Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Magic Pills Ch. 05
Linda had invited Joe and me to dinner at their house tonight. I was looking forward to it. Linda promised that there was going to be great food, good conversation and a lot of teasing. I ask her if I should wear anything special, dress up or something. She told me no, just something that I would be comfortable in. She knows what I'm most comfortable in, my birthday suit. She had arranged for Judith (everyone calls her Jude) to meet us at her house this morning and that was where I was headed as soon as I sent off an email. To; Horny Joe From; Mad Scientist Joe Things are progressing wonderfully with you and the other test subjects. As I expected the treatment results seem to peak out after about three months and then stabilize. The subject women do not deteriorate into nymphomania, but become more comfortable with their new level of sexuality and much more inclined to take the initiative, not waiting for the suggestions needed in earlier stages. They have also learned by this time what their mates like and enjoy and are eager to offer that for their pleasure. From your reports the subjects appear to enjoy the playfulness as much as you do. We will continue to study the results and see if there is any deviation as time goes on. I am in need of another early stage test subject, another case similar to yours or Alan's. If you know any likely candidates please talk to me before approaching them. MS I set out the couple of blocks to Linda's, just in time for our meeting with Judith. They were in her living room when I arrived and Jude had already been in tears from what I could see. Her puffy red eyes won my sympathy immediately. I had meet Jude only a few times and we weren't exactly friends, but she was a sister in pain and I had to help her. I hugged her hello and we all sat down to talk. I was wearing a short denim skirt and a denim vest shirt with white tennies. Linda had on baggy blue shorts and a cut off t-shirt. It was obvious that she wore no bra. Jude was in jeans and western blouse. Jude is cute, about 5'5" and sort of thin, but not skinny. She has short brown hair and lovely brown eyes. Overall she was about as attractive as either of us. Linda fixed us each an ice tea and we started to talk. "I understand that Linda has told you most of the story about the pills?" I asked her starting of the conversation. She sort of smiled and returned, "Well she told me a story, but I'm not real sure just how much of it is true, no offense Linda, it just sounds sort of science fiction to me." "Funny," Linda cut in, "but when she told me the story I didn't doubt it a bit, but then I had already seen some proof of what she was telling me." "What kind of proof?" Jude questioned. "Well Joe and her had invited us over for dinner and she spent the whole night flashing me and Al!" Linda told her. "You're kidding right?" Jude said looking doubtful, " did you scratch her eyes out?" "I wanted to scratch Alan's out, they were popped out from staring at her! The next day she told me the story about the Mad Scientist and his magic pills and gave me the choice to join her and maybe make my marriage happier." "That's why I'm here, you said this would help my marriage, and even if it sounds far out I'm willing to try anything about now." I joined back in the talk, "If you're really interested, and if I can arrange it somehow, this is what will happen. Your husband will get a shipment of pills from the Doctor and start giving them to you twice a day. You won't notice anything, no dizziness, no tingling, just a slightly sweet taste to whatever he puts them in. In about 3 days they will begin to work. It will be subtle, just a feeling of heightened arousal, maybe some erotic dreams. Did you have sexy dreams?" I directed to Linda. "Hot dreams!" she replied, "and very vivid!" "Well anyway, your husband will have instructions from the Doctor about how to help you along. One of the things about the pills is that they make you very subject to suggestion, and he will start to suggest stuff to you." "Like what?" she asked suspiciously. "With me the first thing was to suggest I sleep naked," I replied honestly, "what about you Linda?" "Morning sex is what I remember, I don't know if he suggested it or it just happened, but morning sex is what I remember, and it was great!" she cheerfully added. "Hah, we haven't had morning, or for that matter any time of the day sex, in months!" Jude blurted out, then blushed. "Get over being embarrassed," I told her firmly, "being bashful about sex was one of our problems." "Well you certainly don't look embarrassed!" she said a little sharply, " do you always dress so casually?' She made a motion toward my legs. I was sitting on the sofa and had one leg pulled up. I had honestly forgotten about my lack of panties, just being my normal self. I made no move to cover up as I replied calmly, "No I prefer to be naked, but I kept my clothes on this morning out of deference to you." She turned to Linda with a look of disbelief on her face, Linda nodded and added, "Oh yeah, she usually strips as soon as she get through the door!" "You mean she just runs around your house naked?' "Yeah, but I do too, here and at her house, you should try it, it's very comfortable." Linda said without shame. "I don't think I'm going to be running around naked," she said. "I thought you would do anything to help your marriage?" I asked her. "What's this got to do with it?" she questioned "You'll see later, but don't worry about it right now, I mean you don't have to strip off and go through some sorority initiation to join us." I kidded her. Linda cut back into the talk, "The first thing you're going to notice is Mike being a lot nicer to you. He will start actually paying attention to you again." "What does giving me pills have to do with making him more attentive?" she asked wisely. "That's part of the instructions that the Doctor will give him, that he needs to reinforce the pills with attention, that and I think they feel guilty about drugging us." I informed her. We talked for about another hour, going over some of the things to expect and the progression of the effects of the pills. I made sure she understood that her hubby could never know that she knew about the pills. Finally she asked me how we would get the ball rolling. "The first thing we need to do is make Mike convinced he wants the results of the pills. That's what we did when Joe invited Al and