Friday, February 22, 2013
Good Morning India Ch. 01
The first adventure of Kira The plane from London had just landed on the airport of Jaipur. Kheyrah was glued to the cabin window. It was the first time she was traveling to India and she had dreamed of it for years. She had been fascinated by India, the beauty of the landscapes, the splendor of the palaces but even more by the glamour of Indian women in their sarees even when they were doing daily chores among garbage heaps. She had drawn in her India dream, her husband since two years. He had offered her several salwar kameez and a series of sarees along with plenty Indian jewelry baubles for belly dance. She had occasionally worn them for Christmas or other family parties. She wore more often the jewelry, when she had a belly dance performance in public. Kheyrah was French but of North African ascendancy which explained the darker shade of her skin when she compared it with her husband s Dan. At the time, she was 47 but she was taking so much attention to her skin and body that she looked ten of fifteen years less. She had no wrinkles. In addition, she had kept constant attention to her body for the last six years. She suddenly had decided to lose weight and asked for the help of a dietician. Often such treatment helps you to lose a few pounds you win back shortly after but she had an inordinate force of will. She had decided her ideal weight, 108 pounds and she had clung to her goal. She had lost in fifteen months forty pounds and watched her weight daily since. As Kheyrah had been practicing belly dancing around six hours a week and several more at home, her skin had not sagged at all. She had just lost some breasts to 36B and her measures had fallen to 36-30-36, not so bad for a woman of her age with two grown sons but she still felt herself fat. Clothes size had followed her weight loss and she could easily exchange sweaters with her husband s daughter. - Honey, it s fantastic, we are in India, at last and did you hear the pilot. The temperature is 30¡ Celsius. In France, when we boarded the plane, it was freezing. - I wish you have followed my advice just to pack something warm for the return and take only light clothes. - I took two salwar kameez and one saree. - It s amply sufficient, we will buy what we need when we arrive at our first stopping place. Our travel guide will tell us where to find what you need. When they entered the airport arrival hall, Kheyrah took the arm of her husband. - Look, Darling, most of the women wear sarees. Look at the fabulous colours and how beautiful they look. - It s so hot that I understand why they wear sarees. I would if I could but I will buy a kurtha : it s something cool for men. - I know but the sarees are so fantastic I would like to buy several ones. And I took just two petticoats and two cholis. I will need several others with matching colors - If you want and we will ask the guide or the shop manager how to wear properly a saree. With your somewhat dark skin, your long black hair, you could easily pretend to be a native. - Maybe but you need practice to wear a saree. I have never worn one more than two hours and mostly sitting at a table. You give me an idea. Let s make a deal. - What do you propose? - If you manage to wear sarees properly, I propose that you wear only them during our whole travel. No European skirts or tops, OK? - Why not, I would love it. - If the guide finds you of sufficiently Indian appearance, I would even ask him to give you an Indian surname. You could pretend to be coming back to discover your roots. - It would be marvelous to have roots here. The guide, named Rajiv was OK with Kheyrah whole project. There was a shop near the hotel who sold good quality sarees for daily uses as well for ceremonies such as weddings or parties or even religious gatherings. They also sold petticoats and cholis of different matter, some embroidered cotton and even some Lycra form fitting cholis. Rajiv accompanied them to the shop as the shop dealer spoke Hindi only. Kheyrah did not take the Lycra cholis. You could see through the fabric her nipples and she found it obscene. Rajiv had tried to convince her but she had been adamant. Rajiv had much less difficulties to have her choose short sleeved and low neck line cholis. He found the french woman rather hot with her ample cleavage but she seemed not to mind. Rajiv insisted that she wore a mandalsutra as befitted her married status. - Now I will explain you how to wear a saree : you fold it once around your belly, then make seven folds this way. Then you push the cloth under the petticoat just to cover your legs. Yes your feet are visible. I advise you to use thongs rather than European style shoes, especially the high heels one. They are nice on a flat surface like the hotel lobbies but not very practical on uneven surfaces. Not so. Push down your petticoat. It s more sexy to show your navel. I will help you. - No. Hey. You push it too low. You touched my. Uhh. You figure - Sorry, I just wanted it to look perfect. - No big problem. Just take care! - You