Friday, June 21, 2013
Christine's Cuckold
CHRISTINE'S CUCKOLD By Just Plain Bob I am a reasonably successful lawyer with a firm that I won't name. Christine was my wife of almost ten years. I met her my first day at the firm where she also worked. She was a legal secretary and I was smitten when I took her some documents that needed to be typed and gotten ready for signature. After my first month with the firm I asked her to have dinner with me and she accepted. We got along well together, started dating each other exclusively and I eventually proposed, she accepted and we were married. Chris kept her job until she became pregnant and then she resigned to become a full time mother. Our sex life was great until the baby came and then somehow it faded to the point where we only made love twice a week. That seemed to be sufficient for Chris and while I would have liked it a little more often it was no big thing to me. Like every lawyer everywhere my goal was to reach a partnership. I worked long hours in an effort to reach my goal and so for the next several years I devoted most of my time to my career, but I wasn't making much progress. My billable hours were high, my work way above average, but I had an aversion to kissing ass. I wanted to make it on my own ability. Other associates worked hard at making partner and most of them brown nosed something terrible. They kissed ass and sucked up to the senior members of the firm every chance they got, but I didn't. Maybe it was na?ve of me, but I still thought I could beat out the brown nosers and ass kissers on ability and good hard work. I didn't know for sure, but I thought that Frank, the managing partner, had taken an interest in me. He was always around, watching what I was doing and keeping track of me and I thought that was an indication that my hard work was paying off. This feeling was reinforced when I was assigned to work directly under Frank. My workload increased tremendously, but the cases I was assigned were high profile and quite a few of them took me out of town anywhere from two to five days. Three years went by and the first of every year when the partners sat down and apportioned out shares I saw my piece of the pie getting bigger and bigger. I was sure that I was on the fast track and would make partner in the next year or two. I was returning home from a four-day trip to Dayton, Ohio. I had managed to get done in time to catch the twelve-ten flight instead of the seven-thirty flight I was scheduled to catch and as a result I got home seven hours earlier than expected. As I turned on to my street I noticed two cars in my drive and one of them was Frank's. What possible reason could Frank have for being at my house at that time of day? I had no idea, but my natural instinct was to expect that it was something that I wasn't supposed to know about. I drove past the house, turned the corner at the end of the street and then parked. I got out of the car and walked back to the house. The house was a sprawling four-bedroom ranch on two thirds of an acre and I had plenty of trees and bushes for cover as I approached it. I went straight to the windows to the master bedroom. The room had two windows, one on the east side of the house and one on the north side. It was summer and daylight savings time so I would have light behind me if I went to the east window, but the north side would be darker and so that is the window I headed for. Because of the trees, bushes and the fact that the closest neighbor on the north side was over four hundred yards away we almost never closed the blinds on the north side of the house. That would allow me to see into the living room, family room and kitchen if I was wrong and there was some simple and innocent reason for the two cars in the drive. One look in the window told me why twice a week sex with me was sufficient for Christine. Sitting on the bed and leaning back against the headboard was Maxwell Bynum. On her hands and knees and wearing only a pair of black high heels was my wife and behind her was Frank. Frank was boning my wife from behind while her head bobbed up and down on Bynum's cock. Several things happened in the instant I saw my wife servicing the two partners from my law firm: My marriage ended, my love for Christine died and I made partner although I was the only one who knew it at the time. The fact that my love for Christine died relieved me of the need to go into the house and kick some ass although I probably wouldn't have done it anyway since it would have killed off my certain partnership. As I watched Frank fuck my wife and my wife suck off Maxwell I suddenly came to realize why Frank had me assigned to him, why he was always around and keeping track of me and why I got all of the out of town business trips. It was so he would know where I was at all times so he would know when it was safe to fuck Christine. That, to me anyway, meant that this had been going on for at least three years. I expected that as long as I didn't do anything to let them know I knew it would continue to happen. And I wanted it to continue, oh yes indeed, continue it must. I stood there for a little over two hours and watched as the two men worked over Christine and the more I