Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Gunrunner 8
Becky was on her back now with a pillow under her head. Billy grabbed the other pillow and moved to place it under her buttocks. Without being asked, Becky raised her hips. Her husband had done this a couple of times, so she knew what to do. When Billy pushed his manhood all the way into her, she would be expected to raise her legs around him. She wasn't sure she would be able to do that since he was so long, but she would try. When she had been on top of Billy, she had taken him all, but not easily. With her legs up, there was a good chance that Billy might hurt her. She would have to be very careful how far she raised her legs. But Billy did not climb over her immediately. Instead, he reached over from beside her and opened her lips with the fingers of both hands. Holding her opened as far as she could go, he looked over at Jeb. "See Jeb, how her pussy looks now? Did you ever open your wife up and look at her like this?" Jeb slowly shook his head 'no,' and his eyes seemed to gleam at the way this stranger was displaying Becky's most intimate part to him while Becky could only lie here and endure it. Becky of course, not exactly had to 'endure' anything as she had now phased from reluctant participant to being fully engaged. Her pussy looked very pink at the moment. If Jeb had seen it just a couple of minutes ago during her orgasm, he would have seen it looking almost red. Billy laughed. "Well, you missed seeing it then. Before I fucked her the first time I opened it up and took a good look. She had a little tiny hole when I spread her with my hands. It was barely bigger around than my little finger. But now she looks almost as big around as my thumb." Jeb had watched through the doorjamb as Billy had opened her, and he too remembered how small she had looked, but of course he said nothing about how her vaginal entrance seemed to have changed. Jeb sensed somehow that he should keep it a secret about how he had watched the first part of Becky's adventures with Billy. He would talk to Becky about today when it seemed like she might be in a mood for discussing it, then he would casually ask her what had happened while he was knocked out and see how much she would admit. Well, perhaps not 'admit' but be willing to reveal. Billy used his hands to sort of try to tug Becky opened wider and then allowed her to close up again before pulling her opened and holding her there. "I don't know if she'll pop back into place for you later. She might, or might not." The words had not been said directly, but the meaning was there when Billy had used the words 'for you' in his sentence. Without realizing it perhaps, Billy had said, 'Look how much more I stretched your wife out then you can.' Becky had tears in her eyes, but neither man saw them. She was shocked at how Billy was talking about her vagina as he manipulated her with his fingers and displayed her so openly. Has Billy really changed the way my vagina looks? Jeb must hate that. Yet, strangely, there was something erotic about all this. Besides Billy's touch feeling good, she suspected that her husband might still be firmly erect down there. She glanced down. Jeb was erect, and so was Billy. Indeed, when Billy climbed between her legs, he was very, very erect. Becky sucked in air when she saw Billy's penis wriggle from side to side as he walked on his knees and up between her legs. Strangely, she found the view of his penis to be very exciting, and hated herself for thinking that way. "Open wide baby. I plan to give you and your man a good show. This might take a while too since I've already had my pleasure one time." He raised his voice and looked into Becky's eyes, "I don't think you'll mind all that much if I take my time, will you?" Billy was directly over her head now and grinning down at her. At the same time Becky felt his penis touching her on the vagina. He had spoken plenty loud enough for her husband to hear, and she had to answer. But the man had said she must enjoy it, or try. She was able to see Jeb. He was just visible past Billy's left arm. Her eyes met Jeb's for a brief moment before she answered Billy. Hopefully he would understand that she had to say this. She had caught another glimpse of her husband's penis, and Jeb was still hard. "Yes, take your time. I won't mind." Then, as Billy shuffled forward on his knees, which put pressure on the head of his penis as it almost began to open her, she quickly added, "As long as you don't hurt my man." There, she had thrown that in once again, showing Jeb that she was 'just doing this to save his life.' If recriminations came up later, or accusations, she could use that excuse. But, knowing Jeb, she did not feel that he would blame her. After all, it was Jeb whom had brought this stranger into their home. "And I expect