Friday, June 28, 2013
It was my senior year in high school. I had a decent life. Good grades, lots of friends, on the football team. I had already been accepted to the state university, and my parents were quite happy with me, and our relationship in general was good. I come from a very wealthy family. In a moderate sized town in the Michigan. In fact, my family was so wealthy that, if we lived in a different town, I might have gone to a private school, but none were to be found in this town. That was fine with me though, I never cared much for money, and anyway, all my friends were here too, not to mention my girlfriend Katie. Katie was a beautiful girl, there was no denying it. Her face alone would knock any sane guy out, not to mention the rest of here body. Her breasts were fairly large, but tastefully so, and her ass was, well, to be honest, fairly large, but extremely attractive at the same time. Her grades were even better than mine, straight A?s with no exception, and she was the valedictorian, which may explain why she got accepted to an ivy league school. She was also on the volleyball, softball, and soccer teams, which did well to keep her in really good shape. We had been going out for a year or so, so it was fairly serious. We had not had sex or anything, her wanting to wait at least until after we graduated, and I was oaky with that. I knew I was more than lucky to have her, and did not want to jeopardize that by pressing her. As I said, we lived in a moderate sized city. I had a cinema, a theater, a couple parks, etc. The population was about 50/50 black and white, and there wasn?t much tension between the two races. I say not much, but it was quite obvious that the black population was less well off than the whites, but even still?Our school was divided about the same was as the town. There was little tension, but to be honest, the two races didn?t often mix, both having obvious behavioral differences, but we respected one another, at least until a few months until graduation? At the time, we had no idea what Arv-1 was, and we would not learn until years after the fact. In short, it was and is a type of virus. A virus that moved so quickly and covertly, that it was not discovered until it was too late. By the time the virus hit out city, it had already gotten to everything east of Mihcigan. It is believed to have originated in Virginia. As of this writing, it has reached every single populated country with great ferocity and success. One thing you should no though, is that this disease does not kill the infected, but alters their physical state. What?s more, the virus affects someone differently depending on what race they are, and by what gender they are. Actually, it affects practically all races the same way, except for one. The white race. The affects on the white race, and other races, should become apparent to you through the course of this story. I?ll start when the virus first came to my city and school, and consequently spread to every single person in the entire city in a matter of 2 days at the most. The virus is spread through air and water. The affects were immediate and significant. I noticed first that my muscles seemed to be shrinking somehow, that I was becoming weaker physically. That notion was proven correct soon enough; as I found that I could barely lift ten pounds in the school weight room, which I was regularly in since I was on the football team. I was fairly concerned about this, as you could imagine, since it happened so quickly, but at the same time rather embarrassed. I decided to work out a lot more and eat more healthy foods, but nothing changed. In fact, my muscle seemed to be getting smaller. I was especially concerned about this since we had a game on Friday of that week, and I needed to be physically ready for it, but I was clearly not. I also noticed as I worked out that I became tired much faster, and that my stamina and endurance in general were basically non-existent. I couldn?t run ten seconds without having to stop to catch my breath. This did nothing to ease my anxiety as the football game approached. Katie didn?t seem to notice my decreased muscular size immediately, but I started to notice the same thing in all of my guy friends. All of us seemed to be physically smaller and weaker. Even though I did notice this, I didn?t get very concerned at first because of the football game. I could do nothing to improve my new, weaker physical state before the game, so despite my anxiety, I laced up and got ready for the game. As I was getting ready in the locker room, I again noticed that the other guys seemed to be smaller and weaker looking, except?It seemed to me, that the black guys, who made up about 2/3 of the team, as is common nowadays, seemed to be physically bigger somehow, like their muscles were somehow larger, as opposed to smaller like mine and all the other white guys muscles were. I didn?t see how this was possible, as they hadn?t put in any extra workout time, but they definitely were noticeably stronger looking. I didn?t have much time to think about this though, as