Thursday, February 28, 2013
An E&I Star Is Born part 5
A New E&I Star Is Born - part 5 by talespinner ( with Stormbringer Jessica was nervous again, her mother had just left with Tyrone Jones, CEO of E&I enterprises, and Mrs Hardcastle, one of the most famous writers of light romance literature. And the teen knew that the great chance to get back to the top was to be won or lost, it all depended on her mother's skill. She was sipping a soft drink Latrel gave her and discreetly watching the big black photographer. He was talking to Carla about some new senario set, and the cute latin brunette was taking notes as quickly as she could. Jess felt subdued and afraid, if her mother managed to convince Tyrone to give her the main role in Mrs hardcastle series she would certainly rise to the top again. But this company was very weird, there was sex all around and beutiful white girls were offering themselves to the black emploees all the time, she was afraid some starlet would try to use her body to get the role, something Jess was not sure she would have the courage to do. Maybe it would not be so dificult, if she had to ensure her position she would certainly try to seduce Latrell, the black man was handsome and charismathic. Jessica was watching carefully his perfect body, black and lean, and started to imagine what it would be like to have sex with htis man. It would be no sacrifice at all! She was nervously moving her hips, trying to brush her crotch against the chair, her small and delicate hand unconsciously went to her pussy and discreetly begun to massage it as the dirty thought filled her mind. Long minutes passed with no news about her mother or the negotiation, Jess was all alone, forgotten on her chair, sipping the water or soft drinks that Carla provided her from time to time and getting hornier by the minute. She saw The latin girl taking several cheerleader outifits to Latrell's inspection and he chose two of them, than two hugelly musculed black models appeared and chatted with the photographer, leaving to the dressing rooms. "Jess, are you awake?" Carla giggled at her side. The latin girl had been talking to her, but she was just too disctracted massaging her own pussy and looking at the guys to hear anything. "OH, sorry Carla!" she smiled back. "Tyrone has aproved you for a test for the main role, he is still working out the details of the agreement with your mom, but we can begin... if you're up to it!" The brunette winked at her and hug the very happy model. "Congratulations, you just have to impress them now and the role is yours, I'm sure of it!" "Oh, Carla, thanks! I'm so happy!" "Come on my friend, let's dress for the test!" The blonde teen smiled in glee when she said this words. "But remember: try to make things the way they like, do not say 'no' for anything, ok?" "O-ok" answered the blonde, afraid of what it would mean. ***** No more than 10 minutes later Jessica Deveroux was leaving the dressing room, she was dressed in a very sexy teen 'Britney' style, with a very tight and figure hugging jeans and a small white top that was nearly see through. She was not wearing a bra and since her nipples had been hard all the time they showed in full glory through the sheer fabric of the garment. This tiny cloth looked just like a bikini top, being tied in the neck and on her back, leaving her midrift bare. The neckline was away too daring, it had a deep V on the middle of he bosom, forming a very enticing cleavage, her boobs looked too big for this small garment and her jugs were nearly bursting from it, any harder movement would cause her fat tits to spill out too much, leaving her breasts bare. She was bare footed since the scene would be a 'relaxing at home' type. Her hair was in pigtails and carla worked hard to make her look even younger, she looked like the perfect pedophile dream! She was about to take some pics while being filmed for a screen test with several diferent actors already chosen for the series. The set was a typical teenager bedroom, with pink walls, britney spears posters and lots of teen stuff tossed around. "Ok Jessica, the scene is like this: you are in your best friend's bedroom and you are chatting about guys, don't worry about your text, just read the cue cards Carla will show you." Latrell said calming the teen starlet. "We'll use your real names on this scene, not the characters names, it is just a test, don't worry." A beautiful and classy teen entered the room, she was dressed in a spandex gym shorts, with a tiny thong visibly marking the too tight garment, and covering her breasts she had a sports type top that ended just bellow her boobs, her midrift bare, a sporty tenis completed her 'aerobics girl' look. "Jess, this is Michelle, she will play the part of your best friend in the series." Told Latrell, clearly ogling the sexy girl. Michelle kept her jet black hair short, just over the ears, she was of average height with a nice figure and her breasts were full, not big, and not small, filling nicelly a B-cup. Her hip size matched her breasts and her waist was thin, making her look perfect in that tight clothing. "Hi Michelle" Jessica said with more than a hint of jelousy. "Hi Jess, I think we'll get along just fine..." the brunette said with a sly smile. "Ok you two, let's work!" Latrell yelled and suddenly the set was coming alive with lights and activity. The two gorgeous teens layed on their bellies on the bed , hugging pink pillows on their chests, looking happy and chatting their texts. "You know Jess, I think you're too shy... I'm your best friend for years and I would