watched the more pissed off I became. She did things for them that she never had done for me. They took her ass, which is something she had always refused me. She swallowed their cum where she had always spit mine out into a wash rag, and she screamed and had orgasm after orgasms which she never had with me. Maybe it was because of sensory overload because of two men working on her at once instead of just me; I don't know, but it still pissed me off. I saw the two men take turns on her ass, I saw Chris suck Frank's cock when it came straight from her ass and then the frosting on the cake so to speak, I watched Frank fuck her pussy while Maxwell plowed her ass. I left the window, got in my car and went and found me a bar. I went home at what was the expected time and found Chris sitting on the couch watching the History channel on TV as seven year old Bradley sat on the floor in front of her doing his home work. Christine jumped up, ran to me, threw her arms around my neck and kissed me. "I'm so glad you are back honey, I've missed you." I'll just bet you have I thought as I gave her a hug. As much as I wanted to push her away from me the time wasn't right. I had things to do that required she not be suspicious and even if that meant I cheerfully had to take sloppy seconds following Frank and Maxwell, so be it. And sloppy seconds I would get because Christine made it almost a point of honor to have sex with me when I came home from one of my trips. We had sex twice that night, both times in the missionary position and there was no offer of oral sex, which I rarely got and not even a hint of anal sex which I never got. If I hadn't seen Chris with the two men that afternoon I wouldn't have known I was getting leftovers because she felt the same she always felt. It dawned on me that it was probably because I was always getting leftovers and that made me wonder if maybe the Frank/Christine thing went back even farther than when he took me under his wing. It was obvious that Christine had been putting an awful lot over on me so it was no great leap to wonder about Bradly's paternity and I put a DNA check down on my list of things to do. I fell asleep that night making lists instead of counting sheep. The next day was a busy one for me. I had to have a meeting with Frank and brief him on the results of the Dayton trip. It was easy for me to be cordial and smile in his presence and I suppose it was probably because he and Maxwell had made me a partner though they didn't yet know it. Then I had to rush from my meeting with Frank to make a court appearance and it wasn't until three that afternoon that I was able to meet with a private detective. I told him what I wanted, gave him a key to my house, Christine's schedule and a retainer. The next two months passed by quickly and one day late in May I had my final meeting with the detective and then I went home, retired to my home office and reviewed what I had to work with. I had made five out of town trips during that two-month period and Christine had entertained on each of those trips. I had audio and visual of my loving wife with not only Frank and Maxwell, but with two other senior partners, two junior partners and three associates who, like me, were scrambling for a partnership. I watched Christine take them on in ones, twos, and threes and I watched her pull an eight-man train. That tape was extremely enlightening. In it Christine was the wanton sexual animal that I wished she had been for me. She was lying on the bed in a lacy black bra and panty set that I had never seen before. The bra was cut a way and her nipples poked out and the panties were crotchless. They were stiff with excitement at what was to come. She also had on thigh high nylons and high heels. The camera panned the room and I saw seven men ? naked men ? standing and looking at her. I didn't recognize any of them so I assumed that the affair was something that Frank had set up for some clients. The camera steadied as whoever was working it locked it down on a tripod and then Frank moved into the picture. He moved to the bed and said: "Get yourself ready for me." Christine looked at him, smiled and then started working a couple of fingers into her pussy. She let out a low moan and worked the fingers in and out several times and then she rolled over and got up on her knees. Frank moved in behind her, lined his cock up with her hole and then pushed. "Oh God yes" my wife moaned as Frank started fucking her. One of the naked men moved in front of her and she opened her mouth so he could shove his cock in it and she started sucking him. Frank rammed himself into her and after about three or four minutes he called out: "Next man get ready, we need to wind her up and keep her going" and then I saw his ass cheeks clench and then he was out of the way to let the next man in. The man in her mouth grabbed the back of her head and moments later he pulled out of her mouth and I saw a thin rope of cum string from Christine's mouth to the head of his cock before it broke and fell to lay across her chin. He backed away and another man moved in and claimed her mouth. All eight came in her at least once before they started to get creative. One guy laid down on his back and