Monday, February 18, 2013
EX-HUSBAND by Humayunn My ex-husband and I had what I thought was a typical marriage. We were both lawyers, though we worked at different firms, we lived in the suburbs, and we both loved each other very much. It seems to me, however, that everyone realizes there are always SOME problems in every marriage. This is the story of our's . . . You see Tom was not very good in bed. He is a small man in almost every since of the word, the poor dear. Small in stature, small in mind, small penis, even worked for a small law firm. We both love sex and I hear that I, myself, am fabulous between the sheets. Given this set of circumstances I thought it would be prudent of me to take a lover early on in our marriage to 'fill in the blanks' as it were, so that there wouldn't be sexual frustration problems later on. This is why I began seeing a good friend of ours named Bill, you see. Bill he was one of the lawyers at the firm I worked for and, as far as I could tell, had all a woman's requisite 'lover' qualities. He sports about 7.5 inches, not great, but this IS a true story and 7.5 isn't all THAT bad, comes in quarts, handsome, with a muscularly athletic build. He was also a relatively successful lawyer and almost a partner at my firm, so I thought he could be instrumental in my career goals as well. I was not at all interested in Bill in any serious manner, you understand, so it was really no threat to the marriage. It was simply a matter of good sex. It was not until three years of marriage that Tom began to change. Oh, the poor man was still completely oblivious to my affair. He was just not going at his firm as quickly as he would have liked. This made things very difficult for me because I had been offered a partnership at my firm since Bill had left. Bill had been offered a partnership at Tom's firm along with more money so he left, with me as the next in line. Needless to say I had to do SOMETHING I mean if the poor dear ever found out about the affair I just didn't know what he would do. I had intended to break things off with Bill one afternoon when he came over for one of our sessions, but he had what struck me as a better idea. He would see that Tom got more important cases at their firm and so would have to stay later giving us a far diminished chance of being found out. In addition, since Tom would be handling more important cases he would go up in the firm faster. I reasoned that to take another lover would cost me a good month of lifeless sex with Tom, an eternity for a woman as amorous as myself, so I decided to give Bill's plan a try. It should have occurred to me then that Bill had fallen in love with me, but as I said I was never really serious about Bill and I loved my husband. By then Tom and I had had a daughter, mara, who was still an infant and I had NO plans to leave Tom. Well, Bill's plan worked beautifully over the next two years. Tom began to spend much more time at the firm and Bill and I spent much more time together. In fact it seemed hardly a year had gone by before the both of them were intensely toiling through all-nighters. Tom in the firm, and Bill in me. I began to realize that Bill's real plan was to convince me to leave Tom for him, but my realization came far too late. I had fallen into Bill's trap. I loved him and every time the man came in me I loved him more. Tom was unbelievable as well, putting in so many hours at the firm he didn't even notice what was happening. Bill and I would take weekend get-aways to Bed-N-Breakfasts, on one occasion Bill, Mara, and I even went to Disneyland and Tom was oblivious. I began to pity the man, losing his family like this would be a terrible blow. I took solace in the fact that at least the poor man would have his work. I had made up my mind to divorce Tom and had him served the papers one day at his firm. I guess the he must have flown into a rage because he raced to our house and arrived while Bill was still there. I could hear him yelling "GINA ! ! ! WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU ? ? ? ! ! !" from the living room entry way but didn't know what to do. Bill was . . . UMMPHH . . . pistoning into me like a . . . AAAAAA . . . freight train and to be honest it felt good . . . UNGHHH . . . , I figured we were only a few strokes away from climax . . . OOOHHHH . . . so why not let Tom look around downstairs while we . . . UMMPHH . . . finish up. Bill could go out the window as he had countless times before . . . UNNGGHHH . . . and Tom and I could air our grievances then. Only Tom must have finished looking downstairs quicker than I imagined, . . . OOOHHHH SSSHHHITTTT. . . or Bill and I were . . . UNNGGHHH . . . coupling longer than I imagined because I heard him on the stairs angrily bellowing "GINA ! ! ! WE HAVE TO TALK ! ! !" as he ascended them. In that instant I felt . . . OOOHHHH . . . anxiety, happiness, and sexual arousal like you would not believe. Bill must have felt it too, it