Linda to our house for that dinner." "You mean that you're going to invite us over and then the two of you are going to flash my husband!" she blurted. "No, Linda is his sister, that wouldn't be right, but I will. Linda will just look sexier and happier than he can ever remember seeing her," I explained. "So I'm suppose to let my Mike look at your bare sex, and then he is going to want to drug me so he can look at mine, is that it?" she asked. "Yep, that's it." I answered. "Well I guess he would enjoy looking at you, but I doubt he would want me to do that!" she said smugly. "He will understand that he is pretty much in charge of what you do under the influence of the pills, it's pretty much based on the suggestions that he makes to you once this begins." I replied. "Well Mike's pretty damn conservative, so I shouldn't have to worry about that." She told us. We set up the date for dinner and parted company. When I got back home I stripped off and went out on the deck with my laptop to work on a project and enjoy the sun. Damn I like being naked! I dressed for dinner at Linda's in a wrap skirt and loose cut off t-shirt. Linda had asked me to wear white heels for some reason, so I did. The shirt fell to the middle of my belly, and the skirt stopped at mid-thigh, I thought I looked cute enough to eat. Alan met us at the door and led us to the living room to sit while we had drinks "Linda is in the Kitchen," he informed us, smiling a funny little smirk. I headed for the kitchen to help Linda, stopping on the way to admire the dinner table. The table was draped with a fine linen table clothe and topped with an Irish lace cover, the place settings were gold trimmed china and the flatware was sterling. There was a freshly cut flower in a cut crystal vase at each setting, and two fresh tapers in silver candlesticks on the table. Very nice I thought, very romantic. When I entered the kitchen I stopped dead in my tracks. Linda stood there in white heels and the shortest skirt I had ever seen her wear. Her back was bare, making me think she was topless. She turned to great me and I saw that she was wearing an apron. "My God!" I exclaimed, "where did you get that?" "One of the ladies at church is a seamstress and I had her make it for me, do you like?" she asked as she made a full models turn for me. "Hell yes! That's hot!" I told her. There were two straps about three inches wide that hung from her neck and dropped across her tits covering her nipples and a very small part of her breasts. Just under the breasts began the bib part of the apron and it ran down to a level with her hips. Attached to the bottom of the bib was the skirt. Including the lace trimmed edges the skirt couldn't have been more that eight inches long. It wrapped around her waist and fastened with a single button on the left hip, leaving her thigh bare to her waist. I thought it was just about the cutest thing I had ever seen! "I had two made," she told me, "mine is blue and white and yours is pink and white." She reached under the counter and handed me the soft cotton creation. I quickly shed the two pieces I was wearing and donned the apron. Now I understood why she asked me to wear the heels. If I stood perfectly still with my arms at my side it covered all the vital areas, but if I moved about any at all, it became a continuous and varied peek-a-boo show of nipples, pussy, and butt cheeks. Linda and I were giggling like a couple of kids. I helped her get the rest of dinner ready as she outlined her plan to "soften" the boys up over desert and get them ready to take a few hints about Mike and Judith. As the sauce simmered we walked into the living room. Joe spit a mouthful of his drink out when he saw us. "Dinner will be ready soon," Linda told them as I walked across the room to fix her a drink. "Why don't you guys come sit at the table. Al you sit at the head by the wine bucket and Joe you take the other end. We'll have the food out in a jiffy." After the guys were seated I watched Linda walk back to the kitchen, damn I hoped I looked half as good! We made a great show of serving the boy's meal, bending over, wiggling, and turning to reveal flashes of our bodies. Linda's fuzzy little bush and my bare pussy were just above tabletop and we took great advantage of the line of sight provided. Finally we sat down to our meal. The conversation was fun and relaxed; movies, politics and the upcoming summer vacation were all discussed. Once the entrée was done Linda looked at me and I gave a quick nod of my head. "Ready for desert?" she asked. As Linda and I stood up and slid our chairs back Joe said, "I don't know if I could swallow another bite." "Oh, don't worry," I told him, "you don't get to swallow this desert, I do!" We ducked under the table in unison like trained precision swimmers in a routine. Linda called out as her head fell below the table, "I'll race you to the finish, loser does the dishes." I was on my knees under the table, the long linen hiding me. Fortunately the table was long enough that Linda and I both fit without bumping butts. I grabbed Joe's belt and jerked it lose, quickly following with his zipper and snap. I tugged and he raised up enough to allow his pants to slide down. I swallowed his hard cock in one motion, taking as much as I could in me. I pumped on his cock with mouth and hand, the image in my head of him and Al sitting there looking at one another as their wives sucked their dicks. I can imagine the looks that passed between them. For all they knew it might not even be their wife, but I hoped Joe recognized my cock sucking style by now. "I Love a nice cream filled desert!" I teased, taking my mouth off Joe for a moment. "Mumfum," came the reply from across the table as Linda was unwilling to empty her mouth. Joe's hands slipped beneath the table and held my head as I worked furiously on him. The moans from above were growing louder and more constant as Linda and I competed in our race to finish our man first. I heard a loud grunt and an "Oh my God!" from behind me and I knew that Al was delivering first place to Linda's mouth at that moment. The thrusts, shakes and grunts from my Joe told me he was only seconds behind. He filled my mouth while Al was still moaning in pleasure. Linda and I rose from under the table together, licking our lips and smiling in great satisfaction. I took a sip of wine to clear my palette as I sat down again. "Anyone for a second helping?" I asked laughing. The victor was a good sport