Sunday, April 1, 2012
Life After Death Chapter 3
Pam woke up to the sun coming in the bedroom windows. She rolled over to grab Steve and realized he was no longer next to her. ?What the hell,? she said looking at the note on his pillow. ?Went out for a run around the lake. If I?m not back by the time you wake up, watch for me out the balcony doors, and yell at me as I go by,? was all it said. ?What is he nuts?? Pam thought. She wrapped a blanket around her, calling out for Steve. When there was no reply, she walked over to the French doors going out to the balcony and looked out. ?It can?t be over thirty degrees out there,? she thought, getting cold just thinking about being outside. She then proceeded to drag a chair over to the doors, sit down, and wait. Not more than fifteen minutes later, she saw me, huffing and puffing away. ?Hey sailor, you want to get laid,? she screamed out the doors waving her arms at me. I stopped, waved back and headed back to the building. ?God, I hope that was Steve,? she said as she shut the balcony door. ?If not, the guy was cute anyway.? ?How long have you been up?? ?About twenty minutes,? she replied. ?Isn?t it cold outside?? ?Not if you keep moving. Besides, running gives me a morning high,? I told her. ?Give me a couple of minutes to gab a shower and shave, and then I?ll make you a breakfast fit for a queen.? I was just stepping into the shower when I spied Pam walking towards me. ?You washed my back, how can I not return the favor,? she said smiling. Between the shower and the activities that followed, breakfast was delayed about an hour and a half. After two showers and one a hell of a lot of fun in between, we finally got dressed and headed for the kitchen. ?You want some coffee, tea or hot chocolate?? I asked. ?Coffee will be a great start.? ?Alright, my lady,? I said with a bow. ?You have your choice. We have pancakes, waffles, an omelet or fruit filled crapes. But alas, we only have sausage links this morning.? ?Sausage links only! Off with his damn head,? she shouted with a laugh. ?How about the crapes today and waffles tomorrow?? ?Pretty sure of yourself aren?t you?? I replied. ?Of myself, yes. Of you, I?m not so sure,? she told me. ?So why don?t we have a leisure breakfast and then open the floor for questions afterwards?? ?Why don?t we have breakfast, and then spend the rest of the day in bed?? I suggested. ?Let?s compromise and do both. How about that?? she added. At that point I knew I was screwed. ?How do I tell her, without coming off as a total wimp?? I thought to myself as we prepared breakfast. ?That hit the spot. I guess I was hungrier than I thought,? Pam said rubbing her belly. Any coffee left?? ?Just enough for you. I?ve had more than my share,? I said putting the dishes into the dishwasher. ?Well, do you want to start here or naked in bed? Pam asked. ?Personally, I prefer naked in bed, but knowing you, you?ll probably try to get me side tracked with that tongue of yours. So, why don?t we start here and move into the bedroom later? Also, I want the long version. We have the rest of the weekend, so there is no use skimping on the details,? she told me. ?Alright, what do you want to know?? I said leaning against the counter. ?First of all, how long have you had such a hot temper?? Pam asked me. ?Never had one, don?t have one now,? I replied. ?But, that night at the club?? she asked. ?Look, that was a long time a coming, and long over due? what I did to Dan. I?m just glad I stopped when I did. He had that and a lot more coming for what he did,? I told her. ?Now I?m really confused. Why don?t you just tell me, in your own words what you know I want to hear,? Pan said curling up on the couch. ?Alright, you win,? I told her sitting on the chair directly across from her. ?Carol and I met, like I said, at a party Lisa and her friends were throwing. I wasn?t looking for any long-term commitment, and neither was she. Nick and Lisa were engaged and were planning a spring wedding. Carol was going to be one of Lisa?s bridesmaids, and Nick had asked me to be his best man. So no matter where I went with Nick and Lisa, Carol always seemed to be there. We first started going out as a group, but more and more we found ourselves together, and alone with one another. Well, one thing led to another, and we started dating, and best of all sleeping together.? ?Neither Carol, or myself, were virgins? far from it. She was a party animal and more than once I had to physically pull her ass out of the fire. You see, Carol loved to flirt and most of the time she did it with the wrong guy, or at the wrong time. She almost got her butt kicked a couple of times by some guy?s girl friend or wife, and I didn?t appreciate it either, so I finally just stopped calling her.? ?What?s the matter?? she said one day after about two weeks. ?You don?t like me anymore?? ?Carol, if you?re with me on a date, you?re with only me,? I began. ?I?m just tired of you flirting with every guy you lay your eyes on.? ?So are you saying you want us to be exclusive?? ?I guess that?s what I?m saying, in so many words,? I told her, surprising even myself. ?Ok, I?m game. Lets give it a try, and see what happens.? So from that day forward, we were a couple. At Nick and Lisa?s wedding Carol told me that ?ours? was going to be a lot more casual. ?Our wedding?? I said in a stunned voice. ?Yes, our wedding. Eventually you?re going to ask me and I?m going to say yes. But it?s not going to be such a stuffy and formal event? more like a party.? And it was. Two years after we first met we were married and set up house in a nice apartment, in-between where we both worked. Life was pretty good. We both had good jobs and had enough extra money to have fun. It was in our third year that we started something that ended up dooming our marriage. One night Carol asked, ?Steve, have you ever had a sexual fantasy, you wanted to act on, and never did?? ?I don?t understand?? I replied. ?You know. A secret fantasy that you would love to try but never have,? she asked. ?Everyone has those, anything in particular you looking at?? ?Steve, my birthday is coming up in two weeks, and I?ve got a fantasy I?d