Thursday, March 22, 2012
Scrabble on Tuesday Night
SCRABBLE ON TUESDAY NIGHT By Gregory My name is Alan and I am 26 years old. My wife, Danii, is 24 and we were teenage sweethearts and both virgins when we married 3 years ago. I have always had a preoccupation with the size of my cock which I have kept a secret from Danii. My cock is 6 inches long and of normal thickness. Two months ago, while my wife was visiting her parents on a Friday night, I went out for dinner to one of the hotels in our town. After dinner I got up and went to the men's toilet. I stood next to a middle aged guy wearing an expensive suit. I always take a sly peek sideways when I'm in this situation and tonight was no exception. However, this time was different. I noticed two things: (i) this guy's cock was longer than mine and extremely thick and (ii) he seemed to be stroking it. When I looked up I was somewhat embarrassed to find he had noticed me looking at him. He grinned and asked 'Do you think it's large enough?'. I was lost for words as he continued 'would you like to feel it?' I said nothing but my heart was racing and I had a funny feeling in my stomach. I had never touched another man's cock before but tonight I reached out and grasped his semi-turgid member. It began to harden becoming longer and, incredibly, even thicker. It must have been 2 to 3 inches longer than my cock and my fingers were barely able to circle this huge cylinder of flesh. I was just captivated and found that I could hold the shaft in both of my hands (like a baseball bat) with room to spare for the large bulbous head. The cock felt so heavy and powerful as I held it and, in some sort of strange, primal way, I felt inadequate and subjugated in the presence of this well dressed middle-aged man. I eventually snapped out of this trance and quickly removed my hands and stammered 'What do women think of a cock that large?' He answered with a smug look on his face 'pretty much the way you seem to, they just love it'. Surely they can't fit it all in though,' I said hoping to wipe some of that smugness off his face. He countered with a large grin 'I'm yet to meet a woman who finds it too thick, although some can't accommodate all of the length. He looked down and noticing my wedding ring asked if I was married. When I said yes he said 'I bet your pretty little wife would love the opportunity to feel a cock like this inside her. I should have told him to fuck off but the thought of Danii feeling what I felt turned me on intensely and I replied meekly 'she probably would, but how can we organise it?' He suggested that I ask him around for dinner next week and we'd take it from there. He took a pen and wrote 'Carlos' on a napkin followed by a telephone number. The next day I told Danii that I met a Spanish guy I used to work for during University vacations and that he was coming over for dinner next Monday. I then rang Carlos and we concocted a brief story to explain how we knew each other. Monday night couldn't come around quick enough. My mind was full of fantasies about Danii and Carlos all weekend and I virtually got no work done on Monday. The doorbell rang at 7PM on Monday night and I went to answer it. I opened it to find Carlos wearing a pair of white lycra bicycle shorts and a long t-shirt. He smiled and winked at me as I let him in. I then introduced him to a bemused looking Danii. He explained his attire by saying that that his clothes drier had broken down and this was all he could find to wear. It seemed a weak story to me and when he sat down on the couch I think I discovered the real reason. With his legs apart his cock and balls made was a large, impressive bulge that one would have to be blind not to notice. His white attire also emphasised his dark olive complexion and accentuated the fact that he was in excellent physical shape, probably due to working out a gym. I looked across at Danii and wondered if she also noticed what I saw. We sat down for dinner and Carlos turned out to be excellent company. He was charming, witty and exuded confidence without appearing overconfident. After dessert he got up to go to the toilet and when he returned I was surprised to see that the he had tucked his long t-shirt into the front of his lycra shorts. It was obvious that he wasn't wearing any underwear and the outline of his semi-turgid cock was clearly visible through the stretchy white lycra material. I looked at Danii and she was staring at the monster cock that I had held in both hands not more than 4 days ago. Instead of sitting in his seat Carlos made a point of reaching over the table for a bottle of wine so Danii could get an even better view. He held the bottle next to his bulging shorts and asked Danii if she would like to be filled up. Danii was visibly distracted by this obvious play on words and her face became flushed. However, she composed herself with a small cough and held out her glass and, in an attempt to tear her eyes away from what she saw, looked up at Carlos's face. He was wearing that same smug expression that I had noticed at the urinal 4 days ago. After more wine and coffee Carlos eventually departed. At the door he suggested that we play tennis the next day. I agreed and said that he should stay for dinner again if it was OK with Danii. Danii said 'sure' and Carlos thanked me for introducing him to my beautiful young wife and thanked Danii for a wonderful evening before reaching down and kissing her goodnight. Danii and I were left alone. We did the dishes without uttering a word to each other and then went to bed. A few minutes after I had turned the light off I felt Danii's hand on my cock which was rock hard. I was surprised because Danii had never initiated sex before, even when we were 16 year olds. Danii began to pump my cock but I had to remove her hand otherwise I would have cum immediately. Danii then straddled me, something she has only done once before and on