you to kiss me too, on the mouth." Billy pulled his hips back slightly, although he was already at her hole. Perhaps he wanted her to perform while Jeb watched as he again placed his penis near her vagina and said, "aim it." Without hesitation, Becky grasped him. She could not see his penis, but it sure filled her hand. Because she knew Jeb was watching, she stroked it as if she was testing the size and length and getting it good and hard before it went in. She still couldn't get used to the idea that another man was so different compared to her husband. Billy seemed to want Jeb to see everything that happened to her. "I'm going to stay up high on my knees so your man can look under and see it all." She knew that Jeb would be staring intently at what was happening, and with Jeb being hard, she suspected that he might just want to see her 'enjoying herself.' She gave Billy another couple of strokes, and Billy giggled. "You're getting a good feel of what I've got to offer, I like that. And your husband can see what you're doing. You know what? I'll bet he doesn't mind a bit right about now." Billy was right about that. Jeb was extremely aroused. Everything happening was now inevitable. There was nothing he could do but watch from just four feet away as Billy's and his wife's genitals merged into one and began working against one another, and watch he would. Billy suspected that he now had a couple who were both quite interested in what was happening to them, and he was enjoying acting as their mentor. "Jeb, are you getting a nice view of the action? Her little hole, no bigger than my thumb, is going to have to open up a lot wider again. Your little wife is about to swallow up my dick as it stretches her tight little pussy, and you're going to keep a hard on the whole time you're watching, ain't you?" Jeb spoke quietly, as if he was ashamed to admit it in front of Becky, but with a low voice he said, "Yes." Billy laughed. "Just like I told Becky, if you're enjoying this you don't have to be afraid to speak up. I plan to take my time stickin' it in so it will last that much longer while you watch and we feel it. I'm not saying that to be ornery, or to rub it in. I just want you to know what I plan so that you can enjoy seeing it going in as much as I'm feelin' it." Becky hesitated, waiting to see if Jeb would reply. Hearing nothing, Becky used a shaking hand to guide Billy's erect penis against her entrance, and gasped as he began his entry. He felt just as large as before, too large, even though he had been in there once already. But she was wet now, and he had opened her previously. Becky didn't know if she could take Billy's length with her legs up, but she had been all the way down onto his body when she had been on top. Trying not to betray her excitement, Becky did not moan as loudly this time as the hugeness began penetrating, once again stretching her to an unbelievable level. Instead she began letting out little 'ooohs and aaaahs' as he worked the tip partially into her. Jeb could hear, and he could see. When Billy had gotten the thickest part of his penis into where it was opening her lips the widest, at a depth of about two inches, he paused. The thickest part of his entire penis was now holding her tightest and smallest part open. His head was stretching her to absolute capacity and Becky's fingers were digging tightly into the stranger as she held his shoulders. She waited almost with bated breath. What is he waiting for? "Jeb? This is some really nice pussy. Don't know if you've even been in another one, but I have, and I can tell you that your wife has the absolute finest hole I've ever felt." His comment intended to be a compliment had hit both Jeb and Becky in the same way. Instead of saying 'Becky,' Billy had said 'your wife' and it added emphasis to how wrong it was for a man to know another man's wife in such an intimate matter. Yet, Becky most of all found his comment to be stimulating. It was crazy. Becky wanted to thank Billy for his compliment, but that would be perverse. Jeb also wanted to thank him for the compliment, but after all, this is my wife Billy is talking about as he rapes her. Or is this no longer a rape, Jeb wondered? He could see what that fat head was doing to Becky, and he knew that Billy was deliberately making her endure it as he paused without going deeper. Instead, Jeb took the high route. "I've never been with another woman, but I always knew Becky was the best." As Jeb was speaking, he found himself staring intently at Becky's vagina as her lips remained stretched around the widest part of Billy's head. It was an awesome sight as Jeb studied their genitals. My wife is opened so wide, and yet there is so much more penis waiting to enter her and he's got those two large balls dangling high above, waiting for their chance to begin banging against