within the next ten minutes, it was kick-off time. I played offensive lineman and was also on special teams, which meant that I would be on the on the receiving end, as we had won the coin-toss. When the ball was about to be kicked off, and we took out places to block, I couldn?t help but notice that the other teams black players seemed to be unusually muscular looking, and their white players, particularly weak looking. Second after the ball was kicked off, I went to meet the defenders who would try to tackler our ball-carrier. This moment would prove to be the moment where I learned that something had happened to make us white guys much weaker then black guys, and the black guys much stronger and more muscular than white guys, which, to be honest, had already been the case to a certain degree, but now became unbelievably obvious. The guy who I was going to block was black. He didn?t really look THAT muscular to be honest, but at the time, I didn?t know just how much stronger black guys had become than us white guys. I was soon to learn though. As we made contact, I was suddenly pushed over so forcefully and quickly, that I literally saw stars for a moment. It had taken him less than 2 seconds to not only disengage from me, but to knock me backwards for at least two feet, and land clean on my back, and then slide for another three feet or so. I felt like I had gotten pushed by a wall. Before I could recover, the play was over and out ball-carrier was down. As I got up, I wobbled quite a lot and I was seeing double somewhat. But I had to get into the huddle for offense. As I looked around, I noticed all the other white guys who were on special teams act pretty much the same way. As we got into our offensive positions, I noticed that the defensive lineman who I was to block was also black, and even larger than the guy who mauled me over earlier. This time, I had an idea about what was in store, and I was more than a little bit frightened. The last guy had had no problem whatsoever in overpowering me, and that was when I wasn?t even tired. Now that I was so shaken and my adversary was even more muscular, I was quite scared. I could only imagine that this guy would be able to easily push me to the ground without the slightest bit of effort. I was right. The second the ball was hiked I was pushed back so hard and quickly, I actually past out for a little bit. I woke up soon, and looked around to see all the other white guys on my team in a similar state, as were the white guys on the other team. It seemed that we had all been knocked down in the same manner. I was to learn later that this had all happened at basically the same time and that the play was stopped mid-course because so many of us were quite obviously hurt. I started to get up, but noticed quickly an intense pain in my side. I knew it immediately as a broken rib. So, I stayed down and waited for the paramedics to get me, but found myself waiting for quite a while. I looked around again, and noticed that the medics were picking up every white guy that had fallen. ?Are they ALL hurt?? I wondered. I was to learn soon that the answer was yes. Some had broken ribs like me, but others had dislocated shoulders and sprained ankles and various other injuries. They fixed me up and asked if I wanted to watch the rest of the game from the sideline, and I said yes. As the game commenced, more and more of the white players on both teams kept getting injured to the point where, before the 1st quarter even ended, there were no more white players at all, all having been injured. As for the black players who remained, they were far from getting hurt anytime soon. In fact, they were playing better than I have ever seen I high school football team play in my life. It was practically college level. Throughout the game, not a single black player got hurt at all. After the game, I learned I was far from the only person who noticed all of this. Practically everyone wanted to know why exactly all the white players had gotten injured, but the black ones seemed to be better than ever. Despite all the tests doctors did on us, there was no explanation as to why all of this happened. Katie visited me at my house, where I was recovering, the next day, on Saturday. She was quite concerned, but I couldn?t help but think that she had her mind on something else. I asked why she was distracted, but she only said ?it?s nothing?. I stopped pushing the subject, but I would learn later that it was far from nothing. Over the weekend, I noticed that my penis seemed to be significantly smaller than before. Limp, it was about the size of a thumbtack. I would?ve attempted to find out how big it was hard, but no matter how hard I tried, for some reason, it wouldn?t get hard at all. I chalked that up to the pain medication I was on, and forget about it. The next week, I returned to school with a clean bill of health, minus the now officially tiny muscles and still becoming exhausted after something as simple as walking up stairs. With what happened at the football game, I couldn?t possibly help but notice now