Sunday, June 23, 2013
BIG BROTHER II :RETOOLING [M+/F+, ir, celeb spoof, nc/con?, preg?] To whom it may concern: I am writing as a concerned viewer of that fucking shit show you all fed to us last year, Big Brother. What the fuck was up with that? Not only did you get the lamest ass white-milk losers, who could possibly ever hold up in that crib... but then the fucking nigger takes it in the ass like that?!? The fucking show was called BIG BROTHER FOR MOTHER-FUCKER's SAKES... where the hell were all the brothers? And what the fuck was up with the game anyhow? Was all them losers just seeing who could put the viewers to sleep the most so they wouldn't get their ass cast? Shit... with cameras in the showers you all could have had me getting the hommies together to boost those fucking ratings if you only would have been showing the action we all really wants to scope with all this reality camera shit. So what ifs the suits don't go down on the play... fuck it, you needs to retool the show man. I thoughts it all out for you too so don't think this nigger don't come with the plan. Sex is what fucking sells. Beer companies know this shit... you think they don't wants to be showing us some bare-naked titties when they have them bitches hanging all over some loser with a bottle in his hand? SEX IS WHAT SELLS!. Okay... you fucked it up so bad last time I am going to speak on this now so even someone with their heads shoved so far up the ass can understand. Way I see it, you need to get the fucker show more likes that Survivor shit... I mean, fun contests and rewards and all that crap. Yeah, and you gots to have brothers on the fucking show called Big Brother... that is what everyone is wanting. It plays to all your demographics... you know they say we all multiplying like rabbits. They finally done give us the WB even if it does just play it all down. You know Whitey has hisself a guilt complex and it's sure-nuff for fucking cause. Get your eyes on any latest fuck flick and Whitey cant's makes them fast enough to go there. You know what I'm saying too... with how they all doing the black-and-white thing? Yeah, what's the better ultimate survival challenge than get yourself 5-8 of the hottest, most outstanding pieces of pristine fine-white-ass and lock them bitches in the jungle with 5-8 potent, dangerous Afro-superior spearsmen? Fuck... game could go till the last bitch manages to walk without having gots herself the ebony experience... and course this all on film for the voyeur public to sit back and stroke too. People don't fucking have the hands free to turn the channel whens they a-stroking. You still reading this? Fuck, I know you are... I just getting started too... no sense blowing the big finish all on the first volley... master dicksman takes his time to get to the money shot... this is about the money shot. You picture all this done up right and we talking about the biggest, wettest, gooiest money shot ever. Take that to the bank. Yeah, take your 8... hey you allowed to do 8 or does that get your ass sued? Maybe make it 6 or some shit cause we wants money here... don'ts need no suing shit. Six sexy, sooty studs and six bombastic, babelicious bimbos all locked together to play house... hell, make it an even fucking bakers dozen by sticking some hottie in one of them nurses outfits in the middle of all this cause what the bitches won't be knowing ahead of the time is that this game don't just end when the sweety-pie gets herself creamed the first time, but we go ultimate survivor to see which cunt lasts the longest offs her birth control before walking way from all this with a more memorable souvenir than just a million fuckless dollars. Can't you picture the teaser promos... some bitch taking her piss into a cup and the announcer voice over 'whose pink this week?' Makes me fucking hard just writing this shit down. You know though... sex doesn't fucking sell and black-and-white is the colors of the season, but in television to get the really big ratings you all knows this betters than I... but what we really need to get this all off is for the bitches to be the who's-who of the celebrity world... Yeah, shit-fuck-yeah! I'm talking about those bitches we really all wants to see doing the nastiest, most obscene shit we can thinks of. I've got some suggestions for you. First it has to be Jennifer Anniston. I just know that bitch has a use for a sheet in addition to keeping her ass from the mattress when she is taking a riding... if you know what I mean... I mean, what is up with all that shit about no niggers on her show? Ain't she ever been 'friends' with no brother. It is always best when she goes black cherry... you get all the fucking hang-ups right there fresh... you get that secret just hinding there in the dark too... how the bitch used to wake from some of them 'nightmares' with her panties a little too wet for prissy conviction. Yeah, nothing like cherry, white-trash clans-woman taking her 'slumming' for the first time. Jennifer Anniston is dick-stiffening with that ass... mmm! Me, I