Saturday, December 1, 2012
Child's Play
CHILD'S PLAY ________________________ INTRODUCTION I'm DANGER BARCLAY, well, not REALLY, that's just my alias. My real name is SUNNA, I was average yes until that one night when I was invited to a sleep over at my best friend TERI'S. Since then, NOTHING'S been the same... ________________________________ PROLOGUE It was late at night, around maybe midnight, I was on my way to sleep over at my best friend's house, then suddenly, I saw her next door neighbour, real bitch, kind of plump, talking with her bold husband. She was obviously in a bitchy mood that night. Kind of like she is every night, well at least when ever I would sleep at Teri's house. They appeared to be arguing about some strange VOO DOO spells and stuff about waking the dead? I was unsure, but I definitely heard the name VOO DOO in there somewhere. Then they always changed the subject and started to talk in some weird ancient language, hmmmm... I wondered as I walked up the sidewalk in the rainy weather. Maybe this is my LUCKY NIGHT, I can finally tell the cops "she's a crazy psycho bitch, lock 'er up boys." I always wanted to do that, NO JOKE! The fog was coming in pretty heavy, and that's unusual in MY part of town, GEORGIA STREET and EASTVIEW are usually never THIS foggy, but since that big bitch was out, I'd have to say "ah what the hell, why not make an exception?" Now I may seem like the camedic type, but as Teri puts it, my jokes are "LAME!" Okay on with the bloody story here... I continued to walk up the sidewalk, Teri's cat Alley meowed then hissed at me, I hissed right back. Then that's when I saw it... A car. Not just ANY car it was brown and I think it was a Volvo. Anyways, I looked closer into the car and there I saw it, the thing I have always wanted, the thing that I have constantly nagged my parents for day in and day out, the thing I was spending most of my time looking for on the web! No NOT the car, the thing inside the car, the thing that I feared was starring at me the whole time, the first time it wasn't, but I could have sworn it did the second time... It was a GOOD GUY DOLL, yeah, one of those dolls from CHILD'S PLAY. I had told my parents and Teri several times, "I would KILL to have a GOOD GUY DOLL." Teri thought they were UGLY, I thought they were kind of... AWESOME. The doll looked like it was starring at me, from then on I felt a cold evil chill penetrate from puney, weak, skinny body. Now I know why Teri always calls me a "WUSS". I decided to do something, I slowly started to walk past Teri's house, and walk to the end of the street where the car was, when I approached the car, the GOOD GUY DOLL was gone, and I wasn't crazy, and no it wasn't "too foggy to see what it was", I could have sworn I saw a GOOD GUY DOLL, the overhauls, that orange hair, the BOX for crying out loud! I turned back and started to walk back up the street, I appeared to be walking faster, with each step I took, I felt fear, I walked RIGHT up to the lady next to Teri and decided to tell her. "Excuse me, but um, do you have a GOO GUY DOLL in your car? Is it for sale?" I asked hopefully. The weird spannish looking lady replied, "NO! DOLL IS NOT FOR SALE!" In a heavy duty spannish accent. But at least it was a GOOD GUY and I knew I was right on track about the whole DOLL THING. I still found it quite weird that she'd park her car all the way at the end of EASTVIEW street instead of at her driveway. I jumped back, "GEEZE LOUISE!" I said taking a breath, "it was just a god damn question." The old Spannish man said something in his language to his wife, who seemed to have neglected that question, was it even a question? I didn't know Spannish, so I couldn't really tell, but it made the lady turn to me. "You are soaked," she said. "Come inside and we'll clean you up." The old lady took me in her house, and I had a gut feeling that I would never get out... Teri watched from her window and gasped in horror, as if she knew that somethng wasn't right. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Inside, I felt a cold eerie chill go down my spine as I looked around, millions of dolls from paper, to plastic, from Barbie's to GI-JOE action figures were everywhere. I shudder everytime I looked at the lifeless things. While the old Spannish women decided to go get a cloth for me, I decided to explore. I heard something that sounded like a sewing machine coming from a nearby room. I went in an saw an old grandmother, she was weaving away with her foot on the peddle of the machine as if she were playing the piano. I swallowed hard and tried to be as quiet as a mouse. Then beside me was a bed, there appeared to be light humming or singing rather, coming from it... The bed was covered in sheets, high and low, white sheets, and fancy pillows. A golden light formed around it like a force field. I lifted up one of the bed sheets above me and looked inside, there I saw something that looked like a floating goddess. I shook my head, it was still there! She was even making something. Isn't that old lady terrified at the least? I asked myself. The ghostly female figure appeared to be painting the head of a GOOD GUY DOLL from scratch, I tried to scream but decided not to, why should I anyways? I've only been starring at the thing for two minutes! The ghostly female goddess finally finished with the freckles on the GOOD GUY DOLL, she then held it up and it's eyes blinked! It's eyes blinked, even I saw that! The GOOD GUY'S eyes closed as