Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Sandra's Passions...Ch. 3
It did not take Vincenzo long to answer my reply to his advertisement; it was the first time that I ever acted upon a contact magazine's services and this act was in itself, an adventure for us. I did not know at that time that for many years afterwards, such magazines would reward me with dozens of adventures involving the sharing of wives with other men, some including acts of wildest eroticism, far beyond my (then) wildest imagination. I had little idea that so many men delighted in seeing their young and beautiful wives being licked, fucked and even buggered by the bold strangers, who would confidently take them right in front of their husbands' eager gaze. Instinctively, I knew that the sexual act, in which a woman enjoyed two men, was something that I identified with. Not only was I about to instigate it for the third time within a year, with my own wife but this time, unlike the previous opportunistic occasions, the act would be coolly premeditated. I already suspected by then that I could also enjoy taking the reverse role and often imagined thrusting my cock up a gorgeous young wife whilst her husband watched me screw her and encouraged me to every sexual excess with her. The more I fantasised about inseminating another man's wife with my spunk and for her husband to bathe his cock in my leavings, so the more I wanted to have my own wife inseminated with the sperm of other men. I needed the thrill of fucking into Sandra after she had wantonly allowed them to cream her fevered womb. You may wonder why she chose Vincenzo's advertisement in particular? Well, his description was such that it really appealed to her, for she had often admired dark, Mediterranean types and whilst he was not married, he referred to another woman being available. I think that by now, Sandra was starting to feel a little guilty about having all the fun and wanted to reward me. His stated age was a little older than we were and he sounded very sophisticated. She thought that with his undoubted greater experience, he would command the situation and possibly teach us a thing or two. On this last thought she was not wrong! His photograph heightened her sexual expectations; tall, slim, dark complexion, good even teeth showing in a flashing smile, in fact looking like an Italian film star. He was then still in Italy but about to visit England for two months and laying appropriate plans. We sent him two photographs of Sandra, one facial and the other, of her naked on the bed with legs slightly spread and holding her breast. He responded and sent us one of him with him standing totally naked and supporting an enormous erection. With it was a letter in almost perfect English, the contents of which I do not remember exactly but I do recall, really blew her mind, in its eroticism. Vincenzo was certainly the man for the job. He described Maria as his traveling companion and she sounded gorgeous but unfortunately, he did not have a photograph available. He wrote to say that she was a professional model, which sounded innocent enough then, but I since came to realise, could have meant almost anything. Sandra was excited and read his long, horny letter time and time again during the remaining days prior to his arrival. His words were very complimentary about her face and figure and he assured her that he was very experienced and that he could not wait to make love to her, hinting also that Maria might like to enjoy her also. However, at that time, Sandra was vehemently against the idea of attempting lesbian sex and made it clear that this would not happen, much to my disappointment. They had arranged to stay in London and it was decided that they would visit our home in the second week of their stay. It was only their third evening in London when Vincenzo telephoned us. I picked up the phone and recognised him immediately from his accent. We exchanged pleasantries and it was not long before he was telling me quite boldly, how he was looking forward to fucking my wife. I had not until then, ever heard any man being so explicit, concerning what he intended to do sexually, with my wife. I found this an incredible turn-on and subsequently used the same technique to great advantage, when years later, I was working my way through many wives with their husbands' help and encouragement. Sandra came to the telephone and spoke with him. I could see how excited she was getting and she was actually blushing. I stoked her breasts whilst she verbally flirted with him and the more I did this, the more animated and explicit was her conversation. I recall her telling him such things as. "Yes I would love to do that with you" and "No, I have never taken it that way yet" etc. We screwed that night with added passion and I knew in my heart that in her imagination, it was Vincenzo who was making love to her and creaming her. On the eve of their visit, he telephoned again. It was late evening and we had just gone to bed. She arose and took the call in the hallway and when I realised that it was Vincenzo, I too arose and sat with her on the floor of the hallway as she spoke to the man whom she knew was going to fuck her the next day. It was a very long telephone conversation and very heated. She had worn very little in bed and was thus almost naked there in the hall. I took the opportunity to