Friday, February 1, 2013

The Bluesmen's Danish Groupie

THE BLUESMEN'S DANISH GROUPIE PART 1 By Kurt Vogel We had liked the idea to have been assigned to that job in Chicago. In Copenhagen, we often dream of the USA, and the idea of getting in that town was like a dream for me and my friend Susan. Therefore we had been quite happy to obey to our firm, a large Danish cookies manufacturer, for this task. Though we weren't really fianc?s, we were in good terms and I liked very much her; I held high hopes that the American holiday would help me get into her panties once again, as we had had a couple of sexual meetings before but we had never really been engaged. Susan, at 31 years, was a very pretty typical Danish woman: 5'5" tall, with a well-formed body, long blonde hair, dark blue eyes, a very pretty face with slightly puffy cheeks, a lot of freckles on a very pale skin and a perennial smile. She was the prototypical Scandinavian beauty, not a teen-ager anymore but very nice- looking in her Nordic features. She was quite smart, but not overly open towards strangers; she had had her share of boyfriends in the past, but she hadn't been happy with any of them in the long run. Not to the point of marrying anyone, at least. At 34 years, I was only a bit older, and I enjoyed a good sexual life in my hometown. I liked my bass guitar, my car and sometimes my fianc?es, though I had been rarely engaged was cordial, funny sometimes, always good at business, fairly athletic. If I did have to single out her most striking feature, though, probably I'd not chosen her face, although it was so pretty to cause men to turn their heads to smile at her; it was her ass, that was round, perky, well-rounded and suspended over a pair of long, well-tapered legs. In a normal bikini, especially from the waist down, Susan was a smash hit, and she knew it. She was also a hopeless tease, and I hadn't got much out of her until then. In Chicago, we had decided to stay a few days after our job had ended, on holiday, to take a good look at the city and enjoy some time taking care of our passion for Blues music: of course, you cannot find a better place than Chicago for this kind of music. So the first day of `holiday' we chose a concert of a little-known Black singer called Jerome `Smokey' Robbins. I scarcely knew him, but Susan had some records of him. She had always loved Blues, and had therefore amassed a lot of obscure Blues records in her house; she looked very eager to get to the club where this `Smokey' was about to play, so we went to buy our tickets. The club was in a forlorn place in Chicago's South Side, but there was no trouble getting there in the afternoon, at 4 o'clock . We got our tickets, cheap, and we were about to leave when a large Black guy in his forties, wearing a dazzling electric-blue jacket over his bare chest, entered the lobby of the theatre and saluted everybody. We were the only two people not connected with the organisation, and his eyes, of course, fell on Susan's slender body. "Hi, man, hi, lady, coming here tonight?" he growled, with a pleasantly rough voice, all deep and low. Susan beamed. "Oh, yes, and you're. are you Mr Smokey?" "In person, lady!" he thundered, in a pleasantly loud voice. "Hi man" he said extending his hand to me. "New here?" he asked. "We came from Denmark" she said, demurely, but smiling warmly. "I'm Susan, and I love your music" she said, and he returned the smile saying "Great! After the concert, if you have liked us, I will be here at the `Astoria' hotel, suite 225" he motioned with his thick right forefinger at the massive building just across the street, "and I'll be glad to offer you a glass of wine. See you later!" he said and went away for the rehearsals, while Susan wrote the `225' number quickly on a piece of paper and we left together. She didn't mention it, but after the concert, that was really good, long and full of heavy electric blues, she was really aching to get there. I tried to say that it didn't look such a good idea, but she didn't care. It must have been the idea of being alone in holiday, the power of the music, the joints being smoked in the tightly-packed club or whatever, but she wanted to get there, and there we went, at midnight, knocking on the door of suite `225'. I hoped that, if she got high enough, I could have finally got her. The `Astoria' was not a luxury hotel, ours was much better. It was a stank hotel down the street with high ceilings and large rooms, but poorly lit and an air of general uncleanliness around. Anyway, the door opened and we were admitted in a by a huge bodyguard as black as coal, bulging with muscles, that smiled to Susan and told me to sit down and help myself with the whiskey. I knew that we were going to get something more than we had bargained for, but now it didn't matter. Being a kind of voyeur, I relaxed and sat down. Susan was on her own, now, and, clutching her autograph book, she walked with the Negro bodyguard to the sofa where `Smokey' was sitting with a pal of him, younger but made on the same model, large, black and smiling in a malicious way. Their eyes ran slowly, with a sort of lewd calm, all along her body; she had a short denim skirt that enhanced her long legs and especially her round buns, a tight red tank top and high heels, she was really cute. "Oh, there we have our pretty Danish visitor! Here,.. What's your name?" he asked, and she, writhing with unconcealed emotion, answered "Susan". "Oh, yes, Susan, come here and have a joint." He said these words with such a natural tone that all that she could do was to sit down between Smokey and the other guy, named Jerome. Her short skirt was already halfway up her thighs; she tried to pull it down, but it was too short, and the couch too low, to stay down enough. Her long thighs were uncovered for more than one half of their length, and she looked uncomfortable, but