Saturday, December 29, 2012
Girl’s Night Out
GIRL'S NIGHT OUT By Slirpuff Ann sat in her car and looked at her watch, 10:30, the kids should be in bed by now and Tim?s probably waiting in the front room for her. She had been crying for the last few hours and looking in the rear view mirror she saw she was a mess. This is going to get really ugly she thought to herself and she knew she had only herself to blame. It had started very out very innocently. Ann had started stopping at the local bar for a drink with the girls after work, but it got totally out of control very quickly. Every Thursday night, the girls would stop for one drink at Tony?s. It was a chance to gossip and girl talk. Tim had no problem with it at first, but after a few months it started to get old. Ann started coming home later and later, and that?s when he put his foot down. ?I don?t mind you going out for a drink or maybe two, but coming home blasted at 10:30 is going a little overboard don?t you think?? They?d been married for 8 years and he was really a prize. Tim would do anything for her and was the best father in the world. She loved him and he was the kid?s best friend, how could she have done this to him. Looking at her watch again in was only 10:45. Maybe if I wait long enough he?ll go to bed and I can put this off until tomorrow when things cool down she thought. No, there was no way Tim was going to bed especially after what he?d seen. Tony, to make a little extra money, had hired male dancers for Thursday?s Ladies Night. No men were allowed in the bar until after 10:00 so the girls could go wild, and they did. He had to hire an extra bouncer not to protect the women but the male dancers. When the women drank, they were worse than the guys. By law, the dancers could go down to their g-string but no further. The dancers found that they had to empty their g-strings at least 5 times a night. Everything was going great until tonight. Last Thursday night Ann had come home drunk at 10:00, again. They got into it, and it soon became ugly at best. Tim told her no more girls? night out, period. ?What if you?d been picked up by the police or worse, if you?d hit someone drunk like you are,? he shouted. ?Fuck off? she yelled back, ?your not my father.? she said. Tim slept on the sofa that night and they said nothing to each other the following morning. That night, after dinner, Tim tried to settle the argument and thought a little makeup sex might help. He put the girls to bed, took a shower and shaved. He lit a few candles in the bedroom and called Ann upstairs. He could hear her stomping up the stairs and down the hall. As Ann walked into the bedroom Tim said, ?come over here hon and let?s talk this out.? ?You want sex, even though you know I?m mad at you?? she shouted. ?Ann, please be a little quiet, the girls are asleep and don?t need to hear this? Tim replied. ?Fine, if you want sex, then we?ll have sex? she said as she striped and laid spread eagle on the bed. Tim thought, maybe I can get her in the mood as he came close and kissed her; but she didn?t kiss back. He tried caressing her face, neck and breasts and even took her nipples between his lips and gently sucked and licked them. At least now, Ann?s body was responding. He went lower to her shaved mound and blew lightly on her pussy. Moving down between her legs he spread her legs and began to lick and suck. Even if her mind wasn?t into it, her body sure was. She was wet and the more he worked the wetter she got. He put one then two fingers into her pussy as her went to town on her clit. Ann love her clit nibbled on and after 8 years of practice, he was a pro at it. Tim felt her first climax before he heard it. Her pussy clamped around his fingers as he shoved them all the way in to the knuckle and worked them in and out. Lifting her ass up, Tim put a pillow under it and moved between her legs. Tim had a respectable 6 inches but was ticker than most. Getting his dick lubed up with pussy juice, he eased into her. Ann pushed back against the headboard as Tim pushed forward. By the third stroke, he was all the way in. Tim started out easy until Ann cried out, ?If you going to fuck me, fuck me hard.? ?Bitch? he said under his breath, as he pounded away at her pussy. ?Fucking Bitch?, he then started fucking Ann like he was punching the big bag at the gym. If she wanted it rough, he?d give her rough. Flipping Ann over on her stomach, he got behind her and slammed away. In this position, he could go deep and