pleasure her so I masturbated her, whilst Vincenzo made love to her verbally, on the telephone. Her replies told me just how graphic were his remarks and I could see how this turned her on. I spoke to Maria on this occasion and this was quite thrilling except, that my lack of experience made me much more timid than he had been with my wife. Furthermore, her command of English language was quite poor so we had a little difficulty in understanding each other, which made the conversation more funny, than erotic. When at last she put the phone down and we retired to bed, her pussy was very wet. The fact that she was lubricating so much for this stranger who had so excited her, really thrilled me and again we fucked whilst talking about him constantly. When my semen was spurting up into her pussy I was reminding her how; "This time tomorrow it will be Vincenzo whose spunk will be filling you!" She loved it and didn't hesitate to remind me, that whilst she was enjoying this decadent act, my own semen would be filling Maria, something I certainly hadn't forgotten about! We sat in the lounge, early evening; having got rid of the kids to relatives. I can recall, even now, how beautiful she looked and more painfully, how our meagre bank balance was depleted, after she had completed a day's shopping for her lover's benefit. She faced me across the room, sipping a large scotch and her crotch was clearly visible beneath her gold coloured mini dress. Red patented stilettos and similarly bright red junk jewelry added to the effect which was certainly sexy, albeit a little 'tarty'. Just a thin film of bright red fabric covered her crotch, which was part of her red underwear. She wore matching red bra and briefs, both almost transparent and a black garter belt and black stockings. We were both very nervous and she teased me by opening her legs and showing off her pussy. When the doorbell rang, we argued over who should answer it and of course, I lost. When I opened the front door, Vincenzo was instantly recognisable from his pictures. He wore an expensive looking grey coat with black astrakhan collar. Maria certainly lived up to his description and my expectations. She was wearing a red coat, with bright red lipstick and jet black hair. She had high cheekbones and dazzling smile plus very big, brown eyes. I started to shake hands with Vincenzo but he embraced me on the doorstep. I hoped that nobody was watching for this act would at that time, have been regarded with a lot more curiosity than it would invoke nowadays. Maria and I exchanged kisses and I recall how she not only looked, but also smelled, simply gorgeous. When I showed them into the lounge Sandra got up to greet our visitors. Maria first, where the cheek to cheek kissing, now so familiar to us all, was a little confusing to Sandra but she then went to Vincenzo where without any other preliminaries, it was a deeply passionate kiss, their tongues exploring each other and his hands groping her everywhere. It was obvious to me that there would be no problems with 'breaking the ice' with this particular suitor. Drinks were served and they had kindly brought us a small gift from Italy. They had previously declined dinner; nevertheless we had small snacks and settled down to chat about our experiences. We found what they had to say, very enlightening. They had previously swung in England, on visits but most of their experiences were in France and Italy. The subsequent passage of time, confirmed most of what they told us, indicating that people are much the same, the world over. The chat went on for an hour or so but time passed quickly and despite Maria's conversational difficulties, we found them very entertaining. A couple of visits to the kitchen and bathroom, etc., engineered a relocation of seating problem and then I was seated with the lovely Maria and my wife was opposite us, next to Vincenzo whose hand was on her knee. As if by common agreement, talk stopped. Maria and I were kissing and I was fondling a pair of large, luscious breasts, much larger than Sandra's. By the time I had her blouse opened and my mouth at her nipple, Vincenzo's hand was right up Sandra's thighs and her panties came sliding down her legs. I was in heaven! You must remember that at this time, our combined sexual experiences had been limited to watching her perform. Sandra had never seen me do anything other than a quick grope of some female at a house party. I could not decide which was the most exciting, groping this gorgeous female with my wife's full permission or watching my lovely wife fornicating with a stranger. I think the former occupied most of my attention. Both of my hands were up Maria's dress and I found that her panties were already very wet. My eager fingers soon explored beneath the flimsy material and found her luxurious, hairy pussy, already soaked with love juice. She opened her legs immediately and two, then three of my fingers slid up inside her as she murmured appreciatively. I gently explored the innermost secrets of this lovely woman, enjoying the heat and moisture of her body. The knowledge that I would soon be emptying my balls into her pussy was almost too much to bear. I treasured this moment of being able to examine her most intimate parts in such a relaxed and open manner. In no time at all, her hips were moving against my hand violently and I deduced that she liked