took the large joint rolled by Jerome all the same and the bodyguard gave one to me. I began to smoke it, feeling immediately lighter and happier. What the hell, Susan had to do what she wanted. She wasn't a child anymore. The joint made her feel better too. Susan began to smile in a slightly more relaxed way, then to laugh happily when Smokey began to say something in her left ear. She giggled and shook her head, but she was getting high, and when he pulled out of a small bag a little red pill, Ecstasy, clearly!, she swallowed it In five minutes, she was laughing and didn't care much of the fact that her skirt was actually rolled up her waist. Smokey turned over to Susan, and his mouth suddenly was over hers; my blonde friend didn't even try to resist, and answered passionately to his kiss, offering her tiny pink tongue to him, as her arms closed behind his massive back in a tight embrace. As they wriggled, Jerome looked at her legs, her long white legs that were progressively uncovered by her movements. Smokey's large black hand got on her right tit and began to maul it through the thin white fabric of her dress; I expected this ending, so I took it philosophically and poured myself a large whiskey to relax and enjoy what was about to follow. What I didn't expect was that Smokey left her a moment, and I could see her blushing face painted with happiness and lust, lying on the back of the couch. He unbuttoned his lam? show shirt pointing at the other Black guy, saying "Jerome is a good friend too, Susan.. Do you know him?" Susan turned to him and smiled sweetly. It was the kind of smile that usually made everyone's cock stand on attention. "Of course, yes, you're Jerome Ward. I like how you play guitar, really!" They shook hands, which I thought was a little dopey in that situation, but she seemed to enjoy this kind of shit. "Okay, so, as you know him already and you're getting along so well, greet him" Smokey ordered. Jerome, who had his slit-like eyes already focused on her thin white panties, turned on her and kissed her too, and she embraced and answered hotly to his assault too. I couldn't think that Susan would have taken a Black man, though I knew that she was quite interested in the matter as a friend of her had told her of the size of one she had known in Stockholm. I didn't even imagine that she would take two at a time! It was going to be a wild ride, I thought.. Apart from being the lead guitar player of the band, Jerome, as I learned later, was Smokey's younger cousin. He was more built and stronger than Smokey; when he stood up to unbutton his shirt, he looked also very tough. I helped myself to another whiskey, and, thanks to the joint, didn't complain about the show. Susan was still sitting, but now her legs were slightly parted, her beautiful face was red and slightly sweaty, she was breathing hard. She didn't try to stand up and go, she didn't protest or say `no'. Ecstasy had made her horny and completely careless, or so it seemed. She waited Smokey to sit down again and inspired another deep breath of the cannabis he handed her. On top of the Ecstasy, it must have been a heady mix. Without any hurry, Smokey, his sweaty, bulging belly now uncovered between the flaps of his coloured shirt, sat down and turned on her again, planting his thick black lips on hers and it was clear that she had surrendered completely to the bluesman's will. There was no delicacy in his ways, he got at her with a nonchalance that showed that he was used at this game. His right hand ran quickly between her legs, pushing her skirt up, uncovering her little white panties. Instead of protesting or taking his hand off, she let him go all the way; from my vantage point, I saw his large black hand getting in her panties, cupping her delicately-haired crotch first over the panties, then getting inside. Her thin panties bulged with the sheer bulk of the black hand prowling her pussy. The contrast between that fat black hand and the milk-white skin of her legs and crotch was stunning. He let his hand get out of the panties pulling on them, making them descend ten centimetres and uncovering her fair-haired crotch. He did it on purpose, saying something to Susan, who giggled and shook her head to mean `no' while one of his thick fingers found the way of her pussy. Susan didn't offer any special resistance, and when the Black guy had succeeded in plunging a couple of fingers up her tight pussy she let go a moan that was telling something. XTC and a hand-rolled joint were powerful aphrodisiacs, clearly, and she was going. Smokey worked expertly her slit for a couple of minutes, just enough to `warm' her. "So you have to get it now" he said when he had enough of her pussy, straightened up and put his large hand behind her head, then pulled it down, on his crotch, until her delicate upturned nose was on the rough cloth of his well-worn jeans. Susan didn't protest, to the contrary, she smiled while rubbing her half-open lips on that bulge. It was just a moment; Smokey, evidently used to this kind of situation, pulled her up to have her turn towards him and kiss him, and I noticed that she did it with increasing enthusiasm. They stuck their tongues out for a few seconds, her little pink licker and his thick purple chop, while he swiftly unzipped his jeans to expose a large black member, that was already erect and was sticking on his belly for a good 10". Then he pushed her gently down, making her turn her head to face his monster cock. I could almost hear Susan gasp when she was confronted with the large black beast; but Smokey kept her head down, making her rub her nose on his thick shaft, and Susan began to kiss the thick meat tube, first slowly, then faster. "Stick your tongue out and lick it, Susan! It tastes good!" he growled, and she obeyed. Her pink tongue stuck out and she began to slide her licker up and down the shaft. Susan