like fulfilled. How about it? You know, kind of like a birthday present,? she explained. ?Well, as long as it doesn?t have anything to do with a dead chicken, or involves pain, I?m game,? I told her. So, two weeks later, on her birthday, we had our first fantasy night. Carol wanted to be bound to the bed, and pleased sexually until she cried, ?enough.? However, she would do nothing to me. It was to be her night and her night alone. The more I thought about it, the more I got into it. It really sounded like fun? well for her especially. I bought red silk ties, chocolate sauce, whip cream, strawberries, KY warming gels and a bunch of other things. I was really looking forward to it. After dinner, I led her upstairs to a bedroom lit only with scented candles. I undressed her, bound her to the bed, and blindfolded her. ?When you?ve had enough, your safe word is pepper. Say that, and I?ll stop, but not until then,? I told her. So began, three hours of sexual bliss. Before I even started, Carol was dripping wet from anticipation. I gave her a slow, full body frontal massage paying particular attention to all her toys. With my hands, I smeared gobs of chocolate across her breasts and methodically licked it off. I made certain that her nipples were given extra attention. I warmed up the next bit of chocolate and dripped it between her pussy lips, and down the crack of her ass. For the next two hours, I feasted on her banana slit. I brought her to climax as many times as I could. I switched from chocolate to whip cream and finally to dipping fruit. Carol was now like a limp rag doll. I know she had climaxed at least five times, but I wasn?t done yet. I was now out of food items, so I turned to the warming gel. I applied a generous amount to her pussy as I used both hands to stimulate her. Finger fucking her with one hand, I used the other to play with her now swollen clit. When she started moaning, squirming, and raising her ass off the bed to get every inch of my fingers in her, I knew she was close. Just as she was about to climax, I shoved three fingers to the hilt in her wet hole and started to suck on her clit. Carol went nuts for almost five minutes before falling back onto the bed. ?Pepper, for Gods sakes pepper,? I finally heard her cry out. Both Carol and the bed were a mess. Oils, chocolate, sweat and juices covered the sheets and pillows. I release her from her bonds, and kissed her full mouth. ?My pussy?s rubbed raw, but it?s smiling on the inside,? she said kissing me back. ?I?ve never been so drained, but boy, do I need a shower.? While she cleaned up I stripped the bed and put on clean sheets and pillowcases. I got her a bottle of water out of the refrigerator for her and was waiting when she got out of the bathroom. Taking a long drink, Carol told me to let her sleep in Sunday morning. She slept until almost noon. ?Do you have any chocolate left?? Pam asked me. ?I think I climaxed twice while you were describing what you did to her,? she said with a laugh. ?What did you get for your birthday?? ?I bought her a sleazy outfit, and we went downtown to one of the hotels. I sent her in first, and told her to sit at the bar and order a drink. I went in a couple of minutes later and watched as guy after guy hit on her, trying to pick her up. Carol told me later that a couple of guys offered her up to $500 for her ?services? for the evening. I then proceeded to walked up to her, and in a loud voice yelled, ?bitch you can?t make any money sitting on this damn bar stool; hit the streets.? I lead her out as the guys just stood there with their mouths open. We then went to a nice upper class restaurant and had dinner. She wasn?t wearing a bra or panties and it showed. The waiter was getting a real eyeful, and we did get fantastic service. About halfway through dessert Carol said, ?pepper.? We left, went home, and had great sex the rest of the night. ?The following year for her birthday I was to be her submissive slave for the night. That night didn?t go well at all. We went to a dance club, and I was kept busy running for drinks as guys hit on her all night. That was the night I met Dan and his buddy Tim,? I told Pam. They danced with her, and hit on her, most of the night. I really got pissed when Dan told me to go buy them a round of drinks. ?Here you go wimp, get us another round, and take your time,? he said handing me a twenty. ?Me and this lovely lady need to get better acquainted,? Dan told me. I was about to say something when Carol added, ?you heard him. Get moving!? When I got back, Dan and Carol were on the dance floor bumping and grinding. Tim grabbed his drink and informed me that he had the next dance. I stormed onto the dance floor and angrily told Carol, ?this had gone on long enough, it was time to leave.? ?Get the hell away from us, wimp,? Dan yelled at me. ?Why don?t you wait in the car like a good little boy,? he said as they both laughed. ?Pepper,? was all I said, grabbing Carol by the arm. By now, she could tell I was more than a little upset. ?Time to head out,? Carol told Dan. ?Got to get my little one to bed, before he gets too crabby,? she said with a laugh. Tim also wasn?t happy, he wasn?t going to get another dance. ?Maybe I?ll see you boys around sometime,? she said, kissing each one on the cheek, just before we left. It was a quiet ride home. Carol knew I was angry and didn?t want to start anything in the car. ?That was fun,? Carol said as we walked into our apartment throwing her jacket on the chair. ?Fun! I was humiliated in front of God and everyone. And you! You looked like a cheap slut the way you were dancing with those two guys. Did they get you wet? By the looks of your panties, I guess they did,? I said raising and then dropping her dress. ?I need a drink,? I said heading over to our bar. ?It was a joke hon. Just a fantasy, that?s all,? she said, but I wasn?t listening as I poured another shot. ?You let it go too far tonight. What would you have done if I were feeling up some girl on the dance floor while you sat at our table with her girl friend?knowing she was waiting for her turn with me? If this is the type of thing turns you on, I