Monday, December 24, 2012
Mary Plays And Mary Pays
MARY PLAYS AND MARY PAYS I stood there looking in the window at my life crashing down. I listened to my wife as she made a mockery of the seven years of our marriage and our eleven year relationship. Eleven years of me being a blind, stupid fool. Mary and I met in the eighth grade, started going steady in the tenth and by the middle of our senior year in high school we were making plans for the rest of our lives. We would get college out of the way before we got married and then build our careers for ten years or so before sitting down to decide whether or not we wanted to have children. Mary and I exchanged virginities the night of our senior prom and since I had a small inheritance from my grandmother we intended to rent a small apartment and live together while attending college. We graduated high school and then spent the summer making love whenever and wherever we could. That fall we went off to college, found an apartment and began classes. Halfway through our first term I was leaving the Science Building when I felt a sharp pain that was so intense that it dropped me to my knees. To make a long story short I had a ruptured appendix, was rushed to the hospital, operated on and then spent the rest of the year home recovering from the surgery. I was back to school by the start of the spring term and by carrying a huge class load, 16 to 18 hours instead of the usual 12, I was able to graduate with my class. Two months later Mary and I were married. We both found jobs in our chosen fields and the next seven years flowed by. I thought Mary and I were the perfect couple with the perfect marriage, but apparently I was wrong. We had planned a barbecue for Saturday afternoon and we had a dozen people coming over. Mary and I had spent a busy morning setting up the backyard and getting things ready. The guests started arriving and it looked like it was going to be great afternoon. And then the phone rang. The bad part of doing a good job in climbing the corporate ladder is that the higher you climb, the more that is expected of you. Managers at my level were expected to be on call when problems arose. Normally the six managers rotated being on call over the weekends and Andy Trent was supposed to be on call. My boss was on the phone telling me that there was a problem at the plant and that Andy had somehow managed to break his leg. I was the next one up in the rotation so the boss needed me to mount up and ride to the rescue. When you were in my pay-grade you didn't whine: "But boss, I'm in the middle of a party at my house." What you did was mount up and ride. I went and found Mary, told her what was up, gave her a kiss and told her I would get back as quick as I could. Past history had shown that being called in when you had the duty would usually take from six to eight hours so I was pleased when I was able to wrap things up in three. I hurried home so I could still enjoy some of the party. I was walking down the side of the house to the gate that led into the backyard and as I moved along the path I heard Mary's voice say: "Not here Phil. I've got a house full of guests." It came from the window of my home office and I went to it and looked in. The blinds were closed, but there was a gap between the bottom piece and the window sill and looking through the gap I saw Mary standing there with Phil Evans and Marty Foster. They had the front of her dress pulled down and they each had a hand on one of her tits. "Come on Mary, just a quickie. It has been over a month since I've had a taste." "No Phil, not now; not while I have a houseful of company. Besides, Rob could come home at any moment." "So what? We could fuck you in front of him and he wouldn't know what is going on." "That isn't true and you know it. He isn't stupid Phil; it's just that I'm very careful not to do anything that will make him suspicious." "Get real Mary. We fucked you all through college - in his apartment and on his bed - and we have been fucking you ever since and you are trying to tell me that he isn't blind and stupid?" "He loves me and if I don't do something stupid, like fucking you here and now, he will never even think that I'm being unfaithful. Now come on; I need to get back to the party before I'm missed." "When can we get together?" As she tucked her tits back into her dress she said, "Rob is going to that conference in San Diego next week and he will be gone four days. Can you guys sneak away from your wives long enough to come over and play? Maybe even spend the night?" "With a weeks advance notice I'm sure that I can come up with something" Phil said. "I'll tell Joyce that I have a two day business trip" Marty said, "and I'll spend those two days with you. Should we tell the others?" "Sure, why not. The more the merrier." The three of them left the room leaving me to stare at the wreckage of my marriage. My wife had been fucking two of my friends since college? And there were others? I turned and headed back to my car. I was in no mood to face any of the three right then. I sat on the stool at Ernie's Icehouse and sipped my beer as I watched the barmaid wait on a customer. Wanda was a sexy little bitch in a slutty way and I had flirted off and on with her for a couple of years. She had made it know in subtle ways that she was