Wednesday, November 21, 2012

My Wife Laps The Field

My Wife Laps The Field By Lingus My buddies and I have been planning this trip for nearly a year. Every year for the past ten years we have gotten together on the last Sunday in May to watch the Indy 500. Every year about the time the race starts we make a vow that next year we'll see the race in person. Every year nothing comes of it and we kick ourselves for doing nothing. Then we promise again to do something about it. Every year this happens...until last year. Last year Bill Johnson, our host for the party, had planned ahead. As usual the adrenalin started to flow as Jim Nabors sang "Back Home Again in Indiana" and Tony Hulman's widow said "Gentlemen start your engines." Jack Lawson was the first to say it. "Guys, we've got to go to Indy next year. Let's cut the bullshit and just do it." John Carter and Larry Winston echoed his sentiments. The rest of us nodded our heads. Then we all laughed. Our pledge to go to the race had become as much a ritual of the race as what was going on at the track. We each knew that we were just whistling in the wind. Nothing would come of it. "Well, guys if we finally want to get serious about it," Bill interjected, "we've got to make a plan and start doing something about it...tomorrow. Not one day later. I've heard that tickets for the following year are sold out almost as soon as race weekend is over. We can't waste any time." "You're right, Bill," I added. "Do you have something in mind?" Bill was the methodical one in the group and if he said something like that he probably knew exactly what he thought should be done. "Well, I have here a list of things that we have to do to make it happen. There are jobs here for everyone. If we each do our share we can be sitting at the track a year from today. Are you all interested?" "Yeah, count me in," Bob Little replied. Everyone else said "me too." "OK. Here is a list of the things that I can think of that we need to do. A couple of them...sending in for tickets and calling to get a place to stay...need to be done right away. That means tomorrow. I've already gotten the address for the tickets and a phone number to call about motel rooms. The rest of the jobs aren't so urgent," Bill continued. Before the tenth lap of the race was over we had divided up the jobs. We enjoyed the race more than ever because we knew that somehow next year we really were going to be there in person. Instead of procrastinating and losing our chance again, Bill got the tickets ordered and John made motel reservations. We were going to do it. The rest of us took our jobs seriously too. This was going to be an experience to remember. We got together every few weeks and watched other Indy car races or talked about our favorite drivers and teams. The time went quickly. Before we new it, it was the first of May. The rest of us got busy with our jobs so that everything would be all set. Finally the big day was just a week away. The rest of the arrangements for the trip had been completed. Bob had purchased drinks and snacks for in the van and in our rooms. Jack selected where we would eat and got us reservations. He even ordered buckets of chicken for us to take to the track on race day. Larry had the course mapped out for how we would get there. He'd even located the rest stops along the way. I was going to drive everyone to Indianapolis in my van. We would leave early Saturday morning of race weekend, which would get us to our motel early in the afternoon. We'd have some time to relax and swim or something before we went to dinner. We were all set. Even the weather forecast was good. It was to be sunny and warm for the entire weekend. We were as excited as little kids just before Christmas. On Friday morning, the day before we were to leave, Bill called me all upset. "Jim," he began. "We've got a problem. Larry's wife just called to say that his father is very ill, and he's on his way to Los Angeles to be there with him. He won't be able to go. Do you know of anyone else who can go with us and use his ticket?" "No, but I'll give it some thought and check around," I replied. "Gee, it's too bad about Larry. He really was looking forward to this. I hope his dad will be all right." "It doesn't sound good, but who knows these days with everything the doctors can do. Call me tonight and let me know what you come up with. I'm going to be in a meeting all day and won't have time to do anything before tonight." My wife, Beth, had overheard my end of the conversation. "What's up with Larry?" she asked when I hung up the phone. "His dad's pretty sick and he had to go to California. Do you know of anyone who might like to take his place at Indy?" "That's too bad," she said speaking of Larry, "but yes, as a matter of fact I know someone who'd love to go to the race, but I don't think you want her along." "Her? Who is 'her?'" I asked. "Me, silly. I'd love to go." "You're kidding," I replied. I had no idea that Beth knew what the Indy 500 was let alone would want to go. "No. I'm not kidding. I often watch the race myself when you go off with the guys. I think it would be a lot of fun to see it once." "Yes, but with five men. I mean you'd be really outnumbered...and the sleeping arrangements would really be screwed up. We only have two rooms for the six of us." "Oh, I think we could work that out," she countered. "Aren't there two double beds in each room? You and I could share one. I can bring a robe and I won't peek when the guys are changing or stuff." "Gee, I don't know," I finally replied. "Let me think about it. I don't know what the other guys might think." "I'd appreciate it if you would. I'd really love to go." By mid-afternoon I was getting nowhere finding a replacement for Larry. I had talked to the rest of the group and they didn't have any ideas either on such short notice. I mentioned Beth's interest to each of them and was surprised to find that they really didn't mind if she went along. In fact, Jack, who is the self-designated lady's man of our group, was quite excited about the possibility. "Beth would sure improve the scenery," he said when I asked his opinion. "I like the idea." I knew that Jack was attracted to my pretty blonde wife, but Jack is attracted to anything in a skirt. When I came home from work Beth asked if I'd thought any more about her going along and I told her that I had. I mentioned my lack of success in finding someone else and that three of the guys didn't seem to mind if she went. "I still have to talk to Bill though," I cautioned her. "If it's OK with him, and he hasn't already found someone else, then it's fine with me." "That's great, darling," Beth said as she gave me a big kiss. "I promise to be good and not embarrass you in front of your friends." "I'm not worried about that," I assured