Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Nikki's Vacation Fun
Nikki's Vacation Fun: After a year of saving up, months of planning and several weeks of getting my business affairs in order, Nikki and I were finally off on our first vacation since we got married four years ago. I breathed a big sigh of relief as I backed the van out of the driveway and headed down the street. "We're off...finally. I thought we'd never make it the way things have been these last couple of weeks," I said to my wife. "I'm glad for you, honey," Nikki replied. "You really need to get away. You've been working far too hard. Besides it'll be nice to get off by ourselves for a while too." It's hard to take vacations when you're starting a small business. Two years ago, after selling and installing computer systems for someone else for five years, I took the big step and started my own computer repair business. I had been doing this sort of work on the side for two of my employer's large corporate accounts to earn some extra cash and because my employer's own service department couldn't handle the complex systems these accounts were using. The repair work load finally expanded to a point where I was having a hard time handling it by myself and our basement was full of machines being repaired, machines I'd scrounged for parts and equipment to do the repairs. I was faced with a big decision when a friend who controlled another large account called to say he was very displeased with the service he'd been getting from his current repair service. He would give me the account if I'd hire an additional repairman to back me up. Nikki and I talked it over and, with butterflies in my stomach, I quit my job, rented some cheap space and put an ad in the paper for an experienced computer repair technician. With Nikki's income as a programming consultant we felt that we could get by for the first few months as I absorbed the initial start-up costs. Everything went according to plan except I had a terrible time finding the right person to hire. Most of the younger techs that I talked to had a real attitude problem. The older ones were very opinionated at to which platforms and which operating systems were great and which were "junk" or "crap" or some other four letter expletive. Our customers used a variety of systems and I knew they wouldn't take kindly to being told their systems "weren't worth shit" as one guy said about a major computer brand. One day after two very unsatisfying interviews, I got a call from Nikki. "Sweetheart, I just had an interesting call from my mother. I don't really know how you might feel about this, but she told me that my brother Bob wants to quit his job so he can continue his education and he's looking for work. He wants something that has flexible hours so he can work it around his class schedule, but there don't seem to be many jobs like that around that pay more than minimum wage. He can't afford tuition and living expenses on that." Bob had been working for a large computer repair outfit and seemed to be pretty good at it. He and I talked a lot about various technical matters, and I'd even called him a time or two when I'd been stumped by a problem. He was just the type of person I was looking for. "Hmmm. That's very interesting," I said pondering the news. "Do you think he'd want to come help me?" "That's the impression I got from Mom. She said he didn't want to ask, but he's getting sort of desperate because classes start in two weeks so he has to make a move now or wait for the next term." I really needed to get someone on board soon, so I called Bob right away and we struck a deal. Since I was concerned about cash flow and Bob needed a place to stay when he came here for college, my deal included converting my old basement electronics workshop into living quarters. He told me to leave some of the workbenches in so he could even work there at night if he needed to. We agreed on a reasonable salary, but probably much less than I'd have to pay anyone else with similar credentials. It was a good deal for both of us. The only draw back was that Nikki and I no longer had our home to ourselves. Our getting away on vacation was all the more a thrill for us because we missed our privacy. Nikki had to stop running around the house in the nude, and I hadn't had sex with my wife on the kitchen table for a long time. We used to do crazy things like that before Bob was around. Our vacation wasn't going to be anything very exotic. We really couldn't afford that. We talked about going to New York City or Chicago or even some of the other large midwestern cities, but we abandoned those ideas when we found out the cost of nice places to stay and eat. Yes, there were less expensive places that we could have settled for, but we chose to wait until we had the money to do those destinations right. Instead we decided to take a leisurely drive around some of the small towns of eastern Iowa and western Illinois and seeing some historic sights that we read about in our guide books. Since we were both from small farm communities, we thought we'd find this itinerary relaxing. Our first day out was typical of what we had in mind