she attached the head on the body. There. A perfect GOOD GUY DOLL. Next came the OVERHAULS. She put those on and smiled. A perfect doll for the perfect child? Yeah maybe, if the doll didn't turn out to be a notorious killer named CHARLES LEE RAY! I left the room quietly, but then when I was out in the hall... "What are you doing in there?" A spannish voice demanded to know. I let out a short scream, but nothing happened. I then swallowed hard. __________________________ CHAPTER ONE CONTACT __________________________ I stood there, completely helpless. Until I decided to explain myself. "I-I was just curious-" I managed to say. "I heard a noise and I-" The old man nodded his head understanding then brought me back into the room where the weird looking female ghost surrounded in golden light was working on another GOOD GUY DOLL. "Behold, this is my STORAGE CHAMBER. We make all sorts of dolls here, dolls from horror movies, dolls every kid dreamed of having in their dreams and knew that they could NEVER find one like it because it's one of a kind." The Spannish man explained. Up on a nearby shelf were a few dolls from the movie DOLLY DEAREST, and from the movie DOLLS was a MR. PUNCH doll. I immediately thought, maybe this Spannish guy is a witch. Just like the one in that movie... But instead of trapping me in there like he did to the old grandmother and spirit, he let me leave. "You always dreamed of having a GOOD GUY, correct?" The old man asked. I was shocked, "yeah, how did YOU know that?" I asked. "Your interest in them," the man replied. "You may take one." "REALLY?!" I asked shocked. But I wanted more. I wanted the one that I had seen in the car earlier. I had a bad hunch that it could have been alive. The old man handed me the doll that the kind spirit had just finished making, I accepted it and it worked instantly. "Hi, I'm CHUCKY, wanna play?" It asked me in that weird GOOD GUY VOICE. "Hey cool," I exclaimed. "That's what he said in the first movie." "He's all yours." The kind harmless old man said with a smile across his face, one that still gives me nightmares. The old women handed me the cloth and then they let me leave, there I was standing all alone on their front porch. I slid down the bannister with the GOOD GUY DOLL cradled in my arms, I was as happy as a little kid in a candy store. Even in the rain I decided that I shouldn't go to Teri's just yet, I wanted to check something else out. About half way down the street, the doll knocked me to the floor. "Park it." It said evilly, it sounded like CHARLES LEE RAY. I shook my head to clear it as the doll ran off on its own, when I closed me eyes and then opened them again to focus properly, ANOTHER GOOD GUY DOLL stood above me, THIS one was definitely CHUCKY. He seemed more gentle and kind though. "What's going on here?" I asked it. The GOOD GUY DOLL offered his assistance and helped me to my feet, I rubbed my head. "Are you okay?" Chucky asked. I nodded. "Good," he continued. "We have to get you out of here BARCLAY." "Exxxcuse me?" I asked Chucky, "look THAT'S not my name." "What the fuck are you arguing about? It's alot better than what other people call you." Chucky protested. I thought about that for a minute. DUMB ASS. MORON. STUPID IDIOT. KID. LITTLE SHIT. RETARD. Yeah, I guess he was right, having ANDY'S last name did actually sound a lot better than what other people addressed me as. "Where did YOU come from?" I asked. "Remember that car? We first made CONTACT with each other?" Chucky asked, seeing me nod "YES", he also went on to say, "well that was me. And your mind wasn't playin' tricks on you. I was sent to guard you." "How the hell were you made?" I demanded to know. "Remember that spirit?" Chucky asked. I nodded. "Well," he continued. "She made me especially for you. The old WITCH LADY had me in the car for a reason, she was gonna take me far away so that I couldn't warn you or be with you. The spirit had enough of their crap. She decided to make a NON-EVIL doll. Well, that was me, every doll you saw in that house is no more of a prick than you probably thought I was in that movie." "Hey," I said comforting Chucky. "I happened to LIKE those movies, you're my favorite HORROR MOVIE character." "Great, I'm honored." Said Chucky sarcastically. I took Chucky in my arms, "assume your position, I have a sleep over to attend." As I walked back to Teri's, Chucky decided to start a conversation. "So uh, why were you walking THAT way instead of THAT way?" He asked. I shrugged. "I guess I wanted to make sure that I actually SAW a GOOD GUY DOLL." "Well, PRESTO! Ya got one." Chucky said cheerfully. I laughed. Chucky and I both started laughing. Nearby was a much more evil Chucky watching us in Teri's bushes. "Their fun has only JUST begun." It said evilly, he laughed insanely. __________________________ CHAPTER 2 PARALYZED BY FEAR __________________________ My friend and I laughed. What were we watching? JOHNNY BRAVO. "Woah MA MA!" Said Johnny from the TV set. I flicked through the channels, "this show sucks." Simpsons came on. "SIMPSONS!" I shouted as I started humming the theme song. "Do do do do do do do do do do do do... Wait a minute, how many DO'S was that?" Chris entered with his group of friends, Chris was Ter's annoying older brother. "Hey losers." He always addressed us that way. "CHRIS!" Teri would usually angrily shout. "Fuck, get the hell out of here, MOM said you're not allowed over." Bandit, Teri's dog, barked furiously. "I know how we can get rid