that all of us white guys were definitely noticeably less muscular and smaller. I also noticed that we seemed to be generally less coordinated and frail looking and also became exhausted after really very simple physical activity. The black guys, I noticed, were obviously more muscular and stronger than before, so much so that they actually looked fairly threatening now. Looking back, the black guys had always been somewhat stronger than us white guys, but not to so much the level that they were then. They also seemed somehow to act more confidently and self-assuredly. Perhaps this was because they too had noticed these physical differences and decided to take full advantage of them with their actions. They were noticeably more outgoing, bold, and proud. Us white guys on the other hand, acted generally more subdued and shyly. It was almost as if we were perpetually tired and unenergetic. It was as if we were constantly ashamed of something. We only spoke when we had to, and kept our eyes to the floor. The black guys on the other hand, kept their head high and their eyes forward. They spoke freely and when they wanted to. I was no exception to any of this, and Katie became slightly agitated at my newfound docile, unconfident, wimpier state. Part of her attraction to me had been my formerly large muscles and outgoing attitude, but now that those were both gone, her attraction to me took a hit. All the same, we were still in love. As with a lot of schools, the black students often didn?t preform as well as the whites when it came to academics. With the coming of the virus however, this role started to reverse. Now, the black students began perform better and better in classes. At the same time, we white guys steadily started to do poorer and poorer in our classes. I went from a low A average, to a low C average. Notice though, that I said white GUYS. The white girls at school didn?t change at all academic wise, but did change in other ways. I?ve already said some of the physical changes in us white guys and the black guys, but there were also changes in the girls at school too, and they weren?t any less significant. Soon after I noticed the physical changes in us guys, I noticed the physical changes in the girls. It seemed like just as the muscles on the black guys had gotten so much bigger, the muscles on the girls grew quite a bit too. Remember how I said that after I had become so weak, I could barely lift 10 pounds? Well as a point of reference, the black guys now could lift easily 50 pounds per arm. The girls generally could lift about 25 pounds. Now, the black guys and the girls were both stronger than us white guys. What?s more is that throughout our school, there was no exception to this. Also, the girls also appeared to develop larger asses and hips. The change here wasn?t as noticeable with all the other changes, but still quite profound. The black girls still had bigger butts then the white girls, but the white girl?s butts still were quite large. The white girls butts seemed to stick out at least a foot from their bodies, and as wide as two of their bodies put together. Katie was no exception here. She had before prided herself on her trim figure, and, now that she had such a fat ass and large muscles, she was pretty self-conscience. When she asked me if I still considered her beautiful, I told her that I could never think otherwise. This wasn?t so much that I like her new fat ass, or that I didn?t mind her being stronger than I was, which I really did, it was just that I was thankful to still have a girlfriend at all, and didn?t want to do anything to jeopardize that. These changes were quite profound and rapid, but the really noticeable changes were to be found in the personality of the white girls. Before I get to that, I should mention that the black guys began to take advantage of us white guys whenever they felt like it. They would cut in front of us in the lunch lines and take our lunch money and food. In class, when they forgot to have a pencil, they would simply reach over and take the one we were writing with without asking. When they needed paper, they would just reach in our backpacks and look for it by taking as much stuff out as they needed to, take however much paper they needed, and then just keep going on, leaving us to put the stuff back. I remember one time a black guy had gotten some food all over his shirt and pants. Unfortunately for me, I was about his size, even though he was so much more muscular than I, so he grabbed me, pushed me into the nearest bathroom, and told me to undress. I did and he did the same. He then put on my clothes, which were a bit tight on him, which was okay because with his huge abs and pecks, he was quite good to look at, while he gave me his clothes, which were quite baggy on me. At first, us white guys were fairly resentful of these things, and spoke out against it. I remember the first time a black guy had cut in front of a white guy at lunch. The white guy asked the black guy ?what the hell he thought he was doing?, which the black guy responded to by just ignoring