Saturday, June 22, 2013
Cooter (Part 2)
COOTER (Part 2) By Ted Update: Cooter is very large black men with a 13-inch cock the thickness of your forearm. He is an aggressive, almost masochistic breeder of white women. Drew is a Bookie who uses Cooter to "even up" when money owed cannot be collected. Ted is a friend of Drew's and has been filming Cooter screwing the helpless wives of guys who cannot pay their losses. Ted is the narrator and has been betting more than he can pay. Now he faces the very real dilemma of presenting his own wife, Lynn to Cooter for Drew's entertainment. We pick up after Drew has told Ted he has 24 hrs to pay one way or another. I left there in shock, knowing Drew meant every word he had said. I spent the rest of the afternoon in my office, sitting in my desk and staring out the window trying to figure out how I could get that kind of money. I didn't know how I would ever be able to tell Lynn what Drew expected her to do if I couldn't. I felt so frustrated and powerless over the Dilemma that was unfolding right in front of me. When I got home Lynn was already in the kitchen cooking. She looked at me and smiled then asked me how my day was. Without saying a word I walked into her arms and hugged her tight. I felt her large firm breasts press against my chest as I held her close to me then kissed her on the cheek. I released her then turned and walked into the hall. I stopped halfway to our bedroom and looked back to see her humming and dancing around as she prepared the food. I'd forgotten what a great looking woman she was. She had tight cut off jeans and the very bottom of her ass was exposed. My blood boiled at the thought of Cooter grabbing those soft cheeks and plowing into her. I felt so stupid for forgetting all the good things I had with Lynn. I shook my head and turned my thoughts towards finding a way out of the horrible problem I'd gotten us into. I went into the bedroom and grabbed our personal phone book hoping the find someone we knew who might help bail us out. I turned page after page but couldn't find anyone I knew with that kind of money. Just as I was about to give up looking I saw my Uncle Bob's name and phone number. Of course! Uncle Bob was loaded and I had been like a son to him. From the time I was 5 years old, he looked out for me and my mother after my dad left us. My hands shook with excitement as I fumbled the phone dialing his number. As it rang I felt relief, assured that I had found an alternative to Drew's proposition. I grinned as I thought of the look on old Cooter's face when I showed up there with the money instead of Lynn. After a few rings I got an answer. I recognized the voice right away. I was Juanita; my uncles live in maid. I asked her if I could speak to my uncle but she told me he was not at home. She said that he had left a few days ago and was in Acapulco. " In Acapulco?" I gulped. Juanita interrupted me saying, "I thought he told you Teddy?" In all the confusion I'd forgotten about my uncle saying he was taking a few weeks off. I begged her to give me the number where he was staying. " No Teddy, he is not available, he never leaves a number when he goes on vacation. He likes his privacy, but he is supposed to call home tomorrow night". I explained I had a financial problem with the business and needed money right away. She assured me that she would have my uncle call as soon as she heard from him. I asked her what time he usually called. My hopes faded when she said he wouldn't call till after 8:00pm. I just set the phone down and hung my head. I looked up and saw that Lynn had entered the bedroom. "Why such a long face Ted? What is wrong honey? Talk to me. Tell me what is wrong!" I looked at her then turned my head and looked out the window. I sighed then looked straight into her eyes and told her," Lynn, I owe Drew $15,000." She put her hands on her hips saying, "Drew? How could you owe him that much? Did he loan you money?" I shook my head, "No it's not like that, I made some bets with Drew and now". I looked at her and sighed again "He's a bookie Lynn that's what he does". Lynn stood frozen with her eyes drilled right at me." My god Ted how long has this been going on? What are you going to do?" I put my hands over my face and groaned, "I don't know honey,I don't know." Lynn pulled my hands down and asked, "When did you start betting? How did this thing get started?" I decided to dump the whole thing and get it over with. I told her about the gambling, the strip clubs and even about Nicole. How I had been filming Drew's friend Cooter with other women. Lynn sat there with an open mouth. She was hurt; her deep blue eyes said that clearly as tears fell down her soft cheeks. She stood there weeping, her head shaking in disbelief. "Lynn, there is more? You need to sit down for this part honey." She didn't sit but stood sobbing. "I've been trying to get the money together because I have to have it for him by tomorrow night. I tried Uncle Bob but he is out of town. I don't know what else to do Lynn and I sure as hell don't want to see you with that?" I paused, unable to say it. Lynn demanded that I finish my statement, "See Me what? Ted! See me what?" I sat quiet for a moment then belted it out, "Cooter Lynn, If I can't pay the money by tomorrow night, Drew wants