Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Debbie Gets An Invite
Debbie Gets An Invite By Soccer Boy Debbie finished her shower and having some time on her hands headed downstairs to do some laundry. Her legs felt wobbly because of her ten mile run she had completed that Saturday morning. At 26 and single she kept herself in prime shape. She had been an athlete her whole life and now past her college years she used running and body shaping weight lifting with her trainer at the club. She ran almost daily. She lifted just two times a week to keep her entire body toned as it has been since her college field hockey days. As was her habit she checked her pockets as she put her pants for the week into the washer. There is was, the note some rugged looking but short, maybe 5'8", and thin, wiry-muscled man had handed her after a wild comment that she should have slapped him for but let it go. She had thought about his comment a few times since he made them to her when she had been at a dance club on a date the prior week. Her subconscious had directed her to keep the business card he had handed her. She had blushed and felt anger but like stated above did not want to make a scene and let it go. Debbie had gone on a date with a friend the prior week. It was with a pleasant and fun but just done as a friend spending some casual time. Debbie had always had long-term boyfriends and didn't date while dating someone else. So, in spite of her attractiveness had really not had that much experience in the courting part of dating and spent months between boyfriends accepting and enjoy dates now and again but if there wasn't a real spark she would drag the guy out after the first date. She could count all the men she had slept with on one hand if she used her thumb. The next guy would be number six. After two months since her last break-up her Pocket Rocket batteries were getting worn out and she still hadn't met anyone she was interested in yet. Thus, having last Friday free she had went on a friendship date with Leon. She knew him from work and they helped each other out. This guy with the business card, she looked at it, his name was Carl, had walked up to her and made an outrageous statement, handed her his card and walked away. Steve and introduced himself and as they shook hands had leaned over and said, "I see you like your men hung. Give me a call if you like Vanilla too." Yes, Debbie had heard the myth about black men and had a couple girlfriends try it out with varied results. Debbie had never been with a black man and had never really thought about it. But she knew what Steve was assuming with his "invitation." Debbie finished filling the machine holding the business card to toss it in the trash. She went back up stairs and got a wine cooler and a book and turned on some Jazz planning on getting cozy and reading that evening and night. She read for a while and then went to get another cooler. She past the trash bin that she had unceremoniously tossed the card. She didn't have any specific thoughts about picking it out and looking at it. Her body seemed to be working on autopilot. "I should call that guy just to give him a piece of my mind" she thought to herself justifying her picking up the phone and starting to dial the cell number that he had said to call. Steve answered the phone on the first ring and greeted her with a brazen ego filled voice, "If this is the brunette from Kroger or the tall, thin Blond from West Side Dance club then I am available. If not take a number and call me next week." Debbie was stunned and quiet. No man had ever spoken to her as Steve had twice now. She was always the "little princess" being spoiled by her father and any guy interested in her. Life is pretty easy for the "pretty people club". Debbie had belonged to this club her whole life. After a minute of silence she heard Steve say, "Which one are you? My place our yours." Debbie didn't speak for thirty seconds. Steve just waited out the silence and then said, "You have ten seconds to give me your address. I will there soon. Have some whiskey, Jack Daniels, of course. I will take a shower with you when I get there." Debbie was almost hypnotized and stayed silent. She couldn't believe she had responded as she did and chastised herself the entire trip to the local liquor store to get some Jack after she had given her address. Steve had said after a short time of silence, "four, three, two" and then Debbie shot out the address of her house and given the cross streets. "Don't worry about the cross streets sweetie, I have a navigation system in my car. Just have some Jack be ready for me. I will be there in about twenty minutes I know the area. Be ready and see you soon." Her hands shaking she hung up the phone and went to the liquor store. It was a total trip of maybe five minutes but she raced there and back. Her heart racing Debbie heard the doorbell ring. She started to race