Thursday, March 22, 2012
The Curse
THE CURSE By Rhinoman Copyright Nov. 2001 Moonlight pressing through the dust-covered metal blinds tried to provide a sense of peacefulness. Instead it revealed the thinning hair atop a middle-aged man's head poking out from between a mushy feather pillow. His heavy breathing provided the only movement in an otherwise deadly quiet room. Tiny droplets of perspiration lined the furrows in his brow as he began jerking about under the thin cotton sheets. The nightmares were coming more frequently now. The middle-aged man, Raymond Wanker, had suffered what he considered the ultimate humiliation. It was bad enough that his last name was synonymous with masturbation in England, but then he had been subjected to the jeering from his peers. Raymond was single and had only been on a few dates in his life. He thought he had locked his office door, before putting the XXX DVD into his computer. He couldn't even remember what the movie was; only that he had opened his zipper and pulled his rock-hard dick out. Raymond only needed his thumb and forefinger to pull on his 4-inch dick. That's when his world ended. Burned in his mind forever was the shocked look on the secretaries face as she burst through the door, looking down as his crotch and then throwing her head back as laughter filled the room. From then on his life was hell. Raymond couldn't live with the daily teasing from his co-workers and after only a few weeks turned in his letter of resignation and moved to another city. Starting at the edge of the window the blackness spread downward transforming all traces of light to an oily dinge. Raymond shivering under his covers remained the only thing not saturated in the darkness. Suddenly, his subconscious alerted to danger, he shot up to a stiff-seated attention, eyes bloodshot darting back at forth. Staring into the black nothingness, Raymond shuttered, aware that the only thing visible in the room was his bed. "Who...Who's there?" Raymond cried out, puzzled by the hollow sound that didn't seem to travel beyond the edge of his mattress. Sweat beads pooled and then trickled down his face onto his worn white tee shirt. He strained, slightly tilting his head, ears perked. There was no reply. Raymond's bedroom no longer seemed to exist. Only his bed, an island floating in a sea of darkness that completely surrounded him. His eyes bulged, darting about for anything that would give him a hint of what was going on. A cool draft wafted down the nape of his neck, despite the safety of his covers. The short smooth hairs rose causing a tingle down his spine. Caught between reality and a nightmare he emitted a scream that ordinarily would have been heard throughout the apartment and beyond, but now was absorbed into the thick tar enveloping him. "Who's there?" he said again, hoping that this really wasn't happening to him. Gazing breathlessly, a form began to take shape in front of him, still black but somehow reflecting light off itself so it was distinguishable against an even darker background. Raymond watched fascinated, too paralyzed at the image appearing before him, to look away or retreat back into his cave of covers. At first the figure appeared as if sketched on a blackboard, outlined and one-dimensional. The head and body reminded him of a Greek or Roman statue. As quickly as the outline appeared the muscular and full body of the being took shape. It seemed to have its head bowed as if waiting for something. Raymond looked on hypnotized. With a loud "swoooooooosh," protrusions swept up and out from the back of the black creature surrounding his bed on three sides. Wings! Gasping for air, Raymond was caught off guard, and frantically dove under his covers. "Come out from hiding and stand up!" the powerful black creature ordered. Raymond hesitated briefly, knuckles tense and white as they curled tightly around the edges of his blanket, trying to get up enough nerve to obey. "NOW!!" the voice thundered. Jerking the covers off himself, Raymond scurried to the edge of the bed, lost his balance and fell face-first awkwardly onto the cool, dank tile floor. "Sit up and listen closely, human," the dark being began militarily, closing his wings in an effortless swish. Lowering his voice, he spoke in a precise, but less threatening tone. "I have chosen to bestow you with one wish." "What do I have to do?" Raymond blurted out. "Nothing, except ask," the dark figure said, red eyes flaring. Raymond didn't know what to do. What should he ask for? His eyes drifted down the length of the muscular creature until