Thursday, February 21, 2013
Someone Other Than Her Husband
Chapter 1 It had been over twenty years since her breasts had been touched like this. Over half her life since she'd been naked in such a position. It was more than two decades since she'd held a cock this way. Yes, it was such a long time since she'd been fucked by anyone other than her husband. In fact, up until recently, Kim had only had full sex with three men in her entire forty two years; two of those being boy friends she'd had before meeting her husband Mark. For most of her marriage she'd looked on that as an achievement, something to be proud about. Such feelings, however, changed about a year ago. Why? Was it boredom? Was she seeking a sort of freedom? Did she just want more excitement in her life? Was it a need for the experience, perhaps a feeling that if she didn't do it soon she would be too old? Or was it just a latent need that had lain dormant in her for all her adult life? Was it almost like taking up a new hobby now that her two children, aged twenty and eighteen, were largely off her hands She didn't know for sure. Perhaps a little of each. What she did know was that it did not mean she didn't love Mark or that she wanted to leave him. It also didn't mean she was seeking love or a new life. She was happy in her present one, but just needed something else. Fucking new men in her life had become that something else. Chapter 2 Kim wasn't beautiful, but she was striking. She inherited her natural slimness from her father and her mane of jet-black hair that came down to her shoulders, from her mother. Where her high cheekbones, pert nose and slightly slit, green, eyes came from was anyone's guess. Her lips were on the thin side and her nostrils were just a little too flared for her face to be beautiful, but it was certainly attractive. She had always looked after her body. Since her schooldays she'd always been involved in some form of exercise or sport with tennis being her chosen one for the past few years. She was lucky that she didn't put weight on easily and after the kids had been born she'd been very serious about her post natal exercises. She had met Mark when she was only eighteen and they were married within two years. Their marriage was good, not great, but on the whole it worked. They were very good mates even if they weren't really the greatest lovers. If pushed both would admit that bells didn't ring for them when their partner entered the room and each of them knew that they could just as easily be with someone else. Kim put her feelings down to her being very honest and self-aware; Mark ascribed his to being a man. Neither was really convinced that love exists and both were convinced that people talk themselves into pretending they love each other only to find after a few years just what a load of BS that really is. Hence the high and increasing divorce rate. Having said all that, they had never talked about breaking up. Nothing had come between them that was that serious and neither had done anything to the other that had caused a major rift. They both thought that their relationship was just about as good as most peoples. They lived in a London suburb in a four bed-roomed Victorian house. They both loved it and they lavished thought, planning, time and money on restoring it and bringing it back to its original glory. They had just about done that. Mark was in advertising and was doing well. They were ok for money both from what he earned and from a couple of inheritances, so there were no real problems in their life. The kids were good, with James in his second year at university and Sammi just about to go to college. Mark managed four agencies in Europe, so as well as the long hours he was away quite frequently, but that and the hours had never bothered Kim for that gave her time to herself and she valued that greatly. Kim put part of the reason for her "new life" down to having gone back to work, albeit only part time. It was there that she'd met Kendal, had drinks first then lunch and then dinner with him. She knew she was treading on thin ice. They both were for he was married as well. They frequently saw each other, they chatted and, there was no other word for it, they flirted, something that neither was very experienced or, indeed, very good at. It was a classic office affair. Two people away from their partners attracted to each other. The build up was so typical, coffees moving onto drinks escalating to lunch, all possibly innocent. But then the big move, the heavy stuff, dinner. That meant lying to partners, the thin end of the wedge, making excuses and making sure when you got home there was no tell tale smell of perfume or aftershave. In some ways the lying, the excuses and the clear deceiving of the partner is a bigger step than the almost inevitable next one, climbing into bed. It took Kim and Kendal exactly four weeks from being introduced to having sex, one month to get to know each other well enough to go to bed together, twenty eight days from shaking hands to fucking. It didn't last long. Office "romances" seem to break into three categories. Long term affairs that just go on endlessly, serious shit where the couple ditch their partners and quickies where the couple have a few shags and find the sex just isn't worth all the guilt, lies and cheating. Kim's was very much in the latter category. It was after the first time they went to dinner that they kissed, properly that is for he had pecked her on the cheek a couple of times. They lived in different directions from the central London offices they worked in, so they said good night between the restaurant and the tube station. Well they actually said goodnight in a dark little alleyway just off Chancery Lane, to be precise it was in the doorway of number sixteen Bell Street. Had Kim have given such things much thought beforehand, she might have assumed that being in another man's arms would have worried her a little; it didn't. She could well have felt that being pulled against the body of a man other than her husband might have surprised her; it didn't. And she would surely have believed that being kissed, open mouthed and lip squirmingly by a man she hardly knew would have shocked; it didn't. On top of that, when she got home and Mark asked, "If she'd had a nice time with the girls from the office," she felt hardly any guilt and no remorse. The next week one of the girls from the office was having birthday drinks. At Kendal's suggestion, they both added on "and dinner" to the drinks for their partners. It was after the dinner that Kendal suggested they go back to the office, "for a nightcap." He was quite senior and had his own keys. It was in his office, on the green, leather Chesterfield that, for the first time since she was in her teens, a man other than Mark cupped her breast. That a man other than Mark squeezed and caressed her boob. That a man other than Mark undid a button or two on her blouse and slid his hand inside. And that a man other than Mark eased her tit out of her bra, pinched her nipples and stroked the smooth flesh of her breast. "God I so want you," he whispered, gently squeezing her breast. Kim had already let her hand fall onto his thigh. She slid it up until the side of it pressed against his bulge. She ran her hand further upwards and felt the outline of his erection through the thin wool of his trousers. Although little of what had gone on with Kendal had surprised her so far, the words she heard coming from her in reply did. "Not here though, not now." "Where then and when?" "A hotel perhaps?" "Yes. That would be perfect," he breathed. "When Kim, when could we do that?" "Up to you really Kendall, you're the one with the busy diary." "You mean an afternoon I take it." Kim smiled at him as she replied. "Afternoon, evening, both?" Kendal pulled his computer cum phone and everything else from his pocket and said. "I know this sound a bit in yer face, but how about the day after tomorrow, Thursday." Kim smiled. "That would be fine Kendal," she said, as she shrugged her small but nice tits back into her bra. Chapter 3 So that had been the start. The beginning of Kim's new life. Lunch in the West End hotel restaurant, the lift up to the room Kendal had booked and sex for the rest of the afternoon. She was home by six, which was well before Mark got back so she didn't even have to make an excuse. Oddly, she felt no guilt, well not much. She was able, almost to put her "affair" with Kendall out of her mind. She had that knack of only feeling the need to think about a situation or a problem when it was absolutely necessary. So Kendall and her, only really came into her mind when they were together. She had been a little nervous getting ready for the big date. Choosing what to wear to be undressed in hadn't been a concern of hers for such a long time. Luckily the weather was quite warm and her legs were still tanned from her holiday, so she didn't have to confront the tights or stockings issue. It was quite a posh hotel so she decided to wear a smart, black silk blouse and a white pencil skirt with a pink, cashmere cardigan that she wore draped over her shoulders. Her problem, she realised, fortunately the day before the liaison, was underwear. As a long married mother of two that didn't play around and nearly always only had sex with her husband in their marital bed, she had no need for sexy underwear. Although she knew that Kendal would need little encouragement and certainly no seducing, she felt that as lover, she should be appropriately attired, and that meant sexy lingerie. Luckily she had time to pop to a shopping centre just a few miles down the road and had a surprisingly exciting time selecting a couple of bra and panty sets. It was more the thought that she was selecting underwear that a man would most likely take off her body that made for most of the excitement. Although the fact that she was purposefully buying lingerie to impress and titillate another man than her husband and that that man would then fuck her, did add to her tingling arousal as the girl in the shop wrapped them up for Kim. The whole day was a completely new experience and a major turn on for her. From getting up in the morning with the thought, " today I'm going to commit adultery", to going to bed with Mark knowing that she had, twice. Getting ready, slipping into her especially purchased new knickers and bra, doing her nails and trimming her pubes, were all, for a change, thrilling actions. She applied just the lightest of make ups and hardly any perfume excited as, she thought to herself, "I'm already thinking like a mistress." She was nervous all the way on the tube to the Mayfair area of Central London. She was even more so as she walked into the five star hotel desperately looking for directions to the bar that Kendal had said was off to the left from the reception. There was a strain between them after he had kissed her cheek and as as they had a drink and looked at the menus; they were both tense and anxious. It was almost as new an experience for Kendal as it was for Kim. He was not a serial adulterer, just a typical man that likes a bit on the side now and then and how many of them can look the relative gift horse in the mouth that Kim represented. The meal, though lovely and horrendously expensive, hardly registered with either of them. They talked a lot, but said nothing and certainly wouldn't have given an eavesdropper any indication of why they were there and what they were shortly going to do. The second bottle of Chablis, between the main course and dessert was the ice breaker. That relaxed them a bit and prompted Kendal to slide his hand across the table and rest it on the back of Kim's. "Nice meal Kim?" "Lovely thanks, my lamb was great." "You are sure about this aren't you?" He asked considerately as he held her hand. "Yes Kendal, yes I am, it's fine," Kim replied, hesitantly. In the lift up to the tenth floor Kendal kissed her and squeezed her breast. "I've wanted to do that since the moment you walked into the bar," he muttered as they left the lift and walked down the corridor to their room. Later, when looking back on the first breaking of her marriage vows, Kim concluded that it wasn't actually the sex with Kendal that was the prime excitement. It was the buzz she got. The buzz from doing something she probably shouldn't, from almost being anonymous, she wasn't Kim the wife and mum, but Kim the lover. It was having illicit sex, not the sex itself that made her feel so good. And, of course, it was having sex in a London hotel in the afternoon that made it so deliciously wanton and thrilling for her. That's not to say of course that when they kissed in the bedroom and Kendal immediately cupped her breasts, quickly undid her blouse and then pulled her onto the king sized bed it didn't excite her. Equally that when they rolled around on the bed struggling his shirt off and removing her bra it would be ridiculous to claim she didn't get aroused. Similarly when his hand went up her skirt rolling it up and up until it was bunched round her waist, making her so pleased she'd bought the sexy undies, she of course was thrilled. When she was naked she found yet another oddity with this sort of affair. She was more excited at the fact that she was nude and that she'd let a man other than her husband strip her, than she was by his caressing of her breasts, sucking of her nipples or rubbing of her clitoris. Her first orgasm from another man for over twenty years exploded over her when Kendal slid his fingers into her as she held and stroked his cock firstly outside, but then, as the sensations grew, inside his tight boxers. It was a good orgasm, one that built up slowly, exploded suddenly and then subsided gradually as she clung to him pulling his cock from his pants. He had a nice cock, she concluded, even though she had little experience of others to base that on. It felt nice in her hands, it responded to her stroking and when he pressed it against her stomach, it sent tremors through her. There were even more tremors when Kendal slid himself between her legs that she invitingly opened for him and even more when the tip of his erection snuggled up to her soaking lips. She knew that just a slight surge of his hips would mean that she was committing adultery, breaking her marriage vows and being fucked by a man other than her husband for the first time in over twenty years. It was just as well he remembered, for she wouldn't have even thought