more than willing to take it past flirting, but I was "Mr. Straight Arrow." I was the faithful husband and it didn't matter how often Wanda's deliciously round ass gave me a hard on I always took that hard on home. Well, soon Mr. Straight Arrow's arrow would be free to seek other targets. Wanda brought me a fresh one, set it down on the bar in front of me and said: "You seem lost in thought today Slick. Got problems?" "Big ones Wanda. I don't know whether to take you to the beach with me, to Vegas, or to just find a handy motel room." "Why not all three?" "Good point. I guess I'll need to make a list of your days off so I can coordinate." "They owe me time off Slick; all you need to do is tell me when" and then she moved off to the other end of the bar to take care of a customer. Was she just flirting, or did she mean it. I decided that once Mary was history I would find out. I finished my beer and headed home. The party was still going on though the guests had thinned out some. I found Mary and kept myself under control as I kissed her cheek and let her know I was back and then I spent the next hour circulating and being sociable. The party started breaking up and Phil came up to me: "Great party guy; too bad you had to miss most of it." It was all I could do not to smash his face in. Instead I put a smile on my face and said: "There is always the next one." After the last guest was gone Mary said, "Leave the mess for tomorrow. Right now I need to drag you off to bed. You know how horny I get when I drink." Yeah, I thought to myself, and you will probably be imaging it is Phil or Marty or one of 'the others' fucking you. But I wasn't ready for a confrontation. I had nothing to go on but part of an over-heard conversation. No, I needed proof. Solid proof I could show to everyone so they would know what a cheating whore Mary was. Proof that I could turn over to the wives of Phil, Marty and the others when I found out who they were. Until then I had to continue being the faithful and clueless husband. I held out my hand to Mary and said, "Lead the way sex-pot." In the bedroom we undressed and then she came over to me, put her arms around me and kissed me. I fondled her tits and as I did I wondered if she was remembering that only hours earlier Phil and Marty had been doing the same thing to her. I picked her up and set her down on the bed and moved between her legs. I lined my cock up with her unfaithful cunt and as I inserted myself I wondered whose cock she was wishing was sliding into her. Phil? Marty? One of the others? Could it possibly be mine? No matter, Mary was a marvelous piece of ass and I wouldn't be getting her pussy for very much longer so I took take advantage of the here and now. I started driving my cock into her and she started moaning and wrapped her legs around me and pulled me to her. "That's it lover, that's it, fuck my pussy, fuck my cunt." A picture of Mary and Phil fucking entered my mind and for some perverse reason it drove me to fuck her harder as if my pounding her would punish her for her faithlessness. But the harder I fucked her the louder she moaned. "God baby, yes, oh yes; like that lover, hard, fuck me hard. Make me cum baby, make me cum." And then she screamed and her cunt muscles clamped my cock and her nails dug into my back as she had her orgasm and seconds later I had mine. I will miss this I thought as I looked down into her flushed face; oh yes, I will most definitely miss this. The next morning Mary woke me with a blow job and then we had a slow, leisurely fuck - not making love, wouldn't be anymore of that in this house - and then we got up, had breakfast and started the clean-up. As I moved through the day I racked my brain for memories of anything that might have alerted me to the fact that Mary was stabbing me in the back, but I came up with nothing. Four years of college and seven years of marriage - eleven fucking years! - and I didn't have a fucking clue! That of course brought up the question: Was I brain dead or just blinded by love? Well I was blind no more and I began to formulate a plan. Monday at work I talked to my boss. Dave was twice divorced, both times from cheating sluts, so I knew he would work with me. I told him that I needed to beg off going to the San Diego conference so that I would be home to catch Mary in the act. He made a few suggestions and gave me the telephone number of the private detective that he used to nail his second wife. He told me that I could have off however much time I needed, but that I could expect to be working some long hours to play catch up when I got back to work. I went to my office and called the detective and made an appointment to meet him the next morning. I met with Brian Locardo and told him my story and he asked me what I wanted. "They are planning a meeting at my house while I'm supposed to be away on a business trip. I'd like the house wired for audio and video. I want what they do to be on tape." "You know that this is a no fault state and it is highly unlikely that you will ever be allowed to use any of the recordings in court don't you?" "Maybe the courts won't see it, but plenty of other people will." He quoted me a price range and it almost made me gasp for breath, but then I figured that it would be cheap if I got out of it what I wanted - revenge and