know that it will be the first time that a woman in my group wears only sarees during the travel. You will get accustomed to it quite fast. If you need some help, just call for me! - Thank you, mister Rajiv. How must we address you? - For your husband and the ingother tourists, Mister Rajiv or Rajiv will be OK. But if you want me to condone you pretend to be Indian, you should use my nickname, Raj. - Thank you again, Raj. What would please you? - Umphhh. If you really care for it, I would appreciate some help from you during the bus transfers. I will explain when we are in the bus. Just know that it will be in full accordance with you being an Indian woman. You will need just a few accessories, on the travel agency account. I will buy them for you.. See you later. - Bye, Raj The travel schedule included three nights in the same hotel to allow travelers to discover India life, to purchase a few souvenirs, to photograph anything they cared and to taste the many vegetarian food available. The second day, Kheriana felt already as if she had always worn sarees. She could not understand the other woman travelers who kept steadfastly their European clothing. One of them even made a remark to Kheyrah. - How can you degrade yourself down to wearing such revealing clothes? It s obscene! - Look, plenty of women wear the same outfit! - They are Indian! You are European, don t forget it. - Sorry to interrupt this discussion, my ladies, - Rajiv came to her rescue- But this young woman is of Indian origin even if she married a French man. Her Indian name is Kira. The woman was amazed and looked with despise to Dan who didn t care a damn for this goddamn racist. She never even acknowledged his presence anymore and Dan was not sad about it. As everyone in the group had heard the conversation, she was now Kira for everyone, even the reception staff and a few customers present in the lobby during this unfortunate event. Now for the group, she was officially an Indian woman even though she spoke no hindi. The women in the group gossiped about her. - Look! This little Keri wears so magnificently her saree. I should have noticed it before. No European woman could wear it so gracefully. It swivels around her. - You are right. Perhaps we could ask her to show us how to wear it properly. I would not mind to wear such a garment in full summer at home or even in the garden. - But what if there is a gale? - Same problem with long skirts but they wear underneath a more form fitting garment named petticoat. So her modesty would be protected. Dan and Keri (we will keep that name for the rest of the story) were silently laughing when hearing such comments and Rajiv was not far from sharing their merriment. They did not notice the entrance of a young Indian woman with a pile of cartons that completely obscured her vision. She collided with Dan and Keri with the mandatory result of covering the floor with the contents of the cartons : many superb silk garments. Dan and Keri jumped to the help of the poor young woman who was on the point of falling into tears. In a few minutes, all the cartons had been repaired but a few were smashed above potential fixing. Dan and Keri proposed to her to help carrying the cartons to her room while she would take care of the clothes that had not found a suitable box. The young woman was happy from their help. She reached her room and offered Dan and Kerri to have a drink with her in her room. They agreed. The room was much bigger than their own and was superbly furnished with silk curtains and even a Chinese silk carpet on the floor. Dan whistled in a typical French gesture of admiration. - You must be very wealthy to have such a palatial room. - Not especially myself but my family as a whole, yes. My uncle is one of the vice presidents of India. We are having a wedding tonight and I carried the last pieces of clothing. - I am even more sorry to have caused this collision. - I am the culprit. I should have asked for help from the reception. You are very gracious to have come to my rescue. - Noblesse oblige, for French citizens. We always take pride in helping young women. - I would like to really thank you. Would you like to attend the wedding. It s rather spectacular in India even the first night? - Why not. But we do not have garments suitable for a formal wedding of such an importance. - We may have a problem with you. I will ask to Uncle Kyrhan. He is about your size but for your wife. - Her name is Keri. She is French. Funny their names look alike! - She has an Indian look, just somewhat unusual. She has an Indian sounding name and she is wearing a saree as if she had always worn one. She walks so prettily with it!!! - Rather normal : she is an artist. She is a bellydancer and she is used to perform in public. But it s Egyptian type belly dancing not Indian type. - Fantastic. Could she present something in front of the bride and groom. That would be quite exotic for us. - Beware Arabian belly dancing shows much more skin than Indian. You may be shocked. - Surely not. We are modern people. A saree covers the legs