about him wearing a condom; she hadn't even seen one let alone had sex with a man wearing one for such a long time. The actual fuck was fine. It was ok. It certainly wasn't any worse than most she had with Mark, but then it also wasn't any better. The main issue was that it was different. It was wrong, wanton, illicit, done in the afternoon in a hotel room and most significantly, it was another man doing it to her. And that made that fuck one of the most exciting and memorable Kim had ever experienced. Chapter 4 It was a remarkable feeling lying naked beside Mark just a few hours after she'd had sex two times that afternoon. It was not the memories of Kendal shagging her from behind as she knelt naked in the middle of the bed, but more the feeling of "empowerment" and the sense of freedom she felt. Sure, she'd gained substantial sexual pleasure from her afternoon, but that was more emotional than physical, she realised. The satisfaction was more between her ears than between her legs. Kim had gone back to work as a trainer specialising in giving courses on grooming and presentation, mainly to sales people. She had joined a small consultancy the owner of which she and Mark knew quite well. The consultancy used numerous freelance trainers such as Kim to handle some of the larger projects. This meant that she didn't work full time, just when needed. It also meant that she traveled around quite a bit, mainly in and around Greater London, but as Peter, the owner had told her. "There will from time to time be overnights in hotels or conference centres." It wasn't long after that afternoon in the hotel that Kim's training for the business that Kendal worked for ended. With that, came the end of her affair with him. There was no row , no falling out and no acrimony. It just ended, fizzled out, they just drifted apart, when it became less easy to arrange their liaisons, it hardly seemed worth the effort. For several months, Kim reverted to her usual roles of, mother, wife, housekeeper and now part time worker. She was able to as good as forget about the affair; it was almost as if she had seen it in a film or read about it in a book and not been the star character in a real life drama. As winter set in she started feeling depressed; as October gave way to November the prospect of the long, damp months ahead always made her feel that way. She also, though, started becoming restless, she was bored and fed up. Mark had been away quite a lot, she saw nothing of the kids and there had been little training work for her. Kim had been looking out for a flat to buy. Her and Mark's idea was to rent it out until the children were old enough and needed a place to live, hopefully sharing it. The manager of the estate agents in a town a few miles from where they lived, a cheaper area for property prices, was James and he was handling the search for her. He was smooth, well-dressed, sophisticated, seemingly intelligent, utterly charming and fantastic in bed. It took her some time to find that out, for the first few of times she had sex with him there was no bed. They had been viewing yet another property, probably the tenth they had visited together. It was late afternoon, it was raining and it was chilly. They were standing in the narrow hallway facing each other. They could both feel something, there was chemistry between them that James was familiar with, but which Kim was wary about. "Is it just me feeling like that?" She'd asked herself several times as feelings of sexual desire swept through when she was with him. "It isn't that big," he was explaining about the two bed-roomed flat, "but it is adequate." James often had flings. Late forties, divorced, no kids to worry about, financially very well off and seemingly perpetually horny, why shouldn't he? He reconciled. His job brought him into contact with quite a few women. There were those who handled much of the viewing and those who showed prospective purchasers around properties that were for sale. He also met many from other estate agencies and mortgage brokers. To him they were all fair game. Smiling and moving just a few inches nearer to Kim he said. "It would actually make a perfect little love nest, wouldn't it Kim?" It was a classic seduction technique, get the conversation onto an intimate level. Kim was surprised, but kept her cool. "I wouldn't know James, I've never seen one." "Actually we get quite a few projects to find flats, for rent usually, that the missus mustn't know about." "Really?" "Yes, it seems flings, lovers and mistresses are all the rage at the moment." "Amazing, I wonder why?" "Because," James said his voice quietening and thickening, "women have more freedom and choice nowadays, I reckon." "And you think they express that by having affairs?" She asked, her heart starting to pound as she realized that he was partly describing her. James could tell she was interested, that she was attracted to him and that she was becoming a little flustered, maybe with sexual arousal. "Yes Kim, I do, don't you?" Trying to be cool and clever with her words Kim quipped. "What express their freedom that way?" "No have affairs, I meant." Her attempt at being clever had failed and as she felt herself go red she knew her effort to appear cool had also failed. That showed clearly when she stammered. "Er really, well I don't know." He had her. He knew it and she knew it. James had reckoned early on in their business relationship that she was a fifty percenter, about as likely to have sex with him as not, and they were good odds in his book. As he moved even closer he shortened the odds and Kim became a ninety percenter. Putting his arm out against the wall over Kim's left shoulder, he asked. "Do you Kim?" She was having the same feelings she'd had in the early days with Kendal. A kind of sexual frustration, although it wasn't that, for she and Mark had sex at least twice a week, sometime even three or four times. A desire, a want, a need all in one achingly, throbbing, irritating sensation. It started deep in the pit of her stomach and was now spreading out to fill her small breasts and nipples that she realised had hardened and were throbbing like two vibrating acorns. She stammered. "Do I what?" He smiled at her just before she averted her gaze as he replied. "Have affairs, of course." She couldn't believe how forthright he was. How could he ask such an intimate question in such a matter of fact way? She had no experience of such a conversation or of being so put on the spot. She had no idea how to answer him. Her mind was screaming to tell him to fuck off, but her body was screaming to tell him to fuck her. She hardly heard or took in what he was saying about this being a love nest and in such places kissing happens, as his hand went round her neck and he lifted her face. She could hardly believe that they were kissing, that his tongue was deep in her mouth and that his body was pressed hard against hers. They were though. As unbelievable as that was, his hand covering her breast was even more so and her arms going round his body even more and more so. He had been priming her all afternoon, she realised that now. Little touches on her arm or back as he ushered her through doors or into lifts, over-familiarity with phrasing, calling her love several times, lingering looks at her breasts, which looked quite prominent in the white, long sleeved, roll neck top under the black, leather bomber jacket and holding eye contact with her just that fraction of time longer than necessary. All that careful priming was now paying off, for him and her, it seemed. "You have gorgeous breasts Kim," he murmured as his fingers that were stroking and squeezing her left one, sent torrents of sensations through her. There was no reply she could think of other than, "you must like small tits then," but thought it more prudent to stay silent. Instead of speaking, she pulled his head down and kissed him. The smell of his aftershave was so powerful and the feel of his lips on hers was so intimate. The sensation of his tongue in her mouth was so exciting and the feel of his day's growth of beard was so masculine. The feel of his arms around her was so reassuring and the feel of his hard cock pressing into her stomach was so fucking horny she felt in fear of being made to cum there and then. And that was what James had in mind; well the there but not quite the then. He had slid his hand just slightly up the inside of her top at the back. The feel of his fingers on her bare skin made her shudder. He ran them across her waist, just above the top of her jeans. Her skin felt good to him. He slipped his fingers into the waistband, she was wearing one of those wide belts outside her roll top so the top of her jeans was not too tight. As they kissed he pushed his fingers further down. They found the elastic waistband of her knickers; he pulled that causing the gusset to be pulled tightly against both the lips of her pussy and her clit. She didn't mean to make a noise or say anything, but she did. "Oooo," she sighed and "oh God" she groaned, as the sensations from beneath her waist combined with those from above it. It seemed that her body, that had now clearly won the battle with her mind, was being stimulated everywhere; her, mouth, lips and tongue, her breasts and nipples, her bum, pussy and clit and her stomach. He was providing these with his mouth, lips and tongue, his hand on her breasts, the other down the back of her jeans and his hard cock stuck firmly against her belly. Her back was against the wall, but he had pulled her body from the waist down away from it. He had pushed his knee between her legs opening them and he had positioned himself between them. He took his hand away from her breast and grabbed the cheeks of her arse. He pushed the other one further into her jeans grabbing the other cheek, this one though was gripping her bare flesh. He then pulled her hard against his erection. She was mad, she was convinced. They were mad, it was all mad. To be going this far so soon, to be having sex with someone she hardly knew and to be letting him do what he was to here was crazy. Yes crazy, immoral, demeaning, wrong, sordid and so unfaithful to Mark. But it was so bloody exciting those negative, or were they really positives she mused, soon left her; well they didn't leave but were rather roughly pushed aside by her sexually befuddled mind. They were replaced with feelings of such powerful desire, sexual want, need almost, freedom, empowerment and just sheer horniness that she knew she was putty in his hands and that's exactly how James wanted her. It was as near to being fucked as it can be with clothes on she was thinking. James had his cock inside his trousers right against her mound. It was stimulating the tip of her pussy and of course her clit. As he pulled on her buttocks so the pressure increased. Kim couldn't help both groaning with pleasure and arching her back more and pressing herself harder against his erection. James then began moving. Up and down, up and down against her most intimate and most feminine places. Her arms were round his neck, she was using that to pull on as she ground herself against him in this amazing simulated fuck. But James wanted more. As exciting and as pleasurable as this was, he wanted the real thing, he wanted her and he wanted her here and now. Pulling one hand out of her jeans he shoved it unceremoniously up her top, right onto her bra covered left breast. It felt good and they both grunted with pleasure. Without further hesitation, for there was no need for that he felt, he scooped first one and then other out tit from the bra. James had a theory that once you start a seduction the best plan is to continually increase the tempo and pace. "Don't give her time to think, rationalise or object," was his motto and that had worked well for him with so many women since his divorce. It was working well with Kim as well, for she was also wanting more, much more. Almost roughly, he yanked her top up. Again, without further ceremony he buried his face between her breasts licking the shallow cleavage and gradually moving towards her nipple. He greedily sucked that into her mouth as he still simulated the fucking movements with his cock on her stomach. Her body was now screaming for total satisfaction and she was responding by grinding herself back against his sensational hardness. If Kim had had the time to think about what was happening, she might have objected. Although she had had that fling with Kendal she still considered herself to be, relatively, faithful to Mark. In no way did she consider herself to be particularly promiscuous or low on morals. Yet here she was in an empty flat being humped unmerciless by an almost total stranger. More to the point, she was loving it and wanted more. And that, James was only too happy to oblige. She felt his hands leave her bum, they had served their purpose there, they no longer needed to pull her forward for she was only too happy to thrust her pubis against him. He pulled away from her, just a little, but that was enough to fill her with disappointment as the lovely feelings stopped. He moved back just enough so that his hands could go between them, so that his fingers on one hand could fumble with the brass button at the waist of her jeans and so that those on the other hand could slide her zip down. "No, James, no," she said, not in the least bit convincingly. Another motto of James when he was seducing a woman was. "Ignore the nos unless she scratches." Kim didn't. "Yes Kim, yes," he breathed. "Let me." "We shouldn't." "Yes we should, you want to and so do I. I want you like I haven't wanted a woman for ages." He lied. Kim couldn't help smiling at what she assumed was typical male bullshit. "Like in what, this week?" "Like in years ever since the first time I saw you." He kissed her, always a good way he found to stop discussions and head off objections. It worked, for her arms went back round his neck. That removed any barriers to him sliding the zip all the way down and slipping his hand inside her jeans. She was deliciously wet. He slid his hand along the sodden gusset of her dark blue panties. That sent shock waves of sensations through her. He felt her body stiffen and tremble and instinctively knew she was close to an orgasm. That he didn't want, for he was pretty sure that if he made her cum then he wouldn't get to fuck her. "Oh God," Kim moaned, part due to the extreme feelings and part due to a slight sense of disgust