Monday, May 28, 2012
Opening Pandora's Box Ch. 05
Chapter 5 -- Susan Goes Drinking with Her Friends I never thought I would hear myself say that I needed a break from sex, but after our dinner and ménage a trios with Billy, Susan and I were both on sexual overload and need some time to sort things out and integrate this rapid and amazing change in our relationship. The most important thing to both of us was that our sexual experimentation not impact our marriage, and after a few weeks of sexual down time, we were both pretty sure of two things. First, our marriage was stronger and deeper and not at all at risk, and second: we were both getting pretty horny. It wasn't as if we weren't having any sex. It was that we weren't having any kinky sex. On a Thursday night three weeks after our dinner party, Susan called me to say that she wanted to go out for the evening with some friends from work and "see what develops." I asked her to promise me that she would tell all when she got home, and here is her tale of that evening. [Susan's Tale] When Bob came back from Judi's gangbang and we opened my "Pandora's Box" of sexual appetites, something in me caught fire. I was able to open a part of me that had been buried in my unconscious. I always had fantasies about behaving like a slut, but I always pushed them out of my mind as totally unacceptable for a married woman like me. When I smelled Judi's pussy juices on Bob's shirt that night, I could almost feel what she must have felt like as she drained one cock after another and covered herself with cum. I shuddered as I visualized Bob's evening and my pussy got completely drenched just thinking about her. Over the next few days, Bob and I let my dragon out of her cage and I "embraced my inner slut." But after fucking and sucking and even getting drenched as I licked that brunette without a name's pussy, I could feel the sexual pressure fade, and all I wanted was to cuddle with Bob and fuck and suck him and nobody else... at least for awhile. Earlier this week, one of the guys I work with, Eddie Williams, asked me if I wanted to go out with a bunch of the team for drinks after work on Thursday. There was something about the way that Eddie asked me that lit a small fire in my pussy. Eddie can have that effect on women. He is 32, 6' 3" tall with broad shoulders, narrow hips, flat abs and a cute little tush that did not go unnoticed by the other women in the office. Rumor was that several of them had sampled his wares as well and were well satisfied with the results. So as Eddie asked me, I could feel his bright blue eyes taking inventory of my body and I had this momentary urge to go down on him right then and there. But I restrained myself and asked him what he had in mind besides drinks. Eddie cocked his head and asked me, "Well, what would you like besides drinks?" "I could do with some something to eat and maybe some dancing, if we can find the right place," I replied as I let my eyes wander over his body. "He sure is built," I thought to myself. "I wonder if the stories I have heard about his cocksmanship are true." I felt my stare stop right in his groin and could swear I saw his cock twitch as I watched. I could also feel him staring at my boobs. As I watched his pants, I could feel my nipples getting hard. I was wearing a very sheer bra and a rather thin blouse, so Eddie had to notice the poking out of my chest. And now I was sure I could see his cock twitch. With his eyes still locked on my titties, Eddie said, "I think I know just the place." I don't know what would have happened if Eddie's cell phone hadn't chosen just that moment to start its obnoxious ring, but the spell was broken as Eddie snapped it open and answered it. He winked at me as he walked away and said, "See you on Thursday." On Thursday, I decided to dress business-sexy. A top with lots of cleavage, a totally sheer bra, a miniskirt and stockings. No panties. I wanted to be ready for action if it developed. Just after 6:00, Eddie called me and said, "We're meeting in the lobby. Are you still in?" "Be there with a flash," I said and hung up. And my Freudian slip hit me. Should I really take the risk and flash them? My cunt said "Yeah, baby" but my head was saying, "Are you out of your mind?" I logged off my computer, shut off the lights and headed for the elevator and decided that I would lose my bra, but that was all. A quick side trip to the ladies room and my bra was buried in the bottom of my purse. I made sure that there was plenty of cleavage showing, but I stopped short of showing anything R-Rated. When I got off the elevator, Eddie was waiting, and so were George Harris and Andy Jones. "Looking good in the neighborhood," George said as I strolled up. "Am I the only woman in this party?" I asked. "Emily and Cyndi said they would meet us at the bar," Eddie said. "Let's get going. I have a Margarita Jones going." "Careful about how you use that 'Jones' word," said Andy Jones with a laugh as we pushed our way into the evening air. The sun was