her ass. Billy laughed and looked into Becky's eyes as he worked his penis. "You're right about that, she is the best." Putting on a show for her husband, and enjoying the delays, he began going a little deeper, then coming completely back out and starting over. Each time he went forward, he would go very slightly deeper and Becky's lips would almost be able to close down around his shaft. Billy paused with his head stretching her to the widest once again. Jeb could see that Becky was starting to tremble slightly. "Jeb, I can feel this and so can she, but I'm doing this mostly for you. How does she look when I pull it out?" Jeb could not believe his ears, but after all this, it was perhaps to be expected. If I don't answer now, it might delay how long Becky has to endure that painful (he thinks) stretching. "I can see inside her for a little bit. She, she sort of stays open for a second when you pull it out, then she closes up." Billy laughed. "That's what makes it feel so good for me. She closes up and I get to stretch her open again." He laughed, and Jeb, unseen, smiled at his comment, then wondered why the hell he had done so. With a little sigh or gasp coming from Becky each time, Billy went two to three inches in, then came out of her pussy three or four more times, each time allowing Jeb at look at her insides for a brief moment. Becky had heard the exchange, though she could not believe her ears. Not could she believe her eyes, for she had raised her head to steal a glance at Jeb, and had seen his little smile in reply and then his frown of confusion. She found that to be stimulating. If Jeb is enjoying the view, then maybe I can feel free to show my enjoyment too. Finally, Billy decided to go a little deeper inside her. For a little while during the next inch of penetration, he was going past the ridge of his head and allowing her lips to close around his shaft, and then pulling his head back so that it opened her to the widest point once again. "Oooh, Ooooh." Becky was making strange sounds, and Jeb could not tell if they were of pleasure or pain. He was working her lips such as they had never known. The first time, when she had been on top, Becky had felt his head, had enjoyed it and had ridden over it constantly. And now, once again, Billy is making her very aware of just how thick it is and how much feeling the ridge generates as it tugs on her lips on the way out. Each time the ridge passes by, it makes her lips open to the widest and almost turn inside out as he pulls back, and close slightly as he moves it forward so that her tortured lips can close down on his slightly narrower shaft. 'My poor little Becky, surely that must hurt,' Jeb was thinking as he watched the adjustments her lips had to make each time Billy moved forward and back again. Deep down though, Jeb knew that it probably did not hurt. The sounds she was making did not exactly sound like pain. Every time Billy came back, his head would tug at her lips. Her lips almost turned inside out they moved back almost an inch before they would open enough to let the head come out and into the air. Becky has other thoughts. She is almost reaching climax. If he had continued doing that for just a little while longer she would have, but then he started going deeper. Another stroke forward, another inch of penetration. Several strokes later, each taking another inch, he is almost to the point where his balls will lie on her ass. He paused, "Becky, are you ready now to take all of it while your husband watches?" Becky can be heard taking a deep breath, than another. "Yes. Give it to me." Finally, taking his time, Billy penetrated her to the very end as his big balls lay upon her ass. "Aaaah that feels good. Man, she's got it all now!" Billy sounded as if he was bragging. Jeb was watching intently, and shook his head. Again he thought: 'My poor little Becky, surely that must hurt,' But it didn't hurt, and as Billy began his movements, in addition to making little gasping sounds, Becky finds herself raising up, placing her legs around Billy's buttocks at first, and then higher as she feels her way. When Billy begins kissing her, Becky responds, both with her mouth and lower half of her body. In seconds she is tightly wrapped around him, both with her arms and her legs. Kissing becomes part of their act. There is no way she will let Jeb know, but Becky is now involved with Billy emotionally as well as physically. Billy is not going to hurt my husband. In his own way, Billy is being nice to me. Billy is even kind of 'cute,' and Billy knows how to please me. He started moving his hips sideways, taking her along with him. Totally involved now, she finally let out a long moan. 