her. I told her what Jack had said. She was flattered. I finally got a hold of Bill right after dinner. I told him what had gone on and that Beth was the only one I could find who was interested in going on such short notice. There was a brief pause as he considered what I'd just said. "Well, Jim, is she aware that we're sharing two rooms?" he asked. "Yes, and she's said that she and I can share one of the double beds. She's even promised to avoid hogging the bathroom," I said with a laugh. "Yeah, and the sun will come up in the west tomorrow," he replied with a laugh. "Dames are all alike in that respect, but I guess we can work that out. It's only for one night. But let me ask you: is it OK with you, Jim? I mean we're not a bunch of longshoremen but we do get carried away sometimes. Will she be offended or get upset if things get a little colorful sometimes. You know Bob's sense of humor." "I think she can handle it," I replied. "He's been here quite often and they seem to get along pretty well. She can dish it right back at him when she wants to." "Well, hell, it seems like she's our only choice then," Bill replied. "Just don't put it to her that way. I guess we could just not use Larry's ticket but it would be such a waste." "Great. I'll let her know. She'll be very excited. I'd better get off and tell her now though so she and I can pack." "Fine, Jim. See you in the morning. Are you picking me up?" "Yes. At seven, if that's OK." "That's fine. See you then," Bill replied as he hung up. I told Beth the good news and she was ecstatic. She gave me another big kiss. "Oh, honey, thank you. I can't believe that I'm really going to get to go." The next morning Beth and I were up very early so we could load the van. Jack and Bob met us at our house and then we picked up Bill and John. By seven-thirty we were on the road. The drive to Indianapolis normally would take about five hours but we planned to make a couple pit stops so it would take a bit longer. Beth started the trip sitting up front by me. We weren't twenty miles down the road before Bob told his first joke. It wasn't really off color and everyone laughed. This prompted him to continue and before long he got into his "adult" material. Beth was laughing along with the rest of us. She didn't show any signs of embarrassment. When we were stopped at our first rest stop Bill mentioned to me that he'd asked Bob to be a little careful about his humor and Bob had sheepishly agreed to try. "But, Bill," he said, "that's the only kind of stories I know. Besides a lot of these are jokes I heard from women. I'll bet Beth knows some good ones too." "He's probably right about that," I replied. "I know Beth knows some pretty raunchy ones, but I appreciate your taking care of it. Thanks." Jack talked Beth into joining him on the couch in the back of the van when everyone got back in after our break. "Jim shouldn't get to have all the beauty to himself," was his excuse. Beth laughingly agreed to sit with him. They'd known each other for a long time and Jack sometimes got pretty direct in his come-ons, but Beth held her own and kept things under control without hurting Jack's feelings. Things were pretty quiet for the next leg of the trip. Bob sat up front with me and we chatted about nothing in particular. I heard occasional giggles from Beth in the back seat but didn't think much of it until suddenly she started laughing loudly and I could see in the rear view mirror that she was moving around quickly as if she was trying to get away from Jack. Then she yelled "Jack, cut that out!" We all turned around to see what was going on. The two of them were sitting at opposite ends of the couch with embarrassed grins on their faces. I wondered what Jack had done to precipitate such an outburst, but I figured if Beth had a problem she wouldn't be sitting there looking like nothing happened. "Can't you two behave back there?" Bob asked facetiously. "You interrupted my nap." "Gee, sorry Bob," Jack replied. "We weren't doing anything." At the next rest stop I asked Beth if everything was all right. "Is Jack behaving badly?" I wanted to know. "Everything is fine. He just tried to tickle me because I told him I wasn't ticklish. He accidentally got a handful of my left boob when I tried to get loose from him. That's why I yelled." "Yeah, well knowing Jack it probably wasn't really an accident. Maybe you shouldn't sit back there anymore," I continued. "Oh, no, I'm sure I'll be fine," she assured me. "I'd like to stretch out a bit and maybe take a nap...that is unless you'd rather I moved." "No, it's up to you. I just don't want something to happen that might make you upset and spoil the trip. You be the judge." I really didn't think Jack would go too far and I was sure that Beth wouldn't let things get really out of hand so I didn't press the point. Besides I got a strange sort of kick out of Jack's flirting with my wife. When we continued on with the last leg of our trip Beth got out a blanket and laid down on the couch with her head on Jack's lap. She appeared to fall asleep and I didn't hear any more noises from them. The rest of us chatted occasionally but mostly the other guys dozed while I drove. As we approached Indianapolis I woke Bill and asked him to start helping me navigate. He had taken over for Larry in that respect. About one-thirty we arrived at our motel. John got us checked in fairly quickly considering the crowd that was coming in that day. As we unloaded the van I asked Beth if Jack had been behaving better. "Well," she said as she blushed slightly, "I didn't want to make an issue of it, but his hands were pretty busy under my blanket. It made me feel sort of like I was at the drive-in back in high school. I got a funny sort of kick out of it so I didn't make a scene. When he tried a couple of times to progress from playing with my boobs to reaching under my skirt, I had to push his hand away. The second time I did it pretty firmly and I guess he got the message. At least he didn't try it again. I just hope you don't mind that your wife did get a pretty good chest massage." "I guess I don't mind if you don't mind," I replied. Again I felt a strange combination of jealousy and being somewhat turned on by the fact that a friend of mine had been getting pretty intimate with my wife. "There's one other thing I guess I ought to mention," Beth said as her face turned even redder. "What's that?" I asked. "I think Jack had a hard on the whole last part of the trip. I tried to ignore it but I kept bumping the back of my head against it. Once when I sat up for a minute I saw the bulge in his pants. He didn't seem at all self-conscious about it. In fact he probably was proud of it. The thing looked huge." "That's terrible, sweetheart. I'm sorry that happened. I'll speak to Jack about it. He has no