind." He wasn't entirely convinced. But I was pretty sure that I could bring him around. He pointed out a small bathroom and I went in and got cleaned up while he got dressed and went into the darkroom. Lisa got dressed and we sat around waiting impatiently for more than an hour. He finally came out and said, "I'm sorry it took so long. You'll be happy though, they came out beautifully." He let us into the darkroom and the photos were hanging up on line all around the room. He was right. They were beautiful! They were works of art. Every last one of them was a work of art, fit to hang in a gallery. I went over to him with tears in my eyes. I hugged him and said, "They are beautiful. I don't know what to say. Thank you doesn't seem like enough." He smiled down at me and said, "Oh, I pretty much think we are even young lady. For a few minutes I had Diane back. It wasn't enough. It wasn't real. But it was wonderful." I stepped back again and said, "Lisa and I have a friend that has a large, famous art gallery in the city. He would go crazy over your work. Let me take them to him. Let him show them. They deserve to be seen." He said, "I don't want to get involved in all of that crap. I can't deal with those people. And to be honest, I don't have much respect for a lot of the things people call art." "All the more reason to put some real art out there for them," I argued. Then I had a thought and suggested, "What if we didn't tell anyone who the photographer was? Our friend could show them, sell them, and you could remain anonymous. At least let me take some of them to him. Let him look at them." Alex finally gave in, reluctantly. We went through his collection and the three of us selected about three dozen photographs. We worked our butts off packing them up to travel and by the time the guys finally got back with the trailer and a car full of help the photographs were ready to go. We went out and watched Dale and Frank and a couple of guys they had been able to round up from the club put the car up on rollers and carefully winch it out of the garage and onto the trailer. Then they helped us load the photos in the back of the truck and secure them. Before we left we took Frank and Dale into the studio and showed them our portraits. Alex was standing there nervously, not knowing how our husbands would react to him taking nude pictures of their wives. When the guys saw the pictures they went nuts. They were just as excited about them as we were. Well, almost anyway. Before we left, Dale handed Alex a check for the car. He said, "It is worth at least five times this much. I'm sorry that this is all I can scrape up on such short notice." I saw the check. It was for twenty thousand, almost wiping out our savings. Alex took the check and smiled and tore it up. He said, "Your wives think they are going to make me rich. Whether they do or not, they have made me happy. I haven't been happy in a long time. I don't need the money. I'm glad the car found someone that loves it as much as my brother did." The expression on Dale's face right at that moment was worth twenty thousand dollars! Alex turned to Lisa and me and said, "Let me know how your friend likes those pictures. Yours will be dry and mounted tomorrow if you want them. It was nice meeting you folks." Then he went back into the house and we headed home. On the way home we told the guys all about our afternoon. They were so touched they didn't even get turned on! We had planned on stopping at the adult novelty shop that Dale had found. But it was getting late, so we put it off until tomorrow and headed home to unload the car. The Road Runner was in much better shape than they had thought. They had expected the interior to be dry rotted, but it wasn't. They replaced all the hoses and belts and gaskets and the tires and all the fluids and all of those things that don't sit up well in storage. They put a battery and spark plugs in it and it started right up and ran like a new car. It had two hundred and sixty-nine miles on the odometer. It was a new car. There wasn't a scratch on the paint. I forget the name of the color. It was a pretty copper color with a black stripe on the hood. It has won top prize at several shows. Dale has been offered more than five times what he tried to pay Alex for it. He would sell me before he would sell that car though. Come to think of it, he did sell me! The car club has gotten together for several shows and a few parties since we went nuts at that out of state show and camp out. We have toned them down a little though. It still gets a little wild. The people in the tents at night, or the motel rooms, are not always the people that are married to each other. We are a little more discreet about it now and those few members of the club that aren't up for that are grateful. Lisa and I attend games with Glenn and at his company's loge every now and then. We have also hosted a few poker games for him. It's a chance to get a little wild and we all enjoy it. Lisa and I took the photographs, including some of the ones that we posed for, to our friend with the art gallery. He went nuts. Alex is the next Ansel Adams. Alex is the most famous unknown photographer in the country. His photographs sell like crazy, when he takes them. But he only takes them when he is in the mood. We have gotten calls from people all over the world that want to pose for him. But for now, Alex is happy with the two models he has. Lisa and I go out there about twice a month. We take him his checks and pick up any new photos that he has made and while we are there he makes love to Diane. 6149 1.70/512345
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