close to the horizon and the temperature was starting to drop as we walked to the parking lot and piled into Eddie's car. I got into the back with George and felt him staring at my rapidly swelling nipples. In that moment I remembered that George had been at Judi's gangbang. Bob had given me the complete rundown, or at least as much as he could remember, and one of his memories was of George stuffing his nine inch nail down Judi's throat. As Bob remembered it, she took all nine inches and kept it down her for at least 30 seconds before she started pumping him. When he came, he pulled out and shot all over her face. What struck Bob most was that Judi wiped the cum into her mouth and licked it off her fingers and then made sure there was nothing left in George's cock. I decided to be a bit daring and asked George, "Weren't you at Judi's gangbang?" George's head snapped away from my tits and he looked at me with a startled expression. "Where did you hear that?" he asked. "Bob gave me a blow-by-blow accounting when he came home," I said with a grin at my rather obvious pun. "Did you enjoy yourself?" George paused for a moment and I could hear the cogs in his brain searching for the right reply. He looked at me, then looked at my nipples and then sighed and looked me in the eye as he said, "It was a rather amazing evening, but frankly it stuns me that Bob and you talked openly about it. Were you angry with him? Most wives would be furious and you don't look or sound like that was the case with you two." "No, I wasn't furious. It was more like curious. I wandered what it was like for Judi. I was curious about what it felt like to be gangbanged by 30 men." "Is that something you are interested in?" George asked with a rather incredulous look on his face. He reached down to his lap and squirmed a bit as he rearranged the angle of his dangle so his swelling cock wouldn't shut off the blood supply to his brain. "Lots of women have fantasies about being gangbanged. That doesn't mean they want to actually do it," I said to him rather defensively. I could feel my pussy getting damp as I said it to him and I knew it was a lie. I do actually want to be gangbanged, but I need to work up to that, and this evening might be a good opportunity to do a little experimentation. "Don't worry, George. I won't tell anybody about your little secret," I said disarmingly. But I could feel myself flush and my nipples were hard as diamonds. I was beginning to wish I had worn panties and hoping that I wasn't going to leave a wet spot on the back of my skirt. "And I won't tell anybody about your secret fantasies, at least until we get out of the car," George said with a wink. "Hey guys. Did you know Susan has a fantasy about being gangbanged?" George asked Eddie and Andy with a big laugh. I could feel myself turn scarlet and I punched George playfully in the arm. He responded by taking a quick feel of my nearest nipple. "Stop that, George," I said with a laugh. But George was on a roll. "So, Susie pie. No bra, hard nipples. I wonder if you have some extracurricular activities in mind tonight. "No, George, all I want is a couple of drinks," I lied. I couldn't resist the temptation to take quick peeks at his lap. The bulge of his cock was clearly visible, and it was quite a bulge. I turned my head away from George so that I wouldn't give in to the growing urge I had to reach out and unzip and inhale him. I managed to resist as we pulled into the parking lot of the bar Eddie had picked out as "Just the place." It was a strip club. A rather upscale club judging from the expensive cars in the parking lot, but a strip joint none-the-less. "So what exactly did you have in mind tonight and are Emily and Cyndi really joining us here?" I asked Eddie. "They said they would," said Eddie as we got out of the car, "and something tells me that you will really enjoy the show here." I was torn. I knew that somehow Eddie had read my real desires and was setting me up to let my slut loose, but these were guys I work with every day. What would tomorrow be like if I cut loose tonight? The moment of truth was upon me. If I went into the club with these guys, there would probably be no turning back. If I didn't say now, it would be too late in ten minutes. Eddie and Andy started toward the front door. George looked at me and said, "Are you coming?" Somehow I misinterpreted his question. I could feel my inner Pandora pushing on the lid of the box I had stuffed her in, and I knew that I would be cumming soon. "Soon," I mumbled, almost unconscious of what I was saying. George looked at me quizzically and said, "Huh?" "Sorry," I said, snapping back to the present moment. "Yeah, I guess so," I said. "But don't get any ideas about getting fresh." "Never entered my mind," George said with a wink and a laugh. "Yeah, right!" I snapped back with a grin. "The day you stop thinking about sex is the day that the pigs will start flying." "Look, up in the sky. It's a bird. No, it's a plane. No, It's a pig!" said George mockingly. "All