business letting that happen." "No, don't do that. No harm was done...unless you're upset about it. Frankly, I must admit that I found it flattering that I had such an effect on least I assume it was me that made it happen. Please don't say anything to him. It would embarrass me terribly," Beth begged. "I'll deal with him. I don't want there to be a big scene on my account. It would spoil the weekend for you and your friends. I can handle Jack. This isn't the first time he's gotten a little too friendly. I've dealt with him before." I was surprised by Beth's remark because I hadn't any idea that this friend of mine had been making serious moves on my wife. I was about ask more about it, but just then Bill came up and said that they were done unloading the van and I should move it away from the entrance to the motel. When we got to our rooms we discovered that we had adjoining rooms with a door that could be opened between them. "This is a perfect setup," Bill said. "This way you and Beth can share one bathroom and the rest of us guys can use the other one. That should make it about even," he continued with a laugh. I laughed too because I knew he was right. Bill pulled me aside as everyone was unpacking and getting the rooms set up. "Is everything OK between Jack and Beth?" he asked. "I noticed you talking to her and I know what sorts of things Jack does sometimes. He seems to have no gall even when it comes to his friends' wives. I know I shouldn't tell you this but once I found out that once when Ann had a little too much to drink, he talked her into letting him feel her up and then giving him a blowjob. They even did it when his wife and I were sitting in the next room. I was furious about it for quite awhile. I finally talked to Jack about it and he apologized profusely. He claimed he'd had too much to drink too. Ann promised me that she wouldn't let it happen again so I finally let it go. We had a real rough time for a couple of months over it though. "Thanks for your concern, Bill. She says he got a little fresh with her but he's done that before. It doesn't sound like it was anything close to what you said he did with Ann though. I understand your anger over something like that." Actually I wasn't sure if I did understand Bill's anger over what Ann and Jack had done. I was really quite surprised to find myself at least mildly turned on knowing what had happened between Jack and my wife. Beth had never given me cause to question her fidelity and now when this high- schoolish behavior was going on I was reassured by the fact that she was very frank in telling me about it. My only immediate concern was to make sure that we all had a great time this weekend. We'd invested too much time and money and we'd been looking forward to it for too long to let anything spoil it. The rest of the afternoon went by quickly and uneventfully. We all put on our swimsuits and spent a couple of hours at the motel's heated pool. It was nice to relax a bit after the long drive. We each had a couple of drinks but no one got even close to drunk. We fellas watched with considerable interest as two very cute young gals with stunning figures in very revealing bikinis pranced around the pool and jumped off the diving board. I think we all kept hoping that the strings that held together the small patches of material that covered their vital areas would somehow break or come undone. Of course, nothing of the kind happened. I thought for a minute about the effect this scene must be having on horny old Jack's cock since he seemed to get hard pretty easily. Then I realized that it was also affecting mine. I put a newspaper over my lap to avoid letting my erection be seen. Surprisingly it was John, not Jack, who first commented on the situation. "Ayyy, carumba," he blurted as one of the gals bent over. She was facing away from us and gave us a great view of her very well formed ass only partially covered by a thin strip of material that was wedged in the crack of her ass and the slit of her pussy. It was a very inviting sight. Beth immediately picked up on his reaction. "Yes, she's got a great body all right, but you horny guys are missing the best show out here," she began. "I'll bet none of you have even noticed their boyfriends. They're real hunks. Their Speedos look pretty well filled too." I chuckled at my wife's comment. She was never one to be shy and she wasn't about to be intimidated by my friends even though she was outnumbered. When I looked over at the guys she was talking about I noticed that she was right. They were lying on their backs beside the pool and their bulges were obvious. We left the pool in time to get dressed and go the bar for a couple of drinks before dinner. Beth wanted to change into something dressier than the t-shirt and denim skirt that she'd worn on the trip down. When she came out of the bathroom after changing she looked stunning. She was wearing a frilly white blouse and tight navy skirt that ended two or three inches above her knees. The outfit accented her 36c breasts and firm ass. Bob and Jack whistled in appreciation when they saw her. Even stodgy old Bill complimented her as he looked her over carefully. The guys were used to seeing Beth in loose fitting jeans and a baggy shirt. With her very short was even shorter than mine...she usually looked like a tomboy. She kept the figure that she worked hard to maintain hidden under clothes that were comfortable but very unflattering. Tonight I was very proud of Beth Hartman, my wife of twenty years. She sure looked a lot younger than forty- five. "I knew you'd be a lot prettier to have along than Larry," Jack said as he looked her over. "Thanks, guys," Beth said with a smile. "A woman does like to be appreciated." We each had a drink or two at the motel bar and then went to the restaurant for dinner. Everything went without incident while we drank and ate. I did notice that the guys all paid a lot of attention to Beth. They hung on every word she said and they couldn't seem to take their eyes off her. I couldn't blame them because she looked ravishing. "Well, what is the plan for after dinner?" Beth asked as we finished dessert. It's still early. Does anyone here feel like dancing?" "We originally planned to just go back to the motel and have a few drinks and play some cards," John replied. "I don't mind if we do something else first though. How about the rest of you?" "Sounds fine to me," Bill added. "How about you, Jim? What would you like to do?" "I guess I should do whatever my wife wants me to do," I replied with a laugh. "After all I have to live with her." Beth kicked my shin under the table. We got our check and asked the waiter where we could find a place that had dancing. He directed us to a club downtown that he said was the hot spot of Indianapolis. "If you