for our week away. We drove through a few small towns. In one we stopped and took a walk in a pretty little park along a river that ran through town. In the next we walked around the courthouse square and browsed in the shops. We were amused to find no computer hardware or software anywhere in sight. One sales clerk told us that the Wal-Mart on the edge of town did have that sort of thing, but we'd resolved not to have anything to do with computers during our vacation. We ate lunch at a small cafe on the square where it appeared many of the locals ate as well. The people were very friendly, and since I guess everybody in town knows everybody else, the first thing they asked was where we were from. I noticed a few of the men in the place eyeing Nikki, but I'm used to that. My wife is a very pretty blonde with a robust figure. She was wearing short cut-off jeans with a short-sleeved red bandana shirt that she had tied above her waist. She had been sunbathing a lot this summer so she had a nice tan and, although I doubt that anybody could really tell, my wife had decided to be naughty for this trip and she wasn't wearing a bra. In fact she hadn't even brought one along. "It's not a vacation for you if you have to wear a necktie," she reasoned, " and it's not a vacation for me if I have to wear a bra." Since I was not about to wear a necktie, I accepted her logic. By late afternoon we had made our way into another small town. We found the best looking of the two motels and took a room. Although the furniture was pretty dated, the place was clean and for $18 per night, we thought it was a real find. After we'd gotten checked in and freshened up a bit, we went out to look around for a place to have a beer and something to eat. On the way into town we'd passed a large rambling place called "Harry's Bar" that appeared to be well patronized. The parking lot was full of cars anyhow, so we headed back there thinking it was the place in town to go. As we opened the front door of the place, even before the odor of stale cigarette smoke and spilled beer overwhelmed our senses, we heard a booming voice say "Let's have a nice hand for Nancy." Then we heard applause and a few cat calls. Nikki gave me a puzzled look as we walked out of the small vestibule and into the main bar area. At the same time we both realized that we'd just entered the local strip joint. One completely nude gal was gathering her clothes from guys around the runway while the other was getting her paraphernalia set up. My quick look at both of the women on stage told me they were very pretty gals, but I was instantly very concerned thinking Nikki would be very uncomfortable here. "I'm sorry," I said to her. "Let's go find someplace else. OK?" "I didn't see anyplace else," she replied. "Look, it's alright. Let's have a beer anyhow. Then we can go find someplace to eat." "You sure?" I asked doubtfully. "I don't want you to feel embarrassed or uncomfortable." "No, I'll be fine. I would never come in a place like this alone, obviously, but I'm sort of curious. I've never been in a strip joint before. I'd sorta like to see how they do it." As Nikki and I made our way to an empty table along the side of the room, I noticed that every man in the place was looking at Nikki. The dancer who was about to start her routine had suddenly, but temporarily, lost her audience. At this point of the evening Nikki was the only woman in the audience. When I pointed out to Nikki that she had everyone's attention, she giggled and said "that's nice." A waitress soon arrived at our table, but before she asked for our drink order she asked Nikki "are you here for the contest?" Nikki gave her a funny look. "What contest?" she asked. "Oh, every Wednesday night we have an amateur contest," the waitress replied. "There's a $100 prize for first place and it starts at 9:00" she went on. "No, we're just here for a drink actually," I answered for Nikki. "Could you bring us each an Old Style?" "Oh, sure," the waitress responded. "Coming right up." "I'm sorry, honey," I said to Nikki as the waitress left. "I hope you're not embarrassed. I had no idea what sort of place this is." "I know that," Nikki replied. "It's sort of strange because every place like this I've seen has something like 'Girls, Girls, Girls" or 'Nude dancers' on a big neon sign out front. This place seems to keep what goes on inside almost a secret." The waitress quickly returned with our beers and collected $3.00 which I thought was extremely cheap for a place like this. Before she left, Nikki said "what do the contestants have to do in your contest?" I was very surprised by my wife's interest in the subject. "Well, darlin', they just take off their clothes, just like that dancer that's up there right now. Then when everybody's through, the audience votes for a winner. She gets the $100. Actually it's pretty good pay for a few minutes work if you win, but you couldn't get me up there for any amount of money. No sir." "Planning to enter?" I said jokingly to my wife when the waitress was gone. "Well, a hundred dollars is a hundred dollars. Like she just said, that's pretty good pay for a few minutes work." Nikki wasn't