Sunday, December 30, 2012
Lori's Black Taking
Lori's Black Taking by LC G looked mean at the guard as he got ready to leave the penitentiary. The white guard looked at him like he was a two bit punk. G said, "I'm goin' out while you still in. Hope I finds yo wife so I's can turns her out!" The guard stopped smiling. G laughed and walked out the gate. Lori primped the flowers on the breakfast table, trying to make them look pretty for her husband Dan. She pouted when they sagged. She straightened her glasses. Just then, Dan came in, with his briefcase in hand, kissing his wife's cheek and saying, "Sorry honey, I'm late. I've got to get to a meeting. I hope you didn't go out of your way", looking and the breakfast table with guilt. " You go to your meeting, dear. I'll have dinner ready when you get home. Have a good day dear!" Lori waved to Dan as he left. Now what was she going to do? "Oh, I know. I'll go grocery shopping!,"she said. Lori entered the super market with her long, blonde hair bouncing as she walked and her cotton dress delicately clinging to her mid-thigh. Even, though, she had a nice body, she didn't like to show it off like a tramp. Her C-cups bounced, pulling her dress against her slender body. G heard Lori's high heels clicking before he saw her. Then, a white, fine, innocent, little doe stumbled into his site. BUSTED!!! He knew she would be his. Not an hour out of the Pen and here came this little, fine, white filly, all innocent and unprotected. G took one good look at her and knew that she had never been turned out...especially by a brotha! ?She needs to learn how to fuck my 12" piece o' meat.' G thought. He watched white girl and gave himself a nod. She was small and towards skinny but she had nice tits and a nice solid ass. And, that ring on her finger? ?I'll make her give it to me and hock it!', G thought. Lori politely fondled the fruits, trying to find a ripe one, when all of a sudden she felt a presence behind her. It was heavy and dominating. It made her feel weak. Then a deep, heavy, masculine voice said, "I think you wants da ones over dere, missy." Lori felt a big man's weight pressing on her. She saw a huge muscular black arm reach over her to grab some fruit at the top of the bin. As, the stranger reached, he pushed her up with him, dragging Lori first to her tippy toes, then, off her feet! There Lori lay pinned, her legs hanging and her dress pushed up a little above her ass, leaving some of her pink panties showing! His smell filled her nostrils...thick and sweaty. Lori felt strange. Her she was in the middle of the store, she laying on some fruit and a strange black man her splaying her like some vulgar brute! Finally, she pleaded. "What are you doing," Lori said in a quivering voice. "Where have you been all my life, beautiful", she heard the man breathe. Lori didn't know what to say! She looked up into the mirror above the food and saw a very big, black man looking at her with dark, lusting eyes. In all her life , Lori had never seen eyes like that. They made her stay still, smelling his body, feeling his weight. Her delicate ass was press hard by his groin. Through the thin material of her dress and panties, she thought she felt something thick and long and getting hard. Lori blushed as she thought what it might be. ?But, it couldn't be!', Lori thought. ?It's way to big!' The black stranger put both of his hand on her knees and slowly dragged them up her thighs, seeming to draw out some deep, forbidden, untapped sexuality in her. Unknown shivers began to dance up and down Lori's spine. ?Why am I feelin' like this?', Lori thought. The black calloused hands stopped at her dress hem. Lori looked at the stranger in confused shock. Then, the black stranger hooked his fingers under her dress and pushed it up, exposing her panties! Lori was outraged! She was about to say something when the black man pushed his big hand under her pink panties and hit her love spot! His thick big fingers found her pussy lips and began to massage them! Lori's body quaked and her mouth turned into an O. She tried to struggle but her attempts made it easier for the black stranger massage more deeply. Lori couldn't help but buck against his crude fingers and she blurted "Ooohh,!" The black man's other hand pulled her panties, exposing her ass. "No," Lori protested but it was weak. She was being forced to feel new sensations that were sweeping her off her feet. She didn't want to do this but this black man was so dominating, she felt herself submitting to his will. She felt the black man spanked her hard on her ass, heard the slap. Lori bucked against the big black stranger as she felt her legs spread a