but you have never seen a woman crossing a ford : she bunches her saree around her ankles and shows most of her legs and nobody cares and go to Benares: women take baths fully clothed. When they get out, the garments cling to their wet body and a saree is just plain chiffon. You can see their nipples and often their sex quite clearly through the fabric. Kira then intervened. - OK If you wish I can perform tonight. I have a complete outfit. I had planned to dance for my husband once or twice during the travel. Wouldn t it be objectionable for your family if I remained with my outfit? - I fear that you would draw most attention from the bride. She is my eldest sister. My name is Ranu, by the way. And I happen to have a silk wedding saree I wore last year. You may take it. Thus three hours later, Kira and Dan were in the middle of a mind boggling reception with lavish costumes and food. Dan was wearing a black lenghi while Kira was wearing the white silk saree Ranu had provided her. Every one marveled when they were informed that she had been wearing a saree really the last two days only. Ranu came to ask Keri to prepare for her performance. She had chosen a tune she had presented many times and could dance even half asleep with no rehearsals. The dance mesmerized the audience. The groom and the bride came to thank Keri and they asked her for another dance. She agreed, just telling them that she had not taken another outfit. The second dance was longer and more sensual. With the last notes, she fell on her knees in front of the newlyweds. There was a moment of silence then a thunder of applauses. The audience had been delighted. Keri fled to an adjoining room with Ranu to change. While Keri was away, a gray haired man came toward Dan. - A very sensual performance, I want to thank you in the name of the whole family. - You had better thank Kira. She was the performer. - Yes but you are her husband, I have been told and you allowed your wife to perform among several hundred men who now will fantasize about her for several months. I confess that even myself felt my heart jump when she knelt in front of the groom. I would have given a lot of rupees to have her perform just for myself. Keri had gone back. She had heard the grey man sentence. - Ranu has told me that you are her uncle. You agreed to invite us. You will not have to give a lot of rupees : I will dance tomorrow for free, just for you and for my husband if you care. - I will take you to your word. I will invite you for dinner. Meeting point in the lobby at 7 PM. Expect to be back at the hotel around 2 or 3 AM. - No great problem. Our bus leaves around 2 PM. Just will have to prepare the luggage. - I can have it done for you while we discuss and watch. Keri. dance for us if it suits you. - Perfect for us. - Good. I have had a discussion with your guide Rajiv. I gathered that you have decided that Keri will not wear her European clothes during your stay in India. - I did not remember telling him but it s true. - So I can propose you to leave anything you will not need at my home. You will travel lighter. You will be back at the hotel at the end of next week and during the last three days at the end of your journey. I invite you again at my home on these four occasions. You may even sleep in my house. I will arrange with the hotel to have the nights and meals repaid to you and with Rajiv to have him deposit and take you at my house. You will not have to bother to get back to the hotel and I will drop you at the airport. Agreed? - Thank you but may I ask the reason of such generous offers. - The beauty of your wife, the ease with which she wears a saree and the sensuality of her dance. I will be frank with you : Two centuries ago, when my ancestors were Radjahs, they would have you executed and your wife sent to their harem to pleasure them for some time but modern times are less hazardous. The day after, Dan and Kira spent the morning and the early afternoon sightseeing in the town. Dan was uneasy with Kyrhan s hermetic assertions but Kira laughed to his fears. - Don t be afraid. He just made a joke. Don t fret about it. They found in their room when they came back a new superb red with gold incrusts silk saree for Kira with a matching silk choli. Both fabric were as thin as Kira s dance veils. The choli was so form fitting that she could not wear anything underneath. There was a suit for Dan too, showing off his large chest and strong arms. They were in the lobby precisely at seven PM when Ranu entered the room accompanied by her uncle. She was joyful and kissed Dan on the cheek and Kira straight on the lips. Kira was amazed but Ranu had flown to Dan s side and she had placed her arm under his. Kyrhan proposed his arm to Kira and they went to the limousine. They were two bench seats covered in black silk facing each other. Ranu took the forward bench, signaling Dan to take the seat next to her. Her uncle proposed Kira the seat in diagonal to her husband. The car departed. Ranu began to chat about what they had visited and what they had bought. Kyrhan looked calmer