Sunday, April 1, 2012

Husband’s Cuckold Porno Punishment

HUSBAND'S CUCKOLD PUNISHMENT By Dr. Bone There comes a time in nearly every man?s life when his mother, sister, or wife is going to catch him with something he should not have had on his computer, well this is my story. Let it serve as a lesson to you. I had rushed out to pick up my wife but had forgotten shut off my lap top and close the normally hidden folder where I work on stories for a certain interracial cheating wives story web site. When I got Melanie home I did not think anything of it and started to get diner ready. All of a sudden I heard a scream from the den. And then I remembered. ?What the fuck is this shit doing on your computer?? My wife said turning red with anger. Now with a lot of women I might have been able to say someone put it there, or it was a spam attachment, but Melanie was too smart for that, she was the head of an office and knew everything about computers. ?And look at these dates, since 1998. All stories of white women getting fucked by black men. White women getting pregnant, their heads shaved, tits tattooed, being fucked. You wrote all these. You say you sign them as Dr. Hard-On?? My wife went to the website as I stood there speechless. I was doomed, there were even more stories on the web from before my old computer broke down. ?I can?t believe you wasted all your time writing such filth. Why? No lesbian stories, only about white wives and black men. Your are obviously turned on about it.? She thought about it some more, ?I bet you get off thinking about me doing it. I remember how you gave me that odd look when I danced with Greg at the company ball.? Greg was the up and coming company executive, who eventually left the company my wife worked at to go to another state. And yes it did turn me on to watch her dancing with him. She looked down and saw my cock growing hard, despite her being angry, the thought of a black man fucking my wife, sucking on her big white tits turned me on. She told me to get out of the room. I tried to protest but she would not speak to me further. That night I did not need the A/C on in the bedroom if you understand what I mean. The next day my wife would barely speak to me. When she came home I tried to apologize. ?Sorry, what that you were caught? All you will do is do it again and be more careful. You like writing about it so much maybe you ought to live it. How would you like that?? Pissed off she pulled out her organizer and found Greg?s number and called him saying she needed him to stop over when he could. Greg said he was in town and could be by in an hour or so. I asked my wife what was going on and she said ?Guess.? Fear went through my system, and anger, and jealously, maybe that was part of the turn on I always wrote about. An hour later Greg knocked at the door, my wife let him in. After talking over old times and what he was up to at his new company he asked my wife why she had asked him over in the first place. She said she needed his professional opinion and led him over to my computer, Greg looked at what I had written with a sense of amusement; while I felt more embarrassed than I had ever in my life. ?Well what do you think?? she asked him. He said on the surface some of the stories could be deemed a bit racist, but mainly towards white men. My wife asked him why, he said look at all the stories, the black man is always superior in bed and all. Not that I haven?t had an invitation or two in my time.? He said chuckling. ?Well I think some of the are anti-women. Look at all the head shaving and tattooing going on. I have thought it over and there is only one way to stop him from doing this.? she said. She got up and walked towards Greg. ?I have seen you look at me at parties and when we worked together, and?.I want you to fuck me like in his stories.? I started to protest, for what good it would do. She moved into his arms, he seemed surprised, and then she kissed him. I felt angry again, and hurt, and somewhat aroused also. I could not believe this was really happening. ?But there is something else. She said leading him into the bathroom. Before you do I want you to shave my head, as a reminder to him.? Even Greg was a big shocked by the request, but by then I could see he was sporting some serious wood also. My wife had the supplies laid out. She put the bib around her and directed Greg to cut her hair while I stood by helpless. At first he hesitated but then he took the scissors and I watched as clump after clump of my wife?s blonde hair hit the floor. When her hair was as short as it could be by scissors , he took the electric clipper, I pleaded for her to stop but she would not. Finally came the shaving cream and razor, Eric, being bald by choice himself, was very skilled with the razor, soon her scalp, with the help of some oil was nice and shiny. She took off the bib and got up. Her bald head a sharp contrast to the rest of her, in her gray business dress, tailored to her big tits, tight waist and round ass, she put back on her glasses and kissed him even deeper pressing her body against him. They went to the bedroom, I followed, fearful they would lock me out. In the bedroom she had taken one of the living room chairs. ?You sit there. And watch. And learn.? She said in a commanding tone I never heard her use before. My wife and Greg made out like I was not even there. She let his hands feel and play with her big