hard. He knew he couldn?t go much longer, so he spit on his fingers and shoved one up Ann?s ass on a downward stroke. ?Oh god, oh my god? was all he heard as he banged away. This wasn?t love making, this was anger sex and Tim was loving every fucking minute of it. With his dick in her pussy, a finger up her ass and the other hand playing with her clit, Tim exploded. He?d usually ease up, but this time he kept slamming her until he was totally drained. He didn?t even know if Ann had climaxed and at this point, he didn?t care. Tim got up and went into the bathroom to wash off and when he got back he noticed Ann still hadn?t moved. ?Are you alive?? he asked. ?What the fuck was that?? she replied. ?Sex, plain and simple.? ?You used me to get off and I think you tried to intentionally hurt me,? she cried out. ?Fuck, I?m sleeping downstairs? Tim said as he grabbed a blanket and pillow, ?I don?t need this shit.? You could cut the tension with a knife at breakfast. Tim took the kids to soccer practice but Ann never said a word to him as he left. Ann moved slowly that weekend, she felt like she?d been beat with a baseball bat. By Monday, she was almost back to normal but Tim and her still weren?t talking. By Tuesday, Tim had moved back into the bedroom but Ann was still giving him the cold shoulder. Thursday morning, Tim said, ?enough of the silent treatment Ann we need to talk this through.? ?Oh is there a problem? she sarcastically replied. ?Well tonight after work well sit down, I love you and it?s tearing me apart.? ?It?s Thursday, and I?m going out with the girls tonight? she replied. ?Our marriage is in the shiter and your going drinking with you fucking friends?? ?Does our marriage and family mean that little to you?? he screamed. Ann dug in her heals and said they?d talk when ?she? got home. Ann knew she?d crossed the line when she got to work. She tried to call Tim about four times during the day to apologize to him but he was always busy. She called his secretary and told her to give him a message to call her but he never did. About 4:30 the girls started to get a little wild. Beth came over to Ann and said she was leaving early to get a good table for everyone and she?d see her over there. ?I don?t think I?m going tonight she started.? ?Tims been pissed at me since last Thursday when I came home blasted.? ?Well hon, why don?t you stay for just one drink and then you can go home to your hubby.? ?If you go with me now, you can get home even earlier, and we?ll get two tables then.? Ann thought for a minute and then relented, ?only one drink though and I?m out of here.? Beth and Ann got to Tony?s and put reserved signs on the two best tables. Tony working the bar, offered them a free drink and then another. Hell by the time the other ladies got there, Beth and Ann were sloshed. As the dancers began, it got wilder than normal. The girls were grabbing the dancers and Tony told the bouncers, ?fuck it, back off and let them have a free hand tonight; it could prove to be interesting.? By now, Ann was feeling no pain and was the wildest of the group. She was putting dollars in her teeth and between her boobs for the dancers to grab. Beth knew it had gone too far, when Ann dropped a dollar down her skirt and told the dancer, ?you want it, you have to go in after it.? The dancer looked at Tony and when he nodded ok, he reached in. The fucking crowd went wild and then other women started doing it. By 8:30, Tim asked his neighbor Sally to watch the girls so he could go get Ann. He knew by now that she was probably drunk and in no shape to drive. Hell, it?ll give them a chance to talk on the way home anyway. As he drove up to the club, he noticed that I was packed but he did see Ann?s car in the front row. Inside it was pandemonium. The women were grabbing the guy?s dicks and pumping them and the dancers were fingering the women and sucking on their tits. After each woman pushed the limit, another would try out do her. Tony was sitting back with a video camera staring in total disbelief. Finally a big blonde ripped the g-string off of one of the dancers and started giving him a blowjob on stage. The crowd was stunned for a moment then broke in applause as he shot his wad all over her face. Not to be outdone, Ann staggers up onto the stage and grabs a tall black dancer. Laying him on the stage, she starts to give him a blowjob. He was 8 plus inches limp and about an inch in diameter. As she sucked he kept getting larger and harder in her hands, she?d