Sunday, February 24, 2013
POWER OF THE TOWEL, Part Three An Erotic Production Producer...EROTICWRITER Director....My Imagination. THE CAST: JACOB Schwartz........... ..the long suffering father SUSAN Schwarz.............. the hot mother with demands REBECCA Schwartz.........the innocent daughter willing to learn HYMIE Kohn....................Rebecca's horny new husband MIRIAM Schwartz............Hymie's adventurous but deceased wife MILTON Kaplan..............having fun as the Rabbi ERIC Hightower................cameo role as the Cabin Steward JUAN Garcia.....................hired stud who can't believe his good fortune JOSEPH Knopf.................nipple feeling premature ejaculator "They were going to have to visit the Rabbi again." Two days later, Hymie and Rebecca were once again sitting with the Rabbi. Rebecca had remembered the silent message the Rabbi had sent her and she had been continuing to pretend to have no memory of Juan having stood naked above her while she was made love to by her husband. Because they were in a formal setting, in his office, once again they were calling him Rabbi rather than Milton. 'It didn't work, Rabbi. We did as instructed, my wife came closer than ever before, but still no orgasm." The Rabbi looked at Rebecca. "Rebecca? You came closer to coming than ever before? How much do you remember?" "First Rabbi," Rebecca answered quietly, "I want to let you know. I am not as concerned about it as Hymie is. I guess it is his male ego. I always feel quite happy after we are finished, and it pains me to see Hymie all worried about me not coming. My mother...I guess I can trust you to keep this to yourself since you have known her so long, my mother told me that she was married at least six months before she could acheive orgasms, and she has assured me that in time, I shall be enjoying sex to the fullest, just like she does." The Rabbi smiled and nodded in response. "Yes, I have known Susan and your father for all the time since you have been born, and maybe four or five years before. I performed their wedding ceremony as you know, and they have been long time friends. I think your mother is a fine woman and you should listen to her." "But Rabbi," Rebecca sniffed, "I have been listening to her. I believe her about love taking time. It is Hymie who has the problem with me not climaxing." "Yes," said the Rabbi, nodding solemnly. "And it is Hymie I am concerned about, as well as you. I think we need to work on this and do it now. We need to know if every thing was done right. So tell me all you remember about having sex with Hymie in front of that young man." Rebecca looked sad, but interested in discussing the act. "All I remember about the act is Hymie putting it in..." She hesitated, "this is kind of embarrassing." "Go ahead, my dear. I need to hear all so that I can make a determination." The Rabbi, despite playing his role of family counselor, found his penis tingling in his pants. Thank goodness the table was in the way so they couldn't see it. Rebecca gulped. "Maybe I should go back closer to the beginning. I remember Hymie telling us to disrobe. That's how he did it. Led us into the bedroom and told us to take our clothes off. I remember taking my clothes off in front of Juan, that was his name, and then lying down." As she spoke of disrobing in front of the hired stranger, the Rabbi sighed inwardly as he stole a quick glance at Rebecca's tits, so obvious under that red dress. 'Yes, he was thinking, I wish I could have been that lucky young man.' Rebecca kept talking, though she had noticed his glance down at her breasts. 'Did Milton just look at my tits?' "I was embarrassed because no one had ever seen me nude before, except for Hymie. Hymie got on top of me, then he...then he put it in and I don't remember anything after that except for it feeling good until Hymie was off of me and Juan was somewhere off to the side with his back turned to us while he put his underwear on." "Hmmm," the Rabbi nodded while staring into Rebecca's eyes. Her story had been lacking in detail, so far. He looked over at Hymie. "It sounds like everything worked as it should with the towel, at least as far as her memory was concerned. The towel was also supposed to aid in getting her turned on. Rebecca," he asked while looking back at her, "I have a hunch. You said 'Hymie got on top of me.' That sounds pretty quick. Did Hymie spend much time trying to arouse you before he told Juan to start waving the towel?" Rebecca shook her head. "I definitely remember that part. Hymie didn't take much time at all. I mean, he laid on my right and played with my breasts and my, well, you know. I was more aware of the fact that Juan was watching us rather than feeling what Hymie was doing because the.." she hesitated, searching for the right word..."the atmosphere wasn't very romantic. Hymie he didn't even kiss me. It seemed like he was trying harder to become erect than to get me aroused." She looked over from the Rabbi to Hymie, and Hymie nodded and said, "I'm sorry, I guess that's probably true." Rebecca quckly added: "Hymie doesn't have any problem becoming aroused when we are alone, I just want to put that in." Rebecca was trying to soothe Hymie's feelings and letting the Rabbi know that Hymie could still cut the mustard when it came to becoming hard. The Rabbi nooded understandibly in response and she continued. "Hymie put his finger in me and kept stroking in and out." She paused..."I remember that his finger hurt me when he first stuck it in because I'm so small and I wasn't lubricated yet. He did it hard and fast for a little while but it wasn't affecting me because it all seemed so...sterile. So when Hymie put it in, his penis, I was still first." "I see," said the Rabbi, thinking about how Rebecca had described herself as 'being small' where Hymie's finger was concerned. 