Saturday, May 26, 2012
Nancy Finally Graduates
NANCY FINALLY GRADUATES by KK Two weeks ago I took my wife Nancy to her twenty year high school reunion. It was the first time Nancy had been home since she started college twenty years ago. My wife grew up in a small town in Ohio and when she graduated from high school she went to college in Atlanta which is where we met. During Nancy's freshman year at college her father got a new job and moved to Chicago removing her main motivation to go to Ohio. Nancy and I started dating when we were both juniors and got married the year we graduated. We both got job offers in Atlanta so we decided to stay. Over the last twenty years Nancy showed no interest in visiting her home town in Ohio. That is until she got an invitation to her twentieth reunion. The idea of going back and seeing the people she went to school with and being able to show them how well she has done proved to be irresistible to her. At this point I must say that Nancy and I have a great marriage and after 15 years we are still very much in love. One of the reasons for this is that we always look for ways to keep our life from getting routine. For instance we work out together at least twice a week, read and discuss books, and in general look for interesting things we can do together. We also work hard to keep our sex life hot. One thing we do for our sex life is every time we travel anywhere together (vacations or business) we always start with a trip to the mall and Victoria's Secret. Together we pick out a sexy outfit for Nancy to wear so that we can have at least one special night while we are away from home. The trip to Ohio was no different. The reunion was to start Friday evening at 8:00 PM so we made airline reservations for 3:30PM. We left the house early enough to stop at the mall on the way to the airport. Nancy bought a black cocktail dress that looked really sexy on her and we headed over to Victoria's Secret where we purchased a black silk bra and panty and garter belt set along with a pair of black stockings. After we checked into the hotel we went to our room to relax until the evening activities started. Nancy changed so that she was wearing just a tee shirt and her panties. Then she began to unpack our bags. Watching her move around the room and catching an occasional glimpse of panty was beginning to arouse me. Finally I walked up behind Nancy and wrapped my arms around her and cupped her breasts in my hands and asked, "If I make love to you right now will you let me make love to you again tonight when we come back to the room." Nancy responded by pushing her ass into my hardening cock and saying, "No. So why don't you just fuck me now and make love to me tonight." I said "Sounds good to me" and I picked her up and carried her to the bed and pulled her panties off and pushed my now completely erect cock inside her. Nancy wasn't real wet at first but she got hot and wet in a hurry and after ten minutes of tossing around on the bed we both had orgasms. After that we just lay on the bed for a while. When Nancy got up to go shower she leaned down and kissed me gently on the lips and said, "I love you," then hurried off to the bathroom. Friday night's event was a cocktail party and reception in one of the hotel' s meeting rooms. On the way down to the reception Nancy became very nervous. She said that she was afraid that no one would remember her or that the friends she had in school might be mad at her because she never came back to visit. Nancy's worries were for nothing. As soon as we walked into the room we heard a women in the corner shout "Nancy, is that you?" and four women came running over to greet her. The women were all hugging Nancy and telling her how much they had been hoping she would come. After just a few minutes they all had tears in there eyes. For the next hour the four women dragged us around the room making sure Nancy got to say hello to everyone she knew from her class. Finally Nancy said she needed to sit down for a while so we sat at an empty table in the corner. Nancy asked me to get her a drink so I headed off to the bar. As I returned to the table I saw a man standing at our table talking to Nancy. I hadn't seen this guy earlier so I figured that he must have arrived late. When I got back to the table Nancy introduced the guy to me as her old high school boy friend Dave. I felt a little uncomfortable at first but Dave seemed to be at ease and I saw no reason to be insecure about Nancy talking to him. I wanted to sit down but I didn't want to be rude so I asked Dave to join us which he did. Within a short time we were all talking like old friends. Dave and Nancy talked about things that happened while they were in high school and Dave had us both laughing over some of his adventures and misadventures. As the evening wore on Dave and I got into a discussion about business which turned into politics which turned into sports then cars, etc. While he and I were talking Nancy and her girl friends started making the rounds again. When Nancy joined us back at the table she