guess Carol, I really don?t know you,? I said, as I slammed down shot after shot. ?Do you know how close I came to punching that asshole?? Carol came over, and tried to grab me. ?Don?t touch me. Don?t fucking touch me until you get the stink of those guys off your body,? I told her. ?Suit yourself,? she called back to me as she walked down the hall to our bedroom. I slept on the couch that night. Or should I say, I passed out on the couch that night. I woke up with a splitting headache and an empty bottle of Crown Royal on my lap. It was icy around our apartment for the next two days. Carol had gone too far, and I was waiting for her to say she was sorry. On the third day she blew up at me over dinner. ?For Christ?s sakes Steve, get over it,? she yelled. ?So I pushed it a little too far. No one got hurt. We?re still married, what?s the big deal? It was my fantasy, that?s all. When you said the safe word, didn?t I put an end to it and leave?? Carol shouted. ?Carol, you know what I want for my birthday next year? A threesome. Me and two other women,? I told her. ?You mean me, and another women?? she asked. ?No, me and two other women, what do you think about that Carol?? ?Well if that?s what you want,? she replied. ?You don?t think that?s cheating?? ?Not if we both agree in advance,? she replied. I got up from the table, and went into the bedroom. I packed enough clothes, for a couple of days, and walked back into the kitchen. ?I?ll call and tell you where to send the rest of my stuff, after I find another place to live,? I told a stunned Carol. ?You just don?t get it do you? I?m not into sharing, or swinging. Never have been, never will be,? I said. As I walked out the door, as she screamed something back at me. I was sitting in the Holiday Inn bar, when Nick sat down next to me. ?At least your predictable,? he said with a laugh as he ordered a beer. ?Do you want me to tell them, that I found you?? ?Not right now,? I replied as I finished my third beer. ?I just found out we have two entirely different ideas on what being unfaithful means. I hate to say it, but I?m starting to have doubts about where my marriage is going.? ?You know, she?s crying her eyes out at our place don?t you?? ?She?s only doing that, because I won?t go along with what she wants. Hell, Nick, she was dry humping those two guys on the damn dance floor, while they called me a wimp. I almost punched one of them on the dance floor while I was trying to pry Carol off him. And the worst thing about it, Carol doesn?t seem to think she did anything wrong,? I said starting on my fourth Corona. ?Well, I guess that?s one fantasy you two won?t be trying again,? Nick said with a laugh until he saw the look on my face. ?Sorry, bad joke. But you and I both know, you?re not going leave her. Am I right?? ?No. Not this time, but if something like this ever happens again, I wouldn?t bet on it,? I told him. I let her stew for a couple of days, before going back home. The makeup sex was better than great. She took me to new heights, and I actually limped around work for two days making more than a few guys jealous. We went back to normal until my birthday the following year. ?Well, you up for that threesome? I found two hot babes that will do more than ball your eyes out,? Carol said looking at me. ?It was a joke, damn it; lighten up,? she said smiling. I did find something that was a lot more tame, but a bit naughty also. It was a couple?s massage by a nude black couple. The massage started out with us both lying naked, next to one another on our bed. We were close enough to touch one another, just not close enough to kiss. The black girl was built like a brick shit house, and the guy was more than a little well endowed. In other words, at about twelve inches. He was hung like a Greek god. They were both naked and were well oiled up. We were not allowed to touch them in any way, but I had given them a free hand with the both of us. As we lay there face down on our bed, I could feel the black women?s hands stroking my body along with her breasts being dragged over my back and ass. Likewise Carol could feel his muscular hands on her back along with his tool being dragged between her ass cheeks. I found myself getting rock hard, as she worked my shoulders, back, ass, and thighs. When she spread my legs to get to the inside of my thighs, I thought I was going to cum. Thank God I didn?t. When they flipped us over, it became more than interesting. I watched his black hands on her breasts and then twisting her nipples. Those excited nipples were now almost a half-inch long. When he poured the oil over her stomach, pussy and legs, I felt her hand tightly squeeze mine. Carol now had her eyes closed. She was in a dream like trance as he stroked her stomach, the sides of her hips and her thighs. When he spread her legs, I could see she was dripping, or was it the oil? At this point it didn?t make any difference. She was hot and horny. He dragged his fingers over the top of her pussy and gently between the lips, and she almost crushed my hand. All the while, his partner was dragging her breasts across my dick that was now sticking straight up. Call me dumb, stupid or whatever, but I let it get out of hand. We were told to close our eyes, and to clear our mind. I could feel my dick being rubbed, not by her hand, but was being sandwiched between her warm, breasts. God damn, that felt wonderful. I had never screwed a girl between her tits, so this was a first. ?I?ll let it go a little longer before I stop her,? I said to myself as I just lay there enjoying what she was doing to me. Finally my brain clicked in, ?Duh, if she was doing this to me, what was the guy doing to Carol?? I said to myself as I opened my eyes. The girl was holding her breasts together, around my dick, as she moved them up and down, with a smile on her face. Looking over, I saw that the black man was hard, and was between Carol?s legs? legs that were spread wide apart. He was moving his dick between Carol?s pussy lips from her ass to her clit and back again as she moaned under him. I then watched in horror as he buried all twelve inches to the hilt in her pussy, pulled