right, ass hole, let's go stare at somebody else's titties besides mine," I said as I started toward the door. "What's the matter with staring at your titties?" asked George. "They look quite mouthwatering to me." "As long as it isn't your mouth that is watering them," I quipped back as we reached the front door. George pulled out his wallet and handed the doorman a twenty. Ladies were free, so in we went. It took my eyes a few moments to adjust from the glare of the setting sun to the subdued lighting inside the club. There was a large center stage surrounded by circular tables. The whole room was ringed with booths, and two opposite corners had smaller stages that curved out into the room. All three stages had at least one well endowed woman wearing little or no clothing, dancing to the beat of some thumping rock and roll. Eddie picked a table near to one of the corner stages and signaled to a waitress who wore only a thong and high heels. "How about a picture of margarita's?" Eddie asked our waitress. She looked at me and smiled and then headed back to the bar to fill our order. "Nice tit's on that one," said Andy, pointing his head toward a raven haired bombshell on the nearby stage. Her tits were large C-cups but very well formed. They bounced as she danced, but didn't flop around. They were soft enough to be real, and large enough to be really attractive. I agreed with Andy and said, "Nice ass, too." "You have a great ass, yourself," said Andy. "And from what I can see of your tit's, they are just as good as hers. Care to loosen up and unbutton a few buttons?" "Slow down, buster," I said with a laugh. "Let's have a few drinks first." Well, the cat slipped out of the bag as I said that. I had as much as promised to show them my tits in exchange for a couple of drinks. "Waitress, hurry up with those drinks!" George said in a voice she was sure to hear. "As soon as we get her loosened up, she's going to show us her tits!" "George! You can be quite an ass hole sometimes," I said, more than a little embarrassed. Eddie looked at me and smiled with those sexy baby blues and said, "No worries, darling. Take your time. We all know what you want, and so do you." "And what's that?" I stammered, my embarrassment growing. "You want to get up on stage like her and strut your stuff," he said with unnerving confidence. Our waitress returned with our drinks just in time, but Eddie wasn't about to let me off the hook. "Our lovely friend here would like to know if you have an amateur hour this evening?" he asked her. She looked at me and asked, "Is that right, honey? Do you want to take your clothes off and flash your gash to this whole roomful of men?" I froze on the spot. The thought of getting naked in front of all these men was a total turn-on, but I was too scared to answer her. But the answer was written all over my face. "Have a couple of drinks and I will check in with you in a half hour. If you want to do it, we can provide you with all the costumes and props you could want, and our amateur hour starts in about an hour. "Just pour me a drink and let me think about it," I said, but I knew that when she came back, I was going to do it. "OK, honey. Enjoy," she said with a smile. She filled everybody's glasses and patted me on the back for encouragement and leaned down and whispered in my ear, "You can even do a few lap dances if you really want to let yourself loose." I took a large sip of my drink as the three guys at my table toasted me. "Right on, Susie!" said George with a big grin. I took another large gulp as George asked, "So how about a button or two?" I looked at him, took another big gulp and felt the booze rushing through my body. I turned to face George and said, "Just one... for now." I stared him straight in the eyes and unbuttoned the topmost button on my blouse. I was unbuttoned to the bottom of my boobs now, but unless I leaned over, I still wasn't showing any nipple. "Bravo!" said Andy as he refilled my glass. "Good show!" "Encore!" said Eddie with a grin. "Encore!" I felt my hand moving to my blouse all by itself. I wasn't choosing to unbutton myself. My hand was doing it for me. As my button came undone, my blouse fell open wider and all I had to do was make even the slightest movement and I would be flashing a nipple or two. I took another swig from my class and some of the condensation fell right on my open chest. It startled me so much that I lurched forward, spilling most of my drink on my lap and exposing both boobs (complete with ½ inch nipples) to everyone nearby. "Good move," said George. "But your dress is soaked." "Shit," I said with some real embarrassment. "You guys couldn't have planned this better. My dress is soaked. Now I am going to have to change into something dry." "Or you could just take it off," offered George. That guy is a fountain of wonderful advice. Eddie, ever the gentleman, caught our waitress's eye and she weaved her way through the tables to us. "Our friend here has decided to change outfits into something more