'Ohhh, Billy.' The words were whispered, but came out loud enough for Jeb to hear, but not real clearly. Before, it had all been a warm up. Billy had been showing off for Jeb by taking his time on the entry. Besides that, it had been very enjoyable teasing and stretching Becky with the fat head of his dick. But now, that was behind them. The serious fucking was about to begin, but first Billy had something to say. He pulled his mouth away from Becky's ear and made sure to speak loud enough so that Jeb could hear. "Talk to me Becky. Your husband can hear, but don't be afraid or embarrassed. After a while you might want to do just that without being told. Do it loud enough for Jeb to hear. If you can't think of what to say on your own, just say things like 'fuck me,' and 'do it deeper,' or 'do it harder,' or anything else you feel like saying. If there's something you really like when I do it, tell me to keep doing it. If there's anything you think might feel good, suggest it, you know, tell me to do it." Becky did just that, but only after Billy started fucking her steadily. It was strange to talk in such an illicit manner, especially knowing her husband could hear. She began by speaking softly, and as time went by, she began progressively speaking louder. "Fuck me Billy, oh yes, fuck me." After a minute Becky squeezed him with her arms and added, "I like it slow and deep, just like that." Billy fucked her slow and deep, but Billy also wanted her to say something a little more erotic, perhaps to stroke his ego, or perhaps to arouse or annoy her husband. "And say things like, 'I like your big cock, and fuck me with your big cock' so your husband can hear." This was reminding Becky of that last day with Mr. Jones. Becky did her own version. "Your cock feels good. It's big and I can really feel it rubbing me inside." It went on for a long while, seconds passed into minutes. Not wanting to hurt Jeb's feelings because his penis was a lot smaller than Billy's, Becky was subdued at first with her words of encouragement, but as time went by, the words seemed to flow more freely from her mouth. She remembered what Billy had said, or maybe the words were becoming natural for her to say. "Fuck me Billy. Fuck me like an animal with your big cock." As Billy started to fuck her a little harder in response, Becky added; "Ooooh, it feels really good." It kind of sounded contrived, the way Becky was yelling it out. Jeb knew that Billy had told her to do so, but Becky's movements with her body betrayed her. She might be exaggerating her 'conversation,' but her body was revealing how much pleasure she was seeking and receiving. And then of course, Becky had said 'it feels really good.' Billy had not told her to say that, so maybe she had meant it? What bothered Jeb the most though was one line, Becky had said; 'It's big and I can really feel it rubbing me inside.' Jeb knew that she had probably been speaking the truth and not just making it up. Becky is enjoying how he can rub her walls, and I will never be able to match that. And then, as if he could understand what her husband might be thinking, Billy made her give the answer. "Becky, are you being truthful? You husband and I both want to know. Are you being truthful when you say you like fucking me, that you like my big cock and how it rubs you inside?" Becky hesitated. What will Jeb think if I tell the truth? But she knew that she no longer could conceal how much she was enjoying this, and besides, her husband had talked to Billy in ways like he seemed to be accepting her situation. "Yes, I'm being truthful. I like it." The she moaned and sort of yelled out, "And I like that!" Billy had just started fucking her hard for a few seconds, banging his testicles against her upraised ass. All the while Becky was talking, she was also moaning, squirming and fucking Billy responsively. Five minutes passed and then ten. The stranger had good control, despite the way Becky was responding as she tried to come up with new lines each time she yelled out her pleasure. "You're so big. You're turning me inside out!" Silently, Jeb found himself agreeing with Becky. It did indeed look like Billy was turning her inside out. Each time Billy pulled back, her lips came along for the ride. Billy was teasing Becky now, controlling her. Each time she would draw near, he would slow down, or change his technique. But Becky had no complaints. Anything Billy did was fine with her. Then Billy adjusted his position over her so that he was even more upright on his knees. This left more room between her body and his as Billy started moving his ass from side to side. "Yes, wriggle it sideways. I like that too." As she said that, Becky had her hips off the mattress and was moving her hips from side to side under Billy. Her ass was floating free and when Billy slowed his movements, Becky took over with her body. She raised her ass completely off the bed and began wriggling her ass side to side. She also used the opportunity to jab her