he was staring as the massive appendage protruding from his groin area. At first he had thought it was an arm, but in fact "it" was a giant cock, at least a foot and a half long. "Well!" the dark voice rumbled, "what will it be?" Raymond bowed his head still envisioning the creature's huge pole, "I...I'd like to have a big cock." Roaring laughter cascaded down from every side of the room and Raymond melted. "So puny human, you'd like to have a cock like this?" Raymond raised his head enough to see the dark demon grabbing his huge member with both hands, plenty of length on either side. Staring into Raymond's soul with those fiery eyes, he grinned. "Y..yes," Raymond muttered. The dark-winged angel stretched out his hand, his index finger pointing directly toward him. An icy chill spread from the tip of his fingers and toes through the rest of his body. Chattering clicks from his own teeth broke the silence as he awaited the demon's next words. "You have received the gift. But along with it comes the curse. What you love most will be lost." "I don't care. Thank you...uhh...what should I call you?" Raymond asked with a mixture of both great fear and reverence. "I am one of the stars that fell from heaven. My master is Shandago and I am his chief messenger. You may call me Molech." "Thank you, Molech." "We will see." The grin spread on his face. The darkness in the room began to rush towards the black figure, like he was absorbing it, except he wasn't getting bigger only darker. Raymond kept staring forward trying not to blink, so he wouldn't miss anything. Despite his efforts, the definition of the dark angel began to fade, and Raymond found himself peering into the darkness at the blank wall. When he was sure his eyes weren't playing tricks on him and enough time passed so that he felt safe to move, he stood up, stumbled into bed and passed out. Raymond's nose twitched as the smell of coffee wafted down the hall, from his automatic coffee maker, to his bedroom. It was the same ritual every morning. The coffee pot switched on at 6:45 a.m. with his favorite vanilla bean coffee, if that didn't wake him up after a few minutes then his alarm would go off at seven. Shower, shave, dress, eat and out the door for work by 7:30. It was only fifteen minutes to the office, but he liked to get there before 8:00, when everyone else would come rushing through the door. It started off like any other morning. Raymond barely recalled the night's events. Looking down at his little noodle dick as he stepped into the shower, he laughed, "I guess I didn't get my big cock!" Everything seemed to be going normally until he took his first sip of coffee. Raymond looked into his cup, and then stuck his finger in it. It was hot, but in his stomach it felt cold, like he had been drinking a milk shake. Then he remember the cold sensation that had spread through his body when Molech... "Hold on a minute," he heard himself mutter. "That was just a dream." Raymond was confused; he looked at his watch, 7:40, he was running late. Gulping down the rest of his coffee, he experienced the gradual freezing sensation again as the liquid traveled from his mouth down to his stomach. 'Shit, this is weird,' he thought. By the time he got to work it felt like his dick was burning. Rushing through the office he stopped by his cubical to flip on his computer then scurried down the hall to the bathroom. Raymond's hands shook as he closed the latch to one of the two stalls in the men's room and reached down to unzip his pants. Dropping his pants he starred in amazement at the bulge in his pants. Reaching down to grab his underwear band, he felt like he was pulling down a girl's panties for the first time, not knowing what to expect. He jerked down quickly and tried to contain a yelp. His dick was limp and looked to be six inches long and probably twice as thick as usual. That was significant since he normally looked about as thick as a Vienna sausage. 