laughing or even smiling as she made that remark and I wondered if she might be serious about it. "Would you be upset if I did something like that?" she asked. I figured that my wife was kidding and maybe needling me a little for having brought her to a place like this so I gave her a flip response. "Nah, if you want to get up and take your clothes off in front of this room full of men, go right ahead. I do know one thing," I said seriously, "if you did it, you'd win. No doubt about that." Nikki didn't say anything more for a bit, but she drank her beer and watched intently as two dancers went through their routines. Since she was watching, I figured I could watch too, and by the time the second dancer was done parading up and down the runway with nothing on, I felt my cock getting pretty hard. The next dancer was preparing to start, and I was already imagining what she'd look like naked, when Nikki regained my attention. "Hell, I can do a better job than that," she said quietly but very firmly. "If the amateurs aren't any better than these pros I've got the hundred in the bank." My wife's remark startled me. "Does that mean you're going to enter?" I asked. "I'm thinking about it. Didn't she say the contest started at 9:00?" "As I recall, yes," I replied. "Let's go get something to eat and some fresh air and then come back here later. OK?" We found a place in town to eat and as we were having our hamburgers, I asked Nikki if she was really serious about entering the contest. "I'm not sure," she replied. "Were you serious when you said you didn't mind?" "Ya, I guess so, although I really didn't take it as a serious question. Is it the hundred dollars? Is that it?" "No, not really, although that would be nice to have for our vacation. You see, Al, I guess I've never mentioned this before, but I've always had this fantasy about stripping in front of a room full of men. Weird, huh? I almost did it once in college on a dare, but my boyfriend got upset and wouldn't let me. This seems like the perfect place to do it. No one around knows us, so there won't be any repercussions...and who knows, I might just win the money." "Holy shit!" I exclaimed. Here was my wife that I thought I knew pretty well, telling me something wilder than I'd even imagined. I didn't know what else to say. "Does that offend you? If so I'm sorry," Nikki said as she put her hand on my arm. "Let's forget all about it and head back to the motel." "No, sweetheart, I can't say it upsets me. It sure does surprise me though. It also excites me, I guess. Anyhow, I've just gotten very hard just listening to you talk about it. Let's go back to Harry's and see how you feel when we get there." As we walked back into Harry' Bar, the waitress saw us and came directly over. "So are you entering the contest?" she asked. I was about to say we were thinking about it when Nikki said "yes. How many other contestants are there?" "Four so far counting you, hon'" she replied. "And just between you and me" she whispered, "you're a cinch if you're any good at all at dancin'. I've seen the others before and they're no great shakes. Hell, if I got up there I could probably beat them." It was hard to find an empty table because the place was filling up fast. When we did sit down, Nikki noticed the look of surprise that I still had on my face. "You're not changing your mind on me now, are you?" she asked. "No. Not at all. I'm just surprised that you're really going through with it." The contest started pretty much on time and Nikki watched carefully to see what her competition did on stage. I watched intently too, but I was watching just because I like to see women take their clothes off. The first contestant went through the motions but lacked any enthusiasm. She looked like she had done this many times before and was just anxious to get done with it. "Not a very good act," I said when the first one finished. "Why do you say that?" Nikki asked. "She is pretty and she moved real nice." "There's only one thing I can tell you about what men like at a show like this," I confessed. "We want the women to look like they're enjoying taking their clothes off for us. We each want to think she's interested in us personally. She looked very mechanical and disinterested." "That's interesting," Nikki said as the second contestant took the stage. This one was much more animated than the first. She was a little pudgy, but she seemed to enjoy teasing the guys and the guys responded accordingly. I suspected that she was a local gal that did this often and really got off on it. "Much better," I said when she was finished. "Not great but a lot more personality." Dancer number three clutched and left stage without removing her panties. The crowd began chanting "skin to win". The chant turned to boos and hisses when she grabbed her clothes and ran from the stage. "Our next contestant is Rhonda," the MC announced. This was the name that Nikki chose to use just to be sure she wasn't recognized by someone who'd wandered this far from home. "Let's give Rhonda a nice warm welcome. This is her first time here at Harry's." I gave Nikki a kiss and a pat on the ass as she sashayed up to the stage. The