Thursday, May 24, 2012
A Risky Neighborly Agreement Pt 2
A RISKY NEIGHBORLY AGREEMENT Pt 2 By englishperv The next day was a Wednesday and I had an appointment to fuck Alison again. Yes, my pretty 33-year old neighbor from across the street was expecting me at the same time, 2pm, to drop by and deposit my sperm between her legs. I still had to pinch myself to believe this, though not as much as yesterday. There was not much doubt that I'd done it ? ejaculated up her cunt, not something easily forgotten ? and it seemed like my nagging fear that she might cancel our projected further 3 sessions was unfounded. Evidently she was truly determined about this, to see it through and give herself the maximum chance of my sperm fertilizing her. Purely clinical, I reminded myself, as I crossed the street. I smirked at the irony, knowing that for me at least it was far much more. I guess I was feeling a kind of caveman's satisfaction, a pride in being a stud. Now I knew how a breeding stallion or a prize bull must feel. She kept me waiting a little longer this time before letting me in. I wasn't sure if that meant anything. She was wearing exactly the same clothes it seemed, but presumably not the same panties. Her ass looked as fine as ever in those jeans and her breasts the same nice C-cup size in the tight-fitting brown top. I'd given it a lot of thought overnight as to how I might be able to get more touching and eroticism out of her. The decision I'd come to was to play it respectfully and do it exactly the same way, totally following her lead. Who knows? ? maybe she herself would initiate something new, I could only hope. Tomorrow, however, I intended to push my luck in some significant ways. "Hi," she said. She gave me a mannered smile. We went inside her house. "Hi," I said. "How are you? Everything okay?" "Yep, fine." She did seem quite bright and relaxed. "Shall we have a coffee first again?" "I don't know," I answered. "Maybe not? We could go straight up and do it. I was thinking it's quiet now, nobody phoning or calling at the door or anything stupid like that. And I'm, um, 'ready'. Have a drink afterwards perhaps, this time? I don't mind. It's up to you." That was spontaneous. I'd surprised myself, departing from the script. Something told me she wasn't going to be so rigid about it this time. Anyhow, she could only refuse the strategy, but it seemed pretty sure that she was still set on the deed itself. "I don't see why not," she said, a little surprised. "Probably good thinking. Eager, huh?" She said it nonchalantly, but I considered my reply cautiously. "Well, not really, I just thought..." "Oh, charming!" she joked gently. "Not eager? Well, you can get the unpleasant deed over with then." "Well, of course I'm 'eager', I'm always 'eager'. I can't say it's not a nice thing to do." I returned her jokey look. I felt honesty was best at this moment. "Oh, that's good to hear," she said. "So, we'll do it first, then drink afterwards?" "If that's alright with you," I said respectfully. "Course it is." She was already drifting to the stairs and I drifted with her. "I know we said yesterday that it didn't seem like a good idea ? I mean for me to stay for a chat afterwards..." "I know what you meant." "Okay. I'm not forgetting the rules, that's all." "Don't worry about it. I don't think it makes much difference now anyway." She shrugged. Interesting, I mused. Having the drink afterwards didn't make much difference, or the rules in general? I decided not to probe the topic any further, and just be satisfied that we appeared to be playing things a bit looser. "We'll still do it the same way, huh?" she stated, as we entered the bedroom. She was asking, or was she? I wondered if I dared to suggest different. No, not today, but tomorrow. Push my luck tomorrow. "Yea, sure," I replied. "Keep our top halves on ... and same position?" "Yep, cool." I waited for her to start undoing her jeans and then I began too. She had the same type of white cotton panties on as yesterday, though impossible to tell whether they were actually the same ones: surely not, for my semen would have leaked into them after the fuck. Her lower half became naked: I really wanted to grab those fullsome but tidily-sized ass cheeks and get my fingers into her shit crack. I ached to kiss her nice mouth and make it full-on, proper sex. I felt a pang of jealousy that her husband presumably did all those things, and she no doubt reciprocated with like eroticism. Never mind, I would test my luck in the next two days. "You all set?" she said. The answer to that was obvious if she cared to look. Again, she made no comment about my boner ? which I felt was quite an impressive one ? but I did sense she was looking at it obliquely. No erotic joke or word of praise came however. Damn, maybe I should praise something about her, I reflected: her hair, face, or her tits or something. "Yep," I answered. "Pretty much." I don't know why the hell I added that. Just didn't want to seem over-eager I suppose. She got in position on the end of the bed, the hairs of her cunt triangle inviting my anticipating cock. What a fucking disaster if my wife saw this now, or her hubby. I buried the thought. I got between her open thighs and settled on my elbows over her once again. We soon found entry for my shaft in her snug, damp warmth. This time I put my hands round her shoulders from the outset ? the precedent had been set yesterday so I felt it was a liberty I could take. She did not object, but it was remarkable how such a simple degree of touching immediately made things feel more 'friendly'. I guess it was functional too: we could push into each other much more efficiently. I