wouldn't do that though... you know when they announced on that fucker honky show of hers that the bitch is pregnant now, know what I was thinking? She look damn fine with a tummy full of child. Don't you all think? Skinny, anorexic bitch like that show real nice... those perfect plastic tits of hers firm up with some milk... mmm. She real white too... can picture the bitch real good dressed just in her panties maybe on the cover of some fucking Rolling Stone or Jet Magazine once the little bastard gets hiself outs for the photo op... yep, mommy Anniston needs a black breeding like I needs to sees her get it. What type of fucking rating would that get? I'd dare say we talking an approval rating of ninety-nine point ninety-nine percent. Maybe her wimp-fag husband wouldn't care to see wifey Jennifer on the small screen in living color doing the black-and-white merge of the millennium... but who else wouldn't be 'up' for the scene. Can you all fucking imagine how it would go? Let me paint the picture if I may... Yeah, righteously racist bitch like Miss Anniston play herself a little hard to get... I think she would be one of the last conquests way I orchestrate it all like Burnette do on his show. When she go, she go hard though. Give everyone at home time to really be 'hard' for it themselves like we all laughed our fucking asses when Jerry took it on that other show. Anyhows, as I was saying, we save Annison's nigger-cherry pussy till it is special and everyone knows its got to be time... we lets her see one, or two, or fifty hundred fucking teases all the time to let the bitch know she in for it all when shit lands. Yeah... get those camera's on her ass in the showers for a few days... show that she secretly has the itch no matter how fucked the act she keep giving the camera be. Yeah, we make sure all the bitches have themselves some fucking private journal to writes in too... only it ain't fucking private. I wants the public to fucking get in the bitches head as she gets done day-by-day lead to the dark side. Mmmm! Bet she write how she fucking is freaked or something but the showers will show her spending time with that pressure nozzle between the legs I'm sure. We keep that camera in her bed too and maybe go with NASA or something to get some special fucking bedding and pajama material or some shit that go transparent for the goddamn pictures. Christ... how the fuck do I make this any better your dumb asses? Imagine it... we video Jennifer Anniston in like her panties or maybe fucking buff each fucking night while the bitch sleeps for any whacker to just sit and drool on while they do their own business... and all this time, fucking way we going to be doing her with everything I bet the bitch speak a little in her dreams too. In the end she cry all she want about it being rape but cameras ain't going to lie... we don't need no fucking rape in all this okay? I say that Anniston needs to get black dicked cause she be KKK without the hood and maybe that makes it like she won't break the eight-ball but I says every bitch has the secret taste for chocolate if the spread be right. So follow me here cause this ain't no Issac Newton Figamotry here... shit is simple if you get my read right... we sets the bitch up but good... first getting her to the fucking game [and I have a mind on that too] but more important than teasing it out. Get the whole fucking viewing world wanting the action and her knowing she going down... going down-then up-then fucking back down again-and-fucking-again as she falls for us all to watch. That will get us all that shit we be wanting for this whole fucking thing anyhow... I mean how I started this be what we all wants... Niggers just looking for their turn on top doing the fucking for a change man. You know its righteous.... for the honky though it does have to be that. Owed payback. We screwed your black-ass, now we going to bend over for the mother-fucking payback that is just goddamn righteous... here the shit is our own fucking mothers... the best we have to offer... our saintly goddesses offered at the alter to the all-mighty black cock. I'm telling you... to get Whitey viewing, some of all this fucked shit needs to go down. I ain't saying some fuckers won't just take wood at a beautiful bitch like Jennifer Anniston butt naked on the screen sucking or fucking any dick... but I ain't knowed a white boy yet who didn't have some secret desire or unvoiced fear that he be due some retribution and payback was going to be a bitch... his best bitch. It be all just so fucking perfect... I've thought of some fucking games for everyone to fucking play too. Vollyball anyone [nude, of course] How about competitive calisthenics? All them bitches doing their push-ups and squats in preparational training? Just a simple game of spin the bottle or truth-or-dare is going to be fun in this all scene. Like I said, this ain't Newton Figamotry... so we are finally ready for that bitch Jennifer Anniston and we get her into some fucking game which of course we have fucking rigged anyhow... Maybe