Monday, March 26, 2012
The Back Seat
The Back Seat by Susanna's Husband Maurice and Teresa had been bugging us to stop by and visit them for years. At one time we were the best of friends, until Maurice landed a job in Atlanta and they were forced to move away. Of course we kept in touch, but for one reason or another we never got around to making the eight hour drive to see them. This year however, Teresa finally managed to convince Susanna and I that we should stop by for a day or two on our way home from Florida. Not that we really needed any convincing so to speak, because we were really looking forward to seeing our good friends again after such a long time. On the surface nothing had changed. They were still the fine hospitable couple we remembered. An attractive couple in their lower 40's, Mo was a tall, well built black man standing 6-4 or 6-5 with an athletic build. Teresa was shorter, about the same height as my wife, although slightly over-weight. She was still a very attractive lady, and there was always something about her that men found sexy. Since the kids were out of town with their grandparents, Mo and Teresa wanted us to spend the entire week with them, but unfortunatley prior engagements prohibited us from staying more that just a couple of days. The day went well, and as evening fell, we relaxed in the living room, sipped on a couple of bottles of wine and reminised about the good ole days. About midway through the evening, Teresa decided to slip into something a little more comfortable and suggested that Susanna do so as well. The girls were gone for about a half hour and when they returned, they were both wearing rather provocative little outfits. The nighties were identical except for the color. Teresa was wearing a beige colored silk chemise with spaghetti straps and a low cut neckline. Susanna's outfit was red. Very dark and shimering, almost maroon. Both ensembles were short, not much more than covering their asses, and snuggly fitting their every curve. Needless to say, both Maurice and I were captivated by these two beautiful ladies. Playfully they teased us, by showing off their sexy outfits. Susanna looked nothing short of delicious, her 5-2 36c-24-34 body accented by the suggestive material. I couldn't wait to get her into bed and fuck the living hell out her. Mo and Teresa must have felt the same way too. Before long they were becoming very affectionate. Occasionaly the conversation would be interrupted by the two of them becoming entwined in a passionate embrace. Before long the wine and soft music began affecting Susanna and I as well. As we cuddled on the couch my lips eventually found hers and we were lost in the moment. As our tongues swirled together I caressed her firm body, my hand instinctively moved to her breast. Susanna didn't even flinch. Which was a little unusual since we were in the presence of others. Between kisses we glanced over at Mo and Teresa. With her strap moved down her arm, Mo was kissing and nibbling her neck. His hand was caressing her naked dark breast. Little by little he moved lower until her nipple was in his mouth. We were almost convinced they were going to make love right in front of us. A few minutes later a song that they liked came on the radio and they decided to slow dance in the middle of the room. Teresa fixed her strap to hide her tit and together they begain to dance. After a while they invited us to join them, which we did. I'm not sure it was much of a dance though, it was more like a collage of touching and feeling and kissing and caressing. Toward the end of the song, Mo suggested that we change dance partners. Before either of us could really say anything, Susanna was in his arms and Teresa was pressing seductively against me. It was strange, yet exciting to be dancing so intimately with another woman. One thing Teresa and Susanna had in common was that they both became very affectionate when they were tipsey. Tonight was no exception. Teresa and Susanna both loved to kiss and before long my new dance partner was nibbling on my neck. Although understandably aroused, I was greatly relieved when the song finally ended. When it was over, Susanna slipped back into my arms as Teresa returned to her husband. Although my wife and I were caught a little off guard by this impetuious moment, Maurice and Teresa didn't miss a beat. Within seconds they were back on the love seat entangled like newlyweds. In order to catch our breaths, Susanna and I retreated to the hallway just outside the guest room. We briefly discussed the situation and like myself, Susanna was ready to jump in the sack and finish what we'd started. We decided we'd quietly bid our hosts good night and then retire to our room for some good old fashioned love making. But when we walked back into the room, we were in for a surprise. Maurice and Teresa were now on the couch. Teresa's breasts were plainly visable as Maurice bathed each one with affection. Teresa moaned in pleasure. After a few minutes of this, he reached up beneath her nightie and removed her matching panties. He then dropped his own trousers and moved into position. One firm, yet gentle push and they were copulating on the couch. And what a vision it was! Teresa's nearly naked body was very very sexy and Mo's black