my insistence, and rubbed her breasts in my face. She guided my rock hard cock into her pussy which was so wet that I easily slid in up to the hilt. Because I was so excited I came after only 4 thrusts. Danii slid off me with obvious disappointment. I apologised but she said nothing and with her eyes closed and her legs wide apart she quickly masturbated herself to a climax. All the while softly moaned. After 10 minutes my cock was hard again and I entered Danii from the side. This is a position that we often fuck in as it allows me to see my cock going in and out of Danii and doesn't require much energy. While I was thrusting in and out I asked Danii if she had seen the large bulge in Carlos's trousers. She said yes and I looked up to notice that her eyes were again closed and she was smiling. At the same time she allowed her hand to drift down to her pussy and began to finger her clit. This also surprised me as Danii has only ever come once a night, although after 3 years of marriage it was more like once a month. Once again I came too quickly for Danii, who had to finish herself off again. However, she didn't seem to mind. Instead of going to sleep Danii started asking me questions about men's cocks. She wanted to know about the biggest one I had seen. I lied and said that when erect men all have about the same sized cock (my size). She didn't seem convinced and suggested that Carlos's cock must be much thicker, if not longer than mine. I lied again and said that Carlos probably kept a pair of socks down his trousers to impress ladies. Danii smiled at this and then fell asleep. The next day I met Carlos at the tennis court. He was wearing the same pair of lycra shorts that he'd worn the previous evening only his tshirt was much shorter allowing anyone to see his impressive assets. He didn't really want to play tennis and told me that he had only suggested tennis so that he could once again wear his shorts and show Danii his substantial assets. We went off for a few beers before we headed home for dinner. We turned up quite merry. Danii greeted us at the door and looked incredible dressed in a tight fitting long skirt with a split up the middle and a white shirt that emphasised her large breasts and slim waist. She had let her hair out and with full makeup on looked stunning. Carlos couldn't give her enough compliments which she greedily lapped up. She asked him, in a obvious reference to our conversation in bed the previous night, whether he carried a spare set of socks with him when he played tennis. He didn't understand what she was on about and said 'of course not'. Danii then looked at me and said 'I didn't think so Alan' before heading for the kitchen. Danii served Carlos and I dinner and in doing so made sure that the split in her skirt gaped open from time to time. I could just see the tops of her white stockings and wondered if she was wearing the white silk suspender belt and matching teddy that I had given her on her on the eve of our wedding. I was to find out later that this was indeed what she wore. Danii was in sparkling form during dinner openly flirting with both Carlos and I. After dinner I suggested that we play scrabble. Carlos sat down on an armchair while Danii chose the lounge suit directly opposite the armchair. As she was wearing a long thin skirt she wasn't able to cross her legs and as our chairs are quite low, I'm sure that she treated Carlos to an excellent view of my white silk wedding present. The scrabble game became very risque as we had all had enough to drink to loosen any inhibitions. Words like 'PUSSY' and 'BREASTS' cropped up but things got really hot when Carlos laid down the letters 'XLPENIS' over a triple letter score and suggested that had given him enough points to win the game. Danii protested that there was no such word. Carlos said that it was a word used to describe an extra large cock. I piped up and said that abbreviations weren't allowed. Danii then said flirtingly 'I can accept a penis but I'm not so sure about an extra large penis'. Carlos responded by assuring her that an extra large penis was just what she needed. By this time we were all laughing. Dannii then challenged Carlos to verify the word's authenticity by finding it in the dictionary. Carlos stood up and said 'I don't need to, this is all the verification that you need' and slowly peeled his lycra shorts over his massive semi-erect penis. Danii just stared and said 'Oh my God Alan it's huge'. Carlos, repeating the words used to me in the men's toilets said 'would you like to touch it?'. Danii, without hesitation replied 'oh yes please' and reached out to grasp it. Carlos's cock jerked and twitched as Danii's fingers touched it and she squealed with delight and began to play with Carlos's cock like a child would play with a toy. Her fingers were not able to circle it completely. 'It's so heavy and thick' she exclaimed as it hardened to it's full size and she just kept repeating the words 'Oh my God', then without any prompting began to lick and suck on Carlos's pole, making it shiny. She could just fit the bulbous head into her mouth. Carlos then stood up and gave me an order. 'Alan I would like you to slowly undress your beautiful wife and then present her to me.' With a knot in my stomach I stood behind Danii and slowly removed all her clothes except for her teddy and her suspenders and stockings. Carlos began to run his hands over her curvaceous body and said that he would enjoy introducing my beautiful wife to the pleasures of his XLPENIS. Danii's full breasts fell free after I removed her teddy and Carlos cupped them kissing each erect nipple in turn while repeating the words 'excellent' and 'pefect' as he did so. He the proceeded to give Danii a long passionate kiss before again moving away. After I removed Danii's stockings Carlos suggested that she kneel down doggie style allowing me to fuck her while I watched her suck his cock. Carlos said that this was necessary so that Danii was well prepared for his much larger manhood. Danii took her panties off and passing them to Carlos said 'that's not necessary Carlos, I'm wetter than I've ever been before'. Carlos took the panties and verified this by pressing them against his nose and inhaling as if they were fine wine. 