and chatted with Dan and Kira alternatively. Their apprehension gradually dwindled. The meal was sumptuous although there was no meat nor fish but the food was marvelous. The women were given just fruit juices but the men had Champagne and other drinks. Dan remarked that Ranu alone made the service. He inquired about it to Kyrhan. He replied quite amiably. - Remember that in India women primary role is to serve men and their secondary role is to give them as many children as they are able. My own daughter got married nine years ago and had provided her husband with nine children. I am very proud of her. I wish that Ranu will be as prolific. Kira decided to help Ranu for the service. Ranu chose a moment when they were together preparing the next dish to whisper to Kira s ears. - I will serve Dan. Please, serve my uncle and everything will be perfect. The meal was rather long, and Kira soon took the habit of caring only for Kyrhan and it was not a sinecure to get the food for himself and herself, refill his glass, fetch the bread, serve the sauces. An Indian wife even in a wealthy family had plenty of work especially when there was a formal visit. She came to regret that the party was not bigger, at least, there would have been waiters to help. When the fruits have been served, Kyrhan asked for Kira to dance for them. She danced six dances, finally falling to the feet of Kyrhan, out of breath. She had been concentrated on her choreography and had not followed what the attendants were doing. She found Kyrhan s hand helping her to stand. - It was fantastic, my pretty dancing girl. May I help you to the other room to change. You may take a shower to freshen up. Ten minutes later, she was back in the room, in top form. The room lights had been dimmed and Ranu was singing what looked live love songs in a mellow tone. She was a great singer. Kira went to take her seat next to Kyrhan. He had moved and sat just in the middle of the bench. She approached in the dark. - Sorry. I would like to sit down. - I will help you in the dark. She felt his left hand taking her right one then he made her walk in front of him. His left hand suddenly caught her left hip. She surmised it was an error in the dark but his grip on her hip was very strong and he pulled her slowly but sternfully back toward him. She found herself soon sitting between his outspread legs, her back toward him and facing her husband. Kyrhan whispered to her ears. - Hush. Listen to Ranu. Ranu was launched in a new series of love songs that seemed to have an erotic meaning. She did not understand the meaning but the sensuality of the voice was clear. In the dim light, Kira could see Ranu, nearly lying against Dan s chest and her mouth just inches from his one. Kira tried desperately to see whether they kissed one another or not. She was so concentrated that she did not feel Kyrhan s hands, sneaking under her saree, reaching her choli, puching up the elastic fabric. In her elated spirit, she had not noticed that the choli had been replaced by a Lycra model. Now, Kyrhan was cupping her breasts using two fingers to knead her nipples. Kira had always her nipples very sensitive. She even rarely accepted that her husband caressed them. This night, she must have been very receptive as she let Kyrhan do as he wished with her nipples. and she felt unable to oppose his lewd caresses on her breasts. She felt herself getting wet down there and her belly felt heavier than usual. She let it happen, just enjoying the sensual moment. In a matter of minutes, she was panting breathlessly, pressing her back against Kyrhan chest, allowing him complete access to her breasts. The expected outcome arrived soon. She cummed in his arms, just having her nipples caressed. She screamed in bliss without a thought for her husband who was not ten feet apart. Her climax was much stronger than those her husband usually gave her. She was so enthralled that she did not notice that Dan had not moved when she had screamed. If there had been enough light, she would have seen that Ranu had kissed Dan on the lips and she had taken his cock in her hand earlier. Now she was caressing his shaft delicately. Kira did not either hear Kyrhan telling to Dan. - You may take my niece to her bedroom. Use only her mouth or her ass : she is a virgin. Meet us around noon for lunch.Your wife will be ready to depart after lunch tomorrow. Dan did not object at all and followed Ranu to her bedroom. They were exchanging smiles in total bliss. Kira had just emerged from her high when she felt Kyrhan s left hand begin to fully envelop her left breast while his right hand was beginning to caress her cunt lips. Her own juices were oozing from her cunt like fresh water from a tap. Kyrhan had very deft fingers as she felt totally weak in his hands. She just yearned for his caresses, ready to open herself totally to this man she had just met the day before. She felt the first stirs of an impending climax in her belly. Hours later, she fainted while he was pushing two fingers in her virgin anal passage. He had fucked her mouth four