and helped me clear the table and load the dishwasher, then we adjourned to the den to play bridge. We were all in a terrific mood and the play was fast and furious. About thirty minutes into the game Linda spoke up. "Jude came by today," she started. "She really is having a hard time." "What's going on?" Al asked solicitously, "money problems?" "No, money doesn't seem to be a problem for them. She claims that Mike and her have become more like roommates than a married couple." "Yeah," I jumped in, "and I opened my big mouth and told her how great things were for Joe and me and she burst into tears!" "You were just trying to help," Linda said coming to my defense. "I felt so sorry for her, all the pizzazz is gone from their relationship." "Me too," I added, "she looked so miserable. I invited them over for dinner next week.' "I just don't know what to do to help her,' Linda said, dropping a hint as big as a boulder. The game continued. The attitude was joyous and happy. Another hour and Linda asked Al, "Say, do you think you could maybe talk to Mike, see if you can give him some advice? You're so good at this marriage thing maybe you can help him." "I don't know," Al replied, I mean I don't want to stick my nose in someplace I'm not wanted." "I think it might be a good idea," Joe chimed in. "I don't know them very well, but I have always like Mike and Judith. Maybe we can call him and go have a beer together." Gotya! I thought. When we finally broke up for the night I walked right out the door in my wonderful new apron. I honestly forgot all about my other clothes until I was almost in the car, then decided to hell with it. XXXXXXX Al and I met Mike for a beer after work the night after Linda asked us to help him. I had already sent an email to the Doctor and got his approval to approach Mike if I did it carefully, not revealing the source of the pills. First I wanted to check him out a little and be sure that he wasn't the type to abuse a good thing. We talked a little while we waited. I told Al that the Doctor thought that our girls had pretty well peaked out on the treatments and that while they wouldn't get any "hornier" for lack of a better word, they would get better at what they did, more creative and imaginative. Al's comment was, "If Linda gets any better than that blow-job last night it will kill me!" "Yeah," I responded, "I thought I had died last night myself, died and gone to heaven.' I explained that the Doctor was looking for carefully selected new subjects. The first criterion was that the marriage had to be stable, even if it was unhappy. We needed to feel Mike out and see if he was a good candidate. "What do you think of the girl's idea about Vegas?" He asked me. "I think it's awesome, but I'll tell you, if Jackie is going to run around with nothing but body paint for clothes I'm not going to let her out of my sight!" "They were just talking about the tops, painting on a shirt weren't they?" Al asked. "That's what Linda started out talking about, but you heard Jackie ask if they could do shorts or hot pants too, didn't you?" I reminded him. "Jackie could do that, she shaved, but Linda would have to shave her bush off to get her bottom painted." Al mused. "All you would have to do is suggest it to her," I edged him on. "Na, I kind of like the little fuzzy look!" Looking just a little embarrassed Al asked me, "Do you think our girls might have something going, you know a girl thing?" I had wondered about the same thing and told him so, "I'm not real sure, but they do seem pretty friendly and comfortable with each other. Do you think we would even know if it was happening?" "It's been one of my fantasies for years, too , you know, watch Linda with another woman. I'm not real sure that some fantasies aren't better left as just that, a fantasy." "So we just adopt the military policy," I asked, "don't ask, don't tell?" "I think we might be asking for real trouble if we did anything else, but that doesn't mean we can't tease them about it!" Al added. About that time Mike walked in and we waved him over to us. We made small talk for awhile, sports and such, before getting into the reasons for meeting. At fist Mike was resistant to talking about his relationship, but finally we got through to him and started touching on the real problems. He didn't feel appreciated, he just didn't feel like he was her hero any more. Judith didn't get dressed up just for him anymore, only when they went to visit someone, or out to a company function. She made love without interest, and he had almost stopped even trying. He sounded unhappy, but resigned to his fate and firmly said that he had no interest in cheating on her. He loved her, even as things were. "What do you think of our wives?" I asked him. "Their both fine woman," he answered too fast. "That's not what I mean," I stated. "What do you think of them as women, I mean are they attractive and sexy? This is not an idle question, there is a reason for it. Tell the truth." "Well Linda is my sister, but she's gotten kind of frumpy over the last few years. She's sure not the same girl I grew up with, she was almost shocking then. Jackie is pretty, very pretty, but, well she seems to be something of a tight-ass. Is that what you wanted to know?" "You haven't actually been around either one in a couple of months have you?" I asked. "No, it's been over three months since I've seen Linda, though we have talked on the phone a couple of times, and I can't remember the last time I saw Jackie," he said. "What you say about them was true six months ago, but not any longer. Al and I can show you how to put the fire back in your wife and your marriage if you're interested?" "Hell yes I'm interested!" he said enthusiastically. "Ok," I went on, "how would you feel about your wife having a much higher interest in sex, becoming much more demonstrative with maybe a touch of exhibitionism thrown in?" He smiled big, "I've got a beautiful wife and I keep telling her that, but she acts like she's ugly! Yeah, I'd be real interested!" Now to the tricky part I thought. "Mike, you and Judith have been invited for dinner at Al's next week. Before we can start this I need you to see what you will end up with for a wife. I'm not going to tell you anything else about how it works until after you've seen Jackie and Linda." I told him. "After that if you're still interested we can start. In the mean time you can say nothing about this to Jude, that's vital, nothing at all!" Mike hung around a