it can be which bitch has the wettest panties after getting the fuck kissed out of her for some five or ten straight minutes by one of our sexy studs... Yeah, for this contest each bitch has to fucking strip down to just her panties for the contest. Audience won't be flipping channels then. Bitches will get told this is another fucking reward challenge where if the nigger can actually plant wet-one on any of those lips up top to make the bitch do the big O down below, than nigger gets the reward of one night in bed with the slut who creamed for his black sugar. To make the night a little more interesting, Nigger will get himself a price package from the shows sponsors too for the nights festivities... some of that there new Spanish-fly shit... not the old crap that gave you kidneys that fucked out but... what the fuck they call it? Exxxtasy??? Shit... you know the stuff I'm talking about... where you give it to the bitch and she start saying 'yes' instead of 'no...' not that total knockout, amnesia date-rape shit either... we don't need to do any rape for all this... not really at all. See, way it work is we do the first hour where we get all six bitches to stands up for the warm-up... we get it all real good with cameras at all position to show his black hands on her ass, between her legs, move up for a little love-pull of the hair to yank the fucking bitches head back enough to get tongue halfway to her fucking stomach.... tickle her tonsils good... everything for the audience to see. We save up Miss Anniston for last this being her big turn and all... anyhow, after each bitch get herself fuck-kissed for the ten minutes we bring her over for a test how wet she got in her panties... we take those little pieces of slut-wear right off that bitch on nationwide camera fresh from having just got herself fucking tongue kissed by a nigger stud for 10 sloshy, probing minutes, and we wring it there over some measuring cup to see just how fucking wet she was for those thick, Afro-lips fuck-kissing her to the darkest depths of her soul. God, yeah! Laugh my ass off but of course, we don't really do this all fucking live case we need to edit anything out for legal reasons... so editing and effects can have them panties half filling the fucking cups... SHIT! Jennifer Anniston though... she going to win. We get her up, last dressed in those tiny little panties of hers framing that sweat, wood-stiffening, mind-watering, fine white ass of hers... nothing at all to cover them titties. We have the room just chilly enough to make sure we have her nipples all erect... get our announcer to voice over the back ground on Jennifer how she be the most racist of all the bitches and has yet to go slumming. but he also feed the shit we be playing how she be taking the extra long showers as the days had heated on her. Announcer could say some shit about how fire make it hot in the kitchen for her to take time to cook-or maybe turn it to some cleaver shit mixing metaphors about playing with fire and eventually you get burnt... you know, how that might lead one to how burns leave the black scars... how a racist bitch getting niggered probably scars her fucking for life? I don't know where the shit is leading... I cant's do everything here... you get those clever wit writers of yours who didn't earn jack of whatever you all paid them last fucking time to build the suspense... just for me, I want the image of Anniston like that racist honky slut I knows her to be in the final curtain call before her world go dark... MMM... fuck, yeah! I hope the bitch been watching the other cunts all taking their turns with her arms crossed to try to cover her titties in modesty like how a bitch does it when she maybe catches you peeking through the bedroom window or whatever the fuck... hope Jennifer Anniston has one of them really snotty, half-disgusted, half-'god-do-I ever-need-a-fucking'-looks' on that aristocratic pure white face of hers too. Then our nigger reaches out and grabs her back around the head fors support... he don't need to take the hair. We wants this all looking like she wanting it deep inside. Leave her that room to fight a little and it just make it all more exciting anyhow... she can push away at the nigger all she want but everyone be chanting to theirselfs at home as they stroke to it... 