had crossed the line, she was having sex with that Black stranger, and she had clearly accepted Smokey, too. I concentrated on the scene, feeling my own cock bulging in my jeans. God, Jerome's cock was HUGE! And she was licking it with increasing lust. I couldn't believe my eyes: pretty shy Susan was licking a nigger's shaft, in public, clearly enjoying it while another Black man was fondling her on the other side. Yes, because Smokey, having removed his jacket and shirt, had unzipped his jeans and his cock, as huge and black as Jerome's, was out and hard. He sat down again on Susan's left and grabbed both her ass cheeks, naked now as he had lifted her dress over her hips. He said, in his husky, thick voice "Hey, Jerome, little Danish here has got a great pair of buns!" and the guitar player replied "Oh yes? It's ages I want to fuck a nice white round butt. C'mon, sister, turn here and show me your wonders! Stand up!" Susan stood up, smiling wryly, and faced the two Black men. Her eyes were on Smokey's huge cock, but Jerome's was of the same size and colour; I heard the same voice saying "C'mon, Susie, turn on yourself and show me those buns" and she obeyed, slowly turning to show her back. Jerome bent forward and grabbed one ass cheek under her dress, showing it to Smokey who grabbed the other one. "Nice buns, man" he said. "Really good for a whitey. Great ass, Susan." "Oh, thanks. Do you really like it?" "Yes, yes, but now we'll need to take something off to enjoy the scenery." Having expressed this concept, Jerome's thick forefingers searched the elastic band of her panties, found it and pulled it down, quickly, rudely. She squirmed, but didn't protest and lifted one foot, then the other, leaving her panties on the floor. Susan looked back and said "Is it OK?" "Much better. Put your feet here and here" Jerome growled, pointing at two points on the floor nearly two feet apart; she spread her legs and they had a better way to access her cheeks, then her pussy. I saw their thick black fingers prodding from between her legs in front. She moaned, and it was a deep, raucous pleasure moan. "She likes it" Jerome giggled, and Smokey replied "she's a good, Danish little slut. I've always thought that there Euro blondes must be good sluts, and this one looks a hoot." Susan sat down again between them, her head falling back in a gesture of clear surrender. It was weird to see my respectable colleague and sometimes sweetheart in the hands of two huge Blacks and clearly liking it. I liked it too, and remained in my dark corner, ignored by everyone, sipping whiskey. A great show was going on, and I was enjoying it. Squeezed between the two niggers, Susan looked eager, almost horny. She took the huge joint that Jerome passed her and had a good dose of it again, then said "Oh, it feels so good.." "Never been in USA before?" "No." "And never had Black men before?" Jerome added, his hand diving between her legs again. I noticed that she parted her thighs immediately, and I had a good view of her blond-haired crotch before it was obscured by his large black hand. A low moan on her part signalled that Jerome's forefinger was getting in her slit. "No, never. and I regret it." "In Denmark, there must be few Blacks, and maybe it's not so cute for a pretty blonde to be seen with one, isn't it, sister?" "That's it" she giggled, splaying her legs even more. Smokey pulled on her left leg, having her open them fully and sliding his left hand to her crotch too. Her head was tilted back, her beautiful mouth open in a pleasure moan. Jerome took Susan's little right hand and placed it on his throbbing cock; she wrapped it around the shaft. "Hey, Susan, it would be better if you didn't have all this stuff on, no? Now you have to take off your thing here" Smokey said, and she immediately removed her tank top. Now she was completely nude, she only had her high heels, nothing else. Her hand got quickly on Jerome's and Smokey's rock-hard tools. Jerome began to stroke and maul her tits, not very big but perfectly formed and erect, while Smokey said "Now it's time to taste mine. Get down, Susan" and she bent immediately over his cock. "God, is so huge!." she moaned kissing its mushroom-sized tip and beginning to circle her tongue on it. It was really big, long and thick, and black as coal; then she got back at Jerome's, who was more impatient than Smokey to take advantage of Susan's willing mouth. "Do you like it?" Jerome growled. "Oh, yes, yes, but I cannot fit it." "Oh, you'll do it. All the white girls say that they cannot, then they succeed. Down!" he ordered, and pushed her head down. Susan's pretty red lips spread wide; her head went slowly down, pressed by Jerome's large head on her back, and I could see her mouth being violated by the largest piece of meat I'd ever seen. When she was halfway along the shaft he eased his pressure and let her breath, pulling her up a couple of centimetres. "Like it, slut?" he growled, still holding his cock in her mouth. "Hummm, hummm" she groaned, nodding quickly while her face was impaled on that rock-hard chunk of black meat. Jerome placed one of his large black hands on the back of her head and pulled it down again, so that she swallowed more of his long, hard dong. "Good for you, because I want you to suck it for good, now. Go on, and stroke it!" he said. Susan's left hand began to stroke that monster cock while her lips, wrapped around the nigger's shaft, slid slowly along his black meat tube. Smokey had removed his jeans, and had only his open shirt on; he moved her until she was on her right side and her ass was fully exposed at him. "Good, nice buns" he said, funger-fucking her slit and having her increase her muffled moans of pleasure. He shoved one finger up her asshole, too, and she shuddered but didn't protest. He grinned. "This little Danish slut sucks good cock, man" Jerome said in a groan