payback! The next day I met Brian at my house and after checking it out he said from the layout that anything that happened would most like take place in the living room, family room and the bedroom. I asked him how long he would need to do what he had to do and he said three hours. I gave him a key and told him that I would keep Mary occupied from ten till two the next day so she wouldn't come home and walk in on him. That night I told Mary that I would be seeing a client two blocks from her office and that I would swing by and take her to lunch. I told her to expect me around eleven, but that it might be a little before or a little after. The next day I called her at ten forty-five and told her I was on my way. She was ready to go when I got there and I took her to the restaurant at the Hilton. "Why here" she asked as we were led to a table. "Never know sweetie, you might decide you want us to take a room for dessert." "Oh you dog you. You want to do me on company time." "When you put it that way I guess it isn't such a hot idea." "I think it is a great idea. Can we skip lunch and go straight to dessert?" "Are you serious?" "Bet your ass I am. I can spend the rest of the afternoon walking around the office full of your cum while all the guys who make passes at me eat their hearts out. I can look at them and wonder what their faces would look like if I let them have sloppy seconds." I looked at her and wondered what she was thinking as she looked up into my face after giving me her lover's leftovers. No matter; what was done was done. I stood up, offered her my hand and said: "Let's go." I had my hand inside her dress even as the elevator door was closing. I bent to kiss her and she shoved her tongue in my mouth as I fondled her tits and she ran a hand over the bulge in my pants. Once in the room I started stripping and said: "Since this is on company time there isn't any time for romance. Get out of those clothes and get on the bed." "Oh?" Mary said as her dress fell to the floor, "You are just going to fuck me, is that it?" "That's it you sexy slut. Get your ass on that bed." "Don't you even want to pull the covers down?" "Hell no, they aren't ours and I'm in a hurry." "So now I'm a slut am I?" "Isn't that what you would call a woman who does quickies in a hotel room?" "Okay stud, I'll be your slut for now. Get over here and fuck me." I probed for her opening and as my cock slid between her pussy lips I reached under her, grabbed her ass cheeks with my hands and pulled her to me as I shoved myself deep into her. As my cock drove in I again wondered why she was and had been cheating on me. If it was because I wasn't getting the job done in the bedroom you would never know it from the way she acted. She wrapped her arms and legs around me and pushed her cunt up at me as she moaned: "So good, so good baby; I love the way you fuck me." "That's good you little slut. Take this... and this... and this" I grunted as I pounded hard into her. I dropped her off at work at ten after two and gave Brian a call and he told me he was done. All that was left was to get through the rest of the week and the weekend. It would all be over Monday or Tuesday at the latest. The balance of the week was normal for us. We had sex on Friday night and on Saturday she woke me with a blow job and then fixed breakfast while I showered. After breakfast I went off to play golf and when I got home she had left a note telling me that she had gone over to her sisters and would be home by six. Was she really at her sisters? Who knows, but the big thing was that I no longer cared enough to find out. Sunday she woke me with another blow job and when I was hard enough she climbed on me and rode me to a climax and then we had breakfast and got busy on household chores. Around eleven in the morning Mary started getting frisky. It was something that she usually did before I went on a trip; said she needed enough to hold her until I got home. She pulled me into the bedroom for a quickie and then she got on with cleaning the house while I cut the grass and weeded the flower beds. At five she pulled me down on the couch in the living room for another quickie and I wondered if it was just the way she got herself worked up for her lovers or was it the knowing that they would soon be fucking her that got her wound up? That night in bed she fucked me hard and moaned that she hoped that it was enough to hold me until I got home. The next morning I kissed her goodbye and left on my trip. I checked into a motel and then drove over to Brian's office to check in with him. At five-thirty the surveillance van we were in (it said Pro-Line Plumbing on the side) was parked in front of the house next door to mine and the four of us (Brian, two men to operate the equipment and me) settled back and talked sports while we waited. At six-ten Mary came home and we watched on the five screens as she came into the house, dashed upstairs to the bedroom and stripped off her work clothes. She put on a rose colored bustier that I had never seen before, thigh high nylons and a pair of high heels. She did her makeup and then she went downstairs and made herself a drink. She was sipping her drink and jumping channels on the TV when a car pulled into the drive and Phil and Marty got out of it. As they were walking up to the porch