like to see you getting a social life!" "I know Michelle." Jess said reading the cue card. "But it is so hard to me! I'm just not confortable around boys, and I don't think any one of them interests me." "You know what, I have an idea! You are athletic and beautiful, I'll train you to get on the cheerleader squad, there you'll meet the coolest crowd of the school, and who knows? Mybe you find a boyfiend as manly and hot as my Rocky..." "Michy! I am a good white girl! I don't think I would get a black boyfriend like Rocky! Not even if he were the football team captain and a hunk, like Rocky!" "That's silly! All the girls in the cheerleader squad are dating the black players, they are much more athletic and manly than the white boys, besides..." - Giggles - "No, I can't tell you that!" -Giggles. "What? Come on girl, you're my best friend since kindengarden! Say it Michy!" "Ok, I dated the white boys too, but they are so small... you know... down there! I talked about it with all the other girls in the squad and, as far as we know, all the blacks are big and hung and all the whites are tiny dicked!" "I don't believe it! You're bullshitting me!" "No, I'm not!" "Of course you are!" "Listen..." Michelle speach was interrupted by the door bell. "Oh, that must be Rocky, wait a second..." "You haven't told me Rocky was coming, you want me to leave Michy?" "No, don't wory, I'll be back in a minute!" Michelle exited the scenario for a second and then returned by the same door, this time followed by six huge black actors dressed as highschool jocks. Jessica gasped, and not because of any cue card, this many ebony gods were making her unconfortably horny! "Oh Rocky! I'm so glad you managed to come!" Michelle said while jumping on him, the male actor grabbed by the asscheecks while she crossed her legs behind him and french kissing him, the man looked like he wasn't feeling her weight on his arms as he held her easily while kissing and kneading the beautiful brunette. He finally layed the girl on her bed, by Jessica's side, and mounted her while not breaking the kiss, his hands explored her body and their tongeus played for a long time in front of a surprised and excited Jessica. "Of course I came my white pussycat! Sorry but I had to bring all the guys since we're on our way to the practice..." he finally said raising his body a little more. The massive cock made a very visible bulge on his tight jeans. Jessica was already soaking wet and couldn't help but stare at his hard on. Michelle looked at her giggling and comented. "You see Jess, black boys have big cocks, not puny penises like white boys! You know Rocky, she didn't believe me when I told her about it!" Rocky just loughed aloud. "You should go to the gym showers someday Jess, you'd notice the diference in a glance!" he finally said. "Oh please!" jessica said reading the cue cards with dificulty since her eyes barelly left his crouch. "Everybody knows that penis sizes are not all that diferent, this 'big black cock' stuff is just myth!' "Oh yeah?" he answered. "Would you bet on it?" "Of course!" jessica said with conviction as comanded in the card. "What about it..." Michelle proposed. "there are six black guys here, if any of them is smaller than 10 inches you win, but for each one that is bigger than that you must take off an article of clothe! That's only fair since they will show us their cocks!" "10 inches! O-ok, I doubt there are more than a couple of cocks this big in this city!" Jessica said defiantly. "You heard boys, let's show this little white slut waht true cocks are like!" Rocky invited them and they all lough and high fived each other, aproaching Jessica with powerful and graceful moves. She sat on the edge of the bed and was surrounded by black giants all around, all the guys aquizzed into a semi circle around her. Michelle kneeled in the bed, behind Jess and put her head on the busty model's shoulders, one of her slim hands on Jess' legs and the other caressing her hair. In a minute all of them had their huge dicks out, all of them looked massive and long but only Rocky's was fully erect. "Take the tape Jess, you must measure them..." Michelle said handing the other model the tape. "O-ok..' said Jessica scared, she was too horny and that many beautiful big black cocks around her... she was hard pressed not to kis all of them, using all her willpower not to make herself look like the biggest slut in the world! But as she measured Rocky's dick she came in contact with the man flesh and her heart started to beat faster. She felt Michelle's hand on her own, forcing her to grab his unaturally huge cock. "He gets even bigger girl! Just give him a couple of tucks and you'll see..." in fact she did more than tuck his dick a few times, Michell was masturbating Rocky with Jessica's hand, and when the brunette finally released her hand she couldn't stop. "That's obviously more than 10 inches isn't it Jess?" "Y-yes..." she answered. "Then... off with your jeans!" Michelle demanded and Jessica obeyed, working hard to peel off the tight jeans out of her curvy body, producing a nice spectacle for the males as she withred on her bed. Dressed just in her tiny panties and top she got back to the original position, surrounded by now half hard cocks. "Come on Jess, you can't measure them until they are fully erect, let's get them hard!" Jessica took another dick on her hands, this one even longer looking and with a bulbous head, she begun to jack him off while Michelle's hands reached for two more guys, since she was behind Jess the two black men had to take a small step foward, placing