times, her cunt three times but had finger fucked her cunt just once. When she woke up, she felt like a woman gangbanged by a group of bikers although she perfectly knew that he had been quite gentle with her. She just felt completely used and that seemed to make her very submissive. Kyrhan spoke with them about their future when Dan and Ranu joined them. They were hugging one another. Kira felt somewhat jealous but she could not say anything as Kyrhan had not allowed her to wear her knickers and his hand had sneaked under her saree and his fingers were toying with her cunt lips and her clit so marvelously that she clenched her teeth together to prevent herself to screaming her pleasure. - I will try to be quite direct : I don t intend to break up your marriage, be sure of it, Dan. I am just trying to improve it. You, Kira, happen to love India but you never were in direct contact with our way of life. You need an Indian man to train you. Your guide Rajiv perfectly suits your needs. Kira especially needs also a more dominant self assertive man to spur her forward. I have chosen that task when she danced at the wedding. But India has darker aspects we cannot make you feel in two weeks. You would have to spend one or two years here. For example, often Indian women are persecuted by their mother in law who think they are not worthy to have married their sons with daily humiliations. In addition, many in laws are doing their best to fuck the young woman. In rural India, where there is a dramatic lack of nubile girls, a new bride may have to service all her inlaws needs. We will try to make you experience such feelings of frustration, defilement, abuse but to a limited level as every night, you will have the loving help of your husband. I will just ask him not to interfere during the day. - yes, Sir - You should call me guru as I am leading you or more appropriate for an European woman, Master. - yes, Master. - Good. Just another question : from our recent encounter, I surmise that you have never been ass fucked. am Icorrect? - Yes, Master - Perfect, Tell Rajiv and Dan, if the need arises that your arse deloration is my privilege. I will take your last virginity soon. Afterwards, I will offer your ass to anyone I choose. Dan will have to wait to be in the plane to have it but he will enjoy it everyday if he cares afterward. He then gave her a few instructions for the next week. - Dan had been right when he decided that you are not to wear anything but sarees. In addition, you will no more wear any panties as long as you are in India, just blouses, petticoats and sarees. As you are per choice an Indian woman, you are not to eat meat or fish. Rajiv will instruct you on the meal preparation. Concentrate on it as you will have to prepare meals for Dan and yourself when back in Europe. For everything else, just conform to Rajiv s orders. Everything he tells you to do will be a part of the training you are following. When you leave to Europe in two weeks and a half, You will decide whether you forget me and return to your habits or follow my advices and maybe meet me again for further training. Kira nodded without commenting. The bus left as scheduled at half past 2 PM. Rajiv had given her an old rather worn saree. - The trip will last three hours with a stop around 4 PM for drinks, tea and toilets. I will require your help for the whole duration. You may dirty your saree. Better not use fancy ones like those you have bought. Kira wondered whether the saree had been washed. At least it was reasonably clean and not ragged. Before departure, Rajiv told her to clean the bus. She dutifully got rid of the garbage, cleaned the dust bins and the ashtrays. She swept the floor and cleaned the windows. When he decided that the bus was sufficiently clean, Rajiv remarked she was dirty. He told her to take a dip in the river and wash her hair that was quite dishevelled by the previous heavy duty work. Kira looked puzzled : Was she expected to wash herself in front of all the passengers. She was too shy for it. Rajiv saw her indecision and just pushed her in the river. Kira spit water when she surfaced. Rajiv launched her a soap. - You can wash your body, your hair and your saree while wearing it. You have just five minutes. Kira had never been in such a hurry. She quickly soaped her hair and her body. She discovered that wearing no knickers was interesting when having to soap herself so fast. She swam somewhat upstream to find cleaner water to rinse herself and her saree. The bus engine started. She jumped out of water, without bothering to notice that all her curves were outlined by her dripping clothes. She had to comb her hair in the bus, just a few feet from Dan who took a few photographs of her. Rajiv told her to hurry. He ushered her to a small cabin where he lived under the main cabin. There was a bed, the sheets of which had not been changed for weeks. There was garbage and refuse everywhere. Dirty garments littered the floor and the table. - Clean my bedroom, Kira and hurry up. Fortunately the bedroom was tiny : she needed just about