while longer trying to get more information out of us, but we held firm. Finally we parted and he agreed to see us for dinner in a few days. XXXXXXXX Reading the Mad Scientist's email had kept me up to date on the situation with Mike and Judith. Linda and I met on Wednesday afternoon to plan the evening, what to wear and how far to push the new couple. She claimed that as kids she used to run around in her bra and panties all the time, so she had no problem with her brother seeing that much, and she insisted that I not hold back at all. That didn't bother me at all either. The idea of both Mike and Alan seeing my bare pussy while my darling hubby watched made me wet sitting there! They were already at Linda's house when Joe and I got there. I was wearing a light summer shift, no heavier than a slip. My nipples stood out prominently even not hard, and the hem was only about 4 inches below my butt. That and heeled sandals was all I wore. Linda had on a cute outfit that looked almost like a sailor suit. The neckline dipped deep in a square cut and the skirt was short. The hot pink lace of her bra tickled the opening at her décolletage. The push up bra really enhanced her natural charms. Jude looked sullen. She was there, and she was going to let her husband get his eye full of us, but she didn't seem at all happy about it. From the start Mike seemed extra animated. He said he couldn't get over how great his sister looked and wanted to know if she had lost weight or something. His comments to and about me were all very flattering. Mike wasn't stupid, he made sure to share his bubbly enthusiasm with his wife. He held her hand or rested his hand on her shoulder and made sure to include her in every conversation. Linda led us into the living room and we waited until they had sat before we picked our strategic seating. I sat down with Joe directly across from Mike and Jude. His eyes went wide as they found my bare pussy. Every guy will look, hoping, and when they see what they dream about they are inevitably surprised. Quickly he turned to Jude, trying to distract her from me, from seeing what he saw. She knew what we were planning and evidently had prepared herself well. Her response was to nonchalantly continue the conversation. Mike tried his best to appear not to be looking between my legs, and failed terribly. I just smiled and arranged myself to provide a better view. Al took a seat in the overstuffed chair and Linda plopped into his lap. Her hot pink matching panties shown from beneath her skirt. They may have been even more eye-catching than my bare flesh. Sister or not he couldn't help but to look. We talked for a few minutes before dinner was ready then all sat at the table. The conversation was animated. Jude was gradually perking up in response to Mike's attention. After dinner we again congregated in the living room. Al and Joe made it a point to lather us with attention and maintained a constant touch of some kind with us. Mike was following suit and Jude's attitude had shown a great improvement. Joe and I left first and at the door I made a big display of hugging Al and Mike. My nipples were hard little points as I crushed them into Mike. I gave Jude a hug too, and whispered into her ear that I would be calling her tomorrow. We didn't even make it to the door at home before Joe was all over me, lifting my dress and caressing my bare butt. The first piece of furniture past our foyer is the love seat and he pressed me back against it. I swear that will be the first piece of the set to wear out,(.) Joe has had me in every way imaginable on that first convenient resting-place. Joe knelt and placed his mouth to my sex. God that felt good! I cupped my hands behind his head and laced my fingers together then pulled him into me. After the introductory licks, nibbles and kisses he settled into a steady flicking and lapping rhythm on my distended clit. Most of the time Joe will bring me in waves, taking me to a crest, then backing off a little. He has spent an hour driving me to distraction with his tongue and lips. Tonight he was not doing that he was driving me to completion with determination and purpose. I wiggled my hips to settle my lips against his and holding his head leaned back to revel in the feeling running through my body. I started to cum, not in an explosion, but like a drum roll, increasing and building to a crescendo pulsating through me. Finally I came in an almost painful grip and release of my insides. Joe didn't stop there, while I was still floating on the peak of the feeling he slipped his hands under my butt and picked me up. He lifted me easily and then lowered me onto his hard cock. When he took his pants off I don't know, but I did know that seven inches of hard love impaled me in one easy stroke. I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck and humped. I humped for all I was worth, thrusting on the shaft inside me. Joe's six foot tall and strong, I'm five foot two and weigh about 108, so he had no trouble carrying me. He began to walk with me, across the room, through the kitchen and out onto the deck. Joe had a thing about sex in the fresh air, outside. He carried me to the diving board and laid me down. Then he began fucking me in earnest! He took long hard strokes that brought his cock out to my lips and all the way back in to the hilt. This time wouldn't be a drum roll, this time would be a rocket, flaring up in a burst of fire from my lions to explode in my heart. Joe thrust deep and hard and held tight in me as he jerked cum from deep inside to fill my pussy. I could feel him strain as if he were ejaculating his soul into me. Then we both collapsed onto the board. After we caught our breath we went for a late night skinny dip. If you have never tired it I recommend it as the best post sex relaxation available. Linda called the next morning to report that Jude had already called her, and to brag about the great sex they had after everyone had left. We swapped stories and I think it was pretty much a tie, sex wise that is. Linda told me that Jude was excited. She had her doubts about how seeing another woman's pussy had gotten her husband to act like a newlywed, but she didn't care how it work, just that it did. She told Linda that Mike had actually talked to her on the drive home, and that for the first time in months had instigated sex when they got home. Jude was still too new at this to share all the details, but Linda thought it had been satisfying. She wanted