enjoying her work on his shaft. "I see. My turn, now" Smokey said. "OK, Susan, turn here". She was pulled from Jerome's cock and he asked her "Like it, whitey?" "Oh, yes!", she panted, her face flushed and sweaty but obviously happy with it. "It's so.. So big and hard!.. I like it. I've never done it.. With.. With.." "With niggers, you mean?" Smokey said, derisively. "No, no, it wasn't what.. Well, I've never done it with Blacks, but, two at the time.." She tried to say to reaffirm her image of good girl, knowing that this was stuff for real whores. Smokey laughed in her face. "Twice the fun, Susie, that's it, and I bet that you like it. Two at the same time, I mean" "Oh yes" she muttered, her voice strained by lust, "Yes. Please, can I continue?" "Oh, little Euro princess, you'll go on with mine" Smokey said, pulling on her head to turn her towards his cock. "Please, please, let me suck your cock." I shuddered in my chair. I'd never thought Susan capable of saying such things. If there had been a common complaint about her, was that her lovers had found her a bit too restrained, almost frigid sometimes. Now, thanks to the joints, the XTC, whatever, she was transformed.. "Really want it, slut? Tell me how much you want it" Smokey grinned, looking at her horny face. "Yes, I want it. I want your big, black cock and I want it bad. I've never had black cocks.. And now I know that you've got cocks that are so big and hard. please let me try all of it, now" "Pretty good slut, Susie. well, give it a good, good suck. But get down here" and he had her slide down the couch where they had been staying until then. Susan got on her knees and was pulled by Smokey between his enormously thick and hairy black thighs; his trunk towered between them, erect, rock-hard. "I like my sluts to crawl on their knees to my cock". And she did it. Susan kneeled submissively between his massive legs, her head being kept low by Smokey's hand until her nose was directly in front of his tennis-ball-sized nuts. She was looking at his massive trunk from below, now. It must have been quite towering, from her position. "Go ahead, Susan" he laughed, "now I want to see how a good willing Euroslut like you will wash and lick my balls. You have to, before getting to my cock once again." "Oh, I love to, Smokey" she purred, sticking her face forward and her tongue out to lick his balls. From where I was sitting I could see her spit-painting first on of his hairy testicles, then the other; her little pink tongue fully out, she licked the inside of his thighs as well, lewdly. A benefit of her position was that I had a good view of her ass, naked and sticking up in the air. I could easily make out her pussy opening and her asshole, too. Both were tight and nice, like a teenager's. I had a feeling that they were going to know some good use that evening. Nice. I also was growing a raging hard-on, so it wasn't bad when an older black woman stopped by me and asked "Is everything right, man?" I nodded. Yes, everything was fine, though I didn't understand quite well what was happening to Susan, I liked to watch, though. "Is she your fianc?e?" the Black woman asked. "No, not really. Good friends, pals, we went together for the Blues gig, that's all." "I see. Feeling alone?" I looked at her. She was maybe 40 years old, ten years younger than Smokey, maybe, and five or less older than Jerome. I couldn't figure what she could be for them, but she was attractive, in a rugged, no-bullshit way. "A little. no, it's fine." "OK. I'll send you someone to take care of your hard-on, baby. You deserve it, as Smokey and Jerome are grilling your sweetheart. It will take some time." The girl she sent me was a light-chocolate teen, and she was really nice; she kissed me and unzipped my pants and sucked me for a few minutes with loving care. It was a good way of maintain a kind of style while watching Susan shake her ass cheeks, spread her legs wider, allowing Jerome to finger-fuck her again and then swap places with Smokey and trade places again. It was while she was sucking Smokey, and had her mouth fully stuffed with his bull-meat, that Jerome said "Your pussy is hot, slut. It's all wet, you're dripping. I'm sure you want some of this black meat in, do you?" "Huuummmm, yeahhhhhhmmmgrglhglmmmm" was her gargled answer while she tried to swallow more of Smokey's cock. "Okay, baby" Smokey said, "come on here and show me your pussy." She stood on her feet, then waited to see if the two men let her some space to lean on the couch. The two Blacks were looking up at her instead, her eyes alternatively on her face and pussy. With a sarcastic grin on his face, Jerome said "Hey, Susan, you look like you have a tight pussy. Show us the way to get it!" Smokey grinned. "Yeah, honey. Open your lips and show us some of your precious pink meat. Come on!" Susan wasn't used to this kind of show, but she was hot and her eyes were looking at the two black trunks resting on the niggers' belly, now glistening with her own spit, so she did her best to spread her legs and with the thumbs and forefingers of her little hands parted her pussy, letting them peek at the inner pink flesh of her tight love tunnel. "That's quite fine, man" Jerome quipped while Smokey bent forward to shove a finger up that soft slit once again, making her groan. He retired his finger, Jerome shoved his fore- and middle fingers up her pussy together. She groaned louder, he grinned saying "she's hot and very, very wet.. We must get at it now, or she will drool all down her thighs!" They laughed, and pulled her down, Jerome moving away to let Smokey the honours. "After all, this whore came for you, tonight". "Yeah, of course" Smokey growled. She lied on the couch, spreading her legs while Jerome sat on the other armchair and Smokey kneeled between her legs. His cock sprouted under his belly like a long, thick spear; it was glistening