hips upward, taking Billy all the way inside herself. Hating what he was seeing and hearing and yet aroused by it, Jeb could not tear his eyes off the spectacle before him. There was absolutely no doubt in Jeb's mind that the fucking movements going on between the two were now being controlled by his wife. This went on for another two to three minutes, and when Becky seemed to tire, Billy took over. Billy was moving his ass high into the air before going way down and penetrating deep. Jeb could see the muscles on Billy's ass, small as they were, flexing as he moved. His anus was visible as well, and Jeb could not help but wonder what Billy would do if a dick were suddenly to jab into his ass. That would teach him! With the man staying high up on his knees and with Becky's hips raised so that she could keep her legs wrapped around Billy way up high, Jeb could see it all. His wife was so involved with Billy's dick that she seemed to actually be holding her lower half completely off the bed. Jeb glanced down at himself. His penis was flowing, clear pre-fluid, and lots of it. He found himself wishing that he could stroke it. "Oh, and I like that, when you go deep and slow." Jeb could especially see the way Becky's lips were grabbing onto Billy's shaft each time he pulled back before plunging deeply into her once again. He also could not miss how her arms, hand and fingers were clutching at Billy and sometimes digging in. Red welts were beginning to appear on Billy's back and buttocks. And in and out was not all Billy did. He varied his moves, sometimes grinding against her body with his pubic mound as he went sideways. Each time he began a new series of thrusts, the sounds Becky was making changed. "Ooh, ooooooh, that's good. You're doing it again. I like it when you go sideways like that!" Jeb could see the way that Billy was stretching her lips as he twisted his hips from side to side. Her body was twisting into almost impossible angles sometimes as she moved with Billy, possibly to enhance the way he was working her pussy. Jeb was shaking his head. With the way Becky is twisting around, it must be making Billy's long dick hit the insides of her snatch at extreme angles. One would think that would be uncomfortable for her, but Becky seems to want more. Billy had a huge organ, but he did not count on size alone to do all the work. Somehow, surprisingly, he seemed to know what to do, and he was doing it. "Fuck me Billy. It feels good, your big cock does. Fuck me and put on a show for Jeb!" As she was speaking, and now meaning it with all her heart, and body, Becky's hands were still roaming all over Billy's back, head, shoulders and ass. Becky had been asked to become vocal before her husband, and now she seemed to have no qualms about speaking of what she was feeling. "Now instead of me, talk to Jeb for a minute, and tell him how it feels as I move my body and dick around." Billy paused, then added, "and be truthful because he wants to know." Somehow, perhaps because she was being truthful, Becky had no problem telling Jeb how she was feeling. "Oooh Jeb. He knows how to do it and it feels really good. I can't help it Jeb. Just watch and try to enjoy what is happening to me, please do!" "And my cock, Becky, tell him about my cock and how it feels as it stretches your pussy." At this point, Billy was actually trying to add to Jeb's and Becky's enjoyment, but neither Jeb nor Becky could know that for sure. Becky paused, all the while working her ass under Billy. 'Is he trying to help us enjoy it or trying to hurt Jeb's feelings?' She glanced over at Jeb and could see his eyes, as a matter of fact his entire face watching her lower portions as Billy fucked her. He likes it!' Billy had seen her glance down at her husband and knew how she was thinking. He spoke softer, right into her ear, "Tell him Becky. Talk dirty. It won't hurt his feelings. I want you both to enjoy this." Becky understood now what Billy was doing. The words, those dirty words had never been used before between Becky and Jeb. They were strange to say, but Billy was making suggestions and putting the words in her thoughts. "Ooh Jeb, his cock, his big cock feels so good. It.I thought at first that I could pretend that he didn't have it in me, but it's too big to ignore. It feels good honey. I can't help it. I know that you must be able to see what he is doing to me.down there. His cock is so big and it stretches me, it stretches my pussy further than I ever thought it could go. Because it stretches me so much, I am really aware of it and how it is a different cock than what I am used to." As if to remind her that he also had a long cock as well as a cock that stretches, Billy began fucking her a little harder, going up against her pubic mound, and she added."Uuuh, uuuuh, and he is really long too honey. He goes way up inside