comfortable. Can you help her out? Oh, and by the way, what's your name, darling?" "Janie," she said and smiled at Eddie. She looked at me and asked, "Are you ready for this? From the state of your blouse, it looks like you have already started." "In for a penny, in for a pound," I sighed. "OK, boys, you get your fantasy. I'm going to dance for you. Let's do this, Janie." "OK, just follow me." Janie led me through the bar and to the back stage dressing rooms. There were half a dozen women there in various stages of undress. Some were obviously regular dancers, but two were clearly amateurs like me. Janie turned me over to an attractive woman in her late forties and said, "This is Amanda. She will help you get ready. She's been coaching women like you for a long time now, so feel free to ask her anything you want." Janie left the room and Amanda looked us three amateurs and said, "OK, ladies. Any of you ever stripped before an audience before?" We all looked at her like deer in the headlights. "All right then, here's how it's going to work. I will help each of you pick a costume from our extensive collection. Feel free to get wild. If you don't, you will wish later that you had. Each of you will get five minutes on stage to dance and strip. I encourage you not to think about stripping. Just let it happen. Look at all the men in the audience and give yourself permission to let your inner slut out of the box you have her caged in. Take off as much clothing as you want. You don't have to strip fully or even at all. It's entirely up to you, but I can tell you that the audience will want you to go all the way. When your time is up, make your way off stage and back to this room. When all three of you have danced, I will ask our audience to pick the winner. I will bring all of you out on stage and they vote with their applause. The winner gets $100. Any questions?" "What do we do afterwards?" asked one of the amateurs? "Well, you can get dressed and return to your table, or you can see if any wants you to put on a lap dance. Have you ever done a lap dance before?" "No, she replied. "But I get the picture." "The only rules are that they can't touch you. You can do anything you want short of fucking them on the spot, but they are not allowed to touch you. If you decide you do want to get touched, or anything else, we have a couple of private rooms available. What you do in those rooms is entirely up to you. And remember. Some girls make over $1,000 a night from their lap dances." I could see the other two women thinking about this, but I had already decided on my plan. Amanda showed us the rack of costumes and I picked a thong, a tiny bikini top and bottom and a nurses dress, complete with nursing cap. I added some white stockings and white 4" stiletto heels. The other two ladies went first. The short red-head danced her number and returned still wearing her panties. She looked at me as she sat down and said, "I really wimped out. I just couldn't bring myself to get naked. And now I wish I hadn't even tried this. She was almost in tears. I wanted to comfort her, but I was too nervous, and I knew that I would not wimp out. In no time, the second lady rushed back into the dressing room stark naked and totally buzzed. "Wow, that was so cool. I never knew how much I wanted to just flaunt my body until just now." "You're up," Amanda said to me. I had asked for Satisfaction by the Stones for my music, and I felt myself float onto the stage. The next few minutes were a blur to me, but I could feel an organic connection with almost every cock in the room. I wasn't connecting with the men, but with their sexuality. My nurse's outfit wound up in piles on the stage floor and I almost tore each remaining piece of clothing from body in my rush to get naked for these men. I played with my titties and felt my fingers rubbing my clit. I got up close to the edge of the stage and knelt in front of one table of men, leaned back and started masturbating for them. As the song ended, I jammed four fingers deep in my cunt, pulled them out and offered my hand to the closest man. He leaned forward and I stuck my fingers in his mouth while I stuck my other hand back in my cunt. I pulled my hand out and stuck my fingers in my mouth to suck my own juices off as the room erupted in applause. I slithered my way off stage, sucking my fingers like a lollypop, and I knew I had won the $100. Amanda ushered the second woman and me back on stage. The short red-head had apparently taken off, so it was down to the two of us. Amanda held up the other ladies and the room responded with a nice round of applause. Then she held up my hand and the room exploded. "And our winner is Susie and her lollypop," said Amanda, as she held up my hands. She handed me the hundred dollar bill I had just won and said, "Congratulations, sweetie. You earned it fair and square. Now if you want to sell any lap dances, go ahead and strike while your iron is hot." 3552 1.82/512345
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