with her spit, and he shoved two fingers in her slit to excite her. There was scarce need for that. "Oh, please, give it to me.. Please.." "Give what, Susan?" Smokey asked, grinning and pushing his fingers deeper. "Give me your. your cock." "My thick, black cock? Do you want it in your cunt? This roll? It's a whore thing, this one, we only screw whores here. Pretty white Danish girls usually don't do it. Do you know? If you do, say so." "Oh, yes, Smokey, give me your big, black cock.. Shove it in my pussy. it's all ready for you.." She panted. "So, what are you?" He was teasing her, but she didn't care, the joint, the sexual excitation, the whiskey, whatever had won all her resistences and she was gone. "I'm your whore. I'm your slut. OK? But now give me that thick black cock of yours" she said, in a frantic voice, pulling up her breast and head and kissing his chest and going down slowly with her flat, fully extended tongue, leaving a long sticky lick of spit on his sweaty belly. "Please." "Please, please give it to your whore. Please." That was enough. Smokey got down between her legs, pointed his purple cockhead at her moist slit, rubbed it a few times on the vulva making her writhe in pleasure and lust, then, with a rude push, he shoved half of it in her pussy. She groaned, but he didn't leave her any time to complain; after three pushes he was inside her, his enormous cock was buried in to the hilt and she looked like she was going to collapse for the sheer pleasure. "Oh, it's soooo big." she gasped, finally, "it fills me so much.. I feel like I'm going to be split apart.. Oh, please Smokey, go, fuck me. fuck meeee!.." she moaned, while Smokey, obviously pleased with her reaction, began to pump her pussy, first slowly, then faster. "She's tight, man." he bellowed to Jerome, and he growled "so, what's the matter? Enjoy. She will not be so tight, when we will be finished with her. go ahead, man, I wait for my turn." Pleased with the tightness of her cunt, Smokey had got the right rhythm, and was drilling her pussy good and deep. And, to my utter surprise, the shy, demure Susan began to come under his thrusts. "oh, my God, I'm cumming.. Cumming. oh, please go on. oh, your fat black cock is so huge, Smokey. you're super. go on, please.." I came in my girl's eager mouth when Susan began to arch back and then pull with her arms towards Smokey, kissing him, licking his sweaty breast and armpits, going mad over the cock that was drilling her cunt. He continued pumping with a steady rhythm, pulling it out at each stroke and rejoicing in her pleasure. "Hey, Smokey, that's a fine little whore, isn't she?" Jerome said after some minutes, standing beside them and mauling her left tit. "I'd say so, man" he grunted, shoving his bloated cock all the way in her stretched pussy and waiting for her usual moan of lust. He was taking his time in fucking her, slowly, drilling her with some gusto., "But you can ask her, I mean." "Hi, Susan, what are you? For us, I mean." "I'm. your girlfriend. No, no: I'm your slut. I'm your hot slut." "I'd say our cocksucking whore, Susan." "Oh yes, yes" she moaned, "your cocksucking whore. I like your cocks, I like being fucked by you." At this point, Jerome said to Smokey "Well, it's time for a change. Move on, Smokey, and let someone else help this whore getting high." "My pleasure" said Smokey, pulling out of Susan's pussy and off the couch to get a drink. Susan remained spread-eagled on the couch, her legs wide open, panting lustfully. I saw her pussy already gaping, its pink tender flesh showing between her battered labia.. Jerome didn't waste any time in preliminaries: he simply knelt between her open thighs and plunged his hard cock in her open cunt. She gasped as if his cock had taken her breath away, and probably it had. Jerome was a fast, furious fucker. From behind, I could see his muscular back and round, had ass pumping while he fucked her pussy for good, with steady, long strokes that devastated her tight young cunt and made Susan cum continuously for something like one quarter of an hour, then, when he was near to cum, he slowed a bit and looked straight at the white beauty's sweaty face from above. I noticed a dribble of spit from his mouth falling on her nose, she didn't care. "Now, I'm really going to cum inside this pretty white pussy, sistah" he growled. She panted harder. "Oh please, please" she sobbed, "come in my pussy! Oh, please, fill me!" "Are you on the pill?" "No, no, but don't care.. Oh, fill me, pleeeeease!.." "You can bet on it, whore" he grumbled, accelerating the rhythm of his thrusts, "I shall fill your little Danish cunt to the hilt with my cream. like your fucking Danish pastry ., all the better if you're riding bareback, whore!" and, shuddering, reached his orgasm. He stiffened, arched, tending all his muscles, and groaned pumping his cock in her cunt now much slower, but continuing his rhythmic movement for some time again. He continued to shudder and pant, while unloading in her, and it looked like minutes, and sure she came again around his thick block of jism; then he pulled out, and his cock, while getting limp, was still very much large and was completely coated with cum and her pussy juices. He straddled her chest, more or less sitting on her tits, and offered her the dripping shaft to her lips, rubbing the slimy cockhead on her parted, moaning lips. I noticed that her breasts were dotted with drops of his sweat. "Clean it well, slut, and I'll give it to you again!" he ordered, and the exhausted Susan pulled her head forward until her lips met his cock, beginning to kiss and lick it. Jerome knew that she couldn't reach it well, but teased her keeping it just in her tongue's reach. When he got tired of teasing he pushed forward and filled her mouth with his limping cock-meat, probably spitting some more cum in and smearing her lips with those juices. He