'Now she is beginning to open up,' he was thinking, 'and she's starting to discuss the horny details!' He looked over at Hymie sort of accusingly, and in defense, Hymie quickly said: "I know I messed up. I was nervous about the whole thing. I was having trouble becoming erect because there was another man watching, and it seemed like Rebecca was trying to give him a good show. I guess I was just thinking of how important it was for me to perform and I neglected getting Rebecca prepared." "Hymie, it sounds like part of the fault lies with you." The Rabbi wanted to say most of the fault, but again, he was being considerate of Hymie's feelings in front of his wife. "Even though you were using your finger in her, you needed to give your wife more time to become aroused before you had the young man start waving the towel. Still," he paused, "it sounds like your young wife is a particularly difficult case, because the towel almost always works. Are you sure that he, the young man, was standing naked beside the bed and waving the towel vigorously over you while you made love?" "Yes, Rabbi," Hymie answered, "I think he was waving it vigorously. I could feel the breeze from it all the while." "And was the young man actually naked? Did you see his penis?" The Rabbi was looking at Hymie because he knew that Rebecca could not give that answer. Wisely, Rebecca kept her thoughts to herself as Hymie answered. "I believe he was naked. After I mounted her, I told him to remove his underwear and stand beside the bed and wave the towel so that Rebecca would not see his nudity and remember nothing from that point until after we had finished." He paused, "Do you think it is possible that he never took his underwear off?" "Maybe." The Rabbi looked at Rebecca, hoping that she knew to keep her mouth shut about the towel not actually making her forget. "And you Rebecca, what else do you remember of the affair? I need to know so that I can determine how well the towel was working and what we need to do to have a better chance of succeeding the next time." Rebecca sensed that Milton was wanting to hear some intimate details of what had happened sexually, details that Hymie was not providing. She answered nervously, but deep down this conversation was getting her excited. She decided to go into greater detail to spice up the counseling session, but at the same time, she could not reveal what she supposedly could not remember. "Like I said, I...I remember meeting him and thinking that Hymie had picked a handsome man like I had asked, and I remember being told to take my clothes off just seconds later. I am sure that my face was bright red. I remember standing there slowly taking my clothes off in front of a complete stranger and being embarrassed while he watched. I came down to just bra and panties. Then, when the bra came off, he was...well, he was really staring at my breasts." She giggled and sort of stuck her chest out forward to better display them. "Rabbi, I guess you can't blame him for staring at them since they are so large and firm. I think my nipples were sticking way out too." At this point, her mention of nipples suddenly getting him interested in the line of discussion, Hymie interjected. "They were. I couldn't help but notice how your nipples were sticking out. I was wondering if it was from nervousness or maybe because you were getting excited." Rebecca smiled at Hymie and simply said, "Both. When I saw his eyes and how we was looking at my tits, I have to admit that it, that it kind of turned me on to be looked at like that. It wasn't him," she quickly added: "I wasn't getting turned on to him, it was just the idea of it. I think that he might have wanted to devour me right there. I've had boys, and men too even when I was just a girl, staring at my tits, but this was the first time that someone, a stranger, who was staring, was actually getting to see them uncovered." Knowing what she was probably really thinking, that she liked showing them off, Milton pretended to nod understandably and then asked a bold and intimate question of Rebecca. Perhaps he should not have done so, but he suspected that both Rebecca and Hymie wouldn't think anything of it later. "What color are your nipples, so that I can picture what was in your minds, all three of you." She looked surprised, but proud. "Pink. They are bright pink I think" Milton being funny, added, "Both nipples?" He smiled. Rebecca giggled, and Hymie smiled. "Yes, both of my nipples are pink." Covering his tracks, the Rabbi used his counseling technique, which had worked to great