Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Best Laid Plans PT. 04
Chapter 18 Jan finished her embroidery of how she had sex twice on the afternoon of the high school initiation and started the story about Sandy's lesbian encounter with the camp counselor. Bill listened intently, but stopped her to say, "I 'm dying to hear the rest of this, but I think we've been out here too long. Let's go sit in the kitchen. If that movie's over, Nancy may come looking for me and think you and I have been screwing around or something." "I wish we had been fucking. I'm hot for your bod." "Don't say that. It's hard enough for me to keep my promise to Nancy, but if she ever changes her mind, you're on. You're one foxy lady." "Keep talking like that. It's great for my ego." Jan scooped up her pocketbook and her glass. When they entered the kitchen, she asked Bill to pour her another brandy, while she checked on the crew. At the door to the TV room, she stopped and put her ear to it. The voices from the video system told her the dirty movie was playing. Another set of love sounds blended with those of the XXX-rated film. Jan switched off the hall light and carefully cracked the door. She saw Bob's head in Sandy's pussy and Stan's head in Nancy's. She smiled and eased the door closed again. "The movie's still playing. I listened at the door. I was afraid if I went in, we might get trapped into watching it. Now where was I in the story? Let's sit here at the tile island. You sit on that stool and I'll sit on this one." Jan had positioned Bill's back to the TV monitor and diverted his attention as he sat down by asking him for her drink. His eyes were on their two snifters as he sat down and carefully placed Jan's in front of her. "You were telling me how the camp counselor had asked Sandy to take off her nightgown." "Yeah, well, Sandy asked her to turn off the lights, as she was shy. Then..." Back in the TV room, when Bob had finished fucking Nancy, and Stan started his turn, Stan lavished sucks and kisses on Nancy's breasts, but complained that Nancy's pussy was full of Bob's come and he wanted a fresh playground. "You want me to douche her here in the room?" asked Sandy. "Get a wet wash rag and towel at least. I want to kiss her lovely pussy, and I'm not into male come." "You better not let Jan hear you say that, if you enjoy her blow jobs." "Yeah, right. It was a slip of the tongue." "I'm not going to pick up on that remark, but I'll get what you want." Nancy was still in La-La land, when Sandy returned with a small basin of warm water, a towel, scented soap and a wash cloth. Sandy did the washing, rinsing and drying, and Nancy's pubic hair and thighs smelled sweet "There you go, Stan my man, dive right in." Stan obeyed, although he limited his ministrations to her silky thighs and her clitoral area. Nancy began to moan and her hips came back to life. Stan heard the door open and then close. He lifted his head to see Bob working on Sandy's crotch. He said, "I've got Nancy's motor running." "Ummm, good, that's g-o-o-o-od.," said Sandy, and Stan didn't know if she was talking to him or Bob or both of them. Stan dipped his mouth once more into Nancy's delicious crevice, intoxicated by the perfume of Nancy as it blended with the store-bought kind. He filled his hands with the full firm melons of Nancy's breasts, gently squeezing her nipples and felt his cock begin to pulsate. I'd better fuck her pretty soon, he thought, but for now he couldn't pull himself away from the sweetness of her pussy. Jan shortened her story about Sandy, judging the time was right to bring Bill into the TV room. She must be prepared for any reaction Bill might have. "So Sandy didn't go down on the counselor?" "No, but she said she heard the sounds of the counselor masturbating herself." "The stories better stop here. I'm getting too excited. Between the pot and the brandy, I'm something of a space cadet. Mellow enough to finish watching that stupid movie." Nancy took his hand and led him through the hall toward the room. She switched on the hall light and paused before opening the door. "I don't hear the movie going. It must be over." "What are those other voices? It sounds like they're enjoying themselves." "Let's see." Jan opened the door wide to let the hall light spill into the room and combine with the white light coming from the blank TV screen. She stood slightly in front of Bill. "My God," exclaimed Jan, "They're having an orgy!" Bill stood paralyzed at the sight of Stan thrusting his cock into Nancy's pussy. Her hips were thrusting back at a rapid pace. Bob had his knees under Nancy's armpits and she sucked his cock greedily, pulling against Bob's ass cheeks with her hands as he stroked into her mouth. Bob's face was buried in Sandy's snatch as she sat spread-eagled on the couch. "Turn out the god damn lights," moaned