Thursday, May 24, 2012
Indian Takeaway
Indian Takeaway By WimpHub Mina was 19 when I first met her, having moved to this country with her family from India about five years previously. A petite, stunning beauty with dark skin, long jet-black hair and trim figure, she had me hooked immediately. Although she was very shy, we got on well from the start and were soon spending all our free time together. She did not seem to mind being with a short, rather weedy white boy of 20, and I was delighted with my first serious girlfriend. Six months later, Mina accepted my proposal, and we were married in the spring. Things went well at first, and I had never been so happy. The only problem was that I was desperate to start a family, and, after six months, nothing had happened. My wife, now having lost her shyness with me, told me that she thought my having a tiny cock did not help. To rub salt in the wound, she went on to say that from her limited sexual experience, that my cum seemed very weak and watery. The upshot of this was that we went, at her insistence, to have tests. To my shame, it was confirmed that I have a very low sperm count, and that it is very unlikely that I could father children. That being so, we were left to discuss the options. It was at about this time that we noticed a black woman in her mid forties moving in three doors along. Being very friendly, my wife called in soon after to welcome her to the neighbourhood. They hit it off straight away, and Mina came back later to tell me about her. "Daisy is very nice," she told me. "She is divorced, and will be living here with her 23 year old son Tom. I met him, and he is gorgeous! He has a beautiful face, and a tall, muscular body. In fact, Michael, he is everything you are not!" She laughed. Now I should tell you that ever since I met Mina, I have been extremely jealous, and always hated it if she so much as looked at another man. Hearing her say this did not help that condition, and did nothing for my self-confidence. Over the next few weeks Mina spent a lot of time at Daisy's house, and they became very close. One evening after they had been chatting, my wife told me that they had come up with an idea to solve our baby problem. "As you know," she began. "Artificial insemination is pretty hit and miss, so Daisy had the idea that we could use Tom. He has proved himself very fertile, in fact he impregnated two white wives in the town they used to live in. That is one of the reasons they had to move here." "You mean you want me to allow you to be fucked by Tom?" I asked incredulously, my jealousy boiling up inside me. "Calm down," she replied. "We have worked it out all out. It would be very clinical; I would simply remove my panties and get myself wet, while Tom brings himself close to orgasm. Then, just before he comes, he would put his cock into me and release his seed into my womb. Now that is hardly having sex is it? Also, as I am so dark skinned, nobody would be able to tell that the baby is not yours." I was not entirely happy with the idea, but the way she explained it did make sense, and at least I would have the child I longed for. I told her that she could go ahead. At the outset, she told me that I would have to abstain from sex with her until the pregnancy was confirmed, as she wanted to be 100% sure the baby was Tom's. She explained that she wanted her child to inherit Tom's good looks, rather than my rather plain looks. I knew it would be hard, but told myself that it would all be worth it. After three months of Mina going over to Tom's house, or him coming to ours while I was at work, there was no sign of Mina becoming pregnant. I was getting despondent, and suggested we give up on the idea. Mina reassured me, and said that it often takes quite a while for a woman to conceive. She convinced me that we should be patient. A month after this, we had a power cut at my office and I was sent home early. When I entered the front door, I heard the sound of laughter coming from upstairs. Guessing it was Mina with Tom, I crept upstairs and peeked in the slightly open bedroom door. I was shocked at the sight in front of me. Tom was naked on the bed, and my equally naked wife was kneeling between his legs enthusiastically and noisily sucking on his huge erection. I moved away from the door, and went to the bathroom, feeling very sick. She always told me she thought cock sucking was a disgusting activity, but there she was, practically swallowing another man's shaft! When I had composed myself a little, I went back to see what was happening. The scene had changed, and now Tom was on top of my wife, with her shapely dark brown legs wrapped round his back. He was pounding his big black cock into her, as she gasped and screamed encouragement. "Give it to me, you black stallion, fuck my slutty married Asian pussy. You are the best I have ever had, you are the Master, make me come again!" As her orgasm approached, I heard words no respectable young Indian woman would utter. As if things could not get worse, as Tom was about to come, he withdrew and crawled up my wife's body. Then he shot his load into her wide open, willing mouth. He had not even put his seed into her womb, supposedly the whole point of the exercise! I reeled back. How could she do this, this was supposed to be a simple insemination, but she was having an affair with this young black man! I left the house quietly, to collect my thoughts. When I returned an hour later, Tom had gone, and my wife was in the kitchen humming happily to herself. I decided to confront her immediately. "I saw you," I blurted out. "I saw you sucking his cock, and I saw him fucking you. And you loved it, didn't you?" "Stop being stupid and sit down," Mina responded irritably. "Look, it stands to reason that Tom is going to get fed up just jerking off and putting his cock in me at the point of coming. So occasionally, I have to agree to make it a little more exciting for him. I pretend to enjoy being fucked by him, and say things he wants to hear that's all. You know you are the one I love, don't you?" "I suppose so," I replied moodily. "But sucking his cock!" "You want me to get pregnant don't you? Well then surely the end justifies the means." I said nothing at the time, but brooded over the matter for the next few days. Finally, I told my wife that I wanted to be present next time, to ensure that Tom was actually depositing his seed inside her to try and make her pregnant. "Very well," she agreed. "Take tomorrow afternoon off, and I will get Tom to come over. But I warn you, it will be one of the times when I have to do and say things to excite and please him, so you may not like what you see and hear." I just confirmed that I wanted to have my mind put at rest. Next afternoon, Mina showered, and put on her skimpiest black night-dress to await Tom's arrival. I let him in when he arrived, and he pushed