advantage over the years in order to elicit details of his constituent's sex lives. . "I need to know these things so that I can better understand what happened and what did not happen, and how we may improve upon future attempts." His penis was dripping in his pants, and Hymie knew that he was going to have to be careful not to allow them to see the stain when he came out from behind his desk Rebecca nodded her agreement, though she suspected that Milton was just wanting to hear sexy details. Then she went on with her story, which she was sure by now was getting Milton very excited and maybe her husband. And then of course," she paused, "then I had to remove my panties and he got to see my lower half, my shiny black pubic hair and maybe a little of what lies within. Again, he kept staring, but I stood my ground and didn't try to hide it. He couldn't see a whole lot while I was still standing upright in any case. I knew it didn't matter what he was seeing while I was standing because pretty soon he would be watching while I was lying down and Hymie was putting his...his penis in there." Both men felt their heartbeats increase in pace at hearing her say that. Hymie because she was revealing intimate details in front of Milton, and Milton because he was unbelievably hearing this from sweet little Rebecca and in front of Hymie. Hymie wasn't trying to silence her, so she kept on. "Since the towel wasn't waving yet, I remember lying down on my back and spreading my legs. Hymie wasn't using his hands to guide my legs so I just did it on my own. I was hoping to aid Hymie in becoming aroused. But that part came to be very embarrasing because Juan's eyes got really big upon seeing me...opening up like that. I opened my legs wide at the knees and sort of kept my ankles together so Hymie would still have room to lie down beside me. Juan could probably see inside me a little bit since I was so wide. That took a lot of nerve on my part, because no one, only Hymie had ever seen me exposed like that." She looked over at Hymie, who was sitting in another chair three feet away, and blew him a little kiss with her lips. "I belong to you, Hymie, remember that." Then she looked back at Milton and continued. "I was embarrassed that Juan was seeing me intimately, very intimately, But I did it because I was worried about Hymie. I knew that he might have difficulty becoming erect in front of another man and I was trying to help him become aroused." Rebecca paused, seeing that Hymie was nodding his head in thanks at her understanding of his problem, and at Milton, who was licking his lips and waiting to hear more. Milton again asked her an intimate question, but it seemed legit since the idea was that Rebecca was supposed to be getting aroused at that time. "Rebecca, tell me because I need to know what level of arousal you were at before the towel started to wave. Did it turn you on, perhaps a little, that Juan was seeing your vagina, and maybe even inside?" Rebecca gulped, and they both noticed it. She nodded, and looked embarrassed at having to admit what she was about to say, but Rebecca sensed that her answer was what they wanted to hear. And she believed that both men, not just the Rabbi wanted to hear the details of what she was thinking. "I...perhaps I shouldn't have been aroused, but the thought of another man seeing me like that, did get me aroused some. He, well, it did turn me on maybe more than a little bit. I think right about then that I wished the towel was not going to be waving because I sort of wanted to make love to Hymie and put on a show for him, for Juan I mean. I wanted it to look good, and I wanted Hymie to look like he knew what he was doing, and I wanted to be able to remember it, afterwards." She turned and smiled at Hymie, and Hymie, thinking that she truly was thinking of his feelings at that time, smiled back. Both men were straining their ears in her direction in order to better hear her. "Then, while I was laying there with my legs opened, Hymie put his finger in, and I moaned because I was still dry and his finger felt big. I remember wishing that he had stuck his finger in his mouth, or mine, and gotten it wet first." Hymie interrupted, possibly because he wanted to brag to Milton about how tight his lovely and young little wife was. "She's right. I goofed again. She's really tight, even after she gets wet, and I should have been more considerate. I owe her a big thank you for trying so hard and being so patient with me." When Hymie had finished bragging about her pussy, Rebecca continued with her story. "Hymie began stroking it in and out, he was, he was fucking me with his finger. I was making some noise I think and I was very aware that Juan was watching the whole time, staring at my pussy while Hymie was fucking it with his finger. My face was probably beet red. After a while I got sort of wet and I kept playing with his penis, Hymie's penis, and it was getting harder. Then I remember Hymie getting up on his knees and showing me his erection. He was waving it back and forth while I looked at it, indicating that he was ready," Now she noticed that Milton had leaned forward, wanting to hear more, so she spiced up her story, and perhaps did