asked Dave about his personal life. He told us that he was recently divorced and was attending the reunion by himself. He said that he planned to attend the cocktail party and if there were other people there without spouses or dates he would go to the party Saturday night. Nancy asked him what he had decided and Dave said that most everyone was with a spouse or date so he though he would skip the party. Then I spoke up and said that he should join us. He thanked me and said that he might just do that. Shortly after that the party broke up. As we parted company with Dave at the elevators I told him we would meet him for dinner at 7:00 the following evening and after dinner go to the reunion party together. When we got back to the room Nancy and I got undressed and lay on the bed and began gently touching and kissing each other. While we did this I asked Nancy to tell me more about Dave. She said that they dated for almost two years which ended a week after graduation when Dave went into the Army. Nancy was a virgin when I meet her which made me ask her, "How did you manage to not have sex with him for two years.?" Nancy responded, "When I first meet Dave it was my intent to remain a virgin till I got married. But as time went by I began to think that if the circumstances were right I would make love to him. But it just never worked out." I said, "What do you mean by 'if the circumstances were right'? "At the time my friends were starting to become sexually active. When they would tell me about their first time it was usually in the back seat of a car or on a blanket on the ground while being eaten by mosquitoes. None of them said the first time was as great as they hoped it would be so I decided that the first time I had sex it would be special. I had an image in my head that the first time would follow a romantic dinner and dancing and would happen in a bed in a nice hotel room." I teased her by reminding her that the first time we did it was on the floor of my apartment after pizza and beer and I though it went pretty well. Nancy came back with "Well if I waited for you to spring for a hotel room I was afraid I would die a virgin." Then Nancy went back to talking about Dave. "Dave kept trying and I kept resisting. Then one night shortly before graduation he asked me what it would take for me to give into him. I think if I had said marriage he would have proposed that night. That scared me a little. Then I told him about my image of how that first time should be. He though about it for awhile then said that on graduation night he would make it all happen for me. He said he would take me to a nice restaurant for dinner then we would go dancing and finally he would get us a room in a good hotel and we would spend the night together. At first I was a little scared when I knew I no longer had a reason to say no, but as I thought about the approaching event I started to get excited about the prospect of finally having sex with Dave and that it was going to fulfill my fantasy made it all the more exciting." As Nancy was telling the last of that part of the story she has started stroking my cock and I was really getting hot. Nancy continued, "Two days before graduation Dave called and said that he got us a room in the best hotel in town (which just happens to be this very hotel). Then graduation day came and I didn't wake up that morning until 10:30 AM and I couldn't stay awake. When my mother checked on me she didn't like the way I looked so she took me to the hospital emergency room where I was diagnosed with Mono and they checked me into a room. So I not only missed my graduation I also missed my fantasy night with Dave. Dave came to see me in the hospital and said it was okay but I could tell he was really disappointed. That's when he told me he got his orders to report to the Army the following week and wouldn't see me again until after he was finished training. I could see a tear in his eye and that made me start crying. That was the last time I saw Dave until tonight." As soon as she finished her story Nancy climbed on top of me and began kissing me very passionately as she reached between us and guided my cock into her very wet pussy. Then she hung onto me very tightly as I stroked into her. As she neared her orgasm Nancy began telling me that she loved me over and over. Afterward we held each other close as we drifted off to sleep. Suddenly I was aware that I was back home but it wasn't our house. As I walked in the front door I was greeted by our neighbors, friends of Nancy's and other people that I didn't know and didn't understand what they were doing in my house. As people greeted me they would all say I am sorry this happened but you should have known this would happen. I was getting freaked out by these comments so I rushed out of the living room and went to seek refuge in my bedroom. When I opened the bedroom door there was Nancy on the bed being fucked by Dave. Dave turned to me and said "And so how was your day?" Instead of getting angry I answered, "My day's been great how about yours?" Dave