another car pulled into the drive and another "good" friend of mine got out. I watched Harry hurry up the walk to catch up with Phil and Marty. Marty rang the doorbell and on the screen we saw Mary get up, adjust the bustier and then head for the door. As the door opened and the three men went inside just as another car pulled up in front of the house. It was a car I knew well. I watched my brother Jack get out and head for the front door. As the door closed behind Jack Mary said, "Here or in the bedroom?" "Why would we even think of doing it here when there is a bedroom available" Phil asked. "Last time you seemed to enjoy doing me bent over the back of the couch." "True, but if you will remember we did it that way because hubby was due home soon and we needed to make it quick." "Enough with the history lesson" Harry said, "We're here to fuck, not talk." The five of them moved to the bedroom where the time Mary had spent putting on the bustier was wasted as Marty pulled it off of her. Marty was kissing her as he slid a finger into her pussy. "She's sopping wet. I think she has been looking forward to this." Then the four of them passed her around as they took turns shoving their tongues down her throat and feeling her up. Mary moaned and Marty laughed and said: "Oh yeah, she's loving this. Come on baby, give us a hand here" as he started unbuttoning his shirt. Mary turned to him and started to help him undress as the other three started taking off their clothes. There was a gasp in the van as Phil and Marty's cocks came into view. I wasn't surprised because I had seen their equipment in the showers at school and in the gym where we worked out. Both were larger than average - way larger - I had once heard Phil say that he had eleven inches. Marty was maybe an inch or so shorter, but he was bigger around. Mary stood between them with a hand on each cock and she stroked them as they took turns fucking her mouth with their tongues. Mary went to her knees is front of the two men. She took Phil in her mouth first and then after thirty seconds or so she moved to Marty and then she alternated between the two. After a couple of minutes she stood up and said, "I need a cock in me" and she moved to the bed and got on it. Marty got on the bed and lay on his back and Mary got on her hands and knees and lowered her head and swallowed the head of his cock while Phil got on the bed and moved in behind her. Mary's knees were spread wide and as Phil began to push his cock into her she whimpered, but she pushed her ass back at him to help him. It took him a bit to get all of his cock into her and then he grabbed her hips and started fucking her. For five minutes Phil fucked Mary as her head bobbed up and down on Mart's cock. And then Phil grunted: "Here it comes you fucking slut" and seconds later he pulled out of her and said, "Who gets her next?" "My turn" Harry said as he moved behind Mary. I had never seen Harry's cock before, but he was just as big as Marty and Phil. Is that what it was all about - cock size? Mary was a slut for large cocks? All three had at least three inches on me in length and maybe an inch on me in girth. But no, it couldn't be cock size; my brother was smaller than me. Back in the bedroom Marty had cum in Mary's mouth and his place on the bed was taken by Jack. Harry was fucking her hard and when he came Mary rolled over on her back and Jack moved between her legs. When Jack came Phil was hard again and he moved between Mary's legs, put her legs up on his shoulders and plunged his cock into her. From then on it was all four man taking turns on her. It was two hours into it when I suddenly knew what I was going to do. Mary was on her hands and knees with her mouth on Jack and Phil was fucking her from behind. She was moaning and pushing her ass back at Phil when he pulled out of her cunt and poked the head of his cock at Mary's asshole. At the first touch of his cock head against her butt hole Mary came unglued. She jerked her mouth off of Jack and pulled forward away from Phil and turned to give Phil a murderous look. "God damn you Phil! You know better than to try that. I will not take that big thing in my ass and you know it. I don't even let Rob have my ass. You keep trying and huge cock or not I will stop seeing you. I do not want to have to tell you again." Just that quick my plans changed. The plan was to copy the tapes we were making and then send a copy to Mary's relatives and friends and to the wives and families of the four men and I would still do that. But I suddenly saw a way to really punish the whore I had married. I turned to Brian and said: "You can wrap it up here; I think we have more than enough for what I want to do." "What are you going to do?" "I'm going to have some fun at their expense and get some revenge at the same time. And you won't want to tape it. In fact, I'm not even sure of the legalities here, but maybe it would be best if you didn't even see it. That way you can honestly swear that you knew nothing about it if it ever comes up." "Be careful. You've got them right where you want them right now. Don't do anything stupid that will let them off the hook." I told him I would be careful and I left the van. I went around the house to the back door and let myself into the house. I quietly went down into the basement where