Sandy. "You're so tight, Nancy. I can't hold off much longer," panted Stan. Nancy let Bob's cock slip out of her mouth long enough to moan, "Fuck me harder! I love it! Fuck me harder!" Jan felt Bill start to push by her to rush into the room. She grabbed his arm with all her strength and said in a loud whisper, "Don't do something brash and stupid. Consensual sex is happening here. No one's getting raped. Come back in the kitchen with me and let's think this out." The tension in Bill subsided a fraction. Jan pulled the door shut and practically dragged him by the arm back to the kitchen. "What the god damn hell is happening? Nancy and I had a pact. I kept my end of the bargain. How could she do this?" "It must have taken some strong influence." "They must have gotten her drunk." "She was drinking coffee." "I can't believe it. This is crazy. Did you see how much she was into it? That's not my Nancy in there." "Oh my god! Oh my god!" Jan cried. "What? What?" Bill reacted to her screech by jumping to his feet, toppling the stool behind him. "Look behind you." Bill spun around. "I don't see anything." "That stupid TV monitor." "You mean that thing? What about it?" "This week we had a security system installed, and that monitor scans our patio. Let me run out next to that table I used to hold our glasses. That's where we were standing. See if you can see me." Jan sprinted out the door and placed herself on the "X" for a few moments and rushed back in. "Well?" Bill had his face cupped in his hands looking down at the tile. "As bad as all that?" asked Jan. "We were on 'Saturday Night Live.'" "Oh, shit. Nancy may have seen us 'bonging' each other or you loving my tits. I feel terrible." Terribly horny for that dick of yours, she added, to herself. "It's as much my fault. I knew better than to smoke the pot or kiss your boobs. Why do you have to be so desirable?" Jan took her hand and patted Bill on his arm. "I think you should know that Sandy and Bob, and Stan and I have been swapping for quite a while now. Does this surprise you?" "Not really. There were plenty of indications, but Nancy and I thought you might be holding the line at simple petting. I guess it's easy to cross the line." "Not at all. Sandy and I were almost as pure and chaste as Nancy, when it happened." "I have a hard time believing that." "It's true. I'll tell you the story sometime. But now, you must face the fact that Nancy has crossed the line and we can understand why. It was both our faults. Mine mostly. I shouldn't have asked you to kiss my breasts, but after the night in the hot tub, I wanted you to so badly. The bottom line is that our actions pushed Nancy into a situation that she wouldn't normally have allowed." Bill drew in a deep breath and his cheeks puffed out like a blowfish before releasing the air. It sounded like a sigh. His eyes shone with coldness and his face lost its softness to become frozen in a mask of indifference. His voice sounded husky and dry as he said, "If that's the way it's to be, so be it. To be honest, I've toyed with the idea of making love with you since last Saturday, wondering if I could handle it or if Nancy would be comfortable enough to go along with trading partners. I suppose we'll find out now. I fucked up and drove her into it. I'm a real asshole aren't I?" Jan came to where he sat and placed his head between her breasts. She tilted forward and kissed the hair on top of his head. Then she said, "It's not the end of the world. What's done is done. Something about the situation has excited you. It looks like the Rock of Gibraltar crawled in your crotch and set up housekeeping." Bill's cheek rubbed across Jan's left breast as he glanced down at himself. "Those stories, the pot and the booze were enough to do it, but seeing that cock of Stan's pumping into Nancy, and her begging for more, gave me a perverse thrill. I must be brain-warped." "Not at all. It's normal for a lot of guys. Stan and Bob said they got steamed up at seeing Sandy and me getting screwed and loving every minute of it. Right now though, I'm so horny for you; I'll hit you over the head with the cognac bottle, if you don't fuck me. I'm told I have a pretty little pussy with soft auburn curls and I've learned to swallow when I give head." "No shit? I have to do something with this problem in my pants and it's pointing straight at you." "I see it, come on, let's join them. I want a piece of the rock." "I'm trembling and can you feel how hot I am? I've never been so turned on, and I want you here and now. I'm going to ravish you." Bill slipped his hands under her skirt and stripped down her panties. Jan stepped out of them and her shoes. She pulled Bill up to a standing position and jerked the tongue of his belt to free it from the buckle. She ripped down his zipper and pulled his shorts down with his pants. She