never seen a dick this large. Going down on him, she could only get 5 inches down her throat because of his girth and the fact that she was so fucked up. His balls, his dick, this guy was a fucking beast; she had to have him she told herself. Ann had got herself so turned on, she was dripping juice down her legs and was so out of it, she didn?t even hear the crowds chanting to fuck him. She stood up and pushed her soaked panties aside and placed the tip of his cock at the entrance to her pussy and started to squat down on it. It was like someone was trying to shove a fist up her snatch but it felt wonderful. It took three tries but she finally got all 12 inches in somehow. Ann was afraid his cock would split her in half, so it took her a while to move but when she did, she climaxed not once but twice. Tim was outside arguing with one of the bouncers who wouldn?t let him in. ?My wife?s in there drunk and I need to drive her home.? She explained. ?Guy?s are not allowed in until 10:00, that?s the rule from Tony the owner.? ?Well tell Tony, I?m going to call 911 and tell the police that your serving underage and drunk women, see what has to say about that?? A minute later, the bouncer returned and said, ?you can go in and get your wife and then you have to leave.? ?No problem? Tim replied. It was really dark in the club and it took Tim?s eyes a couple of minutes to adjust. He looked around and didn?t see Ann until he glanced up at the stage. Ann was sucking on what must have been a 12 inch black cock right in front of everyone. Tim was shouting her name but was being drowned out by the women chanting, ?fuck him, fuck him, fuck him.? Ann staggered to her feet, raised up her skirt and eased herself down on this fucking monster cock. Tim had seen enough, he tried to break through the crowd but there were hundreds of wild screaming women and thinking he was part of the show, were grabbing at him. It took almost 10 minutes to get to the stage and by that time, Ann was just finishing off the dancer. Ann looked up as Tim jumped on the stage. ?You fucking whore? and spit on her. The chanting stopped and everything went dead silent. ?The cops are on their way? he shouted and I know enough of you, and when I tell your husbands what went on here tonight, you?ll be lucky if they don?t throw your asses out on the street.? It was like yelling fire in a movie theater, everyone ran for the exits. Ann in her drunken stupor tried to grab Tim?s leg but he kicked her away. ?Tramp, maybe you can get a job dancing in a fucking place like this, but I don?t want you in my house anymore.? as he walked to the bar. ?Give me that fucking tape? Tim shouted. ?What tape?? Tony replied. ?If you don?t give me the tape I?ll make sure they shut your ass down.? ?The chief of police and mayor?s wife were here tonight and I don?t think they will take kindly to you for bending the nudity law.? Tony popped out the tape and handed it to him. ?Take it and don?t come back.? Tim drove home with the windows open to try to cool off. He was so angry he thought he was going explode. The 20 min drive was just long enough to wind him down so he could nicely thank Sally and see her to the door. With the kids in bed, Tim poured a drink and went into the living room and popped in the tape. What he saw, he couldn?t believe. Not only Ann but also all the other women there both young and old were going nuts; alcohol and raw sex brought out the animal in them. He watched the blonde get the dancer off and then Ann took the stage. He could see that she could barely walk and probably had been drinking for no less than 4 hours. Nonetheless, there she was, sucking this black guy off and fucking him on stage; he couldn?t even imagine how she even took the whole cock into her pussy. Tim rewound the tape and left it in the recorder. As he swallowed the last of his drink when Ann came through the front door. ?What the fuck are you doing here?? ?I don?t remember inviting any whores over tonight? he continued. Ann looked like shit, her hair was a mess, her dress was stained with booze and what ever and there was something crusty stuck to the inside of her legs. Coming over to her, Tim grabbed her by the hair and pushed her in front of the hallway mirror. ?Does this look anything like my loving wife Ann?? Tim pushed her to the floor and went upstairs and locked the bedroom door. What the fuck had she done, just to spite him, she?d fucked up her marriage. Ann, picking herself up, went into the spare