some exaggerating. Hoping to excite both males, she deliberately assumed a look of excitement on her face, and allowed her eyes to look bright and shiny as she opened them wider. "Hymie, his cock I mean, looked really big and hard, more so than ever before. It turned me on to see it, so I thought that this time it might work. He got on top of me and he felt extra big going in and I remember letting out some little moans." She giggled: "He usually makes me moan a little when he puts it in anyhow, even when I am good and wet. I guess...I guess like he says, I'm kind of small down there." Proudly, Hymie interjected, because he liked how Rebecca fitted around his little penis. "She is Rabbi. She's very tight. Even now, after several months of marriage, she still feels like a virgin to me." Rebecca was somewhat shocked that Hymie would say something so intimate and personal like that about her, but she realized that Hymie was pleased at how tight she was and how she had waited until marriage to 'give it up.' She knew that a man saying that a woman is tight is the complimentary equivalent to a woman saying that a man has a big cock. She gave Hymie a sly little smile, and noticed out of the corner of her eye that Milton was smiling even broader than she was upon hearing this revelation about her. Milton was hearing what she had said, and Hymie bragging, but Rebecca had said something that Milton had picked up on. He wondered if he should bring it up, then decided to go with it. This was a very erotic talk, and Milton wanted to discuss her sex life in intimate and personal details, even possibly dragging out her secret thoughts. "Rebecca. A minute ago I heard you say something. It probably isn't a problem since you are so tight. But you said that when Hymie was getting ready to put it in, and displaying it for you, and maybe Juan, that his cock looked really big and hard, more so than ever before. Than you went on to say that you thought that this time it might work. That confuses me, because you also said that Hymie felt extra big going in, and that he usually makes you moan when he puts it in. But your saying that you though that this time it might work is what caught my ear. Are you saying that sometimes, Hymie's cock feels small, and that you might be able to come, that it might work, if he was bigger?" Rebecca was almost horrified at hearing what she had inadvertently said, that this time it might work because Hymie looked bigger. "Oh, no Rabbi. I didn't mean that. It came out different than what I meant to say. Hymie is big enough for me. At least he seems to be since the fit is always so tight between us. I don't see how bigger could be better." Unsaid, she did not go on to say that Hymie only felt big enough at first. Hoping that she had saved the situation in front of Hymie, she smiled at Milton and continued; "I was still dry this time because Hymie hadn't taken time to prepare me, especially the no kissing part. Then, once Hymie had gotten it all the way in and I was partially wet inside, he told Juan to wave the towel. Even then I was thinking, 'I don't know if I am turned on enough, and now becuase of the towel I won't know what happens next. Oh...wait! I just remembered something else. Before the towel was waving, and after Hymie had penetrated me, I remember Juan staring down looking rigtht under Hymie's rear, and I told Hymie that Juan was seeing my lips all wrapped around his penis, and that it felt tight, the fit, and I thought that it probably looked really hot. Some words to that effect." Milton felt his heart leap. He couldn't believe what he was hearing, and from whom. Hymie nodded sheepishly. "Maybe she wasn't supposed to remember that part. I was feeling the same thing she was, how tight it was, and I also remember thinking how warm, or rather, how hot her pussy was feeling. She said that it probably looked really hot. It not only looked really hot, it was feeling that way. I was enoying the feel of her warm pussy and I was a little slow telling Juan to start waving the towel. It might not matter all that much. She knew he would be seeing all that anyhow, and she doesn't seem to be all embarrassed over it." Milton was not believing his ears. 'Just listen to these people how they are talking. And Hymie, I've never heard him speak like this before.' Rebecca smiled and continued: "I'm not embarrassed over it. After that, I don't remember much of anything except that Hymie seemed to feel extra good. Maybe it was the towel working its' magic. Or maybe it might have been because I was looking at Juan's penis, IF he was showing it to me, I don't know. I kept trying to come until Hymie...until Hymie climaxed. I distinctly remember that. Hymie came hard, his body tightened up and I felt every throb." She giggled and looked at both Hymie and Milton. "Hymie must have had an extra good comee because it took me quite a while to drain it and clean up after they had left." Both men smiled knowingly, and Milton was wishing that it had been his load and not Hymie's. Rebecca knew that she had captured an audience now, an audience of two that was hot to hear horny details. "After Hymie had climbed off, I remember how cool the air felt on my hot pussy as he pulled it out. I had not come, but I felt so good and so lazy that I just wanted to keep lying there. This might sound crazy, but I remember thinking that Juan might like to jack off because he was so horny. But Hymie had told him to stop waving the towel. I wasn't supposed to remember seeing his penis, so I knew that it couldn't happen. I looked over to see what he was doing, and the young man, Juan, was getting dressed. He had his back to me so I didn't see anything." She paused, then added: Well, I saw his butt, and I couldn't help thinking that it looked nice and firm, and..." 