paused a moment to appreciate the size of his abundant member, before kneeling down and thrusting it into her mouth. She bobbed her head up and down, sucking frantically, as if to pull his entire insides out through the tiny opening in the center of his penis. "Slow down or I'll explode." Jan let him slip from her mouth long enough to say, "I'm dying to suck all the come out of you, but you can shoot it in my pussy, if you'd rather. Your choice!" "I want it in your pussy." "Get in the chair over there." Bill waddled like a penguin, with his pants still bunched around his feet, to the ladder-back chair. He sat and Jan raised her skirt as she jumped on his lap. She guided his saliva soaked cock head into the folds of her womanhood and began rocking back and forth to push him farther into her depths. Bill's forced his hands under her sweater to capture her naked breasts. He squeezed them roughly and pinched her nipples with quick nips of thumbs and forefingers. Jan's head bucked back and forth. She used her legs to push her self up and down on his thick rod, feeling its massiveness bury into her to the hilt. Her nostrils flared and her eyes glazed over. Nothing invaded her private world to distract her from the swells of pleasure racing along nerve paths connecting the tips of her breasts with the tissues lining the walls of her vagina. The sensations hammered back and forth along the rose-strewn trail. She then squeezed her eyes shut and clenched her teeth. Her breath came in gasps, like a racehorse finishing a mile and a furlong. She increased her up and down tempo and groaned in rapturous ecstasy. Bill ran his thumb pads back and forth across her long nipples with hedonistic frenzy. He fucked his pelvis in quick, pitched strokes, to punch his prick deep into her moist, smooth cavern. His body felt as hot as a votive candle. His crazed force of entry and retreat couldn't have been tamed with a whip. Like the flare of a struck match, he felt his burning sperm begin to spew out into the sweetness of her velvet lining. Jan received the throbbing burst of Bill's hot ejaculate, as it shot into her at the exact apex of her licentious desire for release. Her mind catapulted over the top to receive the piercing waves of pleasure that detonated volleys of overwhelming fulfillment. The bombardment of his sperm met the gush of her juices to combine in a love mixture to flow gently together down Bill's melting hardness. She shuddered as spasms of after shock coursed through the muscles of her vaginal sheath. Her head sank to rest on Bill's shoulder as, together, they waited for their breathing to slow down and their stupor to flutter back into reality. Bill raised her sweater to kiss the light sheen of sweat on her breasts, as they trembled with the afterglow of their journey to the bower of bliss. "I'm afraid the chair is getting a bath of our love potion." "Uhmmm. It's okay," whispered Jan. She snuggled her head back into crevice between Bill's head and shoulder and licked his neck, like a kitten would clean its fur. "I want to stay like this for a month or so. Don't wake me until the fourth of July." ================================= Chapter 19 alma646 Fortunately for the survivors, the peach drapes softened the brilliance of the Sunday morning sunshine to a soft glow."] Bob opened his eyes first. He gently disentangled himself from Jan's embrace and slipped away without waking her. After a quick trip to the bathroom, he walked, jay-bird-naked, to the kitchen. He fired up the teakettle and then clanked ice cubes into a tall glass. He added water and swirled the glass in a small circle to make the cubes bump together to chill the water faster. He drank half the glass in a series of long swallows and refilled the glass. He felt lightheaded for a few minutes. A scotch or two too many the night before. He scooped a heaping spoonful of instant Folgers coffee into a cup and baptized the crystals with boiling water. He added a dollop of heavy cream and stirred the steaming mixture, and sat his butt on a barstool. Ooh! The cold wooden surface froze his naked butt. He squirmed around until things warmed up. He cradled the coffee cup with both hands and took tentative sips. Hot! He thought the events of last night had been orchestrated perfectly. Nancy was some hot chick, but they must treat her with care after she returned to reality: Make her feel loved and let her know how proud she should be to have shed her inhibitions and entered true adultery-hood. He hoped Bill and Jan had got it on and "boogied-the night-away," so to speak. After downing half his coffee, he carried the cup with him to have some left after he finished showering. As he toweled dry, standing on the bathroom rug outside Stan and Jan's big shower, he considered putting on his shorts, but didn't want to be overdressed. His