you to have sex with Cooter." Lynn looked confused, "Cooter? Who the fuck is Cooter Ted?" I stood and put my hands on her shoulders trying to calm her. "I know Lynn! It's crazy. You know we won't let that happen". She paced about the room as she continued yelling at me," My God Ted, what does Drew think? That I'm some kind of slut? Just a whore for hire?" I sat down again and tried to explain that Drew got off watching wives having sex with Cooter. . Lynn frowned at me then sat next to me on the bed. In a demanding tone she asked, "Who the hell is Cooter Ted?" I put my hand on her thigh. " Just a guy Drew knows. He's a real asshole to women, treats them like they are his fucktoys. He's got this huge dick but no brains at all". She stopped crying and looked straight at me. I knew I had fucked up. Mentioning Cooter's huge cock had definitely sparked interest. If it was one thing I knew Lynn had always wanted, always needed, it was a healthy sized cock for her fatigued pussy. She tried to keep her curiosity masked and faked more sobbing. She was quiet for a moment and we both sat on the bed with our elbows on our knees leaned over looking at the floor. " I guess if we don't get the money I'll have to have sex with Cooter?" I jumped to my feet and put my hands over my ears. "Shit Lynn! Don't even say that! I'll work something out". She looked at me with a wicked little grin then put her hand in mine. "Just in case, tell me more abou t this guy, I don't want any more surprises". I sat next to her again and reluctantly told her about Cooter's barbaric sex drive. She turned towards me and listened intently as I attempted to paint an unpleasant picture of Cooter, hoping to make him sound like a beast and less like a man. No matter how I made it sound, she was only more interested. As I went on she would interrupt me asking about his cock. " How big is he Ted? What? 8inches? 9 inches?" I shook my head in frustration. She leaned away from me in controlled excitement. She put her open hands apart to visualize what we were talking about. "10 inches?" " Not ten either Lynn" As she spoke she moved her hands further apart like she was sizing a fish. She moved her hands further apart. "11 inches?" I stood and walked to the sink and ran cold water over my hands. Lynn continued her interrogation, "Just tell me Ted, you have seen him." I cupped the water on my hands, lowered my head into the sink bowl and splashed my face. The sink echoed with my voice as I growled into the drain, "13 fucking inches!" Lynn raised her hands and covered her mouth as she gasped. She stood and walked to the master bath without saying a word and started the water in the tub. She drifted back into the bedroom and looked into the dresser mirror. Without even looking at me she said " I'm gonna soak for a while, dinner is on the stove. You go ahead and eat, I'm not hungry anymore". She began undressing sliding off her short jeans along with her panties. She pulled her blouse over her shinning blonde hair and unsnapped her bra releasing her lovely breasts. Her ass was as firm and toned as ever, her golden brown bush and slim waist seemed to mock me for all the years I had ignored how sexy Lynn truly was. As she walked past me I saw that her nipples were rock hard. She slowly closed the sliding door without saying a word. I moved to the door trying to open it but she had locked it. I paused for a second then and knocked. Lynn shouted at me, " I need to be alone?just go away!" I was confused. Maybe I had misread her interest in Cooter and she was really upset about it. What if she was going to harm herself in there? I didn't feel confident enough to bother her again realizing I was already in the doghouse with her. Then I remembered the sky light over the tub. It was dark getting dark outside so I decided to sneak up there on the roof and crawl to the opening. I dashed through the house to the garage, grabbed the ladder and went to the side of the house. I climbed to the roof and stepped slowly across the shingles to the skylight then knelt down on my hands and knees. I poked my head just slightly over it and saw Lynn under me in the tub with the water running. She was sitting forward in the tub with her legs crossed. I noticed there was no plug in the tub and she was leaning toward the spout adjusting the water with her hands. I was glad to see she wasn't hurting herself. After I was sure she would be ok, I decided to get off the roof. As I started to scoot back I saw her raise her legs and scoot her ass up under the water. She laid flat on her back with Her feet crossed over the top of the water spiket letting the water fall directly between her legs onto her cunt. I stared in bewilderment as Lynn arched her back, allowing the warm bead between her legs. She pulled her labia apart with an index finger from each hand then rolled her eyes back into her head. She began to tremble as the water danced on her clit. My dick got rock hard watching her grind her hips as she masturbated. The look on Lynn's face was totally uninhibited as she pleasured herself. At first, I was relieved to know that our problem had not effected her as badly as I'd feared. Then it hit me. She was thinking of Cooter! My dick went limp in my hands as I realized she was in there fantasizing about that big