Saturday, March 24, 2012
Ms. Marca Part 44
This is more in the life and times of my wild and wicked ways. This is about me? just a part of my life! Ms. Marca Part 44 "Good morning Ms Marca!" "Morning Helen!" It's Monday, 8:45 a.m. The start of another week and I just got to the club to workout. I had on my sweats and just a little lip gloss, no eye shadow or any makeup. I always have a little lip gloss on, helps from getting chapped and you never know who you might run into. In my gym bag I have my things to change into after I shower. You ask what did I bring to change into? Got something hot sexy, got jeans and a pullover to look sporty but still show my figure. Got a sexy tank top to go with the jeans and heels to make my ass look like the million dollars it has made me in the last 14 years. What I end up wearing all depends on how the next two hours go while I am working out. I undo my bag at the locker and get out my towel, cell phone and DayTimer/address book. Yes, a girl like me has a DayTimer. Been using one since I was 20, had to learn to keep my busy schedule straight. I head for the stationary bike and climb on and set the timer for 15 minutes. OK, let?s see who I had scheduled for the week and then get a plan going. With Tim in town this week it all needs to be between 9 and 5 and better set up the room at the motel or their place. No public meeting this week. Better try David first and than Jack to see if they have anyone coming into town this week. As I dial David's number I tell myself, ?I'll be a tired puppy come Friday if this week was anything like two weeks ago, but then Tim was gone all week and I pushed it just a bit too much. Got to stop doing those long hours and that all-nighter on Thursday was stupid to begin with. "David, hi hun, how are you?" "Hey baby, I'm better since you called. Your old man in town, I saw him yesterday morning putting his clubs in the trunk. Guess he was on his way to play 18 at the club?" "Yeah, had a foursome at a 10 tee time! He is in town all this week and I had you down to call you, did you want to get together or something?" "Oh, baby, you make a man get wild ideas when you say things like that, let me check my schedule and get back to you. Sounds like it will not be a late night or after work thing this week, right?" "You?re on it, big boy, make it between 9 and 5. Call me on my cell, you got the number. Later, be sweet!" Better call Jack and check his schedule. "Morning, how's my main man?" Oh, Marca baby, you sexy big-boobed, long-legged drink of water, my old cock just jumped when I heard your voice!" Well, we better do something about that, what does your week look like?" "Shit, sweet thing, lets go for it at lunch, today!" The old boy is horny, the hung bastard, damn same age as my husband, but can fuck me like he was 35. Having 9 inches doesn't hurt either. "Jack, you?re bad. Oh, by the way, Tim is in town so it has to be between 9 and 5! Rather not today, not a good day for me!" "Hold on a minute, baby, let me check the week out and, Oh yes! Hey I got Stan coming in on Thursday, you remember him? He asked about you, you can't do a late night thing this week?" "No way Jack, not with Tim in town, tell Stan hello for me! Is he in just for the night?" "Yeah, out Friday afternoon!" "If you like, I could drop by early Friday morning, you know, have breakfast with him or something!" "Oh shit yes, you could take care of his morning wood. You better put that down. I'll talk with him later today and set it up for Friday, early a.m.! Marca, best time for me, baby, is, ah, want to do Wednesday morning at the motel, say 10?" "Sounds good to me, Jack, I'll get the room. Call me back ASAP on Stan, OK? Be sweet. Later!" Perfect timing. My 15 minutes on the bike just went off. On to the upper body workout today, got to keep my 40DD in top shape. "Ring,... Ring ... Ring! Hello!" "Marca, hey baby, how are you?" Damn, who is this? I can never get a voice right until I hear it a few times. "Hello, I can hardly hear you. Who is this?" "Marca, it's Charles, your neighbor. Can you hear me now?" "Oh yes, much better. How are you and how is Kathy?" "I'm great and so is she. Hey, why didn't you and Tim come to the get-together Saturday night? I missed you, I always