didn't dare kiss her, although the situation cried out for it with her face below me. As yesterday, I concentrated on pacing the fuck, trying not to allow myself to cum to soon. I breathed deeper and harder as I deliberately and steadily sought depth, to which she responded with little counter-lurches of her groin. She clutched her shins to maintain her efficient, good-for-insemination leg-spread. I clutched her shoulders a little harder as my passion grew, and I allowed myself to communicate some eroticism by varying my finger pressure and sliding my hands a little. It was a pity it was through fabric ? if I could have held her bare shoulders I would probably have cum there and then. She winced a little, and had a somewhat intent look on her face. I opted not to ask her if she was okay, as I felt this would have been patronizing. Instead, aroused beyond the point of return by what I was doing, I abandoned myself to orgasm and bucked into her for several seconds. She wanted cum, I reminded myself ? no need to hold back. I squirted, deep inside the heat of her vagina. Oh my God. I shuddered and held her upper arms in a way that could seem either like erotic affection or a meaningless physical reflex of orgasm. She breathed slow and deep as my penis finished spilling. This time I was bold enough to look directly at her face. She looked at me but then shut her eyes. She seemed in danger of a sensuous expression breaking out. Well, it really was hard to keep passion out of what we were doing. We separated at the genitals, job done again. Shit, I thought, I really could get to like her ? beyond just screwing her cunt for her. A hot, steamy, no-holds-barred affair would suit me fine. I'd surely go for it, though incredibly reckless with her living on the same street and being my wife's friend, and sure to end in disaster. Alison did not want it anyway of course, and even if by some miracle she did, she probably had more self control than I. We got dressed and had our drink and a chat downstairs. Incredible: sitting there in her living room with her and knowing her cunt was full of my semen. You wouldn't have guessed it from the way she handled herself. We could been any average neighbours chatting. I couldn't help wondering how it must have felt for her between the legs as she sat there. We recapped on all the issues such as was it fair on everybody, including the prospective kid. There was uncertainty, but I helped her to convince herself it was the best solution for everyone concerned. ? I departed, and we confirmed the time for tomorrow. On Thursday afternoon, at just after 2pm, I stood in the bedroom of Alison once again for session number 3. Officially it was going to be the same routine again, but it felt like there was now more of an atmosphere between us as soon I'd gone through her door. I knew I was going to do something very different this time anyhow. I had to. "Alison?" I said, before we started the rigmaroll of stripping our bottom halves. "This sounds ominous," she replied. "Not really. I don't think so," I said, almost convincing myself that it wasn't. "What, Mark?" I paused and drew a bit of a breath. I thought I'd go for it in one. "Why don't we make this thing into an affair?" I allowed the words to sink in. I hoped she would respect me for asking straight out. She sighed softly, but she certainly didn't look angry. She said simply, "Ahhh," and she turned to me and looked me rather solemnly in the face. Well, she didn't ask me to leave. "Hear me out," I said calmly. She listened. "I was thinking, what difference does it make anyway?" I spread my hands wide, quite confident in the effect of echoing her own phrase of the day before. "I mean, after what we've already done? I enjoy you, to be honest. I would enjoy you ? a lot." I hoped my flattery would be effective, rather than merely making me look desperate for her. "I'm not talking about anything much different to what we'd already planned really, when you think about it. We keep it to the same 4 days, then it's all over. No more. I'm just thinking, hell ? why don't we just enjoy it? We're taking a risk anyway, so why not have a good time while it lasts..." "I love my husband," she said, cutting in. She stared at me seriously and intently. But she had not said 'no'. "And I love my wife and my kids," I replied. I smiled at her. "None of them will know anything about this, which was our plan in the first place, wasn't it? After Friday, we go back to them, and forget all about this. There's no need to feel any more guilty about it than what we've already done." "Just like that, huh?" "Why not? I can cut this thing off, and I'm sure you can too. The aim is still to get you pregnant, just the same, then after Friday we've finished with each other ? apart from just being neighbors of course." "Just being neighbors," she echoed quietly, with a wry smile. "Yes. But we will have had the fun. I'm sensing you don't want to carry on doing this thing all clinical, like a medical experiment." I laughed softly. "It's just awkard more than anything, isn't it? I may be wrong, but I'm thinking you kind of enjoyed it too? Just a little?" "I can't say I didn't," she answered. Yes, promising, I thought. "Good. So?" I took a slightly more assertive tone. She looked momentarily taken aback, like a creature pressed into a corner she hadn't planned for. I was confident I had read her mind well: she wanted it, in principle, but she was just a little nervous about the whole thing. I reckoned in her heart of hearts she really wouldn't mind getting some proper passion unleashed on her: to be fucked and eaten senseless by an admiring male other than her husband. We looked