'bitch, quits the fucking act.' We actually going to have everyone in the palms of our hands while we take down one of their Aryan princesses, and they going to be 'saluting' us at attention in the palms of their hands whiles we do it. Think about them ratings... shit, hope those Chinks or Arab-Monkeys don't take the time to drop the big one on us cause when it comes to Jennifer Anniston on nation wide television dressed just in her skimpy panties crush-pressed all hot-and-hard between the proverbial immovable solid-wood wall, and the irresistible wood-solid, black god. Damn, ain't no one going to have their eyes wasted away on some warning radar screen instead of the boob-tube. Might be worth having those Ahrabs overrun us anyhow... here they know how to treat a bitch. In some fucking customs if you marry the bitch afterwards it ain't even rape to have helped yourself... shit! They ain't a true nigger but a law like that ain't half fucking bad. Course I don't understand any of that shit about covering stuff up... you need's to be getting those bitches to show more what we all wants to see... like how I would have it with Jennifer Anniston for the fucking cameras the whole ten minutes. She pushes away just a bit, but the nigger still kisses her... she tries to pull back from his hands around on her ass, but where the fuck does she have to go? Our camera's show just how much she is getting it against her belly... ain't anyone at home not knowing it is all in her head how big she feels it. Nigger will slide hisself on her too... won't just be against her belly but down a little more accurately too... Nigger can spin Miss Anniston around to be at her from behind... get himself wedged up between the crack of those firm buns... show her she may have the ass of steel but he has a penetrator for her even a little bit harder... god, camera show it all, his hands around to grasp her titties for a squeeze as he tongues at her long, elegant neck. I just know the bitch will have to moan for us... we get that moan and amp it sexy. We wants the whole world 'knowing' she turning to the dark side rights in front of them... Follow my black ass here... don't let me loose you all. This is fucking magic. Ain't a bitch alive who can stands up to that types of attention from no nigger. We knows how to fucking kiss. Shit we all got enough practice having to kiss the white man's ass the last 200 years since you dragged us from Africa. Only high time we get to slobber instead on a woman or two of your alls. Be surprised how many of your cunt-folk think there a difference for a nigger to kiss her and fucks her too... too much danger may be getting filled in the belly with the nine-months proof of a taste for the black meat., but doing some kissing games. Yeah, you would be surprised at how many of your cunt-folk ain't no virgins to the black experience as far as that goes... and it gives a nigger his chance to perfect the arts too. Ain't a nigger hit fifteen he can't wet a slut's panties on her with just playing above the waistline. We going to have only the best, most intoxicating, smooth black cocksmen to be doing this score too. Anniston can be racist enough I bet she gag a little and act up some convulsion shit or whatever when we starts to get her really tongue probed to her tonsils,, but by the time the whole ten minutes have been used storking her and stroking her, I abso-fucking-lootly guarentees she gonna be wet... And she is gonna have cummed for her nigger! If other bitches half-filled the fucking cup, Jennifer's panties will fucking put it over the fucking top. Heh-heh-heh! Forgive me if I needs a laugh. Wonder how hubby at home gonna be feeling to see his dumb-ass wife up on the screen like that shit? Heh-heh... fuck, yeah! Okay... bitch is probably all fucking like 'no way, it ain't happening.' We get our host to be prodding her with the challenge like ain't she up for the challenge now? If bitch actually starts crying or any shit saying she didn't agree to this, we cut to the action later but I think this all could play out fine... wonder just what Jennifer do in this situation... her panties off the bitch be naked just finding out she going locked away with a nigger for a night. Would she even be worried doing one of them 'proper-girl-poses?' Like one hand down between the legs and one across the nipples... course we always gonna gots a camera behind her ass too. I think it be really interesting to find Jennifer Anniston in this situation... specially it being a cliffhanger after the hour of kissing we get to wait till next day to see what happens next. FUCK WHO SHOT JR... records going to be DOES JENNIFER ANNISTON GETS HERSELF BLACK FUCKED? god sorry... damn pencil lead is almost at a nub... going to have to mail this now and get me a replacement or something. Fuck... if you interested in hearing more maybe get the fuck back to me at course if this just be some outrage to you all how maybe I broke Sacrilege or some such shit, I guee you can speak to me on that too. Got to run now though cause wood in my pencil may have shrunk to a nub but that ain't the case with al my pointing instruments. BIG BROTHER II :RETOOLING chapter 2 of ? [M+/F+, ir, celeb spoof, nc/con?, preg?] To whom it may concern: Hey, how the fuck is it going today? Get a chance to read my first message? If not you probably wonder 'who the mother-fucker is this? No shit, here is the five-O. See I here you all bringing that dope-fucked piece of crap from last season, 'Big Brother' back from ratings hell... as a concerned television viewer and a writer/creative-consultant of no small talent myself, I took the opportune to put pen to paper and fire you off some opening thoughts on the whole affair... I shared with you my insights and wisdom how with a fucking