replied, "Well fucking Nancy is the best part of any day don't you think?" I said, "I couldn't agree more." Then suddenly it wasn't Nancy on the bed, it was one of her friends from school but when I looked at Dave it wasn't Dave either. I felt relieved that it wasn't Dave and Nancy fucking in my bed but at the same time I was disappointed but I didn't know why. Then I opened my eyes and it was dark in the room. It took me a minute to realize that I was in a hotel room and I had just been having a very strange dream. I also had an erection that barely left me with enough skin to close my eyes again. I looked over at Nancy sleeping, at how beautiful she was laying there and I made a decision based on how much I love her. Then I went back to sleep. Saturday morning we went out for breakfast then drove around town. Nancy showed me where she grew up and the schools she attended. She showed me all of the places that where important parts of her childhood and then we had lunch and went back to the hotel. We spent the afternoon around the hotel pool. I noticed a lot of Nancy's old male classmates checking out her body as she walk around the pool. For 38 years old Nancy looks great. Actually she would look great for a 25 year old. When Nancy sat down I told her how all the guys were checking her out and she said she didn't believe that but I could tell she liked hearing me say it. At 5:30 we went back to the room to get ready for the nights activities. When we got to the room I told Nancy I wanted her to look especially sexy tonight so she should wear the outfit we bought for the trip. She said she was going to wear the dress anyway. Then I said that I wanted her to wear the bra, panties and stocking also. Nancy said, "You want me to dress like that to go to my reunion?" "Yes. You will look terrific and everyone else will be jealous." Nancy smiled and went off to the bathroom to shower and shave her legs. When Nancy came out of the bathroom she had her hair wrapped in a towel and that was all she was wearing. As she rubbed the towel in her hair I admired her beautiful body. Nancy is five feet eight inches tall and weighs 120 pounds. She has auburn hair and blue eyes. Her breasts are not real large but are beautifully shaped and very high and firm. Her stomach is flat and her ass is firm and nicely rounded. Nancy's legs are shapely and strong without looking like they belong to an athlete. I watched her as she got dressed and I got more and more aroused as she went on. She started with her bra. It fit her perfectly and held her breast out as though they were on display. Next she put on the garter belt and then her panties. The panties were very sheer which allowed me to see the well trimmed triangle of Nancy's pubic hair through the thin material. Then she pulled on her stockings and connected them to the garters. The stocking really showed off the beautiful shape of Nancy's legs. I always get hard when I see Nancy dressed this way which was really a problem this time because I was already extremely hard. Finally Nancy put on the cocktail dress. The effect was perfect. The dress was just below mid thigh but showed a lot of leg when she sat. The top of the dress was cut to reveal a lot of cleavage and the bra Nancy was wearing made sure the view was breath taking. As I looked at Nancy all I could think of was throwing her on the bed and fucking her till we both passed out. As Nancy sat down to do her make up she looked at me and said, "Shouldn't you be getting dressed. We are supposed to meet Dave at 7:00 and it is 6:45 now. Please don't make us be late." I responded with, "I am not going. I will be staying here tonight." Nancy spun around in her chair and said, "What are you talking about. If you didn't want to go tonight you should have told me before I got all dressed up. Now please hurry and get dressed." I said, "No. I am not going but you are. You are going to meet Dave for dinner and enjoy the evening with your friends." "I don't understand, why aren't you going and why do you think I would go by my self?" Nancy asked. "I think you will go because I want you to go and because we told Dave we would be there. You see, I was very touched by your story about how you and Dave were supposed to have your night together twenty years ago and you were both cheated of that night. The thought came to me in the middle of the night that I could give the two of you a chance to live out that night and the idea of that has had me extremely excited ever since." Nancy said "But..." and I cut her off. I said, "Just don't think about this, just do it. I will be here for you when you get back. All I want is for you to tell me every detail." Then Nancy said, "I don't think I can go through with this. How do I tell Dave that you sent me out to fuck him. And what would everyone think. They all saw you last night and then they see me with Dave tonight." I said "Listen, just tell Dave I got sick and you didn't want to miss the party. That dress will do the rest. Dave wont be able to resist you. He'll think the whole thing was his idea. You don't