to be frigged hard. My hand worked faster and harder; opening her and banging her pubic bone and as I did so, her murmurs became moans, then gasps as she noisily climaxed through this first act of masturbation. During this performance, her own hand sought my cock and long before her orgasm, she had extracted it, with a little help from me. Her climax had hardly subsided, when her head went down to my lap and soon my hard prick was deep in that red, sexy mouth. Maria looked straight into my eyes as she sucked and licked my dick; making love to me not only with her skilled lips and tongue but also with roguish eye contact and sexy slurping sounds and grunts. I was held on the edge of orgasm for an eternity, imagining what it would feel like to empty my balls into the beautiful, moist aperture of that heavenly face. I was determined not to come too quickly and eventually had to withdraw to prevent this. I looked down at her; clothes partly stripped away, tits exposed and legs spread lewdly, her mouth still open with expectation and lust. As soon as my cock left her mouth, her hand was in her cunt, frigging herself violently; never before had I seen a woman masturbate publicly and she appeared to be the epitome of wanton, carnal, female lust. Vincenzo's head was between Sandra's thighs, the gold dress was rolled up around her waist and the little red panties lay on the carpet. His skilful tongue worked on my wife and I watched her climax as she responded eagerly to this man, who until a couple of hours ago, she had never even met. Maria's eyes followed mine to view her partner as he aroused my wife. Her expression told me how inclined she was to join him in his enjoyment of Sandra but then she re-focused on me and removed her now rather bedraggled panties. Whilst she sat on the edge of the settee I sank between her open legs, on to my knees and thrust my stiff rod into her wet, eager slit, straight up to the hilt in its first penetration. My masturbation of her and her extreme lubrication eased my entry of her. I commenced fucking Maria, with full, deep strokes. My excitement was intense for she really was a very beautiful woman and obviously very experienced. From the corner of my eye, I saw my wife watching me service this woman and her observation of the act seem to make it even more enjoyable. Most of Vincenzo's clothes were now gone apart from an open shirt and he was in the same position as myself, kneeling between a pair of open thighs and thrusting his prick boldly up the belly of a new woman. The whole act seemed so decadent. Two men, each with the other's partner and taking their pleasure from servicing them. Two women, each with the other's partner, penetrating their bodies. All four quite unconcerned by convention and able to enjoy sex for its own sake, content to observe and be observed during the act of adultery. Taking added pleasure from their acts of combined voyeurism and exhibitionism. Sandra's hips were thrusting up to meet Vincenzo's cock. He had pulled open the top of her dress and was caressing her breasts, the nipples hard with excitement as his prick lunged into her cunt, seeking her womb entrance. She was begging him to "Fuck me. Fuck me!" whilst he was responding in Italian, something which I could not comprehend but imagined to be quite obscene. The delicious thought occurred to me that this woman of mine was now fast getting used to behaving like a tart and that indeed, she loved acting the role of a total whore. I knew that I would be seeing a lot more of this facet of her sexuality in the future and resolved to encourage her promiscuity. To see her behaving in such an uncontrollably loose and wanton manner, with a man whom I advertised to come and fuck her, confirmed my suspicions that almost any sexual scenario would be possible with her. Ejaculating inside Maria was truly delicious. Her legs were wrapped around me and she was gasping in orgasm as my little trigger mechanism tripped and the pent up reservoir of spunk left my balls, tingled its way through my rod and spurted deep inside her cunt. I could hear Sandra crying out behind me whilst Maria was talking to me in Italian as my seed flowed into her love tube. On and on and on, the muscular contractions of my cock pumping into this woman. It seemed that I would never stop coming in her. Her physical response, the tightening of her cunt around my cock and the powerful grip of her legs as she pulled me into, her only heightened both our pleasures. I sank on to her breast, kissing her face and telling her what a marvellous lover she was. We were still united and her body was still twitching enjoying the sex act, long after mine was still. Sandra had been stripped other than her black stockings and suspender belt and was now kneeling on the floor, face down on the settee. Vincenzo was behind her, stroking his thick pole up her, moving her whole body with the force of his thrusts. She looked so very sexy with her pert little bum framing that big, angry phallus and her noisy responses to his fucking of her, told me that insofar as my wife was concerned, there was only one man in the whole world who mattered right then, and it wasn't me! He gasped and thrust even more violently. As his body shuddered in climax, I saw his buttocks tense on the inward stroke and my wife joined him in orgasm. She pushed back onto him encouraging him to take her