to know how we were going to get Mike to start her on the pills. She also wanted to know if she was going to end up acting like we did. Linda said she didn't exactly sound fearful about it when she asked the question. I told Linda that the boys would be talking to Mike again that day, and that once they did an email was sure to fly. As soon as I could get to it I would share it with her. We were planning our Vegas getaway for that weekend so I hoped to start Judith on the pill Friday, and then we could start reinforcing things Monday morning. Lyn and I talked about the trip, and about the body paint. She agreed to come over later and we would lie out in the sun. Joe called and we had a quickie phone sex at lunchtime. After that I had to have some relief so I took a hot soak in the tub and played my clit like a violin. Lyn showed about two and we took our usual naked spots on the recliners by the pool. I had been growing concerned over her, she seemed to be getting carried away. I mean I liked the game we were playing but maybe Linda was too into it. I decided to tell her the truth and maybe impose a little self-will back into her. "Lyn," I began, "I have to tell you something. It's about the pillsShe laughed, "Well I wondered when you would get around to it!" I must have looked like a puppy watching a ceiling fan. She continued, "You don't really think I'm that dumb do you?" "Wha.., how long have you known?" I asked her, still mystified. "Since about the tenth day." She replied calmly. "You didn't say a thing!" I choked out. "Why should I, and have you think I'm just another horny little slut? You know what a nosey body I am. Well after about ten days I wanted to see these miracles of modern medicine. So I went poking around Al's stuff looking for them. He's not very devious, they were in the top draw of his desk, in plain sight. Well they were in plain sight after I picked the lock, moved the files and drug them out from the back of the draw." "I should have known," I sputtered. "Yeah, you should have," she continued, "they were in an unmarked prescription bottle, with no cotton stopper or seal. They just looked familiar, just like the little case of Equal tablets I keep in my purse for when I go to places too cheap to have Equal on the table. I laid them out side by side, then did the tip of the tongue taste test." "Are you mad?" I asked. "Mad, hell I'd been drugged with coffee sweetener! I laughed so hard I almost hurt myself! I knew right then that Alan didn't know they were fakes, that this was all some crazy idea that you cooked up. My first thought was to call you and rub it in, but then I realized I was having way too much fun to ruin it." "So all this time you have been faking it?" I ask incredulously. "No, that's the weird part, the first ten days they actually worked! I was really getting hornier and felling sexier and taking the suggestions that Al made seriously." "Well shit," I said, "maybe Equal make you horny!" "So you don't plan to tell Al?" I wondered. "Not on your life!" she adamantly stated. "Al and I have never had it so good. I might tell him some day, like maybe when we are both ninety and he can't get it up any more, but not before that. He has been great! He's turned into the husband I always wanted. You know Jackie, the magic pills really are magic!" "The boys would be so hurt if they thought we were laughing at them, they have gone to a lot of trouble to do this, and it has been because they love us. I don't ever, ever plan to tell Joe." "So," I continued, "this Vegas deal is really something you want to do?" She smiled, "Don't you think it will be the hottest thing we ever thought of doing? Doesn't it make you wet just thinking about it?" I blushed, me Miss Sex, blushed, "Yeah, it does." "You didn't tell Judith the truth did you?" "Hell no! She's in for the full treatment!" Friday night we were at the airport headed for Vegas. Linda wore a dark blue jumper with a zipper down the front from neck to crotch. I wore a loose skirt and blouse. The guys were looking good in jeans and pull over shirts. We flew first class and talked continuously to overcome the nervousness about the coming adventure. The guys had booked a two bedroom suite at one of the major casinos and we were in awe as we walked through the lobby. Believe it or not I had never been to Vegas and Linda hadn't been in years. It was a giant amusement park! We got checked in and then everyone wanted to go down to the bar and check things out. Every place I look there were beautiful women and attractive men. There were also kids and old couples thrown into the mix. It was probably the most diverse crowd that I have ever seen. Linda and I were still in our traveling clothes, except now her zipper was much lower, like below her breasts. I could understand that, there were sexily dressed gals all over the place. We talked about what to do and it was a no-brainer that we were going to gamble! Joe wanted to try the craps tables and Linda and I headed for the blackjack. Neither of us was experienced at gambling, but we had a ball and the dealer was very friendly. Al wandered off with Joe, to just watch he claimed. I think he was watching the flesh, not the game. That's all right, it will just get him in the mood. We played for hours, then headed back to our suite. The guys asked if we wanted to order breakfast delivered from room service for the morning. They both had their "little boys planning something naughty" look. What the hell, we agreed, after all this was Vegas, how much trouble could we get into. There was a coffee service in the sitting room and I was standing there when Al came out of their bedroom. "Linda sent me for coffee," he told me, giving my still naked body a good look over. "If she's awake I'll take it in to her," I told him. I took the cup from him and walked into Linda's room. She was propped up in the bed and looking very content for so early in the morning. "You look like you got lucky this morning," I told her. "Very lucky indeed," she replied as she stretched. "You made Al's morning," she commented looking me over. "That's all right, you're going to make Joe's, besides, Al's morning was made before he left this room, I'm just the frosting on the cake. Wipe that just fucked look off your face and get your lazy ass out of the bed and join us in there." When I got back to the sitting room Joe was talking with Al. He smiled at me and at Linda who was following me a few steps behind. "What's the plan today?" he