Thursday, June 27, 2013
As Children and Adults
AS CHILDREN AND ADULTS By Winters Heat As Children We had been boy friend girl friend for years before we were married, I guess we grew up together. When we were not more than 9 years old I can remember playing "I'll show you mine if you show me yours." No pubic hair, no figure and no signs of forming breasts. The tingling sensation of seeing her tiny nude body revealed to my sparkling eyes is still fresh in my heart. As we grew we shared every emotion and experi- ence. By the time our 16th birthdays arrived our souls had unified and I was forever hers. Funny though - I had not seen her body nude sense that youthful exploration when we were 9. I had also not felt the tenderness and warmth of a first kiss. I guess it was natural for her keep her early developing femininity private. However her developing femininity hadn't gone unnoticed. Like many 16 year old girls her figure was pure and innocent. Like many 16 year old boys my eyes were lustful and her curvy hips and soft breasts stirred more than my heart. To celebrate my 16th birthd ay and newly acquired drivers license Anna and I were on our way into the country side. I guess my dad knew how strong the bond between Anna and I was because he had lent me his convertible for this special day. With the top down and the spring air flowing through Anna's hair I truly felt like a man. Anna had packed a picnic lunch which we shared on a blanket next to a secluded lake. As usual we talked and laughed. I playfully tickled her and we tumbling from side to side. Catching our breaths the sunlight caught her face. Her smile glowed and I confessed my love to her. With tears in her eyes she kissed me. We both knew our hearts forever belonged to each other. That afternoon we kissed and undressed each other. Youthful innocence melded with physical intimacy. She trembled as I unhooked her bra. But unlike her 9 year old body - my gleaming eyes now meet with maturing breasts. I fondled them; suckled her auburn nipples. My finger tips danced across her tummy. Our lust grew and she rai sed her hips helping me to guide her panties down. Her skin stimulated every part of me as our naked bodies embraced. Holding her firmly, looking into her eyes - a tear ran down my check. With a kiss I slid my penis into her. Anna gasped then lifted her hips to meet mine, we were making love. Day passed into night and I orgasimed over and over. As Adults That was several years ago but our love is still fresh and never stronger. Anna and I are now in Italy celebrating our 5th anniversary, having the time of our lives. It had taken everything we had, to save the money as well as the time to go on this trip but it was worth it. This particular day we were far out in the country, getting away from the tourists and relaxing. On a small dirt road in front of an old abandoned cottage I found the perfect spot to take a picture of my petite little wife. I took a few of her leaning against a fence. Admiring her beauty behind the camera stirred a little tingle in my loins. This felt dam good. Just my luck. Our privacy was interrupted by a man passing by. He could speak English said he was good with cameras and insisted on taking a picture for us. He did. It kind of broke my sexy romantic mood. But all in all it was still a great day. Later that evening I had the pictures developed, (I always do 1 hour with pics - can't wait). Looking at them I co uldn't believe it. There were the pictures I had shot. There was the picture stranger had taken, (Anna looked great, she was wearing white shorts exsentuating her long smooth legs). But the stranger had also snapped off a quick one I hadn't seen. It made me blush. He was quit the photographer and caught the essance of Anna's sexuality. She was leaning down with her face turned to the side. Her legs made wonderful flowing lines that moved your eye right to her loose blouse. Her breasts were nearly exposed. Deep shadows highlighted their fullness and her sassy lace bra barley covered her nipples. I was red in the face knowing a strange man had seen my wife this way. Sensing my embarrassment Anna poked her nose around to see what I was getting red about. Her mouth dropped and she turned an even deeper shade of red. "O my gosh, I can not believe he took that!" That was all she was able to utter for a minute or two. All the while she just kind of stared at herself in the picture. I Broke th e silence telling her how beautiful she was. "But doesn't it bother you that a stranger saw me this way?" I told her she should be proud of her beauty and I didn't mind that a strange man saw her like this. I even added I would love some sexy pictures of her. She blushed again and said she couldn't pose like that in front of a camera. Thinking about sexy pictures of my wife sent me over the edge and we made love like little bunnies that night. Anna gave me an incredible long slow sucking letting me finish between her lips - guess I was not the only one who was turned on by the photo incident. The next day sent us back on the road. The Italian countryside was great but all my thoughts were on taking a few more sexy shots of my wife. (gets hard to drive with a hard on). Stopping in a small village for lunch I had to bring the subject up. I asked her - actually begged her to take a couple revealing pictures. She told me she was to embarrassed but said with her clothes on she would try a c ouple sexy ones. That alone was probably enough to make me ooze in my pants. Back on the road my mind raced with all the shots I would take. Anna leaning against a tree, arms stretched upward with her back arched. Or maybe on all fours - exposing her cleavage, smiling at the camera. We found a quite spot just off the road and my adventure as playboy photographer had begun. Anna was wearing a light cotton sun dress that came about thigh length. Sexiest part was it buttoned all the way down the front. She really loosened up and was