crowd was very enthusiastic in their reception. She was the only contestant who they hadn't seen before, except for the one who got cold feet. I felt my heart in my throat as my wife loosened the knot on her shirt and began to unbutton it. I knew that her bare breasts would soon be on display, but the crowd went wild when they realized Nikki wasn't wearing a bra. Nikki's lack of tan lines was immediately apparent. She sunbathed topless in our enclosed patio so her breasts were a warm tan tipped with dark pink nipples. Her nipples stood out proudly telling the audience that Nikki was getting excited. Nikki opted not to throw her shirt out into the audience as the first dancer had done. She told me later that she was afraid she might not get it back and would have to leave the place topless. I thought that would have only added to the excitement, but I guess it was the prudent thing to do. In a minute or two Nikki began to tug at the zipper on her cut- offs. After she'd teased us for a bit, she turned her back to us and stuck out her ass as she slowly worked her shorts down over her buns. The entire crowd including me roared in excitement when we realized that a bra wasn't the only thing that my wife hadn't worn today. She wasn't wearing any panties either. When she'd slid the cut-offs down to her thighs she let them fall to the floor and stood in place slowly rocking her weight from one foot to the other. Her perfectly shaped cheeks rolled from side to side as the audience cheered. Then she took a step back toward us, slid her feet far apart and bent as far over as she could to pick up her cut-offs. Everyone in view got a fantastic open view of my wife's wet pink slit framed in brown fur. Again the crowd erupted. Nikki was a big hit. Nikki completed her show by striking various poses that made it possible for every man in the room to get a good view of her delicious pussy. As her finale she bent over again facing the back of the stage and repeated her previous pose bending over. She ran her finger tips up the insides of her thighs and finished by rubbing her fingers through her dripping slit. Finally she turned around to face the audience as she licked off her fingers and blew us a kiss. No one needed a vote to know she'd just picked up the hundred bucks. The MC called for the vote even before Nikki had a chance to put any of her clothes back on so she was still nude when the MC held his hand over her head and asked for applause. My otherwise reserved wife rubbed her left breast with her right hand while she reached down and stuck the fingers of her left hand into her cunt. I suspect that what she did was illegal but no one there was about to object and she was declared the winner. Nikki grabbed her clothes and ran back stage. In a couple of minutes I saw her trying to make her way back to our table. She was having a hard time getting through the crowd and as I watched I realized why. The men were all grabbing feels of her along the way. Some grabbed her breasts, even reaching under her shirt. Others were trying to get their fingers inside her cut-offs. One of them succeeded and I saw a look of pleasure on my wife's face as he either rubbed her clit or got his fingers into her opening. She paused for a moment to savor his touch. "That was some show," I said as Nikki struggled the last few feet to where I was standing. "Thanks. I can't believe I actually went through with it. Was I really trashy?" she asked. "I tried to be." "You were," I confirmed."The crowd and I loved every minute of it. Did you get the money?" "Not yet. I have to go back to the office. The boss keeps it in there, I guess. I'll be right back...that is if the crowd will let me." I laughed as I watched my sexy prize-winning wife head off for the office. I kept my eyes on her until I saw her go in and close the door. Then I foolishly heaved a sigh of relief thinking that her ordeal was over. When she hadn't come back out in ten minutes I began to get concerned, but the crowd had quieted back down and the regular strippers were about to come back on stage, so I ordered another beer and turned my attention back to the show. Dawn, the first dancer was a very pretty gal who really had a clever act and looked like she was enjoying herself. I was so captivated by her that I momentarily forgot my concern for Nikki. During Dawn's act she tossed her g-string my way, so I waited excitedly for her to come to retrieve it. As I waited I noticed that the other men who'd caught parts of her costume were getting a feel of her bare breasts and a passionate kiss when they returned their booty. I waited impatiently for her to make her way back to me and followed the lead of the others by caressing her breasts for a few seconds before she gave me my kiss. "Hey, mister, just what do you think you're doing?" a voice called from behind me. I turned to see my wife watching as I handed back Dawn's g-string. "Darn, you caught me," I laughed as a sense of relief passed over me. "Where have you been for so long? I was getting very worried about you?" "Yeah, I saw how worried you were," Nikki said in mock disgust. "Let's get out of here. I'll tell you about it in the