Friday, March 30, 2012
Broken Fantasy Chapter 4
Chapter 4 "Bob, you know he hurt Sarah. You know he forced her to have his baby. That baby should have been your baby." "He made your wife get pregnant. He took away your right as a husband. He used your wife. Dante is an evil thing. He does not even deserve to be called a man." Teri was forced to have his child too. It's the same thing he did to that he did to Sarah. Patrick should have been your biological child. Your wife was raped by an evil thing. It was not an act of love. You deserved better. He used Sarah and threw her away along with the child they conceived." I told Bob we had to do something about this. I told him Dante had to die. Bob was not sure. But I said what happens if he does this to Sarah again or what happens if he puts the videos he made on the internet. I told him I knew there was a lot of risk to killing someone. But Dante deserved to die. He was probably doing this to a lot of other women and someone had to stop him. If we thought it through together we could come up with a plan and give the bastard what he deserves. Eventually Bob agreed with me. Dante had to die and we were gonna make it happen. We got together almost every day for lunch and talked after work when time allowed. Eventually we came up with a plan that we thought would work. The first step was to get rid of as much evidence about our motive as possible. We could not get rid of "our" children. But we had to get rid of any video evidence Dante had. We decided that we had to break into Dante's house and steal or wipe out every piece of evidence we could find. To do that we would need a long time alone in the house. We decided that if we both went out on a consult in the local area, one of us could slip away and do the break in while to other covered. We consult on automated manufacturing systems. We both used to be developers and provide technical support for our companies products. Now we were the experts who worked on projects for new implementations, updates, and repairs. Bob had a regular client in the local area and since I was new to the consulting group he got our boss to send me on an all day consult with him to the site. The boss thought it was his idea. At least that's how he presented it to me after Bob had suggested it. The site was in the big City about 45 minutes from where we worked and lived. So I drove Bob and I first thing in the morning to the site. I took an extra laptop with me. I parked on the street as I did not want any record of when I arrived or left. We went inside the plant and met the operations team. This was a hands off consultation. Bob was to work from the operations center at one end of this huge warehouse. He was to install the upgrade. Most of the workers in that building were sent to work in other buildings as we had control of the production line and were scheduled to have it down all morning. I went down to the production line and was supposed to report back to Bob via cell phone as we tested the upgrades we were installing. These patches were relatively minor. But Bob had told the plant operators that they were important upgrades for plant operations and system efficiencies. These guys were not very technical so they just let us do our work and did not even monitor what we were doing. I went down to the production line and setup a laptop with a web cam so I could monitor the test. Then Bob took control of the systems and we setup our own vpn network to link in my second laptop and Bob from the control room. I then snuck out a side door and headed to the car. Bob and I were talking on the cell phones as though I were there. We even called our company's tech support group for a bogus technical issue. It would have been great if Dante had taken the call. But it was Ted. We both talked to Ted and we got the "problem" resolved quickly. In the meantime I had driven to Dante's house which was on a street on the outskirts of the town we lived in. There was only two other houses on the block. It was sort of a newer development. But one they had stopped building when the economy tanked. So there were some nice tree lined streets and Dante's house had a fenced in back yard. There were no houses in the next block. So I drove around the corner and down the street from Dante's house and walked back. I used a crowbar to pry open a side window and got in. Fortunately, Dante had no alarm system. I went through his entire house and found every tape, disk, computer, TV, stereo, and whatever else I could. I made several trips hauling it all to my SUV. Before I took his computer I turned it on. He had no login protection so I opened up Internet Explorer and checked his favorites. One site was labeled Dante's Pride. It was a site Dante had setup. It was password protected but Dante's ID was cached and Explorer had his password saved. His ID was On the site were pictures of over 50 black babies including both Bob's and my own children. This was an online archive of pictures of the children he had fathered. As the site manager I was able to replace the photo files. I used pictures of cartoon characters using the same file names he had used. I did not want to just delete the site in case he had a backup. I was hoping he would not check the site and the new pictures would over write the old ones. I connected to all of his other favorites too. Most of the sites were porn involving interacial or impregnation subjects. I thought about accessing a bunch of child porn and framing the bastard. But that was not our plan. So I packed up the computer and took it back to my car. I had used gloves for the break in. But I still went back and wiped down everything I might have touched with cleaner and a rag from his house. I also vacuumed where I had walked and took the vacuum cleaner bag. I had also taken his big screen TV, his cameras, and almost every other piece of electronics he had except his big appliances. I was not careful with his stuff as I planned on destroying it. I had found two big boxes of DVD's in a bedroom closet and another full of mini DV cassettes. I had found several