me! It's almost too long but it feels good because he takes such long strokes!" "Now tell him how much you like the man that big dick is attached to. Tell him the truth, that you used to hate me but now you like me because of the way I make you feel when I'm fucking you. Go on, you can say it!" A long pause, then; "Jeb?" Jeb knew what she had to do, and was already wondering if she would actually mean it. "Yes, Becky?" "You heard what Billy said, so you know I have to say it, but I do kind of like him now. He came up with a way for him to get away and not have to hurt you, and I'm not sure, but I think he is trying to teach us about sex and what he has learned. I know he is raping me and I know how it looks to you because I am.seem to be enjoying it, but I think you are enjoying seeing me, seeing me getting fucked." She paused in her talking while Billy gave her two or three powerful thrusts, then when he slowed down, she added: "There, I said it. I hope you understand." There was a silence between Billy and Becky as Billy slowly and steadily continued to pump into her. They were waiting for an answer, Jeb knew, and this one was difficult to answer. If he answered truthfully, both Billy and his wife would know that he is enjoying seeing Becky getting fucked. Yet, he knew this is wrong and should not be happening, and that things between Becky and him can never be the same, though necessarily worse off. "Becky, and you too Billy." he paused." A 'yes?' from both of them, and Jeb continued. "I can't hide the fact that I have.that I am hard. Billy knew what he was doing when he took down my pants. Both of you can see it and you know that I must be aroused by what I am seeing. I both hate and like what I see. I mean.Becky I hate what is happening to you and I hate that another man is getting fuck you, but I like seeing.being able to see it all in the daylight and close up because it seems to feel good to you. I can't do anything to change it, so the best I can say is for you, both of you to feel free and enjoy yourself.yourselves. When it is over, later today maybe or tonight, Becky, you and I can talk about it and I will do the best I can to make you feel that what you did was not wrong." Billy spoke first, and loudly. "Jeb, that's showing your woman that you're an understanding man. Well said." Jeb could see that Becky was struggling to come up with an appropriate answer and saved her from any possible admissions that might be embarrassing. "Becky, you don't have to answer. I know that you are embarrassed and maybe feeling ashamed. Just go ahead and do what you're doing. Enjoy it, and I will too, and later I think things will be the same if you still love me." "I do love you Jeb, more than ever." Then the fucking began again; more enthusiastic than before, if that was possible. Bravely, Becky decided to speak after another minute had gone by. "Jeb, Billy asked me to tell you how much I like him now, so I want to finish. Instead of telling you that I liked him I was telling you that you seem to enjoy seeing me being.fucked, so now I want to add a little more. I didn't finish before." "Go ahead." "Jeb? I feel like kissing Billy. If fucking feels this nice between us, it seems like the thing to do. I hope you don't mind." As she finished, Becky wrapped her arms tighter around Billy and pulled his head down to hers. Jeb spoke in answer, but Becky was ahead of him. "Do it baby, kiss him." Their lips were mingling and two tongues had already started twirling. Jeb saw how excited Becky was and encouraged her. "Kiss him good Becky. I can see that there is so much.Billy in you that you can't possibly not know how big he is and how he is stretching your little pussy. Wash everything out of your mind and just think about Billy.and his cock, and how much you like his cock.and him." Becky did just that, and began feeling even more pleasure, pleasure such as she had never known. At this point Becky again felt the desire to thank Billy. This time the feeling was overwhelming, but she dared not say it for fear her husband would hear. Thanking him would be equivalent to saying that she was glad from the very beginning that Billy had decided to rape her. She, or Billy, could never take back the fact that Billy had struck Jeb over the head with the butt of his pistol and knocked him out. Jeb was taking stock of what he was seeing, and memorizing it all. When he and Becky were next together, after things had been worked out, he might try some of the things he was seeing. Of course he did not have what the stranger had to give her, but some things still might work. "Billy?" Billy paused in his stroking. "Yes, Jeb?" "You have had other women. Tell me, how does Becky feel? I mean, how does she feel wrapped around your cock, and how do her tits feel compared to other women?" Jeb paused, then quickly added; "And