ask our maitre d' he'll give you passes so you can get in free and without waiting," he added. The club was jammed when we got there but we decided to go in anyhow. It's a good thing we had the passes because the cover charge that night was $7.00. We were led to an empty table in the back of the room and we were able to gather up enough chairs for all of us. I hadn't even sat down yet when Beth asked me to dance with her. Together we found a small spot on the crowded dance floor where we could try to dance. "Darling," she began as we held each other close for a slow dance, "would you mind if I danced with the other guys? I mean I feel kinda bad now when I realize that they don't have anyone to dance with. I wasn't thinking when I suggested that we do this." "No, sweetheart," I replied, "I sort of figured that you would. It's fine with me." After a couple of dances I led Beth back to the table. "All right, who's next?" I asked trying to be obvious that it was OK with me that they dance with my wife. Bill was the first to get up and take Beth back out onto the floor. He was followed by Jack, then John and finally Bob. It was more than a half hour later before it was my turn again. "How's it going?" I asked when she and I'd gotten back to the dance floor. "Did Jack behave himself?" Perhaps it was because the place was too crowded for many people to dance faster dances, but whatever the reason, at least half of the music the DJ was playing was for slow dances. That meant the Jack and the other guys each had good opportunity to hold my wife close while they danced with her. I could imagine what Jack might try when that happened. "Well, Jack was Jack," she said with a laugh. "He tried to get his hand inside my blouse but I told him this wasn't the place for that. He got all excited and asked me if that meant he could do that later." "And what did you say?" I asked as I felt my cock twitch at the thought. "I said 'anything you want, Jack. Just don't embarrass me here.' He really liked that answer and I felt his cock get hard. He held me really tightly against him so that I would be sure to feel him. He felt really big again. I was tempted to reach down and feel it just to see how big it really was...but, of course, I didn't." "Well, thank you, sweetheart for being such a good sport about it - and for having the good sense not to play with Jack's cock on the dance floor. I assume everyone else is behaving themselves OK?" "Yes they are, although I was amused to notice that John got hard while we were dancing too. He tried to hide it by pulling back from me but I'm afraid I was a sort of naughty girl and I pressed myself against him as he tried to get away. He seemed a bit embarrassed about it." "I can certainly understand why that would happen to any man," I replied. "I imagine that you've noticed that I'm the same way right now. What you've been telling me just now hasn't helped any either. I guess I get a charge out of the way my friends are responding to my sexy wife." "Yes, I've noticed," Beth said as she rubbed her pelvis against me. "All these hard cocks around me has made me very horny too. I just wish there was somewhere we could go right now and do something about it. I feel like my pussy must be dripping wet." "You could find out for sure by asking good old horny Jack to check it for you. You wouldn't have to ask him twice." "No, I'm sure I wouldn't," she said with a laugh, "and the funny thing is I'm getting so horny that Jack is beginning to look pretty good to me. I mean he isn't one of those studs that we saw out by the pool this afternoon...and he isn't my sexy husband...but he might be fun." I didn't think that Beth was at all serious about what she said about Jack so I decided to tease her a bit. "Well, if you did Jack you'd make the rest of the guys very jealous. That wouldn't be good for our friendships," I said with a laugh. "No. You're right," she said with a grin. "I guess I'd have to do them all. Now isn't that a thought!" By now my cock was so hard I thought it might burst. "You are a very sexy woman," I said as I held my wife tightly against my throbbing erection. "If there weren't so many people around I'd fuck you right here on the dance floor." "Hmmm, that might be fun. Do you suppose anyone would mind?" I couldn't believe the sort of conversation that my wife and I were having. I also couldn't believe the way it made me feel. "What is she going to do when we get back to the room," I wondered. The way Beth was talking right now, things could get very interesting. I decided that I'd had enough dancing. I led Beth back to the table and said "I think we've had enough dancing. How about heading back to the motel?" No one said much as we drove back to the motel. When we got into our rooms Beth asked "so what are we going to do cards? Is that what the plan was?" "Sure. That sounds great," Bob replied. "How does a little poker sound? Beth do you know how to play?" "Of course I do, Bob," my wife replied. "In fact I'm pretty good at it. I hope you guys brought plenty of cash because I usually win." "Well, if you think you're so good at it, why don't we play strip poker then?" Jack suggested. There was a collective gasp from the rest of the men. "Sure, if you've got the guts," Beth threw back at him. "That is if it's all right with you, honey," she continued as she looked at me. "Well, getting naked isn't going to be a problem for me, sweetheart. You've already seen me that way and the rest of the guys really won't pay much notice. I guess it's really up to you and them. What do the rest of you guys say? Are you willing to take a chance that my wife will see you naked?" "Hell, I'm willing to take that chance if there's a chance I can see her naked," John said bluntly. "I'd consider that worth the gamble any day." "Me too," Bob agreed. "What about you, Bill? Do you want to play?" "Ya, Bill. You're not going to spoil our fun, are you?" Jack pressed. Bill was obviously uncomfortable with the idea. "Well, I know I wouldn't want my wife to play strip poker with you guys, that's for sure. But I guess it's up to Jim. Since he doesn't mind, it's OK with me." "YAHOO!" Jack thundered. "Let's get the cards." John got out the deck of cards he'd brought along and we began to play. After the first five hands I suspect the guys had some doubts about their decision. Beth was the only one in the room who still had all of her clothes on. The rest of us had only lost our shirts at this point but the trend was clear. Beth really was a good poker player, and she was having a great run of luck because we were playing seven-card stud. "Beth, you're cheating," Jack said after he was the loser on the sixth hand and had to remove his t- shirt. "I don't know how you're doing it but you must be cheating. John, is this a marked deck?" "Not so far