miss see you. Damn girl, I would like to see you, and soon!" "Oh, you?re so sweet, you missed me. I love hearing that, but I think you know that without me telling you! Tim and I had a black tie function to go to Saturday, sorry I missed the party, but always a next time!" "Marca, can I see you this week, even just for a hour? Just want to see you baby, real bad!" "Charles, ah ... not a good time, Tim is in town and what about your wife, she around this week? You know it?s best when he?s out of town and she?s over at her mother?s for the day!" "I know but, damn, it?s been weeks since I seen you. Come on, honey, please just an hour. I promise no more than an hour. Marca, where are you? I keep hearing weird sounds and you seem to be breathing hard, you OK?" "Ha-ha, I'm at the gym. I'm working out as we speak. Got to keep this body for my gentlemen friends! Speaking of friends, whatever happen to your friend from Little Rock we had drinks with a few months back!" "Hey, oh you mean Mark? He went head over heels for you, that is one of my best buyers, he has asked about you a few times. You want to see him again when he comes in town?" "Well, it might be fun, again. He was a big spender, wasn't he or did you pay for the evening and all the extra's, or something? You know what I mean!" "Oh, I saw that $400 hundred on the expense report for entertainment, so you got the $400, hope he didn't offend you!" "Charles, you?re so sweet, always thinking about me and worrying about me. Yeah, I would like to see him again, I mean if it helps you out. You know, business and all. Might not be a good idea to let him know we got a thing going, just let him think I work for you when you need a girl or something! This is making me horny talking about all this. You want to meet me at 11:30 on Wednesday at the motel, be on your lunch hour, just an hour, right!" "Oh yes, shit yes. You got it, baby, and that will fit right in for my day. You're the greatest, see you at the motel. Got to go, bye!" Well, looks like Wednesday is going to be the day this week, better call David back and get him in after 1:30. I move over to the slant board where I can do my sit-ups and the phone goes off again. *Ring ... ring* ?Hello!? "Hey, good looking woman, how is my favorite neighbor? Missed you Saturday night." "Bill? Is that you, Bill?" "The one and only. Who else but a horny old man would call you on a Monday morning, horny and bored?" "Bill, you?re not old sweetie. Hey, I should know and believe me, you're a long way from being old." The old shit is over 70, retired, widowed and takes Viagra when we get together. That old cock of his is like a young cock when he gets that little blue pill down, the man can fuck. "Where are you, baby, what is going on? Sounds like you?re hurting!" "I'm at the gym doing sit-ups. Hey, got to keep my waist at 23 and I need to get my ass back to 36 instead of this 38!" "Damn, Marca, you make a old man get excited, what you got on, honey?" Poor old fart, if he knew I had sweats on, it?d just ruin his daydream. "Well, got my tennis shoes on and white socks that come half way up my calf. Have my gray workout thong on, you know I told you about it, has the T back, my ass cheeks kind of stick out and I got on my low cut gray sports bra!" "GOD DAMN, MARCA! I bet you got every guy in the place looking at you, you teasing them, hun?" The old shit, told him a 100 times no men allowed until noon during week days, women only in the a.m. "Well, Bill, I think one or two have been looking, he-he! Getting ready to do my bending over routine. You know, spread my legs and bend over and touch the floor and rock back between my legs." "Shit, girl, going to make those boys get a boner, you just a prick tease to them!" "Bill, you?re thinking nasty again. I see a big old black guy looking at me, think I?ll bend so he can see my crack better than the others!" This will get him started, he-he. "Now, Marca, don't you be going and teasing some big old cock nigger, they get a horny spell and might rape you. You know how a nigger gets when they get horny, they just got to breed like fucking rabbits. Tease them white guys, not that nigger!" This should get his goat. "Bill, you should see this guy looking at me. He has on this little Speedo