how is she at kissing?" Billy laughed, and began stroking again. "Jeb, you have no worries in that department. You are married to the best. At least based on the women I have had, Becky is the best in every area, bar none! Her pussy is the tightest and sweetest, her tits have no match, and her face is lovelier than any woman I have ever seen." "Thank you." That was Jeb, and a second later came 'thank you' another from Becky. Then silence as they all, all three with some understandable reluctance on the part of Jeb, wanted Becky to have her orgasm and for Billy to finish up. Finally Billy went with one thing, and stayed with it. "More, more.ooooh Billy I'm so close." Jeb sat up straighter as he realized that his wife was about to orgasm. He stared intently at the two people fucking before him. He leaned to one side so that he could see his wife's face as well as what her arms were doing and what was going on at their lower ends. "Ooh, Ooh, Ooh.Billy!" Jeb was fascinated. Becky is trying to kiss, moan and breathe at the same time. Her face looks red and almost like she is in pain. She has a funny look on her face, like she is anxious or something. Her fingers are digging into him and she is humping her ass as hard as she can in order to make his stokes feel even longer. Becky, does he really feel that good? Jeb was right in his thinking that Becky looked anxious. It was about to happen, and it seemed like she had been waiting for this moment ever since way back with Mr. Jones. "Oooh God, oh God." When Becky reached her first orgasm by fucking, it was if a dam had broken. Pushing her hips as high as she could get them in order to take as much of Billy as she could get, she began squealing. This was a strange sound that Jeb had never heard her do. Her body shook and shuddered and her fingers were digging into Billy. It was then, as she had her humping hips raised as high as Billy's body over her would permit that she made her announcement. "I'm coming!" Becky's first orgasm by fucking was becoming the one that she would never forget, nor would her husband. "I'm coming.I'm coming.Oh God I'm coming." Jeb watched with his mouth wide open as Becky proclaimed her joy once, and then three times in a row. He could see every detail, and was astonished at what he was seeing. Becky's lips had turned almost a bright red, and it looked like they were pulsing all around Billy, who had slowed his stroking and was moving his hips just fast enough and with long enough strokes to prolong her orgasm. Also, because Billy's huge balls were drawn up tight in the sack, they did not block the view lower down. Jeb could see Becky's anus, that little pinkish in color hole, and it was twitching, opening and closing almost as Becky groaned her way through an orgasm that so far had lasted fifteen seconds, maybe longer. "I'm coming. Oh Billy I'm coming." Becky said it the fifth time very softly, and her hands seemed to be lovingly caressing the man whom had brought her there as she wound down. The way she had said it the fifth time seemed to be expressing her surprise and joy at what had just happened. Becky had been waiting a long time for this pleasure, which had seemed so elusive. But Becky seemed to want more. Billy still needed to be satisfied, and maybe there would be enough time for her. Instead of feeling tired, she felt revived now. Becky was sweaty. She felt wet everywhere, both inside and out. The sheet under them was wet. The sweat just seemed to add to the excitement, and Becky could do nothing more than concentrate on what they were doing. Then, after Billy had laid quietly over her with his penis buried while she caught her breath, Becky said the line that was perhaps the most daring, the most brazen of all she would utter in front of her husband. But she was being truthful in expressing her feelings. "Give me more." Becky had finally achieved the ultimate, an orgasm with a man inside her. Not from her own man, and not simultaneous, but it had been the most enjoyable moment for her ever from a sexual standpoint. If one climax was good, two would be great. Until now, all that Becky had done had been at Billy's command or request. Her asking for more had been her idea, and was confirmation that she was now willing to give her total commitment to anything that Billy might do. Billy only paused for a few moments, allowing Becky to catch her breath before he began again. She once again began fucking Billy as intently as he was fucking her. For the moment, she had forgotten her husband and the fact that he was watching. "Fuck me, fuck me you animal!" she hissed through clenched teeth. 