at herself for not being strong-willed enough to stop him. He pulled her jeans down. It was when they were round her knees that it dawned on her. "He's going to shag me here." "We can't, we mustn't," she groaned, deep down knowing they could and probably would. She reached down for her jeans but he grabbed her hand. He held it tight and then pulled it up and placed it right on his erection. It felt so good to her. He was big and so very, very hard. "Unzip me Kim." That shook her. No man had ever asked her to that before. "Unzip me and get my cock out." The blatantly wanton words crashed into her mind as, unthinkingly, she did as he asked. Her fingers were shaking, partly due to her arousal and partly due to the anticipation of holding and seeing his cock, as she struggled his zip down and plunged her hand inside. Fumbling through the tails of his shirt and past the folds of his boxers she eventually got that awesome sensation of holding a lover's cock for the first time. It was fairly big, more in girth than in length, bigger than Kendal's and bigger than Mark's, but it wasn't huge, like some she had seen when messing around on the web. It was hot, it was smooth, it was full and it was throbbing. It was everything a cock should be "Oh yes Kim, yes," he moaned thrusting it in her hand as he kissed her and rubbed her mound. "Do you like it?" Again, she was amazed at his front at asking such a question. She was even more amazed, however, when she found herself replying. "Yes James I do." "I want you to have it Kim, I want to give it to you." "Not here, not in the flat James, we can't" "Oh yes we can and I want to Kim. I want to fuck you right here and now in this empty flat." Kim had never felt before that she would enjoy dirty talk, that she would find such basic words arousing, but as James said that he wanted to fuck her, she felt her pulse start to race and her start to pound. She wanted to hear more "Oh God," was all she could mutter as the words, I want to fuck you, roared through her mind. Nobody had ever said that before. James understood what was happening. He felt the vibes and picked up on the clues very quickly. "Yes you like my cock and I want to fuck you with it. Say I can Kim, tell me that I may fuck you." As much as she now wanted, no needed she thought, to have full sex, she couldn't quite bring herself to say it. The feeling as his fingers suddenly pushed the cotton of her panties slightly up her pussy and his almost snarled. "Say it Kim. Tell me you want my cock up here, that you want my big hard cock up your cunt. Tell me Kim, tell me I can fuck you." She couldn't do anything other than cling to him or say anything other than a whispered. "You can James, yes you can." "Can what?" She didn't reply as he went on now purposefully turning the screw as he pumped himself in and out of the palm of her hand. He repeated. "Can what Kim, what can I do?" She almost sobbed due the somewhat degrading way he was pushing this. But somehow that added to her excitement as she groaned. "You can fuck me James." And fuck her he did. Still wearing her bomber jacket, with her top rolled up almost to her shoulders, her tits pulled out of her bra and her jeans round her ankles James shoved the gusset of her knickers to one side and fucked her up against the wall of the empty flat. Chapter 5 If the lack of guilt and remorse Kim had felt when she first had sex with Kendal had surprised her, then being at home with Mark that evening and not being worried absolutely amazed her. That she had done what she had with James was bad enough. But the way it was done was just so simply sordid that if she had been told that another woman had done that she would have been shocked and probably a little disgusted. To have had sex where they did, to have said the things he persuaded her to say and to have been screwed, for that was what it was, a screw, with most of her clothes still on and standing up against a wall at that, was by the standards of most of her life, simply awful. But here she was cuddled up on the sofa with her husband, sipping wine and watching TV as if without a concern in the world. And that is exactly how she felt. "Oh yes Mark," Kim groaned, genuinely excited as, later that evening, his cock slid inside her and surged upwards towards her womb. She was on her back, her legs were spread, drawn up and wrapped around her husband's back; he liked that. His right arm was underneath her, his fingers nestling between the cheeks of her bum, his left one was between them, his fingers pinching and pulling her nipple. Her arms were round him her hands gripping the firm cheeks of his well-formed bum. A position they both liked and used quite often. Although Mark had had a few little flings, mainly on his travels and did occasionally pay for a hooker or escort when away, he considered himself to be quite faithful to Kim. In his terms as faithful as most men. Despite his infrequent philandering he thought he did, in his way, love Kim, he certainly respected and admired her and had little doubt that she was faithful to him. That was to the point that during the conversations lovers have during sex, she refused to entertain the ideas of fulfilling any of Mark's fantasies. She wouldn't even talk about swinging, totally rejected the idea of going with another woman or having a two girl and Mark threesome and even with extreme persuasion from her husband, would only say she would think about letting him watch her with another man. In addition to respecting and admiring her and thinking, that in his own way he loved her, Mark also rated his wife as a bloody good shag. She was always, well as nearly always as makes no difference, up for it, she was active and energetic when doing it and although not that adventurous she did let him do most things he wanted to do. The grunt she made as his finger slid just a little way up her bum sounded wonderful to Mark. It also told him what she would soon do. He opened his legs a little in preparation and echoed her grunt as her finger slid up his arse. So, with his cock embedded deep inside her, their fingers up each others bums, his hand on her tits Mark made love to his wife and Kim made love to her husband. Just before her orgasm she smiled to herself when she realised that for the first time in her life, she'd been fucked and made love to on the same day. Chapter 6 She saw James a few more times, well she saw him many times for business, but only a few for sex. Each time was memorable. "We can't here," Kim said, shocked that James wanted to do it in his car in the small car park at the back of a block of flats they had just visited. "Course we can, no one comes down here and if they do we can always cover up," he replied sliding his hand up her skirt. They did do it there and no one did come, other than the two of them. "I won't be that long darling," Kim said one Sunday morning a couple of weeks after her first time with James. "I just have to see this flat, it looks great and has just come onto the market." "Ok, no problem," Mark replied not really hearing what his wife was saying for, as usual on a Sunday, he was absorbed in the papers and the football on the tele. The estate agency was large. It was just one large office with a little kitchen and toilets down a short corridor. It had seven or eight desks and chairs several filing cabinets, a photocopier and a small seating area where customers could wait and have coffee. Kim felt odd on the fifteen minute drive. It was a mild for November and the dress was quite thick so she hadn't bothered with a jacket or coat. She had, for some reason, probably the feeling of acute arousal she had as she changed, left too many buttons undone both up her legs and down her chest. So, as she drove, the skirt part fell open. As she looked down she could see the inside of her slightly open thighs almost up to where her panties should have been. At a red light she pulled the visor and looked in the mirror. Angling it down a bit she could see her wide cleavage, the insides of each breast and the bumps caused by her nipples that were already stunningly hard. James had said for her to park round the back of the building and use the rear entrance. It was locked so she rang the bell. She was amazed when the door was opened by a young woman, an attractive one at that. "Oh," she stammered looking up at the good-looking girl wondering what the hell was going on. "I was looking for James," she went on wishing like hell she had left fewer buttons undone. From her elevated vantage point, the girl could indeed see right down the front of Kim's dress. "Now why would she be looking for James with no bra on," she thought to herself smiling at the older woman. "He's with my husband, I was just in the loo and he asked me to answer the bell," she explained, much to Kim's relief. "Hi Kim," James said as she followed the shapely bum of the younger woman into the main room. "I won't be a tick and then we can go and see the flat. Take a seat and have a coffee," he suggested. Kim was embarrassed. She knew the girl had seen down the top of her dress and now she and her rather tasty looking husband and James were looking at the unbuttoned skirt as she sat down as carefully as she could. Sitting there sipping a coffee and listening to James and the couple discussing business, she not only felt the embarrassment but also a strange excitement. That was coming from being naked under the dress, from being in company with no bra and knickers on, from being with other people when she was dressed to have sex. It made her tingle. Of course James had done all this on purpose. When he had told her to arrive at twelve he knew full well that Brian and Emma Barclay would be there. He knew he'd find a way to get the twenty seven year old beauty to answer the door and he was totally aware how that would throw Kim off balance. He was also sure that it would get her going; Kim that is, although on balance if he had the choice he would have preferred to get Emma going, but he always worked to the bird in the hand principle. He guessed all these things for he had worked out that Kim was a thrill junky, an excitement addict a buzz slut, as he crudely termed it sometimes. He hadn't yet called her that but intended to when he fucked her later. At last, half an hour or so later they got up to leave. "Bye Kim," Emma called out as she walked towards the door her eyes quite blatantly glancing from Kim's legs to her chest. Smiling she added. "Have fun," the meaning of that quite clear to the older woman. "You bastard," she said jokingly sternly. "You did that on purpose didn't you?" He admitted that he had. "I was so embarrassed." "What did you think when Emma opened the door?" "I didn't know what to think?" "That I was setting you up for a threesome perhaps." She didn't reply. James wasn't expecting or wanting one. He had planted a seed, as he had done many times in the past, and now he would give it time to grow, so he pulled her into his arms and kissed her, deeply and fully. In his arms she felt alive, energetic, wanted, somewhat fulfilled and very, very horny. "Just a mo." He said. He walked over to the door, locked it and adjusted the vertical louvered blind so people couldn't see in. Going to the other two windows, he did the same with those blinds. Kim looked worryingly at the windows for she could see shadows of people outside, some of whom were looking in the windows. "You sure they can't see in?" "Of course, go and have a look if you don't believe me," he replied taking her into his arms once again. She did believe him, so she didn't bother to go outside. In fact, the idea of having sex with other people so close whose shadows she would be able to see on the blinds, gave her a sudden and strong jolt of excitement. As he undid his shirt and she unbuttoned the few remaining unopened buttons on her dress, their eyes didn't leave the others unfolding body for a moment. It was exactly as James had said it would be when he'd phoned on her mobile earlier that morning. "Come to the office and let me fuck you," was the greeting she'd got when she answered the phone. They both laughed when she instinctively replied. "We can't do that, oh shit." It had become a joke between them for she had said that both times they had had sex. "Oh yes we can, I can lock the door and we can fuck to our heart's content. Well more to my cock's and your cunt's content", James went on, purposefully being crude for he had seen what that did to her. They talked a little more and she agreed to go. "I want to watch you undress as I undress myself Kim," he had told her. "Wear a dress and no underwear." "I can't do that." "Why not, no one but you and I will know" She actually couldn't think of a good reason. "True," she murmured, her body already tingling with the anticipation of doing that. "I want to think of you driving over here naked under your dress. Wear that flowing blue one you had on on Thursday, it's got buttons right down the front." Kim had to picture the dress to ensure Mark wouldn't query her. It was ok. "Yes I want us both to slowly undress until we're naked and then I'm going to fuck you bent over my desk." They were quite quickly, just as James had said they would be, naked. They just looked at each other for a moment or two. It was, after all, the first time they had both been naked together and the first time either had seen the others nude body. He was, of course, as he always was, stunningly hard. Kim's eyes roamed over his rather hairy and slightly paunchy, but nevertheless, quite attractive body. He was very confident with his nudity and unlike many men had no inhibitions at all when naked with a woman. As they stood in the totally unerotic in many ways, but wickedly sordid and thus exciting in others, office staring at each other he had a slight smile on his face. He was standing with his legs parted, one knee bent, one hand on his hip the other hanging down his front. His fingers of that hand were stretched out gently stroking the base of his erection. Kim did feel a little uncomfortable and self-conscious. Not because she had concerns about her body, she knew that was ok. It was that this sort of stuff was so new to her. Mark, though a good lover, was not that adventurous and certainly was not an exhibitionist or voyeur. They had developed a comfortable and overall pretty satisfying and fairly stimulating pattern for their sex. They hadn't really extended that for some time; the boundaries had been established