it out and continued rubbing it between her lips. I ended the massage for both of us. I motioned the two of them away, reached down between Carol?s pussy lips and started rubbing her clit with a vengeance. It didn?t take more than two minutes to get the results I was looking for. ?Oh God yes,? Carol screamed as she started bucking against my finger. I was more than ready as I rolled over on top of her and drove my dick as deep into her as hard as I could. Our black guests then started to massage us again, at least the areas they could get at, as I pounded Carol?s pussy for all its worth. Hell, in less than five minutes I was pumping load, after load, into her pussy as the two of them looked on. It took us a couple of minutes to come down from our bliss. As Carol lay exhausted on our bed, I got them a couple of big towels so they could take a shower and get and get cleaned up in the guest bathroom. I paid them their fee, gave them a nice tip, and in twenty minutes they were gone. ?That was interesting Carol told me. You must have liked what she was doing, I haven?t seen you that hard in a while,? she said smiling at me. ?How about you? I thought I?d have to wring out the sheets the way you were flowing as his fingers explored your folds,? I said with a forced laugh. You?ll notice I said fingers? I said fingers since I wasn?t sure Carol actually knew everything that happened. I wanted to play dumb and she what she might say. ?As long as the sheets are trashed, what say you we go for round two?? I bet I can make you cum in less that five minutes,? I challenged. ?What the hell are we playing? Name that pussy?? she said with a laugh. ?I can make that pussy cum in three strokes!? Well it took longer than three strokes, but not that many more because we were still, basically still up there. At breakfast the next morning Carol gave me a long, full mouth kiss with a lot of tongue. ?See, I told you we can both have our fantasies and wake up the next day and go on with our lives with no harm done. And if you think he was using his fingers last night I hope yours are half that big later today,? she said with a smile as she grabbed my crotch. Looking back, I know I should have said something. That was my big mistake. To Carol, it looked like I was happy with what happened, including her getting more than a taste of his big dick in her pussy. Instead I down played it, and told her it was probably time for these little games to end. That we?d both had a little fun, but it had run its course. After talking for two hours I was parched, as I went to the refrigerator for something cold to drink. I downed a large glass of orange juice, and sat next to Pam. ?So it got a little out of hand.,? Pam said. ?I?ve been with guys, and it?s gone further than I had planned, for it to go. Sometimes in the heat of passion, you do things you normally wouldn?t do, but we?re all human and that?s what makes sex so exciting,? Pam told me. ?Hell, after all your sex stories, I?m ready to jump your bones right now,? she said kissing me and pulling my shirt over my head. We had what Pam called, ?a sex break.? We screwed on the couch, took a shower and finished up in my bed. Pan did however, make me go get some chocolate sauce and show her exactly what I did to Carol. After another quick shower with Pam trying her hand at blowing me in the shower, we thought about dinner. ?How about beer and pizza?? Pam asked. ?I?d rather pick up Chinese, or maybe we could go to that new Mexican restaurant downtown,? I added. We ended up at an Italian restaurant about a half mile from my place. With a glass of wine in hand Pam said, ?it doesn?t sound like that bad of a marriage. At least your wife didn?t try to throw you down the stairs.? ?What she did later was much worse. I?ll give you the final blow by blow after dinner. Right now, I don?t want to lose my appetite because the food here is excellent,? I told her just as our meals arrived. The walk back to my place was cold. With the wind howling and flakes of snow in the air, I started talking again as we walked. At least, if I got hot under the collar this time, the cold air would keep my body temperature in check. Finally I continued my story. Carol wouldn?t tell me anything of her plans, as her birthday approached. I tried to talk her out of it, but was told that I had my birthday, and it was only fair that she had hers. ?Alright, but this is the end of it, no more after that,? I told her. Her birthday fell on a Friday, and I still hadn?t a clue what she was planning. The only thing she would tell me was that it would be a night to remember. ?I should have stopped it dead, when I had the chance,? I told Pam. ?I had a real bad feeling about it, but nothing specific.? Friday we had a quiet dinner that night. I could see that Carol, was on pins and needles. ?You ready for tonight?? she asked. ?I guess I?m as ready as I?ll ever be. Just what do you have planned anyway?? ?You?ll see,? she said smiling. ?You?re going to need to be an active participate tonight and go with the flow,? is all she would say. By 7:00, dinner was done, and everything was put away. She led me upstairs to our bedroom and started to undress me. ?This I like,? I said as she kissed and licked me before laying me totally nude on the bed. ?I need you to lay spread eagle while I get you ready,? she said as she stroked and licked my dick. ?Hell, who was I to argue. This seemed like fun. It sure was when I had done it to her anyway,? I said to myself. I became uncomfortable with the clink of the handcuffs and the leather straps that bound my legs. Also, the blindfold was more like a Halloween mask with the mouth and nose cut out, but it was her night. ?What was the worst that could happen? If it went too far, I could just call out pepper and it would all be over? piece of cake,? I thought to myself. We were having a lot of fun. Full mouth kissing alternating with Carol sucking my dick until it got hard. Then she?d stop telling me I had to wait until later. Then I heard the front door bell. ?What the hell? Who could that be? ?Shit, I hope it?s not Nick and Lisa, he?d never let me live it down if he saw me like this,? I