bathroom and started the shower. She soaped and scrubbed for what seemed like hours. She still had gobs of cum coming out of her snatch. God I hope I didn?t get pregnant tonight she thought in horror. After finishing, she grabbed a blanket and pillow and hit the bed. Ann was so tired and drained; she fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow. She awoke to the sounds of the kids running through the kitchen. Getting up with a major hangover was the least of her worries. ?Daddy?s left for work already and we?re hungry mom? they shouted. She fixed them breakfast, got dressed and took them to school before going to work. All eyes were on her as she came in the door. No one said anything until Beth brought her a cup of coffee. ?How did it go last night?? she asked. ?It didn?t.? ?I thought he was going to hit me but just shoved my face in front of a mirror so I could see what I looked like and went to bed.? ?He was already gone by the time I got up.? ?My marriage is over and I don?t know what I?m going to do? as she started to cry. ?Fight for him, explain to him you were drunk and didn?t know what you were doing.? ?Isn?t it a good sign that he didn?t kick you out last night?? ?Maybe he?ll be a little understanding?? ?Ya right? Ann replied. ?He going to find it ok that his wife was giving a blowjob and fucking a black guy in front of a couple hundred crazy women.? ?What would your husband do?? she asked. ?I never would have made it through the front door? Beth replied. Ann put her head down on her desk and started to cry again. Ann tried to call Tim a couple of times but he refused to take his calls. She even tried going through his secretary but was told, ?Ann, he doesn?t want to talk to you.? She knew going home tonight was going to be a make or break for her marriage. Ann knew she?d do anything to get Tim back but was he even willing to try, at least she?d find out when she got home tonight. Ann left a little early so she would be sure to beat him home, wrong! As she came through the door, Tim was sitting on the sofa drinking a beer. ?The kids are spending the night at my moms tonight? he said in a monotone voice. Finishing that beer, he went to the refrig and got another. ?I?ve been sitting her all afternoon thinking about what I want to say to you.? ?About how you fucked up a really good marriage and how when I tried to talk to you about it and all you gave me was trash talk.? ?So I just sat here and drank and watched a video.? Grabbing her by the arm, he sat her down on the sofa. ?We?re going to watch a tape and maybe you can explain to me exactly what?s happening.? With that he started Tony?s tape. Ann lowered her head but Tim grabbed a hunk of hair and pulled her head up, ?this is your big movie premier, you don?t want to miss a minute of it do you?? It showed the women getting wilder and wilder as the night went on. Tim skipped over to Ann dropping the dollar down her skirt and then to the blond?s blowjob and finally Ann?s display on the stage with the black guy. He slowed it down to 75% speed because he didn?t want her to miss any of the details. When the tape stopped, Tim said nothing and Ann had already begun to cry. ?I don?t think it?s Oscar material, but maybe I should let your parents or the girls see it and let them be the judge. ?You wouldn?t ? she sobbed. ?No, unlike you, I ?m not that big of a prick but at least I?ll always have the tape.? Just then the doorbell rang. Tim looked at his watch, wow, right on time. He got up, went to the door and let in two beautiful women. ?Ladies, why don?t you go upstairs and get ready, my room is the 1st door on the left and I?ll be up to join you shortly.? Laughing they climbed the stairs. Ann was stunned. ?Who are they?? she asked. ?I?m interviewing women for your job since you don?t want it any longer.? ?Now if you can excuse me, I have two ladies to take care of? as he started taking off his shirt and walking up the stairs. ?But what about me?? Ann cried out. ?You can stay or go, I don?t give a shit any more, it?s just that you?ll no longer be sharing my bed.? Ann sat in the living room and listened to the laughter, moaning and cries of satisfaction coming from what use to be their bedroom. She didn?t have a fucking clue what she was going to do next, only that she was not giving up without a fight. Stripping off her clothes, she climbed the stairs; maybe a triple treat would put him in a better mood. 13622 1.94/512345
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