as I know," John replied. "Don't worry about it. Her luck will change." John was right. Beth lost the next hand. All of us watched intently as she stood up to remove her blouse. She did it with the flair of a stripper. She kept us in rapt attention as she unbuttoned her blouse and then flashed us views of her bra-encased breasts. We could see the brown rings of her nipples through her lacy bra. Beth was a wonderful sight as she stood there being admired by the five of us. Finally she asked Jack to help take her blouse the rest of the way off. He quickly jumped up to oblige her, and we all saw his hands brush Beth's breasts as he pulled her blouse off of her. "You're a naughty boy, Jack," Beth said with a smile as she pushed his hands away. "The rules say no touching the merchandise." "You didn't object earlier today in the van," Jack shot back. "In fact you enjoyed it." Then he sat down as the rest of the guys gasped in alarm. They all looked at me to see my reaction. Since I already knew what he'd done I didn't respond. "All right, whose deal is it?" I asked trying to get things going again. "It's mine," Bob replied as he took up the cards. We played another three hands before anything exciting happened again. This time Jack lost and he had to remove his pants. "Hey Beth, would you give me a hand?" Jack asked as he got up and stood next to her. Beth looked over at me wondering what to do. I winked my approval and she reached over to unzip Jack's trousers. First, however, she ran her fingers up and down the length of Jack's obvious erection. "Two can play the 'touchy' game," she said with a smile. Again the other men gasped. Beth proceeded to unzip Jack's pants and unbuckle his belt. Finally she slipped his pants down past his hips and let them fall to the floor. We could all see Jack's hard on now because he was wearing tight bikini briefs. In fact the tip of his cock was close to poking up past the top of his underwear. "Oooohh, Jack," Beth said as she again put her hand on Jack's hard cock, "did I make you do that? I'm flattered." She gave him a good squeeze and then turned back to face the table. By now I knew that every cock in the room must be as hard, if not as large, as Jack's. I know mine was. I think we all were beginning to realize that this game wasn't going to end when everyone was done taking off their clothes. The sexual tension was becoming very intense. Beth lost the next hand, which meant that she would have to remove her skirt. I knew right away that the guys were going to be very excited because they were about to see that Beth is not a natural blonde. She was wearing panties that matched the bra she had on and the shadow of her brown beaver would be quite obvious. I personally find the sight of that shadow extremely erotic and I figured they would too. This time Beth went over to Bill and asked him so undo her skirt. He eagerly and quickly unzipped and unbuttoned it. Then he pulled it slowly down around her hips. She wiggled her ass at him as he got it down past her panties. I could tell from the look in his eyes that he was as excited about this as any of the rest of us, in spite of his earlier reservations. I was right about the reaction of the men. There were whistles and catcalls as they caught sight of her thinly veiled pussy. Beth turned around slowly and then moved around the table so everyone got a good look. Before she sat down she surprised me by reaching down and rubbing her pussy with her hand. "I'm so wet," she whispered. "You guys are really starting to turn me on." I wondered if the game might be about to get out of hand but we were able to play the next three hands with no major complications. Bob, then Bill and then I lost our pants and we each had Beth help us remove them. She treated us as she'd treated Jack giving our cocks a brief caress before and after removing our pants. After she'd caressed my cock through my shorts she leaned forward and kissed it saying, "this is my favorite cock in the whole world. I love what this does to me." I could see the envy in the other men's eyes. We played two more hands before the game got completely out of control. First Beth lost and John helped her remove her bra. He followed Jack's earlier example and grabbed a quick feel in the process. The guys were appreciative as they feasted their eyes on my wife's very nice chest. Beth had always been very proud of how firm her breasts were. She acted quite comfortable and didn't make any effort to hide herself once her bra was gone. On the next hand Jack lost again meaning that he had to remove his shorts. Naturally, he went over to Beth and asked her to remove them for him. She didn't hesitate and began to slip them down. As soon as the tip of Jack's monster cock was visible Beth reached up and stroked it slowly. Then she quickly pulled his briefs the rest of the way off and leaned forward and took his cock into her mouth. The other guys and I sat with our mouths open at the sight of my wife sucking Jack's cock. After licking him around the head for a few seconds she quickly had his entire eight or nine inches in her mouth. I couldn't believe how erotic it was to see Beth doing this. It didn't take long before Jack started to moan and soon we knew he was shooting his load into my wife's mouth. The rest of us men were sitting on the front of our chairs staring at Beth as she swallowed his cum. I almost came at the sight. I hadn't realized before that I was masturbating as I watched Jack fuck Beth's face. Fortunately I didn't cum because I wanted to dump my load in my wife's pussy later. When she was finished with Jack, Beth immediately moved over to Bob and started to get out his cock. I took her hand and pulled her aside suggesting to her that we move onto the bed. I wanted to eat her pussy while she sucked the other cocks. She got up and slipped off her panties before lying on the bed. Bob followed along and planted himself next to her head. In seconds his cock had disappeared into Beth's throat. I knelt between her thighs and began to eat her pussy. I felt her jump as my tongue touched her swollen lips. She was dripping wet. My wife was really ready for sex. I didn't get to remain in place long before I felt someone trying to pull me away. I looked up to see Jack trying to get access to my wife's cunt. I couldn't believe it but he was hard again. He took my place and lifted Beth's hips up as he slid forward. I watched as the tip of his cock touched my wife's lips. I felt myself growing more and more excited as he maneuvered Beth's opening into line with his cock. When he slowly pushed the head of his cock into my wife she gasped. She stopped sucking Bob for a moment as she savored the sensation. I was startled as I felt a jolt in my balls and then a load of cum shot across the room. I had just cum even