and neither felt that inclined to try to push them out or establish new ones. So, as James completely unashamedly ran his eyes up and down her slim body, she wasn't relaxed. She liked his attention, but did not have the sexual confidence or experience to flaunt herself to him as he was to her. She started to move towards him acutely aware of the shadows on the blinds. "No Kim," he said quite firmly. "Just stand there, let me look at you." She did and felt even more embarrassed as he stared so blatantly at her breasts, her belly and her pubes. She knew her nipples were going mad and she was pretty sure that she was dampening, quickly. "You are absolutely fucking gorgeous Kim," he said, that same little smile on his face. "I am going to enjoy fucking you with us both naked." She could think of nothing to say other than, "Thanks James, you don't look so bad either, from where I'm standing." She had never had sex bent over a table, never had it with her tits squashed against the wooden surface, she'd never been fucked in an office and had never had a man take her from behind in such surroundings. That Sunday she had all of those experiences. It was exactly what the circumstances, the location, their relationship and the two of them needed; a quick, hard dirty fuck. Once they had bought the flat she had no reason to see James. She did though, a couple more times, even having sex with him in, by the standards of their short affair, the mundane surroundings of his bed. Without real reasons to contact or see each other, the gloss quickly went off the relationship. The sex was good, but there was nothing else; not that either of them wanted more. They had both had what they wanted and like a circus having done its stuff, it was time to move on. In any case, James had other ideas, for Emma Barclay was looking to be quite promising and she was younger and had better tits than Kim had. Chapter 7 There had been twenty odd years before Kendal. There was six months between him and James. There was only four between James and Paul and just two between him and Adam. Kim felt like a serial killer. She was "normal" most of the time. A caring mother, loving wife, model employee, fine hostess and a great companion for Mark at the many social events that his job required him to attend. In such "normal" times, she never flirted or flaunted herself. She was affectionate and attentive to Mark, lavished her love on the kids and worked hard at her job. Then something would snap and that is where and when she felt similar to a serial killer. They feel the need to commit murder, she to commit adultery. They have to go and kill someone she has to go and fuck someone. Once they have got their kicks from causing another persons death they slip easily back into their life, putting their dastardly deeds and other life out of their mind. Once Kim had had sex several times with a relative stranger, she was equally able to put it behind her and become once more, "good old Kim." At times, she felt tormented by it all. When feeling a bit low she would think about the morality, or lack of it, about her life. She could not understand what prompted and drove her, what were the motivations, the reasons and needs behind it all? "Why do I do it?" She asked herself so many times. "That's the last time, I'll stop now," she vowed, after James and after Paul and after Adam. It was futile. She had no more idea how to stop than she had on why she did it. So, in quick succession, there was Tony, Melvin and John. Now, there was less than a month between the end of one affair and the start of the other. A pattern was emerging. Her "choice" of lover, or more accurately sex partner, was made with care. They were all outside the circle that Mark and she moved in. She did not go with neighbours, friend's husbands or anyone from the golf club that Mark belonged to and which she visited for social events. She avoided Mark's business colleagues, even though several tried it on with her, and stayed away from anyone that was "too close to home." Security and confidentiality were high priorities for her. After all she didn't want to screw up her life did she? The affairs were short lived, usually three or four weeks, sometimes six, but no longer, so far. There was no pretense by either party that the attraction was any deeper than sexual. Sure, they liked each other, but the mere mention of love, as Paul had made, ended the affair immediately. She wasn't in this for emotional stimulation, purely physical. The sex had to be quite good and generally, there was an element of adventurousness about it. The way she was meeting the men, though, was changing. It had to really, for in her social and business life she simply did not meet enough men. Enough that is to find sufficient who had the balls to try it on with her, enough that is to make it statistically more likely that she would fancy the ones that did have a go and enough that is to fuel her increasing need for adventurous, almost anonymous sex, outside her marriage. With Kendall and James, it had been the circumstances; well that is what she told herself, which had largely caused it. They had been thrown together, they had been very close and intimacy was so easy as to be almost inevitable. Weak and rather tortuous though the logic of that was, it helped her. With Paul and Adam, she had been pulled and they thought they had seduced her. With Tom and Melvin, she had shown she was open to their advances; she had been a little come on, not quite picking them up, but not far short of that. Carl, though, was an out and out pick up. There could be no doubt, no excuses and no justification. Kim had the, now familiar feelings, the urges, the sensations and aches in her body that signaled to her that she needed another conquest. Unlike other times she hadn't waited for something to happen, this time she made it happen, this time she initiated the action, yes this time she was the seducer. More importantly, though, this time she didn't follow her normal pattern. "Would you like a cold drink," she asked. "Yes please that would be great," replied the young man who was power hosing the patio and paths that ran round all sides of the house and through both the front and back gardens. He worked for a landscape gardening company that had been doing quite a lot of work on the garden. They had been working there for a couple of weeks. Usually, there were two or three older men and Carl, who it seemed, was like a trainee; he certainly got most of the boring, tedious and more back-breaking jobs. Today, though he was alone with the power-hosing task. Kim was rarely attracted to men simply by their looks. There's always an exception to every rule isn't there? Carl was the exception. Kim was rarely attracted to men simply by their age. There's always an exception to every rule isn't there? Carl was the exception. Kim was rarely attracted to men simply by their physique. There's always an exception to every rule isn't there? Carl was the exception. Kim felt that Carl was probably the one of the most beautiful young men she had ever seen in real life. He was over six feet tall, well built with a toned and muscular, but not bulky body. He had longish, blonde hair, high cheek-bones, a nicely squared chin and full lips. With the warm weather he and the other guys had stripped down to either jeans or shorts and vests with the company's name on them. The supervisor had asked her if it was ok for them to do remove their shirts. "They can do as they wish as far as I'm concerned," Kim had replied, rather looking forward to seeing three or four young men's physiques. "I'm surprised you asked." "Our guvnor makes us ask and doesn't let anyone go topless, so we have to wear tee shirts." "Oh now that's a shame," she smiled back in the jokey manner that she and the guys had developed. The three older guys were holding the naked Kim. She was lying on her kitchen table. They were all naked. One was holding her arms above her head, the other two were each holding an ankle, pulling her legs wide apart. She was acutely aware that her sex was fully on show. She was equally aware that her lips would be bloated with the rush of blood that such stimulation brings to them and soaked with the female excretions that causes. She was like a bitch on heat as she saw the door slowly opening. Carl walked in. He was wearing a shorty, white, what looked like silk dressing robe. It came to half way down his thighs and had a blue sash as a tie round his waist. He looked wonderful. He walked slowly over to where his work mates were holding the naked Kim. He stood between her parted knees, the outside of his legs just touching the inside of hers. Their eyes were locked as his fingers started undoing the tie. It was undone. He let go of it and the robe parted a little, but not completely. His most precious place was still covered. Kim watched him reach up and take the lapels in his hands. Slowly, so teasingly slowly, he pulled on them easing the folds of the robe apart and the top of it off his shoulders and down his arms. It was off his arms now but bunched around his slim waist, still covering what Kim, so badly now, wanted to see, touch, feel and taste. There was a knowing smile on his face as if to say, "I know what you want and you'll have to wait for me." Then, again agonisingly slowly, he let the folds of material unfurl until he was holding the neck of the robe just by his navel, still covering it. She knew she grunted, or maybe moaned as the robe fell to the floor and Carl's gorgeous cock was exposed to her. It was big, bloated, very hard and reared right up his stomach to his belly button. He was huge. He was long and thick. He was beautiful. It had been such a shock to find that it was Mark in bed beside her when she woke. She did actually feel a little cheated! "I've got sprite, coke or would you prefer a beer?" She asked him as he stared at her with his big blue eyes. She couldn't stop herself thinking about that dream and as she did her eyes drifted downwards. She wondered if he saw that. He hadn't, but he did wonder what this was all about. The lady was quite attractive and had the most fabulous legs. "Right up to her bum," he'd smiled recalling that his mother always said that about people with long legs. "And what a bum," he had thought as she had walked around the garden today in a pair of tight, white shorts and a skimpy, man's type of vest. She was very tanned. "I'd love a beer please." "Come on inside out of the heat," she suggested. "I'm a bit messy, perhaps I shouldn't." He replied indicating his boots and gloves and mud and water splattered tee shirt. "You could always have a shower if you like," she suggested, rather hoping he would accept. "I'd love to, but I would have to continue with this afterwards and I'd get all messy again." "Ok, so just slip your boots and gloves off and come into the kitchen, it's beautifully cool in there." She watched him struggle with the long boots until the first came off taking his sock with it. He must have got some water in there she thought as the same thing happened with the other. She walked ahead of him along the York stone path, across the patio and up the four steps to the kitchen. "Have a seat," she suggested pointing at the pine chairs around the long eight-sweater refectory, type pine table. She was pushing things; she knew that. It was one thing fucking an estate agent or guys she met well away from home, but quite another seducing a young guy in her own house. She tried to resist the urges, but every time that scene she had dreamed about a few nights ago flashed into her mind. Carl wasn't sitting at her kitchen table in shorts and a tee shirt. No, he was naked on her bed. He wasn't complimenting her on her kitchen, but was telling her what nice tits she had. He was not relaxed at the table but was strikingly hard in her bedroom. He was not saying I would like to have a beer, but was saying, I would like to fuck you Kim. There was no way out. She was now totally and utterly compelled to go on, to push further, to extend her boundaries, to gain a new experience and to try to get Carl to fuck her. Looking at him as she opened the beer, she knew that was the case. She simply had to have him. She simply had to, here and now. Up until a year or so ago when she'd started having men other than her husband, there were loads of relationship and sexual things Kim had never done. Two in particular were that she'd never picked up a man and she'd never seduced one. Recently she had experienced the former and now, she hoped, she was going to find out about the latter. With her dealings with the now, probably, more than a dozen men she'd been with she had learned some tricks and techniques though. "So do you have a girl friend, Carl?" She asked, starting to turn the conversation onto a more intimate level after they had been chatting and sipping their drinks for five or ten minutes. Kim had learned quickly from James. "No, no I don't." Looking him directly in the eye and holding his gaze slightly longer than usual, just as Adam had done, she asked. "But I bet you have loads after you, don't you?" As it happens Carl didn't. It wasn't that he didn't like girls more that he was a little shy, hated clubs and dancing and was heavily into football and keeping fit; he just did not have either, the time or, the inclination. "No not really." "I can hardly believe that, the girls round your way must be mad." She went on crossing her legs and pointing the toe on the top leg towards Carl, a little body language trick she had picked up from John when he pulled her in a hotel in Manchester. Carl saw her neatly manicured, red painted toes in the mid-height heeled, strappy shoes pointing at him; almost touching his shin. It made him gulp and go warm. "Well I don't get that much time," he mumbled trying, but failing abjectly to stop his eyes running up and down Kim's gorgeous legs. They were tanned a rich golden colour and were slim, lithe and so long. Vanishing into a pair of tiny shorts that only extended down her thighs for six inches or so, he couldn't recall ever seeing such a beautiful pair of legs before and certainly he had never been this close to a pair like this. "You should try to make time," Kim suggested leaning back in her chair and taking a swig of her beer. They were both drinking their Buds from the bottles. She was aware that by leaning back the skimpy, tight vest she was wearing in a modern style over a bra with the straps on