tag like 'Big Brother' you really needed a little more truth in the advertising... and as far as advertising and what actually sells on television for real, I dropped word on what your asses shoulds of already knows yourselfs that it be all about the three letters s, e, and capital X for the really good shit. Anyhow, no total need to go over all the crap again... you should have my first fucking letter and if you do, I'm sure it got you to the edge where you been suffering the blue balls waiting for me to get back for the payoff here... sorry about that. Don't worry. I aims to make sure we all get all the payoff any of us ever could have dreamed of before this shit all be done. Where last I had the show, I was explaining how I see just one little episode going where we have Jennifer Anniston showing more of herself than she ever dared reveal before... this is going to be a real, soul-changing challenge for her to perform this program. I mean it might just find out how much the bitch can really act whether she deserved any of them awards or not? Time for the lights to go extra bright on this starlet as it won't be no character she plays but her own real self... and it will all be stark-naked out of the darkness for our every watchful eyes. We going to actually see it all... I mean, for real. I will actually see Jennifer-white-ass-Anniston going sweaty with some huge dicked nigger stud. Yeah... you know what we are going to see first? I'll tell you. We are just going to take it all nice and slow... unless she really be acting all fucking stupid. We ain't having this as any fucking rape for it to be real... gots to be like the bitch wants it all the time and just never admitted it till she gets the final choice. Some of that whiny ass whimpering she does all pouty on her television show be just fine... like she whimper a little 'whyyyyy?' Only everyone at home just smile to themselfs and say cause she deserve it, bitch. We wants this all to be a really desired celebration for alls Americans black-and-white... even those slanty-eyed gooks and wetback Latinos too... I ain't too sure they into this shit as much but why the fuck not. Everyone likes to see a bitch gets knocked off the pedestal and take a fall down to dirty her knees in the gutter. Yeah... no shit. If Anniston play it like I think she do, we get ourselves a good long prologue to the main act... we can make this one special two-hour show or some fuck. Too bad we can't go live to Internet this time but if any bitch try crying rape too much or any shit we needs to keep that on the Q. I won't fucks you all... this going to be cutting ass television giving a whole new meaning to the term boob-tube. I say with all that soft porn FOXXX been leading the way on, America is ready, but there still going to be some pushing the envelope here so we keep it all taped-to-air. We shoot for two hours with Jennifer Anniston since I thinks she worth the fucking time but maybe the bitch will really surprise and be that one Aryan-cunt-in-a-million, we ain't ever met who will actually resist even when she finally gets the NC permission. Not that I think she will... really, I can't stress enough this isn't really rape... it ain't ever really get to be called rape when the bitch will like it much as I guarentees Anniston will if any nigger ever gets this shot on her. She just be inspiring and she going to get herself some all night long with that type of uplift to her. Nah... ain't going to be rape at all. She could say it is though and she get to think it so that make it all-right for her to just do what come natural and she fight all this time against the true jungle call... that where the NC permission come into play for an Aryan princess. Putting that drug in her drink just a helper... shit, don't even need to be real for her to think it is. We play it up though so we give her the good excuse for later when she know she go back to face hubby with the tummy. Tell her don't she feel just a little more agreeable after the drink... how it be a good product our sponsors be sharing with all the niggers of America too for them to in turn share with as many of the other white bitches they can? We have the producers tell the bitch she is suppose to brag up the product. You fuckers can handle that can't you... I'm sure we will get some date-rape drug anxious for this type of fucking publicity. Anyhow... I really don't give a fuck to the chemistry of whether this shit works or not... if it does, than great [be an educational show for the brothers too] if it don't, we still get the psychology we want. Play that fuck up. If we have the fuck-journals Anniston has been keeping with any luck we can remind folks how she may have written some hopefully racist type shit or whatever. Fuck her if she doesn't, we edit some in... make this bitch show what a real racist she is before we ever get to her fall... and show how much she wants to fall even though. The shower stuff... god, I'm sure there will be other shit I can't even think of once the show starts... we don't have