little. She felt so ashamed that she was acting like this! She saw that her face was beet red! Yet, she felt a moistness start to drool out of her pussy. "Yep, you'll do just fine, baby!," said the black man. Dan's meeting fell through so he went home early. He thought he'd make Lori something for a change but when he got home, she was gone. ?No matter, I'll park around back and surprise her.' he thought. When, he was inside, he heard her car pull into the front driveway and decided to hide in the bedroom closet to scare her. She heard her come in but then heard that she wasn't alone. But, Dan still stayed in the closet. He heard Lori and whoever getting nearer. Dan was a little surprised to see Lori walk around the bedroom, being followed by a very large, rather scary looking, black man. He was very dark and big. He could barely see huge tatooes because his skin was so dark. Dan felt puny to him. The black man looked very powerful, with hard, chiseled muscles. And, he seemed to be looking his Lori over, like she was his prey. Lori, innocent as always, strolled around lightly on her heels. Dan fell forward a little and opened the closet door. Lori didn't hear it. But, G did and looked behind him. He saw a skinny, white pale man with a look of surprise on his face. G was defensive but relaxed when he saw that he wasn't going nowhere. G smiled at the white boy like a dominator. He knew that this white girl didn't know that where husband was home. And, he was going to screw his little white wife like a hoe...make her G's hoe!. G threw Dan the finger, smiling. Dan sat shocked. G jumped on the king-sized bed, reached across and scooped up the little white wife in his arms. He started rubbing her up and down, drawing out the raw, animal sexuality of her. Lori was lost in a world unknown to her. She was being swept up. This, big, black strange man was controlling her, dominating her and she couldn't help being taken over by his power! Her legs quivered and she began to pant from her heat. G grabbed the bottom hem of her dress and pulled it over Lori's head and off her body. With powerful hands, G grabbed the front of Lori's bra, broke it open, and stripped it off her body. He hungrily dove at her breasts and sucked and them with wet popping sounds. Her tits her wet with G's spit, sloppy, wet, smacking sound, filling the room. Lori looked into space in ecstacy, her mouth open. G continued to suck hard on Lori's titties as he reached down and grabbed the edge of her panties. G tore them off of her and felt her feel a heated shame that he liked. He like his women to feel innocent and ashamed from his hot, hard attack. It made breaking them in even sweeter!!! Dan was shocked at such bold moves. G, then, manuevered Lori around so that Dan could see them both. He smiled at Dan and told Lori, "Pull my pant down." Lori looked a little confused at first. But, then, she reached up and started to pull at his belt buckled it. Both Lori and Dan were shocked. Out popped the biggest cock that they had ever seen! It was 12" long and thick as a fat snake!!! It waved around like a fat wand in front of Lori's face, commanding her to pay attention to it. Lori was stunned. She had never seen a cock so big! Dan's may have been a an 1 1/4". But, this monster was 2 3/4" thick!!! She looked into G's eyes and G caught her hands and put both of them on his ass and said."Suck it!" G was gonna train her right! Lori was terrified. She shook her head, moving her head to the side to avoid the huge, black monster. But, G grabbed a hold of her hair and pulled her mouth back into position. Lori's eyes were wide. This stranger was making her take a humongous cock into her little mouth. She looked up at him pleading but the black man set his feet firmly in the ground and slowly guided her mouth towards his monster bulge. G's huge cock was bouncing off of Lori's face as she tried to put it in her mouth. G pushed his head into Lori's mouth. Lori looked up, uncertain if it would fit but G pushed his head deeper into her mouth. Dan saw his petite, precious Lori succumbing to this brute's desires. He was forcing her to do this bidding. And, yet, she accepted his instruction. She opened her mouth as this big black stud pushed his huge black cock into her little white mouth, stretching it open to put more in! Her nostrils flared as his head disappeared into his wife's stretched mouth! Lori thought,' His cock is so thick. I feel so weak. This man is so black and controlling. I've never felt so weak and controlled. I want to stop...Dan is my man...but this black man.....control me...take me...make me.' Lori's eyes began to glazed over. Dan saw 8" of the black man's cock