view, would be drawn tightly across her small but shapely tits. She was also aware that his gaze would be drawn to them. Quickly looking up she caught him staring at her breasts. Their gazes locked for a moment, she smiled, he gulped and started to blush. He was so out of his depth. To even be thinking that he could get off with a posh, married bird like her was ridiculous. But then he was rationalising, as she asked him if he would like another beer, why was she spending time chatting, why had she asked him if he wanted a drink and had as good as insisted he come into the house, why was she dressed as she was and why was she sort of putting out to him? Carl may not have been with that many girls, but he had some cute senses about what goes on between the sexes. He knew, though, that he would never be able to make a move. He rarely did that. He hardly ever initiated anything with girls for fear of rejection. So, especially with this sophisticated older woman, he knew he would be hopeless. But, he knew he wanted her, "who wouldn't" he reckoned as he felt his trousers tightening? He tried to take the easy way out. "Well I had better get on with the hosing." "Really, you've almost finished haven't you?" "Well yes." "Then you are a fast worker aren't you?" Kim asked with a smile letting the double entendre register with him as she stood up and walked past him, her swaying hip almost touching his shoulder. She walked right round the table so that he would see her bum wiggling in the slightly emphasised manner she adopted when "on the pull." She went to the small fridge and bending over, her bum pointing right at him, her legs open she said. "I think two more beers are needed before you get to work," she said pausing before turning and looking him right in the eye, "don't you Carl?" He hoped that Kim would assume his reason for breaking into a sweat was the hot weather, but it was not it was her and what she was doing. "Yes, yes, Ok. Er, I mean thank you, thank you very much." She couldn't quite put her finger on the feelings she had when she saw what she was doing to the young man, but she had a surge of them. Pleasure, excitement, power, exhilaration, more and they were lovely. "You seem nervous Carl," she said walking over and standing right in front of him. His eyes ran up and down her sending more sensations through her. "Oh sorry." "There's no need to be," Kim said brightly, holding out his beer for him to take, "Either". "Either? Either what?" Carl stammered, taking the cold bottle. "Sorry or," Kim said looking him straight in the eye, holding his gaze, again a little too long as she paused, smiling before adding softly, "nervous. You aren't nervous of me are you?" Holding the beer in one hand, her other resting on her hip Kim stood in front of Carl, quite close. She had her right foot in front of the other, her right leg bent at the knee, her left one dead straight. It was an intentionally provocative pose. He didn't reply and looked down at his beer, obviously shy and highly nervous. "Are you Carl?" Kim asked quietly. Despite her sexual excitement and strong desire for the young man, she felt a sorry for him. He was obviously not that confident and that was possibly a reason she was attracted to him. He was also not that experienced with women and what she was putting him through must be agony for him, but she had to make sure. As hard as rejection is for men it's even harder for a woman when she shows her hand and makes a play. It must be especially hard when that woman is old enough to be the boy's mother. "Yes," he mumbled "Why?" "I don't know." "I don't bite you know," Kim said pausing before smiling and adding. "That is unless you ask me to." She was relieved to see him smile as he looked up at her. God he felt so horny. He was praying that he wasn't reading the signs wrong for it did seem as if this attractive older woman was up for it. Kim was sure she had him now. She moved forward, she bent her knee again so that was as good as touching his. He saw that and could almost feel the golden hairs on his legs touching her skin. "Push it forward, touch me, press your leg against mine," he was thinking as he heard as if from a distance Kim saying. "Would you Carl?" "Would I what?" "Ask me to?" "Ask you to do what?" "Ask me to do anything." He was confused, but then Kim had done that accidentally. "Can I?" "Yes Carl, yes you can." Looking back later that evening Kim was amazed at how such a convoluted and mixed conversation could have led to such an exciting conclusion. "Are you sure?" He said. Kim decided it was time to take the bull by the horns. "Yes Carl I am sure, you can ask me to do anything you like." She paused, waiting for that to sink in and then added lightly. "Such as, you could ask, would you like to sit on my lap Kim?" Carl could hardly believe what he was hearing; equally, Kim could hardly believe what she was saying. Both could hardly believe what was happening as the older woman sat on the young man's lap, put her arms around his broad shoulders and smiled into his face as she said, huskily. "Well?" He was so nervous he was shaking. He could not speak and in any case, he had no idea what to say, he was out of his depth, hopelessly lost, totally confused and stunningly erect. Kim could see that. She liked it. It made her feel warm towards him, for he wasn't arrogant, cocky, assumptive or too in her face, well not yet she smiled. She also liked the feeling of being in control, of leading and probably teaching. It made her feel powerful and that was an unusual sensation for her and one she never really thought she would like, but she did. She also loved the feel of his erection pushing against her outer leg, which she had snuggled along his lap so that it pressed against his stomach. She knew, as well as he did, that it was her role to lead. That it was up to her to initiate things, that she had to lead the way, help him, coax him and teach him. And then she did just that and it made her feel great. Swivelling at the waist, so that their upper bodies were facing each other, Kim wrapped her arms round his neck. She looked deeply into his eyes which had a slightly worried look in them. She smiled, ran one hand across his cheek and whispered. "Don't be scared Carl." Her mouth moved forward. He knew they were going to kiss and his heart started to beat so fast and his pulse began to race He had nice lips Kim saw as, turning her head slightly and opening her mouth a little, her lips found his. For him it was like receiving an electric shock, for her it was like getting what she so badly wanted. She pulled on the back of his head as her mouth opened wide and her tongue probed at his lips that he willingly and eagerly opened. Her tongue shot inside. She pressed it against his, she ran it all round his mouth, on his teeth, his gums, under his tongue and on the roof of his mouth. She ground her mouth against his, squirming her pink flesh against his redder coloured lips. She sucked his upper lip and then chewed gently on his lower one, she nibbled the end of his tongue and then sucked first that then the centre of his lips into her mouth. Putting both arms tightly round his neck, she licked all round his mouth and over both cheeks and pressed her small tits as firmly as she could against his firm chest. He had never been kissed like this before. In fact, he had never really had a woman kiss him before. Sure, he had had them return his kisses, but never had a female initiated kissing him and certainly, he had never experienced anything like this. It was amazing it was incredible it was almost mind blowing for him. If he had been hard and aroused before Kim sat on his lap and kissed him, then now his cock felt ready to explode and his excitement was at a peak he didn't even know existed let alone been there before. It was not just the kiss, as fantastic as that was. It was everything. It was her hands on his face, in his hair, round his neck, up and down his back and over the bare skin on his shoulders and arms. It was her smell, the perfume, the hair spray her lipstick. It was the back of her bare legs on the front of his equally bare thighs. It was her hip pressing against the discomfort of his erection that he did not have the confidence to reach down and rearrange. And it was her tits pressing against his chest. Yes, everything about this embrace was new and so amazing for him. As the kiss progressed, so Carl's confidence grew. He was still not sure that they would actually shag, for a part of him thought he just could not be that lucky. A little part of him was thinking that she might just want some heavy petting. After all, for her to have full sex with him would be committing adultery and maybe she would draw a line at that. To Kim's excitement, Carl was now eagerly and energetically returning her kiss. His arms were round her slim body crushing her chest against his and his hands were running up and down her back. She also had had her doubts. Doubts as to whether he would be able to go all the way or whether he would chicken out, whether it might all be a little too much for him, whether the older woman thing might work against her and whether he might feel the guilt of fucking a married woman whose husband he knew. As she felt his response, though, all doubts vanished and her confidence also grew. "Stay right there," she said getting up and walking over to the open back door. She shut and locked it and returned to the waiting Carl. She did not, though, sit back on his lap. Instead, she bent forward, took his face in her hands and kissed him again. Although there was a lot of passion in the kiss, the initial, almost manic, urgency had gone; it wasn't necessary and this kiss was more loving and enquiring. Breaking the kiss she remained bent over holding his face in her hands. She was acutely aware that the vest was gaping and Carl's eyes were gazing right down the front of it. She knew he would be seeing the lacy, delicate bra, the swell of her breasts bursting out from the deeply cut cups and the hint and shapes of her wildly exploding nipples. And that is exactly what Carl was looking at and wondering whether he would be seeing more of them, seeing them bare, touching them, feeling them and sucking them. Kim was gazing at her young conquest wondering where she should take him to fuck him. Her bed was tempting but she knew that later, the memories as she lay there with her husband, would be awful. She clearly could not use the children's rooms so the spare room was the only alternative if she wanted to have sex with him in a bed. That jolted her, for she had assumed she would, but of course she did not have to. That gave her a load more alternatives and they flashed through her mind at computer like speed, before she reached her decision. She sat back on his lap. She reached down and found the bottom of his vest. She started pulling it up. "Lift your arms up for me Carl," she said croakingly, as his gorgeously broad chest was slowly exposed as the vest went up and up. "Oh fuck she's going to undress me," he thought to himself, partly a little scared and embarrassed and partly massively excited and thrilled at the prospect. Women of his age just did not do that, well not at least the ones he had met. He had a good tan, Kim noted as his vest fell to the floor. His chest was muscular, but not bulky and had a thin covering of blonde hair across his breasts. That ran down the middle vanishing into his belt. Kim knew she would soon be undoing that and her eyes and hands would follow the hair as far downward as it went. The prospect of that and the image of him from her dream the other night flooded her mind, and made her shudder with such want and sexual need for this young man. She kissed his chest. She nibbled his nipple. "You have a lovely chest Carl," she whispered running her fingers lightly over it and slipping the tips of them inside his tight belt. The feel of her fingers on his bare tummy made him jump. "Is that nice?" She asked as simultaneously she sucked his nipple and slipped her fingers slightly further into his trousers. "Nice", he thought, "is it nice? It's fucking marvelous." "Yes it is," he stammered, hardly able to speak coherently due to his nervousness. "Mmmmm good." She moved her mouth to his other nipple as she continued fumbling in his trousers. She couldn't find his cock and panicked momentarily wondering whether he was tiny. She remembered the bulge she had pressed her hip against, however, and realised that it must just be the angle they were at. Easing herself away from him a little, she looked right into his eyes as she took hold of the bottom of her vest. Swiveling her body more so that it was square to him, she smiled and whispered. "I hope this'll be good as well," as she pulled the vest up and over her head. Shaking her head so that her black hair fell back into place she reveled in the look on his face. "Oh God, Kim, you're lovely," he groaned as at the same time he saw her almost bare tits and felt her fingers moving so close to where his prick was caught up in the folds of his shorts. Turning she said. "Undo me Carl, please." He took ages manipulating the hooks and eyes but eventually found the way and between them, they removed her bra. She turned her body back towards him so he could gaze fully on her topless form. He saw her small, B cup sized boobs and vastly extended nipples that he so badly wanted to suck, but had not the courage. Instead, he cupped one breast and kissed her mouth. His touch was just right. Gentle but firm. For a landscape gardener he had surprisingly smooth and soft hands and they felt lovely to Kim as they investigated every part of each of her breasts. "Kiss them for me Carl, suck my nipples, they are aching so much." He had never had a woman speak to him in such a way. It was good, he liked it, it excited him to hear her asking him to do such things to her. She tasted good to him and his mouth felt wonderful on her. She pulled on the back of his head and pushed herself forward at the same time trying to make the contact between her nipple and his mouth even firmer than it was. He alternated his mouth from one breast to the other and from one nipple to the other as she pinched, pulled and squeezed his nipples. He was sucking and chewing, she was rubbing and stroking. He was becoming braver, she was becoming more aroused. He was now stroking her bum, she was now loosening his belt. His fingers were down the back of her shorts finding the elastic of