completely and give her his full load. Her gyrations on his large cock and groans of pleasure enhanced the event for all concerned. I watched in awe as she milked his seed from his big balls, knowing that this was only the fourth man who had ever inseminated her in her life. I also knew that she had been desperate to experience this sexual act with him and she had now been fulfilled. Those long restless nights she had lain in bed, thinking about Vincenzo flooding her secret place with his potent cream had now been realised. When he withdrew from Sandra's love slit I saw a long stream of spunk, hanging like a thread from his still rigid cock head. Her cunt was open and inflamed and his sperm was oozing from it, as she lay there exhausted. My eye travelled back between Maria's open thighs where my own spunk was dribbling from her cunt. The scene was one of total sexual realisation that we had all worked so hard for. We lay back, exhausted, each man with the other's partner, each woman inseminated with the illicit sperm of a new lover. The girls smiled at each other and complimented each other on how they had enjoyed being serviced by the other's man. We men laughed and joked about how great it felt to fuck each other's woman. All agreed that there would be more sexual acts before the night was over. To what extent, however, I was to be very pleasantly surprised. The girls tidied themselves up, rearranged their clothing and make-up and prepared for a night out. Soon we were in my car, driving down to the town centre for a tour of the pubs and clubs. Sandra and I were both quite well known in the town and everywhere we went we would find people who knew us. In one of the pubs, comments were overheard by me to the effect that the 'foreign-looking guy' seemed to be rather more than friendly with my wife. Later, in another pub, an acquaintance talked to me in the gents' toilet, asking about the great looking dark haired girl whose arse I was fondling at the bar. I boasted of how I had already fucked her, to which he replied something like. "Lucky bastard". Much later, we were in a late night drinking club, where we had all drunk quite a lot and were dancing to slow numbers; feeling-up each other's partner and causing quite a few raised eyebrows. I danced for a while with Sandra and we talked about the experience at home, some hours earlier. S..."Did you enjoy having her"? F..."Fantastic. She is so sexy!" S..."Sexier than me?" F..."Nobody is sexier than you." S..."I loved him fucking me. He is so strong. I never thought I would stop coming!" F..."That's the fourth guy you've screwed this year. Aren't you ashamed?" S..."Why should I be ashamed. You know how you love it." F..."Yes, I guess I do. Will there be more?" S..."Yes, I guess so." F..."How does it feel to watch me fuck another girl?" S..."I enjoyed it, especially as her man was stuck up me whilst I watched you. You need to have your share of the fun as well, Darling!" F..."I think that I gave her a good time!" S..."I know that you did! She told me in the ladies loo, how much she loved it and commented on what a good creaming you gave her. Not that I should be surprised at that!" F..."Are we going to fuck them again when we get home?" S..."I am certainly going to fuck him again. He has talked about nothing else, all evening." I kissed her passionately, squeezing her buttocks and wondering what my friends and acquaintances here in the club, would think if only they knew that her belly was still filled with the spunk of another man. Particularly a man who had ejaculated into her, with my full approval and whom I had actually procured for her, especially for that reason. I also wondered what they would say if I told them that I was soon to fuck that lovely, sexy girl, dancing with Vincenzo and that he would fully approve of the act, whilst his cock would be ravishing Sandra. Maria and I danced slowly, kissing and groping unashamedly. My hands were all over her and she obviously did not mind, no doubt due to the fact that she would probably never pass that way again. She smiled sexily at a group of guys who were eyeing my groping of her and I think they would have suspected that Vincenzo and my wife were 'having an affair' because his handling of her was so blatant. Sandra was in a teasing sort of mood and told me later, how she enjoyed advertising to the world, how another man was now screwing her. Something friends remarked on, to me later. Back home, it was 2am and Maria was slightly the 'worse for wear'. The four of us had been screwing for over an hour, on our bed. My cocks had switched three or four times, from Sandra's cunt to Maria's mouth then from her cunt to Sandra's mouth. Both Vincenzo and I switched back and forth repeatedly between the girls' mouths and pussies. I was now in the 69 position with my Italian lady, my tongue buried in her wet slit, drinking her sexual juices and watching from between the cheeks of her luscious arse, Vincenzo shafting my wife like the proverbial 'Italian Stallion'. I thought that perhaps he had already come, for his cock was juice-soaked with a thick creamy fluid. It's powerful piston-like strokes were but a few inches from my face and my nostrils were filled with the aroma of raw sex as my wife's love slit was battered by his angry ram-rod. Maria's thighs tightened yet again around my face; her moans and convulsions told me how my