coffee had cooled so he padded back to the kitchen to zap it for thirty seconds in their microwave. How wonderful to have such close friends that they felt free to use one another's homes, as if they were their own. And in the nude, no less! He returned to the scene of seduction, carrying his water and coffee, and tiptoed over to sit on the couch. His watch said nine-thirty-five. Nancy began to stir. A few moments later, she pushed herself up on one arm and unwrapped Stan's arm from around her waist. She rubbed sleep from her eyes and looked around the room. Bill and Sandy were clenched together right beside her, while Jan slept across from them. She finally saw Bob and whispered, "Hi, we fucked last night, didn't we?" Bob whispered back, "Yes, and you were fantastic. You are so beautiful, everywhere." "I don't feel fantastic. I feel like shit." "You look a mite frazzled. How about some coffee?" "First, I gotta pee, and my mouth tastes like last week's garbage bag. Help me up." Bob rose from the couch and cupped his hands under her arms to lift her. "Stand still for a few seconds and I'll hold you. Are you very woozy?" "How many rooms are we in? I can see at least three. Now a couple have gone away." She closed her eyes and shook her head. "It throbs when I move my head, but I'm back in one room." "Hold to me and take it slowly." Finally they made it to the bathroom and Bob eased her down on the commode. She held his hands to steady herself as she peed. When finished, Bob asked, "Can you hold to the sides of the stall until I get you some water?" "Maybe I'd better sit on the rug. But I need to dry myself." "I'd better do it for you." She didn't protest as Bob folded panes of toilet tissue to dab her pussy dry. "I feel like a baby." "C'mon 'baby', up you go. It's just a few steps to the rug." He helped her to sit and hurried to the kitchen for her water. He returned to find her sitting with her arms clasped around propped up legs, her forehead resting on her knees. Bob found a bottle of Bayer's aspirin and removed two tablets. "Here, take these." "Water first." She drank several mouthfuls and cupped out a hand for the pills. After swallowing them, she put her head back down. Bob sat down on the rug beside her and wrapped his arm around her. "You're nice and warm and you smell good," she said. "Irish Spring soap. I showered." After five minutes of sitting together, she said, "The aspirin is starting to kick in, and I feel better. More water, please." After finishing the glass, she said, "There's something crusty on my chin and cheeks." "Love reminders." She hesitated. "Come?" "It's not corn flakes." "Help me shower?" "Delighted to. I'll get the water started, and here's some Scope if you want to swish." "Thanks. Help me up and let me stand by the sink." She swirled a slug of mouthwash around in her mouth and deposited the contents in the basin. She sucked in a big breath and said, "That hit the spot. My mouth feels like it belongs to me now." Together in the shower, the steamy spray cascaded through her hair and down her luscious, curvy body. She steadied herself with her hands against the sides of the stall, while Bob lathered his hands and soaped her from toes to crown. He found a tan plastic bottle of Vidal Sassoon on a tile ledge and shampooed her hair. Her 'landing strip', as well as that on her head. He used a conditioning rinse on both. He lifted the hand-held nozzle from its slot and extended its stainless steel, tubular cord to spray and massage first her head and then her genitals. Bob spread her pussy lips to give her a mini-douche. "Ooh, its tender down there, but it feels good. Just a minute longer. Whoa, that's enough!" Bob helped her out of the shower to sit on a vinyl-covered bench in front of a dressing table. She had walked more steadily. "I'm wet, will I harm the fabric?" "Nope. It's made for drippy asses." Bob dried himself for the second time that morning and began working on Nancy's hair with a towel, before finishing the rest of her body. "I feel like a queen with all this attention." "You deserve a jeweled crown." "I think I was the Queen of the May last night or Queen of Bacchus. I drank way too much. I must have made a big hole in Stan's vodka supply." "You did more than dent it. A real fender bender, but the Swedes will love you. It was Absolut. Their GNP should rise a couple of percentage points." "I'd better laugh or I might cry. How can I face Bill and the others?" "We're all in the same love boat. Everyone had his or her turn at the helm. Don't feel like the Lone Ranger." "If I hadn't seen Jan and Bill... It's not really an excuse. Just a rationalization. Nancy's not happy with Nancy this morning. I did a stupid thing. I vaguely remember making love with you and Stan, but which of you did I give head to?" Silence. "Both?" "It was a wild night!" "Did I do it