'oh boy they might be shocked at this.."and I sort of wondered what it would be like to dig my fingers into his ass." She saw the look in both men's eyes and decided to go it one step further. "Also, I remember now, he was bending over to put each leg into his underwear, and I could see his testicles hanging down. I remember that they looked maybe, golden brown in color, and quite large, and I think that I might even have caught a quick glimpse, a couple of inches maybe, of his penis dangling. His balls were blocking the view, but I am pretty sure I caught a glimpse of strange cock." She looked into both men's eyes, and seeing their interest, added something else. "I saw the end of his penis, the bottom from that angle, so I guess since he wasn't hard that I was seeing the end of his cock. It was, it looked strange. He had skin covering it, all the way down, so I guess that is what you call uncircumsized. That's the first uncut one I ever saw, and it looked strange. I remember thinking that I wanted to see more, just to see what an uncut cock looked like." Milton laughed nervously, hoping that Hymie was not getting upset that she had admitted to remembering seeing a portion of Juan's penis because the towel was not waving and saying that she had wished to see more of it. "Yes, your husband, me, all us Jewish men have been cut. Were you trying to see what he had, or was that just an accident?" "I just happened to look his way, and at that exact moment over he went, pointing his butt at me. So I looked. The goodies were dangling, and I saw them before I had a chance to look away." Milton looked amused. "And did you try to look away?" Milton was enjoying this talk, he suspected that Hymie, for the most part, was also enjoying it. They were repeating sometimes, but it was a turn on to go over some items. "Truthfully, no. I was maybe a little bit curious as to what his penis might have looked like, and what size it was and all that. But I couldn't tell from the backside. After all that, and not knowing exactly what Hymie had done, and what Juan had been able to see while Hymie was fucking me, I was trying to gather all the information I could, to be honest." Milton had a stiffer cock than he had experienced in months. "So the towel worked, the memory part I mean. You really don't know if you were seeing his penis while Hymie was making love to you?" Milton had his reasons for putting emphasis on Rebecca's not remembering, and that was for the purpose of convincing Hymie to try again. Rebecca's face reddened. "No Rabbi, I don't remember. I remember Hymie making love to me, most of the act I think. I was talking to him, and it was feeling good, and I was doing a lot of talking, but nothing else. Wasn't that the way it was supposed to work with the towel?" The Rabbi nodded 'Yes' and stroked his beard in thought as his eyes looked into Rebecca's in an attempt to tell her that he understood. "This might call for a more extreme method. The towel has only failed on two occasions before since it has been in my possession, but never failed to work on the second attempt." "Second attempt? There is still hope?" Hymie's voice took on an air of excitement. "Tell us good Rabbi, so that we might achieve happiness within our marriage." The Rabbi had expected this, and was looking into Rebecca's eyes rather than Hymie's. Since he was very turned on by Rebecca, he really didn't want her going on to step two, but he had to. "You must try again. This time you Hymie," he said while turning his head to look directly at Hymie, "you must stand naked over your wife while a young man, possibly the same man as before makes love to your wife. While you are waving the towel beside the bed, Rebecca will stare up at you, associate your penis with the pleasure she is feeling, and I am certain will achieve her first orgasm." Milton had seen the shocked look at the suggestion of another man fucking her on both of their faces, but continued on before either could interrupt. "Time is of the essence. The last time, you hurried things along, and it failed. Allow him to take his time warming her up so that Rebecca will have enough time for the magic of the towel to do its' work. She will be feeling uninhibited and might say all kinds of things, both to him and maybe to you. Do not hurry them while they are fucking, even if you feel jealousy over her seeming to enjoy him, which, hopefully, she will be. After she has her climax, don't tell him to get off right away. She will probably enjoy feeling him come inside her.She might even come a second time, but do not be concerned. It will help her to come for you, under