black cock. It began to lightly rain as I watched her continue pleasuring herself. Through the drops of water I could see her reach back for something then place it on her stomach. It was a small jar of Vaseline. She kept her clit right under the spout as she opened the jar. Her fingers trembled as she dug into the Vaseline removing a large amount. The rain grew heavier and her image grew blurry, but I could see her ease her hand towards her crotch and work the Vaseline into her cunt. She placed two fingers inside her gash, then three, then four. She moved her hips up and down, grinding her pussy into her fingers. Before long the rain had become a downpour. I tried to see Lynn through the beads of rainwater but lost her for a moment. I leaned over and pulled the edge of my shirt out over the skylight. The rain increased even more and I could hear thunder in the distance as I looked down trying to find Lynn below me. The house shook with the storm as I caught a glimpse of Lynn through the wash of rain. She had managed to get her entire hand inside her cunt. Her feet were firmly crossed over the spout and her toes curled in tight as she pulled her ass up off the floor of the tub into the rushing stream of water. Lightning lit the night and the bathroom below me. Lynn's shaking figure blended into the shadows created by the flashes of light. I watched her use left hand to hold her lips open, exposing her clit while she fisted herself with the other. Thunder rattled the house again, stirring her just a little. She glanced up and over the edge of the tub to be sure I hadn't opened the door. She was unaware I was over her, seeing everything she was doing. She must have done this before and never let me in on it. For a moment I felt empowered, as if I had managed to participate in something she had kept from me. None the less I found it distressing that she had dashed in there to do it right after hearing that Drew wanted her to screw Cooter. As lighting continued flashing, I watched Lynn go to work on her cunt digging her fist into her belly. She turned and faced upward and bit her bottom lip. Her entire body shook in the lightning as she arched her back, lifting her pelvic area up towards her fist as she turned her head to one side. I could see her chest move up and down, her breasts heaving from side to side with nipples hard as rocks. Suddenly, she froze tight, lifted her head and looked down at her swelling stomach and came viol ently with her entire hand inside her, well past her wrist. The rain subsided as I snuck down the roof into the garage to dry off. As I toweled my head and shoulders, her heard the phone ringing. I ran into the kitchen and snatched the phone, hoping my uncle was calling. It was Daphne calling to tell us she was going to be at a friend's house for the weekend. I said goodbye and put the phone down and sighed. I didn't speak to Lynn about what I had seen her doing in the tub. I felt powerless over her and everything else that was happening. I was by nature very protective and jealous, but I felt my actions had weakened my standing in her eyes. I had caused this dilemma and I could not work up the energy for any self-righteous anger. In short, I felt I deserved what was happening to me and unfit to challenge her about her behavior that evening. Lynn never come out of the bedroom and was already asleep when I crept into our bed. I rolled the covers back and slid between the sheets. I laid on my side, facing away from Lynn. She fidgeted a little and I heard her take a deep breath. "Will you be filming me?" I was quiet for a moment the sighed, frustrated with her response to the problem. " That's what I do". I said sarcastically. She turned and placed a hand on my shoulder, saying, "I love you Ted". I wept as I put my hand over hers and told her that I loved her as well. I woke early that morning determined to find the money I needed. Lynn was asleep when I crept out of bed. I got dressed quickly and quietly and left the house. I went straight to our bank then other banks and loan agencies but everywhere I went I got the same answer. My debt ration was already too high for any bank to consider lending me money. None of my friends had any money to loan me and every member of my family with the exception of my uncle was broke. I called my uncle's house several times that day, hoping he had decided to call earlier, but Juanita said that he had not. By that afternoon, I had exhausted every possible source of money. I looked at my watch and saw that it was almost four o'clock. I had only four hours till my time was up. At that time I would be presenting Drew with the money or Lynn. The way things were going I knew I had little chance of avoiding the second option. I drove home depressed and beaten. As I pulled into the driveway I noticed Lynn's car was gone. I walked into the house and threw myself on the couch just before the phone rang. I sprang to answer it hoping it would be my Uncle Bob. I grabbed the receiver and answered with my voice cracking. It wasn't my uncle; it was Lynn's beauty salon. The lady on the phone told me that she had left her sunglasses there that morning. "My wife was at the beauty salon today?' I asked " yes Mr. Griffith, she had her hair done up real nice, her nails too! Said she had plans