pushing it's way into his little wife's mouth. He was in shock. She was in ecstasy, leaning back with her legs spread and the black man towered over her. The black man suddenly pulled his cock out of his wife and Dan heard a POP sound. His wife sat there with her mouth wide open from the stretching, working her jaw to get normal again. G told Lori, "Lay downs on da bed. G don't likes hair" Lori looked confused but she obeyed. As she was laying on the bed, G positioned her so that her pussy was in full view of hubby Dan in the closet. "Stay," G told her, like a dog. Lori layed on her back with her legs open as the black man went into the bathroom. She wondered what this mandingo was doing. She heard shuffling and water running. But, she waited patiently to see what would happen next. The black behemoth came back into the room with a towel and her husband's razor. ?What?"she thought. "Baybee, yo pussy is fine. But, I cant's sees it wi all dat hair awn it, baybee!" G said,smiling and giving Lori a sexy wink. Lori shuddered as the black man spread a warm rag on her pussy. It felt so delicious that she bit her lip in ecstacy. The warmness reached deep down into her body and she started to buck against the towel. ?This is so kinky,' she thought and looked at the black man with a happy face. "Yeah, dats it, baby. You's learnin' some new things. That's what G's here teach yo little pretty white girl self some exponacious pleasure. Tday is yo day, baby! You's gonna feels some pleasures dat's you's ain't neva felts!" And, with that, G took away the towel leaned down with the razor. Lori was shocked yet curious. This bold black man was going to shave her vagina!!! She had never done that let alone let anyone else do that!! Lori felt the cold steel hit the top of her and she quivered. It slowly and tenderly slid down, taking her pubic hair that she was so proud of away. Lori felt a dizzyness as she felt new sensations of having a pussy without hair. She felt her legs being spread wider apart as the black man continued to shave every part of her vagina clean! The cold steel of the razor felt so kinky to her. It felt so wrong and forbidden! But, she was feeling an coolness down there that she couldn't put out of her mind! She was feeling so sensitive, like she was discovering her vagina for the first time. "There", G said. "Dat's da way a pussy should be!" and spread her legs open to give Dan an looksy. G gave Dan a vicious grin. "I'm gonna turn yo wife out nice and pretty like the soft doe dat she is," G whispered to Dan. Lori thought she heard something but she was too lost in pleasure to understand the words. Dan was revulsed. This black intruder had the gaul to shave his pretty wife's pussy, making their encounter all the more dirty and filthy. ?They only do that in porno movies!', Dan thought. G turned the white girl to her hands and knees and moved her so that Dan could see her pussy. G, slid under his white pupil so what Dan could see him eat out her out. G grabbed both of Lori's soft, white thighs and began massaging them while he began to suck on her pussy, making thick, sucking sounds. Lori was so confused!! This man was being so crude to her, violating her and yet she was submitting herself to his will. She was feeling ecstacy like she had never felt before!!! He was spreading her thighs wider but still tonguing her. "Oooh...Uuuhh...uhuhhh...ooouhoouuhhh!" she blurted. All of a sudden, Lori's world exploded. Her body started convulsing and her glasses fell off as she started to shake her head. The sex was so deep and powerful, she gushed like a faucet. Her juices gushed out and spilled all over G's thick sucking tongue, reaming her still as she came. "!" Lori bucked as her orgasm ripped her apart. "Hoe is right, "G said. Lori was so hot, she began to blush. Suddenly, she felt feelings of guilt. Her vagina was aching with a throbbing that she had never known before. It was pulsing her womb and making breasts feel in heat. "No," she said. "Nooooo..." "Yes," G said, "Yeeeeees!" And, he gave Lori's soft white butt a commanding slap. G leaned back to look at Dan in the closet, the man's wife's cum all over his face. He gathered up a mouth full of her come and spit it at Dan, hitting him square in the face. Dan couldn't move. Cum ran down his face. Lori submitted to her dark invader, letting him spread her legs as wide as possible to where it felt so obscene to her. Her ass jerked against his invading mouth. She had no control of herself. He was taking control. G made loud popping sounds against Lori's petite vagina. Her lips were turning red and were so swollen. Dan had never spread her legs. THIS BLACK STUD opened her private