Christine lowered herself down on him and another guy moved to where she could get her mouth on his cock. While she was taking care of those two a third man moved up behind her and began fingering her asshole. Chris took her mouth off the man she was sucking and looked back over her shoulder and said: "You want to fuck my ass? I love it in my ass" and she leaned forward to elevate her ass so he could take it. He moved up behind her and started working his cock into her ass and she moaned and went back to sucking the man in front of her. I was sick at seeing what she was doing, knowing that she had never been that wanton with me. Not that I would have been willing to share her, but my God, what sexual energy and I never got to experience it and never would. She looked incredible riding one man's cock while sucking another while a third worked his cock in her ass. It went on for three hours and through it all Christine begged them to fuck her harder, to fuck her faster, to push their cocks in deeper and to make her cum. I watched that tape half a dozen times and it never failed to make my cock hard and make me hate Christine even more for what she had denied me. In every tape I saw she was a wanton whore ? the complete opposite of what she was with me. I had surveillance reports of several meeting at various hotels and motels between Christine and several of my firm's most important clients, which was an unexpected bonus. In short, my wife was the firm's whore. In addition to having the detective watch Christine I had taxed him to find out as much as he could about all of the men who had been fucking my wife. His report was very interesting reading and caused me to do some digging on my own to fill in some gaps. Frank was married to a very wealthy and extremely jealous woman who had on several occasions been overheard saying she would cut Frank's balls off and stuff them in his mouth if she ever found out he was cheating on her. Maxwell had a trophy wife that he doted on, but he wasn't stupid. He knew the odds on a young and beautiful wife remaining faithful to a man as old as he was and he had a prenuptial agreement that would give her nothing in a divorce. Maxwell's eyes must have been going bad because he missed some of the fine print. In the event of his being caught being unfaithful the agreement became null and void which meant that she could take him to the cleaners. A little further digging on the part of the detective found that Maxwell's wife had a boy toy that she saw on Tuesdays and Thursdays so it was almost a sure thing that she would go after Maxwell if she saw what I had on video. Of the other two senior partners Benton Foley was bi-sexual and met every Wednesday with a body builder named Bruce and I wondered if his wife knew that? Stanton North was having an affair with the wife of the CEO of one of our largest clients. The two junior partners were both single and played the field so I had no direct leverage there, but they would be useful in case I had to demonstrate an overall pattern should the mess ever end up in court. The three associates, Holbrook, Neubert and Moore were all married and my revenge against them would be separate from what I had in mind for the partners. Lastly there was the whore that I was married to. The DNA tests showed that Bradley was not my son. Had he been my son I would have kept Chris around, but absent my parentage of the boy she was destined for the trash heap although I did intend to fight for the boy. It wasn't his fault that his mother was a pig. After reviewing what I had I made my plans and then I went to bed and slept like a baby. Monday I was due in court for a trial, but on Friday I was able to get the judge to grant me a continuance so I decided that Monday is when I would lower the boom. That afternoon I walked into Frank's office and told him that I needed a meeting on Monday morning with all the partners. "What is this about Mike?" "I have come into some information that could destroy the firm. I need a meeting with all the partners so I can tell them what is happening so they can decide how they would like to handle the crisis." "I need to know more than that Mike. I can't just go to the partners and say that an associate wants to talk with them." "You are going to have to Frank and they had all better be there. If that sounds like a threat to you then good, because that is just what it is. All the partners in conference room A at nine on Monday. See you then" and I walked out of his office. I drove home and when I got there Christine was surprised to see me. "What's wrong Mike? You never get home this early." "It was a fairly slow day Chris. I had some time to just sit in my office and think about some things. Personal things. And then I decided I needed some answers that I could only get from you. For instance, most men I talk to say they make love with their wives three and four times a week so I'm curious as to why we only have sex that many times in a month." "I guess the answer is that I don't care to have sex more often and you never seemed to mind." "How about swallowing my cum on the few times you give me head?" "I hate the taste Mike. When I suck you off you enjoy it so much I don't want to ruin