you at a later time You must continue to wave the towel over her until after he has climbed off and put his trousers on. She will remember him having come to the house with you. She will remember removing her clothes in front of him, and she will remember saying goodbye to him when her leaves, but that is all. If the towel is used properly, then afterwards, after she has had sex with the other man, she will have no memory of having seen his penis or of having been penetrated by it. She will only remember that it was you, and your penis that did the deed. That is the magical power of the towel." Hymie was still in shock. What he had been hearing as Milton had prattled on, he could not fully comphrehend. All the sex talk had loosened his lips. "Allow another man to make love to my wife? The first guy, Juan, might not be available if we decide to use him. We might have to find still another stranger, who knows? I love Rebecca, and she loves me, and we have bonded in marriage. She is supposed to be yoked as one with me, for all eternity. If we consent to this, I would have to wave a towel and watch this guy who doesn't even know Rebecca, let alone having married her, gets to feel her up on the tits and fingers her pussy and maybe kisses her. Wait, because of the towel he does kiss her and she is responding passionately." Hymie started shaking his head and looking down at the floor. Both Rebecca and Milton were watching him with wide eyes. What he was saying, both of them were finding to be very erotic. "Then he gets on top of her and Rebecca probably aims it for him. He works it in, enjoying her incredible tightness until finally he gets his hard dick all the way into her tight little pussy. Because the towel has loosened up her thinking, I wave and watch while she goes crazy talking to him, and maybe making me jealous while she tells me how it feels. Then he goes on and fucks her forever, making her come who knows how many times before he shoots his load!" Hymie again shook his head. "She's so small. What if he turns out to be too big for her, and since they have started and Rebecca has gotten aroused and it is too late to call it quits so she lets him put it into her and it hurts? I'd have to stand there while he works it into her. I'd be waving the towel, dying inside and encouraging her to keep trying while she is moaning or maybe even crying. Maybe she eventually is able to take him, but by then she is all stretched out and won't feel the same for me after that. Because of the towel, she might think that I made her come, but she might wonder why we don't fit like we used to. That is asking a lot, Rabbi. I love Rebecca and...and I don't think that I could ever allow another man to touch her as long as I live." As Hymie was speaking, he was afraid to look over at his wife for fear that she might not be in agreement with him. "This is what you must do, Hymie, if you wish to achieve total harmony within your marriage. Rebecca needs to have a first orgasm so she can keep having them. Don't worry about the 'making love' part. Since he does not know Rebecca, he will not be 'making love' to your wife. To him, he will be...the Rabbi paused, thought of saying 'fucking or screwing.' then changed his mind. "He will be 'having sex' with her. You are getting older Hymie, and may only have a few years left of happiness. In the future Rebecca will be able to achieve orgasms with you, she will have no memory of the other man, his penis, or what they have done. She will only remember having reached an orgasm with you, maybe more than one, and like I said she will continue to do so in the future. Maybe not every time, but more often than not." The Rabbi looked over at Rebecca, and smiling knowingly, she nodded her head excitedly in agreement. Every wild thing Hymie had been saying had gotten her very hot. Hymie was in shock. Not only had his Rabbi, supposedly a long-time personal friend, suggested that he allow his wife to be fucked by another man, but Rebecca seemed to like the idea. Hymie frowned, "I just don't know Rabbi. Let another man, someone strange, have the woman I love? Allow him to put his penis in her? That would break my heart to have to do that." The Rabbi saw the concern, more like fear in Hymie's eyes. "Well, there might be something else we could try first." "What's that, Rabbi? Please tell me." "The most important thing is the towel. The towel has powers, not only of helping to arouse a woman if waved properly, but also of course of making her forget with who if it is another man and what she is doing. We have already seen proof that the towel works. If you like, I could stand over you and wave the towel while you make love to Rebecca. You have stated that you are unsure as to whether the young man was naked and waved the towel properly, so this way you could be sure. If it is possible for just you and the towel to do the deed, without involving a stranger, it might be worth while for you to try once more before we resort to using another man and having him enter her body." The Rabbi of course wanted to see Rebecca naked. Milton had watched her develop over the years, and many times he had wished that he could make an offer of marriage to