tube was the largest I'd ever seen. It was almost a deformation! Susanna and I watched in silence as he pumped it in and out. Standing behind my lovely wife, I slipped my arms around her waist and pressed myself tightly against her. My hands caressed her tight belly as the couple on the couch got into a brisk steady rhythm. Teresa's breasts were bouncing wildly on each stroke. Although I couldn't be certain, it looked from this angle like you could even see a slight ridge in her lower belly where his penus would be inside of her. "My God," Susanna whispered breathlessly, "That's one incredibly sexy couple! Look at the size of his cock, sweetheart! I can't believe she's taking him so easily!" "I'll bet you wish you were in her place right now," I quietly answered, "With that big meaty cock sliding in and out of you." "Ummmm," She moaned as I caressed her soft belly, "I can only imagine how goooood it feels." "Why don't you find out," I whispered as my hand reached beneath her nightie and touched her panties, "Just walk over there... He'll want to fuck you too." "He already does," she hesitantly admitted, "He told me so." "While you were dancing?" "Uh huh. He was caressing my butt and grinding that big dick against me." "What did you say?" "Nothing, baby," she softly moaned, "I just kissed him and let him feel me up." "Did he get a good feel?" "Yessss, and so did I. God I'd love to feel that thing inside of me!" "Then go ahead. If it's what you really want I won't stop you." On that note Susanna hesitated. "Are you sure?" she asked me. "No," I trembled as I massaged her pussy, "But I love watching you make love. You're the sexiest woman I've ever seen." "So you want me to fuck him?" she taunted, "You want me to spread my thighs and invite him in?" "Is that what YOU want?" "I wouldn't mind it." "Then do it," I whispered intently. On that note Susanna stepped free of my embrace and as if in a trance she stepped into the room. Once inside, Maurice turned and noticed her approach. He motioned her closer. "Oh no," she stammered, "I'm sorry, I -- I didn't mean to walk in on you--" "It's okay, baby," Maurice assured her, never once missing a stroke, "You like to watch?" "Yes, I'm -- I'm sorry. I'll go." "No, it's okay," he stated as he reached out for her hand. Susanna carefully stepped forward, looking first at Maurice and then at Teresa. "You sure?" "Come on, you can join us. Teresa baby, you want Susanna to join us?" "Mmmmmmm," she moaned, still enjoying the steady action, "Oooohh, I don't care. But, ummmm, where's your sexy husband?" Nervously Susanna glanced my direction. She was no doubt thinking about what I'd given her permission to do. "He's in bed," she fabricated. "Then lay down her beside me," Teresa invited, "I think Mo wants to get it on with you. Don't you, ummmmmmm, baby?" "Yeah, Suz," he caressed her arm, "I wanna slide this big black dick up inside of you." From this distance it appeared as though Susanna was at an impass. Although she desparately wanted what he had to offer, she was understandably nervous. "That's okay," she finally responded, "I'll just watch you guys." "Suit yourself," Teresa moaned, "You don't, oooohh, you don't know what you're, ummmmmmmm, missing." Susanna stepped back as Maurice returned his attention to Teresa. Little by little he increased the pace until they were fucking like a couple of rabbits. My beautiful wife stared in disbelieve as they continued, allowing her hand to drift up under her nightie. Although Mo offered to help her with that, Susanna declined and instead joined me in the bedroom. --- After an unbelievable night of passionate sex, Susanna and I awakened feeling damn near as horny as we had the night before. She admitted that as much as she wanted to do it, she didn't want to be unfaithful to me like she had been New Years Eve of the previous year. It was then that she experianced her first taste of interracial sex, thanks to a rather unattractive, yet well hung black man named Johnson. What she didn't know at the time was that I was watching and the sight was incredible. A few months later she did it again with a young white man we knew. Although both times were exciting, for some reason it was the interracial encounter that we still fantasized about almost a year and a half later. Nothing was spoken about the incident the following day, and since this was to be our final night with our old friends, we decided to go out for dinner and few drinks later on. After dinner, the ladies dropped us off at a club and told us they were going to change into something a little more provacative and join us later. And provacative it was! An hour and half later Susanna and Teresa showed up wearing the shortest and tightest mini-dresses I'd ever seen. Susanna looked unbelievable in a skin-tight gold tube dress that was bare on the shoulders. Teresa was also wearing a strapless mini, with the dangerously short hemling cut at an angle. The fabric clinged to Susanna's curves almost like a second skin. As she approached, I could see she wasn't wearing a bra as her nipples stood out proudly against the material. Since I couldn't see any panty lines, I assumed she was wearing a thong. She seductively swayed her 34 inch hips as she approached. Needless to say, all the male eyes in the room