Monday, April 1, 2013
Lucky Bob
LUCKY BOB by Throne I hadn't seen Bob or Lucy since college. He had been the cock of the walk, strutting around flashing his money and acting like he owned the campus. She was a tall beauty, all long legs, heavy bust, and big round ass. I could still see the angelic face that was such a contrast to her debauch-able body, as well as her mane of thick red hair. Like almost every other guy I would have given my left nut for a night in her bed. We talked and even went out for coffee, but one way or another Bob and his bankbook won her. They got married right after graduation. I wasn't invited to the wedding. That's why I was so surprised, about three years later, to get a letter from her -- at least she had saved my parents' address (and they forwarded the envelope to me) -- saying that they had moved into the area and would love to have me over for a visit. I called and was thrilled to hear her seductive contralto voice. I showed up the next night at their modest suburban home, my one good sports jacket on, a bottle of not-too-expensive wine in my hand. I rang the bell and when the door opened I got my first of many surprises. There stood Lucy in a tight top and even tighter skirt. She had put on about 20 pounds but happily it was mostly in her bust and hips. The slight sag to her chest, the love handles and saddlebags, along with the heavier thighs, somehow added to her sexiness, as if she didn't care that she was a bit overweight and wanted to flaunt her body as much as she ever had. When I took my eyes off her new, fuller figure I noticed that she even had the first signs of a future double chin. It all suggested a hedonistic lifestyle which fit perfectly with all my old fantasies about gettting it on with her. "Hey," she said in that familiar, lust-inducing voice. "Come on in, handsome. It's so good to see you again. And don't you look just... edible." I was caught off guard by her familiarity but managed to come back with, "You look damned fantastic yourself, Lucy. Bob's a lucky guy." Her cheerful expression dimmed for a moment and then she turned away, giving me an eyeful of her ass, which had also benefited from her 'growth spurt'. I watched her big rump cheeks roll as she led me to the kitchen. Then she turned and held out her hand. I almost took it before I realized she just wanted the bottle of wine to put into the fridge. As I handed it over I realized that she didn't have on a bra. My cock was in paradise. She glanced approvingly at the label before putting the wine in to chill. That's when I heard Bob, sounding querulous. "I don't think Steve's going to show. Guess I took that shower for nothing." "Bob, he's here now. We were just getting reacquainted." Her husband appeared in the kitchen doorway. He had on slacks that were about one size too small, and an unbuttoned shirt that revealed a spare tire of fat around his middle. "Oh," he said, not bothering to keep disappointment out of his voice. "Uh, hi, Steve. You look like you've been working out." "Just a few visits to the gym every week. I have to look good when I show up at board meetings," I added with a chuckle, making light of my superior physique. "Board meetings?" Lucy echoed. "What are you, some kind of executive or something?" "Oh," I said and shrugged. "Just a VP." Then, without thinking, I mentioned the company I worked for and both of them got big eyes. I hadn't meant to be self-aggrandizing. I quickly changed the subject to, "Nice little place you have here." "Sure," she replied. "With the accent on the 'little'." Bob threw her a sharp look. "Dear..." She rolled her eyes and said sarcastically, "Yes, oh my lord and master. I won't give anything away." He wasn't happy with that, either. Bob buttoned his shirt. Lucy said offhandedly, "Dear, why don't you run down to the liquor store and pick up something to drink. Get us a couple of options." "I thought you were going to do that today." "I got busy," she told him testily. "So please be nice -- for a change -- and do it." He went out the door, grumbling something that I couldn't quite catch. I asked Lucy, "Is Bob okay?" She shrugged. "Where do you want me to start? He went to work for Larry Markman. You remember him?" "Yeah, his family had lots of money. And real estate?" "Among other things. Anyway, my genius husband got a job in his office but also borrowed heavily from him. Then Bob screwed up at work and nearly cost them a fortune. Larry got it straightened out but there was also a problem with all the loans. Bob squandered the money and couldn't pay it back. Right now we're struggling just to stay afloat." "Jeez," I said. "That's really tough." "Yeah, and all the stress has me eating and drinking so that..." She held out her arms and executed a slow twirl. "... there's more of me to love. Except that with all the pressure Bob has been falling down on the job." She fixed her gaze on me. "I could use a real man in my life, Steve." She took three steps and was suddenly in my arms. I held her close to me and when she turned up her full lips I kissed her. It might have been one quick kiss but she opened her mouth and suddenly our tongues were doing a dance with each other. Her hand went between us and found my crotch. She rubbed me for a few seconds and I got completely hard. Lucy purred as she massaged me through the front of my pants. She rubbed her big breasts against my chest. "Look," she said. "Larry has a long day tomorrow, trying to explain how badly he screwed up to Larry. Why don't you give me the address you're at now and I'll stop over. You know, just to chat about old times." "Just to chat," I said amused. "Right." But I gave her the address. We locked lips a few more times. I thought she might get down on her knees right then and use her mouth for something else, but she knew how long Bob needed to run his errand. So we parted, she went and straightened her clothes and brushed her hair, and right on cue her hubby returned. He had soon mixed himself something with lots of whiskey in it. There was also chilled wine, white, about the same quality as what I had brought, and Lucy poured two glasses for us. We moved to the living room and spent an uncomfortable hour talking about everything except Bob's financial mess. He looked uneasy and drank too much. Lucy kept crossing and recrossing her legs, giving me teasing glances of her upper thighs and hints of what lay beyond. I was certainly eager for that visit the next day. And I wasn't disappointed. Lucy showed up with a bottle of wine (nice touch, Dear) and wasn't interested in any preliminaries. We headed straight to