to fucking plan everything to get what we are going to want here. Just lock six-horny niggers and six-sexy white-pussys all in the same house and this will all happen one way or the other anyhow. It's all good... it's all natural. We show whatever the fuck we all got to make this real special... and it will be. Let Jennifer play hard to get if that be her act when we first lock her in the fuck-pad. Give us time to play her up with the voice over from our narrator asking her how she feeling with the drugs working their magic... she be all naked and maybe crouched their or something taking the pillow from the bed to try to cover herself, but with the mirrored walls, we still be getting that sexy-teasing show. Hope the bitch does play it hard to get... fucking my luck and she be all jumping that nigger dick soon the door closed. Where the fucking drama in that? Tell you where the drama is... narrator can be talking to our nigger too. Ask him how fine he thinks Jennifer's sexy ass be. How he rate her as a kisser? How wet she really got the fuck for him as he fingered her under the elastic leg of her panties... Nigger can talk to us while she just has to listen herself to his specialties... how he be 12-13-maybe-15 fucking inches if we can find the nigger. We have him share with the camera that he gots hisself a handle too. Narrator can Q him what the tag is, and nigger says that the brothers all calls him Stork. Course narrator gonna chuckle 'Stork? What up with that?" There we have it where nigger proclaims he be all about leaving his calling card when he get busy with the white bitch. Says he extra potent with all the fertility drugs the show have him on, and he already be ahead of the score even afore he got this gig... maybe give us quick hint how he done went and knocked hisself up the English teacher back in grade school the break after she get done spending the class instructing some special sex-education lecture. Yeah... that be good. Our Stork can share this with the camera while little, naked Jennifer Anniston cowers at his feet forced to listen how this nigger started so young already taking his own fifth-grade English teacher and giving her the 'real' education how a mulatto bastard can be bred into even the most married honky newly-married-teacher-bride right there on her own desk, in her own fucking classroom, with the whole fucking class stayed to watch this 'advanced' lesson. GOD-SHITING-DAMN... forgive the vulgarity... wouldn't that have been hot though? Wasn't quite the way I did her, but the story works. Yeah, it works fine. I bet any bitch hearing it just feel that shiver. Mmm... yeah, get the nigger to use it right there if he gets any fucking chance at all. FUCK, I hope she plays some hard to get. Bitch has me to the point I wouldn't even be opposed to needing to bitch-slapping her a little [if the situation called for it that is.] Not that it will, I'm sure... I don't want to freak anyone out here. I ain't saying we going to turn this all into no fucking rape scene. That ain't what the fucking fantasy is about... not for anyone. Bitch just needs to be able to claim it rape. That is her fucking excuse. It is so fucking obvious. White boys think there fear is that the nigger raises up for atonement... white boy's real fear is that deep down he want it to happen... just cant's admits it. That why when the nigger obliges him and just takes it for hisself, Whitey gets their cake and gets to eat it too. FUCK, there should be a sexier metaphor for that last thought... hmm, gets their fuck and eats it too? Shit, that don't make sense... maybe I'm in the wrong metaphor... I should be at that horse and water shit, and how you can't make them drink it... except for a dirtier way, you can lead a nigger to your white wife but you cant's makes him fuck her without admitting you wanted it when secretly you did but it just all be easier when nigger takes for hiself and Whitey-fag-boy-hubby, and Whitey-wifey both get to pretend it wasn't their wish alls along. [NOTE TO SELF* this whole paragraph is fucked... find a way to change it before we send this crap] So... where was I? It so easy to fucking lose one's place when all the ideas are up in my head but I have to try to type them on this computer today one handed. Be easier, it this stuff wasn't fucking my dick hard on me. Jennifer Anniston slut... bitch, don't even know it and she fucking me today. Gots to get this message out though. Make sure you all have time to get on this idea before you committ to some other lame ass ideas. I thinks I was dealing with buildup but, fuck that! On second thought if this show be filmed live to video, we probably end up happier with whatever goes natural. I will gives you more ideas on some added spice if you be interested later but the real shit everyone want to see if that nigger doing our television star, Miss Jennifer Anniston down-and-nasty for all our viewing enjoyment. Even if the show be two hours, I think we could fill the whole time with just close ups of the bitches pussy being stuffed by