USB drives and a couple hard drives. He had another server with wireless router and a laptop besides the desktop in his office. I took it all. I even poked holes in his ceiling and looked around to see if he had anything hidden. I wanted to look in the crawl space under the house. I made sure there were no spy cams. I even took a reading on an electromagnetic meter to see if Dante had any surprises hidden anywhere. I was surprised that for a technical guy his security was so lax. But then again, we did live in the suburbs. So I took off back to the plant. I parked on the street again and met Bob at a restaurant close by where we had planned to meet. I had been gone for three hours. I talked with Bob regularly about the testing on the cell phone and really focused as I returned to create the impression I was there watching what was happening on the assembly line instead of driving back and glancing at my laptop to see what was going on. After Bob and I went back up to the Operations Center like we were returning from lunch although we only had coffee. We said we were about done. I went down and picked up the gear I had left on the assembly line and we headed back to our office. On our way home we took a detour out to an old shop Bob knew about in the country. His dad owned the property. He used to work on tractors there before he retired. There was a lot of tools there including some sledge hammers and a working trash compactor. Bob and I busted up all of Dante's electronic gear as quickly as we could with the sledge hammers and we cut up the metal cases into small pieces with some power saws and grinders. We separated everything that had a number on it and used a blow torch to burn or melt the numbers away. We compacted everything. We did not destroy the cassettes or the DVD's. We had decided we needed to find out what was on them. We put the crushed parts in sacks and took them to the very back of the property where we dug deep holes and buried them. We then went back to work. The stop at the shop took about an hour and a half. We told our boss we had stopped for lunch on the way back. I had parked my car next to Bob's in the employee lot. When we left work we drove to another lot where we split up the boxes of tapes and DVD's. Since there were so many we thought it would take less time if we watched them separately. We wanted to make sure there were no surprises on them and Bob wanted to know what had happened to Sarah the weekend she was with Dante. My office was now a nursery. It took Bob and I several weeks to go through the videos when our wives were not around. I mostly fast forwarded through them. I was amazed at the number of women Dante had been with and filmed. He had a pattern of starting out very romantic with a woman. He would talk them into unprotected sex. He used whatever it took to get what he wanted. In many cases it looked to me like rape. But that was usually after he had consensual sex with the woman usual wearing a condom. In other cases the women volunteered to have unprotected sex. It was strange how he would figure out what kind of protection women were using and then talk them out of it. Sometimes he tricked them. In some videos he filmed himself replacing a woman's birth control pills with a placebo in an identical package. Dante was truly sick. When he was done with the woman and thought she was pregnant he would abandon them. He did whatever it took to get rid of the woman. Some he even filmed getting gang banged while tied to a bed in a sleazy hotel room somewhere. The men in these films all wore condoms. But they were often ugly, flabby men of all races. Some barely spoke English. It looked like Dante would collect money from them as they came in. They would do sick things to the women. When they were done they would just leave. The one thing Dante would not let them do was fuck the woman in the pussy bareback. That apparently was his domain alone. Obviously, he wanted the child to be his. When they got to the hotel Dante would just tie them up and have sex with them. They were almost always consenting to being tied up. Often for the last fuck he would fuck their ass doggy style like he did to Teri. I would occassionally slow the videos down and watch. Some of it was pretty hot stuff. I would get an erection and masturbate while Dante or the men were screwing the hell out of some woman. I found Teri's video. I also found Sarah's video. I watched it all. It started with Sarah having her top off on the bed. Then Dante came into view. He said, "I'm glad you understand why I need to film this. As a black man it's easy for white people to believe that I'm a rapist. If I did not have the video a woman could say I raped her and I would go straight to jail with no way to prove my innocence." "I'm not going to complain to the Police Dante. I just want to make love with you again. Last time was so amazing. I have never been that hot and I'm pretty hot right now just thinking about it." Sarah was wearing this short skirt and she looked pretty incredible. Her tits were tiny. But her nipples stood out long and very thick. Sarah started to get up and said, "I need to go to the bathroom for a minute." Dante grabbed her from behind, held her and rolled one of her nipples with his fingers. "Sarah, Remember last time when we were making love and you asked me to knock you up? I knew you had a diaphragm in at the time. But it was pretty hot to think about what could happen wasn't it?" Sarah replied, "The thought did make me really hot. It made me cum." He continued to roll her nipple, "Sarah, think about it, how hot would it be if it were real ... if you did not have any protection, if you really might get pregnant with my black baby? I want you. I want you so bad. I want you to have my cum inside you. I want you to have my baby. Do you love me Sarah?" Sarah was breathing heavily with her eyes closed as she quietly said, "Yes, I love you." "Will you make love to me without any barriers, without any protection? Will you love me and have my baby?" "Yesss" Sarah hissed. "If you need to go to the bathroom, you