finally stepped down her and poured himself some whiskey, giving a look at the blonde beauty lying on her back, panting, exhausted by the orgasms, her legs completely spread and a gigantic glob of sperm dripping between her battered pussy lips down her ass crack. Sweet Susan looked like a dirt-cheap street whore now, and, in a way, that was exactly what she was, or what she was being treated like by those guys now. And she was enjoying it! "What a creampie" Smokey muttered looking at the jizz drooling down her ass crack. Susan looked at Smokey with hazy eyes, extended her arms and purred "why don't you fuck me, Smokey? I'm all yours" "Yeah", he barked, waving the whiskey-filled glass at her, "but I don't like fucking cum-filled sluts like you are now. I hate sloppy seconds. I want you to suck my cock now." He sat on the armchair again, one cheap cigar in one hand, a glass of whiskey in the other, spread his naked, massive thighs and looked at Susan, who was still on her back on the couch. "If you want some more cock, come here and get it." She tried to stand up to walk to Smokey, but Jerome, suddenly, blocked her with his large hand on her head. "Spare your efforts, slut" he grumbled. "Our whores can crawl from one cock to the other. If you want to be our slut, crawl there that way, on your knees. We want it that way." She turned and looked at him from below; his limp cock was just over her head, in her hair. Nodding, she slid off the couch, got herself on her knees and, on all fours, crawled to Smokey's chair. For ten minutes, she just lapped and sucked his enormous, rock-hard cock. I was seeing her from the left side, now, and she began to kiss his cock with lust, no, possibly with love. Jerome followed the scene with a smile, Smokey had his hands between his head and was letting her work. "Oh, how do I love to be with you, Smokey" she moaned, passing her pouty lips on the full length of his thick shaft. "I have all your records, you know? All of them." "Big deal" he said, and I thought that Susan was dumber than I'd expected. She was in a full groupie trip, now. And they were rightly taking full advantage of this, I thought while fondling my own girl's small tits. She was really cute. "Oh, yes, I've always dreamt of knowing you, such a great artist.. Thank you for letting me stay with you tonight." "You're welcome, Susan, but you're not working well enough. I'm used to better services from my fans, so, if you want to be invited here again, suck!" The words of Smokey had a prodigious effect on Susan; he muttered "Oh, yes, Sir, yes, please. Sorry" and in a single gulp she swallowed half of his rock-hard cock and began to suck like a pump. Her blonde head began to bob on his belly slowly, taking as much of his cock as she could, and jerking it off slowly with her right hand. I saw her cheeks bulging inside because of her sucking effort, then my eyes fell on her ass cheeks, and I saw Jerome's load dripping down her inner thighs. My cock got hard once again; my girl smiled and kissed me, feeling my modest erection again. A knock at the door didn't disturb nor Smokey nor Jerome; another Black got in, a younger, muscle-bound brute 6" tall and completely bald. A guy of the Security. A real mountain of muscles. Rough. "Hi, Marvin" Jerome said, and Smokey nodded, while he replied "Hi, Boss, Hi, Jerry." Susan turned to see who had entered; after all she was showing her ass and cunt to the door and to him, but Smokey growled "What are you doing? I told you to WORK, whore!" and, looking scared, she immediately got back at the blowjob, swallowing two thirds of Smokey's shaft. "Nice stuff, Boss" Marvin said, his eyes fixed on her splayed white buns. "Looks real good" "Yeah, she's Danish. Can you imagine? A Fan coming from Denmark to hear me. Well, the least I could do was allow her a dose of my jawbreaker." They all laughed, and Smokey added "But I have to introduce her properly. Come here, Marv" and he got beside him. "Susan, you can let it now. I introduce you Marvin, the Chief of my Security. Susan is our Danish whore. She's doing a sort of casting, y'know. Introduce yourself to Marv, Susan" and she turned and gave her hand hesitatingly to the Black giant, meowling "Hi, I'm Susan.. I'm from Denmark. I'm a fan" she added. "Yes, and you're also a black cock-hungry slut." "Yes, I am", she admitted and the conversation was stopped by Smokey's hand pulling her down on his cock again. Marv went away saying "Hey Boss, if you need any help with the fans.." Jerome had his cock hard again, and moved beside her head, having her lick his cockhead again, then got behind her and slid his thick cock in her sopping- wet pussy for a second fuck. She groaned. "Like it, slut?" he asked, and she croaked "Yeaaahhhhuuuuffmmmmmm", her tongue twirled around Smokey's salami. "I hope that you don't mind if we do you two at a time, but you're not fast enough, apparently, and we want to take advantage of your holes." She answered cumming noisily, an orgasm that shook her body from head to tail. "I'd bet that this good Danish slut would like it even in her tail, man" Jerome joked, grabbing her ass cheeks and spreading them wide for the fuck from behind, doggy-style. "I dunno, must ask her" Smokey giggled and pulled her head up from his saliva-covered cock. "Dear Susan" he asked looking at he flushed, lust-filled face, "would you take your Smokey's cock up your white, little asshole?" "What? That one?" she cried, turning to see Jerome's hard-again monster cock. "It will break me! It will.. Oh, my God." "That's a pity, Susie" Smokey said with a lewd grin, and suddenly he wrapped his large right hand around her delicate white neck, beginning to squeeze at it. Her eyes bulged with fear. Physical fear. It was clear that she was high on XTC and fascinated by the Black man, but also scared to death of his brute force. "Because we can't afford to keep