asked. "Linda has us an appointment for one o'clock at the painters. We are at your disposal until then," I told him. I picked up my coffee and turned on the TV to check out the local attractions station. Linda pulled out the book of restaurants and clubs that you find in every hotel room. We decided that after breakfast we would just wander the strip and check out the casinos then have lunch someplace nice. While Linda and I were still looking at the listing of clubs the doorbell rang, nice rooms have bells. Neither of us moved, we understood the plan. Joe answered the door and a bellboy pushed in a breakfast cart. He did a fast double take then asked if he should come back later. Al told him we were hungry now, just set it up. The poor guy was staring at two naked ladies and trying to arrange the breakfast setting at the same time. It was great! I looked at Linda and she was acting as if she were fully clothed or all alone, but I knew better, her nipples were hard as rocks. I got up and walked over to check out the food, standing right next to the poor bastard. Joe gave him a nice tip and sent him on his way. I am sure that the story was all over the hotel within minutes, and that from then on we would get exceptional service whenever we called. Both of the guys had hard bulges in their Terry cloth hotel robes, but Lyn and I were going to make them wait. We wanted them well primed for that night. We went to Linda's room to get dressed. I had washed two of Joe's white dress shirt(s), soaking all the starch out of them and using tons of fabric softener. We each donned one, not hooking any buttons, just rolling the tails and tying them under our breasts. We had matching white hot pants to go with them and white heels. I thought we looked smashing! Hair and makeup done we presented ourselves to the men. "Is that my shirt!" Joe asked. Yes dear, they both are," I smoothly replied. Joe gets his dress shirts made at a place that uses fine Egyptian cotton, hand stitches and custom fits them. He usually waits for a promotion and buys three for $200. I don't think he was too happy about them being rolled up and tied, but he knew a good thing when he saw it. "They certainly look a lot better on you than they ever did on me!" he complimented. I could feel the ultra soft cotton slipping over my nipples and knew this was going to be a wonderful day. Walking down the streets of Las Vegas with my ass tucked in high and tight by the tall heels and a hint of cheek showing from under the short shorts I felt as beautiful and sexy as any other girl I saw. There are some really outstanding girls in Vegas too! My breasts jiggled just enough to keep a constant tickle from the shirt going. Linda and I had seen some of the flyers for the local escort services and had looked in the phone book the night before out of curiosity. Nevada has legalized prostitution and we were amazed at how many ads there were for "escorts". If the pictures in the book were legitimate there were some very attractive ones too. Linda and I made a game of trying to pick out the professionals from the amateurs. Linda was still into the game of teasing the boys about their fantasy of the two of us and she took several opportunities to fuel the fire. One particularly attractive and obviously working girl caught her attention and she commented, so that the guys heard, that she looked hot enough that we could probably share her. I loved all the stealthy looks, second glances and outright stares that we drew. I knew that we looked good in our hip-hugger shorts and tie tops. Joe and Al were both demonstrably affectionate the whole time, and we loved that too. We might have been knockout sex dolls, but they didn't look too shabby either! It was time to head for the painting studio and we hailed a cab. After one evening on the strip we had learned not to drive anyplace in our own car, if you could get through the traffic you couldn't park. The Taxi drive made quick work of cutting through the maze of cars and using side streets got us where we needed to be in one piece and on time. The sign said, Body Art and Piercing, Janette Sandoval. The inside was clean and orderly, decorated with modern art and samples of her work. As we entered we were greeted by a man who introduced himself as Robert, Janette's husband. He was very charming, if not attractive, and we immediately started to feel at ease. He explained that Janette was getting everything set up and would be with us in a few minutes. We wandered the room looking at the displays of art. On one wall were some items of clothing for sale and one piece that caught my attention was a swimsuit. The sign above it said, "Look Mon, no strings!" The suit was displayed on a very lifelike mannequin, and a touch revealed that the skin was as soft and pliable as the real thing. The three pieces of the suit were just there, in the right places, but with no visible means of support, no strings at all. "How does this stay on," I asked, "glue?" "No," Robert responded as he walked to me, "it's a fine stainless steel frame that is spring loaded to hold onto the body. Here, let me show you." He lifted one edge of a bra cup and it popped right off. He handed it to me to examine and I was surprised to see that it folded in on itself like a flower at night. Robert explained that the gripping action by the spring-loaded fold kept things in place. The bottom worked on the same principle. "Where in the world would you wear that?" asked Linda. I turned to Joe and said in a sweet sexy voice, "Jamaica?" Joe was still mentally making the connection of that special suit, me, and our vacation when Linda burst out, "Ja-may-ka! Yeah! Alan I want one too, please?" Al grinned, "Can't buy it without trying it on can you?" Robert looked at me and said, "You're a 34 B?" My lips turned down in a pout. "A generous 34B that is!" He added quickly. "Very generous!" I pouted, play acting. "Linda you're a 36 C I think?" "Damn," Linda replied, "you should start a carnival act, guess your bust size. You could give out boobie prizes every time you guess wrong!" We heard a great laugh from behind us as Janette made her entrance. "He seldom gets it wrong, he has a real eye for breasts!" He slid out a drawer below the display and handed us each a package, "these are the tops, try them on it you like." With that we each untied our shirts and let them fall open. What the hell, these guys were going to be painting our bare tops in a few minutes anyway. You took the