big, black dick with the sound track filled with her moaning how full she is. Sprinkle in a couple camera changes to show her face all screwed up in her deep thoughts regards the deep thrusts she be taking and I'm talking emmy-award-winning best-show-ever time here. You got to know it... Not that we just fucking show close-ups the entire fucking two hours that Jennifer Anniston is getting herself niggerd. We gonna be more artsey than that. Fuck, if you've been reading all this letter from me surely I wouldn't even need to pause to explain you don't take my every word literally. I'm an artist. I'm creating here. Every word can be gold, but not all my words need to be gold... whatever. No... way I see it, we won't be doing a lot of close-ups at all. Truth is they be crude enough but I never did get that shit. Get the camera too-fucking close and a brother don't know what he be looking at anymore. Could be some goddamn fucking sunset for all the fuck I know with some of that camera shot. Close-ups have their place mind you. First penetration had to be showed close-up. Yeah, that be good with Jennifer Anniston. Imagine if she be like I said in the corner down on her knees... maybe a few tears in the corners of her eyes in some shock or shit maybe at how this really be happening. Bitch looks a little prettier her eyes dancing with a tear... umm, so fucking vulnerable with just that damn tiny pillow to try to keep those cameras from showing all her goodies to the world. Surrounded by all sides with the mirrors... pathways to her soul. Taunted by the voice feeding her and keeping her on what was in the drink? Are those doubts her fault? She is probably in that fucking head asking for her Brad's forgiveness even fore she goes over... like she knows it gonna happen. We talk up the shit with the nigger for her to listen. What bitch don't likes a compliment. Bet she can't help a little smile when nigger sings on her ass. Bitch has a sexy smile, don't you think? Shame if she ever got any of them teeth knocked from her head if she ever got to stupid in the wrong situation... But I digress... when we get all the setup shit done, we finally gets to the main course. Truth is, I almost embarrassed to say this is where it gets damn personal for me. I mean, give away too much of a fantasy and you risk loosing it. I got me the idea for sure how it would really happen.... just exactly what it would take to get that prissy, Aryan princess from cowering on her knees hiding that vulnerability to where she be ready for the filming of taking the pound-fucking of her life. Shit is that I don't think I wants to give my version here though... I mean taking the bitch from points A to B. Don't sees the need if you get the truth and I can't spell it all. Fuck. Use your own imagination. You know it could fucking happen. We don't have way to know different from how it get set. Think that Jennifer Anniston bitch not even play so fucking hard to get in the first... maybe. She might just get herself locked back in the fuck-pad and drop straight to her knees like somes white ho's are knows to do. Fact's is when they be all uppity like Jennifer the odds do gets increased somes. Like they get so fucked up in all their little fantasies they think a nigger can't waits to gag the bitch soons he gets a chance with no drama to it at all. Says more about the bitch though if you ask me. Wonder what the fuck is up with that anyhow? Is it same tween you honkys when you go all white? Does your bitch think she doing you some special favor allowing it in her mouth... like she think somehow since she eats with that hole she can't suck a dick whit it? I knows there be many a white bitch who ain't all hung up but seems the truly racist trash is. They just equit that if a nigger going to put it to her mouth than this be done strict to degrades the bitch and that be what it all-bought for the nigger in the first... so's maybe Jennifer have these fantasies alls-along? Maybe she would have dropped to get it over, second door gets shut on her ass? I can't say for sure it don't. Fuck, I can't say for sure it don't go that other extreme too. I don't want to think that out too much to worry you none. This ain't about it... but maybe a little encouragement might be the order? Let me say, I sure that the drink and some proper mental foreplay let her know it all okay, but maybe she don't get up so willing when our stud finally go take a hold of the hair? I can't say it impossible. Who knows? Don't worry though... we know that the bitch can't get her face messed done in the middle of a show. Fucking much that appeal to a good hunk of the audience, we lose you too much the pussy public watching. This be their dream too so we keep it on the up-and-up that everyone live vicarious through. Yeah, I got an idea how it would real go to get Jennifer Anniston's naked little body in bed with our nigger for her black breeding but that all I leave to your own imagination here. The bedding though is something I think we need to think about. Was a time on nation television