half an hour to tidy the room. When she had finished her task, the room was rather clean, there were two big bags of litter and two other ones with soiled garments. - Good, Kira, you are a good housewife. I could think of marrying you. Now wash my clothes. You have just an hour. There was no electric machine just a sink and cold water soap. She cleaned as thoroughly as possible the clothes. Some of them had a terrible stench. One hour later, All the clothes were drying on hangers. Several of them would need mending when dry. Kira had found a bottle of perfume with some liquid remaining. The room now had a welcoming appearance and the stench had been replaced with a fine perfumed scent.. Even Rajiv had to appraise her work. - I never thought you would obtain such a result. Next time, we will take it a step further : you will wash my clothes in the river. It s a much more difficult task. - But why? The fabric is clean. - Yes but in most villages, you still don t have running water. I was told to train you as a traditional Indian woman. We don t have time to have you working in fields. Maybe, if you come back, some day.. - I would like but it seems so hard - You would manage. Before we stop for a drink, I would like a massage of my back. - I ve never. - No problem. I will give you instructions. Rajij laid flat on the stomach on his bed he had covered with a thick towel. - Kira, take off your saree and your blouse. You may keep your petticoats but they may be soiled. Better to remove them too. Now coat your breasts with the massage oil. Yes, knead your nipples. When they are the size of cherries, you may proceed. Good, just graze first my back with the tip of your nipples. A pleasure. Now push down and begin to caress my whole back. Good. Sure you never tried it with your husband? - Never, Raj. - You must be a natural. Now glide slowly from my neck down to my buttocks, always with your tits hanging vertically. When you will have reached my bottom, you will start again this time squashing your boobs on my back. - Kira breasts were hurting but she tried her best to please him. - Oh you are so good you have given me a hard on. A second. I am turning on my back. Now you straddle me facing to my feet. - No I won t jilt my husband! - You have to. It s Kyrhan orders. You must obey all my orders. - Yes - My orders are for the time being, you are to be fucked by this cock with no mercy. You were told that being fucked by strangers was a part of your training and humiliation, too. - You are right. I will obey to Kyrhan. - good. Just bend slightly forward to let me have a look to your ass hole. - Kyrhan has told me he would take what he called my last virginity himself before I leave for France. - I will not cross him. I don t know whether he intends to do it this week or the next one but he will not forget it. Just don t let Dan take it away from him. - I think my husband respects the will of the old chap. - Hush. My cock is just under your cunt. Now just bore down on me. Ohhh. You are tight for a mother of two!!! - Ahha! Just go slowly.. Uh. I am not used to have it so brutally. Please!!! - You fuck for my pleasure, remember. It s you who must adjust, not me. - Ohh you are a beast!!! - It seems you love it! Don t lie, bitch, you are dripping. Ohhh.. It comes. Yes I am cumming. you will take it all deep inside. - Yes, Raj,. Empty your load in my womb. You may, It s safe.Yes. Fill me up. Oh I.. I m cumming too,.. OHHHHH! As soon as he caught his breath, Rajiv caught Kira s shoulder - Wake up, lazy, you have still work to do. You are learning your true role in life, to totally serve Indian men.Now get up and go in the kitchen to prepare tea and coffee. We will arrive in ten minutes. Rajiv did not allow her to clean herself or even freshen up. - You have a very pleasing Ã’just fuckedÓ look. Keep it. You screamed so strongly that all the passengers have heard what we were doing. Maybe some of the passengers would like to take advantage of you after the pause. for fifty dollars. - You. You want to. to prostitute me? - Not at all. I will invite friends in my room and allow them to take their pleasure with you. They can fuck you for free but it s the habit of thanking the man who provides the girl by giving him money and you will not be cheap. Some peasant girls offer themselves for ten or twenty dollars. And it s good for your training : being fucked by people from your tourist group will be very humiliating for you, I am sure of it. When they stopped, Kira had prepared the tee and the coffee. She was wearing a new saree, something prettier than her work saree. Rajiv had her put on a Lycra blouse that was nearly see through. All the passengers could watch her nipples through the flimsy fabric. Some of the men showed an evident interest for her boobs. Rajiv told them she would be available during the last travel hour at fifty dollars for a quarter of an hour. One of the passengers exclaimed that it was quite a bargain for such a fine piece of meat. For some reason she felt flattered. Finally four passengers had the opportunity to visit