him. The white guy got irritated and pushed him slightly, which prompted the black guy to say ?what do you want white boy?? ?Why don?t you go to back of the line?? said the white guy. ?You wanna make me sissy-boy??, said the black. ?What did you call me?? ?A sissy-boy. Know why, cause that?s what you are, and you know it. So why don?t you keep your mouth shut like it should always be before you regret it?. That prompted the white guy to give the black guy a girly(I say girly, but that was probably the best the white guy could do) slap to the face, which prompted the black to lift up the white guy by his shirt collar about 3 feet off the floor with one arm. With the other arm, the black guy proceeded to bitch-slap the white boy about 10-15 times. You wouldn?t think that the slaps were really that hard, but even still, the white guys? nose started to bleed, and he started crying profusely. He was obviously going through a good deal of pain. The black guy then asked the white guy ?you ever talk to me like that again; you?ll get a lot worse than that. If you cry at that, I wouldn?t think about what you?d do then. Understand boy?? ?Yes?, said the white guy. ?Yes what?? ?Yes, sir?. ?Good boy?. Then, the black guy brought the white guy down a little bit so he could whisper in his ear. I have no idea what the black guy said to the crying white guy then, but I can guess it was pretty bad, as the white guy consequently continued to cry and also began to piss his pants, making a little puddle on the floor. Then the black guy placed the white guy face down on the floor, so that his shirt was on top of the pee-puddle, which cause the shirt to soak up the piss that hadn?t been absorbed by his pants, which were very visibly soaked. You may wonder why no one tried to help the white guy here, and the answer is that practically everyone was laughing their heads off, including the teachers. Everyone except for the white guys and white male teachers anyway, who kind of just looked on, visibly afraid to do anything, and some, myself including, were shaking slightly. From that day one, us white guys never dared deny any of the black guys anything they wanted from us. Weather it be our money, or our pencils, we gave it to them without question. And if we ever got the misplaced courage to speak up for ourselves, the result was only a repeat of what happened to the white boy in the lunch room that day: us being beaten humiliated, and our pants soaked with our own urine. Oh, by the way, after all of us white guys on the football team got injured during that football game were consequently kicked off the team and replaced by black players, some who had never even played football before. It turned out that the team, with their all-black line-up went on to be undefeated. A lot of us white guys were depending on football to get us to college however, including me. The football coach told us, after he personally kicked us off the team, that we could still get the credit if we were willing to join another team. We asked him what other team was open. He told us the baseball, soccer, wrestling, and basketball teams(all of whose white players too had gotten injured and kicked off the team an replaced with black players) were all full, and the only option left was the cheerleading squad. Seeing as I needed this to get to college, I had no choice but to join, along with a lot of other white guys. However, as we informed on our first day of practice, there had never been any male cheerleaders before, so they didn?t have any male uniforms. And so if we were to join the squad, we had to wear the girls? uniforms, panties, skirts, and all. I was humiliated, but I did it. With the make-up, I looked less like a guy dressed like a girl, and more like really ugly girl. Think now about what it must have been like for the white girls to see us white guys being turned into such worthless, broken sissies. Think how exasperated they became as they saw us submit in almost every way to the now physically superior black guys. Think about what their opinion of us turned into as they watched us give our stuff to black guys on demand, and on a daily basis, be humiliated and put down by them with basically no resistance. Needless, basically all respect the white girls once had for us as men disappeared in a matter of days. Katie began to look at me with a mix of disdain and disgust in her eyes. It was as if she no longer thought of me as a man and really more of a joke and a wimp. She was too polite to say any of this, but I knew she felt it. Plenty of the other white girls at school were not so polite and didn?t hold back in putting down us white boys verbally and, if they were really mad, beat us quite harshly. This happened mostly between white boyfriends and white girlfriends, but other times a white girl would just get annoyed with a white boy and subject them to the same thing. As I mentioned earlier, as I was recovering from the injuries I got at the football game, I noticed that my penis was much smaller than it was before. As I was soon to learn, this was not from the