at each other, both anticipating that that is what it would entail. "You think you could handle that?" she asked, regaining her feminine composure. "Just two days of it ? then breaking off?" "I'm sure I could. It'll be fun, and sweet, but after that forget it, we have our lives to go back to. We draw the line, set the boundaries now." "I thought we already had once," she said with a ironic chuckle. "Look where it's got us. The thing you are talking about is being 'lovers', isn't it, Mark?" The 'love' word was a strong one. Maybe 'lusters' would be more appropriate. "Yes, Alison, something like that," I responded, with what I hoped was a charming smile. "And you think you can take that, and then leave it after Friday?" "Yes, I do," I said. "We're already adulterers, aren't we, technically? ? twice. I think it's kind of exciting. Why don't we just be slightly more naughty about it?" I grinned, perhaps a bit too immaturely. "I know we are. You don't need to remind me," she said a little frostily. She looked contemplative for a moment. "Relax: I'm not saying no." She wasn't saying no. "So, if you're not saying 'no', you must saying yes," I ventured cautiously, with a seductive smile. "You're very persuasive," she said cooly. "Yes, I guess I am. Sorry." I shrugged my shoulders and laughed a little. "Don't be," she said earnestly. "Don't be sorry. I'm making a kid with you after all. I wouldn't have chosen you if I didn't like you in some way. Hell, it's a personal thing, Mark. I'm not just some kind of slut." I almost opened my mouth to tell her reassuringly: 'oh no, of course she wasn't'. But she was speaking quickly and decisively now, which was kind of hot and sending waves of excitement through me. "He, or she, might as well be created out of something nice, I guess," she went on. She smiled with an alluring softness and frankness. "But Friday is the line, okay? After we see each other on Friday we put a complete stop to things, and we enjoy the memories." I nearly jumped for joy. "Yes," I agreed. I watched as she unceremoniously pulled her top over her head, her silky brown hair flopping back down onto her shoulders. She ran her hands back through her hair and behind her head resettling her luscious brunette strands, an action which necessitated pushing her chest out a bit. My eyes moved down to her bra, simple and white and containing her beautifully sized tits. I responded by stripping my own top half. "I need your seed still, loverboy, don't forget that," she said with a smile that oozed sex. She patted her lower belly as we stood face to face, less than a meter from each other. "You'll get it, don't worry." "We'd better stay clear of the window," she said rather cooly, which only slightly and temporarily dampened my rising lust. We gravitated to the furthest side of the bed. "It wouldn't be a good idea to pull the curtains either." "No, it wouldn't." For more reasons than one, I mused: I wanted to enjoy her in full daylight. We simultaneously undressed our bottom halves, leaving ourselves in underwear, a anticipatory bulge in my pants. She was about to unclip her bra. "Allow me," I said, moving in close and putting my arms round her back. I worked the clips loose while my mouth gravitated towards her cheek and ear. Her bra was off and my lips were against the skin of her face. She turned her partly open mouth to mine, her eyes closed and I tasted Alison's breath for the first time as we kissed. I wanted more. We locked mouths and I slipped my hands down inside her panties and took the liberty of clutching the flesh of her ass, feeling its curvature and softness. I might have stood there kissing indefinitely, but we only had 45 minutes before I had to leave to collect my kids from school. I wanted to get down to the real fun. Also, the task was still to seed her and I reckoned I could give her at least two good cums in that time, especially as there were now no shackles on passion. I sunk to my knees and dragged her panties down with me. She stepped out of them while I slid exploratory hands over her sides and hips and butt. I kissed her stomach and tongued her belly button. "You know, you're more likely to conceive if you have an orgasm," I said. "Oh, shut up," she laughed. "Well, it's a fact." "I know, you moron." She was joking and smiling sensuously, but maybe the label was a fitting one for me. I didn't care. "So let me give you one." "Oh my God," she said softly with nervous little laugh. She rolled her eyes. "Do whatever you've got in mind, Mark." She suspected correctly what I had in mind, and my guiding her manually into position was hardly necessary. She settled on her back width-ways across the bed with her open legs in the air and my shoulders under them. I kissed the belly that it was my job to impregnate, deliberately tracing in erotic fixation the outline of where I estimated her womb to be. My hands slithered up and down her sides and over her hips. I was simply wanting to enjoy her finally in the nude. I moved down to sample her thighs, kissing the soft flesh all over the insides of them whilst groping her leg two-handed. Then I moved on to her cunt. She knew this was coming of course, and her breathing audibly deepened as I began. I merely sucked on the entire mound at first, like a hairy peach that was absolutely right for eating. I licked along the slit, graduating on to probing and working my tongue in between the labia and the inner folds. This much was easy, but locating and exposing her clit took a little more effort, entailing me to back off a few inches and look now and then. Her sighs and moans confirmed when I was on it. I lapped at it and tweaked it this way and that with my