tits. She opened her blouse and let his hand glide in to squeeze them. I wanted to get up, I wanted to get out but I could not. What could I do? Stop her? Call the police? I could do nothing she was a consenting adult, and she was consenting to take a black lover. Her hands slowly undid his belt, then the snap on his pants. She kissed him some more and then she reached over and slowly pulled down his zipper. She reached in and pulled out his cock. ?Hmm! One thing you got right, that black cock is big. Or how do you make the women in the stories you write say it, that big nigger cock, of his is huge.? She pumped it and it grew bigger still bigger in her grasp. ?Hmmm! Let?s be fair about this. Whose should I take.? Pull out your cock there.? She said to me. It was like a scene in some of my stories but real. I took out my cock and moved towards her. She grabbed my cock in her left hand and pumped it a bit. ?Now let?s see. Hmm!? While his cock stood out way beyond the palm of her hand mine barely made it past the ?o? she made between her thumb and pointer finger. ?Big black, small white, I guess you were right about something.? She said letting go of my cock. I sat back down as she pumped his dick. By this time her blazer was off, and she finished opening her blouse which joined the blazer on the floor. He unsnapped her bra and her 42DD breasts plopped out. How could I have gotten into this mess I wondered. She lifted her tits up offering them as her gift for him to suck on, he sucked her left nipple while she sucked on the right one, knowing it was driving me crazy. I debated leaving but knew it would change nothing. She had him sit on the bed as she got down on her knees. ?Honey you are always writing about the wives ?straining? to take a black cock into their mouths, let?s see.? She held his cock steady, and braced herself then she opened her mouth and took his cock into it. Her bald head bobbed up and down on it for several minutes. ?Let?s take a taste test. She told me to come over and sit down next to him. My cock felt so much smaller compared to his. She gave mine a few sucks taking it into her mouth with ease. ?Hmmm! Sweet but a bit small. Then she took his cock, gagging a bit. ?Hmmm! I guess all those stories were right about something else, the black cock wins the taste test again! Go sit back down in the chair. I will call you if I need you. Her tongue licked the winner?s cock all over, including his balls. She rubbed his cock all over her smooth bald head, a sign of her submission to him, all the time she still had her glasses on. She got up and came over to me. ?Stand up. You know you want this.? She said and stuck her tongue deep into my mouth, I could actually taste his taste on her tongue. She kissed me deeply. Greg laughed. I tried to spit but she said if I did she would have me leave, or she would leave. Laughing she went back to him, she jacked him off with a circular motion as she sucked him off, faster and faster she went and when he came she let it splatter all over her tits, she stood facing me rubbing his cum into her breasts like it was the latest beauty treatment from Paris. When his cock was all rung out, she climbed on top of him, straddling him facing forward. She kissed him deeply as her fat behind wiggled and teased his cock. She banged down on him hard. A stain of pre-cum marked the back of her skirt. She turned around to face towards me, his cock in front of her, as he squeezed her tits she rubbed his cock. She held it against her stomach, it reached all the way up to the bottom of his breasts. My wife asked me if I thought it would fit all inside of her. I went to take my cock out to jack off, I could not take it anymore, she told me if I did that I could get out. Out of a package she took out a rubber and rolled it onto his dick. She whispered something into his ear, he whispered something back and chuckled. She got on the bed on all fours and hiked up her skirt telling him to shove it inside of her. He pulled down her panties. He gave me a smug look and, then she called me over. ?Honey why don?t you do like all the men in your story and place his cock up against my pussy like a good little, cuckold. I refused. She told me to do it. ?Why do you right about it if you don?t want to do it? Are you afraid?? I knew I was about to lose the last bit of self respect I had, and yet my cock throbbed at the pure humiliation of it all. I walked behind her and grasped Greg?s cock, it felt so much more solid and denser than mine. I held it as she back her pussy into it, laughing. When his cock head was lined up perfectly with her cunt hole, she told me to sit back down and I watched as he pushed his big cock into her. I have written about this scene a thousand times, but to actually see another man?s cock enter your wife was something else, I was frozen as I watched my wife?s pussy become the property of another man. He fucked her so hard I thought the bed would break as she screamed out obscenities as he pounded her. ?Fuck me with that big cock! Harder! Harder! I?m a bald bitch for black cock.? Her fat ass rippled and her tits swung back and forth as he drilled her hard and long. When he came he pulled out of her. Her pussy was all dilated by the size of his cock. She took off his rubber and she threw it into the waste paper basket, it landed with a big ?splat!? noise. He pulled off her panties all the way and licked her pussy making her cum