her thong, hers were down the front of his shorts finding the folds of his boxers. Then her fingers found what they had desperately been searching for. Then they felt that marvelous sensation of a soon to be a lover's bare cock. Then her body jolted as she released it from the constraints of his boxers and shorts. Then she shuddered as she wrapped her fingers round it pulling it away from his clothing and letting it adopt its majestic upright position. She slid off his lap and started, frantically almost, pulling at his shorts. It had suddenly become crucial to her to see him naked. She had to see his body, all of it and especially the part that would so soon enter her. "Lift yourself up, quick," she groaned. He wasn't, not surprisingly, as big as he had been in the dream, but that did not matter, she thought, as between them they struggled his shorts off. He wasn't as big but it was every bit as beautiful. "Yes," she said to herself, "he has a beautiful cock," something she could only think when with a lover, pictures of hard ons did nothing for her; holding them, though did plenty. "It's lovely Carl, you have a beautiful cock," she groaned using the dirty talking technique that she had learned from James. "Oh Kim," he stuttered back, "you have gorgeous breasts." They kissed again as she gently stroked his uncircumcised penis. Her breasts felt wonderful squashed against his chest and her hand and fingers were doing so much to his cock. He was more excited than he could ever remember being before, but that increased when Kim once more slid from his lap. Kim stood right in front of him. He watched entranced as her white painted nails fiddled the button on her shorts undone, as they slid the short zip down and as the white lace of her thong was revealed. So elegantly and hugely sexily she slid the shorts down her long, slim legs and dropped them on the floor. As she learned from John, "Always let 'em have a good look at your knickers," he'd said, she hesitated for some time before starting to slip her thong off. As the ridiculously flimsy lingerie slid smoothly down her legs, Carl suddenly realised two things. Firstly, she was tanned all over. He had never seen a woman like that; there were no white bits, not even around her pubes. Secondly, he now knew now that she was going to let him screw her. "Oh God Kim you're so beautiful," he said. "So are you Carl and I want you so badly," she replied. The combination of his realisation that this older woman wanted him, her nakedness, her totally tanned body, her leaning over him, again, her breasts dangling just inches from his face and her hand once more on his throbbing cock, worked him up to a level he had never been before. They aroused him beyond the level that he had always felt was the ultimate. They took him to a type of excitement that he could not believe existed. They did so many things to him. They manipulated his mind and his body. They filled him with amazing sensations and they made him cum. "Oh no, no," he groaned as he felt his climax starting. "What? What is it?" Kim asked before quickly realising the situation. "I'm going to cum, fuck it, fuck it", he sighed turning his face away so she could not see his eyes. "Don't worry, it doesn't matter", she reassured him. "Let me help," she moaned as she started to pump him just as his cock exploded. She had forgotten just how much sperm young men produce; the mass of goo that shot from the end of his cock in stream after stream of white acrid semen quickly reminded her. It went everywhere. On her hand and arm, all over his belly and even a few drops splattered onto her boobs. Carl was moaning and saying sorry as Kim pumped every drop from him. She was trying to console him, reassure him and help him. "Don't worry baby," she cooed moving in between his legs and pulling his face against her breasts. She stroked his hair whispering that such things happen and that she understood. "Anyway," she smiled. "That means when you fuck me Carl you'll just last longer doesn't it?" As his erection went down Carl's embarrassment returned. He was not a very self-confident person at all and after what had just happened with his premature ejaculation he felt awful. He was scared that Kim would laugh at him and think what a prick he was. On top of that, here he was completely undressed in her kitchen and he was never that comfortable when naked with a girl. She, though, was great. She kept reassuring him and telling him it didn't matter. She did not seem that worried and really, she wasn't, for it had quite thrilled her to see him cum. It was after all, a compliment really; she had made a virile young man have a climax merely by looking at her and her briefly touching his erection. And how bad can that be for a forty something serial adulterer? Until Kim had started having lovers on the side, she would not have been that comfortable when naked with them. Sure, as they undressed her and as they had sex she was fine, but afterwards she always felt a little shy. She was not at all like James, for instance, who had no inhibitions whatsoever. "Let's have another beer", she suggested going over to the fridge and seemingly totally unselfconsciously bent over at the waist and reached down to the bottom shelf for two more Buds. Carl obviously looked at the gorgeous sight of her long, slender legs, her pert, rounded bum and her bloated lips poking out from the top of her thighs. He was not that used to cumming more than once with a girl, but knew he recovered quickly and if wanking was anything to go on, could cum at least four times in an evening, probably more. The view right in front of his eyes hinted strongly that he would be able to probably exceed that today. After the "accident", Kim changed her plans. Her original idea was for Carl to fuck her on the kitchen table, either with her lying back on it or bent over it her tits squashed against its pine surface. Smiling she had thought, "breakfast would never be the same, with such memories." That sort of sex, though, required spontaneity. Initially they had that, but now they did not, and that demanded a change of plan. She gave him the beer and took hold of his hand. She pulled him up and standing on tiptoe kissed him as she lightly pressed her body against his. Kim said quietly. "Come on, come with me, I want to take you to bed and make wild, animal-like love to you." She was using words and phrases that Carl could never have even dreamed about, animal-like love, she was going to make wild love to me he was thinking. No woman had said they were going to make love to him at all, let alone make love of the wild, animal-like variety. Taking him by the hand, she led him up the stairs, her superbly rounded arse swaying magically just inches in front of his eyes. As she lifted her feet to the next step so wonderfully unconsciously her pussy lips would poke out as if almost winking at him. If she was aware of the sight she was showing off, she made no mention of it. Confidently she led the young man up the long flight and then the shorter flight into the part of the house that when it was built was for the servants. Now it was a guest suite with a large bedroom, a smaller one for guests that had children and a big bathroom with a raised floor and thus a sunken bath and a separate shower cubicle that was well big enough for two. She stopped beside the bed and wrapped her arms around his neck, noticing gratefully that already his cock was swelling and had taken up the slightly ridiculous looking position where it is half-mast, as it were. "I'm going to fuck you on this bed Carl," she whispered as her mouth engulfed his and she once more kissed with him with huge, lip squirming and tongue probing passion. None of that was acting on her part. She really was enormously aroused as her breasts were squashed against his firm chest, as her lithe legs were pressed against his muscular thighs and as his half erect dick pushed into the softness of her tummy. Pushing him backwards until the back of his legs was against the side of the bed she kept pushing until they fell onto the bed her on top of him. Still kissing they rolled until they were in the middle of it. Propping herself by straightening her arms and resting on them, she let her breasts dangle right in front of his face. "Lick me Carl," she whispered pushing them even nearer to his mouth. "Suck my nipples, for me, please baby." The combination of her words and the delicious feel of her pebble-hard nipples in his mouth, quickly finished off the job of reviving his erection. She then went to work on him in a way she had never done on any other man. Lying half on top of him she ground her breasts against him as she covered his face, chest, shoulder, arms and hands with kisses, little bites, licks and sucks. Her hands stroked their way through his hair, over his face, down his neck, across his chest and shoulders, down to his waist and stomach, up and down his thighs and between his legs. She rolled off him and laid beside him her head on his chest, her black hair cascading onto him. She trickled her fingertips all over his chest moving slowly and softly downwards. Down and down his firm, youthful body, stroking his breasts, pinching his nipples into hardness and caressing his waist and thighs. She softly rubbed him everywhere going closer and closer to, but not quite touching, his, now magnificently erect, cock. It filled the young man with the most awesome combination of feelings. Having her naked body pressed against him, her mouth doing the most seductive things, her fingers doing everything other than touch his cock and balls, was fabulous. Half of him wanted, almost demanded, that she end her teasing and stroke his pulsatingly hard cock. The other half simply adored the sensations her teasing was giving him and wanted that to continue. All of him just wanted this incredible afternoon to go on and on and on. "Your fabulously hard now Carl," Kim whispered her fingers drawing a line round the shape of his balls and erection. Again, though, she didn't touch either, even though she was staring at them; in fact she could hardly drag her eyes away from his awesomely respectable, sexual tackle She had toyed with taking him into her mouth, but thought that was best left until later, after what had happened in the kitchen earlier. She did not want another "accident", for now her body was screaming out for sexual satisfaction. "How could any man not be with what you're doing," he croaked back his fingers sliding over her bum and between her thighs from behind. She opened them a little and he felt her smooth wetness. For some reason that excited him so much. He had sort of forgotten, or just hadn't thought, about her excitement and bodily reactions, so intent was he on his own. It had not occurred to him to give any attention to arousing or exciting her. She was so in control and leading the way that he had totally concentrated on following her lead and taking what she was offering. "Oh yes," she grunted as her pussy received Carl's fingers. He slid them around the slit and just inside it sending tremendous sensations through her. "Oh God yes," Kim moaned as the feelings increased. She lost her cool a little. No more could she takes things at that slow pace. Her ability to tease went out of the window as her need for pleasure flew in through it. She grabbed his cock with one hand and cradled his balls in the other as she shoved down hard with her pussy. His fingers slid further inside her. He got the message and shoved three fingers right up her cunt. This was more his territory. Fingering girls in the back of a car was more up his street than being stripped naked in a married woman's kitchen before she made animal-like love to him. They worked together. She pumped herself up and down on his fingers as his surrogate cock fucked her. At the same time, she was kissing, licking and biting his chest as her hand, carefully but not too strongly, stroked his cock and balls. His cock felt fabulous and looked almost as huge as it had in her dream. "Oh Carl, yes," she moaned her body stiffening. "I'm cumming, you're making me cum." He renewed his efforts to simulate a hard cock for her. He succeeded when he held his three fingers rigid as far up her pussy as he could get them and let her ride her way to orgasmic heaven. Clinging to him, moaning and groaning, her nails digging into his chest, her eyes tightly closed, her mouth wide, open her cunt grinding on his hand she found that heaven as she climaxed very heavily indeed. "Oh God baby, oh my God," she smiled planting little kisses all over his face and chest. "That was amazing, that was so, so good, you are so clever Carl." She was she knew going over the top a bit, but then, "what the hell," she thought. It was good and she felt that what she said to him would make him feel good. "You liked it then", he smiled back, sliding his finger out and leaning forward and kissing her nipple. "Of course I did, it was great, but....." she paused looking at him seriously. "But, what but, what do you mean Kim?" Carl asked clearly worried. Kim put both of her hand on his chest and as she started speaking pushed him backwards so he lay in the middle of the bed on his back. "But? But Carl that's not enough." "No Kim?" "No. It was nowhere near enough. I need a lot, lot more and you're going to give it to me aren't you?" Carl loved this new experience of talking so openly about sex and what they were going to do. He had never done it before and it added so much more to what was already an incredibly exciting situation. "Yes Kim I am," he replied not quite sure of what else he could say or what he she was expecting him to give. "Yes you will Carl," Kim started, kneeling beside him. She placed a hand on each of his shoulders. "Oh yes baby yes you will." She went on lifting one leg and sliding that across his body just by his waist. "That's for sure you will Carl, for I'm going to fuck you like I doubt you've ever been fucked before." Her words crashed into him as he watched fascinated as she straddled him. Her lustrous, black hair cascaded all over his face and chest as she leaned forward and kissed him full on the mouth her lips wide open, her tongue surging into his throat "Has a woman ever fucked you like this Carl?" She asked reaching behind her and taking hold of his achingly hard cock. "No Kim, I've never had a woman do this, I've never had a woman on top of me." "Good, I'm pleased I'm the first," she said, straightening up