cup in your hands and sort of pulled it back, pressed it to your breast and then let it go. It just stayed there like magic. I walked over to the mirror and took a look. This was awesome. I had on white cups and they clung to my form nicely. I slipped the shirt off and admired the look. Linda followed suit. They were like big pasties without the glue. I loved it! I wiggled around a little to test the fit and Richard commented, "They stay in place pretty good unless you get really active. I wouldn't recommend beach volleyball, and don't jump off the diving board unless you plan to do the breast stroke." We all laughed at that. "We're ready for you girls now," Janette said. I turned to the guys and placed my hands on my hips, "Ok boys, get lost!" "What?" Al asked. "You heard her," Linda joined in, "you're not seeing the results until tonight, it's going to be a surprise." "We'll call you when we're done here," I added. "You don't need us to stay?" Joe sounded disappointed. "I have my American Express card," I said holding up my shirt and touching my shirt pocket, "and my cell phone," putting my other hand on my hip, "what else does a girl need?" Janette and Robert led us through a curtained off area into a side room where there was a massage table and comfortable looking padded stool. They directed us to each sit on one of them. "Have you picked out what you want yet?" she asked as we sat topless in front of these two strangers. "I want a camisole top," I piped up, "with lacey shoulder straps and bodice, low cut and ending before my belly button." Linda had her pick ready too, "I want a Dallas Cowboys jersey, sleeveless, with big arm openings and the number 69 on it!" "You two plan on having some fun don't you?" Janette asked with a big grin. "Why Dallas?" "Oh, Linda thinks Dallas is the sexiest team in America," I told her, "besides her husband is a Pittsburgh fan!" "All right!, I'm going to do you and Robert will start on Linda. We usually start on the breasts to give you a bit of modesty as soon as possible. It doesn't look like modesty is a big concern for you guys, but we'll stick to our routine anyway, ok, any questions?" We were as ready as we would ever be so they started. Using an airbrush Janette blew air over my nipples. The caress of the air made them hard. "Got to do that to avoid blank spots if they get hard latter," she explained. Then she started painting me. It was amazing. Working free hand and from her memory and imagination she painted a perfect camisole on me. She started with the black main body of it, bringing the cover across my breast and nipples, leaving a small part of the aureole unpainted. The cover of paint was thinner than any blouse I owned, but somehow made me feel as if I were wearing something. The special body paint moved as skin, not binding or pulling as I thought it might. Janette promised it would be like that until I removed it, and because it breathed I could keep it on for as long as I wanted. She had the basic black of the cami almost done, somehow making it look like silk in the process. I was watching Linda and Robert while she worked on me and couldn't help but notice that Robert had a huge bulge in his pants. "Looks like Robert really enjoys his work," I said to Janette, nodding my head in the direction of his crotch. "He may be an artist, but he is still a man, and you two are gorgeous. What can I say, I apologize," She said. "Don't be silly," Linda commented, "I consider it a compliment!" "Tell you what girls, I'm going to pour you a glass of wine and then take a five minute break, ok?" Janette said. "Fine with us," we both nodded. She took Robert by the hand and led him from the room. A few minutes latter they returned, less one imposing bulge. They returned to work Janette finishing up the fine open lace of my camisole. The delicate red lace covered my exposed aureoles, allowing a peek through the latex gossamer. Looking in the mirror I could see that on a quick glance it looked as if I were dressed, but a close look revealed the secret. We called the guys to come get us then paid Janette an obscene price for the art and the "Almost nothing" bathing suits. The bill would go to our husbands offices and I had no doubt that they would feel they had gotten their moneys worth! This time we buttoned out shirts enough to cover the artwork and tied them under that. The boys would have to wait a little longer to see us. We had them drop us at the hotel salon for hair and nails. We each had a pedicure, manicure and hair styling done. When the gal asked what color nail polish I told her "Whore Red" "For the husband huh," she stated, "they all like the hot red!" "Well he's been a good boy lately so he deserves a treat!" I proudly told her. We got back to the room about 7, and sheltered ourselves in Linda's room to finish dressing. We made sure that our makeup was perfect, dabbed a little perfume and slipped on the rest of our carefully planned outfits. When we entered the room the guys whistled and hooted. I had chosen to wear a gold necklace and wrist bangles, a gold waist chain, a black tennis skirt and red fuck me patent pumps. The red shoes matched the red lace trim of my camisole. For a cover up I used a black silk scarf with red splashes that wrapped around my throat and hung over my breasts barely hiding me, but leaving the side curve of my breasts exposed.. The skirt hung about four inches below my naked and shaved pussy. Linda's skirt was what the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders would have worn if they wore skirts. It was Cowboy blue with white trim and very short, maybe shorter than mine. In keeping with her theme she wore white-heeled calf boots and a white open vest. She held it open to show them that the Dallas star covered one boob and the loop in the 9 of 69 circled the other nipple. We had talked about whether she should wear panties. Al likes the sexy little things, while Joe doesn't think anything can improve on the job nature did. She had decided to start out with a pair of lacey white bikinis and decide later if she would keep them on all night. As we descended in the elevator another couple joined us a floor lower. They boarded paying no particular attention to us at first, then I noticed he was checking us out. Finally I turned to him and cocked an eyebrow in question. "I'm sorry," he said, "I didn't mean to stare, I was just admiring your blouse. Do you think it comes in my wife's size?" She gave him an elbow in the ribs