the moment by rushing to the bathroom to heave." "What about anal sex?" "That is just too disgusting to even talk about Mike, let alone do it." "You have never had the urge to try?" "Good God no! Why these questions Mike?" "Just curious Christine. I'm working on a divorce case right now and the facts of the case just made me curious about my own life. What's for dinner?" I expected that Frank would try and talk with Christine over the weekend to see if she could shed any light on the way I behaved in his office so I hovered around her all weekend. I made sure that I answered the phone every time it rang. Three times Saturday and four times Sunday the person on the other end of the line hung up as soon as they heard my voice. Once on Sunday, after the second hang up, Chris said: "Who was it?" "Must be your lover," I said, "Because he hangs up as soon as he hears my voice." "Don't be silly Mike" she said, but I saw something happen in her eyes. Monday at nine I entered conference room A and found that Frank had managed to get all the partners there. I could tell from their demeanor that that most of them were not pleased, but I suspected that they would be even less so by the time I got done with my presentation. "First off let me thank you all for coming to this little get together on such short notice, but as most of you have a large stake in this firm I felt that you might be inclined to want to keep it." "Come on Mike, get to it, we don't have all day" Frank said. "Right Frank, you are all very busy men as I have come to find out. As all of you know, it is the goal of every lawyer joining a firm to make partner. We work hard, put in long hours and do whatever we have to do to reach that lofty goal. Two months ago my making partner was assured." I saw several of them look at each other with a question on their faces since they knew of no such decision being made. "It happened like this. I came home from the Dayton conference early and found Frank and Maxwell fucking my wife. I was angry, but as much as I wanted to go storming into the bedroom and kill all three of them a little voice was saying, "Hold on Mike. Christine is obviously a whore and not worth going to jail over and on the other hand there is your partnership. How can they turn you down? You have them by the balls." Then of course it occurred to me that I really didn't because it would be their word against mine. I needed proof. "It was obvious to me that Frank was controlling my movements to give him access to my wife and that when I was on the trips he sent me on he was helping keep my wife from being lonely. So I hired a detective agency, gave them the keys to my house which they promptly wired for audio and video." I paused for a moment and looked around the room, "Aaah, I see from the looks on your faces that the penny has dropped. Look around guys, see what you all have in common. Everyone of you, with the exception of Ben, Marty and Scott have been fucking my wife and I have it all on tape and in living color." "What are you going to do?" Maxwell asked. "Good question. When this started my plan was to make sure that you and Frank saw to it that I made partner, but once I found out the scope of what Frank had done the idea of partner went away. There isn't anyway I could have a working relationship with all of you now. I could have handled it with only Frank and Maxwell, but I couldn't even try with as many of you as there are. In fact, I have no choice but to leave the firm. But I decided that if I have to go I am not going to go away empty handed. I don't believe that there has ever been a buyout for an associate, but there is always a first time for everything right?" "You are right. It has never been done and it won't be done now. Clean out your desk and be out of this building by ten" Maxwell said as he started to stand up. "I'm not done yet Max. Sit your ass down or be ruined, your choice." He gave me a steely look, but he sat down. "Once I decided I had to leave and wanting it to be both vengeful and rewarding at the same time I set the detective agency on each one of you." I opened my briefcase and took out several large manila envelopes and handed each man the one with his name on it. "In the envelope are copies of the original private detective agency report and photos of you and Christine. In addition there is a copy of the detective's report on you and what you have been up to along with a detailed description on what I intend to do with that information if I leave here unhappy. None of the others know what is in your own personal report although I'm sure that you all know what is in the original one. Let me spell it out: - One. All of your wives will get copies of what you have in front of you and most of you can start looking for a good divorce attorney. - Two. One of you is having an affair with the wife of the CEO of one of the firm's largest and most influential clients. The client will receive a copy of the evidence and I'll just let you use your imagination as to what he might do. - Three. The wives of the five clients that Frank had Christine fuck will receive a copy of the evidence. - Four. All of this will be leaked to the press. - Five. All of the photos that were taken will