their dicks nearly on Jess' face. "They are so big!" Jessica said reading the cue cards. "I never thought there could be cocks this big!" "That's because they are black silly! Once you go black you never come back!" Michelle answered giggling. "Peter is all hard now... another 10 plus inches... your top... take it off girl!" Jessica complied and soon her massive breasts were free. The guys were all fully erect now and all the six had major cocks! All at least 10 inches! "Tsk, Tsk! I gess all the six have bigger than 10 inches cocks, and you have not enough clothes to pay the bet... so you'll have to do something else Jess!" Michelle teased her, but Jessica was lost in a ocean of big black phalus, she was madly jerking off all of them, her hands gois from one to the other frantically. "Yeah! Let's show this bitch what a true man is like!" said one of them while grabbing her head and forcing his massive member inside her delicate mouth. Rocky climbed the bed and got behind Jessica as Michelle made way for him, he grabbed her by the armpits and pulled the blonde teen until she was layng on her back on the bed. The black actor then shoved his erect cock inside her eager mouth and the blonde model started to suck him in earnest. Another guy stradled her perfect and large bosom, titfucking the formerly uptight model and a last one begun to fuck her wet pussy. Michelle sucked the others, preparing them to penetrate the teen beauty when the others were done. Rocky suddenly layed on the bed and they told Jessica to mount him, straddling his massive organ, wich she obeyed eagerly. "Gosh! I'm so full! I-I never been so filled!" Jess screamed as she bounced on his manhood. "W-what!" she felt aother actor forcing his cock against her tiny pink asshole. "P-please! I-I n-never... UGH!" she felt him penetrating her anus, it hurt a lot for several seconds, she almost passed out, but as she got used to it Jessica begun to feel both dicks moving inside her and love the sensation. "God! It feels soooo gooood! Fuck my pussy with your black cocks!" "Come here you big titted white whore! My cock also needs attention!" She heard and in a second two other black models were shoving their dicks on her mouth, she started to suck one while masturbating the other, all the while being double penetrated and watching michelle smiling to her, while keeping the other two hard with her mouth. To her other side Latrell was sitting in the director's chair, but had his cock out and was masturbating with gusto, his work done! Jessica couldn't believe how big and pretty was his dick, she almost begged him to join the gang bang, but was interrupted by the door of the studio opening before she could do it. Her heart almost stopped when she saw her mother entering. It was weird, she wasn't dressed in the clothes she came here today, in fact she was wearing a very daring, even lewd, outfit! Caroline Deveroux was in a micro-mini skirt and a see-through white blouse with a white half cup and lacy bra that left her nipples out. "Muumm!" She tried to speak with her mouth full of black meat. "Mom! I-I..." she tried unsuccesfully to speak when she managed to take the big dick out of her lips, Jess was pale with fear and shame. "That's ok Jess..." Caroline said looking at her daughter's scared face. "... I understand it now... if I had tasted black cock before I would never been such a prude!" "That's the spirit Mrs Deveroux!" Latrell said smiling. "Now tell your daughter to continue her scene." "You heard him Jessica..." Caroline spoke while closing the distance to her daughter, who looked up in complete surprise. "... take this big fat black cock on your mouth...come on girl, suck it!" "MOM!!!" Jessica looked to her mother's face in total amazement. She was still being pounded hard by the two studs, her big hooters jiggling and swinging with each thrust. In front of her was her stuck up and moralist mother... a true racist! And she was urging her own daughter to suck black cock! Even more schocking was to notice that the black man fucking her ass was also kneading her mom's ass! "Come on Jessica, obey your mother!" Caroline said grabbbing on of the black cocks in front of her daughter and, with the other hand, taking hold of Jessica's golden hair. "There's notheing wrong with it... it's only natural that a white teen wants to have some pleasure... the pleasure that only black studs can give you! Come on my daughter, you can suck this manly and big dick, let me show you..." "MOM!!" Jessica repeated when she saw Caroline kneeling on the bed, her ass pointing to the man fucking her daughter's ass and her head by Jessica's side. Caroline started to suck the dick in a way that Jess never thought her momether capable of, with eagerness and even deep throating the stud! The black model behind her took his cock out of her tight asshole and grabbed her mother's hips forcing the rigid pole to Caroline's pussy - she was pantyless! The two other actors who were being served by Michelle moved so that one replaced the man in Jess' butthole and another positioned hinself in front of the two. Now mother and daughter were on all fours, like two bitches in heat, Jessica had a cock on her pussy and another on her ass, Caroline was pounded hard from behind in her tight cunt, and three men were offering their dicks to be sucked. Mother and daughter sucked a guy each and both would turn their heads to suck the one in the middle, their hot tongues meeting from time to time, making them a little embarassed. Michelle had moved also and was kneeling in front of Latrell, giving head to the