parts and invaded them!! "Now how can I fucks U if I's don't gets U nice and ready. You ain't neva beens with no real man so U ain't ready fo my big black snake." Lori saw his cock and indeed it was huge. It waved back and forth like a thick black python. She reached over to grab it and it was so thick, she could barely get her hands around it! She became mezmorized by it's thickness and length. It was so big and black and hard that she felt guilty and let go if it. But, it called her. She tried to look away from the huge black monster began to seduce her against her will. She bit her lip and shook her head to overt temptation when G took a firm hold of her ass and pulled it open. He, then, planted both of his thumbs against her pussy lips and began to massage them open. His thick fingers pryed her pussy open and held them there. G could see her pussy muscles flexing to open wider. So could Dan! "Oooooo.....ooooomyGOD...whooeeoo," Lori bellowed. She was hitting higher peaks and still there was more! She collapsed her head and found it resting at the base of the huge man's cock, her nose on his balls, her hair tangled in his cock. " hhhnnn....mmmm m...meeee....wih," Lori was losing her senses. She could not believe how this man was turning her on. "Yeeeaaahh," G said and continued to massage her open. He loved to turn out little white filly's like her, all innocent an sweet. He loved to watch them feel for the first time what it was like to have a big fat black cock streching them. "Yeeeaaahhhh, U is such a tighty , girl!! I can'ts waits to stick in yo hoe" Those words sent a shiver in Dan. They were so forceful and crude. He saw Lori's creamy thighs begin to relax against the black man's spreading of her vagina. In fact, he saw some ooze begin to leak from her. Her ass shuffled against his dark hands, try to get more comfortable. The black stranger took advantage of this and slipped two fingers into her pussy. His Lori clenched against the invasion but the black man kept up the pressure to spread her open from the inside. Dan heard his Lori yell, Whuuuuhhhh!" and he saw her head bobbing up and down. She, then, jerked her head up as if straining and saw his petite wife jerk backward against the black man's thick invading fingers. "Huuhhhh....Huhhhhhh...huhhhhh...huuhhhhhh, she blurted. Dan saw that Lori was so lost in ecstacy that she didn't hear the black man tell him, "Look here boy...She's openin up!" Dan stuck his head out of the closet to get a better look. The black man looked back at Dan with a "see this" look and moved his head out of the way so Dan could get a better view. Dan felt a helpless disgust. Here was his little wifey, her legs lobbing wide open, her ass gyrating wantonly against this black man's big fingers and he was stretching her pussy open more and more and more!!! The black man, then, pulled his fingers apart inside Lori's pussy with a jerk. "Uuuhhh!!!!," little Lori squelched. Dan could see inside his wife's pussy! It was opening and closing like it was breathing!! The black man shoved three fingers in and gave Lori a good reaming. "Noooooo!!" She screamed. But, it was scream out of fear of the unknown. This man's fingers were deep inside of her, exploring her most intimate of areas, feeling around in all her insides as no man has ever done to her. All his fingers were feeling every inch of her walls and she felt helpless to the new sensations she was feeling. This big black man was throwing her into a boiling cauldron of heated pleasure with no slowness. This black man was an, throbbing, moving with a virile sexual skill that she had never known! His aggressive, blunt nature was a new feeling. He was such a brute and nasty!!! G felt it was time for hubby to see his wife suck his cock. He said, "Turn around!" Lori couldn't understand the command but started moving as the black man began to move her. She found herself facing the closet but could barely pay attention to her surroundings. She was swooning too hard. She firmly planted her hands on the bed to give herself some support but her head was swimming. She nodded back and forth, trying to catch up to the pleasure. Dan saw his wife's head swaying back and forth uncontrollable from pleasure over the biggest cock he had ever seen in his life! It kept hitting her in the face and smearing thick juice that was leaking out of it. The huge fat black cock bobbed and drooled, throbbing with a fierce heat that made it spew it's man juice out of the head, a black tower of commanding sexuality. The black snake hypnotized Lori. ? Dan's penis never looked like this," she thought. As she was gasping for breath, the fat, black head popped into her mouth