to the door but thought better of it and took a deep breath and slowly walked the last few steps. She opened the door and stepped to the side as Steve came in before he was formally invited. He looked as she remembered, slightly taller than her 5'6" height and thin but strong and tough looking. "Ah, the blond. You never did say. Got the Jack?" She nodded as he walked past her and saw it on the kitchen table. Steve rummaged through a couple cabinet doors until he found a glass he liked and poured him self a double shot. He chugged it quickly and poured another looking her up and down brazenly the entire time. "Hum, got to be maybe 115 or so. Nice rack got to be 34c, hard to tell with her thin waist. C-cups though at least and narrow hips. Well, that's okay. Her ass has a good shape to it." He took inventory of Debbie to himself. "You work out a lot?" Steve asked her. Debbie took a breath and then stammered a whisper, "yes, I run a lot." "Cool, so do I. Where's the shower? Unless you want to take a bath with me." Five seconds past and then Debbie whispered, "this way" as she headed down the hall. She had chugged a third wine cooler to calm her nerves once she had gotten back with the Jack and slowly finished another one waiting nervously. Her heart was still racing though and she was still going on autopilot. She chuckled to herself as she walked into her spacious downstairs bathroom almost as if she was watching herself remotely as she thought of the movie "The Stepford Wives" or whatever it was where the woman were nothing more than pretty dolls for the men. Debbie was normally a "nice" girl with a strong spirit. But here she was with a rude handsome and demanding man alone in her bathroom moving like a puppet - Steve the puppeteer. Steve took his shirt off and tossed it on the sink and turned on the shower. "I like it hot. I hope you do too." Not leaving his character he told her what the temperature would be instead of asking her preference. He lowered the toilet seat cover and sat down to take his socks off and sat up briefly to peel his jeans down to his thighs and then sat back down and pulled them leaving them on the floor. He was wearing leopard print boxers and just sat there taking his still full second glass of Jack and sipping it this time. Other than put her medium length shiny blond hair in a ponytail Debbie had just stood there. She had washed her hair after her noonday run and didn't want to get it wet. She searched her slightly buzzed thoughts, "He did say take a shower together didn't he? Or should I, uhm." She thought to herself wondering what to do next. "I worked today so I need a shower. But I don't like to take them along. Get your clothes off and get in dear." Steve said breaking her stumbling thoughts. Debbie was just in kaki shorts and a sweatshirt. She peeled them off as she heard him say, "Oh, not that is nice. I am going to like this." Debbie hesitated for a minute wondering if she should get naked first or not. Steve nodded at her with a big grin and then nodded towards the shower. Debbie reached behind her back and undid the clasp of the bra and let it fall forward and off. "Oh yeah, look at those big titties. Nice and round. Nipples pink like bubblegum. I take it you stay trimmed or with your blond hair maybe you don't need to huh baby?" Debbie reached her fingers into her panties and started to peel them off as he openly ogled her. "Ah, wait a second. Turn around before you pull them off and bend over a little." She did as instructed. She had not heard him get up and was startled to feel his broad hand touch her right ass cheek. She jumped a little but he kept his hand in place and squeezed her firm ass. "Yup, nice bubble shape. You are a runner. Oh, and look at this." Steve said placing his left hand on her shoulder and bending her over slightly as he knelt down so that his face nose was just inches from her sparsely covered pussy. His hand slid down the crack of her ass, "I love just a little hair here" referring to the stray wisps of hair that started just above her asshole faded into her pussy. His hand continued kind of roughly over pussy lips and through the slightly trimmed small bush of one inch long blond hair on her mound. Debbie almost pulled away as she felt his hand about to roll over her pussy but didn't and then was amazed to feel thick fingers slip right over her pussy lips to her mound. She was very wet! She had been following his instructions as if nothing more than an obedient dog. "He has me excited?" She thought puzzled not able to grasp what was happening. She had always been treated with kid gloves. No man ever wanting to offend her or get on her bad side. This guy Steve had tapped into her secret desires to be submissive, to be dominated. Her entire sexual being was being awakened from the inside out. Debbie stayed leaning over her torso at a forty-five degree angle from her hips when she heard the shower door