Tuesday, June 25, 2013
War Games
WAR GAMES By Carbilz My name is Don, I am 34 years old and married to Lori. Lori is 26 and is the most georgous woman I have ever seen. I Consider myself lucky to know her, much less be married to her. I work at an Insurance company as an Accountant. Lori is a Kindergarten teacher. We have a nice townhouse in Raleigh NC. Our lives are simple, we both went to college I went to Campbell Univ. Lori went to Radford. I was in a crazy Frat. 6 of the guys and myself have stayed in touch. We meet once a year and get wild. 2 years ago we went to the Grand Caynon and did a 5 day raft trip we took no food. We fished and even trapped a rabbit. It was great. This year was a little differant. Joe wanted to go camping and play paintball. The gang took it very serious. we Split into 2 "armys" Bob, John, Tim and Rob were the blue army. Joe Dan and myself were the red army. since we had 1 less soldier we got a 12 hour head start. 3 days into the game we had "killed" John and Rob, once you were "killed" you had to go to main campground and wait for the game to end. On the 5th day our team was still all alive. I was sent on a scouting mission. It seemed too quiet as I walked through the woods. Just when I thought it was clear, I stepped on a trap I was hanging upside down from a big tree. About 2 hours later Bob and Tim cut me down and took me prisoner I was very dizzy and confused from being upside down so long. They tied my hands be hind my back and blindfolded me then took me to thier camp. They said I was going to lead them to our camp. I said no way but Bob said they would make me talk. It was starting to get dark when they retied my hands above my head and tied the rope to a branch of a tree. They tookup all the slack so i was almost on my tiptoes. then they cut my shirt off and pulled my boots, socks and pants off. I was left in ony my boxers. Bob said in about an hour the mosquitoes would be so bad that I would tell them any thing. Tim had caught a rabbit and they skinned it to make dinner as i watched. Bob took the bloody skin and rubbed it on my chest, back legs, arms and even my face. I was glad for the boxers. After 3 hours and about 100 bites I told them where the camp was. Tim made a plan to hit at daybreak I was untied and given my clothes back. I showed them the way. We waited untill Joe and Dan woke and came out of the tent. Tim and Bob had them cold, 2 shots and they had won the game. Joe was furious but Bob was estatic, unbeknownst to the rest of us they had bet $1000.00 . I felt terrible, it was my fault. The last 2 days at the main camp Joe would not even talk to me. I just wanted to get home to Lori. Life was back to normal for several months. Then one saturday night just after dinner I heard a knock at the door. It was Dan and Joe. I was happy to see them, "come on in" I said. I sensed something was wrong. Joe pulled a stungun out and said that we were thier prisoners. Lori said she didn't have time for games. Joe punched me in the gut, hard. Lori knew they were for real. they said we are going on a trip. We were told to pack. Dan said all I needed were the gym shorts and tee shirt I was wearing. Joe picked out Lori's clothes, a slip and heels. he told her to strip and put it on. She started to remove the sweater she was wearing slowly. I saw a tear in her eye as her bra came into view. Joe said hurry up do you think I have all day. She slipped the tight black jeans over her hips and you could have heard a pin drop as her sexy black panties were revealed for the first time since coll ege to eyes other than mine. Lori picked up the slip and with all eyes watching she was just about to put it over her head when Joe said the outfit was meant to be worn without a bra. Lori sobbed silentely as she unhooked the bra and her small but perfect tits came into view. she then put on the slip. Lets go said Dan. We walked out to Dans Mazda MPV mini van. I am sure some of our neighbours saw Lori in just a slip. I felt sorry for her but I was strangley excited. Where are we going i started to ask before Joe slapped my face. My hands were handcuffed behind my back. It was starting to get dark and drizzle a little. after about a tan minute ride Joe said we need to stop for some beer. Dan pulled into the Food Lion that Lori works summers and weekends at (teachers don't make much $$) I saw the fear in Lori's eyes when Joe said lets get some beer as he pulled her from the van. It was starting to rain harder now and I knew by the time they walked across the parking lot Lori's white slip wpuld do nothing to hide her tits or black panties. Once in the store Lori felt naked. She looked at herself in the mirror as the walked by the produce dept. when her arms moved to far her tits could be seen through the arm holes in the slip. When they got to the beer aisle there were a couple of college guys staring at Lori. Joe wanted Corona they were of course on the top shelf. Lori was told to reach up and grab a six pack but not to take it down or move untill joe told her no matter what. As