my bedroom and began undressing each other. Her figure was delightfully curvy, everything larger than it had been when I knew her before, and all of it to my liking. I couldn't keep my hands off her and that urge was mutual. This time she really did sink down to her knees and do things with her mouth that had me moaning and gasping. From there it was directly onto the bed for over a half hour of spirited sex. Afterwards we lay there together just savoring our satisfaction. That was when I decided to phone Larry. I had been looking into having the company I VP'd do some business with his organization. We had a brief chat, made an appointment for the next afternoon, and then he excused himself, saying he had to ream out some imbecile who had not only screwed up and gotten into debt to him, but who had also tried to steal from him to make up for his losses. I was tempted to ask if that was Bob, though I was pretty sure he was the guilty one, but I held myself in check because I wanted to ask her first. I didn't want to do anything to put off that incredibly sexy woman whose husband I had just turned into a cuckold. So I said goodbye to Larry, told him to really hit the thief hard, and hung up. When I updated Lucy she got a vicious look on her face. Then I explained that I was going to see Larry the next day. She got kind of dreamy and said she wished she'd married him instead. After all, he was another of the guys who had admired her in school. I said to let me talk to him and we'd see if we couldn't work everything out. I had a great meeting with Larry. We realized that we could both do very well from having our companies work together on a large project. I went back to my boss and he was thrilled by what I proposed. He made it my project and assured me I would reap all the rewards of what he was certain would be a great success. Then I got back to Larry with the good news, plus suggested that he let me buy him a steak dinner that evening. At the restaurant I revealed that I knew who the crook on his staff was. Then I told him how I knew. He was immediately interested in Lucy. We traded ideas on how to make the situation work out so that everyone would get what they wanted except Bob, who would get what he deserved. The solution we concocted was elegant and made us both happy. I told Lucy the next afternoon. To avoid being charged with his theft from Larry, Bob would have to sign over all his assets to Lucy. He would also have to accept that Larry would be her 'protector' until the debts from loans and stealing were paid back. The catch was that Bob would be demoted to an inferior position and, with the small payments we came up with, would need six years to get out of hock to his boss. As a finishing touch, the couple would have to visit Larry's office together, so he could explain the deal and utterly humiliate Bob in front of his wife. That's exactly how it happened. Rather than go to prison and become the cell block prom queen, a probability that Larry relished suggesting, Bob agreed to everything. Then, as I had told her she should do when I spoke to her, Lucy made a show of blowing up at her husband and telling him that because he had been such a bastard she was cutting him off sexually until he had settled all those money issues and that as of that moment she was free to see whoever she pleased. She thanked Larry for taking on the role of her guardian and then gave him a kiss -- long and lingering and deep, to make sure her spouse understood how matters were going to be from then on. It was a perfect trap for Bob. He had to provide her with oral sex anytime she demanded it, something he had always found repugnant and refused to do for her. Now he was her pussyboy, on call 24/7. For his own release he was reduced to masturbating. Lucy had endless fun in reminding him that he was literally a jerk-off. Larry made sure the word leaked out at the office that he was sleeping with Bob's wife, and Bob, who had never been popular to begin with for being such an ass, became a laughingstock and was universally disrespected. Best of all, Larry didn't mind if Lucy dated me as well. And she didn?t mind telling her broken husband that he was being cucked by both of us. Bob tried to drink away his defeat and shame but she limited the amount he was allowed to consume. He couldn't even make himself a drink without her permission. She did allow him all the sweets and junk food he craved, which led to Bob putting on 25 more pounds, most of it in his butt. She decided that he had to keep his crotch area shaved, just because she knew that would embarrass him. And she put him on a tiny allowance. So Larry and I have both made piles of money on our deal. He gives Lucy back all the money Bob repays him, but Bob doesn't know that. Lucy is in her glory having two men lusting after her and attending to all her penetration needs. And Bob? He's celibate, except for wanking. Lucy tells me that sometimes he can't even keep it up for that. She knows because she now insists that she observe him anytime he commits 'self abuse'. He barely has any money for himself. She makes him do all the housework and has revoked his TV privleges. Instead of watching sports he spends his time cleaning the bathroom, washing dishes, and dusting. And going down on her. She especially likes that after she's been with one of us. Lucy says that getting eaten gives her a different kind of orgasm, a pleasant contrast to the eruptions we both set off. As a bonus she never bothers to wash up after one of us has pumped a load into her, so Bob has to clean up every salty drop of what we leave. Before I got together with them, I thought Lucy was the catch of a lifetime and Bob was one lucky man. Now I know the first part of that is true, and that Larry and I have destroyed any chance of Bob every regaining the husbandly role that had been his. Both us guys buy Lucy all sorts of naughty lingerie to wear in the bedroom and she models every bit of it for her husband, just to frustrate him and leave him with blueballs. He got so upset the other day that he blurted out some nonsense about how unfair she was to him. So she cut back his jerk off sessions from one every week or ten days to one every two weeks -- or three -- or whatever she pleases. And she assures us that she's going to step up the teasing until he's cross-eyed with horniness. So I guess there is some justice in the world. And I'm glad so much of it is being enacted on a deserving sleazebag like Bob. And that I'm still balling his wife at least twice a week. 10982 1.24/512345
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