director and planner of all this scheme, he looked happely at his handwork! After half na hour of hard fucking they had all banged the white 'teen prodigy' in the ass, cunt and mouth and most of them had also tasted her hot busty mother. The first one came titfucking Jessica, the perfect teen melons were sprayed with hot cum and he even moved to insert the head of the massive tool in her mouth, spurting so much more cum that several 'little rivers of semen' escaped from the corner of her mouth before she could swallow it all, her mother helped by licking the excess from her cheeks. Another orgasmed with his prick buried deeply in Caroline's pussy, filling her womb with his potent sperm. The third came at this same moment and shot a huge volume of cum in Jessica's sore butt. Carla, who was filming it all took care to have both the Deveroux women side by side as the sperm leaked down their abused cracks. The forth actor put mother and daughter with their faces together, mouths open and almost kissing and came all over their faces, huge spurts of hot goo ending on their mouths. Caroline eagerly started to lick jessica's face for all the spunk she ould muster. "Mom! You left no cum for me!" Jessica said with ressentment. "S-sorry my darling... but it is sooo goood... I think I'm addicted to black cum!" Carol answered blushing. Before she could end her sentence the fifth actor grabbed Jessica and had her legs on his arms as he banged her fast and furious releasing the first loads inside her pink little pussy and the last ones on the cunt lips. "If you like it you white slut..." He grabbed her head. "...then come here and lick my cum from your daughter's cunt!" Caroline was surprised and scared, it was the most humiliating and degrading thing she had been told to o, but as her tongue tasted the manly goo she forgot all her reservations and begun to slurp on her daughter's cunt, taking out as much black spunk as she could, just to be hit by the last actor's spurt on her face, nose, lips and even tongue, that was on Jessica's clit. The man had straddled Jess' abs and was poiting the cockhead to Caroline's eager tongue. Carla had lost not a moment of this powerful sequence, full of erotcism and nasty incest sex! Latrell had just finished filling Michelle's mouth and she was slurping down his semen. There was a tired and pleasurable silence in the room, the two newly converted women looked adoringly to the many studs around but were too tired to even move. "Well..." said Latrell breaking the silence. "...I think everything worked out ok in the end." He rose fro the chair and tucked the massive prick inside his pants. "let's go to my room to discuss your contract... Jessica, Caroline, let's go." He raised the too tired women from the bed and they dressed the best they could, and as they walked toward the door they felt Latrell hugging them, one by each side of the huge black man, and they both felt his hands on their butts. "You'll see how fun is to discuss the contracs on this company..." he said with na nasty grin. "And Carla and Michelle... you too can take the rest of the day off... you guys are demissed for the next four hours... you all can stay in the set if you want..." "Oh, Thanks Latrell!" Michelle and carla shouted happelly at the same time. Carol and Jess looked back just to see the six black actors' cocks already starting to swell again... ***** Epilogue Jessica's first works were very sexy but never pornographic, it attrected the media attention as E&I took measures to have good reviews and lots of publicity. It was a series in a cable TV station wich featured teen problems and doubts, but most of them were about white teen couples in problem and the black boys begun to steal the scene and the series evolved. Most the white boys ended up as being gay, impotent or just plainly incompetent lovers and the female characters ended up, one by one changing to black boyfriends and being happy after that. Lots of teens became fans of the series and even when it started to be geared toward interracil stuff and black superiority they still liked the series! Jessica became a star again, and was in every jet set party around, meeting young and 'soon to be famous' actresses and convinciong them to join the series or the other productions of her company. In fact E&I enterprises used several small productions with no direct links to the main E&I holding to make the series. This way they would release the porn versions later without problems to the main producing company. A web of film production companies was set and they recruited increasingly more teen actresses and models, when the porn version were released, like 'black banged cheerleaders', the grisl would turn to open interracial porn, making their teen fans think it was not that bad in the end since their idols were getting into it. Jessica was the longest lived of the stars, being very popular on her porn movies, Ann was now more into the recruiting and training stuff and was helping Latrell with the new models and stars. The miss teen USA was a great source of new 'candidates' and so were movie and TV award parties. Several new stars went to the top in spicy series until they turned to porn. Suddenly E&I had the power to make comon girls like Ann's new protege Nicole, a very short and cute pale brunette with massive E-cups, a star. As Ann Dutton begun to turn Nicole into a new cumslut for black cocks she remembered that very far first day she arrived in New York, so inocent and just fresh off the bus... 3987 1.66/512345
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