'Animal'? Where in the world did Becky get that one, Jeb thought? Wherever the expression came from, it seemed to inspire Billy as his hips began a new series of powerful thrusts. And to top it off, the kissing was almost continuous. Becky was involved now, and when their lips were not in contact, she was moaning and talking dirty. She had tossed all concerns about what Jeb might be thinking to the wind. She had permission from Jeb, and had even been told to enjoy it and make noise if she must. And make noise she was doing, perhaps overdoing it in her excitement, but it all came out sounding natural. Billy began slamming into her, pounding hard as he buried himself all the way to her pubic mound. Surprisingly, Becky took it all and seemed to want more. Despite knowing her husband was watching, Becky reached orgasm a second time. She was not quite as loud the second time, meaning that she didn't squeal, but she was still noisy. The man had given her climaxes twice orally, and now he was pleasing her for the second time with his wonderful penis. Jeb knew what was happening as he watched his wife's body react through still another orgasm. And as he leaned his body to one side and then the other, he could see that they were kissing up there, and it looked like Becky was responding with her mouth just as intently as she seemed to be moving down here. Seeing the kissing hurt Jeb more than the action he was viewing below. The penile thrusting and her responses were physical, but what is Becky thinking? "Jeb?" "Yes, honey?" "He made me come again, with his penis I mean. I know that you could tell, but I couldn't help it." "It's all right Becky. You're.your body is reacting naturally. Don't feel self-conscious." Just then Billy decided to add his two bits worth. "Now you can watch me come." Billy seemed to have been directing those words at Jeb, and now he looked down at Becky. "I want to make it romantic Becky, so let's do lots of kissing." No problem there, she was ready. Becky responded with lips and tongue, and her fingers dug into his ass. Billy pumped, steadily and at a moderate pace. He was in no hurry it looked like. Finally, after what seemed an eternity for Jeb, but not quite long enough for Becky, Billy stiffened, drove his penis deeply into her, and using short and deep thrusts, reached his second orgasm, again filling her with the juice that God created to make babies. And that was what Jeb was thinking as he saw and heard the stranger reach orgasm inside his wife for the second time. What if she becomes pregnant? Ever since the marriage, when they had been having sex, they had been avoiding it in the five days or so before her 'lady's time' was due. Jeb searched in his memory. When is Becky due? It seemed like not for another two weeks. He didn't know a lot about those things, but it seemed like this might be a bad time. Their bodies were shiny with sweat. Becky was quiet now as Billy laid over her. His body was pressed against her and flattening her breasts, but he didn't feel as heavy as Jeb did when he was in this same position. It was finished. No, it was not quite finished. Only after Becky had caressed the side of Billy's face and recklessly said another sentence was it finished. With Billy having had his orgasm, she had apparently completed her 'requirements' for making dirty talk, but Becky felt the need to say more. She at last dared to thank him, but categorized her thanks by adding a second sentence. "Thank you Billy. Thank you for taking a long time, moving your ass around so nice and giving me so many orgasms with your big and wonderful cock." Orgasms. Becky was openly thanking Billy for giving her many orgasms. Both Jeb and Becky were very aware of the fact that she had never before climaxed with Jeb. It was perhaps a thoughtless thing she was saying to Billy in front of Jeb, but there was no hiding the fact that she had experienced orgasms, very strong orgasms with Billy. For Jeb, as a jealous man who loved his wife dearly and would have to continue living with her, it was perhaps the most painful and yet erotic line Becky had used during the entire session, even more so than when she had asked Billy for more. For Billy, coming from a wife and in front of her husband, it was the most ego boosting; manhood building line he had ever heard uttered into his ears. For Becky, it was the most wanton, slutty line she had ever uttered, and after she thought about it for a moment, the most embarrassing, or more to the point, shameful. But after all, wasn't I supposed to fuck Billy and make it good so he will let us go? Jeb stared at his lovely wife with new eyes as she lay quietly and still holding Billy with her arms. The stranger had known his wife in every way. She had cooperated and tried to show him pleasure as he had asked. She had talked as he had requested, and in the process even put down her husband in some ways. Will Billy keep his word? Will he leave me alone and ride off with Becky, and later release her as promised? 4914 1.86/512345
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