of him." I told Teri. I whispered something and she nodded. "ONE." "TWO." "THREE..." "GO!" At the same time, Teri and I sang our famous O.J. SIMPSON song. "Did you ever wanna play? Did you ever wanna act Did you ever wanna kill someone with a bloody axe? Well now you can on CNN, that's where he is TODAY Where anything can happen 'Cause O.J. made it that way O.J. O.J. did it! He killed his wife! And you know how he did it? He did it with his knife! In a land full of murder Nothing's make believe Guards were in the court room So O.J. couldn't leave! Where you can use your hammer Your poison or your knife Or you can learn to use a gun Or just use your HANDS! O.J. O.J. did it! And he's not gonna tell! And you know where he's going next? He's gonna go to hell! First it was KATO, and then some witch He wouldn't have this problem if he hadn't killed that BITCH! I think he used his shot gun Or was it O.J.'S knife? It doesn't really matter As long as he killed his wife O.J. O.J. did it! 'Cause she didn't do him good! And if he hadn't done it- GOD only know I would!" Chris and his friends left, they hated that song. "But O.J. didn't do it." Teri reminded me. "Maybe we should make up a song about BILL CLINTON and that slut that did him in the white house." I suggested. "'Cause I'm not changing that O.J. SONG one little bit, it got us on the HOWIE MANDEL SHOW!" Teri shrugged. "I'm gonna go watch TV in the other room, I HATE SIMPSONS." Teri left. "Suit yourself." I said. The minute Teri was completely out of the room, I got a little visit from my pal Chucky who popped up from behind the couch, I turned around and gasped. "Nice singing," he said as he fell on the couch. "O.J. and I should really have lunch sometime." I let out a short laugh, "why not? You two have one thing in common, you're BOTH killers." "HEY! EX-NEY on the KILLER'S STAY!" Chucky said waving his finger at me, he poked me in the chest as he said his phrase, I backed away and fell on the couch. "That was ONLY in the movies." "Whatever CHARLES LEE RAY." I said crossing my arms. "THAT'S not my REAL name, my REAL name is CHUCKY." Chucky protested. "Well MY real name isn't DANGER BARCLAY!" I told Chucky angrily, "but since it fits in NICELY..." Chucky and I leaned in forward for a kiss but it was interrupted by something that sounded like a trash can tipping over. "DAMN!" Chucky said angrily. I wanted to tell Chucky that we could still continue with out little romantic scene, but unfortunately, I was desperate to know what made that sound. I picked up Chucky in my arms and we headed out into the backyard and looked around. "Well, no one here let's go back inside." Chucky suggested while he jumped out of my arms, I grabbed him by is overhaul strap and he flew into me. "OW!" We both cried at once. "WELL YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO PULL MY STRAP!" Chucky shouted at me angrily. I angrily crossed my arms. "You could have at least showed me some courage!" "COURAGE?!" Chucky said letting out a short laugh, "HA! I got plenty of COURAGE, I'm a fucking serial killer remember?" I scratched my head in confusion then tied my brown hair in a ponytail, "I thought you were a LAKESHORE STRANGLER." "Either way I'm known for both." Chucky said between shrugs. He noticed me rubbing my back. "Shit, it feels like something bit me..." I said weakly. Chucky's eyes widened. "Uh oh-" He said looking up. I looked directly at Chucky, "what do you mean UH OH?" Chucky replied by turning around and pointing to a telephone wire that extended quite long way. On it were millions of... BATS. I looked up and gulped, I took Chucky in my arms and slowly started to back up watching where I was going. I accidentaly stepped on Alley's tail, she meowed and woke up the bats! "Oh NICE GOING EINESTIEN!" Chucky told me sarcastically. Before either of us could say more, the bats flew in our direction, I covered myself but hardly, by throwing myself over Chucky I was able to protect him. The bats kept attacking us as if they hadn't eaten for weeks! I finally managed to grab Chucky and get out of there, we ran back inside and I slammed the glass door, the bats were throwing themselves against it. They were sticking to it like flies sticking to shit! Chucky climbed a chair and locked the door, "well... That's that." He said proudly. I raised an eyebrow at him, with one hand on my hip, the other one using its strength to keep me up on the couch, I decided to speak. "Next time, warn me about the god damn cat, okay? WE could have been BAT CHOW." __________________________ CHAPTER 3 VISITORS __________________________ As I sat there in this weird apartment I think it was my AUNTS, it sure reminded me of it. Chucky sat on my lap with his arms crossed as I flickered through the channels. "Why don't we watch a movie?" Chucky suggested. I pulled out ALIENS. "How 'bout this?" We agreed. I put in the tape and it was in the middle of the movie. Then suddenly, gallons of rushing water came at us, "HOLY SHIT!" Chucky cried in horror. I grabbed Chucky and ran out of the room, it was now completely flooded, then all of a sudden two creepy aliens from the movie appeared and they were swimming after us. I immediately sawm above surface and gasped for air, Chucky screamed out my name as I got pulled down under the water. TO BE CONTINUED... Story by: Sunna Knights aka Tammy C, and many other names of mine which I don't feel like listing ^_^ 4217 1.12/512345
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