have to do anything. Just go with the flow and see what happens." Nancy finally relented. She said "The idea actually was kind of exciting. How romantic a story it would be, to have the date that was supposed to happen 20 years ago. But are you sure you really want me to have sex with my old boyfriend?" I said, "I know you love me and will always be mine. I know that if I had missed an opportunity like the two of you did on you graduation it would haunt me the rest of my life. So, because I love you more than anything else in the world and trust you completely, I want you to live out your graduation night fantasy." Nancy kissed me and said "Thank you for loving me this much. I don't know what will happen but I give it a try." As I walked her to the elevator I said, "Just relax and whatever happens, happens. I you can't do it that's okay. Remember you are not doing this for me you are doing it for yourself and Dave. It's just that you have not only my permission to do this but my best wishes for a great evening. Now go, have fun, and stay out as long as you want. I will be here waiting when you come back." There was no one else in the elevator area so I gave Nancy a big kiss and slipped my finger inside her panties and into her pussy. She was wet already. I knew she was going to fuck Dave tonight. When the elevator doors closed and carried Nancy down to meet Dave I went back to the room. I sat in a chair looking out the hotel window and wondered if I had done the right thing. Would I really be able to handle the idea of my wife having sex with another man. As I tried to picture Nancy laying on a bed with her legs spread with Dave pushing his cock inside her or when I pictured her wrapping her lips around the end of his cock, instead of getting nervous or upset I got very aroused. At one point I almost came in my pants and I hadn't even touched myself. I sat and watched television until about 1:30 AM and then turned off the lights and tried to go to sleep. Mostly I tossed and turned and tried to imagine what Nancy and Dave were doing. I must have finally dozed off around 3:00AM. I was awaken by the sound of the door to my hotel room being opened. I quickly looked at the clock. It was 5:10 AM. Nancy turned on the hall light and then came into the room. I pretended to be asleep as I watched her through my partially opened eyes. For a few minutes Nancy stood looking at me then she began to remove her dress. As she stepped out of her dress I noticed that she was still wearing her bra and the stockings and garter belt but she was not wearing her panties. When she turned to hang her dress over one of the chairs in the room I pulled myself up in bed and turned on the light. Nancy turned quickly and looked at me and said in a nervous voice, "I thought your were asleep. Have you been waiting up for me?" I said, "No, I wasn't waiting up for you. I told you not to worry about the time. I was awake most of the night with anticipation but not worry or concern. Are you all right?" She said, "I'm fine." then I told her to come over to the bed and sit down, which she did. Then I said, I would like you to tell me about your evening." Nancy asked "You want me to tell you everything?" I said "Yes, every detail." The following is Nancy's account of the evening in her words: "When I got downstairs and meet Dave he seemed to be uncomfortable with the idea of being alone with me. He seemed genuinely disappointed that you were not coming. For a while I felt that he would have been more interested in spending the evening with you than me. As we sat reading the menus and waiting for our drinks to arrive Dave seemed to have a hard time finding anything to talk about so I started telling him about the conversations I had Friday night with my old friends. Dave said that he hadn 't really had a chance to talk with anyone from our class but that he had really enjoyed talking to you. At one point when I bent over to pick up my purse which had fallen on the floor I noticed Dave looking down the top of my dress and when he thought that he might have been caught he tried to act like he was just looking down to see if I needed help retrieving my purse. After that he seemed to have trouble looking at me at all. When the waiter brought our drinks I immediately ordered a second round. I figured Dave was going to need a couple of drinks to loosen up and I knew I was going to need another one myself. I was right. By the time our dinner arrived we were both feeling a lot more relaxed. I noticed that Dave was trying to sneak peeks at my legs and down the front of my dress which kind of turned me on to know that he still found me sexually attractive after twenty years. But while Dave was looking me over he wasn't flirting or making any kind of sexual overtures toward me. I was beginning to think that nothing was going to happen tonight. Then I decided to see if I could force things along. When Dave wasn't looking at me I pushed my fork off the table so that it landed next to his foot. When he heard it hit the floor he looked down and saw where it was and