thought in a panic, but it wasn?t Nick. Pam and I had reached my condo, so I stopped, against her protests. ?Damn it Steve, it was just starting to get good,? she whined. Inside I asked her if she wanted or needed anything. ?No, I?m done, just finish your story,? she said getting comfortable on the couch. ?I need a drink or two before I go on,? I told her as I got out two Corona?s and sat in the chair across from her. ?I?m just warning you. I?ve never told a living soul about that night, and I?m probably not going to be in a very good mood when I finish,? I told her. ?If you don?t want to continue, don?t, I?ll live.? Pam told me. ?No, it?s time I get it off my chest, and you?re the only person I trust enough to unload all this. I just don?t want to drive you away for a second time, that?s all.? ?It can?t be that bad, and unless you plan on kicking me out afterwards, I?m not going anywhere,? Pam answered. ?Alright, just so you?re forewarned,? I told her. Well there I am, naked, spread eagle on the bed, when I hear voices. I guess I should have called out pepper right then and there, but I was curious. I heard them go down the hall, to the spare bedroom, and shut the door. I could still hear their voices from down the hall and after waiting for about ten to fifteen minutes I started calling out Carol?s name. I kept calling out louder and louder and finally screamed out ?CAROL!? My life ended about fifteen seconds later. A nude Dan walked into my room and put a piece of duck tape across my mouth. ?That should keep you quiet, while Tim and I have our fun. You really are a wimp aren?t you?? he mocked me. ?That woman is way too hot for you to handle, but don?t worry, we?ll take good care of her.? he said with a laugh, as he put the keys to the handcuffs on the dresser. If you can get to these, you can get free and join us. If not, oh well,? he said laughing again as he walked out and shut the door. ?I screamed through the tape and pulled on the handcuffs and leather straps. I heard a few screams and thought Carol was being raped. I fought for what seemed like hours, until I physically couldn?t move my arms or legs anymore. Sometime later, Dan came back into the room. He walked up to my head, and rubbed his dick all over my face. ?I just took your wife?s virgin ass, and she loved every minute of it. We?ll have to do this again some time, I really enjoyed myself tonight and I know Carol sure did,? he said mocking me. I fought to get free like my life depended on it. Finally the bed headboard broke free of the frame, and the bed itself collapsed with a crash. ?Sorry to fuck and run, but Carol will probably need your help, in cleaning my cum out of her ass and cunt. That is, unless you want to raise my kid,? he said with a laugh as he shut the door. The broken bed, now lay around me, but I didn?t even have the strength to sit up. I heard them walking down the hall and heard the front door slam. It was quiet except for the sound of the water running in the shower. I just lay there, physically and emotionally drained. I felt no pain from the handcuffs or straps, I just felt dead inside. How long I lay there, I haven?t a clue. The next thing I heard was Carol screaming, ?Oh My God,? as I felt the headboard being lifted off me, and my hands being released from the shackles. With my hands and feet now free I was able to stand as Carol continued to babble something about Dan? and how he was suppose to release me, and how sorry she was, but nothing was making sense. Both my hands and feet were covered in blood, but I never noticed. All I saw was a nude Carol, with hickeys all over her breasts and a red bruised cunt. I lost it, I?m told. I called her every name in the book before knocking her to the floor. I vaguely remember ripping Carol?s clothes out of the closet, throwing them around the room, and trashing the master bedroom before going down the hall to the guest room. I guess I kind of went insane, as I looked at the messed up bed. I was systematically destroying the room, when I felt the first jolt. I shook it off, and was about to continue, when I felt the next one that put me to my knees. After the third, I don?t remember a thing. I woke up in a windowless room. There was a nurse sitting in a chair next to my bed, and when I tried to move, I found I was being restrained. ?Where am I?? I asked. ?You?re in Memorial hospital. You were brought in late last night. How are you feeling?? ?Tired and my hands hurt,? I told her. ?You lost a lot of skin, and are going to have scares, but you?ll live,? she told me. ?Want to bet,? I answered her. ?The doctor will be in shortly,? she said before leaving the room. ?Well, you look a lot better than you did last night. How are you feeling?? the doctor asked looking at the chart. ?Tired, sore and hungry.? I replied. ?Well, it looks like you?ve calmed down enough, so, I don?t think we?ll be requiring these anymore,? he said removing the restraints on my arms, legs and chest. ?I?m giving you a prescription for pain pills and a healing ointment for your injuries. Keep them clean, dry and make sure you change the dressings twice a day. They?re going to be pretty raw for about a month, and will take about three months to fully heal. You are going to have some nasty scares, which will fade in time, but will never totally go away. The police say no charges were filed, and you?re free to go. However, you were brought in naked, so you don?t have any clothes.? ?Don?t worry doc, I?ll call a friend.? Nick brought me a change of clothes. ?What the hell happened last night?? Nick asked. ?Carol came over to our place, late last night, crying hysterically. She kept saying something about, how it had gone all wrong. What the hell happened to your hands?? ?Nick, listen good because I?m only going to say this once. Don?t ever bring up last night, and I never want to hear the name Carol ever again. Do you understand? I asked in my most serious voice. ?But Steve?? was all I let him get out, before stopping him. ?Because if you do God damn it, you?ll never see me again. Now please, just drive me home, no more talking,? I told him as I fought to control my anger. We