was as though at that instant we no longer cared, we had both resolved to be caught. In a few moments Tom would come through the door into her and his wife's . . . UMMHH . . . bedroom and find her in the throws of passionate sex with another man. Not just any other man either . . . UNNGGHHH . . . , Bill, his best friend . . . AAGGGHHH . . . the best man at our wedding. ( BEST MAN . . . You can . . . UNHHH . . . say that again ) He would see the lust . . . UMMPHH . . . , me on my . . . UNGHHH . . . back with my legs splayed . . . AAGGGHHH . . . Bill's muscular, tanned, glistening body pumping his enlarged . . . OOOHHHH . . . member in and out of me while we copulate unabashedly on Tom's . . . AAAAAA . . . marital bed. He would see my hands . . . UNNGGHHH . . . , one clinging to Bill's muscular back . . . UMMPHH . . . one placed firmly on his rock hard buttocks. He would see the sweat . . . UMMPHH . . . , I was perspiring profusely and Bill's sweat . . . UNHHH . . . was dripping off of his face and hair onto me everytime he took a stroke . . . OOOHHHH . . . and when I would rub my hand along his back . . . UMMPHH . . . I could feel the sweat being displaced. I knew this climax would be good. Just then Tom threw open the door. In a split second I had the most intense orgasm I had ever had and so did Bill, I could feel his cum on my inner thigh and there was more of it than usual. Bill and I had hopped out of the bed in the next instant and stood on either side of it. I notice Bill was losing his footing and looked over at him, HE WAS STILL CUMMING, so he was finding it hard to regain control of his body. ( GOD I'm good ! ! ! ). Cum spurted out of him shooting half-way across the room and landing with a loud SPLORCH right on Tom's face. Now here I have to tell you that I had intended to be serious with Tom when we talked, but the sight of his face red with anger and covered in my lover's semen was more than I could take so I broke down and laughed hysterically. Bill was chuckling a little too and I guess Tom did not appreciate it because just then his face got even more red and he went to charge further into the room. Suddenly, he yelled "UUUGGHH ! ! !" and staggered back a few steps covering his face. Why ? Bill was bigger and more muscular than Tom but they hadn't even touched each other yet. Just then I realized that Tom wasn't covering his face but his nose. The room must have smelled worse than I imagined, you never really notice it while you're making love. The smell didn't quell Tom's anger though and in an instant he regained himself and lunged at Bill. Like I said, Bill is much more athletic than Tom and he sent Tom sprawling over the bed in my direction with one mighty blow. Tom ended up facing me on the floor in front of me on his hands and knees. Everything had happened so fast, I did not know what to do, it was almost like Tom was a stranger who was attacking me. He lifted his hands slowly and placed one hand on each side of my wide hips so that he could manage to climb off his knees. I looked down at him and saw just how much damage Bill had done, his mouth was bloodied and his nose looked funny somehow, what a pitiful man I thought to myself. He looked up at me as he struggled to his feet and said "Bitch", the word came out gargled with spit, blood, and one of his teeth. I thought that if he made it to his feet he would try to hit me, I mean I didn't know what he would be capable of at that point, so I kneed him in his groin and he collapsed to the floor. Tom was now safely back where he started, he was on the floor in the fetal position and cursing expletives. By now Bill had made it around to my side of the bed, so I thought that it would be safe for me to call the police. When I looked back around Bill had grabbed Tom up and pinned him against the wall. It looked like Bill was using the poor man as a punching bag. Bill told me to go call the police, as I picked up the phone from the nightstand I couldn't help but giggle again. Bill was punching Tom in his abdomen now and Tom's head shook with every blow, blood and spit would come out and he had the sorriest, most pathetic look I had ever seen on a man pasted to his face. It was quite funny. At any rate the police came, we told them the story and Tom was taken to jail and charged with spousal abuse. I managed to keep my composure while the police officers were at the house but I must admit that this was a funny situation. I mean I felt genuine pity for Tom, but the fact that he would be arrested for interfering with my infidelity was humorous to me. It also made me feel a little horny, Bill was feeling it too because he had come up behind me and was massaging my breasts through the short, hot pink, satin robe that I had put on to greet the police in. It was more than I could take. Bill and I made love that night in the hottest fuck session you could possibly imagine. The next day the judge threw a restraining order on Tom and released