open and close. Steve had left her there to be admired and started his shower. Debbie stood straight up and turned to the glass door of the shower. Steve was holding the door closed from the other side. "You have to beg to come in. Tell me you want to come in and clean my body." Steve half shouted over the sound of the water. Debbie could see his outline through the tinted glass already steaming up. Then Steve's soapy front pressed against the showers glass door. "Oh" Debbie gasped and involuntarily took a step back and let go of the handle as she saw a blurry outline of Steve's cock. "That is huge" Debbie thought to herself the outline significant enough so that even blurry and soapy she knew he had been telling the truth about him being endowed. Her thoughts didn't past that. "Beg" Steve chuckled. "Please let me in" Debbie complied actually sounding desperate to get in the shower with this near stranger naked in her shower. Debbie stepped in and as she did so Steve turned around so that his back was to her. "Wash my back, all of it and my feet too." Debbie grabbed the soap and complied starting at his shoulders and soaping him all the way down to his ankles. "Turn around now" Steve demanded. Debbie did, facing into the hot water. Steve rinsed his backside and started soaping up Debbie's back. He was more forward than she had been getting every nook and cranny soaped and rinsed and washing her front at the same time by simply reaching around. As she was standing there being rinsed by the shower Steve handed her the soap. "I forgot to wash my balls. You will have to do that for me." Debbie turned and felt his hands on her shoulders. She didn't want to get her hair wet but didn't protest. The water was hitting him on the belly and he pushed her down to face his crotch so that water was cascading over her head and dripping over her face. She could not see too well but saw it more clearly than before. It looked outrageously large. She reached out with her soapy hands and started to scrub the sides and front of his balls feeling a heavy tube bouncing back and forth over her hands. "Oh my god, it is kind of soft still," Debbie noted while focusing on her duty to wash him and look at the cock through the spray and dripping water. "What are you thinking about Debbie?" Steve asked her chuckling out loud. She finished soaping his balls, set the soap over on it crevice and watched his huge privates get rinsed staying on her knees. "Well?" Steve said sounding impatient. "It seemed kind of big, your thing, your penis is pretty big." Debbie said in a hushed voice. "Oh, why so surprised? You must have had many like this before. You surprised because I am white?" Steve was nearly laughing. "I have never, I have never seen one like this. He was my friend." Steve was clever enough to take in what she was saying and given how she had acted he knew something was different this time around. He had many different lines for all sorts of situations. The one he used on her was usually pretty good but unfortunately for him he gathered that sometimes, maybe many times, when a white woman was dating a black guy it was more of a rebellious thing than a size thing. He had used the line he did on her making the assumption she liked hung guys and had turned to blacks to satisfy her hunger. Her reaction to him from the get-go had told him something was up. Now he kind of was picking things up so that her behavior made sense. But, he was in total control of her and didn't want things to change so he stayed aloof and came in slowly to get clarification. "Oh, so it has been a few guys since you got hammered huh? What, you stopped dating blacks for a couple months and haven't got into the pants of the new guy yet?" Steve was feeling hopeful though holding it in. "Had he just stumbled across a gold mine? Took an approach for a specific situation and hit a home run but for different reasons?" Steve waited for her answers. After nearly a minute of her kneeling in the water looking at his groin area slowly getting more and more chubby he turned the water off. "Oh my!" Debbie thought as she rinsed the water out of her eyes and the dripping over her eyes had stopped. She didn't think in numbers as she stared at the thick tube right before her eyes but she did compare the thing to her past and noted that not hard yet this Steve guy was much bigger than anything she had seen before. Thirty seconds and one minute after his last round of questions they sunk in and she stood up speaking. "You have a big cock, very big. I have had five lovers in my life, all white guys. Sorry if I disappoint you. That is what I am thinking" Debbie said and put her arms around him and kissed his mouth as she closed her eyes and turned her face to the side. Steve accepted her kiss and enjoyed it. He broke it off for one moment to smile into her face, kind of sneer, "You want my cock don't you?" His continued animalistic approached