car." "So what happened?" I asked as we drove away from Harry's. "Well, first Harry offered me a contract. He really wanted me to stay and dance professionaly here. When I told him we were just passing through and I couldn't do that, he made me another offer and I hope you're not upset by it." "What was that?" I said as I felt a lump in my stomach. "He offered to triple my winnings if I'd have sex with him." "Oh my gawd! And you did it, didn't you?" I said in astonishment. "Yes, I did. I hope you're not angry. Now that I've had some time to think about it, I know I shouldn't have done it. I mean that's no way for a married woman to act, and that's no way for him to operate. But when he first made his offer I was really turned on. That dance got me hornier than I remember being in a long, long time. You saw me let those men grope me. I can't imagine myself letting that happen. Then when I got in the office and he made his offer...and pulled a big hard dick out of his pants...I went nuts. I'm sorry, sweetheart...very sorry." I didn't acknowledge Nikki's apology. I was too busy trying to absorb the significance of what had just happened. This morning we left for a nice quiet vacation. Tonight I'm heading back to our motel with a wife who's just stripped naked and done very explicitly erotic things in front of dozens of strangers before going into another strangers office and fucking him. "This has the makings of a very interesting vacation," I said as I leaned over and kissed my wife. "I wonder what other unexpected incidents lie ahead." For the next few days Nikki and I did the more normal things vacationers do. We drove from town to town seeing the sights, eating, sleeping and generally relaxing. Our wild night at Harry's Bar was never far from our minds, however. As I drove, visions of Nikki flashing her cunt to her captivated audience or getting her cunt filled with Harry's "magnificent cock" kept popping into my head. No matter what we did during the day, in the evening, we always ended up talking about it. We ended each day with a passionate and satisfying fuck. On our last night out, we ended up in a motel room on the first floor. The room had a large window which looked out over a courtyard and the swimming pool. As Nikki undressed for bed, I noticed that the drapes were not closed tightly. That gave me an idea. "Do you still like the idea of undressing in front of strange men?" I asked. "Yes, I sure do. Why?" my wife asked. "Well, I don't think you've noticed but the drapes aren't closed completely. You may have already been seen by people passing by, but I was thinking of going into the motel bar and telling the men there that there is a very sexy woman walking around her room nude and with her drapes partly open. "Al, sweetheart, I was the one who left the drapes open, but if you want to get an audience for me, I'd love it. Maybe I could get dressed again and do a strip-tease for them." "That sounds terrific. You'd better get ready, because I'm on my way. I'll cough loudly when we're outside. That's you cue to start the show." I went to the motel bar and found nearly a dozen men there. "Hey guys," I yelled excitedly as I burst through the door. "There is some real sexy babe undressing in one of the rooms, and her drapes aren't completely closed." I got their attention real fast. "Where? I gotta see this!" the first retorted. "Yeah, take us to her," called another. "Ah, I'll bet she's gone by now," whined a third. "Well, anyone who wants to see the show, follow me," I called as I walked out the door. As the group gathered outside our room, I counted eleven men including the bartender who'd left his post to see my wife undress. The first of them peeked in the window as I coughed loudly. "Hey, bud, be quiet," one of them said. "You'll spoil the show." I knew my wife wasn't about to close the drapes. In fact while I was gone, she'd opened them even further. There was now an opening of nearly two feet. Nikki stood right in front of the window and began to undress. She'd put on a red plaid blouse and a blue full skirt. It was another of my favorite outfits. At first she played with the buttons on her blouse before unbuttoning it completely. She left in on, however, as she started to tease us by lifting her skirt until it almost showed something. Then she dropped it again. As she continued her tease, the men realized that Nikki knew we were there. Since only a few of us could see in the room at any one time, one of the bolder or drunker guys tapped on the window. "Hey, babe. Open the drape some more," he shouted. Several of the others thought the show would end immediately. I wasn't sure how my wife would react, but we were all delighted when she found the draw cord and pulled the drapes completely open. The light from the room now made our faces visible to her so she walked from one end of the window to the other, blowing kisses to each of us. "Wow, who is this babe?" the bartender asked. "Yeah, man. She is hot," another agreed. "Man, I'd give anything for some of that," muttered someone else. Nikki, my sexy wife, was a big hit again, and she hadn't even taken anything off yet. Finally, Nikki pulled her blouse