again and again until she could not even think straight. Then he removed her skirt. Other than the strand of pearls she wore and her glasses she was nude on the bed. They whispered to each other again and laughed ?Honey I want my black lover inside of me again, get him ready.? I had seen this sort of thing in those cuckold videos but I never thought I?d be a part of it. Melanie started to finger herself. ?Come on get it going. Greg stood up waving his cock. I grasped it in my hand and started to rub it, feeling it grow. ?Oh you look so sexy, but now use your mouth. I balked at doing such a thing. She got up, she grabbed her tits and told me if I ever wanted to feel them again I would do as she said. She put her hand on my shoulder and pushed lightly. I got down on my knees. Now I was face level with his cock. ?Come on, you are going to look so sexy. She said. She held the back of my head as Gregg put his cock in my face. I was told to kiss the head. As my wife looked down at me I hesitated for a moment, then did as I was told to do. ?Such a good little cuckold. Now suck on it. Come on it was good enough to write about it is good enough to do.? I opened my mouth and too my greatest shame took his cock ?Watch the teeth.? he cautioned me. It soon got too fat for my inexperienced mouth to take. She had me lick the entire length of his cock. When it was rock hard she pushed me away saying I liked it a bit too much. I rolled another condom onto his cock and watched as they went back to the bed together. She put her legs on his shoulders while demanding that her ?black prince? fuck her hard and deep. He fucked her slowly making her moan. ?Oh thank you honey for writing those stories. Do you like it now that they have come true. Do you?? Soon a second over filled rubber filled the garbage can. The room smelled of their sweat. What was most painful was watching them in bed together kissing and cuddling. ?What should we do next? ?Oh honey wait! What was that other thing you really got off on? Oh yeah! Women getting fucked without rubbers. ?Bare-back? I think you called it. Well are you up for it?? She said getting on top of Gregg, she turned around and asked if I was watching as she squatted down over his naked shaft. It made a wet noise as it slid into her cunt. She pounded down on him good and hard, he played with her fat tits as she did so. ?Tell me when you are going to cum.? She pleaded. Tell me!? My wife turned to me, ?So honey what do you think of me taking his load inside of me, oh by the way look in the draw. She sat on his cock while I did so. There were her birth control pills, and the pack was full, she had not taken them for the last few days. What was she doing? She could get pregnant, then I realized she was tormenting me more, doing what I wrote about. ?Maybe I ought to let you take his load in your mouth instead of my pussy.? She said as she banged herself down on him. He groaned and she sat down on his cock hard letting his cum inside of her. At that point I was honestly considering it, rather than have him cum inside of her. Then she laughed and said I was not worthy of his load, and smashed herself down on him even harder. With a loud groan he came inside of her. My wife used her pussy muscles to milk every drop inside of her. I was made to help Greg get dressed; he left her his card giving me a smirk as he left the room. ?Well was that everything your stories had in them. Did it turn you on to watch? I told her it did, I could not lie to her. ?Hmmm! In your stories the white woman always goes back for more, and what else, well she gets a boob job but it is clear that I don?t need that.? She said grabbing her ample breasts. ?You also have them get a tattoo with their new sexual preference for black men. Hmmm! That might be a good idea. And there is them getting pierced, I might.? I was ready to pass out from my own hard on. ?Oh! That! Well I think it might explode a little bit too hard. So I want you to stroke it. Come on stroke that cock. Come on think of me and that big black dick. Come on that?s it.? She had me jerk off all over the floor, which later I would have to clean up. ?Wow! Small cock big load! What you want some more. Well then you know what to do first.? She said pointing to her pussy. Some of his cum was still dripping out of it. ?Come on it is either that or the guest room. You write about it all the time big boy, now are you too scared to do it? Come on!? She sat on my face and as I looked up and she played with her tits while I licked her clean. ?That?s it lick my pussy nice and clean like the useless cuckold you are.? She ground her cunt into my face telling me to do a good job. Then she had me lick her tits clean where he came before. Satisfied she let me fuck her, her pussy was wetter than I remembered it to be. What was the outcome? Well she bought a wig and kept her head shaved to remind me of what we did. Then she got a spade tattoo, like on the card deck right ,on her tit as a further reminder. Melanie did admit that she was very turned on by fucking a black cock, but said she would not do it again. There were too many risks and she liked it a bit too much. My wife was tested and found not to be pregnant. She said I hoped I learned my lesson and no more stories. However I wondered what would happen if she caught me again. Feedback is always welcome at 26206 2.10/512345

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