drove in silence, the rest of the way. I knew Nick had a million questions, but I was in no mood to talk. I thanked him as I got out, and stepped into my building. I didn?t have a key, so I went to the manager?s apartment. ?Mr. Kelly can you please let me into my apartment?? I asked. We walked upstairs. He opened the door and we stepped in. The place was a wreck. Furniture and clothes were everywhere. ?Steve, if it was up to me, I?d let you stay, but, it?s not. I need you to find another place as soon as possible. I?m not throwing you out, mind you, you?ve been through enough, but I?m being told you?ve got 90 days. Keep the key, and if you need anything else, just let me know. I?m really sorry,? he added before leaving. ?If you?re sorry, what the hell am I?? I thought to myself. ?I guess I slept in my clothes on the couch, that night. The following morning I surveyed the damage, and it was extensive. Most of the bedroom furniture was trashed, and a lot of the chairs looked like they?d been cut up with a knife. Carol?s clothes were scattered around the apartment, The only room that was untouched was the kitchen. I made a pot of coffee and tossed a couple of pieces of bread into the toaster. Ten minutes later my cell phone rang. Following the ring I found it under a pile of stuff in my bedroom just before it went quiet again. There were three missed calls from Carol. I turned it off and went room by room and unplugged all the phones. The only one I left connected was the one in the kitchen connected to the answering machine. I was just finishing my second cup of coffee when the kitchen phone rang. I let the answering machine pick it up. ?I know you?re there, and can hear me Steve,? Carol said. What happened last night, wasn?t suppose to happen like it did. Please call me so we can talk. Steve, I?m afraid to come home, after last night. Please call, I love you.? ?Bitch,? is the only word I could think of. I needed a shower badly, so I wrapped my wrists with stretch wrap and did the best job I could, under the circumstances. I got dressed, made a shopping list and headed out. My first stop was Walgreens to pick up my prescriptions and to get all the items I needed to take care of my ankles and wrists. Also, I purchase three boxes of lawn bags, which I would need later in the day. Next, I stopped off at the mall to cancel my existing Sprint account. I opened up a new one with a blocked number. I would have loved to clean out our savings and checking accounts, but unfortunately my bank wasn?t open on weekends. However, I did hit the ATM and took out the maximum amount allowed from both accounts. I finally stopped at the liquor store, and picked up, three, six packs of Corona and headed for home. When I got home there were two more messages from Carol and one from Lisa. I deleted Carols and listened to Lisa?s. ?Steve, this is Lisa. I need to come over and get a few items for Carol. I don?t know what happened between the two of you, but she?s still pretty upset. Unless I hear from you, I?ll see you around 7:00. If you get a chance, please call Carol. She?s really worried about you.? Looking at my watch, I figured I had only about two hours before Lisa got here, and I had a million things to do. It looked like I had pulled most of Carol?s clothes out of her closet last night. The closet rod was broken, and everything was scattered around the bedroom and hallway. I opened a plastic bag, and just started stuffing everything in. I started in the living room, went to the hallway and finally the master bedroom. I stopped for a beer after ten bags. ?Damn, how did she manage to get all those clothes in that one little closet?? I asked myself. It took twelve bags for those items, three for the items in her dresser and the bathroom, and four more for her shoes. Two more beers, and I was ready for Lisa?s arrival. ?What the hell is all this?? Lisa asked as she and Nick came into my apartment. ?All Carol?s stuff, excluding her furniture,? I replied. ?I don?t understand Steve. I just came over for a few outfits, not everything,? Lisa reminded me. ?I?ve been asked by the apartment manager to find a new place to live, and I have no intentions of taking Carol with me so, these bags are all her personal crap. She can come by and take whatever furniture is left, or I?ll just toss it out ? which ever she wants,? I told them. ?Don?t you think the two of you, should sit down and talk this over?? Lisa asked. ?Not in my life time. So, if you don?t mind, I?ve got three beers left in my six pack to finish, because tonight I plan on getting at least a little sleep. That is unless Carol plans on getting me arrested again.? They both knew, I was in no mood to be argued with just then, so they packed up what they could in their SUV and headed back home. I on the other hand, dragged out the bloodstained mattress, flipped it over and crashed. The only reason I woke up at 9:00 the next morning, was because of the pain. I washed two pain pills down with a beer, and I was in la la land again. That?s how I spent the rest of my weekend. I called, and asked my boss for the following week off. He wasn?t happy with the short notice, but after I told him I?d been in an accident, he was more than willing to give me as much time off as I needed. I guess the train wreck of my marriage, was reason enough. Monday I finished up what I?d started Saturday. I took out fifty percent of the funds from our savings and checking accounts, and opened up a new account in my name only. I signed a form saying I wanted my name removed from our existing accounts but was told that would take seven business days to get that finalized. I closed our joint credit cards, the ones with a zero balance, and paid off fifty percent of those with an outstanding balance. We each had our own cars, 401K?s, and health insurance, so I didn?t have to do anything with those items. I sent e-mail to my human resource manager and took Carol?s name off as beneficiary of my 401K and life insurance policy. Looking back, it was a pretty successful day, all in all. The rest of the week I spent looking for a new place to live since I didn?t have a lot of time. After a