swim suit and I can see his old thing. Damn, Bill, you?re right. This black guy does have a big thing. My God, the outline in his Speedo is unbelievable. Jesus!" "Marca, you looking at him?" "Damn, shit, he saw me looking and he smiled at me!" "Marca, don't you look again, girl. That nigger will try and fuck you. I know those hung bastards, they think because they got a big dick you let them fuck you!" Damn old man, you got that right. "Oh Bill, you think he would try and force me to fuck him, on good heavens and a black man at that. Jesus, Bill, he is coming this way. I better get off the phone and, oh me, maybe I should go hide in the ladies room. Bye sweetie!" "Hi Helen. Slow in here today, don't the other ladies workout anymore?" "Not on Monday, always slow even after lunch when the men come in, something about starting the week, most of the females members of the club have kids to get off to school!" *Ring, ... Ring* You?re popular today, that thing been ringing off the hook!" She winked at me as she went to the locker rooms. "Hello!" "That you, Marca?" "Yes, who is this?" "Ah, you might not remember me. Danny, my uncle, introduced us last fall, ah ... uncle Bud, ... you came over to my apartment, we ah, ... you remember?" "Yes, I think so, Bud, oh yes Danny, ... oh yesss, yea, but sweetie, how did you get this number? This is a private cell phone number! I don't give it out to just anyone! " "You gave it to my uncle last month and you told him to call you. Ah, he said it was ok for me to call since I had, ah well, you know, he said I was one of the boys!" I giggle and then laugh a little bit louder. "Danny, you're a sweet boy, but honey, I don't just go out on dates or stuff like that. The last time was kind of a special thing, something your uncle asked me to do!" "Oh I know that, he said he would pick up the tab, 400 for the afternoon. Is that still the price? That was for a couple hours, what he said!" Damn that Bud, just because he paid me years ago doesn't mean I'm still for sale. "Sweetie, I need to talk with your uncle, give me his number and I'll call you back later, this your cell number?" "Yes, ma', it is." "Might be a while, but I will call you, don't you call me, bye!" That old motherfucker (I punch in his numbers). How dare him think I'm still on the street and can be bought. That sonuvabitch, I'm a married woman, a happily married woman. I'll show him, his big cock, and that nephew of his I don't care if he IS hung like a horse, I'm not a whore anymore! "Bud, Marca HERE!" "Hey baby, how is my girl, you good looking thing you? Hey, Danny is going to call you. You going to take care of my boy? I don't expect you to do it for a free one. You just name the figure honey and it?s yours. You're a reward to him for making the dean?s list, the kid did a 3.5 this last term, so I told him anything he wanted was his and that boy is not dumb, he wants you!" "He does. Asked for just me?" "Honey, you must have put some good pussy on him, for all he?s talked about has been you and how you made love! Shit, you must have put something on him that soap and water won?t take off!" "Oh, (giggle) Bud, you?re still as funny as always. Bud, he might say something to his folks, you know he is still just a teen!" ?Girl, you make him a man, you?re on the right track. Shit, I wish I had a woman like you when I was a teen. Ha-ha, I just remembered, my first piece of ass I had was a hog on my daddy's farm, fucked her all summer long until we took her to the butcher, haha. I ate on her all winter!" "BUD, YOU FUCKED A PIG?" "No, honey, it was a hog! Listen, Danny will be calling, do him right. If you want to set up something regular, go ahead, just let him know how much and I'll take care of it. Call me when you got some time or need some company, baby. Bye!" Well I guess I told him. Glad to see we came to an understanding about me and what I will do, and how that kid is to treat me, that old sonuvabitch! "Hi Danny, can you talk?" "Yes! God I was hoping you would call back. When can I see you, Ms. Marca?" "Well, I can't this week, I'm booked up, ... I mean I'm kind of busy this week. Next Tuesday around lunch or 1:30 your place!" "Oh, that is a week away, you can't see me before that, please?" "No I'm sorry, just too busy this week!" "Well if you can't I guess you can't, so we have a date next Tuesday?" "Yes, at your place at 1 or something like that, let me put your cell number in my save file so I can call you, and you?re not to call me after 5 on any day, understand?" "I understand, thank you Marca and I'll have the money here for you when you come, bye." How do I get myself into this type of thing? Oh me! *Ring...ring!