open far enough for us to see her tits. The men cheered their approval. I was a little concerned about the noise thinking someone might call security. I caught Nikki's attention and gave her a signal to hurry things up. She threw the blouse across the room and began playing with her skirt again. This time she lifted it high enough to show that she wasn't wearing any panties for this show either. Again a roar of approval from her audience. I was starting to get real nervous. Nikki must have sensed the urgency of the situation because she quickly discarded her skirt and pranced around the room completely nude. The men insisted in expressing their delight in spite of my admonitions to keep the noise down. Nikki's finale left every cock out there as hard as a rock. She climbed onto the bed and rolled around a bit before laying down with her feet toward us. As she slowly spread her feet, she began to lift them in the air. As she did so, her pussy became more and more visible. When her legs formed a "V", she paused and then ran her fingers down her thighs until she reached her wide open cunt. She played with herself for a few seconds before licking her fingers. I heard voices approaching just as Nikki was blowing us a final kiss. I signalled her to close the drapes. She did just as a security guard and the manager walked up. Our group disbursed without incident. Even the bartender was able to get back to his post without being seen. The only remaining evidence of my wife's blazen display were eleven hard cocks. Before I went back to our room, I stopped back at the bar. I wasn't going to let this erotic experience end so quickly. I thought the bartender looked like the type Nikki would enjoy. "How'd you like the show?" I asked as I took a seat at the bar. "Jeez, man, that was terrific. Do you know that woman?" he asked sounding rather envious. "Sure do. She's my wife." I answered proudly. "You're kidding!" "Nope. That's the missus. Every inch of her, in fact." "You're one lucky guy," he went on. "I'd sure love to have something like that waiting in bed for me." "Would you like to see her closer up, and maybe get a sample of just how sexy she is in person?" I asked. "Hell, who wouldn't?" he answered. "How soon do you close?" I asked. "I can close whenever I want. The other guys in here are mostly my buddies anyhow. Why?" "Why don't you and a couple of your buddies come by our room in half an hour or so. Bring along some beer and maybe a bottle of champagne. Maybe we can persuade my wife to do another show for you...something a little more personal even." "You serious man?" he asked doubtfully. "Sure am," I answered. "We'll see you in room 111 in half an hour." I practically ran back to our room. "Where have you been?" Nikki asked. "I was afraid you guys got in trouble. Is everything all right?" "Sweetheart, it's more than all right. It's fantastic. Your show was a big, big hit." "I'm glad you liked it," my wife replied. "Did the other guys like it too?" "They liked it so much some of them are coming by in a few minutes for a closer look," I said. I hoped that Nikki would be excited by the idea, but I wasn't at all sure. This part was something we hadn't talked about. I just figured that since she'd let Harry get in her pants, she was open to the idea with these other guys. I knew the very thought of her doing it with them had already made me very hard. "What do you mean by a closer look,'" Nikki asked. "Well, the light wasn't very good from out there and the glass was sort of in the way, so they hoped they could see better if they were in here. We wouldn't have to worry about security either. Is that OK?" "I don't know," she said. "It sounds sort of fishy to me. I'll see." I was a little worried that Nikki didn't like the idea. I did notice, however, that she didn't bother to put on any clothes even though she knew we were about to have guests. The bartender and his two friends arrived five minutes early. When we heard the knock at the door I thought Nikki might take that as her cue to put on a robe or go into the bathroom, but she didn't. When Nikki showed no signs of covering herself for our guests, I asked if she wanted to open the door. She didn't bother to answer, but walked over and threw the door open. "Hi fellas. Come on in," she welcomed them. I watched as three jaws dropped open. I guess none of them were used to being greeted at the door by a beautiful naked woman. "You guys have sort of met my wife, Nikki," I said in greeting. "Hi Nikki. I'm Todd," said the bartender. "I'm Jim," said one friend. "And I'm Ben," said the other. "Well, I'm naked and I'm horny," my wife said. "Todd, would you mind pouring me a glass of that champagne." It was my jaw's turn to drop as I listened to my wife's bold acceptance of what she must have realized I wanted to happen. Todd uncorked the bottle and handed Nikki a glass of champagne. She took it and laid back on the bed in a very seductive pose. Her legs were pointed toward the three men with her thighs parted just enough to give a partial view of her pussy. She lifted the glass to her lips and took a small sip. Then she spread her thighs further so that the entire length