past me with a look of amused contempt on his face. Mina ran over to him, and threw her arms around his neck. They began some deep French kissing, which went on for several minutes. All the time, Tom was groping my wife's tits ass and pussy in front of my eyes, to her obvious delight. Finally breaking off, Mina took his hand and led him upstairs, with me following meekly behind. "Just sit on the chair, and don't move," my wife said imperiously. "And don't say a word, I want to forget you are here." The two of them quickly got naked, and Tom lay on the bed. My wife knelt beside the bed and took his cock in her small hand. As she stroked it lovingly, she began talking to him. "I love your cock and balls," she told him. "They are so big and manly, and give me so much pleasure. I want to give you pleasure my beautiful lover, may I suck your cock?" She was right; I did not like what I was seeing and hearing. "Go ahead," smiled Tom, his hands behind his head. Very slowly, my wife began the blowjob kissing the bulbous head, before licking up and down the long shaft and taking his balls into her soft mouth. Eventually, she began sucking him in earnest, bringing groans of pleasure from him. "I am going to swallow your first load," she announced. "So that it will take you longer before you empty your second load into my cunt." Tom groaned loudly as his climax arrived, and he filled my wife's mouth with his cum. Afterwards the two of them lay with their arms around each other, kissing gently until his next erection appeared. It was not long in coming, with the help of my wife's mouth and hands. Tom mounted Mina, and slid easily into her moist pussy. "Oh I love this bit the best," she gasped. "When you first push your cock into me. I feel so stretched and so full. You are the only one who makes me feel like a real woman. You love it too don't you? You love to cuckold inadequate white wimp husbands and make their wives pregnant don't you? Come on darling, cuckold my husband, and send your fertile seed deep in my belly!" Excited by her words, Tom began pounding into her faster and faster. The tirade of foul language from my wife began again as her lover brought her once again to her peak. This time many of her words were directed at me, calling me a tiny, limp-dicked infertile wuss, and saying she was glad that a real man was going to give her a baby. As she screamed out her orgasm and Tom emptied his load inside her, I left the room. I was choked at what I had seen and heard, and could take no more. After Tom had left, Mina tried to comfort me, saying that she had to say and do those things to keep Tom sweet, and of course she did not mean them. Finally I calmed down and accepted what she said. The following week, Mina announced that Tom's younger brother Vernon was down for a week from University. She and Daisy had decided that they would use Vernon's seed as well, in a determined effort to get Mina pregnant. By this time, I did not want to hear too much detail, so just told her to go ahead. For the next few days, Tom and Vernon came round during the day while I was at work. On Friday, Mina announced that Vernon was going back the next day, so she was going to spend the night at Daisy's and take advantage of Vernon's seed for the last time. She came downstairs that evening in a sort black dress I had never seen before. It showed off most of her legs, and a good part of her ample bosom. She was also heavily made up, which was unusual for her. She kissed me on the cheek, and told me not to wait up, as she would probably stay all night. By this time, I was getting very suspicious of my wife, and after she left I went to the bedroom and began looking through her drawers. I had no idea what I was looking for; I suppose just some sign of what was really going on. I opened one drawer, and as I lifted up her panties I found some Polaroid photos. I went cold as I looked at them. They were all of my naked wife, either with a black cock in her mouth or pussy, and there was one of her on her knees, an erect cock in each hand licking on the tips. I guessed, rightly, that Daisy had taken the photos. What horrified me even more, however, was the half-used pack of birth control pills lying next to the photos. My hands shaking, I ran straight round to Daisy's house to have it out with Mina. Daisy let me in, and I stormed into the lounge. Mina was seated in the middle of the sofa, wearing only her skimpy black underwear. She had her arms around the waists of the two men either side of her, who were dressed only in boxer shorts. This emphasised their huge, muscular torsos. "You liar!" I bleated. "You have been on the pill all along!" "Oh Daisy," my wife laughed. "After months of fucking from your virile son with no result, he has finally worked it out!" Daisy and the boys laughed uproariously. "I don't want children yet," Mina informed me. "But I did fancy the idea of being fucked silly by Tom's huge cock, so Daisy and I come up with the ideal solution. The thing is, I am now totally addicted to Tom's cock and I am not going to stop fucking him, even though you know the truth. I suggest you go home and think about what you want for the future. Come back tomorrow, and we will talk." I was speechless and just left meekly, to the sound of derisive laughter from everyone in the room. I returned the next evening, and sat down with Mina, Daisy and Tom. "Now Michael," my wife began. "Do you want to stay married to me?" "Yes," I confirmed quietly. "I want to stay with you." "Right," she said. "Then these are the terms. I will stay at our home during the day. There will be no hugging, kissing or sex between us; we will live as brother and sister. All my nights will be spent here in Tom's bed. He is the only man who will be fucking me for the foreseeable future. I will return home early each morning, as Tom feels you should suck my pussy clean of cum each morning to signify your acceptance of your cuckold status. Finally, as Daisy has been so good to me in getting Tom and I together, I think she should get some pleasure. You will therefore come round whenever she requires, to perform oral sex on her. Do you agree to my terms?" "Do I have a choice?" I asked miserably. "No you don't," smiled my wife. "Now I am going upstairs to suck Tom's cock before he fucks me unmercifully. I will bring your breakfast round in the morning." I watched the two of them walk away laughing. As I turned back, I saw that Daisy had pulled her tight skirt up to her waist. She removed her panties, and I could see her crinkly black bush tinted with grey above her massive thighs. "Time you got acquainted with the pussy you are going to be servicing," she grinned, sitting down. "On your knees white boy!" I knelt down, knowing I had no choice if I wanted to be even a small part of my wife's life. 7378 1.26/512345
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