I kept my gun safe and got my .22 target pistol. I made sure that it had a full load, jacked one onto the chamber and headed for my bedroom. When I walked into the room and yelled, "Surprise, surprise" Mary was back on her knees sucking on Jack and Phil was back to fucking her from behind. Marty and Harry were standing off to the side and stroking themselves while waiting for an open hole. They all looked toward the door and saw me standing there with a gun in my hand and there was a sudden flurry of activity as Mary, Jack and Phil separated and Harry and Marty moved to get his clothes. I fired one shot into the floor and hollered: "Hold it! Nobody move!" "Get serious Rob" my brother said, "You aren't going to shoot anybody" and he turned and reached for his pants. I shot him! I shot him in the meaty part of his thigh and as he screamed and went down I put another round into the right cheek of his ass. "Anybody else want to tell me what I will or won't do?" Everybody froze as they all looked at me with fear on their faces. Mary was crying and trying to cover her tits and her cunt with her hands. I looked at them and said: "I came in here meaning to shoot every fucking one of you pieces of shit, but I've changed my mind. I think I have a much better way to get my revenge. I think we will have a live sex show for Rob the Cuckold. For starts I think I'd like to see Phil shove his cock up Mary's ass." I saw Phil's cock twitch when I said that and at the same time Mary wailed: "Oh God no; not that. I can't do that." "Sure you can Mary; you might not like it, but you can do it. Go on Phil, get her up on her knees and shove your cock up her ass." "You got any lube handy?" "Lube? We don't use no sticking lube. This is me getting revenge butt wipe. Just shove it in." Mary was crying and trying to crawl away so I told Harry and Marty to hold her still. They grabbed her and held her and Phil moved in behind her. He hesitated and looked over at me and I said: "Use it or lose it pal" and I waved the gun in the direction of his genitals. Mary's scream when he shoved his huge cock into her ass brought a big smile to my face. While that was going on my brother was on the floor whining about needing to go to the hospital before he bled to death and I told him he wasn't going anywhere until I was done. "You might be better off bleeding to death you sorry piece of shit; at least then you won't have to face your wife and mom and dad and explain why I shot your miserable ass." Mary had her head buried in a pillow, but we could still hear her sharp cries of pain as Phil worked his big cock in her ass. Phil finally got his rocks off and he pulled out of Mary and stood there, cock covered with shit, blood and dick snot, waiting for me to tell him what to do next. ? Stick your dick in her mouth and let her lick it and suck it clean." "No Rob" she cried, "Please don't make me do that." I motioned at Phil with the gun and he moved in front of her and Mary buried her head in the pillow and wouldn't lift it up. "Grab a handful of her hair and jerk her head up" I told Phil, "And then pinch her nose. When she opens up her mouth to take a breath shove your cock in the hole." While Phil was doing that I told Marty that it was his turn in her shitter. "Just drive it in and fuck the whore." Since Marty was a little bigger around than Phil his ramming his cock into Mary brought forth another scream and another smile. When he was done I told him to shove his cock in her mouth and have her clean it while Harry fucked her butt. After Harry was fucked and sucked clean I had the three of them go over and sit down on the floor with their backs to the wall. Mary crawled off into a corner and heaved her guts out onto the floor and then curled up in the fetal position. "All right" I said to the three, "It's story time. I want to know when and how this got started. To give you a starting point I will tell you that I know it has been going on for eleven years now. I know it started back in college. What I want to hear are the details." Mary was still huddled in her corner sniffling and crying and I ignored her and concentrated on the three sitting on the floor in front of me. The three looked at each other and then Phil said: "It happened while you were home recovering from surgery. We were at a party at a frat house and she had been drinking pretty heavily. About three hours into it she came up to me and told me that rumor had it that I had a huge package. I told her it wasn't bad and she asked to see it. I told her that I didn't do shows at parties so she asked me to go home with her. I did and when she saw it she said she had to try it to see if she could take it all. She went nuts and when I stopped back by the next day she opened the door, smiled and pulled me in. "I bragged to Marty about doing her and he hit on her and told her that he was even bigger than I was so she had to try it and the same thing happened with Harry. She got hung up on size and we've been doing it ever since." "How did my asshole brother get in on it? I know for a fact that his dick isn't big." "He stopped by one night when you were out of town and we were doing her and he caught us. We had to let him in to buy his silence. Now what are you going to do?" "It isn't what I'm going to do, it is what you are going to do. I made