Rebecca to her mother, and to Rebecca. If Hymie would go along with this, the Rabbi would not only get to see Rebecca naked and getting laid, but also get to see Hymie's penis. The Rabbi had a good reason for wanting to see Hymie's penis. He wanted to compare it to his own. Ten years ago, the Rabbi had put the rod to Hymie's wife Miriam, not just once, but at least a dozen times. It could be called making love rather than fucking because they had become quite involved. This had been before Miriam had become deathly ill. Hymie was taking business trips out of town, and the Rabbi and Hymie's wife had been provided plenty of opportunity. The Rabbi and Hymie's wife had never discussed her sex life at home, but Miriam had certainly been more than enthusiastic about going to bed with Milton and being fucked in every possible way. Yes, though they had perhaps been in love, they had fucked like animals. Sometimes Miriam had literally devoured Milton's penis, grabbing at it, licking and sucking on it, and aiming it into her pussy with great enthusiasm. Miriam had also loved doing the 69 with Milton, which she had admitted Hymie never did. Ever since, Milton had wondered about Miriam's enthusiasm over his cock, and how it compared to Hymie's. Now Hymie had a new wife, a very young and gorgeous one. But the Rabbi doubted that he could ever seduce Rebecca because of the great age difference between them, although he was several years younger than Hymie. Yes, Hymie had gotten to marry Rebecca, and their ages were even further apart, but that was different. Miriam and Milton had been close in age, and that had made it easier to secuce her. Fucking Rebecca was probably a no-starter, but to get a chance to see Rebecca naked, and getting fucked? Oy Vay! Better than nothing. And of course, he would get to see Hymie's cock. Hymie was nodding his head, not excitedly, but like he was more in thought. 'Allow my good friend Milton to see Rebecca naked? I guess that would be alright. Since he is our Rabbi, it could be like he is our family doctor in a way. I would rather try that than bring Juan or some other young stud over to fuck my wife.' Hymie looked at the Rabbi. "I think I would like to try that first, if Rebecca agrees." Hymie then looked over at Rebecca with his eyebrows raised. Rebecca had been listening to the whole thing and laughing inside. She knew what the good Rabbi was up to. She knew that Milton was aware that she would remember all that happened, and what she would be seeing. She knew that Milton hoped to show her his dick, but so far it had gone unsaid out loud as to whether the good Rabbi Milton would stand naked over her while he waved the towel. It could be interesting to see what this old boy is packing, though, and he is younger than Hymie. Rebecca pretended to think it over in depth. Taking her time, she looked down at the floor, and then at both men, then at Milton alone. "I guess we could try it. But Rabbi, you suggested before that the young man needed to stand naked over me. Would you also be doing that? Of course, I would not remember, but I might still need to be looking at a strange penis, don't you think?" The Rabbi's mind leaped. 'Yes, yes! Exactly what I wanted to hear.' He knew now that Rebecca wanted to see his cock. Not to fuck maybe, but to satisfy her curiosity. Thrilled at the prospect of not only seeing Rebecca naked, but getting to display himself before her and know that she would of course, remember, the Rabbit nodded. This was exciting. "It would work best that way. Your chances of having a first orgasm would be greatly increased if I was to stand naked beside you while I wave the towel." Perhaps Hymie had not thought of that, that Milton would be standing naked over Rebecca, although she would not remember. But Hymie had already agreed to try fucking her to orgasm in front of Milton, so apparently he was willing to let his good friend see his wife naked, and all that would go with it. Milton looked into Rebecca's eyes, hoping that she could come up with a way to convince Hymie to go along. If she did, and it happened, he would get a chance to show her how his cock could get hard without being touched, and very possibly, he hoped, how much larger it was than Hymie's. And Rebecca did convince Hymie, and easily. Looking from the Rabbi and then over at her husband, Rebecca sighed, then stood up and walking over to her husband, she took his hand and said; "Darling. I would much preferthat, with the Rabbi watching rather than bringing someone strange into our home to have sex with me. If we did it with Juan, or someone else, even though I would not remember the act, the stranger would know, and you would know that he had done things with me, and I guess I would know too although I wouldn't remember or know all that had happened. I think we should allow the good Rabbi to try first, you know, just waving the towel. If that doesn't work, then we can try the other." Rebecca of course, had strong memories and desires for Juan, but she was willing to experiment. Doing some sex in front of the Rabbi might be good for laughs, and she could pretend not to remember, afterwards. In the process, she would be diminishing any thoughts that Hymie