be posted on the Internet, copies will be sent to the Bar Association and to every other law firm in the state. I have also printed out our entire client list and every one of them will get a copy of what is in the envelopes in front of you. "In short gentlemen, you will become the laughing stock of the legal profession in this state and I would expect that your client base will disappear, which brings me to what I want in order to keep any of the just listed from happening. These are non-negotiable and will be agreed to no later than noon today or I will proceed with my plan to ruin all of you and the firm. "First, the three associates, Holbrook, Neubert and Moore will be terminated by the end of the day and they will not, repeat WILL NOT be given letters of reference. "Secondly, the terms of the buyout I mentioned. One million dollars for each of the partners, both senior and junior, who thought it would be fun to fuck my wife behind my back. That comes to six million and it will be paid in such a manner that I will end up with the entire six million after taxes. "The last thing of course is the positively glowing letter of reference that the firm will give me. Said letter to be positively reinforced whenever someone calls with questions." I closed my briefcase and looked around the room meeting the eyes of the few who didn't turn their face away. "Noon gentlemen. Now if you will excuse me I need to go and start cleaning out my office." I hadn't been at it ten minutes when Frank came into my office. "You know that you won't get away with this." "If I don't it will be too bad for you personally and for the firm in general. I meant every word I said in our little meeting. You made the mess Frank. You don't like messes you should have never started fucking my wife." "Started? I never stopped. Christine was my bitch before you started working here and she's never stopped being my bitch. You're a chump Mike. I fucked her the whole time you dated. I fucked her at nine on the morning of the day you got married and I fucked her on the first day you were back from your honeymoon." "You are stupid Frank if you think you can goad me into hitting you so you can press charges and give yourself some bargaining power. I'm not going to bargain on anything Frank. I said my piece and it is non-negotiable." "Not much of a man are you Mike. I tell you your wife is my bitch and that I've been fucking her whenever I want and you take it. What's the matter Mike? No stones?" I stopped what I was doing and looked at him for several long seconds and then I buzzed my secretary. "Mrs. Henry, would you please get Mr. Bynum on the phone for me?" Fifteen seconds later the phone rang. "Maxwell? Frank is in my office and after talking with him he as convinced me to drop my demands. I'm just going to go ahead and ruin you and the firm and be done with it. Tell the others will you?" and I hung up on him. "Satisfied Frank?" Before he could answer me the phone rang. "Hello?" "Yes, he is still here." I handed the phone to Frank, "It's for you." I have no idea what Maxwell said to Frank, but whatever it was it caused the blood to drain from his face. I heard him say, "Yes sir" a couple of times and then he said, "I understand" and he held the phone out to me. "Yes Maxwell? "No problem, but noon is still my deadline." I hung up the phone and looked over at Frank, "You still here?" I was carrying a box of my stuff out to my car and I happened to walk by Bill Neubert's office. His door was open and he was cleaning out his desk. I couldn't resist the impulse and I stuck my head in the door. "Was Christine's pussy worth it?" and then I walked away without waiting for an answer. I was packing my last box when the phone rang and it was Maxwell asking me to meet with the senior partners in the conference room. It was a bargaining session and they were finally able to convince me that the firm didn't have and couldn't get six million. I settled for three point four million deposited in a Cayman Islands bank. No hands were shaken at the conclusion of the deal and I got up, left the building and went home. I was sitting in the family room watching CNN when Christine came home from wherever she had been. She came into the room and saw me sitting on the couch. "You're home early dear. Is everything all right?" "Everything is just peachy Christine. My life just got a whole lot simpler." "What does that mean?" "It means that I've decided on making some major changes in my life. I quit the firm today." "Why on Earth did you do that? What are you going to do? How are we going to pay the bills?" "I'm going into business as a distributor of porn videos. I understand that there is big money to be made in that field." "Seriously Mike, what are you going to do?" "I am serious Chris. Here, let me show you the first one I am going to distribute" and I pushed the PLAY button on the remote for the VCR. Christine's face went pale when she saw herself on the screen. "Funny thing Christine, but I've watched this tape at least ten times and not once have I seen you run to the bathroom to heave after swallowing the cum from all those cocks. Another thing I noticed is that even though anal sex is too disgusting for you to even talk