doing all I asked. Even with her clothes on these were hot pictures. All the bending twisting I had her do highlighted a different part of her body. My favorite was her bent over leaning against a fence. The cotton fabric slid against her ass making a perfect heart shape. And her long naked legs made it more sexual than she knew. I was so worked up and ready to jump her when from out of no wear came the same gentleman who had taken Anna' picture the other day. Small county I guess. We made a little small talk - he turned to be very friendly, easy going and a load of laughs. He also gave us a business card stating he was a professional photographer. Indeed he was, the picture he took yesterday was incredible. Anna even recognized his name from a gallery we were at earlier in the week. His name was Alberto something. He very elegantly complemented Anna on her beauty and how well she would photograph. He said he had to take some more pictures of her, he would do it at no charge - just for the fun of it. Anna blushed and said she was flattered but couldn't. Thank goodness a little persuading made her give in. Alberto told us of a more secluded and beautiful spot just a little further off the road. Secluded sounded great to Anna so off we went. The first shots were of her face. He took care, fussing with her hair and relaxing her. Little by little I could feel her warming up to Alberto. A couple rolls of film later he had her posing like a model . This led to a couple more sexual poses. Though she was doing great I could sense her getting a little anxious. Me on the other hand. I was in heaven. This was such a turn on and I was ready to shoot in my pants. At this point Anna was siting on an old tree stump, legs spread, leaning forward with hands on her knees. She smiled apprehensively at the camera. Alberto snap- ped a few shots paused, and asked her to undo the top buttons of her dress. A quick "I couldn't" came from Anna. Alberto was very charming and told her to relax and enjoy her beauty. Anna was persistent. Not wanting this to end I had to intervene. I knelt in front of her and caressed her cheek. Kissing her warmly I told her I loved her and how exciting this was. I also added we were on a different continent and would not get a chance like this often. I could tell she giving in so I slowly unbuttoned the top two buttons just exposing a little cleavage. Step- ping away from her, the camera clicked. The tension was high. Anna was frozen. Ever charming Alberto worked his magic and got her to warm up again. He had her lean back causing her breasts to protrude out. He had her lean forward and got up close pointing the lens down her open dress. Alberto paused again, then asked her to continue unbuttoning her dress. I am not sure who's heart was beating louder, mine or Anna's. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath and looked up at me. She looked scared. She was overwhelmed and apprehensive. With trembling fingers she started unbuttoning. I saw why she was so resistant. She had on a very sheer bra. Her nipples were plainly visible. For the first time in her life she was allowing another man to look at her breasts. Pictures were being taken and little by little Anna's flesh was being exposed. Into the summer air emerged her shoulders, her willowy arms and tummy. Then with a little wiggle her dress cascaded down and she stood in bra and panties. Alberto got a little intense now. He had Anna stretch her arms above her head. She was looking right at him and seemed to be getting much more comfortable. Click, Click. Then as though I were invisible he asked her to take her bra off and show him her breasts - woman to man! Anna's look became dreamy. She was relaxed maybe even a bit lustful. With grace and confidence she removed her bra. Then he asked her to caress her breasts, imagining it were his hands exploring her body. He asked her to make love to him through the lens. Anna was at total ease. Her panties came off and very pictures became erotic. Revealed to the camera were her bodies most intimate parts. Revealed to me was a wild sexuality I had not known. As the pictures were taken I drifted into a sexual bliss. Alberto set his camera down - pulled her to him and kissed her. He thanked her for giving her body to his camera. Then he said they were done. That evening the three of us shared a long dinner and a couple bottles of wine. All a little stoned we retreated to his studio where he de veloped the pictures. With all the pictures spilled out on a table Alberto stated how badly he wanted Anna for a project he was doing. He said it involved a couple other models and some nudity. He also said it would be very tasteful and he would pay her $1000. Anna was a little tipsy and snuggled into me. She gave me a warm kiss and said she would love to do it. Who was I to stand in the way. At the Studio ============= We arrived bright and early at Alberto's studio. Anna disappeared into a dressing room and I got comfortable in the studio. His studio was elaborately set up and looked like it was stolen off the streets of ancient Rome. I chatted with Alberto a bit until Anna came out. WOW - he had her in a kind of loose toga. It was sheer and open. Underneath different parts of Anna's silky body were exposed with each movement she made. I got an instant erection. She came over and gave me a kiss and told me how exciting she was. Just then the door opened to another dressing room. My j aw dropped. In togas just like Anna emerged two men - black men. They were big, muscular and sculpted. Their skin was so black it shined. Where in the world did two Italian black men come from? And what was Anna thinking now? Looking at her I saw a smile and look of excite- ment. I guess she was comfortable. The shoot started with the lights going out except for a couple soft spot lights. The mood was incredible. The shots were very artistic. Anna and the other two models bodies were posed in long elegant