of her slit was visible. She held the glass over her pussy and poured a small stream down onto her cunt. "Would any of you men like a taste?" she asked. The three men stepped forward at once but Jim was the quickest and I watched as his tongue dipped into my wife's champagne flavored slit. I nearly came from the sensation. Todd didn't want to be left out so he stripped and climbed onto the bed. His cock was sticking straight out and looked to be about seven inches long. He took Nikki's champagne glass and poured a bit of its contents onto his pole. "Would you like a taste of mine?" he asked. Nikki quickly began licking the head of Todd's tool. I watched closely as she circled it with her tongue. The sight of my wife getting and giving head was an erotic experience unlike any other I've known. Nikki sucked Todd's cock into her mouth as Jim increased the intensity of his licking her pussy. "Come on Ben," I said. "Let's not be left out." I poured some champagne on each of Nikki's breasts and pointed at one as an invitation to Ben. He had already undressed anticipating being part of the action so he climbed onto the bed and began to run his tongue in a circle around Nikki's left nipple while I did the same to her right. I could hear Nikki beginning to moan softly. I think Nikki was too engrossed in sucking Todd's cock and enjoying the sensations caused by so many tongues on her body to notice when Jim stopped eating her and moved up over her nude body. I saw him and watched carefully as he placed his cock at the entrance of her vagina. He lunged forward and my wife was instantly impaled on his erect dick. Nikki and I gasped simultaneously at the sensation of his penetration. I was so excited by the sight of another man fucking Nikki that I couldn't breathe for a few seconds. I sat back and stared at the juncture of Jim's cock and my wife's wet cunt. Slowly Jim began moving. As he increased the tempo Nikki let Todd's cock fall from her mouth while she concentrated on the pleasure of her loins. Her soft moans increased in intensity and volume as Jim's cock pistoned faster and faster into her. Suddenly Nikki threw her head back. "Aaaghhhh," she shrieked. Jim didn't break stride as he worked toward his own orgasm. Just as Nikki began to respond again to his thrusts, he came. I had just seem my wife take a load of another man's cum. The two of them laid motionless for a few seconds before Nikki returned her attention to Todd's still raging tool. She sucked him vigorously until Jim had moved out of position. I looked at Nikki's pussy when Jim withdrew and saw a stream of his cum running out of her. It was incredible. That's the only the word I know that comes close to describing it. I continued to stare at my wife's recently fucked cunt until my view was blocked by Todd as he moved into position to take his turn. While I watched Nikki was penetrated by another cock. Ben moved up by Nikki's head and placed his hard prick in her mouth. She immediately began to suck on it while Todd started ramming into her. Todd didn't begin slowly like Jim had done...perhaps because Nikki was full of cum and very slippery. Instead he put the pedal to the metal and gave my wife every ounce of his energy like he was running a hundred yard dash. Nikki backed away from Ben's cock. "Just a minute," she said to Todd. Then she pulled away from him and let his cock fall out of her. I watched as a glob of Jim's cum came out with it. Nikki turned over onto her hands and knees and said "now fuck me, Todd. Fuck me hard." As soon as Todd reentered her, Nikki reached back and began to rub her clit. In her new position and with her own assistance Nikki came quickly and Todd came seconds later. Then she fell forward onto the bed with Todd on top of her. Nikki recovered quickly and Todd crawled away and sat down on the floor as he continued to recover. "Ben, baby, it's your turn. Let's see what you've got," she said. "Lie down here and let me get on top this time." In one motion, Ben was prone on the bed with his pole waving in the air. My wife climbed up over him and looked back at me as she positioned herself over him. Slowly she settled down onto Ben's cock. As she did, she blew me a kiss and whispered "I love you." Of all the positions she'd been in this one was the best for me. I had a perfect view of Ben's cock as it moved in and out of my wife's cunt. She bounced up and down slowly at first. I saw Ben reach up and begin to knead Nikki's breasts with his hands. She increased the tempo of her movement before settling down onto Ben's tool and rocking her pelvis back and forth. Ben began rotating his hips to match Nikki's movements. Both of them began making moaning sounds indicating that success was close at hand. The intensity of their noises grew steadily until I heard a duet of passion when they both went over the top. Both of their bodies were rigid for a few seconds. Then Nikki collapsed on Ben's chest. They stayed that was for several minutes. I was too mesmerized by the sight of Ben's cock still implanted in my wife's cunt to do or say anything. As I watched his cock slowly shrank and finally the tip of it appeared followed by a flood of