right? Bill's just started teaching me." "We could practice some more, but you're off to a jolly good start." Nancy smiled. "I'm afraid I'm not cut out for swinging. Last night will last me a lifetime. I wonder how it will affect my marriage." "You're a grown woman. In today's world, women can decide for themselves what course they want to follow, just like we men have always done. Sexual pleasure is no longer taboo in enlightened circles." "Tell my parents that. But wear a bulletproof vest." "It's better if parents don't know too much. Most of them are still bowing to Queen Victoria." "I'd like to get dressed and face the music. A dirge, most likely." "Not from any of us." "Bill can hum a funeral march, when he wants to." "You mentioned seeing him and Jan. Didn't he fire the first shot, so to speak?" "Yes, but that doesn't pardon me." "Did you enjoy yourself?" "My body did cartwheels, but my mind is in the hands of a hanging jury." "I vote for a not guilty verdict." "Oh, I'm guilty all right. But can I forgive myself? Please find me something to wear. Maybe that will help my state of mind." "You should rethink that. Everyone else is comfortable with their skin. If you appear to be a prude about it, it might create bad feelings. We all adore you two and want to help Bill become successful. Don't drive a wedge until you've thought things through." Nancy searched deeply into Bob's eyes. "Would it hurt Bill if I back away now?" "It wouldn't help him, but our friendship might suffer, especially, if you show displeasure towards us." "Oh, no. It's fine for you to do anything you like." "But you don't want any part of us?" "You make it sound so ominous. It wouldn't be that way." "The way it would be, is that we'd start feeling really uncomfortable around you." "I couldn't stand that." "Think carefully before making a final decision." "Is there a blow dryer around? My hair's still damp." Bob found one in a drawer and handed it to her. "I'm getting some more coffee, while you dry it out." "In more ways than one," answered Nancy. She smiled with a touch of sadness. Bob made more coffee, thinking how beautiful Nancy was, even with her hair plastered down. He walked slowly, so as not to slosh the coffee, as he returned to the room of sleepy heads. All eyes were open but everyone still lounged under their covers. Bill said, "I'm afraid to ask, but where is Nancy and how's she doing?" "She's pretty hung over, but coming along okay." "Does she hate my guts?" "She's not that ripped, but definitely ambivalent about the entire situation. She must have seen something between you and Jan, but she didn't say what." Bill sighed and shook his head. "It was basically innocent." Bob said, "I've heard those words before." Bill nodded his head. "It must have looked bad though. I can't blame her for being pissed off." "She's had a shower and wanted to get dressed, but I asked her not to. If we're all in the buff, it keeps us on an equal footing. Gives more acceptance to the circumstances." "I agree," Jan said. "Let's all sit up and act naturel. Be relaxed and perfectly at ease with our nudity. It's no big deal." Bob found Nancy brushing her hair, so he stood and watched. Finally she finished, and he said, "Come on and we'll go say good morning." "Now that I'm half-sober, I'm nervous. What if they're dressed?" "I peeked in on them. They're awake and au natural." "What did Bill say?" "He said it was an innocent situation. What did you see?" "Bill kissing Jan. On her lips and on her naked breasts." "Maybe he has an explanation." "You don't sound very convinced." "It's difficult to imagine it being that innocent." "Exactly. He broke his vow!" "Slow down. Don't go ballistic." "I took two more aspirin and I feel better." "Go easy on those. They're not good for your liver. Give me your hand and let's go." At the door, she paused and said, "I'm really uncomfortable doing this." "Do you want to back out?" "Would it hurt our relationship that much if I did?" "Count on it!" "Let's do it then, but I keep wanting to shield my boobs and my pussy." Bob saw Nancy blush as they entered. Stan sat next to Jan with his legs propped up. His penis and testicles in plain view. Bill sat beside Sandy, his expression lacking any concern. Jan stood smoothing her hair back, not glancing at Nancy. "Hi," said Stan with a wave. Bill said, "Come on in, honey. We're just waking up." Jan turned her head slowly to look at Nancy. "You look great. We must look like ragamuffins." "I, uh, had a shower and brushed my hair." "Sit down for a minute, while we shake the cobwebs out." Nancy sat in one of the Lazy Boys and crossed her legs. She relaxed her shoulder muscles, which had been tight with tension. "I'm going to shower," said Jan. "Me too," said Sandy. "Come with us, Nancy. 6385 1.90/512345
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