her until they arrived and the last one was. her husband Dan. - I wanted to know how you were faring. I gathered that you will have to clean the bus while I check in at the hotel. Rajiv has told me to leave you a clean saree and blouse. I doubt the staff would let you in with what you are wearing. - Oh thank you, Dan. I apologize to you : I had so much work that I could not spare a minute with you this afternoon. - Being an Indian woman is not so easy, it seems. - Sure, this night, I will be exhausted but you will have to treat me as an Indian wife. I have understood what it encompassed. - That is? - Force me to service you as many times as you care and if you fancy it, call for the room service waiter and have him fuck me on a table, on the floor or even standing against the wall. Don t care for my pleasure or comfort. Just seek your own pleasure. - I love the idea but I have a raging hard on and I am about to fuck you on Rajiv s bed. - You paid for it. I must abide to the orders of my Indian master, sir. Kira cleaned the bus in minutes as its previous sorry state had been just the result of months of neglect. Rajiv ordered her to accompany him to the shower room. She undid her saree and her blouse once more. She helped him out of his dirty clothes, applied soap liberally on her breasts and brushed them vigorously against his body to clean him without her hands. She cleaned his cock and his ass hole with her mouth before rinsing him first then herself. Rajiv had not given her any orders. She had done it all on her own. Her last task was to prepare food for Rajiv s dinner. She had never tried Indian cooking but Rajiv was satisfied with a soup and some beans in a curry sauce. He then at last sent her away, telling her to be at the bus door the next day around 8 AM even though the departure time was an hour later. She hurried to join Dan just after she had put on the saree her husband had left for her. On the way, she felt big globs of semen, oozing from her freshly fucked cunt gliding along her legs. Rajiv had opted for a quickie seeing her in a fancy gold embroidered saree. He could not resist her sex appeal and she felt proud about it. Kira followed similar routine for the following days. Now Rajiv sported clean, ironed garments. They were piled in cupboards in his bedroom and have been perfectly mended when necessary. Rajiv had offered her once to a trucker he had met in a bar and twice to the bus driver and every day to the other travelers of the group. He himself used her mouth or her cunt two or three times a day. Once they had to travel by bus through the night. and she had slept with Rajiv on his bed. She had been given a pillow for that special occasion, the first attention from the young guide. The temperature rarely dropped under 22¡ Celsius so Kira had slept naked. Rajiv had been tireless, fucking her every hour or half hour. They both had little sleep that night. After a particularly hot bout with Rajiv, Kira had fought the urge to sleep and left to meet Dan. She had been more daring than usual, crossing the whole bus in the middle of the night stark naked. Hher husband Dan was snoring quietly. She shook him awake and made him put his fingers up her cunt to show him it was filled by a sticky white gooey. She took tissues to wipe herself clean and straddled him. - Hurry up. Rajiv will wake up in about a quarter of an hour. I must be ready for him in his bedroom. Dan did his best in five minutes and added a big load to what had been injected into her cunt. Kira proceeded back to Rajiv s bedroom when a hand darted and caught hers. One of the travelers was awake and had seen her. She expected him to make a fuss when he drew her on his lap. She felt that he had untied his trousers and they were down to his heels. Good, he was ready to fuck her and she would still be in time for Raj. When she arrived ten minutes later, Rajiv was waiting on his side on the bed. - Where have you been? - I took a walk in the bus and two passengers fucked me. - Who were they? - Don t know in the dark. - A pity you did not ask for a fee. I would have loved to increase my savings - I thought that you were not my pimp, that you gave me for free and just received money gifts for using me? - Never mind. I will give you something to reward your performances in the bus. - OK but for Dan, it will be free from now on. - Granted. Now what about a nice slow blow job. Your cunt would be dripping. Let it drain out. You will just clean the floor tomorrow morning. with your tongue, of course. - You are a pervert but I love it now. Kira was thinking to Kyrhan later in the morning. They would be back in his city the day after. The bus would drop her and Dan to his house for a single day. He might take her anal virginity as he had announced or postpone it to the next week. She was yearning to be totally his although she feared the ensuing pain. Whatever his decision, she knew in her heart that she would be thoroughly used and she was getting wetter and wetter to the prospect. 9541 1.66/512345
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