'Shit,' he thought, 'it must be the wish from Molech coming true. I wonder how big I'm going to get?' He jumped as someone opened the door to come into the bathroom. Raymond turned flushed the toilet and pull up his pants. Concentrating on his job today was going to be tough. Being the only account for a medium size company had some advantages. Raymond didn't have to report to anyone on a regular basis and therefore he was able to blend in with the furniture. He worked at a cubicle surrounded on three sides, but when he leaned back in his chair he was able to see almost everyone else in the room. His favorite person to ogle was Kristia Lane. Kristia was the office slut. Not a sleazy slut, mind you, but a classy slut, if there was such a thing. Long blond hair, bright blue eyes, bronze-toned skin were the background highlights. What caught every males attention like she wanted and threatened every female, were her major assets. Kristia stood about 5'-10" and had perfectly rounded breasts that looked like someone had made two large snowballs and plopped them on her slim torso. With her slim hips, the way her butt curved out from the small of her back, and the way she strut through the office, Kristia gave off the aura of 'I like to be fucked in the ass.' Kristia came waltzing through the office front door, Jimmy Smith, close behind her. Jimmy was a new black employee of the company. Rumor had it that Kristia liked her cocks big and that she was testing out the folklore of the big black dick. She winked at Jimmy as he walked by, then dropped into her chair, her big tits bouncing in the tight black v-neck shirt she was wearing. Raymond starred at her cleavage and felt himself getting hard. Kristia looked up and saw him staring and Raymond felt his face heat up as he jerked his head away so he was staring at his computer monitor. Taking another swig of his coffee he felt that cool sensation in his stomach again, but tried to ignore it as it spread through his body. Another fifteen minutes went by and Raymond felt that burning sensation in his groin. "Shit!" he said, jumping up like someone had poked him with a branding iron. Regaining his composure, he took off for the men's room. This time the lump in his pants was larger and when he pulled his underwear down his dick was definitely bigger than when he first got to work. 'This is great,' Raymond thought, 'I've officially graduated from a dick to a cock. I can't wait to get home and measure this thing.' Raymond couldn't keep from grinning as he laid the tape measure down. His cock was officially 12-inches long, hard, and as thick around as the cardboard tube on an empty paper towel roll. Limp he was a solid 8-inches and almost as thick looking. Even his balls were larger. Before they were the size of small marbles, but now his nuts were the size of golf balls and hung down in a proportionally sized sac. How in the world was he going to share this with anyone, he thought. Raymond had barely dated and only one of those had ended up in sex, if you could call it that. The girl would have called it a mercy-fuck. It took him several hours to devise a plan, but when he got done, he was relatively sure it would work. He couldn't believe what he was about to do. If it backfired he would probably be humiliated beyond belief and then fired. Being the accounting nerd that he was, Raymond knew quite a bit about computers. He had set up an elaborate system with his e-mail so that he could send messages without the receiving party able to identify whom it was coming from. This morning was going to be the first major test. As usual, he was the first one in the office. Raymond's first e-mail had been sent. Now he was pretending to be busy as he watched Kristia turn on her computer. Everyone's e-mail in the office was in the ON mode when their computers were on, so he knew she'd be checking it first thing. KRISTIA, IS BIGGER BETTER? Raymond had poked a small whole through his cubicle so that he could watch Kristia without her seeing him. He suppressed a laugh as he watched her head shoot up and look around the room to see if anyone was looking at her. Then her eyes went back to the screen. He knew she was looking for a sender name. Raymond waited patiently. He knew she would be hooked. It was only a matter of time before Kristia replied. WHO IS THIS? Raymond smiled. A SECRET ADMIRER. MY QUESTION REMAINS, IS BIGGER BETTER? He watched her blink several times at the screen then shift in her chair. Kristia's breasts looked especially full and firm today. The white tank top she was wearing clung tightly to her large mounds, while her shallow v-neck teased him with just a hint of cleavage. SOME THINGS ARE ALWAYS BETTER WHEN THEY'RE BIGGER. NOW WHO ARE YOU? IS THIS JIMMY? Bitch! Raymond thought, I knew she fucked him. NO, I'M NOT A LITTLE BLACK BOY. YOU SAID BIGGER IS BETTER AND I'M BIGGER! He quickly typed in. Raymond saw the puzzled look on Kristia's face. She hesitated. Looked around the room again, then behind her to be sure no one was looking. Her face changed to one of determination. THAT'S A BIG CLAIM WHEN THAT LITTLE BLACK BOY HAS A NINE- INCH DICK. Bingo! He thought. Now I have her. I just need to reel her