'That may be the case Danii but there is something I must show you first, come here Alan.' I went over to stand next to Carlos. He undid my trousers and removed my rock hard cock (no man has ever touched my cock before) took it into his hand and placed it next to his monster. My cock was dwarfed, making me feel like a little boy. 'This', he said while squeezing my shaft, 'is what you've been getting, while this', dropping my cock and holding his cock, 'is what you're about to get'. His cock was thrusting straight out looked incredibly menacing and so big and powerful. 'Now prepare your pretty wife ready Alan.' Danii assumed the doggie position while Carlos knelt in front of her. From behind I got an excellent view of Danii's work on Carlos's cock as he ran his fingers through her hair. I entered Danii but was so excited that I came after only 4 thrusts. Carlos noticed my performance and said 'poor Danii, not only is your husband's cock inadequate for you, he still hasn't learnt how to use it. Never mind I'll remedy this appalling state of affairs for you tonight.' I felt humiliated. Carlos instructed me to lie underneath Danii while he took over, this would then give me a excellent view of the pleasure he would provide Danii. I obliged and lay under Danii and watched as Carlos prepared to enter Danii from behind. As Carlos placed the head of his cock against Danii's pussy she moaned and when he forced the huge bulbous head into her I heard a sharp intake of breath followed by a long sigh from Danii. As Carlos worked more and more of his massive cock into Danii her cries became louder and louder. She was saying things like 'so big, fuck me Carlos, that's so Good, fuck me hard, fuck me with that spanish cock Carlos, soooo big, soooo good'. I felt humiliated again as Danii was almost silent when I fucked her. From my vantage point I could see Carlos's massive organ stretching the head over her engorged clitoris and as he moved his cock in and out I could see that her clitoris was getting a good working over. 'Well Alan it looks like your wife's pussy will be able to accommodate my entire cock after all' said Carlos and then he asked Danii how it felt. She just asked him to fuck her long and slow which Carlos did in a masterful fashion to her obvious and abandoned joy. My cock was again rock hard and I reached down to pump it with my hand. It must have only been inches from Danii's face but I suspect she had her eyes closed and couldn't see it. Anyway, once again I came almost straight away shooting my wad into my wife's face. Danii snapped angrily 'Fuck off Alan, Carlos is right you are hopeless'. Deflated, I slunk out from beneath Danii and continued to watch from the side. Danii had two shuddering climaxes during the 30 minutes that Carlos fucked her and each time Carlos looked at me with a malevolent grin that stretched from ear to ear. 'I can't thank you enough for introducing me to your wife Alan' he said just before he shot his load into her. They then collapsed on the floor and with his arms around her Carlos bent over and whispered something in Danii's ear. She looked at me and said emphatically 'Yes, you win Carlos.' Carlos then whispered something else in her ear and the two of them got up and walked arm in arm to the shower. Half an hour later they returned, Danii in her bathrobe and Carlos in mine. Danii led Carlos over to the rug in the middle of the lounge room and pulled his robe aside to reveal his still massive cock dangling between his legs. 'I'm not finished with you tonight Carlos' she said and knelt in front of him and sucked his cock until it was hard again. When it was hard again Carlos led her over towards me and standing behind her slowly opened her robe and cupped her breasts in his hands, she moaned and closed her eyes as he lifted up her robe from behind and with her legs slightly apart thrust his huge cock between them. 'Alan, introducing me to your pretty young wife, this beautiful creature is probably the stupidest thing I ever seen anyone do' said Carlos mockingly. By this time Danii had arched her head back on Carlos's shoulder and with one hand running through his hair she used the other one to force her clitoris onto the huge pole that was by this time sliding in and out between her well lubricated legs. Carlos led Danii back to the rug and lay down on his back. Danii knelt between his legs and continued sucking his cock which was shiny from her juices. As she bent over I could see he puffy pussy lips and the gaping hole that Carlos had created. After a few minutes Danii changed into 69 position, ground her pussy into Carlos's face and looked at me sexily while she licked the tip of his cock and muttered 'pair of socks, my arse'. As Carlos began to eat her she groaned and with eyes closed said 'Carlos your tongue is fantastic, could you please give Alan some lessons'. Carlos stopped what he was doing and said 'Why I live just 2 minutes away and, in any case, I can give you much more that Alan ever can'. 'Yes' said Danii 'much much more' and came again in another shuddering climax. She then spun around and straddled his cock guiding it slowly into her pussy. They fucked for what seemed like an eternity and Danii's cries of delight and ecstasy as she came again must have been heard by the neighbours. I watched as Danii madly rode Carlos's powerful tool and looking down at my flaccid penis felt utterly vanquished as Carlos thoroughly conquered my pretty young wife. I began to regret ever meeting Carlos. 3978 1.28/512345
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