for tonight. She is looking awful sexy! You're a lucky guy ". I slammed down the phone and threw my hands across the counter knocking over the cups and dishes. I decided to browse through my copies of Cooter's encounters with women hoping to find evidence of his sexually deviant behavior. I thought that if I could show her how selfish he was Lynn might not want him like I feared she did. I played a tape we had made months ago where a guy had brought his wife to us then left anxious and distressed. I caught the expression on his face on tape as the door closed. He only owed Drew a few thousand but couldn't come up with the cash. His wife was one of those soccer mom types and had just had a baby a few weeks before that evening. I had seen her with her baby recently at one of my daughter's school plays. I remember salivating at her huge swollen breasts. There were quite a few other eyes on her that night, especially when she decided to nurse the baby right in her auditorium seat. Anyway, Cooter was into her for the better part of half an hour before her husband showed back up and knocked on the door. It turned out that he had found the money and wanted Drew to let his wife come home with him. While he was speaking at the door with Drew, it became obvious by his disturbed expression that he could hear Cooter grinding and grunting. He had been too late to save his wife from Cooter. He that directly behind Drew, Cooter was already pounding away at his wife. He tried to glance over Drew's shoulder as Cooter sucked her nipples, drawing milk from her swollen rock hard breasts and letting it flow all over her chest. She glanced longingly at the door where her husband stood speaking with Drew. Cooter didn't miss a single stroke as the guy begged Drew to let his wife leave with him. Cooter had finally had enough of the visitor and began taunting him, making remarks about how great his wife's pussy felt. That poor guy stood trembling as Cooter continued, "Damn nice of that baby of yours to loosen this pussy up for old Cooter? (pant)?And this titty milk is sooo sweet!" I remember laughing to myself at the time, enjoying the humiliation the guy must of felt. He just stood there helplessly as Drew gave the money back and closed the door. The scene was a favorite of all of ours, but I regretted thinking it was erotic now that I was at the opposite end of Drew's lustful power trip. I was sure that if I showed Lynn that scene she would hate Cooter. A short time later, she arrived home. Her hair looked great and her fingernails were painted deep red. I confronted her about the appointment and demanded to know why she had made it today of all days. She placed a pointed her finger on my chest and told me that she had made that appointment weeks ago and I was being an asshole. "This isn't my doing Ted" she reminded me." I didn't set out to fuck this guy! I am simply settling a bet that YOU made!" I took her hand and walked her into the living room. I told her that I wanted her to see for herself how mean spirited Cooter could be. She sat on the couch as I started the tape. Unfortunately, I had not rewound it and the scene she saw was after the husband had left again. It showed a close up of Cooter's cock, fully erect, deeply penetrating the soccer mom. I started to rewind it, but the remote's batteries must of gone dead. I started to stand and rewind the tape manually but Lynn grabbed my hand, saying "My Gawd! You weren't kidding about the size of his cock were you?" Her eyes were glued to the set watching Cooter's black cock tear into the women. The problem was, it didn't show the look on the poor gals face; that's what I wanted Lynn to notice. All she could see was cock and cunt going at each other. I had to admit the scene was awesome from that angle. Cooter's cock was at it's full glory, veins swelled to capacity and polished with the white woman's own fuck juices. Cooter had her legs spread wide, holding them back as her feet flew about in the air. His cock was swollen to its widest girth, stretching those aching pussy lips far apart with each deep thrust. I had fucked up again. Lynn watched with excitement as Cooter continued to drive his thick black cock into that pussy. Even her asshole was spread and puckered outward as he plowed into her cunt. The scene changed to another view; a shot I took a few feet away. It was a scene I took from Cooter's back and shoulders. His shoulder covered her face from her nose down, showing only the soccer mom's eyes; open wide. Lynn mistook the expression, thinking the gal was into the fuck, but I knew better. She jumped up saying she had seen enough. As she walked out of the living room she said, "I don't know what you're talking about Ted, that women wasn't trying to get away from that guy, she looked like she was into it as much as he was!" She stopped at the living room door and asked if I was able to get a hold of my uncle. I shook my head and sighed. She walked back to me and patted an open hand on my chest. "You keep trying honey, I think I'll take a little nap". She kissed me on the lips and hummed as she walked to the bedroom She paused for a second and said, "Just in case Ted? he wants us there at eight right?" I nodded then watched her bouncing as she disappeared into the dark hallway. I sat in the