that Fred and Wilma fucking Flintstone had to share the separate beds and all... now I might wish this was Wilma was getting her nightly romancing from Obsidian Blackstone the unseen neighbor, but that wasn't quite the case. Sure those Hanna Barber shitheads seamed to loose their darker crayons but it was a different time too. Public probably wasn't ready for no cartoon scene of Wilma and Betty visiting the local crack house and whoring with the dealers for a fix. Today, though I say that we find an audience wanting to see Miss. Anniston up on all fours looking to the camera with those baby blues while she takes a mounting bitch-style. Don't need to get to the sex right away... get Jennifer from the floor to the bed as it happen. Follow me here... when she ready to proceed forget that cocksucking nonsense to start it too. We get to that for sure, but too pass? to begins there. Jennifer deserve better. She needs some love-talk on the bed as our nigger holds her down a little... give that illusion this be still with her resisting just a little. Nigger tells her that he knows she liked the kissing she took. How she answer that? Bitch probably don't want to look like a total slut there so she be like all 'no' and turning her head. Nigger on top though so he can plant another on them lips. We see her toes curl for sure as she don't know what to do with her hands. Nigger laying on her between her legs... they kick up around his black ass. We can't see the dick but we know where it at. How she has to be feeling it... and she gets herself kissed. Our announcer can be asking her through the intercom if she thinks it the drink crashing her or is she willing to sing she wanted this alls along? Nigger probably has his own style a bit, but should know we wants to see the Aryan poster girl get herself really revved before it go to the main festivities. Nigger should work her neck again and get hiself down to them titties. Bitch never knows quite what to do when she has a nigger nibbling at her nipples. Look on Jennifer's face be priceless for sure while the nigger bites at and teases them titties all erect. He could ask her how it feels and if it looks pretty with the contrast his black face so close there nursing her like she his mommy... tell her this just be the dry run cause he feeling more than potent enough to give her triplets needing to be taking turns at these tits in just nine months. For the game... all the girls will be told early that if they get to the sex, they always have the right to ask the nigger to wear himself a rubber. That can be part of the suspense. I mean we obviously don't get these bitches into the game letting them know day one that we went and sexed everything up on them. That part will be a total surprise... but to prevent wholesale panic, the bitches will get told they can insist on rubbers. Yeah... not for oral though or anal when it comes. Bitches will just be told since all their protection gonna be confiscated, that producers know that some bastards could get planted in all the fun of the games so to give the bitches a chance... any one can ask a nigger to go with the rubber... only thing is that he only need to wear it for the first twenty minutes and if he still in the act; the rubber come-off. Fuck... see the beauty? Bitch knows she has to really get into things immediately to get the nigger pleasured... cause if he still dangerous at the twenty-minute mark than she be taking a sperming in that unprotected pussy. Bitches will know this run a risk, they get their white bellies bred with the little black bastards from day one... just won't know that the actual fucking rules is to be this be the only fucking way they can quit the game, so it not just possible they get pregged but it damn-well 'GUARENTEED!' Mmm-mmm-mmm! Don't it just get that dick hard, sir? Or is it a ma'am that I be addressing? If so forgive me for saying wish I was there giving this all to you personal cause this is getting me really to the point I got something going on that I gonna be needing to give to some bitch here soon enough again. Shit... and I just know speculating on hows it all happen with dat Jennifer Anniston in bed at long-last with the nigger would real play too. Just ain't gonna do it justice here though this sit so hopes what I pass on be enough to have your committment. Still haven't even got to my considered opinions on some of the other famous bitches we needs to get into all this or some of the special surprises I would be sure to script on them fine white-assed honeys. SHIT, really gots to run. I guess I will know if you get back to me at whether there be any need to add more to all this spiel ors not. Would take into mind any thoughts you all mights have on which other bitches you'd cast if you wish to aim me elsewhere. Course, you want to reject my shit that all be fine. There other places for a nigger to sell his stuff when it be fine as wine. I wait for your missive in either flavor. Peace. June 1 2001 4894 1.19/512345
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