about you still manage to do a lot of it." She looked down at the floor and weakly said, "What are you going to do?" "Throw your worthless ass out and divorce you." I looked at my watch, "In fact Chris, the company I hired to move your shit out of here should be here at any minute now. I would assume that the man who will serve you with the divorce papers is driving the car that just pulled into the drive. I will tell you up front that you won't be getting a dime out of the divorce so you had better start looking for a job. I doubt that you can get back on at the firm, not after the bomb I laid on them this morning. I suppose Frank could be your pimp and you could make some money standing on a corner on South Avenue." Christine just sat there staring at me woodenly. "What's the matter Chris? Got nothing to say? Don't you want to tell me that it is somehow all my fault? How about that old standby, "But honey, I can explain." Or maybe you could take a shot at, "It isn't what you think." "Also, before you waste your time thinking you have a little leverage because of Bradley you should know I had DNA tests run and I know that Bradley is not mine." Christine had been looking down at the floor, but her head jerked up when I said that and I saw the surprise on her face. "Oh, you didn't know that? Good, now you have something to do in your free time. You can try and figure out who the daddy is. Go pack Christine. I want you out of here tonight." "But where can I go?" "Call Frank. According to him you were his bitch before I met you and you stayed his bitch the entire time we have been married so maybe he will take care of you. If he doesn't, tough shit! Just be out of here by tonight." I got up and walked out of the room leaving her staring at the floor. It didn't end there of course. Christine still had lots of family living and I'd warned her if she fought me on the divorce they would all get copies of some of her better performances and I specifically mentioned her eight man gangbang. But she did fight tooth and nail over custody of Bradley and I had not helped my cause any by letting her know that Bradley wasn't mine. In the end the court, as they so often do, gave the child to the mother and since I wasn't the biological father I didn't even get visitation. As part of the agreement reached when the firm settled with me I had to agree to never divulge the information I had gathered and that I would destroy all copies of it. But being a lawyer I decided to play the "It depends on what the meaning of is is" game. Copies to me meant a 'copy of the original, ' but not the original itself so I put all the 'originals' in a safe deposit box and destroyed all the copies. I was fairly honorable, but I didn't think I could say the same for my ex employers. I would hang on to the originals just in case they reneged on the agreement. I said I would never divulge the information that I had gathered, but I never promised not to use what I had found. I started the rumor that the reason that Neubert, Moore and Holbrook had been let go was that they were caught playing fast and loose with a client's funds that had been entrusted to their care. None of the three ever got on with another firm and Holbrook and Neubert finally left town. Moore went into private practice, but I hear that he is having trouble paying the rent on his office. One of the things I did when I left the conference room was to place a pre-arranged phone call to a messenger service and copies of all the material I had that pertained to the three was delivered to their wives and the three were financially ruined by their divorces. Frank set Christine up in an apartment and Frank's wife received an anonymous phone call telling her that Frank was cheating on her and she hired a private detective and he got her enough so that she could rape Frank in a divorce. When the dust settled Frank left town forgetting to take Christine with him and also forgetting to tell her where he was going. Christine wasn't alone long as Maxwell took up where Frank left off. Maxwell's wife got a phone call from her boy toy one afternoon. It seems he was in a bar having a few drinks with some friends when he overheard one guy talking to another guy about what a lucky stiff Maxwell was to have such a beautiful wife and a hot mistress on the side. Maxwell's wife hired a private detective and I heard that she did quite well for herself in the divorce that followed. Foley's wife got an anonymous tip about her husband's body building boyfriend and he was the next one to visit divorce court. I got all warm and fuzzy inside knowing that I was single handedly seeing to it that divorce lawyers and private detectives were making a good living. Stanton North got a pass. There was no way to go after him without his affair with the CEO's wife coming to light and I had promised that I wouldn't reveal that. I know, I know, a tip to his wife and her private detective would have uncovered it, but my tip would have been responsible. Now if I could only come up with a way to do something to those two junior partners. I'm working on it and I'm sure that something will come to me sooner or later. 12268 1.97/512345
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