* "Hello!" "Marca, this David. Hey baby, any afternoon toward the end of the week. Make it easy on yourself." "How about Wednesday say, around 2 at the motel!" "See you then honey, I'm late for a meeting, got to go, bye!" Damn, it?s almost 11, I better shower, clean up and get ready for my afternoon appointment." *Ring, ... ring!* "Hello!" ?Ms. Marca, Jake here. Can you talk, babe?" "Oh Jake, yes, always got time for my main man. You coming over today? It?s your day to do my yard!" "I just dropped the crew off 15 minutes ago and plan to pick them up at 1:30 or so. I was thinking I might get back to your place around 2 / 2:30. How does that sound to you?" "My husband is in town this week, so the earlier the better. He is not home before 5, more like 6, but to be safe say 5!" "Great, see you at 2. Bye!" Looks like I better call my little fag and get the works done. As I head for the shower I punch up his numbers. "Hello this is Mr. Freddy salon, how can I help you, darling?" "Mr. Freddy, you sweet thing. So you?re answering the phone these days, this is Marca!" "Oh my goodness, girl, how are you? My phone girl just went to pee. Girl, when are you coming in and let me do my thing? You know you just got to get in here girl, I just got to see you. You make my shop look so good when you're here!" "Freddy, I need to be in and out today by 1, no later than 1:30. I need my hair, nails, face and a wax on the important place done today. Can you fit me in?" "Girl, sounds like you got a hot date tonight. Something special with the hubby?" "Freddy, as always, if I told you I would have to kill you. But let me say this, it is going to be a busy week!" "Oh, you sexy thing, you?re such a bitch. You're my favorite customer, reason I love you, darling. You want one of my new trainees to do the wax job?" "Only if he?s straight, tall, dark and handsome!" "You better get in here, girl, I'm putting a fire under the wax right now. See you in a few ... love you, Marca!" My fag hairdresser, he is a funny little shit, but he makes me look good, good all over. Over the years I?ve had so many wax jobs on my pussy that I've lost count and this I can say, I'm to the point that the pubic hairs just won?t come back in like they use to. I get a wax once a month to six weeks and use the razor the rest of the time. The wax does make a difference. Got out of the shower and with a wet head and dressed in my jeans and pullover I headed for my beauty appointment. *Ring, ... ring!* ?Hello!" "Marca, I been worried. Did that nigger attack you? Jesus Christ, God help me and the rest of the world!? "Oh, Bill. No, I got out just in time. I went out the backdoor and he never knew when I left so he couldn't follow me. I'm safe! Jesus, Bill, he had a big cock. I could see the outline in his tiny swimsuit! Wow, make a girl think twice, kind of makes you horny!" "Ah, ... honey you all worked up, you get them hot flashes?" "Bill, I'm too young to get hot flashes. I said I was horny!" Damn, 70-plus and I might as well be talking to a 10-year-old. "Yeah, what I said, you?re hot and horny! Marca, baby, you want to come by and see old Bill, might can help you out!" "Oh Bill, you?re so sweet, but I been bad and Tim is making me take back some things I bought last week. Some sexy clothes I was going to wear just around the house, you know, when one of my nice neighbors stop by for coffee or something." "Marca, sounds like you went over your credit limit again. Did you, hun?" "Yes, just over 400, not that much. Tim can be so mean to me sometimes, I just try and look pretty for him, you know wear sexy underwear and little thing panties and matching bra. You seen my undies, don't I look good in them?" "Marca baby, why don't you come on by and let daddy Bill take care of that for his little girl. Just between you and me, sugar. Tim doesn't need to