bent down to pick it up. When he did I turned in my chair so that my knees were pointed in his direction and as he began to raise up with the fork in his hand I spread my knees apart so that as he raised his head he couldn't help by see all the way up to my panties. And look he did, as he actually froze for about a few seconds before sitting up and handing me the fork. When he looked at me he was smiling but he was also blushing a little. After that his whole demeanor changed. He began touching my hand or arm as he spoke to me and he no longer avoided looking me in the eye as we talked. At that point I decided that I didn't want to play any games about the evening. I asked Dave if he remembered our graduation night and he asked "How could I forget the most important non event in my life." I asked him what he meant by that and he said, "I was planning that night for over a month. I wanted our first time to be as special as you were to me. But then you got sick and it never happened. I had to go away to the army and you went away to college and we went in different directions. This may be hard for you to believe but that night was the biggest disappointment in my life." I told him that it had also been a big disappointment for me. Then I said to him "Maybe we can fix that for both of us." Dave asked what I meant and I said "Well, we are here together having a nice dinner, there will be dancing at the party later and you already have a room in this hotel." From the look on his face I wasn't sure if he had caught my meaning, but then he said, "You know they have dancing right here in the restaurant. We don't need to go to the reunion party at all," then he smiled and leaned over and kissed me gently on the lips. That kiss did two things. First it told me that I was going to be have sex with Dave and second it cause my pussy to tingle with anticipation." When Nancy said her pussy began to tingle my cock began to get hard. Nancy continued. "After dinner Dave and I went to the dance floor in the restaurant and danced to every number the band played for the next half hour. On the slow dances Dave began to run his hands all over my body. When the band began one last slow song before there break Dave pulled me close to him and began kissing and nibbling on my neck. Toward the end of the song he whispered in my ear "I want to take you upstairs and make love to you now." I said Let's go. As soon as the elevator doors closed Dave was all over me. Tongue kissing and squeezing my tits and my ass. By the time we got to his floor my pussy was dripping with desire. When we got into his room we were standing next to his bed and kissing with all of the passion of a couple of teenagers. After a couple of minutes Dave got down on his knees in front of me and put his hands on my ankles. He slowly raised his hands up my calves, and over my knees to my thighs. When he reached the hem of my dress he slipped his fingers under the dress with his thumbs outside and continued to slide his hands up my legs lifting my dress as he went. He lifted my dress all the way to my waist and sat there looking at my panties and stockings. Next he pulled me to him and buried his face into the crotch of my panties. As he rubbed his face around my panty covered pussy I could see that my panties were wet and that wetness was being passed to his face. Dave looked up at me and said, "I love the scent of you pussy." He stood up again and led me to the bed and sat me down on the edge. Dave got down on his knees again and reached up under my dress and pulled my panties off me. Then he pushed my legs apart and pushed the bottom of my dress up until he could see my pussy. Next he leaned in between my knees and lightly ran his tongue around the lips of my pussy. This had me squirming around on the bed. By the time he finally pushed his tongue inside my pussy and found my clitoris I was almost ready to orgasm so it took no more than a minute to send me over the edge. I fell back on the bed in ecstasy and closed my eyes and pulled Dave's head into me as hard as I could. As my orgasm subsided I didn't notice that Dave had pulled away from me and stood up but when he took me hands and began to pull me into a sitting position on the bed I opened my eyes and found Dave standing in front of me with his pants around his ankles and his large fully erect cock in front of my face. I took his cock in both hands and gently pulled him to me and began licking and sucking on the end of his beautiful cock. Gradually I put more and more of his cock into my mouth and gave him the best blow job I could. I don't know how good a job I did but I got the desired results. After about five minutes of sucking on his cock I heard Dave say he was coming. I felt his cock thicken in my mouth and then the first pulse sending a large amount of his cum into the back of my throat, some of which I swallowed and the rest stayed in my mouth as more an more of Dave cum spurted into my mouth. When Dave finally stopped spurting I realized that a lot of his cum had run down my chin and onto my dress. Dave