pain-killers. This was another of the many changes my body had undergone, and was permanent. Since my physical changes were the same as every other white boy in school, I could only assume that all the other white boys? penises were also less than 2 inches like mine. I would say how big it was hard, but I still couldn?t manage no matter what to get it hard, so I have no way of knowing. As I said, the white girls were quite disgusted and hateful of us now wimpy, scrawny, subdued white boys. However, I haven?t yet mentioned the mental changes that took place in the white girls. Of course, we had no idea about the specifics until a long time after the fact, but the effects were there all the same anyway. It seems that the virus affected the mental functions of white females so that they grew a truly massive appetite for sex. In layman?s terms, they became perpetually horny. They came to want to have sex basically constantly. Of course, at the time, we had no idea that this was an actual mental alteration. So, we thought they were just all being sluts. Don?t get me wrong, our school had a handful of sluts before, but now every single white girl acted that way. Yes, that included Katie. She, like every other white girl, began to get horny basically all the time. Despite my recently becoming such a spineless, weak, wimp, she was actually initially was interested in having sex with me. She came over one weekend while my parents were out and practically raped me to satisfy her new sexual appetite. However, it turns out that her now huge hips and ass actually increased the size of her vagina. That, combined with my now laughably small penis, made for, to put it lightly, a very unsatisfying experience for her. Ad for me, I couldn?t even get hard let alone have proper sex with her. She was a virgin, and therefore didn?t really have much of a comparison point, but even still had seen pictures in sex ed. And those were bigger than mine. After attempts to get me hard orally had failed, she gave me a shot(out of pure goodwill) at real sex. I did try as best I could, but I nor she could really feel anything. Eventually, she just got plan fed up and broke away from me, and began to masturbate to get any of the satisfaction she could hope for. After that, she began to verbally insult me in every way she could come up with. Most it revolved around how much of a pathetic sissy I was and how she got more satisfaction from pleasuring herself than she could ever get from me. As the insults came, I started to tear up until I was outright crying. ?That?s right sissy boy, cry. I imagine you?re going to be doing that the rest of your life, so you may as well start now. You?re not a real man, and you never will be. REAL men don?t cry when they?re insulted, REAL men have dicks bigger than a thumbtack, REAL men stick up for themselves, and REAL men have muscles bigger than a three-year-old girl!? Those words just made me cry even more. Apparently, she got so sick of how pathetic I had become, that she then proceeded to beat me very roughly. She started out with just one punch, but that was enough to knock me on the floor. She then began to kick me pretty much everywhere while I was squirming around on the floor. Then, she pulled me up off the ground, turned me around, and gave me a wedgie so vicious, that my underwear actually stretched over my head. Then she delivered a forceful kick to my ass, which sent me to the ground yet again. She then flipped me over on my back, squatted down on farted on my face. She then stormed out of the house, leaving me badly beaten and basically every part of me in pain. The next day at lunch, Katie didn?t sit next to me at lunch, but instead with a group of black guys. She acted extremely flirty and slutty with them, and even eventually began to sit on one of their laps. It wasn?t long before she started to make out with each of them in turn, tongue and all, all while throwing smiling, ?take that? glances at me. Later, after school, while I was walking home, she found me and told me that she would be meeting a group of about 6 black guys at her house, and would then proceed to have sex with each and every one of them. She told be to be at her house about 30 minutes before the black guys were to get there because she had a surprise for me. To be honest, I was just relieved that we hadn?t broken up yet, and so agreed. When I got there, she told me to strip down naked. I did, and then she handed me a pair of pink, frilly panties and told me to put them on. She threatened that if I didn?t do what she said, she would kick my ass again, so I put them on. I was then forced to put on a French Maid?s uniform, bra and all. She told me that I would be serving her and her black lover?s and any and all ways that they told me to. Seeing as how not only she, but all the black guys were now stronger than I was and could easily beat me within an inch of my life, I didn?t see any other choice in the matter. The doorbell rang and Katie told me to answer it. I recognized all 6 black guys from school, and they recognized me too, and had a nice long laugh