Mary suck your dirty dicks so you get to suck the cum out of her ass." "Oh no, I'm not going to do that" Marty said. "Then I'll shoot you. I came into this room to get some payback for eleven years of you fucking my wife behind my back. You can take the easy way out and suck the junk out of her ass or we can do it the hard way. And if you don't think I'll do it just look over at my brother leaking all over the floor." "I'll get you for this" Phil said. "Let me tell you this Phil. If I run into you anywhere after tonight I'll kill you so you had best give me a wide berth and stay the fuck out of my way. No get he fuck over there and suck the sluts ass clean." They hated doing it, but each of them spent three or four minutes sucking on Mary's cum filled ass. When they were done Harry asked: "Now what?" "Get dressed and get the fuck out of here and don't let me see you again." "That's it? It's over?" "Not quite. First I'm throwing Mary's whoring ass out and then I'm telling your wives what you have been doing." "Oh man, you don't need to be doing that. Why mess up our marriages just because your wife wanted to play?" "You can't be serious. You are all supposed to be my friends and you've smiled at me and been buddy-buddy with me for all these years while you fuck my wife and destroy my marriage, but I'm supposed to respect yours? Mary might have wanted to play, but you are the ones who chose to play with her. You played, and now you pay. Now get dressed and get out." I walked over to where Mary was huddled in the corner and kicked her leg to get her attention. "Get your worthless ass dressed and drive my asshole brother to the hospital. And Mary? Once you drop him off don't come back here. There is nothing here for you anymore except pain and suffering." While she was getting dressed I called Jack's wife and my parents and told them that I had just shot Jack and that Mary was going to take him to County General. "Ask him or Mary" I said when they wanted to know what had happened. Mary asked me to help her get Jack to her car and I laughed at her and told her the shit-head could crawl to her car for all I cared. She was gone for maybe two minutes when the doorbell rang and I opened the door to find Brian standing there. "I thought you were gone." "Couldn't leave" he said, "No way could I let my client walk into a room with four other guys without backup. We stopped taping when you told us too, but we watched in case you needed help." "Thank you." "All part of the service." He handed me two tapes and said, "I have the equipment to make copies if you need them." "Oh I will most definitely need them. I'm going to send a copy to damned near everyone that Mary and those four assholes know." "Just give me a list and I'll include mailing in the price." "I already have it made up. I'll swing by your office in the morning and drop it off." He left and I locked up the house and headed for my motel room. I didn't want to be at the house when the cops showed up with questions about the shooting. I would have to face them sooner or later, but I'd go for later. I'd had enough excitement for one day. As it turned out I never did have to face the cops. At the hospital Jack said he accidentally shot himself and he stuck to his story. He no doubt regretted not throwing me under the bus when his wife Penny and mom and dad came to him and asked him to explain the video tape they had received showing him fucking Mary. Phil survived. Probably because his wife was as hung up on his big cock as Mary was and she didn't want to give it up. Harry and Marty got royally hosed in their divorces and Penny kicked Jack out. Mom and dad refused to take him in and right now no one knows where he is. You can bet the farm that I'm not looking for him to see how he is. Mary, Marty, Phil and Harry became the town's laughing stocks after I sent out the one hundred and eighty-one copies of the video tape. Their bosses got a copy, some of their co-workers got a copy and every one of their living relatives I could find got a copy. I even sent copies to their next door neighbors. Mary tried for three months to get me to talk to her and I refused to even acknowledge that she was alive. Finally she quit trying, quit her job and left town. I don't know where she went and I don't care where she is as long as it isn't with me. Marty also left town and being that Mary likes big cocks I wouldn't bet against the two of them living somewhere together. I didn't bother going after a divorce. Living in a no-fault state would have meant having to sell the house and split all the assets with Mary plus I would have to pay the attorney's fees and court costs and the costs of finding her cheating ass so I could serve papers on her. I just couldn't see wasting the money. Some day maybe, but right now if there is a divorce Mary will have to be the one to go for it. And no, the fact that I have not divorced her does not mean that someday we will get back together. I can't stand the sight of the bitch and I will never forgive or forget eleven years of stabbing me in the back. Besides, who knows? I might get lucky and she will get run down by a bus or something and then I can make a buck or two suing whoever ran her down. And Wanda? She wasn't just flirting. 5121 1.67/512345
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