aroused her. His statement was brief and direct; she shivered slightly and whispered, "yes." Like stated above, her arousal had started from deep inside the recesses of her mind and slowly became physical - "from the inside out." Debbie was still in a passive mode and more than overwhelmed but she was gaining more and more awareness that whatever this sexual experience was going to be she wanted to give it try. She had aroused, surprised yes but aware of since she had felt his working man hands rub over her slick pussy prior, by how demanding and forward he had been. She was intrigued by his size and the thoughts of curiosity were starting to crystallize in her mind. He had never given her a chance to say "no" and she had never thought to do so. After all, she did call him and let him and done willingly whatever he had asked, well, demanded of her. Lost in thought she was almost startled by his question, "You want it here or the bedroom?" Debbie didn't even dry off and walked out of the bathroom towards the bedroom. Steve followed and filled up his glass with Jack on the way. Steve entered as Debbie had pulled the covers off and climbed onto her bed only half air dried off. She was lying on the edge of the bed with her torso held up by her right elbow. She looked at Steve's flat stomach and wispy dark hair that started at his belly button and made a line down to his dark pubic hair. Then the massive cock that looked almost hard. It was straight from his body about a forty-five degree angle from the ground. She had been staring in awe at it again. The size seemed surreal to her. Yes, thoughts of size had entered her mind during her self-pleasing times. It wasn't a major theme but she had thought about it before. But when she had nothing like what was before her ever entered her mind. Steve was not there to please her. His cock was there for that. He expected a woman to do all the work. He had developed the attitude that his dick was all he needed to provide. It was a gift that he liked to give. "Come on and suck it. I know you what to." Steve said standing before her. Debbie slid her legs over the edge of the bed and opened her legs so that Steve was standing between her knees. Due to its size she really didn't know how to get started so she just did what came natural and followed her instincts and desire to touch it. Debbie took it in her hands, her left hand palm up so that her fingers cupped his balls and her left palm on the base of the shaft. She wrapped her right hand around the shaft. Well, not around but she gripped it. Her hand did not go around it at all. She pictured her hand on a wine cooler for reference. He was thicker than bottle of a wine cooler. She put her mouth on his cock head. She felt his cock swell and grow to its complete erection as her tongue darted over the underside of his cock head as she put the head into her fully opened mouth. Debbie knew that giving him a "normal" blowjob was out of the question. It was too fat and the cock head similar to a tennis ball only sponge like. But she wanted to please him and instinctively used the warmth and wetness of her mouth on his cock head and her tongue to tantalize his head. She was pleased to hear him breathing deeply and sighing, maybe moaning in pleasure at her effort. His balls had gotten tight up to his pelvis and she could taste his precum dripping out over her tongue and down her throat. Steve stood there and enjoyed himself. After letting her do her thing for a couple of minutes he took her hands in his and held her hands away from their grip on his cock. "Hold your mouth open" Steve said and fucked her mouth with his cock head. Debbie held her jaw open as widely as she could as he put his cock head into her mouth fully and she felt it hitting against her throat. She concentrated on controlling her gag reflex, as she tasted his precum on the back of her mouth being deposited right down her throat. Steve was not a romantic, sensual type. He liked to fuck and Debbie clearly gathered this. No man had ever talked to her in such a demanding and assuming way before. Nor had any man ever done this to her - face fucked her. She wondered if he would fuck her pussy hard. She knew he would likely feel uncomfortable, at least at first and hoped he would be gentle. She figured he would not be gentle. In fact, he would likely be the opposite. Yes, this concerned her as she held her mouth open another minute for his face fucking of her. But, the knowledge that he would just take her as he pleased created another rush of juices through her pussy. Her body was tense in anticipation and arousal. She wanted to be taken. Debbie could smell her own scent and feel the warmth in her pussy as she sat there getting face fucked. "I can smell your pussy. It smells eager." Steve said and pushed her back from his cock onto the bed. Steve took a hold of her knees from underneath them and settled Debbie ass on the