know!" I'm pulling into the beauty shop and still trying to con old Bill into a roll in the hay. I go in and right away get a chair for my beauty appointment. "Marca, where are you? You home, girl?" "No, I'm at the beauty shop (I whisper into the phone) ?Bill guess what I was thinking about doing today while I'm here??" "I guess get your hair done!" "Well that and I'm thinking about getting my pussy waxed! If I remember you told me a few weeks ago how good I looked in my bikini with my chooie shaved!" "Oh baby, you do look good!" "Yes, I think I will. Got to look good for my daddy Bill. Bill, you?re not going to say anything to Tim or anyone about you helping me with my bills?" "No, no, I'm not. That is just between my little girl and her daddy Bill!" "Daddy Bill, why don't I come by around 1 or 2 tomorrow and let you see my wax job and have a glass of wine and we can talk or do something!" "Baby girl, I'll see you at 1, no later than 2. Oh yes, how much does my little sugar need to get her out of trouble?" "Oh daddy Bill, 400 would sure help me!" "OK, sweet thing, I'll see you at my place tomorrow. Bye!" I look up and see Mr. Freddy tapping his comb on his open hand looking at me with an evil look in his eye. "All you good looking bitches are the same, just fuck whoever you want whenever!" I'm smiling and blushing at the same time, yes I blush sometimes. "Saadi, get in here, young man. Saadi, this is Ms. Marca, one of my best customers, my best and prettiest customers, she looks fabulous every time she walks out of here and every woman that sees her comes in and wants to walk out looking like her! I keep Ms Marca happy. You understand, young man?" I'm smiling at the young kid, who looks to be about 19 or 20. He looks middle-eastern and not bad, wonder if he?s?no, I think he?s straight. Mr. Freddy, as everyone calls him, flips a cloth cover over me and has me relax back in the chair. "Girl, you want the works, you going to endure your monthly Brazilian wax!" "Mr. Freddy, I have never been naked in public without one, not going to let it grow now." "Saadi, pull that curtain closed, make sure it is closed off in here. Yes, just like that. Help Ms. Marca with her jeans ...Damn it, boy. Don't stand there with your mouth open. Take her jeans off! Sorry, Ms. Marca, he just got off the boat from Iran or, where you from, boy?" "Jordan, Mr. Freddy!" "Well wherever, I knew it was some place in the Far East!" I laugh out loud and tell the little fag, "Freddy darling, Jordan is in the Middle East." "Oh whatever. See, Saadi, not only is she a pretty bitch, she is a smart bitch. But boy, you keep her happy, cause she is our bitch and you better not piss her off, or I will cut your balls off, something your ruler didn't do, old Sodomy Hussein!" The look on poor Saadi?s face, I was cracking up and he was trying to figure out what was what. "Freddy, Saadi is from Jordan, nothing to do with Saddam Hussein, and sodomy is something you do with your friends!" "Oh girl, don't get me started, you man-eater! Marca, honey, lift your ass, baby... dammit, Saadi pull them jeans off her!" "Allow me, Saadi,? I said, as I unhooked my belt and then reached for the zipper. I pulled it down and smiled as he pulled my jeans off my waist. I felt the legs of my pants slip down and off my ass and down my legs, just the sheet over me and my sexy white lace thong between the happy place and me. I looked up smiling at the young man, trying to do what the owner of one of the best hair salons in the city was telling him to do and at the same time trying to keep from looking at me, this boy was no fag. I smiled up at him and looked over at Freddy and saw that look on his face, it said ... (girl, you are fucking with this boy.) "Saadi, you better not hurt her, not only will you have hell to pay from me, but Ms. Marca got gentlemen friends in this town who will cut your dick off if you mess up that pretty pussy of hers!" "Saadi hun, you just go on. Freddy, let the boy be. I'll talk him through this little operation. Saadi honey, pull my panties off. I know most women keep them on when they get a waxing, but they just keep getting in the way!" I hooked my thumbs in the waist and pushed down and then, without a word, he reached up and slid the