tongue-flicks on her clitoris were now making her climax yet again. This, together with the wild, erotic sight of Vincenzo's forceful fucking of my wife's cunt, sent me over the top completely and my cock throbbed as the contents of my balls shot along its length, into the warm, wet mouth which engulfed it. I again spunked Maria for what seemed an eternity. My cock thrusting deep into the back of her mouth, my hot spunk spurting between her lips, over her tongue and down her throat. She drank greedily; all that I could give her, which was plenty. Our combined cries of orgasm obviously affected our partners for Vincenzo understood what was happening in his partner's mouth and promptly shot his creamy load right up Sandra's love-tunnel, just a few inches from my face. His cock emptied its load into her, still thrusting and pulsing, penetrating and dousing her vaginal walls with his love cream. During his insemination of my wife, she cried out with passion and gave great gasps as she climaxed on his love pole, even as it tried desperately to impregnate her womb. Vincenzo withdrew from Sandra's cunt. His cock was covered with spunk and her love-juice; still only inches from my face. One again, I saw my beloved wife's vaginal entrance decorated with a vivid application of male sperm. Like an artist's handiwork, she was filled to overflowing with thick, creamy semen and the evidence of her adultery was running from that hot, sweet little orifice which was once mine alone but was now destined to be used by many other men for her carnal gratification. We all collapsed in a heap. Maria was soon feeling even more tired than before and although their original intention had been to drive back to London that night, Sandra suggested that they slept with us. My Latin lover thanked us, saying how much she had enjoyed herself; said her goodnights and went to the guest bedroom, to sleep at last. Sandra was still in unbelievably sexually excited, and sleep was not on her immediate agenda. Within ten minutes of Maria's disappearance we had gone back to the lounge and following another round of large Scotch's. Sandra was soon playing with Vincenzo's cock. I was sitting opposite them and we were chatting about sex. He was telling us more amusing stories about contacts made through magazines but was still dubious about our claim that this was our first advert. This was probably on account of my sexy wife's enthusiasm and expertise in adulterous couplings. We were all still naked. It was not long before I noticed that he was stiffening in her hands. Suddenly he pulled her head down into his lap and once again her mouth was hungrily devouring his penis. I sat back and enjoyed the sight of this, my sexy young wife, still relatively inexperienced but even so, performing fellatio as expertly as the most well seasoned sluts in the blue movies. Vincenzo enjoyed her loving attention to his penis and now that he had shot his load, he had far more control. They moved position so that he stood and she knelt before him whereupon by stooping slightly, with bent knees, he started to fuck her mouth. His slim, hairy, olive skinned buttocks tightened time and time again as he thrust deep into my wife's throat, holding her face, sometimes holding her by the hair, his pelvic thrusts became both faster and deeper as he used her. I got the distinct impression that his positioning of her, plus his constant eye contact with me, were all a part of his game to make me totally aware that she was his, to do with, whatever he liked. He turned her face down, over the arm of a sofa, sideways on to me and then mounted her from behind. Her eager hand pulled his tool into her and once again, his eyes locked on mine in a steady gaze as he continued to use my wife with grotesquely exaggerated thrusting movements; often withdrawing completely and then slamming it up to the hilt, with such force that she cried out. Despite already having watched two other men fuck my wife, one of whom, (Keith) was quite forceful in using her, I had not seen her used in so violent a manner as Vincenzo was doing. At one point, I was tempted to remonstrate, for I thought he might hurt her nevertheless, despite her moans and her glazed expressionless eyes, I sensed that she was actually enjoying the severe penile battering which she was getting from him. I watched fascinated, for perhaps fifteen minutes whilst his pole was rammed up her time and again, in wild, animal fashion. He withdrew from her cunt and told her to suck me. It was thrilling to have my wife ordered around by a stranger and to hear him allowing her to be shared by me. She kneeled in front of me where I sat and took my cock, already bone hard, in her mouth. Almost immediately, her body fell against mine as his weapon was again thrust up into her grateful pussy. He shafted her for what seemed an eternity whilst she was simultaneously impaled orally upon my own cock. I felt down between her thighs, to finger her clitty, expecting to heighten her pleasure through getting yet more stimulation. By now, however, his penis had left her warm love cave and was being stroked along her love groove, rather than into her cunt. The first thing I found, was his big knob end in my hand as it ran back and forth along the length of her love slit, stimulating her inner lips and her clitoris. I quickly pulled my hand back, on to her mons veneris and