tongue. I got a lot of loose hairs in my mouth and occasionally had to pick them out, but I didn't mind. Soon she was discharging fluid which became an oozing, oily flow from her vaginal passage. Her musty cunt smell had increased ten-fold. "Ohhh ... no," she moaned quietly, in a protest that wasn't a protest, as she heard me sucking in and swallowing her lubrication. I didn't mind eating her cunt fluid one bit, but she seemed kind of squeamish on my account and no doubt experiencing the dull, nagging pangs of shame. Well, I guess it was a big intimate leap to make. I kept going beyond what was necessary, such a novelty it was to get to eat Alison's cunt. My hands reached onto her breasts and the deep-breathing woman held them there. Finally I came up onto the bed to perform our first fuck as offically lovers. It was all spontaneous, nothing was said and we mouth-kissed while penetration was achieved. Hell, I would have been happy to cum on her chest or face (better still), but it would have been disrespectful in the circumstances. We fucked in missionary position, width-ways across the bed, both of us mindful of getting optimum, functional penetration again. This time, however we were both charged with passion and liberated to enjoy it. The wonderful insanity lasted only a few minutes. This time she did have her legs wrapped round me and I freely pawed at her tits, ass, shoulders, hair and head as I built up my rythmn into her very slick cunt. We locked mouths a lot, but at the moment of climax it was easier not to, besides, we both wanted to express ourselves vocally. There was laughter as, part intentionally, part not, the energy of the humping had taken us nearly off the other side of the bed. "Aghhh ... Yeah!" I moaned, as I spurted, putting consummation on our 'affair'. I had one hand on the crown of her head as it hung back off the bed, and the other on one of her sexy bare shoulders as I heaved to seed her as much as I could. She was a good height for a woman, but still a few inches smaller than me and distincintly more slender. Just a nice, sexy female basically. "Ohhh ... Ohhh..." she gasped, eyes closed and smiling ecstatically. We stayed there for a few moments, panting subsiding and our bodies rapidly ceasing to heave into each other. We gyrated in small movements, enjoying the sensation of our groins pressing and my emptying penis being in her especially slippery cunt. Eventually we sort of half rolled, half collapsed over the side of the bed that we had gravited to. This separated my cock from her. Our entwined bodies hit the floor with a rather untidy thud and we laughed about it. "So, tell me that wasn't good," I said as I sat against the bed. "It was good," she answered. She stayed on the floor for a bit, flat out on her back. She had the back of one hand against her face, whether in post-sex recovery or a touch of shame, I don't know. I was not accustomed to seeing her like that, all naked down there, and obviously I hadn't had much time to learn her sexual personality. I liked what I was looking at, though. Obviously I wanted more of her, and in the time remaining that day I got it. I gave her that second cum which I knew I had in me. This time, though, it was in doggy position: my idea. I was emboldened by the quite high-spirited and liberated way in which we'd made love, and I was correct in sensing she would be game enough for it. This act, carried out on her bedroom floor needless to say totally in the nude still, gave us both a distinct sense of being very naughty, but probably Alison more so. I was loving about it, rather than totally bestial, and I firmly but not roughly clasped her shoulders, breasts or sides throughout. She got into the motion of it, though she was more demure than whorish about it. I enjoyed the way her straight brown hair hung down by the sides of her face and her mouth remained partly open in steady panting. Her eye-lids were half closed which was kind of hot. Naturally I got a good look at her excellent feminine ass, the sight of which and proximity to my cock helped me in maintaining a good second erection. I came in her cunt well enough, and she arched her back upwards and hung her head lower as if looking underneath her body to inspect the moment. My impression was that she pretty good at this, though not the most extravert of lovers. He posture was erotic and functional, with knees well parted and hands providing a firm outspread base of support. "Do you do that with Dan much?" I was bold enough to ask afterwards. She looked a little bit challenged by it, but she didn't ask me why I was asking. "Oh, uh, now and then. Not a great lot." We had to get dressed in a fair bit of haste, for me to leave for school coming out time. That was it for the day. Theoretically we could have grabbed some time after I'd got my kids home, and before our spouses returned home from work. However, to do it virtually under the noses of my children felt distasteful for even our new found immorality, so we didn't even suggest it. I left Alison's house after an hour that had left me positively glowing inside with a guilty satisfaction. We parted with a brief mouth kiss and an agreement for me to come round for much longer tomorrow, Friday ? the 'last' day. "10", she'd suggested. "9.45" I counter-suggested. That would be long enough for us to get ready and about as close enough from waving goodbye to our spouses for the day as felt comfortable. We really were being bastards, I reflected, as I drove off to the school. But I soon told myself we were only serving a good purpose, merely having some fun while we did it. 7759 1.91/512345
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