cum. It was no wonder why so much white fluid escaped Nikki's opening. She had three loads in there...three big loads based on how they felt when they blasted into her, so she told me later. When Nikki recovered enough to move, her three lovers gathered up their scattered apparel from around the room and began to get dressed. Nikki sat up on the bed looking like a tired but satisfied woman. When they headed toward the door, Nikki held out her arms to them. They each got a passionate "thank you" kiss. She stroked each of their cocks through their pants and said "thanks for sharing these with me. You are all wonderful lovers. I had a marvelous time." When our guests had left Nikki suddenly seemed very pensive. "Are you upset with me for acting that way?" finally asked. "Sweetheart, how could I be upset when I set it all up. My only complaint is that I haven't had my turn yet." "Well, that's easy to fix," she said as the laid back down and held her arms outstretched inviting me to take her. "I have to have some champagne first," I said as I picked up the bottle. I poured champagne on Nikki's cum filled cunt as she watched in dismay. "What are you doing?" she asked. "I'm going to have my taste now," I replied. "You can't do that," she answered. "That's a mess. At least it sure feels like a mess." "Well, it looks like a mess too," I assured her with a laugh. "Here, would you like to see it?" I continued as I reached for her mirror lying on the dresser. I held in for her so she could see her cum matted and cum filled pussy. "It looks like my wife has been busy, doesn't it?" "That looks pretty slutty, if you ask me," she replied as she pushed the mirror aside. "Yes, that's a good word for it," I agreed. "How does it feel to have three loads of cum in you? It sure was fun to watch them being put there." "Did you really enjoy that?" Nikki asked. "It was a lot of fun for me. I've never come so many times or had so much attention, but I don't see what was in it for you." "I loved it!" I said emphatically. "I can't explain why though...but enough said. I think it's a husband's solemn duty to clean up his wife after she's been a slut." I dove between Nikki's thighs and began eating her. I didn't know what to expect with the combination of the champagne, cum from three different men and Nikki's own juices, but I found the taste and sensation indescribably terrific. Nikki protested and tried to move away, but when I wouldn't stop she soon acquiesced and let herself enjoy my efforts. "You know, sweetheart, I love having my pussy eaten, and you do it so well. You're much better at it than Jim." After I got as much of the cum out of her as I could, I finally took my turn fucking my wife. We fell asleep as soon as we both came. I was still lying on top of her, I think. The next morning we had to get packed and on the road early because we still had a good day's drive ahead. Nikki seemed somewhat distant while we packed and had breakfast although she did assure me that she felt fine. We exchanged a kiss and "I love you"s, but I knew my wife's mind was elsewhere. When we got on the road I decided that it would be best to clear the air, if there was a problem about last night. I didn't want us to return from vacation with any bad feelings. "So how do you feel about last night?" I asked figuring I might as well be direct about it. "I don't really know," Nikki replied. "How do you feel?" "To be honest, I loved it," I said, "but it's more important how you feel?" "Why's that?" she asked. "You were the one whose wife cheated on you...and for the second time on this trip." "Is that how you'd describe it?" I asked. "It's not a matter of how I'd describe it," she replied. "That's just what it was. I had sex with four other men. That's cheating." "Did you enjoy the sex?" I asked as I tried to change our approach to the issue. "Oh, yes. I enjoyed it a lot. I'm sure that was pretty obvious, at least last night when you saw me doing it. You see, I guess that's what's really got me confused," Nikki confessed. "What do you mean?" "Well, I feel guilty about what I did, but I enjoyed doing it so much...and have this strange desire to do it again sometime." "If what you did is OK with me, what have you got to feel guilty about?" I asked. "You know, I really enjoyed it too. I enjoyed last night especially when I got to see those three guys doing it with you. The feeling I got when I saw each of their cocks enter you was unbelievable...and unexplainable, I guess." "That sounds really strange to me, I must admit, but if you say you really liked it, I'll take your word for it. I guess it doesn't really matter much now anyhow. Tomorrow it's back to the world of computers and other mundane things. We'll even have to start being careful about having sex again because of Bob," Nikki lamented. "True," I replied, "but there's always our next vacation. With your three hundred dollar prize money, maybe next year we can go to St. Louis." "Hmmm, that sounds like fun. I wonder if they have any amateur contests there." "I sure hope so," I replied. My cock started getting hard at the thought. 6865 1.56/512345
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