and plugged it! She looked startled and tried to pull off of it. "NO!," the black stranger commanded. Dan saw his little Lori looking helpless. Her tiny mouth stretched open by that thick black monster! "Hold still," he heard the black man command. Then, he heard loud, wet, smacking sounds coming from behind his wife. The dark intruder started heaving his hips and pushed his huge cock into his wife's mouth. Lori looked like a deer caught in headlights. The big, black ebony cock obscenely spread his wife's face open, going deeper and deeper! It finally stopped with a good 4" still left sticking out of her mouth. The man , then, started to saw his thick dick in and out of his wife's face!!! Dan flushed. This was the hottest rawest sex he had ever seen! His innocent wife had a huge black cock pistoning out out of her stretched mouth, making SLURP SLURP SLURP sounds. The man's juices were making a thick lathery foam on his wife's mouth. Dan noticed that Lori's eye's began to glaze. She was lost in heat, enjoying the fucking this big black dick was giving her stretched open mouth!!! Lori started to wiggle her ass against the wet, smacking sounds of the black man's face he couldn't see. Dan was horrified. Here was his beautiful, little wife acting like a common slut!! "Das it ho! Suck my big black dick!!," G said and propped himself up to look at the husband. He threw him the finger and laughed. He grabbed the wife's head and shoved her face down hard on his big cock. G looked at the husband and saw the shocked look on his face. His little sweety was slurping his big black cock down hard and deep. "Das enough for now. My black rod is nice and hard." Lori felt the huge cock pop out of her mouth and her mouth was still open, a foam of cum lathering her open lips. Breathing hard, she worked her jaw to close her mouth. Dan felt queasy. His wife was actually licking the thick sperm foam on her lips!! But, the final blow was about to come as he saw the huge black stranger get up and pick up Lori by the waist like she was a rag doll. Actually she was the black man's rag doll. He did what he wanted to her and she just took it! The man turned his wife so that her back was facing him. He sat down at the edge of the bed and put his wife on top of him. The huge black cock throbbed against the crack of his Lori's ass... all 12s" x 2 3/4s". It's dark slickness gleamed a mean, commanding sexuality that made Dan cringe. The black stranger said, " And dis it how far is gonna go in yo little white pussy!" Indeed, Dan saw. This humongous black python was going to tear his Lori's delicate pussy wide open!! The black man smiled at him, his gold tooth shining. The black stranger, then, pulled his wife's legs apart with his powerful hands and lift her up. He sat her on his cock head and began to pull her down onto his fat black rod. "Aaaaaaaaaagh," Lori cried. The black intruder stuck the head into her hard. And, even though he had stretched her out, it still felt enormously big in her! Lori looked into the black mandingo's eye's with pleading. The man understood and let Lori get accustomed to the size. Lori's eyes opened wide as the pain started to be replaced by an emense pleasure that she had never felt before. Her pussy started to get accustomed to the huge black cock head that stretched her delicate pussy lips extremely wide around it! She felt ashamed that she was letting this dark stranger take her so crudely. She let out a grunt,"Uuuuuuhhhgg,"as her pussy finally accepted this man's thick head. She smiled dizzily. Dan felt like roadkill. He was sure that the cock would be too big for his wife's pussy. But, when she yelled out, he knew that she was accepting the size the huge black python poking it's way into her pussy. "She's got it now," G told him. ?Oh my God,' Dan thought as the huge black tube started to sink deeper into his wife's tight cunt. Her pussy lips were stretched ultra wide and now being pulled into her as more and more of the black man's cock sank deeper and deeper into his Lori!! "Wwwwwhhooaaahhhh...Wwwwwwhehhhhhhh...Cnhhhuhhhhh.. Yyyeeaahhh," Lori blurted as the huge black python snaked its way deeper. Her pussy was aching at the enormous size. But, she blushed at the deep, heated animal lust that was turning her out! She wiggled her ass so that she wouldn't miss any inch of the thick fat black cock that was penetrating her. For the first time in her life she was getting what she had heard about. She was getting what was called a good FUCK! But, then , she felt ashamed again. Her Dan did his best and she loved it. But, this cock was a monster!!! She looked down and saw less than half of it was gone. It felt too good. She had to yell out. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagggggggggggghhhhhhhh! Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah" Lori held onto the blackstranger's shoulder to support herself More of the huge black cock was sank deeper into her "Hhhuuuuhhhhh," she panted. "Nuhhhh...Huuhhhhh...Hhuuhhhh!" Lori bucked against his invading black python. G was in heaven. This white girl's pussy was so tight, it felt like moist, velvet love. Her pussy was so snug hewanted to feel it all right now. A good 4" still stuck outside of her pretty little coozy. G wrapped his arms around her shoulders and thrust the little white girl all the on his thick, fat cock. He held there, feeling the ivory filly squirm, her pussy bucking to try to accept his length and thickness. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa," G let out, satisfied, smiling at Dan. G caressed the petite white wife with his big strong arms, running his hands down her back, stopping at her ass to give them a good squeeze. He left one hand on the wifey's little ass and grabbed the back of her small head with the other. "Uuuuuuuuugghhh..Aaaaaaagh...OoooGod...UuuhhhhGod...Uhhhgowahhhhghghggg," Lori babbled. Her body was rocking against the deep penetration this black stranger was giving her. Her delicate pussy was being stretched wide in all kinds of ways! "Nuuuhhhh," she shook her head and tears of joys started streaming down her face. Her brain was exploding and she could barely see anything from her tears. She grabbed the black man's afro andpulled him down to plant a kiss on his big lips. G grabbed a fist full of her long, blonde hair, twisted it tight and sucked her tongue out. ?Dis white girl is mine,' he thought. He felt the girl pant in a wanton heat she was not used to and smiled. G rocked his hips hard back and forth, slowly feeling the white girls pussy accepting more of his huge cock! Lori could not believe the level ecstacy she was experiencing. This black hung stranger had his big black prick shoved all the way into her. Now, he was twirling his ass and opening up her pussy even more. She tried to tighten her pussy but the thick black stick gouged out her hole! "Nooooo...noooooo...plllleeeeas," Lori pleaded but she was also losing her head. "Nuuuuuuh...nuuuuu...aaaaaaahhhhhh...fuuuuuuu...shiiiih..." Dan heard his wife scream, "Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhghghghhh!" and he watched his wife being impaled by the stranger's thick black dick. Her pussy was stretched open so wide that every time the black man shoved his huge black cock into his wife's pussy, her lips folded into her. "Aaaaaaaaaaaghhghh..Aaaaaaaaaghghhghgh...Aaaaaaaahghgaaaaaah, Dan's Lori bellowed. "Whuuhhh....mmmmmmmm...suuuuhhhhhh...mmmmmgonnnaCuuuuummm...whooooooo...nooo o oooooo...whoohhhhh...iqhewiohzdkjvgryeao!!!!" Lori convulsed in a way that tore her new experience away and apart. She started jerking hard and felt a release that was totally unfamiliar to her! "Noooooo...Waaaait," But it was too late. She was gushing and her juices her were spilling out of her like Niagra Falls. Lori collapsed, shaking her head. Never had she felt such powerful sex. Her pussy was still trying to accomadate the huge black cock that was spreading her open so sweetly. She hitched her thighs open wider but the thickness of his big black cock kept up with it's pressure, making her yell out. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaa...ghghghaaahgaaa...aaguuuuuuhhhh," and Lori blurted as more juice spilled out of her pussy. "Guuuugh...guuuhhhhhh...ggggg....uuuuuuuhhhhhh," she grunted. Dan saw his wife coming and didn't know what to think. He saw for the first time his wife have an orgasm from fucking!! Not only that but it splashed all over the black man's crotch!!! And, she was yelling pretty loud! The neighbors could probably hear everything! Lori heard the black man gloating, "Das right, girl. You ain't never had it so good. Your little white pussy is so tight, it feels like a rubber gasket...all snug and wet. But my big black dick is stretching your tight white pussy. G's gonna make a new woman out o' you, girl! Now let's me fucks ya nice a proper!" With that G picked up Lori, still on his dick, and moved with her to lie her on her back. He looked back and positioned himself so that Dan could get a good view of him slamming his big black dick into his wife's little pussy! 'This man will stop at nothing', Dan thought. Settled, G lay on top of the girl with all his weight that spread her legs wide open and pushed all of his thick black python into the white wife.. 8874 1.89/512345
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