living room for the next few hours just looking at the walls. I called my uncle's house three times but there was no answer. At 7:00 that evening I could hear Lynn in the bedroom. I listened in agony as she got ready for the evening ahead. I heard water run, drawers open and close and the sound of her hair dryer. She was getting herself clean and smooth for Cooter. She walked by me on the way to the laundry room wearing her bra and no panties, only black lace nylons up to the top of her thighs and clipped to her waist. She smiled and said " I hope my panties are dry. That dryer is so unreliable. What time you got Ted?" I gazed at my watch and said "7:35, I'll be out in the car". As Lynn put on the finishing touches to her outfit, I sat out in the car waiting for her. A few minutes later the front doors opened and out she sprang. She was wearing a very short black dress with black high heels. She had her hair up showing off her gorgeous neck. I remembered our first date in high school and how pretty she looked coming out of her parent's house with me. I looked up at the ceiling of the car and shook my head in disbelief. Tonight I was taking that same sweet girl to screw another guy. We drove without speaking. She sat there with the ever-slightest grin on her face, knowing she was going to be getting some real dick for the first time in years. I wanted to turn at every intersection and leave town, leave the problem behind, but I knew it was pretty much a done deal at that point. We cruised into the motel parking lot and parked .We sat there in the dark looking straight out the front windshield without speaking. We were both waiting for the other to open their door. Each step we had taken that evening had been one step closer to seeing Lynn being taken by that fucking animal. There would be only one door to open after we stepped out of the car. Only a few hundred feet away, Drew and Cooter sat waiting, anticipating my wife's sex. There was nothing I could do and no way seemed right. The event would take its course as Drew wittingly planned from the time he met Lynn. It was no mistake Drew had allowed me to get in deep. He was preparing the way to this evening. Forging a path that would land a well endowed black stallion right between Lynn's legs. I sighed, opened my door and stood looking up at the room where we were already supposed to be. Lynn sat in the car with her face in the rear view mirror checking her make up. " Shit!" I said, " You're still trying to look good for that fuck!" She straightened the mirror and hopped out of the car. " Easy Ted you're yelling is embarrassing! There are other people walking around out here! There's a security guard walking this way. We don't want to draw attention to what were doing here. Let's just get going." She wasn't fooling me. In fact, she was almost pushing me towards the room. I turned and swung in the air in an act of desperation. The guard approached us and asked if everything was ok. He was a short heavyset guy who looked like he liked playing cop. He looked at Lynn and smiled then turned towards me and asked if I was having a problem. "Fuck no!" I answered, "Everything is just fine!" Lynn continued nudging me towards the stairs saying, "Calm down Ted!" He just stood there wa tching us go towards the motel room. We walked up the stairs then down the balcony walkway to the room. There was no sound. No lights! Great! I thought something caused them to cancel. We'll get home and talk to my uncle, he would of called by now. He'll save my ass! Then I heard him. "Teddy" I looked to my right and there was Drew standing in the threshold of the adjacent room." There has been a room change guy, I guess the air conditioner is down in that room. Come on in!" My heart sank as Lynn smiled and took my hand leading me towards Drew. "Hello Drew" she said softly. "hey-ya kiddo!" He hugged her then let her walk in ahead of me. As I stepped in, Drew put his hand on my shoulder whispering" Teddy, it isn't gonna be necessary for you to go through all this". I asked him what he was saying, did he except me to sit out in the car? Drew put his mouth next to my ear and said, "Carlos is back in town and he wants to earn a few bucks." I stood frozen in the door looking into the room beyond Drew. I saw Cooter shaking hands with Lynn who had forgotten I was even there. The black buck was speaking so politely with a big smile on his face and acting like a gentlemen, all the while checking her out. I tried to step in again and this time Drew stopped me with both hands. " Listen Ted, you need to stay out of this part. Believe me I am only doing you a favor guy". Lynn turned towards us with a look of concern. " You ok with this Ted?" She asked with a wicked smile. Drew put his arm around me and said, "Teddy's going to get some ice Lynn that's all". He walked me outside onto the hallway and continued urging me to leave. "Ted you aren't gonna be able to watch this. You know old Coots gonna be into her big time in just a while now. You won't be able to live with it; seeing it go down". He acted so concerned, so genuine. He was only trying to be comfortable himself. He knew it would bother him to have me there. Deep down inside he knew he was doing an evil thing, but that's what turned Drew on the most. I stood with my