though I was no longer touching myself. That's how turned on I was at the sight of another man fucking my wife. The other men were gathered around the bed watching as Jack's cock plowed into Beth's cunt. They were all transfixed by the sight. Jack entered her easily and he quickly began the familiar in and out routine. I sat in a daze as I watched my wife being fucked by only the second man ever in her life. Beth responded enthusiastically as she rocked her pelvis back against Jack's cock. She resumed sucking Bob's cock briefly before she stopped because she was about to cum. Jack and Beth came at the same time and he pumped her cunt full with a hot load as her body shook. As soon as Jack finished Bob pushed him aside and moved between Beth's thighs. She wanted to change positions so she turned over onto her hands and knees. Then she reached back and guided Bob's cock into her. John moved up and took Bob's previous spot so Beth could suck his cock. Soon Bob and John had Beth nailed between them as they both pounded their cocks into her openings at both ends. As the rest of us watched the threesome on the bed, Bill leaned over to me and said, "Jim, your wife is really one sexy woman. Is it OK with you of all of us have her? I mean I know that I couldn't let my wife do that." "Bill, be my guest. To be honest with you I don't think I could stop Beth from fucking all of you even if I wanted to. But I don't want to. This is really an incredibly hot experience." "Thanks," Bill replied as he sat back to wait his turn. I noticed that his cock was still very hard. He certainly wanted to fuck my wife. In a few more minutes Bob shot his load into my wife's cunt. As he withdrew and moved aside I got my first look at Beth's dripping cunt. There was cum running out of it and down into the brown fur which lined her pussy. It was quite a sight. My view was quickly blocked as John moved in to take Bob's place. I watched as the third cock slipped into Beth. Actually it looked like her cunt sucked John's cock in. She moaned as she felt herself filled again. Bill took John's place as he guided his hard cock into Beth's mouth. I watched the look on his face as she began to lick and suck him. I knew very well the wonderful feeling that he was experiencing. Beth was in a class by herself when it comes to giving head. As I watched Beth paused in her oral ministrations to Bill's cock. Then she began to moan and again her body shuddered. "Oowwhhh, John," she mumbled. "That feels so nice. You are so big. Fuck me hard, John. Stuff me with your big cock." Beth's explicit language was more than John could stand and he dumped his load before he really even got started. Beth was disappointed that he was finished so soon. "Bill, please do me now," she begged. "I need a cock in me. Please hurry." Bill didn't have to be asked again. He quickly moved behind Beth and slammed his cunt into her as hard as he could. Then he began to pound into her like he was a logger trying to be the first to chop down a tree. I was afraid for a minute that he might have a heart attack he was fucking her so hard. At that rate Bill didn't last long either and his body went rigid as he rammed as far into Beth's cunt while he shot her full of her fourth load of cum. When he was finished he collapsed on the bed beside her. As I watched a stream of cum ran out of my wife's cunt and ran down into her beaver. Something about that sight made me want to eat her. I had never imagined doing such a thing and I guess it seems sort of gross...or at least weird but I wanted very much to eat Beth's pussy right then. I bent over behind her and ran my tongue up her thighs trying to catch the stream of cum that was now running down there. Beth jumped when she felt me there. "Jim darling, don't do that!" she said plaintively. "Please don't. I'm a mess there right now." "You sure are," I told her. "I've never seen a cunt that was such a mess. My friends have really filled you up." Then I helped her turn over onto her back and went back to my cleanup work. As I licked and sucked her cunt Beth came again. When I touched her clit again with my tongue she pulled away. "Please let me rest for a minute," she begged. "I'm so sensitive right now that I can't take any more. I turned to my friends who were sitting around the room watching and said, "look at that guys. You wore out my wife's pussy. Now what am I going to do?" They all laughed. "That is certainly some pussy," Jack exclaimed. "I've never fucked such a hot one." "Yes, it sure is," Bob agreed. "In fact if I thought I could do it, I'd suggest that we forget about the race tomorrow and just stay here and fuck Beth. That is if she wants to do it again." "You could count me in on that," John agreed. "Yes, Jim you have a very sexy wife," Bill concurred. "You're a very lucky guy...and I guess we're pretty lucky too that you're willing to share her with us. I wouldn't mind doing this again sometime too." "Thanks guys," Beth said as she sat up. "I think I'd like to do this again too. I've never felt so filled up and fucked out. It's an incredible feeling. You guys all have great cocks and you sure know how to use them." "Don't forget that you're not done yet, sweetheart," I reminded her. "I haven't had my turn yet." "Well, what are you waiting for?" she asked. "Get that thing of yours in me. I'd like one more before I'm done for the night." As I slipped my cock into the familiar cunt that I'd fucked so many times before, it felt like I was fucking another woman. Her cunt was much looser from all of the cocks that had just finished servicing her, and she was still filled with cum. If I hadn't been so turned on I might not have gotten enough friction to cum. As it was it didn't take me long either. Soon Beth had her fifth load of cum in her pussy. She'd also swallowed Jack's first load. When I came the guys started heading for bed. John, Bob and Bill went into the other room and closed the door. Jack was taking the other bed in our room. I would have liked a few minutes alone with my wife to see how she was, but we only had a minute or two while Jack took a leak and brushed his teeth. As soon as Jack shut the bathroom door I took Beth in my arms and kissed her. "How are you doing?" I asked. "How do you feel about what happened?" "I feel fine," she replied. "I really feel fucked out and I do feel like a slut, but I have to say I had a fantastic time. How do you feel? Are you angry with me? I got carried away before we had time to talk about it." "I feel great. No, I'm not angry with you at all. That was the most erotic experience I've ever had. I never would have imagined how exciting it is to see other men fucking my wife. Eating you after they'd fucked you was even more exciting. I really don't understand it but I sure did like it." Just then Jack came out of