in. WELL GET YOUR RULER OUT OF YOUR DESK BECAUSE MINE'S A FOOT LONG. Kristia's reply came back quickly. I HAVE TO KNOW WHO YOU ARE. ARE YOU AN EMPLOYEE OF THE COMPANY? IF YOU WANT TO KNOW WHO I AM AND SEE FOR YOURSELF IF MY CLAIMS ARE TRUE, THEN MEET ME AT HAM'S BAR & GRILLE TONIGHT AT 7:00 P.M. Raymond typed in, his hands shaking. THIS BETTER NOT BE A JOKE, Kristia typed, HOW WILL I KNOW WHO TO LOOK FOR? Raymond quickly typed his reply and then shifted to his accounting program. THIS IS NOT A JOKE. I'LL FIND YOU. Raymond tried to act normal the rest of the day. He couldn't even begin to look in Kristia's direction for fear of giving himself away. Five o'clock couldn't come quick enough, but when it did he slammed his brief case shut and made a beeline for his car. * * * * * The biggest decision for him had been "briefs or boxers?" He finally decided that a standard bare of white BVDs would reveal the largest bulge when his jeans came down. He arrived at Ham's around 6:45 and quickly cozied up to the bar and ordered a Killians Red. Little beads of sweat popped out across his forehead. 'This was going to be a lot harder than hiding behind e-mail,' he thought. Seeing, Kristia enter the bar almost caused him to lose his balance. Her hair and make-up looked stunning even from across the room. The tight fitting one-piece dress that clung like Saran Wrap to her body left no doubt that she had all the right curves. Her hard nipples created two obvious thimble-like dents in the top of her dress. Raymond looked away, only to see every other male head in the bar looking in her direction. 'Man she was hot,' he thought. Kristia made her way over to the bar, scanning the room for her would be suitor. She looked at her watch, 6:59, he'd be approaching her soon. Turning to her left she looked did a double take. 'Is that really the accounting guy from work?' she thought. She took a couple of steps toward him. "Um, excuse me, aren't you the guy from our office?" Raymond could feel the beads of perspiration across his forehead. "Yeah, uhh... my names Raymond, Raymond Wanker, accounting." "You're kidding," she laughed, "Wanker... you know what that means over in England don't you?" Raymond's face went flush red. "Oh, sorry," Kristia said, "I didn't mean to embarrass you. By the way, what are you doing here?" "I hang out here sometimes after work. What about you?" "I'm waiting for someone," she said glancing away to quickly scan the room one more time. "Anyone I know?" "Well, actually, he's a blind date, I don't even know what he looks like," she admitted. "Mmm." "Well, Raymond, you'll have to excuse me. I need wait for my date," Kristia said as she started to turn away. "Oh, okay, umm... by the way, is bigger better?" Kristia whirled around, " sent that e-mail?" Raymond's face flushed again. "Y...ya... yes it was me," he stuttered. "All right Raymond, you better fess up. What's the meaning of this," she accused. Raymond flinched as her eyes bored into him. He reached into his pocket and gripped his big cock, then seemed to regain his composure. "I meant everything I wrote. I hope you brought along a ruler to check." "You better not be lying, Raymond. Now follow me!" Kristia whirled around and strutted across the bar. Raymond followed closely behind, his eyes locked on her perfect ass shaking back and forth. The ride to Kristia's apartment was a silent blur. She starred straight ahead as if in deep thought while Raymond dared not speak a word. He hoped he wasn't making a mistake. The last thing he wanted to do was embarrass himself again. As the door slammed behind him at Kristia's apartment, she barked out her first order, "drop your pants and walk to the center of the living room." Raymond quickly did as he was told, stepping out of his pants and slowly making his way to the middle of the room. "Is your shirt off too?" he heard Kristia yell from another room. "Uhh...yeah!" Raymond yelled back as he quickly yanked his shirt off and threw it in the direction of his pants. Standing with just his white BVD's, Raymond felt completely exposed and quickly reached down and grabbed his growing bulge to remind him that he did indeed have a big cock. "Okay, studly," Kristia cooed from behind him. Raymond whirled around and felt his jaw go slack in shock and admiration. There stood the woman of his dreams clad only in a sheer black top and matching black thong. He could easily make out her neatly trimmed bush and slit. "Now, let's see if your claim is as big as your mouth, Raymond." Slinking up to him, she pressed her firm breasts into Raymond's