still holding his erection. Her eyes never left his as she wiggled her slim body. Their gaze didn't falter as she positioned herself correctly. They continued staring at each other as he felt the tip of his cock against her pussy lips. They didn't look away at all, as with one shrug of her torso Kim engulfed Carl's erection. But they both closed their eyes due to the incredible sensations they both got when Kim pressed down and Carl's cock went right up her cunt until he could feel her lips right on his pubic mound at the base of the shaft. "Oh God, yes, yes, yes," she wailed," you're so big and so fucking hard Carl, you feel lovely." "As you do Kim, this is amazing." As amazing as it was for Carl to have this incredible older woman straddling his waist with his erection buried deep in her, when she started to move it became something that mere words could not explain. Slowly at first with her hands on his chest, she started lifting herself up and down by raising her bum. Carl's hands had unconsciously gone to Kim's hips and he was gripping her buttocks as she moved herself up and down. The feelings on his cock were like nothing he had felt before and the sight of Kim's body moving in time with the gently humping he was able to manage was so erotic. He knew he would not last long, but was determined to make amends for his earlier embarrassment. He wanted to show her that he was a good lover, that he could excite her and give her the pleasure she sought and most definitely deserved. After all, in the hour or so since he had walked into her kitchen, she had given him more sexual pleasure than he had probably had in all his previous life. "By fuck this was good," Kim was thinking to herself as she rode his gorgeous cock. It was big and hard and made the perfect platform for her to perform on. She had of course ridden Mark many times and some of her new men had wanted that as well, but she had not felt quite the same with them as she was with Carl. With all the others, she had never really been in control. With her young lover, there was no doubt who was leading, who was teaching and who was directing events. She was and she loved it. Her pace had quickened. Her back was arched, her head was thrown back, her mouth was wide open her eyes tightly closed. She needed to finish this. She had to have closure on the accident and fulfillment of her needs. She badly needed to cum again. Lifting his head and looking down his body Carl delighted in the sight of her very visible and very soaked cunt lips sliding up and down his cock. It was a sight he had only seen in porn films and boy, it was so much more exciting in the flesh, he smiled to himself. Bouncing faster and faster her tits flying around, her head back with her mouth open and her black hair all over the pace, Kim took them towards that elusive mutual orgasm. Carl could feel himself starting, his balls were tingling with the expectancy that very soon they would have to launch their cargo and his cock was throbbing as it prepared itself to discharge that. His whole semen launch and delivery system was primed and ready to explode. Kim was near. Her body was taught, her heart was pounding and her pulses were racing as it started. Carl felt that and surged himself hard against her valiantly trying to do his bit, although men in such positions can do very little other than receive the lady's favours. And this older lady was giving such fabulous favours to this younger man. She was now holding her own tits, for Carl couldn't reach them. She was doing what he would have so willingly done, what he would love to do, but couldn't due to their positions. He wasn't sure though, that watching Kim squeeze her tits, pinch her nipples and pull on them until they must have been over an inch long, wasn't even more exciting than doing that himself. He reached round and under Kim. He grabbed and squeezed the gorgeous cheeks of her arse and pushed himself upwards as much as he could. "Come on Carl, I'm there, I'm ready, "Kim moaned as those gorgeous feelings ripped through her body. "Yes Kim. Yes," Carl retorted lifting his bum off the bed as he started to cum. "I'm cumming, I'm cumming." He didn't need to say that for she could tell. Not that she could feel his spunk splattering against her insides, although it was, but because of the pressure from his cock on her pussy lips, from the way it pulsated inside her, from how his body went rigid and from the deep, almost animal-like grunt he made. She collapsed on him. They were done for the moment, although as she laid on his body, still kneeling, still straddling him and still with his cock up her pussy, her body was tingling and throbbing. It was as powerful an orgasm, she realised, as she had had with any man other than her husband. Chapter 9 "I promise I will never tell anyone about this," Carl had said when he left Kim's house at just after seven that evening. As far as she could tell he hadn't, for none of the other guys he worked with made any mention or gave any hint that they knew anything. "So," Kim thought one afternoon later that week as she looked out of her kitchen window at the four men in their singlets, shorts and boots. "No gangbang for me." The memory of that dream flooded her mind. Momentarily she considered asking the four of them in for a beer. The idea of being in a gangbang had never occurred to her before, but suddenly the image of her with four men at the same time seemed so appealing. She shuddered as she looked from one to the other. She quickly discounted the notion. She was, though, a little shaken that it had ever entered her mind and once more went into a deep depression about just what was happening to her. She had now given up any pretence whatsoever of having any moral stand with regard to being promiscuous or to committing adultery. She had abandoned her pride when her need for sex got to her and her body demanded satisfaction. And she had got over the feeling of being demeaned and degraded when she pulled a new partner. She now rationalised it and did that with ease. She knew she would not have to get to know the guys that well, spend that much time with them or ever reveal her real self to them. So, the role of the picker upper, the woman that gave so much so easily and the sex crazed female now came, almost, naturally to her. Oddly, it had not so far affected her "real" life, or so she believed. She thought she was the same with Mark, her friends and her children as she had always been and she really did not let her "other" life encroach on her reality one, well not very much at least. Mark had, though, noticed some subtle differences, but was not quite sure what to put them down to. In the main, they were great. She was wearing sexier underwear he had gradually noticed. She more often wore black, dark blue, burgundy and other far more dramatic colours. Her bra's were thinner, more transparent and cut lower. She more frequently wore thongs, boy shorts, hipsters and tie-string briefs. She had started wearing lower tops and tighter trousers or skirts. He never mentioned it to her and put it down to her going out to work and mixing with younger women and possibly trying to compete with them. It did occur to him that she might be having a fling or an affair but that did not faze him too much. But then, why should it? After all, he was screwing a young bird who sold advertising space for a magazine the agency frequently used and in the main, he was benefiting from the way that Kim was changing. The sexy underwear thing had almost become a hobby to Kim. After so many years of marriage, her lingerie wardrobe had become focused more on comfort than arousal. Therefore, she had drifted towards the practicality of high waisted knickers rather than the titillating, irritation of a slither of elasticated material stretched between the cheeks of her bum. Her bras had been chosen for the snug support they provided to her little tits rather than to pushing them up and more together to provide a stunning cleavage that even B cups can produce. They were made from sensible cotton and satin, were full cupped and transparent as opposed to the fine, diaphanous types she now wore that were so flimsy and see through that it often looked as though wasn't wearing one. And when her top was undone or removed, she might just as well have not been wearing one, for all her new bras covered up. Whilst, on the odd occasion that Mark peeped into his wife's lingerie drawers, he saw quite a collection, that was only half of it. At least as much again was carefully stashed away in hatboxes and spare hand and other bags in the deeper recesses of wardrobes that she knew he would never look in. It was there that she kept her sexier stuff. The basques, suspender belts and stockings, the skimpiest of thongs and the French knickers. She was very aware, as most wives are, that her husband rummaged through her lingerie at times. Kim often wondered whether he rubbed himself with any of her panties or even put any on and masturbated, she had a couple of times thought there was some missing. Oddly, that didn't bother her, after all everyone is allowed some little foibles aren't they? She bought the lingerie on the pretext that her men liked to see her in sexy stuff. The truth was she liked to see herself in it, the silk, the tightness, the revealing garments all made her feel good, well not good but sexy. And she loved that. Chapter 10 "How much is it?" The quite attractive, slight balding, bespectacled guy asked her quietly, in an American accent. "I'm sorry," she replied. "I was wondering how much you charge," he asked sliding onto the stool next to her at the bar. Kim had secured a training job that required her to stay a night or so a week for eight weeks in a hotel in central Manchester. It was a business and conference type of hotel so it was full of men and women on their own, many of whom seemed to be on the pull. But then, isn't that what most businessmen and women do when away from home? It was an ideal situation for a woman like her, one that had this compulsive need to meet and fuck new men, one that was on a moral helter-skelter, downwards. It was a little like putting Dracula in charge of a blood bank, she had smiled to herself the first night she was there when she dressed and left the guy's room around one the next morning. It was so easy. Kim traveled up by train wondering how the hell the rail companies justified the enormous first class fares, not that she had to pay them, that was down to the client as was her accommodation at the really nice central Manchester hotel. The two and a half hour journey enabled her to prepare herself for the next day's training, so the evening and night in the hotel was hers to do with as she wished. She would usually arrive around four, go to her room shower and change. She would ring Mark and then usually go shopping in the recently rebuilt shopping centre that had been blown up in a terrorist bombing a few years ago. She would always eat in the hotel restaurant, alone and early. If she was going to pull then she wanted to do that fairly early on so that she could get good nights sleep. "No need to mess up work tomorrow just due to sex," she thought as she formulated her plans. After dinner, she would sit in the bar. It was crowded and noisy so, even at around eight she did not stand out too much. She would usually wear a skirt and top, but sometimes tight trousers, perhaps her brown leather ones that she had bought in Florence last year. Underneath she was a lingerie lovers wet dream for she went to town with her panties and bras when, going out on the town, she generally smiled as she was getting ready to go down to the restaurant. The first night it had taken over an hour for a guy to start chatting her up in a serious way. She had chatted to him for half an hour or so before he said he had an early start and had to leave. "Fucking timewaster," she thought, totally pissed off that he had wasted her time, particularly as the obvious way she was going about meeting a man had really turned her on. It wasn't until nearly ten that another hit on her. This one, though, was far more experienced and to the point. As a result she was in the elevator with him by eleven, in the corridor walking from her room to his by quarter past, in his room by twenty past and in his bed by twelve. To cap it off, he was in her by half past. She did not pull the next week for she had dinner with a female colleague who was staying at the same hotel. She did though, easily, quickly and most enjoyably the subsequent two. "He thinks I'm on the game", she realised, when the balding guy's comments finally registered. She smiled at him and took a sip of her wine as she wondered what to do? He went on. "I've seen you here the last few weeks and have been plucking up the courage to ask." She still didn't say anything, but smiled at him as he continued. "You are so beautiful and sexy that, although I don't often pay for it, I think I would like to with you." "Really?" She eventually said. "Yes really, I have the cash." Kim could hardly believe this was happening. Even more bizarrely, she could hardly believe her response. "How much cash?" She asked. Appearing relieved that she was talking to him but clearly nervous and a little concerned no to be ripped off he replied. "How much is it?" "It depends what you want and how long," she found herself saying, as surprised as she could be. "Say full sex for an hour this time." Kim was finding this, for some reason she could not comprehend, an amazing turn on. To be talking about selling herself excited her, to be discussing having sex for money thrilled her and to contemplate so blatantly undressing and fucking a guy who would pay for that aroused her so much. She had no idea, though, what to ask for. "You have paid for sex before haven't you?" She asked looking him straight in the eyes, finding him and the idea of prostituting herself becoming more appealing by the second. "Yes I have several times." "Good". "Why good?" He asked, adding as an afterthought. "Hey, can I buy you a drink?" Kim didn't know why she had said good but went on. "How much did you pay them?" "Oh it varied, one was in America and the other was an escort service, I have never been with a working girl from a bar." "Yes I'll have a vodka tonic please", she answered to his earlier question. He ordered their drinks and after the barman had poured them suggested. "Let's go over there where it is quieter and we can talk without