Sunday, December 23, 2012
More Than She Bargained For
More Than She Bargined For-- Part I by Headhunter Sue was pissed. After 12 years of marriage and two kids Jim was fucking around on her. The evidence was right in front of her. A pair of thong panties, and from their size probably from some little 20 year old bimbo. Sue wasn't fat but 34 years of living and two kids had given her body a mature look. How stupid was Jim leaving the panties in his coat pocket. That coupled with the lipstick on his collar a couple of days ago and the femine scrawl on a sheet she had found on a pile of his paper work yesterday saying, "I know that I can please you. signed Molly", left no doubt in Sue's mind. Molly that new secretary at Jim's office. Sue had pegged her for trouble when she had met her last month. Sue continued sorting the laundry. She taught school and the time between her getting home from her 3rd grade class and Jim coming in from work she devoted to laundy, cleaning and cooking for her family. Sue was so mad that she miss-sorted the wash and had to begin again. "That bastard", she thought, "Here I have spent the best years of my life having his kids, working to help with the house payment, doing without, and he's off screwing some fresh faced kid right out of college. Before I married Jim I could have worn panties like this." Sue started the washing machine, checked on the girls doing their homework and then went into her bathroom. She striped down and gave herself an aprising look in the mirror. "Not bad", she thought, "My breasts are nice and full and don't sag too much even after nursing that prick's babies, shit Jim used to suck on these titties all the time even when they were full of milk. When was the last time he even gave me any foreplay. After 12 years of marriage it is wham-bang-thank-you-mam, then roll over and begin snoring. He wasn't exactly the stud he was in college either. Sure he was a good father and provider, but where was the romance. I know where the romance is!! Being used up on the young slut with the short skirts in his office. I can't believe Jim would betray me and his family like this, but here was the evidence." Sue struggled to put the thong panties on. Then burst into tears when she couldn't pull them up past her womanly hips. The narrow waist band dug into her stomach showing the extra inch of flesh on her rounded tummy. Her heavy thatch of pubic hair made the narrow strip of cloth look rediculous. Sue ripped the panties off and sank to the floor sobbing. Sue collected herself, then stood up and pulled on her flannel bathrobe. Well maybe she hadn't been exactly inspiring Jim in the last few years. They used to have a great sex life. Not very adventuresome, but they had always enjoyed each other and satisfied each other. Or had they? It was always straight sex. Occasionally Jim would go down on her and occasionally Sue would place his hard cock in her mouth for a few moments. The wildest thing they did was those few times Sue rolled on top and rotated her hips while Jim reached up and played with her hanging tits. The bathrobe was pulled tightly around her and she looked in the mirror again. Well she didn't even own any sexy nightgowns. She looked exactly like what she was, a 34 year old mother and school teacher. How inspiring was that? But it was no excuse, Jim shouldn't have cheated on her. While she was preparing dinner she thought about her options: Confronting Jim, Packing her bags and leaving with the kids, Throwing him out, Pretend it didn't happen, Divorce. None of those options seemed quite right. She didn'r want to be a single mother. How about getting even? Was that an option? Even the score, then she and Jim could go on like nothing happened. They could pledge to each other never to let it happen again. Yes! Thats what she would do. Bedding a man other than Jim would surely do wonders for her self-concept. But could she attract another man. She remembered the sight of her mommy body struggling in vain to get into those panties. If she were rejected by the man she chose it would be horible. Maybe Jim was the only man who would want to be with her. Sue dropped a frying pan as hot grease splattered on her hand. "Damn", she instinctively raised the burned finger to her mouth. She stopped and looked at her hand. The fingers were caloused and red, the skin cracked and fingernails broken. Cooking, cleaning, yardwork, and teaching 3rd graders had taken a toll on her whole body. With her usual efficiency Sue began to make a mental list of what she must do to insure her "get even" affair would be successful. She wouldn't even start until she got herself into some reasonable shape. Sue smiled to herself, she always felt better when she had a goal and purpose. The clouds formed once again in Sue's mind as Jim came in the back door, kissed her like a sister on her cheek, asked about his daughters and then settled into his favorite easy chair with a sigh. "That bastard is using up all his energy on that young slut Molly." Sue gave Jim the once over looking for any telltale sign of infidelity. Finding none she figured that Jim was to smart to mess up to often. He was a smart man. And he still had his boyish good looks. He only had the small beginning of a thickening waist. "Damn", Sue thought, "He is sexy, why don't I notice that everyday. Of course his lack of attention to her, was the reason", she thought. "Look at him streched out like a slug in the recliner. That bastard, I wonder if he fucked her today?" Sue went about preparing herself to get even with gusto. She hired a housekeeper for the afternoon's at home. It was expensive but Sue had given enough of herself to her family. Free from the chores of cooking,cleaning and laundry, Sue joined the health club that several of the younger single teachers at her school belonged to. She began being careful of her hand's and skin. Treating herself to facials, manicures and even pedicures on Saturday mornings. No more yard work for Sue. Jim grumbled a little about them not spending enough time together, but he was very good natured and even encouraged his wife to take time for herself. All of this made Sue feel a little guilty, but those feelings went away evertime she looked at the thong panties of Jim's bimbo. Sue had hidden them at the bottom of her drawer. Jim also claimed to have to work late on several occasions. Not more than usual, but now every absence of Jim from the house made Sue crazy with jealously. She checked his clothes when he got home. Once she found a long black hair on his jacket, (Molly had long black hair. Sue had dirty blond hair) another time she thought she could smell faint perfume. She wasn't sure, but it was enough evidence for her. After 6 weeks of this regime she looked at herself in the mirror after her shower. Her breasts had lost all of their sag and her tummy was noticably flatter. She found the panties at the botom of her drawer and slid them on. Not a perfect fit, after all two kids will change you body. But they went on and except for the funny feel of the string running up the crack of her ass, Sue thought the fit OK. She hopped on the scale and discovered her diet and workouts had indeed caused her to firm up and drop 15 pounds. She was only 5 pounds heavier than the day she married her philandering husband. She knew her clothes were looser. Now all she needed were a few new clothes and then decide who her "get even" partner would be. Sue giggled as she wrapped her flannel robe around her sexy body. Jim hadn't even noticed the new Sue. He was working late more often, and they had only had sex three times since Sue had figured out Jim was cheating. All three times had be adaquate at best. And on one occasion boring for Sue. Jim had simply rolled on top of her jabbed himself into her dry vagina a few times and spurted his seed. Then he promptly rolled off of her and went to sleep. Sue was incensed that little slut was getting all of her man's good loving. Sue took one of her sick days off from school and spent the day getting a make-over, bikini wax and buying a few outfits that were designed for teenagers. Sue smiled broadly when the salesgirl said that she was a perfect size 8 and had the body to wear the sexy youthful clothes. That night when Jim got home he finaly noticed his sexy wife. "Wow! Sue you look great. But don't you think that skirt is a little short?" Sue spun on her new black high heeled pumps. Jim thought he could see the cheeks of her butt before the flying skirt dropped back into place. "New clothes, new look, new attitude Jim. I'm just trying to keep up with all the young girls you get to work on-- ah-- er-- with everyday." Jim missed the comment, but that night he was waiting for her in bed. "I sorry Jim, I have a headache tonight." Sue rolled over and thought about her plans for the next day. 9532 1.52/512345
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