may. But your bag will stay here." He let her go and she turned and gave him a deep kiss. Then she went out of the room. Dante smiled into the camera and winked. After a little while I heard the toilet flush and then Sarah came back and went straight into Dante's arms. So Sarah had willingly had unprotected sex with Dante. I had begun to think of Bob as a friend. I thought about maybe destroying this tape and telling him I never found it. Sarah had betrayed him. She had thought she was in love with Dante and he was in love with her. But even though Dante had fooled her, she had given in willingly. In the end I decided it was best to be honest with Bob and let him decide what to do about his marriage, if anything. Dante took his time and really made love to Sarah. He stripped off her skirt and panties. I was surprised and aroused to see Sarah was shaved. She looked like a very young girl even though I knew she was in her mid-twenties. He massaged her feet sensually and used some lotion he had by the bed. He licked up her bare smooth legs to her open pussy lips. He licked through them as Sarah moaned. He forced his tongue into her hole and even licked her asshole. Then he laid back and she started licking his cock. He lifted her easily and rotated body her body to a 69 position. Her pussy was planted on his tongue. He started working a finger into her pussy hole. He wet his little finger in her pussy and pushed it into her asshole while he stroked his index finger in her cunt. He was licking and using his lips to pull on her clit. Sarah suddenly stiffened and had a squirting orgasm. Her juices coated Dante's lips and chin. Dante scooped her juices off of his chin and used them to push a second finger inside her. After a few minutes he lifted her off his face and rolled her to the bed. Dante grabbed Sarah's ankles and put them on his shoulders. He told her, "Place me inside you." Sarah was staring into Dante's eyes as she grabbed his black penis and placed the head at her open pink hole. It looked like Dante was staring deeply into her eyes as he pushed a few inches of his cock inside her. He began to work back and forth as her small pussy stretched to accept his huge penis. For next ten minutes Dante sawed his penis into Sarah in long strokes. He would speed up and slow down. He would tell her how beautiful she was and how special she was. Sarah was eating it up. Then he said to her, "Are you ready to be a mother?" Sarah voice seemed to catch in her throat as she responded, "Y-Yes." Dante began stroking into her faster. "Sarah, do you want my black seed?" "Yes, fuck it into me." "Tell me how much you want it." "I want your black baby. I want you to knock me up! Fuck me, fuck it into to me! Oh God! Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me!", she yelled. Sarah went into an intense orgasm and Dante drove himself deep into her bending her in half with her feet next to her ears. He pressed all of his weight down on her and you could see his muscles all clench rhythmically. Sarah's eye were shut tightly as she screamed, "Oh God you're in my womb! Aiiieeeeee!" After he finished dumping his sperm directly into Sarah's womb, Dante laid on top of Sarah and let her legs down. But he stayed buried inside her. They kissed and stroked each other in the after glow of there passion. It was quite awhile before Dante pulled out of her with a plopping noise. The man's cock was so large he could stay inside a woman even when he was soft. My cock would simply fall out of Teri after it was soft. Then Dante got up and the tape was stopped. I told Bob I had found the first tape from Sarah's weekend and gave it to him. I told him he did'nt need to watch it if he did not want to. It showed her and Dante having sex the first night. I was careful not to say they were making love. A few days later I found a DVD with Sarah that started in the morning. It started with Sarah laying naked and asleep. There were sheets around her legs and she was softly snoring. I could tell it was day because light was shining into the hotel room through partially open blinds. Sarah was naked on her side with her top leg bent up and her right leg slightly bent underneath. The camera zoomed in on the sheet behind her which had a giant cum stain. Then it focused on her ass. There was dried cum from between her legs and covering her lower butt cheeks. Then Dante lifted up her left leg carefully and slowly so he did not wake her. He spread Sarah's crotch by lifting her leg high and then he zoomed in on her crotch. The skin around her pussy was pink as though it had been rubbed raw it was coated with a dried crust. Sarah's cunt lips were hanging and coated in the crust that was everywhere but they were also a little slimy. He pushed just a little more and her lips gaped a little there was a white glob just inside laying in her open cunt. Dante focussed the camera on his face and whispered, "I hit that three more times last night. But the job's not done." Dante gently laid her leg back down. The next shot the camera was back on the stand. Dante laid back on the bed and Sarah began licking and sucking on his cock which looked soft for once. She worked on him for ten minutes and he got large and hard. He turned around and had Sarah get on her knees facing the end of the bed with her ass up. He handed her a cordless phone and said nonchalantly, "You better call Bob." She dialed while he buried his face in her backside and began licking her out. You could hear her end of the conversation that Bob had described to me earlier. When Dante was sure she was talking to Bob, he got up behind her and entered her with one long stroke. She gasped and he began pumping in and out of her while she tried to carry on her converstaion with Bob. She said, "Oh he's fucking me sooo good!" and then she hit the button and started pounding herself back against Dante's rhytmic stroke. The rest of that DVD was just hours of sex. Dante had amazing stamina and he took Sarah every way imaginable. End of Part 4 Send comments to 8368 2.30/512345
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