shouting." He was pointing to another bar across the lobby of the hotel. "Ok fine", she said sliding off the bar stool, her skirt getting caught a little. She saw his eyes almost bulge when it rode up her legs showing him her stocking tops. They walked out of the bar and into the other one finding a nice quiet corner. They sat in low chairs across from each other, his eyes continually looking at her legs encased in the tight black skirt. She was wearing that with a crisp, white blouse which had probably one button too many undone, for as she leaned forward she was very aware that his eyes, as had others in the bar earlier, could see right down it. They chatted for a while with Gary explaining he was from Chicago, but wasliving in New York. He was over here on business and had been staying at the hotel for several weeks. "Hopefully ending next week," he said with a smile. "So been missing your wife have you?" "Yes very much, she came over for a week, so that helped a bit, but you know what it's like." "Yes I can imagine, it must be difficult for you." "It is, you see I've got quite a high sex drive but I don't really want to be unfaithful so I tend to try to find working girls." Kim smiled at him as she said. "So with us it's not being unfaithful is it?" "Well yes of course it is but there's no emotional infidelity is there?" "No I suppose not and I bet my husband has availed himself of the wares offered around the world by escorts many times." "You're married?" Kim realised she was giving too much away. "Yes I am actually." "Gee you just never think that working girls have husbands. Does that work ok?" "Yes it works fine, you see I'm not that typical a working girl, for I only do it now and again, and then only with men that I fancy." "Wow thanks." They both laughed. "Lucky me then," he said. "Maybe lucky me too," Kim retorted. "I also don't have a fixed price either." "Oh, er, I don't understand, how do you mean?" Kim was quite getting into her unusual hooker role. "I don't have a menu of services and prices. If I decide to go with a man then I just let things happen and do, as they say, what comes naturally." "Sounds great, so have you decided whether I'm ok or not?" She smiled. "Oh I think you measure up alright Gary." "Fantastic, but about the cost?" "I'll leave that to you. You pay me what you can afford and what you think I am worth. Fair?" "Absolutely, so are we on then?" "What room are you in?" "705." "Ok go there now and I'll call you in five minutes and be with you in fifteen." "You won't let me down will you?" Gary asked moving round the low table and sitting next to her." "No Gary I won't, I promise," she replied as he rested his hand on her knee. They were tucked away in a corner and the room was dark so Kim was not too worried when he slid it up her leg a little way. "You see babe, you've sort of got me really worked up," he continued sliding his hand a little further up her stockinged leg. "That view I got when you got off the stage Kim did a lot to me." "Mmmm good, so you'll be able to show me when I come to 705. Now off you go and wait for my call." She watched him walk over to the lifts before getting up. Her mind had worked quickly. She didn't want him to find out her room number or follow her to it, hence sending him off. Equally, unlikely as it might be, she did not want him to let her down and thus the call. "Hi it's me, Kim," she said when Gary answered the phone. "Hi Kim, you coming to me now?" "You haven't changed your mind then? You still want me?" "Yes, more and more, please hurry." They fucked twice in about two hours. She made him wear a condom when he fucked her, but she sucked him without one, making very sure that nothing came out and into her mouth. Immediately she had walked into the room, he had tried to kiss her, but she stopped him. In her mind, hookers didn't kiss, even though she suspected she would probably relent on that if they got on well. "Oh ok," he said looking very disappointed when she moved away from his embrace saying, "no." In some ways she wished had not done that. After all, he was actually quite tasty and she was enormously aroused. A good snog on the bed as they undressed each other would have been quite nice. She decided to make up for it in other ways. "Undress for me Gary," she said softly. "I want to see you naked." He could hardly believe his luck. Although a bit pissed off at not being allowed to kiss her, he was not surprised. Most of the girls he'd had paid sex with, and there had been many, many more than he had let on to Kim, did not do kissing. None of them, though, had ever suggested he get undressed because they wanted to see him naked and that aroused him even more. It also made him wonder just what lie ahead with this unusual hooker. Kim was leaning back against the desk, Gary was standing at the end of the bed, they were about six feet apart. He had dimmed the lights and turned the bedclothes invitingly down. He started to undo the buttons on his shirt, his eyes roaming up and down her body as hers examined him. He was over six feet and slim and looked in good shape. He dropped his shirt onto the floor and she looked at his fairly hairy chest and lean form. "Ok?" He asked. "Mmmmm, very nice indeed, now the really interesting bits." He quite quickly undid his trousers and took them and his socks off in one go. He was wearing blue boxers that were baggier than Kim liked to see on a man, although his erection was obvious. "Turn round and close your eyes," she ordered. He did as he was told, wondering just what she had in store for him. He felt her hands gently running up and down his back. They were soft and felt so good as on each downward glide they slipped into the waist of his pants a little. She let her hands go further and further inside his boxers at the back, getting nearer and nearer to the cheeks of his bum on each movement. She rolled the boxers down at the back, keen to see and feel his buttocks. She liked men's bums; she liked looking at them, feeling them and being pressed up against them. And she really liked Gary's bum. Her hands traveled up and down and round and round it squeezing, caressing and kneading it. "Oh God Kim, that's marvellous." "Good but keep your eyes closed." She reached round him and cupped his tiny breasts in her hands, just as many men had done to her. Holding onto them, she then pulled herself against him. Her lips found his spine between his shoulder blades, her breasts squashed against his back and her stomach and pubic mound pressed tightly against his bare arse. "Stay just like that don't move a muscle," she ordered, rather relishing being so in control. He heard the rustle of clothing, but could not make out just what she was doing. Then the lights went out, it was pitch black and, he couldn't see a thing. Her hands returned to his chest. This time though, when she pressed herself against him he shuddered and moaned with the pleasure of realising that she had removed her dress and underwear. Not her stockings, though, he realised feeling the nylon all the way down his legs where hers were pushed against his Her hands started moving on his chest. In small rotations they were going ever downwards. Past the bottom of his rib cage, over his waist and just into his boxers that were still round his waist at the front. He was achingly hard and wanted nothing right at that moment than for Kim's hands to hold his cock. Actually, that's not quite true for he also wanted her to suck his cock and then let him fuck her with it, so feeling her hands on it was not all he wanted. "Lie face down on the bed," she told him. More by touch than anything else she worked out he had done that. He could not see her, of course, and simply laid there wondering what she was going to do. Not having any idea what she had planned and not being able to see or work out her movements was amazingly arousing. From out of the blue, he felt the back of her fingernails on his spine. They ran down it a little way then left him. Frustratingly nothing happened for a while and then, wonderfully, he felt her lips on his waist. She kissed him and then again went away. This time when she returned, he felt her tongue licking round his ear. She pushed that in and at the same time glided her fingers over each of his cheeks. Still licking his ear she grabbed each cheek and squeezed them, firmly. "Jesus Kim, what are you doing to me?" He groaned absolutely amazed at what this woman was doing to him. "Shush, don't talk, just enjoy." Again, she left him. Then he felt her fingers on his spine, probably three fingers he guessed. Slowly, agonisingly and so teasingly slowly they journeyed down his back. They were past his waist, they were going up the slight slope, they slid onto the base of his spine and then absolutely magnificently they slithered along the crease, pausing momentarily right on his bum hole before slipping further and sliding across his balls. The sensations were incredible. Gary's body jerked and he moaned into the bedclothes as the fingers retraced their trip again dallying so beautifully suggestively right on his so sensitive anal entrance. Gary really was a bum freak. He loved everything about women's bums and adored his being caressed. So, what was happening in the pitch dark was right up his street. He pressed back trying to hint to her that he wanted more, that he would like her to go a stage further, yes he was trying to wordlessly, ask her to shove her finger right up his ass. Kim, though, was relishing being in control and she ignored him. He lay there a moment feeling nothing, then she ran her fingers through his hair and she massaged his scalp. Obviously, she must have bent over him, for he felt the softness of her breast against his shoulder. How he ached to feel those in his hands, to suck and lick and kiss them, but he had worked out his submissive role and was enjoying it, so there was no way he would rock that boat. The combination of her fingers gently caressing his head and her soft breast against his shoulder, was both hugely intimate and amazingly erotic, but of course, it did not last and once more, for this time slightly longer, there was nothing. He then felt her moving on the bed. She took hold of both legs at the knees and pushed them open, wide. He thought that she was kneeling between them and wondered what was coming next. Never in his wildest dreams would he have guessed. If he had have made guess after guess he would not have got it. If he and she had talked about what he would like her to do he would never have said, press your hardened nipple right against my bum hole. But that was exactly what she was doing and that was exactly what made them both groan and sigh with extreme pleasure. It got better though and now there was less downtime. He felt her squirming her body around and then had the delight of feeling her laying on him. She was kissing his neck; her tits were squashed against his lower back, her tummy against the swell of his bum. Her arms went round him and found his breasts. She squeezed, pulled and pinched his nipples, just as a man would do to a woman in such a position. Then just like a man, she slithered her body down a bit so that her pubic mound slid between the gaping cheeks of his arse. Continuing to replicate a man she then started moving her body, she started thrusting herself, pumping her pussy, slithering herself along his bum crease. Her hands slipped down the front of him. He lifted up so that they could find his erection. Kim wrapped them round his thick hardness providing him with something he could thrust into, the palms of her hands, a surrogate cunt. Her body squashed tightly against the back of his, her stomach pressed against his backside, her closed legs between his spreaded thighs and her hands gripping his cock Kim continued her thrusting movements. She had never done this before and was amazed at where the idea had come from. Amazed and very, very pleased, for it seemed such a natural extension of her domineering role. "So Gary," she moaned into his ear, "what's it like being fucked by a woman?" "It' incredible, it's amazing, it's simply fucking marvelous." "Have you had your arse fucked before?" "No, never." "Would it be better if I had a dick, Gary?" "I don't know, I'm not sure." "How about if I had a strap-on dick Gary and I used that up your arse, would you like that?" "Oh God, Kim, no, yes, oh I don't know." Holding his erection tighter and squirming her mound more firmly against his bum she felt her orgasm starting. Her hands told her that his cock was getting ready to explode and that he too was starting to climax. Yes, just like a man fucking a woman from behind, Kim fucked Gary like that until they both climaxed. Chapter 11 On the train back to London the next day, Kim snoozed. Well at least she lay back in the comfortable chair with her eyes closed. She did at time nod off, but mostly her mind was running over the previous evening. Not so much sex with Gary, although that was very satisfactory indeed, it was more the feelings and emotions she had experienced from selling herself. Sex for money kept running through her mind as did, "I was a hooker," last night. Just a few months ago, that idea would have appalled her. On the train back from Manchester, it thrilled and excited her to the point that she had to visit the ladies to relieve the pent up sexual arousal. Over the next few days, she just could not keep the buzz she had felt when Gary had assumed she was on the game out of her mind. Being with a man, a stranger, who thought she was selling herself for sex was such a turn on. Almost every time she thought about her nipples would go mad and her panties would have to absorb a sudden rush of female juice. She knew she would not be able to resist doing it again, and soon. Chapter 12 "Is that Mark Williams," the rather gruff voice asked down the phone. "Yes it is," Mark replied wondering who on earth was calling him at this hour, for he had been in a bed for ages. He added. "What the hell do you want this time of night?" "Actually, sir, I need you to confirm that you are married to Kimberley Williams please." Mark's heart was in his mouth at those words for naturally he thought the worse. "Yes I am she's my wife, what's the problem, is she hurt." "No sir, she isn't hurt, but I'm afraid I have to advise you that she is in police custody. She has been arrested for soliciting for immoral purposes." 1148 2.67/512345
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