the bathroom. He crawled in bed and we shut out the light. Although Beth fell asleep quickly, I couldn't get to sleep right away. I was still all wound up from the wild evening. I kept seeing visions of my friend's cocks pumping in and out of my wife's cunt. Before I fell asleep I'd gotten hard again. I thought of waking Beth so I could fuck her one more time but I decided to let her sleep. I was awakened in the middle of the night by the sound of something bumping against the wall. It took me a few seconds to get my bearings and when I reached over to Beth she wasn't there. Then I looked over and saw that she was in Jack's bed and they we going at it again. She was sitting on his cock and rocking back and forth. I laid quietly so that I didn't disturb them. In a few minutes I heard Jack moan and say "Beth, I'm cumming." Then I saw Beth throw her head back and her body shook as she came too. She rested for a few minutes on Jack's chest and then she got up to come to bed. "Thank you, Beth," Jack said as she got up. "You're an incredible fuck." As she crawled in beside me trying to move quietly to keep from waking me up I reached over and put my arms around her again. "Was my hot wife getting laid again?" I whispered. "Yes. Do you mind?" she asked. "No. Did you have fun?" "Of course," she answered. "Are you enjoying the trip?" I continued. "I sure am. But not for the reasons I expected. I just hope you really aren't upset with me. I guess I've sort of come unglued. I've thought about things like this but I never, ever thought I'd actually do it." "Well, I've never even thought of anything this bizarre, but I agree that it's been a really wild erotic night. Now we'd better get some sleep. We have to get up pretty early tomorrow." The next morning we did get up early. Bill came in and invited Jack to take his shower in their room. As he stood talking to Jack, Beth came out of the bathroom. She was completely nude. Bill's eyes lit up when he saw her. "Beth, you are certainly an incredibly sexy woman," he said as he stared at her. "I guess that we didn't have to be concerned about making sure you had some privacy though, did we?" He looked over at me and winked. "No, after last night we've all seen about everything there is to see of each other. Things got rather personal," I replied. "Rather personal is right," Beth agreed. "I don't know how I'm going to feel the next time I see any of your wives...but I'll worry about that when we get home." Just then John walked into the room. Beth was still nude and bending over looking in her suitcase for something to wear today. She was giving us a great rear view of her pussy. John tried to avoid staring at my wife, but his eyes kept drifting over her way. "Did you all sleep well?" he asked. "Well, I was doing fine until those two woke me up. They kept knocking Jack's bed against the wall. I thought the whole motel was going to show up at the door," I said with a laugh. John laughed. "You mean Jack hadn't gotten enough? I believe that. I don't think he's ever gotten enough. If we gave him time he'd probably want to do it again right now." "Well here I am and I'm ready," Beth said as she bent further over and wiggled her shapely ass at us. "I have quite an appetite too. Any of you guys up for a quickie?" "Hell, I'm ready," John replied as he unbuckled his belt. In seconds his pants were on the floor and his cock was sunk deep into Beth's inviting cunt. Bill and I watched as he began to fuck my wife. It was a repeat of the scene I had witnessed four times last night, but I still felt a chill run up my spine as I saw another man's cock enter my wife's cunt. The two of them didn't take long. John pumped vigorously as Beth bounced her ass back against his thrusts. In just a few minutes John shot another load into my wife's cunt. I thought about cleaning her out with my tongue but we were running short on time. "We'd better get going," Bill reminded us. "We have to pickup the chicken and some ice before we head over to the track." We all finished dressing and packing as quickly as we could. Beth put on jeans but when I saw them I told her I thought she should wear her other denim skirt. "Why? The jeans are comfortable, and if I end up sitting on the ground they're also a lot more modest," she objected. "Yes, but I have a hunch that you'll get tired of taking those jeans off and putting them back on before the day's over if you wear them." "Why?" she asked. "Knowing Jack, I'll bet that he'll want one or two encores and I'm sure you can count on at least one from each of the rest of us. That means you'll have to get undressed at least six times." "That's right," Jack confirmed as he looked up from packing. "Hell, I don't think I'll be willing to settle for just two." "Oh. Good point," she said as she took off the jeans and put on her denim skirt. I shook my head in wonder at how nonchalant my wife had become about having sex with other men. I was even more surprised at my own response to her infidelity. The traffic was heavy everywhere in town and it took awhile to get to the track. We arrived in plenty of time, however, and got a good parking place for the van in the infield. We got to the best vantage point we could find and listened to the race preliminaries. As the crowd cheered loudly when the thousands of balloons were released, my buddies and I congratulated ourselves on finally "being there." Our excitement grew as the rest of the pre-race ritual continued. Jack said, "Isn't this when someone's supposed to say that next year we've got to be there in person." We all laughed. The sound of thirty-three engines coming to life gave us goose bumps. Finally the pace car led the cars away to begin the parade lap. The green flag dropped at precisely eleven o'clock and the race was on. Five minutes later Beth tapped me on the shoulder. "Sweetheart, can I have the keys to the van?" she asked. "Sure, but why? if I can't guess." As I handed her the keys I noticed Bob standing beside her with a silly grin on his face. "Bob would like to go back to the van," she said with a giggle. "Oh, OK. Have fun you two," I said as I kissed her. "I love you darling." Beth returned twenty minutes later but left again with Bill soon after that. When she returned with Bill, Jack had a turn. When Beth returned from her third fuck in less than an hour, I got a chance to talk to her. "Sweetheart, are you having fun?" I asked. "You certainly have been busy." "Yes, sweetheart. I don't understand what's come over me this weekend, because I've never felt like this before but I just love having all those cocks at my disposal. It's quite a thrill every time one of them enters me and then again when I feel them cum. I feel like a real slut. I think there is a river of cum running down my legs right now and my panties are a gooey