month of ducking her calls, Carol started e-mailing me to death. Why she just didn?t stop over I hadn?t a clue since she still had a key to the apartment. I finally answered one of her e-mails. ?Carol, I never want to see, or hear from you again. Our marriage is over, done with. You saw to that. So please leave me the hell alone. I just hope your night with Dan and Tim was worth it.? I never expected a reply but she sent one anyway. ?Steve, I?m so sorry. It wasn?t supposed to happen like it did. I sent Dan in to release you. He told me that he let you go and you got mad and left the apartment. I guess I wasn?t thinking straight because we had done a few joints while you were tied up. I?ll give you some time and contact you at a later date.? Carol signed off with, ?I really do love and miss you.? ?So Pam, now you know about my night from hell,? I said finishing my second beer. ?I still hate her more than you can possibly imagine,? I almost shouted as I stood up and started pacing back and forth. ?So that?s why you went off on Dan. What ever happen to Tim?? she asked. ?I had a private detective find him about a month ago. I now know where he works, lives and what gym he works out at every night. Or I did just before I took care of Dan. Now I?m not too sure,? I said trying to calm down. ?You know, he?ll now be expecting you, don?t you?? Pam told me. ?Why go through all the trouble. It appears to me that Dan was the real asshole, and he?s not going to be doing anything to anyone, for quite a while.? ?Pam, now that it?s all out in the open it?s time to put this whole chapter to bed, once in for all? starting with Tim and ending with Carol.? I told her. ?Steve you?re starting to scare me now. I hope you?re not thinking about physically hurting Carol? After what you did to Dan, they?ll throw your ass in jail and throw away the key,? Pam now tried to reason with me. ?No, nothing like that, but I will get my pound of flesh, and then some,? I said, still angry and pacing. ?She will pay don?t worry.? ?Look Steve, your marriage to Carol is in the past, you?re divorced. Why can?t you just let it go? She can?t hurt you any more, nor you her.? ?But you see Pam, Carol and I are not divorced. She filed papers a couple of months ago, and when I was served, I just tossed them in the trash. For the last couple of months she?s been bugging me to sign them because she?s dating someone new from her work. I?ve still got one more hand to play before I call it quits,? I told her. ?For Christ?s sakes Steve, listen to yourself. You sound like a man possessed or should I say obsessed with her. Sign the damn papers, and move on. What difference is it going to make, if you finally get your last shot at her. She?s moved on, why can?t you?? ?Because she needs to pay for what she did to me? to us,? I said shouting with this wild look in my eyes. ?I want her to never forget, and with what I?m planning, she won?t,? I told Pam. ?Steve, I don?t like this side of you. You don?t forgive and forget, you get even at all costs. I think I?m going to leave. I thought I knew you, but I guess I was wrong. I forgave my asshole ex-husband, and he tried to kill me, but I don?t think you?ll ever let this die,? Pam said standing up and grabbing her coat. ?If you go ahead with this Steve, we?re done. Don?t call me after the dust settles, because I?m giving you this one, and only chance.? ?Goodbye Pam,? was all I said as she walked out the door. ?I really did like her,? I thought to myself. Two weeks later, when Tim was opening his apartment door, he felt a hand on his shoulder. ?I think it?s time you and I have a little talk,? I told Tim pushing him into his apartment. ?Look man. I didn?t do anything, it was all Dan,? he said talking a mile a minute. ?I told Dan he was pushing it too far, but he wouldn?t listen. ?Hell, Carol contacted us and set up that night. We were supposed to start and let you loose, so you could join us. Dan told us that he let you loose, and you got pissed and left. So, after another couple of joints, we all got it on. I?m sorry man. I didn?t know. And Dan was the one who wanted it all taped. He said he wanted to rub your nose into it,? Tim said trying to explain. ?I didn?t know you were still tied up, until we got in the car to leave. I?m so sorry, man, please just leave me alone,? Tim now begged. ?Tim, my birthday is in two weeks, and I want you out of town by then. Let?s just say, it?s your birthday gift to me. However, if you?re still here after that, I?ll make sure you will never be able to have sex again. Do I make myself clear?? I asked him. Tim shook his head. ?Remember, two weeks,? I said leaving his apartment. ?One down, one to go.? If you have enough money, you can get anything done. It cost me almost $8,000.00 but the day before my birthday, I got my gift in the form of an e-mail. ?It?s all done, and set for 9:30 am,? was all it said. I went to work on Wednesday in the best mood I?d been in a long time. Everyone wished me a happy birthday and even had a cake for me that afternoon. My boss and I had an early dinner, and it was almost 8:00 before I finally got home. My answering machine was blinking, and I saw that I had twenty- five messages. I deleted them all. I opened a bottle of Corona and waited, for what I knew was coming. Shortly before 9:00 I heard a pounding on my door. I set my beer down on the counter, took a deep breath and answered the door. ?You son of a bitch,? Carol was screaming as Nick physically held her back. ?Good evening Carol, how have you been?? I replied. ?How could you, how could you send that damn video to my parents and my friends?? she said as she started to cry. ?I don?t know what video you?re talking about Carol. Maybe if you describe to me what was on it, I?ll know which one you?re talking about,? I told her. ?God damn you, Steve. Do you still hate me that much, that you?d go to this length to ruin my life?? she asked. ?Oh now I know what tape,? I said as sarcastically as possible. ?The one labeled Carol Moore cheats on her husband. I not only saw it, I lived it,? I shouted at her, as she now stopped struggling. Unbuttoning my sleeves, I held my hands up, for