positions. The lines there bodies made and the shadows cast against the Roman back drop were Stunning. The strength and dark- ness of the male bodies contrasting with Anna's white skin and demure frame added an unusual twist to the whole shoot. As the posing evolved the guys contact with Anna's body heightened. A casual brush turned into a firm squeeze. At one point she was held up above theirs head with 4 black hands all over her naked ass and back. The touch- ing was not just left t o the guys eigther. Anna's hands had plenty of contact sliding over the guys chest and rippling abbs. Anna was now posed between the two of them; standing with her tits pressed into one guys chest. The other was behind her with his cock, separated only by thin cloth, pressed into her lower back. I was watching, struggling with jealousy and being intensely turned on. Thank god they broke for a break - I think I was ready to cum. Anna put on a robe and slinked over to me. As she approached I could see a tear in her eye. Anna spoke, "I'm so sorry - I was just a little overwhelmed with the experience." "Don't be silly. Your feelings are natural, no woman could help but be turned on. In fact your beauty and sexuality turned me on too." "Seeing me with those men turned you on?" "I have no idea why - but yes it did. Relax enjoy your feeling and have a little fun. You know you have my unconditional love." With that, break was over and Anna returned to the camera and the two men. What was I thinking telling her to have fun with these guys? My hormones must have taken control. Oh well what could happen. They all had clothes on - how ever flimsy. After the break things heated right back up. Anna was posed standing against a Roman arch. Her arms were stretched upward with her butt pushed back against a column. The black guys mirrored each other at Anna's sides each with a hand on her hip. Anna's garment was taught, exposing the sides of her tits to just past her nipples. As the pictures were snapped the guys glided their hands up her body, slowed cupping her breasts. Anna's eyes fluttered and her mouth opened taking in a quick breath. As her lungs filled her tits melted into their hands. Relaxing from their touch Anna leaned back as four black hands groped her body. A few more pictures were snapped. Anna was turned to face one of them and was sandwiched with the other at her ass. Anna pushed back into and massaged the dick behind her. In front of her, her other sudo lover undid her garment and let it drop to the floor. My god she was now naked. My sweet wife - naked with 4 sets of eyes glue to her. As best she could, between quick breaths, Anna disrobed the man facing her. For the first time I got a clear look at his dick. It was thick, uncut and bent to the side. I have never seen any thing that black - to me it was utterly disgusting. Albertos camera worked overtime. However any pretense of an artistic photo shoot was gone. I was confused and my stommic was in knots. Anna seem caught in a surealistic cloud. Everytihng slowed. Guided to him by the light touch of his fingers against the sides of her breasts - they embraced. Her elegant white body bonded to this powerful black stranger. Then in a moment forever etched in my mind, they kissed. Their lips meet with passion. Passion not shared by models- this was a kiss shared by lovers. Oddly as their kiss burned on, the knot in my stommic eased. I detached as a husband becoming a voyeur. Reaching out with the wonder of a child she touched his cock. First a tender elxporation taking in the course veiny texture. Then as he grew in the warmth of her hand she stroked him with lust. Fixated on her new black toy the modle behind disrobed and was now rubbing his cock accross her ass. His hands squeezed her hips consuming her little white butt. Anna's pussy is lavishly adorned with thick folds and I watched as he spread her open. With the purple tip of his dick he teased her pussy. He ran it over and through her folds but did not penetrate. I saw him open her cunt - exposing her clit to the cool outside air. This sensation caused her to breath short and quick. Then with a couple spurts of hot precum running into her cunt and coating her clit Anna convulsed into orgasm. She wiggle and undulated with the two black studs like a total slut. I had to see Anna's beautiful face. What would her expression be? Moving to find out, Anna looked up. Our eyes met. We looked at each other as husband and wife. Eve n though she was about to give her pussy to a stranger I was ounce again absorbed with her love. I had to touch her. Moving to her side I held her hand. I felt her breathing deepen. Deepen in preparation to be penetrated. Gazing into her eyes I saw them close as he pushed his dick into her. Through her hand I felt the energy of her hips shifting to meet his cock. Anna began to moan as they developed a methodical humping rhythm. Feeling ounce again the voyeur, I gave up her hand and watched. I watched as her black lover chinched down on her hips. I watched as he flexed his ass, pumping deep into her stretched cunt. I heard the sound of his black nuts slapping against her ass. Over taken with pleasure she fucked him. Now a wanton slut Anna leaned forward and guided the other cock into her mouth. Anna's lips wrapped around her lovers black shaft. She swirled her tongue licking and kissing his dick. Bobbing up and down her sloppy wet mouth devoured his cock. I was lost in a lustful haze. My own orgasm built as I continue to watch my wife being fucked. Then in one big flex he shoot deep into her womb. The heat from his cum sent Anna screaming in orgasm. As she trembled a load was shot into her mouth. Gulping and gasping for air she removed her mouth allowing the last couple squirts to land on her face and tits. I have never seen anything like that in my life and don't ever expect to again. Written by Winters Heat 4374 1.37/512345
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