chest against his and said, "Look Drew I'm not leaving her here with you guys! She is my fucking wife! And I won't just walk away." Just then I felt something bump me on the back. I turned and saw a short Mexican guy with a wooden club. He held it against me saying, " Listen my friend, just go home, we will call you and tell you when to come back and pick up your wife, OK?" Drew grinned at the man then turned to me saying, "Oh yeah Ted, this is Carlos!" I stood there frozen as they both backed slowly towards the room. I could hear Lynn giggling as she and Cooter flirted. Drew turned and walked right in as Carlos stashed the club into his trousers, winked at me then closed the door. I stood outside of that room feeling more alone than I had ever felt in my life. I ran up to the door but stopped myself short of bursting in. I could hear Cooter and Lynn laughing and chatting. I turned and paced the hall, passing the room several times. Each time I walked by the door I wanted to slam it open and grab Lynn, but I knew these guys meant business. I had watched them take wives from their husbands while they begged for another chance to pay. Now I knew how they agonized while they waited at home or out in their cars as the lights dimmed and the camera rolled. Maybe they paced the outside halls like I was doing, listening to their sweet wives whimper and weep while that huge cock plowed into them. Suddenly, I remembered that Lynn had her cell phone in her purse. I could call her and tell her I wasn't being allowed in the room. I ran to the nearest pay phone and dialed the number. I got it wrong twice then finally got a ring and an answer. It was Lynn. I told her what Carlos and Drew had done, that they were keeping me from her. She paused for a moment then said, "Yes I know. Drew told me all about it. I'm sure they did what is best Ted, I got to agree that this is gonna go to your head if you watch. Besides, I don't think Cooters gonna hurt me anyway honey. Drew looks like he wants to get things going Ted, so I better let you go, ok? Go on home and I'll call you when we're done. Or, maybe you can go by that burlesque place and say hi to your sweet little Nicole?" She hung up before I could say a word. I tried to call back but got a busy signal. If there was one thing I feared more that Lynn's longing for that big cock, it was the fact that she seemed intent on making things even with me by giving Cooter the grudge fucking of a lifetime. I threw the phone down and ran back up the stairs but couldn't find the nerve to knock. I passed the room for what seemed like the hundredth time, and then I noticed a small opening in the curtain. I looked around to see if anyone was in the corridor, then bent down and peeked into the room. I saw Cooter and Lynn sitting alone on the bed. They were talking as Carlos walked about the room checking his equipment and adjusting lights. I watched as Cooter nudged his way closer to Lynn, placing his hand on her leg just above her knee. Suddenly I heard a door open. A couple from a few rooms down were stepping out for the evening. I moved away from the window quickly and walked away, trying to act unsuspicious. It was ironic that I hated what was happening in that room, but knew if I drew attention to myself, it might mess the entire thing up. I didn't know what Drew and Cooter would do then. Every other husband knew when to walk away and leave their wives to settle things for them, but I couldn't leave Lynn. I couldn't walk out into that parking lot and go home, knowing all the time what was happening at that instant. After the couple had left I darted back down the hall and looked into the window again. My heart pounded in my chest as I saw what was happening. They were both kissing deeply, Lynn's arms were wrapped around his huge shoulders and his hand was working its way up her thigh. Carlos had the camera rolling and was standing across the room. Cooter ran his hand right up Lynn's skirt as she spread her legs for him. It was the first time I had ever seen a woman working with Cooter; moving aggressively with him towards sex. They both fell back onto the bed as he lifted her skirt then placed his hands down her panties and palmed her cunt. In a few moments, Lynn would be getting the huge dick she always wanted; the fucking I could not give her. In spite of the pain I felt watching them together, I felt that I had at least kept them from excluding me completely. It excited me to think I would see what all of them wanted to keep me from seeing. Cooter worked his hand out of Lynn's panties and beg an unbuttoning her dress. Lynn reached for Cooter's crotch, rubbing the huge bulge between his legs. Just then, a hand blurred by my face. It was Drew adjusting the curtain. I don't know if he knew I was there or maybe he was only being cautious. My heart pounded heavy in my chest and my body shook uncontrolled panic. I watched in agony, as the gap in the curtain grew smaller. The last thing I remember seeing was Lynn's hand inside Cooter's pants as she kissed her way down his chest towards his belly, moving her head towards Cooter's swollen cock. I gnashed my teeth and put my hands over my head in utter desperation as the curtain closed completely! 2669 1.27/512345
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