continued rubbing that area whilst Vincenzo's cock slid through her groove and Sandra moaned with pleasure. Her face had left my groin and was now adjacent to mine. We kissed affectionately and I nibbled her ears, which always drove her wild and whilst I gazed into her eyes, her body was still moving sexually, enjoying the excitement of the attentions of this other man but confident in the comfort and security of her spouse's arms. His fucking of her in this manner went on for ages. He now had total control, despite being fully erect and I could tell from her body movements and facial expressions, just what was happening as his genitals pleasured hers. At one point, I felt him lifting her slightly by her buttocks and re-arranging their position just very slightly. Out of curiosity, my hand wandered down her pubic mound. Her eyes widened considerable and she drew a deep breath and made a curious mewing sound. My fingers slipped straight into her wide open, sopping wet cunt, where I expected to find her lover's prick, for she was now being gently pumped, but her 'stallion's' toolkit was not in her love tube. I still felt the movement of their entwined bodies and then of course, it dawned on me! My three fingers were replaced with just my thumb and my digits moved rearward, to where they encountered his stiff cock, buried for just an inch or two in her arse! I looked at her quizzically, as if to ask if this was acceptable, as no other man but I had invaded her anal orifice, but there was no need. I could tell by her expression and her body movements that she was more than happy for Vincenzo to fuck her anally. My hands went down to her breasts, which I fondled and we were mouth to mouth kissing as her body gently rose and fell in smooth and gentle response to the new cock which having penetrated her sphincter, was now pleasuring her in an even more illicit fashion. I could hardly believe how rapidly she was shedding her inhibitions. Only a few months ago, she had never even handled a prick other than mine, but now it appeared there were no limits to her desire for fresh cock and this, her fourth lover was sodomising her right before my eyes, and she was loving it! I masturbated her pussy harder and yet harder whilst her lover pleasured his cock in her rectum; his movements became faster then his expression changed and he mouthed to me that he was coming. I whispered to her. "He is coming in you now darling. Spunking up your bottom!" Her body jerked and shuddered as she went into climax and my fingers whipped her clit whilst her lover's prick started to pump it's thick, creamy contents right up her rectal tube. She had the most long and powerful orgasm I had witnessed. I was thrilled by the enormity of the event as this complete stranger sodomised my wife even as she was held lovingly in my arms. My fingers touched his balls lightly and momentarily but sufficient to feel that they butted right up to Sandra's crack and that thus, his cock was now right up to the hilt, in her rectum. "Spunk her, Vincenzo. Spunk your load up her arse!" As I verbally urged him to inseminate her, their joint climax became even wilder. Our three heads were oh so close together and I felt an amazing bond between us through indulging in so wild an act. At that moment, I was more than happy to encourage this perfect stranger to use my wife for any sexual purpose, which appealed to him. I felt that it was the perversity of the act rather than the physical stimulation through the act that was having such an effect on all of us. I would have encouraged any sexual act, however perverted, for which he wanted to use her and to which she would agree. His cock withdrew from her bottom and my fingers wiped semen from around her anus and rubbed it over her clit. He stood up, still erect, his cock red and spunky and he winked at me. I smiled approvingly at this guy who was the first to spunk up my wife's arse, but who was certainly not to be the last. She collapsed next to me and Vincenzo returned to his seat opposite. Within seconds, I was down between her open thighs, with my hard cock thrust up her cunt, enjoying the undeniable pleasure that she could give a man. Despite her huge orgasm just moments earlier, she was again gasping, panting and moaning as I fucked into her and told her how much I had enjoyed Vincenzo 'bumming' her. She begged me to bum-fuck her and as I withdrew from her cunt, she lifted her buttocks. Her anus was wet and dribbling spunk. Having been opened, it was oh so easy to penetrate and I slid into her bottom and started to fuck her. The total naturalness of what I had witnessed between her and Vincenzo had me at a fever pitch of lust. Whilst I stroked into her, I realised that she wanted me up her anal vent, as a sign of my approval of her enjoying Vincenzo in this fashion. I was more than happy to let her know that not only did I fully approve of her giving her most secret orifice to another man, but I actually needed to have her done in this way for my own sexual gratification. I wanted my wife to appreciate her sexuality as fully as was physically possible and release the inhibitions that had prevented her enjoying her womanhood all these years. My long languid strokes penetrated her fully and the sensation was totally different from when we had had anal sex on previous occasions. Not only was she more open but the semen with