with us sluts who wouldn't give access to all of them. Their back holes too, so I'll have to send you away RIGHT NOW, if you don't want Jerome to drill you there as well. As I said, we don't like sloppy seconds." He released in part the grip on her throat; she nearly cried at the idea of being shown the door after so many orgasms and the perspective of having even more in the near future... Her big blue eyes turned at him with an imploring look. "Oh, no, Mister Smokey, no, I'd do anything for you... I'd really love to get your black cock up my asshole... please, do what you want, please give it up my ass.." "See? That's a good fan, man" Smokey said, and Jerome drawled "there's a good whore for sure. But I want to have my cock sucked while you get up her ass, man" and they swapped places, Jerome placing in the armchair to let her begin her cocksucking act once again, cleaning the mess of pussy juices and sperm of which his black pole was coated again, and Smokey knelt behind her. He grabbed her ass cheeks with both hands and spread them to the max, placing her knees far apart so her long white thighs allowed an access even better than before. When he was satisfied of Susan's position, he put a finger in her cunt and took it out covered in slimy juices for lubrication, then shoved it in her asshole, slowly, gradually, working it down to his knuckles. Then it was his rock-hard cock, that she had lovingly covered with saliva until then; the long, hard black pole was glistening with the spit she had left in trails all over it. Smokey spat a large glob of saliva on her asshole and rubbed it in again with two fingers to improve its lubrication, an action that I found particularly, excitingly obscene; then he took his hard black shaft in his right hand, rubbed its tip on Susan's writhing brown asshole and pushed. She gave a muffled cry, but he continued to push. "Is it the first time in your ass, baby?" he asked, and she replied "No, but you're so big.. So big.." "OK, relax. Push as if you were shitting, push, don't tighten it" and his cockhead popped in. She gargled "aaaahhhhh, it hurts" but Jerome pulled her head down rudely down grunting "lick my balls and don't even breath, white whore" and she shut up. Smokey's huge black roll began to enter her asshole inch by inch, slowly, and he stopped when he was halfway through. He was sweating as a hog, but also Jerome and Susan were red hot and her face was covered in sweaty beads. Susan's lithe body was wriggling in a mixture of pain and pleasure. It was mostly pain, now. "Now you can tell me if you like it" Smokey said, Jerome let her raise her head. She turned and purred, with a somewhat strangled voice, "Oh, Mister Smokey, it's the best thing I've ever felt... I' love taking it up my ass.. really.." "You say only so because you want to stay here with me, Susan?" She winced with the unmistakable expression of pain that every ass-fucked girl has, the first times at least. "Oh, I'd love to stay here, please, let me stay. I love you so much. I love taking black cocks, Sir, oh, please, I like it up my asshole.. It feels great" "If you like black cock it's great, little Danish whore, because you'll get plenty from now on!" Smokey grumbled, pushing full forward and burying his cock now completely in her asshole. Susan let go a muffled cry of pain, but was immediately silenced by Jerome, who pulled down with both his hands on her head forcing her to swallow half of his 10" dark shaft. For ten minutes they went on this way, Smokey steadily shafting her asshole, Susan moaning, slurping and sucking Jerome's cock. The two-way shafting of the blonde beauty was briefly interrupted to salute someone passing from the room, to allow Jerome to salute the older woman that was going to sleep and to ask Susan if she liked it and to trade places a couple of times, Jerome also taking a special pride in fucking again her flooded pussy. After all, it was him own sperm that was drooling from there. And Susan.. well, she was hot. Lust-crazed. She really liked it, and not only because it was Smokey's cock. They swapped place and she sucked avidly Smokey's cock after having cleaned it of her own shit that was encrusting it, but she came several times even when ass-fucked by the thicker and meaner cock of Jerome. Swapping places once again, Smokey finally came in her bowels, and she uttered a cry like she was dying of pleasure; Jerome was immediately between her buns and shoved his cock in, working it in painfully, laboriously, as her hole was still way too tight to allow an easy access even after the passage of Smokey and the lubrication of his sperm. Jerome's 10" black rod was buried deep in her belly to the hilt after one minute of forcing it down her little chute, and, after a couple of minutes of hard fuck, he was ready to cum. He didn't let it go in her asshole, though. Jerome was a man of the world, and knew exactly what he had to do with a little white bitch like Susan. When he was about to cum, he pulled out his hard black snake from her asshole, took it in his right hand massaging it slowly and simultaneously pulled on her blonde hair to force her to turn towards him. This way, Susan suddenly found herself with her pretty white face level with the black monster's pisshole: she realised what was about to happen one instant too late, and the first glob of Jerome's hot cum landed straight on her face. The thick string of thick cum crossed her left eyelid and descended to her left cheek and over her lips. She opened her mouth to catch the second load, that flooded her oral cavity covering her little pink tongue with a mass of gooey sperm, but the third was a heavy spurt that Jerome, on purpose, pumping slowly his hard cock, directed on the right side of her face. This way her beautiful white face was all covered with strings of thick nigger cum, that began to drip slowly down while she