edge of the bed. Then he let her legs go and put his hands over her tits. "Put it in" Steve told her. Debbie held her legs open. Her knees more towards her than him, her feet pointed up towards the ceiling. She took hold of his cock shaft with both hands and put the fat cock head at her moist, hot and wanting pussy. She took a deep breath as she arched her hips up slightly to get the top of his cock head in between her labia. Steve then pushed his cock head and a couple of inches of his shaft hard into Debbie. "Oh god, ohh" Debbie gasped out as her pussy tingled and burned both. Steve felt like he was fucking into a water balloon. He got three or four inches of cock into as she moaned and yelped but it seemed to get lodged and stuck. He started to ease out and then back in to the same depth enjoying her yelping sounds. Her pussy was tight for him. Well, most women were. He had been through this before and knew the deal. He fucked her with slow and deliberate thrust as she squirmed and yelped. Debbie felt her pussy burn it was being so stretched. It hurt but she wanted it. She fought her reflexes that wanted to squirm away. Debbie concentrated on keeping her hips in place though she did squirm around slightly as if trying to find and angle that wouldn't hurt so much. There wasn't one. She knew she just had to concentrate on opening up for the huge cock. Debbie now held onto her hips and her lips were pursed with deep exhales as she looked down at the huge shaft going in and out of her. It hurt but felt good. Psychologically she was aroused by the sight though physically her pussy felt over stretched and very uncomfortable. "So this is what a big cock feels like" She thought to herself. Steve felt like he had been patient enough and had liberally spread their juices around enough. He bent his knees slightly so that he could get underneath her pussy entrance a little. In spite of her effort to hold herself in place she had tilted her pussy tunnel down slightly making deeper penetration impossible. Her tightness already made it difficult and he wanted inside now. "Aaaaauuuugh" Debbie screeched her hands leaving her hips and flailing up to grip the bedspread as if that would give her leverage or reprieve. Steve had pushed his cock past the halfway point with a determined thrust. He held it there feeling precum pulse out of his cock. "Oh god so big" Debbie panted out her face pressing sideways into the mattress. She bit at covers a couple of times as she pulled at them with her hands as Steve pulled back out and thrust back in. "Too big, too big, it hurts" Debbie panted, yelped. She felt like her insides were being bruised and felt like she might be getting torn. She felt impaled by his outsized cock. Steve loved it but his effort of pushing into was making his thighs tired. He pulled his cock out and climbed around Debbie and onto the bed, "Get on my cock" he told Debbie. As much as he was hurting her she was almost disappointed when he had pulled his cock out of her and for a moment she though he may have cum. As much as his cock hurt her she didn't want it to be over. Debbie stood over Steve's cock and sat downward taking his cock into her hands once she was just a foot over his belly. She gripped his cock in a baseball grip and positioned it at her entrance and sat down on it letting her body weight force the entry. She felt the wetness of her pussy and was amazed at how much of her juices and his precum was there and getting on her hands as his cock opened her back up as she sat on it. "Ewh, so big" Debbie said. It was not a yelp or whine this time. It was a deep whisper belying awe and arousal. Debbie flexed her thighs with her feet square on the mattress and sat halfway down on his cock with just a couple seconds of effort. It felt like it was hitting the deep walls of her pussy and she could feel her outer-lips sliding slightly in and then out as she sat up and down on his cock her pussy so stretched by his girth. Then she settled onto her knees over Steve and felt his hot mouth over her right nipples and his hands grip her ass. Steve rocked her hips forward and back and Debbie got the rhythm down. She rocked up and then down on her knees and gyrated her hips in corresponding direction as if sucking his cock with her pussy. Her pussy was tingling with rapture more than hurting and burning now. The position was better for her and / or she was getting used to his size slightly. She still felt overwhelmed and her pussy felt overstretched but it was starting to feel better. Her pussy continued to flow juices of arousal. She could smell their sex in the air and enjoyed it. His suckling of her sensitive nipples sent shivers through her. "Oh yes, so big" Debbie cooed her eyes closed in concentration. Her confidence of being able to handle him grew slightly and she sat back up a little and reached behind herself with her right hand holding her weight up with her left. Her