were rivited to Teresa and Susanna. My wife was a bit nervous about how revealing the outfit was, but after a few drinks, her concern soon faded. As the evening wore on, we danced several dances, both fast and slow. We even switched partners a couple of times in the process. By the time the evening was over, we were all tired, yet horny as hell. I was very anxious to get my lovely woman into bed that evening, and in fact, I planned to make love to the first time without even taking off her dress. When the last song started I slipped off to take a leak before we left. When I returned to the table, Maurice was on the dance floor with both Susanna and Teresa dancing close with him. He was caressing their asses as they pressed their lovely bodies against him. And then he would alternate long wet kisses between them. I could feel my own seven inch cock beginning to swell as I watched them return the caress and conclude their erotic dance. A few minutes later we were off to the car and Maurice suggested I drive. Naturally I didn't mind, but was a little surprised when Teresa piled into the front seat of the Buick beside me. This left Maurice and Susanna together in the back. I started to protest, but quickly thought better of it, knowing that very little could actually happen in the back seat of a car with me driving. As we began driving, Susanna and Mo laughed and giggled in the back as Teresa turned on the radio and leaned over against my shoulder. She asked if I minded, and I said no, thinking she was just tired and would be drifting off to sleep. In the back seat, the giggling little by little quieted down and I relaxed as I drove, listening to the soft romantic music. And then, very softly, I heard what sounded like a kiss coming from behind me. Non-chalantly I glanced in the mirror and at first I didn't see anything. I casually adjusted it and after a minute or two I spotted Maurice and my wife in the mirror. They were locked in a long deep and passionate kiss. I turned down the radio just a hair and began stealing glances into the mirror. I watched silently as his hands caressed her body, first her firm little belly and then one by one, her breasts. The kiss only stopped for a second or two before it began again, this time their breathing a little bit louder. Again I glanced back, with one around her shoulders, the other continued to lightly pinch her nipple. Even in the dim light of the passing street lamps I could see the outline. Susanna's free hand was inside his shirt, caressing his bare chest. After a few minutes, his hand disappeared below the back of the front seat and out of my sight. A soft moan from Susanna between kisses told me what he was touching. It was at this point that we encountered more traffic and had to divert my full attention to the road. As I strained to listen I could hear them moving around behind me. Teresa glanced toward the back for an instant and then snuggled closer. One of her hand dropped to my leg. Once out of traffic I again glanced up in the mirror. For a few seconds I couldn't find anyone so I carefully re-adjusted the mirror again. Although I still couldn't see Susanna, I spotted our friend Maurice rather quickly. He was turned sideways leaning over something. Or to be more accuare, he was leaning over SOMEONE. He looked to be fixing his pants or something. that's when I noticed Susanna's knee against the back of the front seat. I quickly glanced over my shoulder and could see that her other knee was against the back of the back seat. And Maurice, it appreared, was between them! By this time my heart was pounding like crazy. The thought of what was about to happen was very very intoxicating. Again I had to concentrate on the road. I could have sworn Teresa was caressing my thigh. And then I heard the tell-tale sound from Susanna's lips. "Ohhhhhhhhhhhh," she quietly moaned. It was just loud enough that I could hear it over the radio. Another quick glance at the mirror revealed the sight I wasn't sure I wanted to or not. Maurice was moving up and down between her legs. Occaissionaly I could see his bare ass in the dim light as he worked that giant black baby maker into her pussy. Her arms were around his neck. Their moaning and groaning was becoming louder. My dick was begining to get harder. Just a few feet away, my wife was surrendering her body to a well-hung black man as I sat helplessly. "You okay?" Teresa looked up and whisered. "I don't know." "It'll be alright," she comforted as she gently massaged my erection through my slacks, "This is all new to her. You're the one she's in love with." By this time there was no hiding the fact that they were fucking. The seat was squeaking, Mo was groaning and Susanna was moaning, gasping and wailing with pleasure. Neither one of them spoke much, except to express how good the other one felt. Fortunately the drive to their place was relatively short, and as we pulled into their driveway, Teresa released my cock from it's prison and slurped it into her lips. In the back Maurice announced he was about to come inside "her pretty white pussy." As Susanna urged him to give it to her, they apparently both began to climax. A moment or two later, so did I. (end of part one) 8449 1.51/512345
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