mess. Tomorrow I'll go back to being a conventional wife, but while I'm here I'd just like to let myself go. Is that OK with you?" "Yes, it's fine with me. I don't understand what's come over me either but I'm really enjoying what you're doing. Maybe you and I can go to the van later and I can clean you up a bit. I really loved doing that last night. That's something I don't understand either. I mean who can imagine a husband liking to eat other men's cum out of his wife's freshly fucked pussy." "That is weird," she agreed. "You don't think we'll have problems over this when we go home, do you? You won't hold it over my head, will you? Your friends well be discreet won't they?" "Do you think any of them will want their wives to know what they did down here? I sure don't. I can imagine Jack bragging a bit about the pussy he shagged at the race, but I've never heard Jack tell who he's been in bed with. I'm not worried about it." As the race entered the last fifty laps, John wanted to nail Beth for the second time that day. This time she didn't return for quite a while and I began to worry about her. I headed back to the van to see if she was there. As I approached I noticed the van rocking. "It looks like Beth is still busy," I said to myself as I stood outside and waited. It suddenly occurred to me that others might have noticed the frequent rocking of the van and the fact that Beth had come and gone with several different men. They might get the idea that she's a hooker which wouldn't be good...particularly if they tried to solicit her. Things could get ugly. I decided to wait for Beth to come out. This was a good time for me to take my turn with my wife. A few minutes later the rocking stopped. The van door opened soon after, and Beth and Jack came out. She was surprised to see me there. "Is everything OK?" she asked. "Everything's fine," I assured her. "I haven't seen you for awhile and I wanted to make sure that you were OK. I figured that it's about time that I got my turn anyhow." "Oh, I'm sorry, sweetheart," she said. "When John and I were leaving a bit ago, we ran into Jack. He said he wanted the second encore that you'd promised him. This time it finally took him awhile. I was glad because I finally came for only the second time today. I really am feeling like a cum covered mess though and I certainly do need a good cleanup." I took my wife back into the van and after pulling up her cum spotted skirt and slipping off her cum soaked panties, I began to eat her cum filled cunt. She was right. She was a gooey wet mess. Since John first fucked her in our room this morning she's taken five loads of cum from four men. Her cunt had been well fucked and well filled. The van's sofa bed that she'd been using to entertain my friends was covered with wet spots. I laughed as I pointed out the souvenirs that we would take home with us. Beth and I finally got back to trackside just as the white flag dropped signaling the last lap for the leader. We watched and cheered with the rest of the crowd. Then when the winner finished taking his victory lap we headed back to the van. We'd all agreed that we would head home as soon as the race was over because we had a long drive ahead. Beth also was very tired from all the exercise and the lack of sleep last night, and she wanted to take a nap. As we headed out of the parking area everyone commented about what a thrill it had been to be there. "It was sure worth effort," John remarked. The rest of us agreed. No one said anything about plans for next year and no one mentioned all of the sex that we'd all enjoyed in the last two days. We just talked about the race. It hadn't been a particularly close one or fast one, but it was fun nonetheless. Finally Jack said, "I think the best part of all though was the action in the infield. You know I hear there was a van that was rocking almost constantly from the time the race began until the race was over. I wonder if the occupants had a good time." We all laughed as we realized he was speaking of our van. "Well this occupant had a helluva time," Bob replied. "This was easily the best weekend I have ever had. I couldn't take this very often, but I, for one, would love to repeat it again next year." "For sure!" Jack agreed. "I vote for doing it again next year -that is if Beth will come along. I'll sure do my part to get ready." "What do you think, Beth?" John asked. "Are you willing to do that? Are you interested in taking care of this motley bunch again next year? I sure enjoyed it and would love to do it again." "Thanks guys," Beth finally replied. "I can't believe the way I acted and I hope you don't all think I'm a terrible loose woman now, but if you really want me again, I'd love to do it. It may take me that long to work up that much of an appetite though." "What about you, Jim?" Bill asked. He always was the one who was concerned about my feelings on the matter and I appreciated that. "I sure as hell enjoyed it. I don't think I could deal with doing something like this often either, but it was sure great as a once- in-a-while sort of thing. We have to remember Larry though. That would mean seven of us if he wants to join us and I'm sure he will." "You're right," Bill replied. "Boy will he be disappointed when he finds out that he missed a lot more than just the race. I'm sure he'll want to do it next year. I'll call him in California tomorrow let him know. If everyone agrees we can just keep the same job assignments. OK?" "Maybe Beth and I can have Larry over and make things up to him," I suggested. Beth and I can talk about that later. I know I wouldn't want this sort of thing to become a regular part of our sex lives when we got home, however. "That sounds like a great idea," Beth added. "But I want a promise from all of you. I don't want to get a reputation back home. I loved coming along and being your slut for the weekend, and I'm looking forward to doing it again next year, if you want me. But back home I must maintain the image of a being a lady...not a slut. Does everyone understand?" Everyone agreed. They didn't want problems at home either. With the plans for next year in place, the rest of the group made themselves comfortable and tried to sleep while I drove. It was a quiet and uneventful trip until about the halfway point when I heard a commotion in the back. I looked in the rear view mirror to see my wife's bare ass bouncing up and down on Jack's lap. She was naked from the waist down and I saw his cock pumping in and out of her. "I guess some people just never get enough," I said with a laugh. Beth looked around at me with a sheepish grin. I blew her a kiss and set my eyes back on the road. It had been quite a weekend getaway. ****************End**************** 5316 1.43/512345

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