them to see. ?You see these scars? They?re the first things I see every morning and the last thing every night. I?m going to have them as a reminder of what you did until the day I die. Do I hate you that much? Yes I do. You went out of your way to kill our marriage. Did you know at first I thought Dan and Tim were raping you? Carol, if I?d had a knife, I would have cut my hands off to save you. That?s how much I loved you. Stupid me. Little did I know you set the whole thing up with the two of them, and let them tape it.? ?Your mom and dad and all our friends had labeled me the asshole in our breakup. All the hateful things they said about me for the last year and a half, maybe now they might change their mind about me after viewing the tape. ?I said I was sorry. I wanted to talk to you a million times, but you never listened to me,? Carol said sobbing again. ?Sorry? Sorry, you say. I?m sorry I came back after the night we met Dan and Tim. I should have dumped you that night and cut my losses. Carol, when I sent you that birthday card months ago, I said it would all end on my birthday this year; and it has. ?Steve, you went too far this time,? Nick said as he looked at Carol and Lisa. ?Nick, have you watched the damn tape?? I asked. ?No I haven?t,? he replied. ?That?s because I didn?t send it to you and Lisa. I didn?t want to put you two in the middle of Carol and my breakup. However, if you think I?m wrong, watch the tape. And then imagine me, struggling for over three hours to get free to save her cheating ass. Then, tell me what you would have done if it had been Lisa,? I told him. ?Carol, if there is anything on that tape that isn?t factual, I?ll see that a retraction is sent out. If not, it is what it is. ?Just so there are no hard feelings, I?ve got a little parting gift for you,? I said before walking back into my apartment and coming out with a large manila envelope. ?Signed, notarized and now delivered,? I said giving Carol her the divorce papers. So, if you don?t mind, I?ve got a few things to do before I go to bed. I would like to say it?s been nice, but why lie,? I told her as I went inside my condo and shut the door. As I leaned up against the door, I finally knew?it was over. I had hired a professional hacker to send a copy of the tape to her parents and every one of my ex-friends that took Carol?s? side and shunned me because of our breakup. I could have sent it to her work. her parents church, and to everyone in the world including God, but I didn?t. The only thing I did do, was to post it on two adult video web sites. I figure the income would more than pay for the hacker I?d hired. Carol threatened to take me to court, but nothing ever came of it. You see, the tape was downloaded from an overseas website and channeled through two other countries, so nothing could be traced back to me. About three weeks after it all went down, I got a short e-mail from my ex-in laws. ?We?re sorry, we never knew,? was all it said. A few of my old friends tried to call me and apologize, but I never returned their calls, I guess I wasn?t the monster I?d been made out to be. The video took on a life of it?s own. It took just one person to see it, down load it and pass it on to the next person. Before you knew it, Carol was the talk of the town. Carol resigned her position and moved to who knows where about a month later. A lot of people at my work saw the tape. Although no said anything, I was looked on as a victim of a cheating wife. It was two months before Nick contacted me. Yes, he?d seen the tape, and yes, he probably would have done exactly what I?d done. But to keep peace in the family, we couldn?t get together? at least until things settled down. I understood completely. I?d lost Pam and now Nick, well for at least a little while. I sent an e-mail to Pam but she never replied. Well at least I tried. I started dating again. At first, with a couple of women from work then with others I met at various clubs. It was about four months after that faithful night with Carol when I saw Pam at one of the downtown clubs. She was with a group of her friends, but she finally made her way over to me. ?Hello Steve, how are you doing?? she asked. ?Couldn?t be better,? I replied. ?I heard stories of what happened, and even saw part of the tape on the internet,? Pam told me. ?I had no idea?? she started to say before I stopped her. ?That?s right, you had no idea when you judged me back then. You saw me as some kind of nut, who was out to ruin the life of an ex-wife. Well, you made your choice,? I told her. ?Maybe we could get together sometime and talk,? she replied. ?Pam, think back to a few months ago when I e-mailed you. Maybe you were still angry or were trying to make a point, no matter. Been there, done that, and what did it get me? I really did like you, but I guess that wasn?t enough. Sorry Pam, you have way too much baggage for me right now,? I told her. ?So, if you don?t mind, my date is on her way back,? I said motioning to the short redhead, walking towards my table. ?Take care, and I hope you find someone who lives up to your expectations,? I told her, as I kissed Tammy, as she arrived at our table. ?Aren?t you going to introduce me?? Tammy asked. ?Tammy, this is Pam, Pam this is Tammy,? I said. ?We used to go out a little while ago,? I told her. ?Well Pam, he?s mine now, and I?m not giving him up. Nice guys like him, are hard to find, I know? I?ve seen my share of assholes over the last couple of years. Well, it?s been a pleasure meeting you. Steve honey, why don?t we get out of here and go back to your place,? she said with an evil smile. ?Ok Tammy, we?re out of here.? I said grabbing my jacket. I came up to Pam, gave her a big hug and softly whispered in her ear. ?By the way, I was really falling for you, and it took me more than a few weeks to get over you. Too bad you wouldn?t give me a second chance,? I said kissing her on the cheek. I then took Tammy by the hand and made our way through the crowd and out of the club. Pam just watched as the two walked out and said softly to herself, ?Damn if only? 6605 1.83/512345
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