might have that she wanted Juan to come back and fuck her. Choose the 'less desirable' now, get the 'more desirable' later. Of course Rebecca had no plans to reach a climax while Milton waved the towel, because if she did, that would blow her chances of getting to fuck Juan. Hymie was looking a little sad at the thought of allowing Milton to see his wife naked, and more, but there was a hint of brightness and hope in his eyes. Rebecca was passing up a chance to be fucked by Juan! "Yes, let's do it. Rabbi, can you come over tonight? Milton was kicking himself. "Not tonight. I have to attend a rehearsal for a marriage that I am performing on Saturday. But I could be available either tomorrow afternoon until four or in the evening after seven." Hymie looked at Rebecca inquisitively. "Tomorrow night will be fine," she said, smilingly. They stood up to leave, and Milton decided that he would remain seated so they would not see the big stain that had formed on his trousers. As Hymie was heading out the door with Rebecca in the lead, he stopped and turned back towards the Rabbi. Rebecca sensed that Hymie had stopped and came back into the room. Before she had a chance to ask Hymie if anything was wrong, Hymie was asking Milton about something that could go wrong. "Rabbi? I've been thinking. What if it doesn't work again, this time with you waving the towel? If Rebecca does not have her orgasm, what do we do?" Milton knew the answer, his preferred answer, but was hoping that the question would not come up until after he had gotten to see Rebecca strip, get laid, and also after he had been able to compare Hymie's cock to his own. "Well, I was hoping that wouldn't happen, with me waving the towel. But if Rebecca still doesn't come, and that would surprise me, we would have to go to step two." "Which is...?" Hymie thought he knew the answer but wanted to hear it. "One choice: Like I said, you invite another man into your home, maybe the same guy, or, since you didn't seem to like that plan when I mentioned it before, maybe I could...have sex with Rebecca for you while you wave the towel. That way, it would not be a stranger that you are not sure of." Milton hesitated, then went on. "I've counseled many couples through the years, usually about other things, but sometimes problems with sex. I've suggested using the towel to, let me see, over a dozen couples. It worked after one time for most of the couples, all except two. For one of those two couples the first time did not work. They tried again, using the same man they had brought home before, and the wife had her orgasm." Milton was speaking, but looking only at Hymie. "With the other couple, the couple had been married for six months and she still couldn't climax." Milton's eyes happened to catch Rebecca's, and he quickly looked away, which put Rebecca on alert. 'Why did Milton look away so quick?' Milton was talking. "The husband was very jealous and would not go along with his wife even being seen by a stranger, so finally they decided to use me waving the towel. He tried hard, and she came close while I was waving the towel for them, but no cigar. So, after some discussion, the wife wanting to try and the husband not, the wife won out and they decided to allow me to have sex with her while the husband waved the towel. It worked, she came, more than once actually, and later she could climax with her husband. Problem solved." Rebecca was stunned at what she was hearing, and Milton's mention of six months had done it. Rebecca was remembering something her father had said to her concerning her mother and himself: "It was nothing, really. Teething problems in an early marriage. After about six months, we worked it out with Milton's help. It is best that you don't ask your mother, it will only create another long discussion that I'll have to carry on with her." And now, remembering that, Rebecca was also remembering what her mother had told her before she had married Hymie:, about how it had been several months, around six months into her marriage before she began achieving climaxes. Bingo! "He fucked my mother! Milton waved the phony towel and watched daddy on top of mother and was probably laughing while showing her his dick, and she probably grabbed it, then later sometime Milton fucked my mother while poor daddy had to watch and wave the towel. I know mother, and it was probably she pushing daddy into going along with the whole thing.' She stared at Milton.'And now he wants to do it with me. See me naked and getting fucked and wave the towel and most likely be showing me a cock larger than Hymie's since Hymie is so small, and when I don't climax, he will be hoping I don't climax, Milton hopes that he will be the one fucking me instead of Juan. Like mother, like daughter, that's what he is thinking, but it isn't going to happen!' Despite her hidden anger, Rebecca felt her vagina getting wet over the thought of Milton having fucked her mother and almost getting to fuck her as well through trickery. In a way, it might have been interesting to see, feel and fuck the cock that gave mother her first orgasm. NEXT: POWER OF THE TOWEL Part Four 5363 1.67/512345
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