wiped my chin off with his hand and gave me a deep tongue kiss. That is something you have never done. You have never kiss me after you have cum in my mouth. The fact that he was willing to do that got my pussy tingling again." At this point listening to Nancy's story I was so horny I would gladly kiss her if she had a mouthful of cum, mine or anyone else's. As I was thinking about what Nancy was telling me I looked at her dress on the chair next to the bed and I could see the dried cum on it. I don't know why but seeing that almost made me cum. As these things were going on in my head I noticed that Nancy had stopped talking. When I looked at her to see why, she asked me if I was all right and if she should continue. I said please do. Nancy then continued, "As Dave continued to kiss me he got onto the bed next to me and we laid back. He asked me if I had a good orgasm. I told him I had and I sat up part way and told him I wanted to see his cock while it wasn't so swollen and laughed. I turned and look at his now flaccid cock it was laying against his leg. It was now about four inches long and sticky with semen. From the small hole in the head of his cock a strand of semen extended down to his testicles and on to his inner thigh. The sight was not particularly sexually exciting but I wanted to please him so I leaned over and licked the strand of semen starting with his inner thigh and working back across his testicles to the tip of his cock. As I licked the cum off the end of his cock it twitched a little. Next I slowly sucked his whole cock into my mouth and cleaned off all of the leftover semen. After a few minutes of this I could feel his cock beginning to come to life again. Within a very short time I had him hard again. As I continued to lick and stroke his cock I told Dave I wanted him inside me. Dave asked me if I wanted him to use a condom. I said, 'No, I want you to cum inside me so I can feel it. With that Dave got on top of me and pushed his hard meat into my dripping pussy. As he began stroking in and out of me I quickly had an orgasm. I had another orgasm when he rolled me over and entered my from behind. During that fuck session I had three very large orgasms while we fucked in at least five different positions then finally Dave put me on my back with my legs over his shoulders and he fucked me that way till he came deep inside my pussy. After that we cuddled in bed and fell asleep. I woke up around 4:30 and got up and started dressing. Dave heard me and sat up in bed. I told him I had to get back to my room and he said that he understood. When I was completely dressed Dave came over of me and kissed me and said "Before you leave can I ask you for something?" I said sure, what do you want. Dave said "I would like to have your panties as a memory of this night." I said 'Sure, if you want them take them. Dave reached down and lifted my dress up to my waist and slowly slipped my panties down my legs and off my feet. I don't know why but that made my pussy begin to tingle again. I said to Dave "Well I gave you my panties do you have another load you can give me before I leave. Dave turned me around and bent me over the back of the chair my dress had been on and entered me from behind. I couldn't believe how good his cock felt inside me at that hour of the morning and after having been so well fucked earlier in the evening. As soon as Dave said I'm cuming my orgasm started and didn't end until his cock stopped pulsing inside me. When Dave pulled his cock out and I stood up his cum began to run out of me and down the inside of my legs. Dave asked me if I wanted to clean up in has bathroom before leaving. I told him no. I wanted to feel his cum running out of me as I stood on the elevator and walked down the halls of the hotel." When she finished her story she dropped down on the bed next to me and spread her arms and legs apart and said, "So what do you think of you wife now. Can you still love me after so wantonly being fucked by an old boyfriend, do you still love me?" I looked at her laying there, her make up a mess, dried cum in her hair, her tits red and swollen from being squeezed and sucked, her pubic hair all matted with cum in various stages of drying, her pussy all sticky with semen and semen on both of her thighs and down to her stockings and I said, "Yes, I still love and always will." Nancy asked, "How much do you love me?" I said "This much." And I went right down to her pussy and put my wide opened mouth on her pussy and pushed my tongue insider her and began sucking all of the cum out of her. As I continued licking and sucking on Nancy's pussy she ran her fingers through my hair and helped me find the spots that felt best to her. After she had her orgasm we both fell asleep. The next morning I asked Nancy if she and Dave had talked of ever getting together again and she said that Dave had asked about it and she told him that they could do this again in another twenty years. I said "That's fine with me and we headed home. 4477 1.49/512345
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