flat, almost hairless chest. Ever so slowly Kristia dragged her tits up and down his torso, from the top of his chest down to the band on his underwear. Raymond's arms hung loosely at his side until Kristia grabbed them and wrapped them around her until each one was on one of her bare ass cheeks. "How do they feel, Raymond? Have you ever felt anything so nice before?" Raymond's voice broke as he tried to respond, "Never..." His cock was now rock hard and awkwardly protruding out to his side. Raymond moaned involuntarily as Kristia slid down his body one last time squatting with her face right at cock-level. "Mmm... what have we here?" she declared sweetly. Pulling his waistband down caused Raymond's cock to spring up hard, smacking Kristia in the face. "Oh," she cried in surprise. Then she grinned. "You weren't kidding, Raymond. It's not only long, but thick as well." She gripped his cock firmly and used her other hand to heft his heavy balls. "Raymond, sweetie, have you ever used this thing on another girl?" Raymond was almost to the point of passing out, but managed a weak, "No." "You mean, you're a virgin, Ray? What a waste." Raymond felt embarrassed and his damaged ego got the best of him, "No, not exactly, I've made love to a woman before, just not with this cock." "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Raymond realized what he had said and backed off. "I mean I've had sex with a woman in my mind... so... it wasn't really with this cock... just the one in my mind." He hoped it went over well. "Well... I'm going to give you the ride of your life. There's no way I'm not going to try this thing out. But for you to get the opportunity, you have to do 'everything' I say. Got it!" Raymond snapped back like a new Private to his Sergeant, "yes ma'm." "Good, now lay down on your back." Raymond scrambled down to the floor, while pulling his underwear totally off. Kristia watched in amazement as the huge cock on this skinny nerd lay from his groin area up to the middle of his stomach. She slowly peeled the sheer top from her body and pulled her panties off. Her body was pure perfection, large 36D tits, capped with large swollen nipples. Not an ounce of fat on her smooth ass and legs. Ever so slowly she spread her legs and squatted down over Raymond's face. Letting her knees squeeze both sides of his head like earmuffs, Kristia began giving instructions. "I'm sure you've never done this before Raymond, but you're going to be an expert when I'm done with you. Start lapping at my pussy with your tongue, then alternate between going side to side and sticking it right in me." He had read about oral sex with a woman before, but she was right that he had never actually done it. The smell was unique and filled his nostrils, as he drove his tongue up into her and then started lapping at her like a dog. "Okay... that's a good start, but now try and feel for my clit, you know a little nub-like button and swirl your tongue around that... ooh yeah that's it baby... keep going." She began undulating her hips; smearing her open gash up and down his nose and tongue as she better positioned herself for an orgasm. "Mmmm... yeah... keep going... that's it, that's it... ahhhhhhh!" she screamed out. Raymond was caught up in the aggression and power that she put out as a warm milky liquid began coating his face. His cock was as hard as it had ever been. As Kristia began to come down from the heights of her orgasm she began speaking coherently. "That was a great warm-up Ray, now I'm wet enough to try fitting that monster of yours in my tight little pussy." Sliding down his body, Kristia reached behind her and gripped his cock firmly. Raising herself up she positioned him as the opening of her cunt and began rubbing his cock head back and forth between her wet pussy-lips. Raymond didn't know if he could control himself and Kristia sensing it reached around with her other hand and grabbed his balls hard. "Don't even think about cumming yet," she said, "you'll cum when I'm finished with you and not before!" Then she let go and slowly started sliding down his massive cock. "Mmmm... oh, oh... just a second," she said to herself, "slow down... adjust... that's it." After a few more attempts, she finally rested with her pubic bone against Raymond's balls. He couldn't get over the view of her huge tits and reached up to cup them; half fearing she'd slap him. Instead, she moaned as he squeezed them gently at first, and then more firmly. With a groan, she raised herself up until only about 6-inches were still in her and then she plopped down