him from holding on a signature bond. I heard he went to his firm since he had no other place to go, but he found that Bill had placed him on leave until the state Bar could review what had happened and take the appropriate actions. Anyway, I suppose with life going so horridly for the man he must have gone ballistic, I mean that's the only way to explain what happened next. Bill and I had just finished an evening love making session, he was in the shower and I was sitting in the bed going playing with Mara. That's when I heard the door downstairs being thrown open and in a flash Tom had run up the stairs and was standing in the doorway with the look of a lunatic on his face. He looked horrible. His nose and jaw were swollen, but I figured that was probably from the beating that Bill had given him. What I didn't understand were his blackened eyes, "Mara, go to your room and lock the door . . . NOW ! ! !", I emplored. I was in a state of shock, forgetting the pistol he held in his hands, "What the hell happened to your eyes Tom ?" "A bunch of those fucking niggers beat me up in that hell hole you sent me to, that's what happened you BITCH !" he retorted angrily. I had gotten off the bed and was now standing in front of him, touching and viewing his eyes. "Why ? What did you do ?" I asked. He growled and slapped me with his free hand, I flew across the room and fell near the nightstand. He hissed, "You FUCKING SLUT, I didn't do ANYTHING ! ! ! they beat me up so that I would not be able to stop them when they SODOMIZED me ! ! !" For some strange reason again I burst out in uncontrollable laughter ! ! ! I mean the whole situation was getting to be too much. I wasn't trying to be mean it was just that the thought of someone butt-fucking Tom against his will after everything else he had been through, you must admit, this was a bit humorous. I laughed as I saw Tom hastily making his way across the bedroom to me as he murmured angrily, "Oh, YOU think that's funny huh ? You fuckin' strumpet. I'm gonna beat the hell out of you when I get my hands on ..." Just then I saw Bill's huge hands grab Tom's neck and throw him on the bed. Instantly Bill let loose on Tom with a flurry of punches. This sight made me laugh even harder as I heard Tom cry, "Fuckin' . . . SOCK . . . whore, I . . . PRRTTCCCHHH . . . hate you." Soon Tom passed out from the beating and Bill and I stood over the bed looking down on him. I wondered to myself how many beatings Tom had taken in the past 24 hours because of me. I felt wicked as a small smile fought its way to my face through my pretentious concern for Tom's well being. I could not believe what this wickedly wonderful feeling led me to do next . . . I layed down on top of Tom, looked up at Bill, and spread my legs. I couldn't say what I wanted to do openly, something deep within me said that to vocalize it would make me a 'slut'. Bill was getting excited too. His penis was slowly rising and he couldn't take his eyes off of my large, tanned, glistening breasts. He slowly laid on top of me. He began to tongue my nipples, and the touch of his tongue made my nipples instantly hard and my vagina flooded with a torrent of womanly love fluid. In no time at all, Bill and I were rutting, grunting, and snorting at each other in a primal frenzy of sexual energy. I notice that to hold himself up over me as we coupled Bill had placed his hand on the side of Tom's head. He was pressing this poor man's head into the mattress and bedding in the hot, reckless abandon of our fornication. It was fast and furious, and Bill was about to come in no time. He tossed me out from under him and off of Tom. Bill then straddled Tom's still unconscious head with his knees and jacked his load over Tom's face. Watching this made me hot and again, I knew what the wicked side of me wanted to do. I straddled Tom's head and squatted, as I let loose a gush of piss onto his head I creamed myself again and a little was probably deposited on Tom's face. While I was pissing on him his head began to twitch. Oh no ! ! ! he was coming to. When he was cognizent enough to realize what was happening he threw me off of him and stood up quickly, spitting and swiping his cum and piss covered face with his hands to clean it. Then he stopped suddenly, looked on the floor, stooped quickly, and came back up with his gun. Oh no ! ! ! I thought, in our sexual frenzy we had forgotten to get rid of his pistol. He pointed it at Bill and pulled the trigger. "BANG" I saw a flash of light and smoke and then the gun fell from Tom's hand. Tom crumpled to the floor and Bill bellowed "HA HA HA the fool's weapon backfired ! ! !" Bill's laughter affected me too as I picked up our bedroom phone again and called 911, I chuckled. Well Tom's now serving 10 to 15 years in prison for two counts of attempted murder, the poor man. I really hope he can forgive me, . . . I have forgiven him. 5777 1.26/512345
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