panties from my body and he put them with my jeans across the room. I felt the cold breeze of the room. There I was, butt ass naked with just my bra and little top on. I decided to give him a good show. I spread my knees apart as far as I could, placed one foot on the footrest and the other out away from me. I propped my elbow under me and looked down as he looked at the gates of heaven. He tried to keep his eyes on what he was doing, but his gaze kept drifting to my slit. I put my right hand down resting on my right thigh, which I'd flared out to the side as much as possible. Nothing was left to the imagination. The wax, in a big metal bowl, is wheeled out as the young man uses a tongue depressor to apply the wax to my crotch. I pulled my legs up and back as I spread them, giving him a birds-eye view of my pussy and asshole. "Honey, do my ass side first, make sure you get even the little fuzz on my butt, men don't like to have the little hair in their mouth or on their tongue! Well, the men I know don't, how about you?" He just let out a deep breath and groaned when I said that. The young guy went after me with the wax and soon had my ass and crotch covered with it and the paper strips down on the waxed area. Then Mr. Freddy got to working on my hair and a black girl had my hands in the soap dish doing my nails. After he had the wax on and it set up, Mr. Freddy began to tell me about some hunk he had his eye on and how sweet he was. Then he got on to a subject that most men would die to know, even the fags. "Ms. Marca, girl, I just got to know. Now girl, I don't know anything, but I been told you did the bartender over at the Hilton on the freeway! Tell me, girl, did you take all that man has, is he that hung? I just got to know, is he?" I looked at Saadi and winked. "Freddy, you would be the last person I would tell who I slept with, my gentlemen friends never kiss and tell!" "Oh you?re just a bitch, best to let that gel set for a while, I'll be back. Freddy went out the curtain and the nail girl finished and was out of the room 2 minutes later. Saadi closed the curtain behind her, then the young hunk spoke up. "Ms. Marca, best you close your eyes, time I jerk off the paper, please close eyes, thank you, pretty lady!" (Zip.) Wow, that did sting a little, but then it always does and each one seems to sting more. The things we do to please a man. Well, in my case, men. "Saadi, honey, run your fingers over my crotch, see if you got it all!" He placed his index finger on my mound and, with eyes wide open looking at my pussy, he slowly felt for fuzz and any stubble on my crotch. "How does it look, Saadi?" "Oh Ms. Marca, ah ... you look beautiful, you are very beautiful!" "Honey, I know that, but how does my pussy look and my butt, any hair or fuzz?" "Oh, it is smooth. Oh yes, very smooth!" I wanted to give him something to think about, so I slid my hand to my crotch, running a finger over my fold and up the side trying to feel for any stubble, sometimes covering myself, sometimes rubbing my clit. My slit felt so hot and wet! Finally, I slid my finger in and gave myself three or four slow strokes as I looked up into his eyes. I made sure that my lips were well parted before moving my hand away. He kept staring at my hole. You have no idea how much I wanted to finger-fuck myself for him. "You did a good job, I don't feel any stubble and after you wash it and put some cream on it, it may not be too itchy!" I smiled at him and, with puckered lips, let out a low moan. "My gentlemen friends love the way this feels on their tongues, I make them all eat it!" He just about lost it and I could see his hands shaking and I knew it was time to end the game. "Go get soap and water and wash off any leftover wax. Hurry, I got to meet someone in an hour and tell Freddy to get his little skinny ass in here and finish me." I made sure I gave Saadi a good tip and paid my bill. I let Mr. Freddy kiss me on the cheek and go on and make a big production about how I looked as I went out his lobby in front of the other customers. Looking in the rear view mirror, I check myself one more time. Damn, I was hot. That fag can make you look good. To be continued.... 1828 1.18/512345
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