at my expense. They then slapped me around a little: wedgies, ass-kicks, and the like. They then proceeded to have sex. Sorry, but I?m a bit sketchy on the details, but I do remember that she had multiple orgasms. I?d say 3 per guy at the least, and she often held my head close the action, ?to get a look at how real men do it?, as she said. Since I had been such a disappointment in bed, Katie was still technically a virgin. That lasted for about 30 seconds that night. They didn?t even do any foreplay. Even still, they went nonstop for about 6 hours. I should also mention that the virus was far from only in our school. Everyone in town by now had been infected by it. Half way through Katie?s gangbang, her parents came home from dinner. Her father seemed rather shocked by this, but her mother was more than accepting and told Katie to keep going. Her dad objected, so her mother proceeded to beat him unconscious and carry him upstairs on her shoulder. That might seem harsh, but I?d seen my mother do that, and worse, to my dad many times, and it was generally rather common. We were to find out later that Katie got pregnant that night by one of the black guys. It turned out that she had counted, and even looked forward to, that. That?s partly why she invited six guys, so she would have no idea who the father was. It was really quite smart on her part. She had time the gangbang so that she would get pregnant, but would have the babies before she went off to college. She decided obviously to keep the babies, and to get legally married to me after graduation. That way I would be legally obliged to help raise the children. She talked to my mother and they both agreed that she would move into our large house. There, I would raise her black children, while she went off to her Ivy League school. I asked her once if I would be allowed to go to my college, and she answered ?then who would raise my black babies??. Those was a message to me that I would not be going to college and instead stay at my parents house and raise her black babies with my mother and father?s help. There was a new procedure at that time that was able to alter the genetics of a baby in utero. This procedure would make Katie?s babies lose their white characteristics and replace them with African ones. At this point, the white race was widely considered to be utterly inferior to the black race, and so one can hardly blame Katie for wanting her babies to have no white genetics. By doing so, she would be ensuring the babies full superiority over white people, instead just mostly superior. The money for this procedure came from my father, who, despite being a pathetic sissy white bitch like all the other white boys, was still quite rich. He didn?t want to pay for it at first, being taken advantage of so much already be my mother and Katie. However, Katie and my mother beat him so hard that he had no choice. Katie told me later that they gave my father two black eyes, and bruised basically every inch of his skin. After he signed the check, Katie and my mother both pressed their asses on either side of my dad?s head and farted for a good two minutes, causing him to pass out. Remember, white girl?s asses were now quite massive, so the two asses together affectively covered his entire head. Similar things happened with all the white girls at my school. They all too began to have sex exclusively with black guys, and most ended up getting knocked up by them, all while forcing their white boyfriends to wait on them hand and foot. The superiority of black people and white women became absolute and universally accepted throughout the world Well, that pretty much brings us to the present. Katie turned out to have quintuplets, all boys which I proceeded to raise while she was at college. In addition to those four black boys, we soon adopted 2 white girls and two white boys. This was Katie?s idea, as she wanted to contribute to what was called, ?the black future?. Where all white males are harmless, impotent, and feminine sissies. Where all white women are black cock addicted sluts, doing whatever black men tell them and who?s only wish in life is to have black babies. Where black people, along with every other race, are all stronger, smarter, and generally superior to white people. The 4 black boys would come to grow up beating up their white foster brothers pretty much everyday, and would also kick my ass quite often starting when they were 5. The white girls would also contribute often in those beatings, and they would both have their first black babies their first year of high school. This trend became nation-wide and grows into every aspect our culture. No professional sports team has any white players, and even high school sports usually don?t accept white boys on the team. Usually, they can only find a team with the cheerleading squad, and it became common practice to have them where the girl?s uniforms. Oh, and what exactly does ARV-1 stand for? It should be fairly obvious by now: African Reparations Virus. 11987 1.24/512345
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