remained there, blocked by Jerome's huge hand pressing on the top of her head, waiting that the Black stud had finished to paint her face white with his sperm. The last globs were squeezed in her mouth, and she was ordered to swallow, which she did. Smokey and Marvin were laughing, looking at the blonde beauty getting that load all over her pretty face. When Jerome finally released his grip and left her free, she turned at Smokey, and he was smiling broadly now, like he was really liking her. "Hey, Susan" he drawled, in a funny voice, "you're really some piece of chick!" Susan hadn't liked it, of course, I knew that she didn't like oral sex, much less getting such an obscene load all over her face.. But the pleased voice of her idol, of `Smokey', made her smile. She giggled through the coat of jizz that had creamed her face, looking at him. "Oh, really?" "Yeah, babe" he growled again, while Jerome zipped his jeans again, "I'd been thinking that you had to be just a quick fuck tonight, as you whites usually go for a big black snake in yer pussy and nothing more than that. So we usually get them pretty white peaches, bang them and show them the door at once. But you" he paused to maximise the effect on her, and she looked at him like he was her God, that big fat Black singer, "you're real cute. And you're willing to please, isn't it? So you can stay with us a bit more. Hell, I'll keep you with me for the next days. So you'll service me and my friends here. OK?" "Oooohhhhh, thanks, mr Smokey!" she purred, wiping the spurts of cum the best she could with the back of her hand and opening wide her big blue eyes. She really liked it! "Come here, honey, and kiss Daddy here" Smokey said. Susan jumped to her feet and, walking a little hesitatingly, sat on Smokey's lap. He accepted her kisses saying "You smell, girl, but that's fine. Now you have a cunt, ass and belly all full of cum, that's what you've got, Susie. Good." he jeered. She smiled lustfully. "Oh, thank you, Jerome" she cooed. I spurted a second time in Maria's mouth, and felt happy. It was 2 in the morning. To show her gratitude for being allowed to stay there and `service' them all, she knelt again under Smokey's thick balls and lapped one, then the other, then she began to kiss the long cock that was resting on his belly like a thick black snake. "I really love this black cock" she purred, her tongue rolling slowly all over the shaft. "I love your black cock, Boss" she said again, slowly rising on her knees to wrap her lips around the large cockhead. She kissed the tip, twirled the tongue on it, saying "I've never had cocks so big, so hard.. You've made me cum like never before, Sirs". His black cockhead was already back in her mouth. Marvin reappeared in that moment, and smiled: "Had a good time, Boss?" "You bet, Marv. This little Danish slut sucks like an Hoover, and, guess what? She likes taking big black cocks up her lilywhite asshole. She actually likes it." "Did she?" Marvin didn't look so surprised. "Yes, she does.. Susan, explain" he said, and Susan, looking up from her kneeling position to that enormous hunk of a Negro, purred "oh, yes, I like Black cock.. I've never tasted before, but now I really like it.." Her left hand reached up, at the giant's crotch, and caressed the bulge in his jeans. Her face turned in a awed look. "My, it's so big! It's huge! Oh, please.." Marv grinned, looking down at the naked blonde clutching his boss' hard cock. "Good to know. want any help?" "Tomorrow, Marv" Smokey growled, it was late and he didn't want to stay there much longer "tomorrow. If you will still be with us, Susan" he said, looking at her, and Susan, slowly jerking off his cock only inches from her pretty face, panted "Oh, please, let me stay with you.. Please, Boss, I'd really love to stay with you..." "What do you say, Marvin? Will we keep her with us until tomorrow night?" The giant grinned. "You're the Boss. If I have to decide, I'd want to know what she would do for me. I mean, if she's a snotty white bitch I can find someone else. And better." "God, how do I love this cock" she muttered, between one kiss and another. "I really like your black cock, Smokey" "Stand on, Susan" and she got on her feet, displaying -proudly, Id' say- her naked body to the two Blacks that were her lovers now. She turned without being asked, saying in a soft voice "So you really like my ass?" "That's fine, slut" Jerome thundered. He always was the rudest of the two. "Bent a little forward, it will stick out better" She bent again. Her round, solid ass cheeks bulged in the harsh light of the room; Smokey extended his hand and plunged two fingers in her cunt, laughing "You're really sloppy wet, slut.. Ok, get down here and we'll do something for your pussy too. Take your ankles with your hands, Susie" and she did as she had been ordered, so she was bent at 90? and her genitals were obviously, completely exposed to the two niggers. Smokey made her place her feet further afar. Marvin took a long, lewd look at her and said "For me, it's fine" and Smokey nodded. He gave To Susan her skirt and top, saying "You've been very good, honey. Now, you'll have a special place here tomorrow. Marvin will take care of you." "Where's your hotel, sistah?" Susan gave him our address. "Fine" he said, while she put her skirt and top back on. I stood up too, and Marvin, grinning, said "probably you did enjoy the time you've been here. If you'd like, you're invited for next night as well." I nodded, while Susan looked at me with a strange, puzzled expression, like if she couldn't remember who I was. I got out of the room while she was still in; Marvin had offered to take her back at the hotel with his car, she had accepted. I knew that I had plenty of time in the next days to see much more of this kind of stuff. I was enjoying it. 2571 1.23/512345

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