that had to hurt for a week. "One size fits all!" I replied. The guys had made reservations at a nice restaurant just off the strip. When we entered, the Maitre'd's practiced polite smile turn to one of real pleasure as we approached. He immediately showed us to a table personally, while ogling our artwork. The food was magnificent, the service excellent and the company the best in the world. It was odd sitting there in a room full of people while I was basically topless. I didn't feel uncomfortable, but very much on display, and very beautiful for some reason. I had to give the guys credit, they both acted as if this were perfectly normal, and that helped to put us at ease. By the end of the entrée we were so relaxed that Linda and I got up to go to the powder room. It gave us a chance to parade our public nudity and we both loved it! Of course my scarf flittered around with each movement of my body, and Linda's vest flapped like a birds wings when she walked so that they served no purpose other than to furnish an illusion of modesty. Technically we were dressed, our bodies were covered, and I assume we would even pass legally if challenged. Still, we felt naked. I kept thinking of the fairy tale, The Kings New Clothes. I just hoped some smart-ass little kid did come along and point out what everyone was enjoying and ignoring, that we were naked. After dinner we walked down the street to the first club of the night. It was heavy rock music, loud, fast and crowed. We found a table, ordered drinks and settled in. There was a disc jockey, not a live band, I much prefer a band. We stayed about an hour and really didn't attract much attention at all. That wouldn't do, what was the point if no one noticed? This crowd was dopers and rockers and wouldn't have noticed if we screwed on the tabletop. We took a cab to the next club and the driver made up for the missing attention from the first club. He jumped out and opened our door for us, something I suspect he hadn't done for anyone in years. He couldn't stop talking as we drove. He had endless questions and suggestions about where to go and what to see. I wondered if we might make it onto the cable show that films people in taxicabs. Surely this idiot couldn't be an actor! We did take his suggestion about a club and it turned out to be good advice. The next club had a live band and played a varied assortment of music, rock, oldies and country. We found and table and settled in. Linda's panties shown brightly in the dark lighting and I was sure that my bare pussy could be seen from the right vantage point. We sat and enjoyed a drink first then danced. I left my scarf at the table and now was fully on display. Linda kept her vest, but it did little to help her modesty. It felt wonderful to dance topless, to feel my breast swing with the music and my moves, to watch Joe's face. My skirt flared and bounced, exposing my lower nakedness with each move. I watched Linda dancing with Al and she was a sight to see. Her large breasts swung free under the small vest and her cheerleader skirt did nothing to hide her bright white panties. Several dances later we sat down again. A couple of guys came up to ask to dance, but Linda and I had decided that we would only dance with our husbands. The next number was a slow song and I took Joe by the hand and led him to the floor. Cuddling up to him, topless on a public dance floor was so exciting that I wanted to find a corner and fuck him right then. Judging from the hard lump in his pants he felt the same way. I watched Al's hands on Linda's ass, pulling her skirt higher and higher as they moved tight together. She was in heaven from the look on her face. I saw her hand slip between his legs and stay there for several minutes. The boys wanted to sit out a couple of numbers, so I asked Linda if she would dance with me. Talk about attraction attention, I think every person in the place watched us. Keeping in mind that Linda and I were still teasing the guys about whether or not we were having a thing, we danced a seductively as we could. When she ran her hands down my arms I shivered, and when I got behind her and wrapped mine around her middle she ground her butt into me. Of course the whole time we were making our skirts flutter and flap, showing everyone our charms. After the number Linda went to the ladies. I sat with the guys. She came back with her panties in her hand and gave them to Al. From that point on the only thing we had on other than shoes was our little skirts and we made sure that anyone around us got to know that for certain. The cab ride back to the hotel was a necking and groping session, and probably the hottest show the driver had ever seen. We were no sooner in the suite door than I had my skirt off and was dragging Joe to our bedroom. I threw him on the bed and attacked him, tugging his pants down, tearing his shoes and socks off and breaking buttons as I opened his shirt. I jumped on top of him and impaled myself on his hard cock. I looked back at the door we had left open in our hurry and saw Al holding Linda around the waist from behind, his hand under her short skirt fingering her as they watched us fuck. That turned me on so completely that I came in an instant hip thrusting convulsion. I rolled Joe over so he was on top and let him fuck me as hard as he ever had. He knew they were there too, and it obviously turned him on. When I looked past Joe as he pumped into me I saw Linda on her knees sucking Al's hard dick. She was taking half of him into her mouth and pumping with her hand on the other half. I wanted to cum, I wanted to watch them cum, I wanted to feel Joe cum. I got all my wishes at once! The next morning we slept very late. Joe and I had a long hot shower together as he helped me wash the body paint off. I had thought about keeping it a few days, by our lovemaking had gotten more than a little sloppy the night before and there were washed out places. Linda and I packed up our stuff, both of us dragging from the night before. The boys played slots in the lobby while we had a snack before our flight home. We talked about our plans for Judith. The Mad Scientist had shipped the pills for all three husbands the day after our meeting, and Joe had given each their allotment. By now Jude was on the pill at least three days and it was time for Linda and I to reinforce the miracle. It was going to be a lot more fun with an accomplice. 5211 2.07/512345
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