tears streamed down her face she strecthed as high as she could the bottom of her panties were showing. Joe asked the college guys what they they thought of Lori. One a real smart ass i guess said she was over dressed for Food Loin. Joe agreed and slowly slid the last bit of modesty Lori had left down her legs with the black panties. Her ass cheeks were now on display for the world to see. Joe took a camera out of his coat and asked the boys to have thier picture taken with Lori. The smart ass one pulled her slip over her ass and the each put th ier face beside that perfect ass I wished I was at home fucking right now. As Joe took the picture Mr Oliver the store mgr came around the corner. He saw Lori and asked if she was alright Joe let her get the beer down and asked if she knew the mgr. This is when he found out she worked there part time. Joe asked Mr Oliver where they kept the razors he then pulled up lori's slip and asked if he thought her cunt would look better shaved. Mr Oliver had always dreamed of seeing my wife's well trimed wet cunt. He pointed to his right and said aisle 4, razors and shaving creme. Joe decided not to mess with such a well groomed cunt. They went to the checkout lanes and stood in the longest line Lori knew her charms were on display to the world. It was starting to excite her but she would never admit it. As luck would have it, Lori knew the cashier. The guy was our paperboy, she would have to face him again. They left the store and in the well lit parking lot joe made Lori remove her slip. My lovely wife was standing naked in the parking lot of our neighbourhood grocery store. After they let Lori back in the van we left. Joe took his cock out of his pants, it was twice the size of mine! He told Lori to suck it. She started to cry, he said suck my cock or we will go back to the store and shop with you naked. She crawled over to Joe he was sitting across from me. I had a great view of her sopping wet pussy and asshole. Lori took Joes cock slowly into her mouth and started to give him a blowjob that from the look on his face was the best he ever recieved. Lori tried to swallow all his cum but a lot got on her face hair and tits. The next stop was a strip club, I had been there before it was not the Gold Club or Cheetas or even a Doll House, no this was a dive. I knew some thing was up when the sign out front said closed for private party. I was just about to protest when Dan hit me with a stun gun, I was out for the count. when I woke up I was in the back room naked and tied up but some thing didn't feel right. That was it I had no pubic hair or leg hair. The only hair I had was on my head. Where was Lori. Lori had her own troubles, She was taken in the back way the owner and 1 of the dancers cleaned her up a little bit. she was given a sexy maid outfit to wear. It had a very short black skirt and a sheer white apron that came halfway down the skirt but was open in the back. Her tits were plainly visiable and if she bent even a little her ass and pussy were on display to the world. The club owner told Lori she was the entertainment for the evening, an accounting firm was having a stag party for one of its employees who was getting married next sat. Lori could not believe what was happening she knew my office mate James was getting married sat as we were going to the wedding. Lori would not let me go to the stag party and now she was the main attraction. She wouldn't do it. She told Joe and Dan to go to hell she was not going to strip for my office. Dan said that was fine because he preferred plan B anyway. The 3 of them came into the room where I was tied up. Dan sat me up and put a rubber band around my scrotum, he told THe club owner to go get hte scapel. It hit me they were going to castrate me I started to beg, Lori also begged and said she would do anything not to have me castrated but Joe said it was too late for that and started to walk towards me with the blade and a bowl. I fainted when I awoke they told me that Lori had convinced them not to hurt me. She signed a contract that made Joe her power of attorney. He would make all her decisions for her from now on. Lori danced out into the party and was immediately reconized. My workmates could not wait till she was naked, it was a short wait and soon Joe was out there. He took the mike and anounced that Lori was available for a price $25 for a blowjob $50 for a fuck and $100 for an ass fuck. most of the night is a blur but I do remember a lot of pictures being taken and I remember Bill the biggest ass in the office being the first to fuck Lori's virgin ass then buying a blowjob. After a short time and about 5 fucks Lori seemed to be enjoying herself. After the party seemed to be over Dan brought me out and everone laughed at my hairless nakedness. They took more pictures and I was told to clean the cum off of Lori, I started to get a towel and was informed that my mouth would do. this was the most humiliating expiernce of my life CARBILZ 3996 1.72/512345
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