right hand touched her taint as she slid her fingers over her taint and his cock. She was aroused by what she felt. Touching his cock where it was entering her she could feel her entrance so stretched the pussy lips surrounding his cock being pulled out a quarter to half inch and then pushed back in as she moved back and forth over his cock. She felt the thickness of his "piss vein" and strength of his cock as she slid her fingers downward to cup his balls. She felt so full and yet as she was sitting back there was still three or four inches of thick cock between the top of his sac and her pussy! Deep in thought and moaning deeply she was slightly startled by Steve grabbing her by the waist and guiding her off of him. "Doggie style baby" Steve said smiling as he stood up on the bed allowing her a couple seconds to get on her knees and elbows. "I want to feel you cum around my cock. So touch yourself baby while I fuck you." Debbie looked at the nightstand by the top of her bed. Steve knew what she was thinking and jumped off the bed and opened the drawer. He saw what she may have been thinking about and withdrew the Pocket Rocket and tossed to the pillow that her hand was palm down upon. Steve walked around to the end of the bed and climbed on getting between her legs. Her ass was up in the air and her legs were spread widely for him. He took in her beauty. Her little asshole puckered with wet and slick wispy hairs around it and over her taint down to her dreamy pussy. Debbie turned on her toy and placed it at her clit while Steve put his cock head at her pussy. Debbie braced herself with her face in her cupped right elbow on the pillow. "Oh god, Ewww, ohhhh" Debbie yelped. This position was not as comfortable and she yelped feeling his cock enter her with one thrust going in a couple inches past his head and the next pushed deeper than his cock had been so far. "Nooo, too deep" She yelped as Steve had pushed eight inches of his length into her pushing her inner walls into her stomach as her pussy lips once again stretched tightly around his pop can sized width. Reflexively she fell forward onto the mattress to lesson his depth. Her feet straight up in the air as her legs tried to close together. All but his cock head had been pushed out. Debbie left hand with the toy was trapped underneath her body. Steve looked down at her shapely ass and reacted to her actions. He kept his cock in her and let her legs come together. He pulled her hips up slightly. Debbie still felt too stretched and her pussy was getting raw. But she put the rapidly vibrating toy at her clit as Steve pushed back into her. This angle was okay with Steve. He was close to cumming and simply started to fuck her fast. Debbie went back to moaning as her muscled ass cheeks and the position kept the overly fat cock only able to get six or seven or so inches into her. She could with some effort handle his width but not his entire nine plus length. Her pussy, though not comfortably, could open for his cock width but she was not deep enough to handle the length. Debbie felt her orgasm approach her forehead and her lower back glistening with sweat. Steve held her ass cheeks apart firmly as he wedged his cock in and out of her starting to grunt and groan to his approaching orgasm. "Oh yes, don't stop, so big, so good" Debbie exclaimed as she raised her ass up to meet his thrusts. Debbie felt her stretched pussy muscles tense around the massive shaft as she came. It lasted over a minute. She was overwhelmed with her orgasm. She was in heaven feeling her pussy tingle in the afterglow of her orgasm as she continued to feel the huge cock enter and spread her. Just as she felt her pussy entrance getting too raw to continue she felt the whoosh of his cock pulling out of her. "Swallow it" Steve said as he stood up. She had turned halfway over no longer straddled down by him and sat up. Steve grabbed a hold of her ponytail and pulled her face to the cock he was squeezing to hold the ejaculate in. Debbie took hold of his thighs and opened her mouth as he shoved his fat cock into her mouth. She felt his thick cum fly once, twice and three spurts onto the back of her throat and she swallowed the salty, thick liquid willingly. Steve held her mouth over his cock as his legs shook with his orgasm until he felt the last of his cum leak out for her to swallow. Debbie had just had the fuck of her life and rested on the bed wanting the donkey-dick man to snuggle up with her. She felt her pussy pulsing form the impaling she had gotten. Steve climbed off the bed and went to the bathroom. He retrieved his clothes as Debbie wondered what he was doing. She heard the door close. He had left! She put her head on her pillow fondly noting that she still had his card and phone number knowing she would be dialing his number up again the next time she wanted a fuck. 4883 1.15/512345
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