which he had filled her, made her rectum far more lubricated. My knob would repeatedly slip right out of her body but would slide right back through her sphincter with little or no resistance. I noticed how our settee was very wet through the spunk, which was being ejected from her bottom as my cock ploughed in and out of it. She did not climax this time, as my orgasm commenced, but held me very tightly as my balls emptied into her rear love-tube. Despite having spunked Maria nearly an hour earlier, it felt like I would never stop coming and in my mind I could visualise my sperm mixing with that of her lover. I also knew that this woman whom I thought, I knew so well, was perfectly capable of enjoying any sexual act, however wild. Vincenzo slept with Sandra, in our bed whilst I joined Maria in the guestroom. It was nearly 4 o'clock before we retired and it felt really strange to be in bed with a different woman. I awoke around 7.30am and took a few moments to comprehend the situation. I was hearing noises from the next bedroom but could hardly believe my ears. Vincenzo was obviously fucking my wife again. Had they slept at all? Had they been at it all night? I lay awake and listened as the rhythmic noises of the bed pounded in my brain and I visualised his cock ploughing yet again through my lovely wife. I got hard immediately. I pulled Maria to me, spoon fashion and talked gently to her but although she pushed her naked body against me, she was obviously still half-asleep and showed no sign of wakening. Eventually, I arose and went to the bathroom and then into the kitchen, where I made coffee and toast. It was now past eight o'clock. I did not bother to knock on the door of our bedroom but walked straight in, to find Sandra sitting astride Vincenzo, his cock stuck straight up her as she rode him in a frenzy of passion. She smiled as she continued to fuck him and he said hello. I watched as she continued to screw him and saw her face contort into a grimace as an orgasm flushed through her body. I told them not to let their coffee get cold, to which he replied something like, "Let's have it now." and then he let out a groan as he discharged another load of spunk into her cunt. She dismounted, got off the bed, kissed me and thanked me for the coffee. I could see his sperm running from her and was tempted to fuck her right there and then but Vincenzo was drinking his coffee; she had taken hers and somehow, the moment just didn't seem opportune, despite my raging with lust. By nine o'clock, I had to collect the children. Maria had eventually awakened and they confirmed how they would have left before I returned with the kids. I thanked them both profusely for their exciting visit and left the house, still with a hard on. When I returned, Vincenzo and Maria had just left. Sandra was sitting at the kitchen table, eating toast and she greeted the children just as though nothing in the world was untoward. It was a strange sensation, watching her there, fussing around the kids but knowing that Vincenzo's sperm was still in her cunt, her womb, her stomach, her bowels, over her tits and indeed in every part of her body and its orifices. That evening and for the following week, we screwed like rabbits. I heard in graphic detail every juicy aspect of every time he fucked her, both with and without me. He had screwed her six times in total, including two acts of buggery and each time had given her a full ejaculation. He really was an 'Italian Stallion'. She wanted to hear all about my enjoyment of Maria and we talked about my observation that Maria really wanted to get involved with her, to which her response was very negative. I had always fancied the idea of seeing her with another woman but it then looked most unlikely and indeed, quite a few years were to pass before I saw her seduction by another woman and her ready conversion to lesbian love. Despite trying to make suitable arrangements with our Italian friends, and we did speak on the telephone a few more times, we never did manage to organise a second meeting. The event made a big impression upon the both of us mainly because it was the watershed that changed our opportunistic sexual adventures to ones where we actively engineered them. Thereafter, she could talk far more openly about extra-marital sex and would sometimes say for example, how she not only fancied a guy but also would like to fuck him. The making had begun of a woman whose appetite for sex was not only in terms of quantity but also of variety with partners and with little hesitation to indulge in kinky sexual acts of wanton exhibitionism. Vincenzo had taught me much about how to fuck some other guys' wives. Not so much by way of his virility and physical energy, but by the confidence that he showed in demonstrating to the husband, just how far he could take another man's wife and use her for his own pleasure. Furthermore, this use of the woman also greatly enhanced her sexual pleasure, as she was able to give herself freely to another man whilst her husband watched. I would not go so far as to describe it as dominance but his manner certainly emphasised that my wife would be totally subjected to his sexual needs and whims and that I should be totally aware of this fact. It made the surrendering of her, by me, to him, all the more poignant. 3440 1.67/512345
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