again. "Squeeze my tits harder, Raymond and hang on, cause I'm going to fuck the shit out of you now!" Holding on to his frail shoulders, Kristia positioned herself so that she could begin really slamming down hard on his cock while being able to rise up so that almost all of it was out of her. She had never felt anything like it, his cock was so large that it made contact with her clit the entire time she was fucking him. Wave after wave of orgasm racked her body as she soaked his cock and balls with her cum. "Ahhhhh... fuck! This is great!" she squealed as she bounced up and down, her tits slapping hard against herself on each down-stroke. Finally, Raymond could hold back no more and yelled to give her fair warning. "I can't hold out any more, I'm gonna cum!" Kristia was ready for him and jumped off his cock on the next up swing while reaching with both hands to grip his cock firmly and continue jerking it up and down. "Ahhhhhh..." Raymond yelled as his dick erupted shooting a geyser of sperm up in the air. Kristia grinned as she continued jerking his cock every which way, watching his cum fly in all directions. Kristia laughed out loud, "that's great, I can't wait to do it again." The remainder of the evening was one Raymond would never forget. Every fantasy had ever had about Kristia took place and more. She had his cock hard almost continually. Raymond experienced his first blowjob, titty fucking, and the ultimate experience of getting to fuck Kristia in the ass from behind. By morning he could barely move, but the smell of coffee wafting into the room snapped his eyes wide open. Kristia came waltzing into the room, a grin on her face, and two cups of coffee in hand. "You were wonderful last night," she said, patting him on the groin and handing him his cup of coffee. "Uhh... I think I'll skip the coffee this morning," Raymond said. "Why? You know coffee is a stimulant," she smiled "Well, maybe just a small sip," Raymond replied, and then set the cup aside. It went down cold, just like before, and then the burning began again in his groin. Raymond shifted uncomfortable as his dick started getting hard. Kristia looked down, "oh, my..." After they fucked, Kristia's only comment was, "I can't believe how much bigger you felt this morning... amazing." When she left, Raymond measured himself and he was an inch bigger. "Shit, I can't keep getting bigger, she's going to notice." No more coffee, he thought, as he headed into the shower. For the next two weeks Raymond and Kristia fucked like bunnies. She couldn't stay away and Raymond didn't mind at all. Twice he succumbed to his favorite beverage, coffee; he couldn't help himself, and now his cock was 15-inches long. The extra 3-inches didn't go unnoticed by Kristia and she continually questioned Raymond at every opportunity. Finally he couldn't take it anymore. "All right, all right, I'll tell you, but you're not going to believe it. I've been granted a wish that my cock would grow whenever I did something. I used to have a tiny dick and it's grown over three times the size that I used to be." "Well what is it that makes it grow?" Kristia asked. "I can't tell you that," Raymond responded, "it's my secret." "That's not fair," she pouted, "you've had the time of your life fucking me the last two weeks. The least you could do is let me in on your little secret." "If I do tell you, do you promise not to tell anyone?" "I swear, you're secret's safe with me. Heaven knows I wouldn't want to share you with anyone." Raymond thought that made sense. Besides, she had given every part of herself to him. The least he could do is share his secret with someone. He'd been bursting at the seams to tell someone and Kristia was the closest he had ever felt to anyone. "Okay, here it is... whenever I drink coffee, my cock grows." "Does it ever shrink?" she asked. "Well... no, that's a good question... I don't know if it will ever shrink. It just keeps getting bigger." She gave Raymond a big hug, her head buried in his chest, "thanks for sharing that with me Raymond, it makes me feel so special." Raymond smiled as he rubbed her back, 'so this is what a serious relationship is like,' Raymond thought, 'I'm glad I took a chance with her.' Kristia had a smile on her face as well, but her thoughts were entirely different. 'This is going to be fun,' she thought, 'who knows how far I can take this.' Part 2 of "The Curse" will be out shortly. If you would like to provide feedback or input for the next episode, please send an e-mail to 3757 1.15/512345
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